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William Shakespeare: The Complete Works 2nd Edition
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 12:19

Текст книги "William Shakespeare: The Complete Works 2nd Edition"

Автор книги: William Shakespeare

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maculate, stained, impure

maculation, stain, impurity

mainly, with force, greatly, perfectly

majority, pre-eminence

make, mate, husband or wife

making, form, appearance

malapert, saucy

malkin, servant wench, slut

mammer, hesitate

mammock, tear to bits

manège, art of horsemanship

mandrake, poisonous plant believed to shriek when pulled up

mankind, resembling a man, violent, ferocious

manner, stolen goods found on a thief

mansionry, dwelling-place

map, picture, embodiment

mappery, map-making

marches, border country next to Scotland or Wales

marry, (as an exclamation) by (the Virgin) Mary

Mars, god of war and patron of soldiers

mate, rival, checkmate, destroy, stupefy

material, important, forming the substance, full of sense

maugre, in spite of

maund, basket

mazzard, head

maw, gullet, stomach

meacock, coward, weakling

meal, spot, stain

mean, something between or intervening, middle, medium position, tenor, alto; to lament; humble, moderate

measurable, suitable

measure, a stately dance; tune; to measure

mechanic, labourer; practical, manual

mechanical, mean, vulgar; labourer

Medea, escaping with Jason she tore to pieces her brother Absyrtus, scattering his limbs in her father’s path to delay him; restored the youth of Jason’s father, Aeson

medicinable, healing, medicinal

medlar, fruit eaten soft and pulpy; prostitute

meed, reward, gift, merit

meiny, company of retainers, multitude

mell, to meddle

memorize, make memorable

memory, memorial, memento, remembrance

Mercury, messenger of the gods

mere, sure, absolute, unqualified, only

merely, simply, entirely

merit, reward

mess, dish, portion, group originally of four persons eating together, set of four

metaphysical, supernatural

mete, measure, aim

metheglin, spiced mead

methinks, it seems to me

method, table of contents

micher, truant

mickle, great

microcosm, little world, man considered as epitome of the universe

milch, in milk, tearful

mince, to extenuate, moderate, affect

mineral, mine

Minerva, goddess of wisdom

minimus, creature of tiniest size

minion, favourite, darling, harlot, saucy creature

Minotaur, devouring monster dwelling in labyrinth of Crete

mirable, wonderful

mirror, model, pattern

mischief, misfortune, injury, disease

misdread, fear of evil

miser, miserable wretch

misgoverned, unruly

misgovernment, misconduct

misgrafted, badly matched

misprision, contempt, mistake, misunderstanding

misproud, arrogant

missive, messenger

mistake, take, undertake or deliver wrongly, misjudge, blunder, feel misgiving about

misthink, think evil of

mistress, the jack at bowls

mobled, muffled

mockery, imitation, futile action

model, architect’s plan, mould, copy

modern, everyday, commonplace

modest, moderate, satisfactory, becoming

modestly, without exaggeration

modesty, moderation, avoidance of exaggeration

moiety, half, share, small part

moldwarp, mole

mome, blockhead

moment, cause

monster, make a monster of, show as monstrous

monument, sepulchre, effigy, portent

monumental, memorial, commemorating

mood, anger, outward appearance, mode

mooncalf, misshapen creature

moonish, changeable

mop, grimace

mope, move blindly and stupidly, be bewildered

moral, morally fabled

moralize, interpret, explain

mort, note on a horn at the death of the deer

mortified, dead to the world, deadened, destroyed

morifying, mortal

mose in the chine, suffer from glanders (a horse disease)

