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Эйзенхауэр. Солдат и Президент
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46. Ibid., 136.

47. Irving, War Between the Generals, 46 – 47.

48. Ibid., 65.

49. DE, Letters to Mamie, 132.

50. DE to Marshall, 6/11/43, EP.

51. Butcher Diary, 7/8/43.

52. DE to Marshall, 7/9/43, EP; Garland and Smyth, Sicily, 108 – 09.

53. DE, Letters to Mamie, 134 – 35.

54. Butcher diary, 7/10/43.

55. Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 228 – 29.

56. DE to Patton, 8/17/43, EP.

57. Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 230 – 31.

58. Ibid.

59. Patton to DE, 8/29/43, EP.

60. DE to Marshall, 8/27, 28/43, EP.

61. Butcher Diary, 8/15/43.

62. DE, Letters to Mamie, 146 – 47.

63. DE to Marshall, 9/6/43, EP.

64. DE to Badoglio, 9/10/43, EP.

65. DE to CCS, 9/9/43, EP.

66. DE to CCS, 9/13/43, EP; DE to Wedemeyer, 9/13/43, EP.

67. Butcher Diary, 9/13/43.

68. Ibid.

69. DE Diary, 9/14/43.

70. DE to Marshall, 9/25/43, EP.

71. DE, Crusade, 188; Clark, Calculated Risk, 199; DE Diary, 9/14/43.

72. Marshall to DE, 9/23/43, EP.

73. Butcher Diary, 9/25/43; DE to Marshall, 9/25/43, EP.

74. Summersby, Eisenhower Was My Boss, 114; DE to Spaatz, 12/24/43, EP.

75. DE, Letters to Mamie, 150.

76. Ibid., 154 – 58.

77. DE, Crusade, 197; DE Diary, 12/6/43.

78. Butcher Diary, 11/21/43.

79. FDR to Stalin. 12/5/43, EL.

80. Cunningham to DE, 10/21/43, EP.

81. Bryant, Triumph in the West, 74.

82. DE to Nielsen, 12/6/43, EP.

83. Montgomery, Memoirs, 484.

84. DE, Crusade, 206 – 07.

85. Butcher Diary, 12/8/43.

86. DE to Marshall, 12/17/43, EP.

87. DE to Patton, 11/24/43, EP.

88. Marshall to DE, 12/29/43, EP.

89. Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 318.

Глава пятая

1. Morgan, Past Forgetting, 199.

2. Butcher Diary, 12/31/43; de Gaulle, Unity, 216 – 17.

3. Pogue, Supreme Command, 140; DE, Crusade, 218.

4. Hatch, Red Carpet for Mamie, 192.

5. DE, Letters to Mamie, 164 – 65.

6. DE to Haislip, 1/24/44, EP.

7. DE, Crusade, 220.

8. DE to Sommerville, 4/4/44, EP.

9. DE to CCS, 1/23/44, EP.

10. Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 349 – 62.

11. Interview DE.

12. Morgan, Past Forgetting, 194.

13. DE, Letters to Mamie, 179.

14. Irving, War Between the Generals, 81.

15. Tedder; With Prejudice, 510 – 12; Pogue, Supreme Command, 124; Harrison, Cross-Channel Attack, 219 – 20.

16. Butcher Diary, 5/12/44.

17. DE, Letters to Mamie, 172 – 75.

18. Interview Thor Smith.

19. Notes to DE to Marshall, 4/29/44, EP.

20. Ibid.

21. DE to Patton, 4/29/44, EP.

22. Butcher Diary, 5/1/44.

23. Ibid.

24. Bradley, Soldier's Story, 239.

25. Ibid., 241 – 42; Bryant, Triumph in the West, 189 – 91; de Guingand, Operation Victory, 317.

26. Interview DE.

27. DE, At Ease, 275.

28. Leigh-Mallory to DE, 5/29/44, EP.

29. DE to Leigh-Mallory, 6/1/44, EP.

30. DE Diary, 6/3/44.

31. DE, Letters to Mamie, 185.

32. DE, Crusade, 249.

33. Interviews DE, Kenneth Strong, Walter B. Smith, Arthur Tedder; Butcher Diary, 6/5 – 7/44.

34. The undated note is in EL.

35. Interview DE; Butcher Diary, 6/7/44.

36. Morgan, Past Forgetting, 216; Butcher Diary, 6/7/44.

37. DE to Marshall, 6/6/44, EP.

38. Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 424.

39. DE, Letters to Mamie, 189 – 190.

40. Morgan, Past Forgetting, 221 – 22.

41. Neal, The Eisenhowers, 184.

42. DE, Letters to Mamie, 190.

43. Ibid., 190 – 92.

44. Interview John Eisenhower; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 63.

45. Montgomery, Memoirs, 43.

46. Weigley, Eisenhower's Lieutenants, 210.

47. Interview Kenneth McLean; Montgomery, Memoirs, 43.

48. DE to Bradley, 7/1/44, EP.

49. DE, At Ease, 288 – 89.

50. DE Diary, 7/5/44.

51. Tedder, With Prejudice, 551.

52. Irving, War Between the Generals, 232.

53. Butcher Diary, 7/21/44.

54. DE to Montgomery, 7/21/44, EP.

55. Bradley, Soldier's Story, 343.

56. DE to Bradley, 7/24/44, EP. 51. Wilmot, Struggle for Europe, 362.

58. Ibid:, Bryant, Triumph in the West, 181 – 82.

59. Butcher Diary, 7/25/44.

60. Bradley, Soldier's Story, 349; DE, Crusade, 272.

61. Tedder, With Prejudice, 575; DE to Marshall, 8/9/44, EP.

62. Butcher Diary, 8/8/44.

63. Bradley, Soldier's Story, 377; Wilmot, Struggle for Europe, 424 – 25.

64. Butcher Diary, 8/14/44.

65. DE, Letters to Mamie, 204, 210.

66. Butcher Diary, 8/15/44.

67. DE to Marshall, 8/17/44, EP.

68. SHAEF Office Diary, 8/29/44, EL.

69. DE, Crusade, 279.

70. DE, Letters to Mamie, , 203.

71. Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 510.

72. Butcher Diary, 8/20/44.

73. Montgomery, Memoirs, 240.

74. Ibid., 241; DE to Montgomery, 8/24/44, EP.

75. Irving, War Between the Generals, 250 – 51.

76. DE to commanders, 8/29/44, EP. 11. Pogue, Supreme Command, 259.

78. De Guingand, Operation Victory, 329 – 30.

79. Bryant, Triumph in the West, 213.

Глава шестая

1. Davis, Soldier of Democracy, 507; Irving, War Between the Generals, 256.

2. Patton, War As I Knew It, 120; Wilmot, Struggle for Europe, 469.

3. Weigley, Eisenhower's Lieutenants, 266.

4. DE to Montgomery, 9/5/44, EP.

5. Montgomery, Memoirs, 242 – 46.

6. Morgan, Past Forgetting, 239 – 40; DE, Letters to Mamie, 210 – 11.

7. Interview DE; Wilmot, Struggle for Europe, 488 – 89.

8. Tedder, With Prejudice, 590 – 91; SHAEF Office Diary, 9/11/44, EL.

9. Tedder, With Prejudice, 590 – 91.

10. SHAEF office diary, 9/11/44, EL.

11. Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 518.

12. DE, Letters to Mamie, 210 – 12.

13. DE to Montgomery, 10/9/44, EP.

14. EP, No. 2032, note 1.

15. DE to Montgomery, 10/10/44, EP.

16. Interview Sir Frederick Morgan.

17. Interview DE.

18. DE to Montgomery, 10/13/44, EP.

19. EP, No. 2038, note 1; Pogue, Supreme Command, 298.

20. Bryant, Triumph in the West, 219.

21. DE to Marshall, 11/11/44, EP.

22. DE, Letters to Mamie, 222.

23. Ibid., 219 – 22, 224, 228.

24. Ibid., 213 – 14.

25. Ibid., 219, 220.

26. DE Diary, 12/23/44; Weigley, Eisenhower's Lieutenants, 457 – 58; Bradley, Soldier's Story, 464 – 65; Pogue, Supreme Command, 372 – 74.