mot, motto

mother, hysteria

motion, motive, puppet show, puppet; to propose

motive, cause, instigator, instrument, moving limb or organ

mould, earth

mountainish, barbarous

mouse, tear, bite

mouse-hunt, woman-chaser

mow, grimace

mulled, thick, heavy

mummy, dead flesh, medicinal or magical preparation from this

muniments, furnishings

mure, wall

murrain, plague

muse, wonder

muset, gap

muss, scramble

mutine, mutineer; rebel

mutinies, riots, civil disturbances

mutiny, strife, quarrel

mutual, common, intimate

mutually, in return, together

mystery, trade, profession, skill

nails, by God’s nails

naked, unarmed, plain

Naso, family name of the poet Ovid

native, source, origin; natural, kindred, closely related, rightful

natural, that is so by birth, related by blood, kind, tender; half-wit

naturalize, familiarize

naught, wickedness, wicked, ruined, ruin

naughty, bad, wicked, good-for-nothing

nave, nub, navel

neaf, fist

neat, animal of the ox kind, cattle

neb, mouth

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, driven out to eat grass like cattle

needsly, necessarily

neglect, cause of neglect

nephew, cousin, grandson

Neptune, god of the sea

Nereides, sea-nymphs

Nero, Roman emperor, responsible for the assassination of his mother; believed to have played on the lyre and recited while watching the burning of the city set on fire by his orders

nerve, sinew

nervy, sinewy

Nessus, centaur killed by Hercules for trying to rape Deianira; a tunic dyed with his blood poisoned Hercules

Nestor, oldest and wisest of the Greeks at the siege of Troy

netherland, underworld, lower world

new-cut, a card game

next, nearest, quickest

nice, wanton, delicate, shy, difficult to please, fastidious, scrupulous, subtle, needing precision, delicately balanced, intricate, exact, skilful, trivial

nicely, elegantly, scrupulously, sophistically, exactly

niceness, coyness, fastidiousness

nicety, coyness

Nicholas, patron saint of scholars; Saint Nicholas’ clerks, highwaymen

nickname, name wrongly

niggard, to act in a miserly way, supply sparingly

night-gown, dressing gown

night-rule, disorder by night

nine-men’s morris, cutting in turf for game played with nine pegs or discs

Niobe, overboastful of her children, who were slain; she was herself turned to stone

nittical, nit-infested

noise, rumour, strife, music, band of musicians; clamour, spread by rumour

noll, head

nonsuit, to refuse to listen to or grant the suit of

nook-shotten, having a very uneven outline

notch, cut with notches, slash

notedly, precisely

nothing, vulva

notion, understanding, mind

nourish, bring up, nurture

novum, dice-game in which chief throws are nine and five

noyance, injury, harm

nuncio, messenger

nursery, nursing, care

nut-hook, beadle, constable

oathable, fit to take an oath

ob., abbreviation of ‘obolus’, halfpenny

objection, charge, accusation

obligation, contract

obliged, pledged

obsequious, dutiful, dutiful in funeral rites

observant, obsequious servant

observe, humour

occasion, opportunity, pretext, cause, course of events

occulted, hidden

occupation, business, handicraft, trade

occupy, have to do with sexually

occurrent, event

oddly, unevenly

oeillade, inviting glance, ogling

o’erblow, blow away

o’ercount, outnumber

o’ercrow, triumph over

o’erdyed, dyed with a second colour

o’ereaten, left after most has been eaten

o’erflourished, decorated on the outside

o’erlook, examine, bewitch, despise

o’ermaster, possess

o’erparted, having too difficult a part

o’er-peer, rise above

o’erpost, get over easily

o’er-raught, overtook

o’er-teemed, worn out by child-bearing

o’er-watch, stay awake too long

o’erwhelm, overhang

o’erwrested, strained

offend, harm, hurt

offer, act on the offensive, venture

office, function, service

offices, parts of a house devoted to household matters

omit, neglect, disregard, lay aside

omittance, postponement

open-arse, medlar (fruit)

operant, effecting, effective

operation, effect, efficacy

opinion, censure, public judgement, self-conceit, self-confidence

opposeless, irresistible

opposite, antagonist, opponent; hostile, adverse

oppress, suppress, distress

oppression, burden, distress

oppugnancy, conflict

orb, circle, sphere, sphere in which a star moves, heavenly body, earth

ordinance, what is ordained, established rule, decree, rank

ordinary, fixed-price tavern meal, ‘ordinary run’