27. DE to Somervell, 12/17/44, EP.

28. DE to Bradley, 12/18/44, EP.

29. Bradley, Soldier's Story, 470; DE, Crusade, 350.

30. DE to CCS, 12/19/44, EP; Pogue, Supreme Command, 376 – 77.

31. Bradley, Soldier's Story, 476; interview with Sir Kenneth Strong; Weigley, Eisenhower's Lieutenants, 503.

32. Interview Sir Kenneth Strong; SHAEF office diary, 12/20/44, EL.

33. Bryant, Triumph in the West, 272.

34. Ibid., 273.

35. DE to Lee and Bradley, 12/19/44, EP.

36. Bradley, Soldier's Story, 475 – 76.

37. EP, No. 2194.

38. Bryant, Triumph in the West, 278.

39. SHAEF office diary, 12/26/44, EL.

40. Ibid.

41. Ibid., 12/27/44.

42. DE to Montgomery, 12/29/44, EP; DE, Crusade, 360 – 61; Montgomery, Memoirs, 284.

43. Interviews DE and Sir Arthur Tedder.

44. DE to Bradley and Montgomery, 12/31/44, EP.

45. DE to Montgomery, 12/31/44, EP.

46. Interview Freddie de Guingand.

47. De Guingand, Operation Victory, 348; Montgomery, Memoirs, 286.

48. Montgomery, Memoirs, 289.

49. Pogue, Supreme Command, 387 – 88; Bradley, Soldier's Story, 484.

50. Irving, War Between the Generals, 362.

Глава седьмая

1. Ryan, Last Battle, 241.

2. Ambrose, Supreme Command, 612.

3. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 80; Eisenhower press conference notes, 12/2/54, EL.