orgulous, proud

orifex, aperture

orison, prayer

ort, fragment, scrap

ostent, appearance, show

ostentation, appearance, show, spectacle

othergates, in another way

otherwhiles, at times

ouch, jewel

ounce, lynx

ouph, elf

ousel, blackbird

outbrave, to surpass in beauty or valour

outlandish, foreign

outlive, survive

outpeer, surpass

outrageous, violent, volatile

outsell, exceed in value

outside, outer garment

outward, outward appearance

overdrip, drip over, overshadow

overhear, hear over again

overhold, overestimate

overlook, overtop, look down on from above, read through

overpeer, rise above, look down on

overscutched, made haggard with beating, worn out

overture, disclosure; formal opening, first indication

Ovid, Roman poet who was sent into exile

owe, own, possess

pace, train (a horse) to pace

pack, gang; conspire, shuffle (cards), to cheat, be off

packing, plotting

paddock, toad

pageant, show, spectacle

pain, trouble, punishment

painful, laborious, toilsome

pale, fence, enclosure; enclose, encircle

palisado, staked fence

pall, fail

palliament, white robe of a candidate for the Roman consulship

palmer, pilgrim

palsy, tremors

palter, equivocate, use trickery

pander, go-between in a love affair, pimp

Pandion, see PHILOMEL

pantaloon, foolish old man

pantler, servant in charge of the pantry

paper, notice specifying offence committed; write down

paragon, compare, excel, show as a model

Parca, one of the three fates who prepared and cut the thread of human life

parcel, part, item, group

parcel-gilt, partly gilded

pard, panther or leopard

pardie, certainly, indeed

Paris ball, tennis ball

paritor, official who summoned offenders to an ecclesiastical court

parlous, perilous, cunning, dreadful, shrewd, clever

part, action, side

partage, freight, cargo

partake, impart, take sides

partaker, confederate, supporter

parted, divided, gifted

partialize, make partial

particular, detail, individual, personal interest, intimacy; private, personal

partisan, footsoldier’s weapon, a long-handled spear with a blade

parts, qualities, accomplishments

pash, head; to strike violently, smash

passado, a forward thrust in fencing

passant, heraldic term of beast stepping; surpassing

passenger, traveller on foot

passing, excessively

passion, suffering, affliction, fit of disease, overpowering emotion, passionate speech, sorrow; feel deep emotion

passionate, express with passion; compassionate, sorrowful

patch, fool

patchery, trickery

paten, thin circular metal plate

patent, title, privilege, authority

patience, permission, leave

patronage, uphold, defend

pattern, precedent, model; to give an example, be a pattern or precedent for

pax, tablet kissed by priest and congregation in celebration of mass

peach, denounce, turn informer

peat, spoilt girl

peck, pitch

peculiar, individual, private, belonging to one person

pedant, schoolmaster

peeled, tonsured

Pegasus, winged horse

peise, balance, weight, suspend

pelf, property, possessions

pelican, believed to feed its young with its own blood

pelt, rage, scold

pelting, paltry, worthless

pencil, paintbrush

pendulous, impending, suspended

pensioners, royal bodyguard

Penthesilea, Amazon queen

peradventure, by chance, perhaps

perdition, ruin, loss, damnation

perdurable, everlasting

peregrinate, travelled, foreign in style

perfect, fully informed, equipped, ready; accomplish, instruct

perfection, performance, completion

periapt, amulet

period, end, goal, highest point, full pause, full stop; to end

perjure, perjurer; corrupt

perniciously, to destruction

perpend, consider

persistive, steadfast

perspective, optical device for producing fantastic images; picture of figure producing a distorted or unexpected effect

pert, lively

pervert, turn aside

pester, throng, obstruct

pestiferous, pernicious

phantasim, fantastic being

Philomel, Philomela, daughter of Pandion, raped by Tereus (husband of her sister Progne), who cut out her tongue; she wove her story into a tapestry. Progne feasted Tereus on their murdered son; Philomela was changed into a nightingale.