4. DE, Letters to Mamie, 233 – 41.

5. Ibid., 233; Morgan, Past Forgetting, 244 – 45; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 80.

6. Butcher Diary, 3/27/45, EL.

7. DE to Marshall, 3/26/45, EP.

8. Bradley, Soldier's Story, 510 – 12; DE, Crusade, 378 – 80; Butcher Diary, 3/8/45, EL.

9. DE to CCS, 3/8/45, EP.

10. DE, Letters to Mamie, 243 – 44.

11. Irving, War Between the Generals, 392 – 93.

12. Ibid., 403.

13. Morgan, Past Forgetting, 244 – 45.

14. DE, Letters to Mamie, 246 – 49.

15. DE to CCS, 3/21/45, EP; Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 442 – 43.

16. Wilmot, Struggle for Europe, 690; Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 629 – 30.

17. Butcher Diary, 3/27/45, EL.

18. Bradley, Soldier's Story, 535.

19. Ryan, Last Battle, 241.

20. Bryant, Triumph in the West, 336 – 41.

21. DE to Marshall, 3/30/45, EP.

22. Pogue, Supreme Command, 442; Churchill, Triumph and Tragedy, 463 – 65.

23. DE to Churchill, 4/1/45, EP.

24. Bryant, Triumph in the West, 339; Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 639.

25. Note 1, DE to Montgomery, 4/8/45, EP.

26. Ambrose, Eisenhower and Berlin, 64 – 65.

27. DE to CCS, 4/7/45, EP.

28. Weigley, Eisenhower’s Lieutenants, 698.

29. DE to Marshall, 4/15/45, EP.

30. DE to Marshall, 4/27/45, EP.

31. Ambrose, Supreme Commander, 661.

32. DE, Letters to Mamie, 250.

33. Pogue, Supreme Command, 486 – 87.

34. Interviews DE, Sir Kenneth Strong; Butcher Diary, 5/7/45, EL; Smith, Eisenhower' s Six Great Decisions, 229.

35. DE to CCS, 5/7/45, EP.

36. Marshall to DE, 5/8/45, EP.

Глава восьмая

1. DE to Butcher, 9/27/45, and DE to Marshall, 10/13/45, EP.

2. DE, Crusade, 444.

3. DE, Letters to Mamie, 254; Morgan, Past Forgetting, 250 – 53.

4. Butcher Diary, 6/2 and 6/13/45, EL.

5. DE, At Ease, 298 – 300; Morgan, Past Forgetting, 257.

6. Butcher Diary, 6/13/45, EL.

7. Ibid., 6/21/45; New York Times, 6/20/45.

8. DE to Lewis Douglas, 9/11/45, EP.

9. Neal, The Eisenhowers, 224.

10. Lyon, Eisenhower, 27.

11. DE, Crusade, 444.

12. DE to Neill Bailey, 8/1/45, EP; DE, Letters to Mamie, 256.

13. DE, Letters to Mamie, 253 – 54.

14. DE to Marshall, 6/4/45, EP.

15. Merle Miller, Plain Speaking, 339 – 40.

16. DE to Marshall, 6/9/45, EP.

17. DE, Letters to Mamie, 259.

18. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 113 – 14.

19. DE to Harger, 10/31/45, EP.

20. DE, Letters to Mamie, 270.

21. DE to Clay, 11/22/45, EP.

22. DE to Smith, 12/4/45, EP.

23. DE to Kay Summersby, 11/22/45, EP.

24. DE Diary, 12/2/47.

25. Morgan, Past Forgetting, 277.

26. Butcher Diary, 10/25/45, EL.

27. Patton to DE, 8/11/45, EP.

28. DE to Patton, 9/11/45, EP.

29. DE to Marshall, 9/29/45, EP.

30. DE, At Ease, 307; Lyon, Eisenhower, 361.

31. Summersby, Eisenhower Was My Boss, 278.

32. DE to Patton, 9/29/45, EP; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 114; Farago, Patton, 818.

33. New York Times, 10/13/45.

34. DE, Letters to Mamie, 253.

35. DE to Wallace, 8/28/45, EP.

36. Butcher Diary, 6/15/45, EL.

37. DE, Crusade, 458 – 59; Lyon, Eisenhower, 25 – 26.

38. DE to Montgomery, 2/20/47, EP.

39. Butcher Diary, 6/10/45, EL.

40. Note 1. DE to Marshall, 6/15/45, EP.

41. DE to Marshall, 8/16/45, EP.

42. Note 1. DE to Harrison, 8/22/45, EP; note 1, DE to Marshall, 8/29/45, EP.

43. Lyon, Eisenhower, 356.

44. DE to Hazlett, 11/27/45, EP.

45. DE to John Eisenhower, 12/15/45, EP.

46. DE to P. A. Hodgson, 10/30/46, EP.

47. DE to Marshall, 6/15/46, EP.

48. DE to Hodgson, 10/23 and 10/30/46, EP.

49. DE to Hazlett, 7/1/46, EP.

50. Lyon, Eisenhower, 365.

51. DE to Zhukov, 3/13/46, EP.

52. Notes, DE memo to JCS, 6/7/46, EP.

53. DE to Smith, 7/29/46, EP; Ambrose, Rise to Globalism, 123.

54. DE to Montgomery, 2/20/47, EP.

55. DE to Patterson and Forrestal, 3/13/47, EP.

56. DE Diary, 5/15/47.

57. DE to Carley, 7/10/47, note 3, EP.

58. DE to Hazlett, 10/29/47, note 3, EP.

59. DE to Milton Eisenhower, 10/16/47, EP.

60. DE to Finder, 1/22/48, EP.

61. DE to Hazlett, 7/19/47, EP.

62. DE to Forrestal, 1/31/48, EP.

63. DE Diary, 9/16/47.

64. DE to Smith, 10/29/47, EP.

65. DE to Doud, 1/31/47, EP.

66. DE to Milton Eisenhower, 5/29/47, EP.

67. Note 1, DE to Watson and Milton Eisenhower, 6/14/47, EP.

68. DE to Watson, 11/17/47, and to Smith, 7/3/47, EP.

69. DE to Parkinson, 6/23/47, EP.

70. DE Diary, 11/12 and 12/15/47; DE to Hodgson, 10/30/47, EP.

71. The document is in EL, dated 2/7/48.

72. McCann, Man from Abilene, 154 – 55.

73. DE to Simon, 7/31/46, note 1, EP.

74. See introduction to 1977 Da Capo Press edition of Crusade.

Глава девятая

1. Robinson memo 4/1 /48, and Robinson to Leo Perpen, 6/12/48, EL.

2. DE memo to Harron, 7/5/48, EL; Lyon, Eisenhower, 386 – 87; DE to Lindley, 6/19/48, EL.

3. DE, At Ease, 339 – 41; DE to Hazlett, 8/12/48, EL.

4. DE to Hazlett, 2/24/50, EL.

5. Kirk interview, EL.

6. John Krout interview, EL.

7. DE Diary, 11/14/50.

8. Neal, The Eisenhowers, 251.

9. Ibid., 249 – 50.

10. DE to Hazlett, 1/27/49, EL; DE Diary, 1/8/49.

11. DE Diary, 1/8/49.

12. Ibid., 1/7/49; DE to Eberstadt, 9/20/48, and to Forrestal, 11/24/48, EL.

13. DE Diary, 3/19/49.

14. Ibid., 6/4/49.

15. Ibid., 10/14/49.

16. Interview DE; DE, At Ease, 554 – 55; DE to Roberts, 5/3/51, EL.

17. DE, At Ease, 358 – 60.

18. Adams to DE, 6/21/49, and DE to Adams, 6/23/49, EL.

19. DE Diary, 7/7/49.

20. Ibid., 9/27/49.

21. Ibid., 6/30/50.

22. Ibid., 7/6/50.

23. Ibid., 10/28/50.

24. Ibid., 7/6/50.

25. Ibid., 10/28/50.

26. DE to Hazlett, 11/1/50, EL.

27. DE Diary, 11/6/50.

28. Ibid., 12/5/50.

29. DE, At Ease, 371 – 72; DE, Mandate,

14; DE to Marshall, 12/12/50, EL.

30. DE, At Ease, 366.

31. Interview Lauris Norstadt, EL.

32. Memcon, 1/17/51, EL.

33. Memcon, 1/24/51, EL.

34. Memcon, 1/11/51, EL.

35. Press conference notes, 1/20/51, EL.

36. DE to Lodge, 4/4/52; DE to Woodruff, 8/27/51; and DE to McConnell, 6/29/51, EL.

37. DE to Lovett, 9/25/51, EL.

38. DE to Bermingham, 2/28/51, EL.

39. Interview Andrew Goodpaster.

40. DE Diary, 10/10/51; DE to Lovett, 9/25/51, EL.

41. DE Diary, 3/17/51.

42. DE to Paley, 3/29/52, EL.

43. Quoted in History JCS, Vol. IV, 195.

44. DE to Marshall, 8/3/51, EL.

45. DE Diary, 6/11/51; DE to Harriman, 6/30/51, EL.

46. DE to Pleven,.12/24/51, EL.

47. Robinson notes on Eisenhower speech, EL; New York Times, 7/4/51; Churchill to DE, 7/5/51, EL.

48. DE to John Eisenhower, 9/27/51, EL.

49. DE to Hazlett, 9/4/51, EL.

50. Krock, In the Nation, 194 – 95; Krock, Memoirs, 267 – 69; DE Diary, 9/25/51.

51. DE, Mandate, 18.

52. Clay to DE, 9/29/51, EL.

53. DE to Clay, 10/3/51, EL.

54. Smith, Dewey, 579.

55. DE to Duff, 11/13/51; DE to Leithead, 11/18/51; DE to Robinson, 11/8/51; DE to Milton Eisenhower, 11/20/51, all in El.