Phoebe, Diana, goddess of the moon

Phoebus, Apollo, god of the sun

phoenix, unique Arabian bird which, dying, is recreated from its own ashes

phraseless, inexpressible

phthisic, consumptive cough

physic dose with medicine

physical, beneficial to health

pia mater, brain

picked, refined, fastidious

Pickt-hatch, London district noted for brothels

pie, magpie

piece, cask of liquor, masterpiece; add to, augment

pied, parti-coloured

pike, spike in centre of buckler

pill, plunder, rob, strip (of bark), make bald

pillicock, penis

pin and web, disease of the eye

pinch, bite, pang; to bite, harass, distress

pismire, ant

pitch, high point of a falcon’s flight

place position, office

placket, petticoat, opening, slit

planched, made of boards

plant, sole of the foot

plantage, plants

plash, pool

plausible, pleasing

plausibly, with applause

plausive, deserving of applause

Plautus, Roman writer of comedy

pleached, formed by intertwined overarched boughs, folded

pleasant, merry, jokey

pleurisy, abundance, excess

plight, pledge

Pluto, ruler of the underworld

Plutus, god of riches

poach, to thrust, stab

point, highest point, conclusion, lace with tags (for attaching hose to doublet, etc.), full stop

poking-stick, rod used for pleating ruffs

polecat, prostitute

policy, government, administration, prudence in managing public or private affairs, cunning, craftiness, trick

politic, dealing with government and administration, crafty

politician, schemer, scheming statesman

pomewater, large juicy kind of apple

pomp, procession, pageant

Pontic sea, Black Sea

poop, swamp, overwhelm

poor-john, salted fish

popular, plebeian, vulgar

popularity, common pledge

porridge, porrage, soup

porringer, basin

port, gate, bearing, style of living

portable, bearable, endurable

portage, portholes

portance, behaviour

posied, inscribed with a motto

possess, inform, acquaint

posset, drink of hot milk curdled with ale or wine; curdle, thicken

post, post set up for notices, etc., doorpost on which tavern reckoning was kept, courier, messenger, post-horse; to hasten, carry swiftly

poster, swift traveller

posy, motto inscribed inside a ring

potable, able to be drunk

potato, sweet potato, supposedly aphrodisiac

potency, power, authority

potent, potentate

potential, powerful

potting, tippling

pouncet-box, small box for perfumes

powder, preserve meat with salt or spice

powdering-tub, pickling-tub, sweating-tub used in cure of venereal disease

power, army

pox, syphilis, venereal disease

practice, trickery, conspiracy, plot

practisant, one who carries out a trick

practise, plot, conspire

praemunire, writ for maintaining papal jurisdiction in England

praetor, Roman magistrate

praise, appraise, value

prank, adorn

prate, chatter, prattle

precedent, former; original from which a copy is made, sign

precisian, puritan

precurrer, forerunner

precurse, heralding

predicament, situation

prefer, present, advance, introduce, recommend

preferment, advancement, promotion

pregnancy, quickness of wit

pregnant, clear, fertile, compelling, resourceful, receptive

prejudicate, influence beforehand

prejudice, injury; injure

premise, aforesaid matter

premised, sent before

preparation, accomplishment

preposterous, inverting the natural order of things, monstrous

prerogative, precedence, pre-eminence, prior place

presage, omen, prognostication, foreboding

presence, presence-chamber, company, person

present, immediate, instant; ready money, to show, represent, bring a charge against

presently, immediately

presentment, dedication

press, crowd, crowding, printing-press, cupboard, authority to enlist men compulsorily; to crowd, oppress, force into military service

pressure, impression, character impressed

pretence, expressed aim, intention, pretext

prevent, anticipate, escape, avoid

prick, mark made by pricking, dot, point, spot in centre of target, prickle, penis; to mark by making a dot, etc., pierce, fix, point, spur

pricket, buck in its second year

prick-song, music sung from notes

pride, magnificence, splendid adornment, highest state, mettle, sexual desire

prig, thief

prime, first, chief, sexually excited; springtime

primogenitive, first-born’s right to inherit

principal, superior, abettor, principal rafter

princox, pert youth

Priscian, Roman grammarian

prithee, please

private, private person

privates, sexual organs

prize, contest; to value, esteem

prizer, prize-fighter, wrestler

probal, to, able to bear the probe or examination of

probation, trial, proof

proceeder, one proceeding to a university degree

procurator, proxy

prodigious, ominous, portentous, monstrous, abnormal

proditor, traitor

proface, ‘may it do you good’, formula of welcome before a meal

profited, proficient

progeny, lineage, race

progress, royal journey in state

project, notion, idea; set forth, exhibit

projection, plan

prolixious, prolonged

prolong, postpone

Prometheus, stole fire from heaven and was chained to Mount Caucasus

prone, ready, eager

proof, test, trial, experience, issue, result

propend, incline

proper, (one’s) own, private, peculiar, excellent, handsome

property, identity, particular quality, take possession of, endow with qualities, make a tool of

proportion, portion, division, relative size, proportioning, rhythm

propose, put forward, set before one’s mind, suppose, converse

propriety, identity, proper state

propugnation, defence

prorogue, prolong, postpone

prosecution, pursuit

Proserpina, daughter of Ceres, carried away by Pluto to become queen of hell

prosperous, favourable

Proteus, a sea-god, able to assume different shapes

protractive, consisting in delay

proud, elated, giving cause for pride, lofty, splendid, spirited, swollen, over-luxuriant, sexually excited

prove, try, test, find by experience, experience

publish, make known, proclaim, denounce

pucelle, virgin, maid, slut

puck, pixy, mischievous spirit

pudding, sausage, stuffing

pudency, modesty

puissance, strength, armed force

puissant, strong, powerful

pumpion, pumpkin

punk, prostitute, harlot

punto reverso, back-handed thrust in fencing

puny, novice, person of small account

purblind, quite blind, partially blind

purchase, booty, prize, annual rent from land; to strive, gain, acquire otherwise than by inheritance

purgation, clearing from accusation or suspicion

purlieu, tract of land bordering on a forest

purpose, proposal, conversation

pursuivant, junior attendant on heralds, herald, messenger

pursy, short-winded, fat

purveyor, steward going ahead to make provision

putter on, instigator

puttock, bird of prey, kite, buzzard

quail, prostitute; to fail, faint, overpower

quaint, skilful, clever, dainty, line, beautiful, elaborate

qualification, calm and controlled condition

qualify, moderate, mitigate, appease, control, dilute

quality, accomplishment, rank, profession, party, side, manner, cause

quarry, heap of slaughtered game

quarter, part, watch, relations with and conduct towards another

quat, pimple

quatch, word of unknown meaning

quean, hussy, whore

queasy, hazardous, squeamish

quell, slaughter

quest, jury, inquest, search party

questant, seeker

questionable, inviting question

questrist, seeker

quick, flowing, fresh, impatient, living

quiddity, subtlety, equivocation

quietus, clearing of accounts

quintain, object or figure to practise tilting at

quirk, quibble, clever expression, peculiarity of behaviour, fit, start

quit, set free, rid, acquit, acquit oneself of, revenge, repay, requite

quittal, requital

quittance, discharge from debt, requital; requite

quoif, close-fitting cap

quondam, former

quote, give marginal references to, set down in writing, note, observe, regard

quoth, said

quotidian, (of an intermittent fever) returning every day

race, root (of ginger), lineage, breed, natural disposition

rack, driving cloud; to torture, extend, stretch, strain

rage, madness, angry disposition, sexual passion; to enrage

‘raigning arraigning, putting on trial

ramp, loose woman

rampallian, riotous woman

rampire, barricade

rank, growing too luxuriantly, swollen, grown too fat, rebellious, high, full, lustful, in heat, coarse, festering; closely

rankle, cause a festering wound

rankness, overflowing, insolence

rare, splendid

rascal, inferior deer

rate, estimate, value, expense

ravel, become entangled, disentangle

raven, devour greedily

rayed, bespattered, fouled

read, teach, discover the meaning of, expound a riddle

re-answer, compensate for

reason, speech, remark; to talk, discuss, explain

reasonable, needing the use of reason

reave, deprive, take away

rebate, make dull, blunt

rebato, stiff collar

receipt, what is received, receptacle, receiving, capacity, recipe

receiving, understanding, reception

recheat, notes sounded on a horn to call hounds together in stag-hunting

reck, to care (for), mind

reclaim, tame, subdue

recognizance, bond, token

recomfort, console, restore

record, witness, memory; to witness, sing

recordation, memorial, impression on the memory

recourse, access, admission, flowing

recover, reconcile, reach, rescue

recovery, process by which entailed estate was transferred from one party to another

rector, ruler, head

rectorship, rule

recure, restore, heal

reduce, bring, bring back

reechy, smoky, dirty, stinking

reek, smoke, steam

refel, refute

reflect, shine

regiment, authority, rule

region, upper air, air

regreet, greeting, contract

reguerdon, reward

rehearsal, account

rehearse, describe, tell

reins, kidneys

rejoindure, reunion

rejourn, adjourn

relative, able to be related and believed

religion, strict fidelity, religious duty

religious, exact, conscientious, strict

remember, mention, commemorate, remind

remit, pardon, give up

remonstrance, demonstration

remorse, pity, tenderness, moderation, qualification, mitigation

remorseful, compassionate

remotion, departing

removed, remote, secluded, separated by time or space

removedness, absence

remover, one who changes

render, surrender, rendering of an account, statement; to give back, represent, describe as being, declare, state, surrender

rendezvous, refuge, last resort

renege, deny, renounce

renown, make famous

repair, restoring, coming; go, come, return

repairing, able to renew the attack

repasture, food

repeal, recall from exile; recall as from banishment, call back into favour

repetition, recital, mention

repine, vexation

replenished, perfect

replication, reply, echo

reprisal, prize

reprobance, damnation, rejection by God

reprobate, depraved

reproof, disgrace, disproof, refutation

reprove, disprove, refute

repugn, oppose

repugnancy, resistance

repugnant, refractory

rescue, freeing from legal custody by force

resemblance, appearance, likelihood

resist, affect with distaste

resolve, dissolve, answer (a question), solve (a problem), convince, inform

resolvedly, answering all questions

respect, relationship, discrimination, consideration, esteem; to regard, care for, esteem

respective, careful, worthy of being cared for, discriminating

respectively, respectfully

respite, delay, date to which something is postponed, limit

responsive, suited

rest, place to rest, restored strength, resolution, stakes kept in reserve

restrain, draw tight, withhold

resty, restive, sluggish

retention, detention, reserve, power to hold or retain

retentive, confining, restraining

retire, return

retort, to reflect (heat), reject (an appeal)

retreat, recall of pursuing force

retrograde, contrary, seeming to move in a backward course

reverb, resound

revolt, revulsion, change; rebel

revolution, alteration, change produced by time

revolve, consider

rhapsody, confused medley

rheum, mucus from nose or throat, cold in the head, rheumatism

riggish, wanton

rigol, ring, circle

rim, belly, membrane lining the abdomen

ring-carrier, go-between

ringlet, little circle

riot, loose living, debauchery

rivage, shore

rival, partner

rive, split

rivelled, wrinkled

road, riding, period of riding, stage (of journey), roadstead, highway

robustious, boisterous

roguing, roaming

roguish, vagrant

roisting, blustering, bullying

roll, household register

rondure, circle

ropery, knavery

Roscius, famous Roman actor

rote, fix by memory

round, plain, plain-spoken, severe; round dance, roundabout way, rung of a ladder; surround, become round

roundet, round dance

rouse, full draught of liquor, drinking bout

royal, gold coin of the value often shillings (fifty pence)

royalty, prerogative enjoyed, or granted, by the sovereign

roynish, scurvy

rub, in bowls an obstacle hindering or turning aside the bowl, obstacle, hindrance, roughness, unevenness; to turn aside, hinder

rubious, ruby-red

ruddock, robin

rude, ignorant, barbarous, violent, rough

rudeness, violence, roughness

rudesby, rough unmannerly brute

ruffle, bustle; swagger, bear oneself proudly, bluster, be turbulent

rugged, shaggy, frowning

rug-headed, having shaggy hair

ruinous, brought to ruin

rumour, fame, tumult, uproar

runagate, deserter, vagabond

runnion, wretch (a term of abuse)

russet, homely, simple

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