56. DE to Robinson, 11/24/51, EL.

57. Clay to DE, 12/7/51, EL.

58. Hoffman to DE, 12/5/51, EL.

59. DE Diary, 10/29/51.

60. DE to Roberts, 12/8/51; DE to Burnham, 12/11/51, EL.

61. DE to Lodge, 12/12/51, EL; DE Diary, 12/11/51.

62. Clay to DE, 12/21/51, EL.

63. Robinson memo, 12/29/51, EL.

64. DE to Roberts, 1/11/52, EL.

65. New York Times, 1/8/52.

66. Jacqueline Cochran interview, EL.

67. Parmet, Eisenhower, 54 – 55.

68. DE to Robinson, 11/24/51, EL.

69. DE to Sloan, 2/21/52, EL.

70. DE to Milton Eisenhower, 4/4/52, EL.

71. DE to Clay, 5/20/52, EL.

72. DE to Lodge, 5/20/52, EL.

73. DE to Roberts, 5/19/52, EL.

74. DE to Clay, 2/20/52, EL.

75. Interview Milton Eisenhower.

Глава десятая

1. Lyon, Eisenhower, 439.

2. Parmet, Eisenhower, 57.

3. DE to Gerow, 6/28/52, EL.

4. New York Times, 6/5/52.

5. Ibid., 6/14/52.

6. Ibid., 6/15/52.

7. Ibid., 6/27/52.

8. DE, Mandate, 45.

9. Nixon, Memoirs, 87; Milton Eisenhower, The President Is Calling, 249 – 50.

10. Parmet, Eisenhower, 97 – 98.

11. New York Times, 7/11 – 13/52.

12. Ibid,

13. DE, Mandate, 49 – 50.

14. New York Times, 8/25/52.

15. DE to Dulles, 4/15/52, EL.

16. Interview DE.

17. Reeves, McCarthy, 436 – 37.

18. Hughes, Ordeal, 22 – 25.

19. Interview Sherman Adams, Columbia University.

20. Nixon, Memoirs, 96; New York Times, 9/23/52.

21. Nixon, Memoirs, 97.

22. Ibid., 97 – 98.

23. Ewald, Eisenhower, 55.

24. Nixon, Memoirs, 105 – 06; DE to Nixon, 9/25/52, EL.

25. DE, Mandate, 69.

26. Nixon, Memoirs, 106.

27. Hughes, Ordeal, 41—42.

28. Ewald, Eisenhower, 62 – 63; interview Sherman Adams, Columbia University.

29. New York Times, 10/4/52; Reeves, McCarthy, 440.

30. New York Times, 10/4/52.

31. Reeves, McCarthy, 440.

32. DE, Mandate, 318.

33. New York Times, 10/25/52.

34. Interview DE; Hughes, Ordeal, 46.

Глава одиннадцатая

1. Richardson, Presidency of Eisenhower, 25.

2. Hughes, Ordeal, 251.

3. Warren, Memoirs, 260.

4. Lyon, Eisenhower, 466 – 67; Geelhoed, Charles E. Wilson, 19.

5. DE Diary, 2/7/53.

6. New Republic, 12/15/52.

7. Slater, The Ike Г Knew, 39.

8. West, Upstairs at the White House, 130.

9. DE, Mandate, 95.

10. Robinson memo, 1/5/55, EL.

11. DE Diary, 2/13/53.

12. DE, Mandate, 101; Truman, Mr. Citizen, 15.

13. DE to Truman, 1/23/53, EL.

14. Murphy to DE, 12/30/52, EL.

15. PP (53), 1 – 8.

16. Parmet, Eisenhower, 166.

17. DE. Mandate, 102.

18. DE Diary, 1/21/53.

19. Truman, Year of Decisions, 19.

20. Neustadt, Presidential Power, 9.

Глава двенадцатая

1. РР (53), 67.

2. DE, Mandate, 267.

3. DE to Draper, 3/16/53, EL.

4. NSC notes, 2/11/53, EL.

5. DE, Mandate, 181.

6. PP (53), 42 – 55.

7. Crawford interview, EL.

8. DE Diary, 2/7/53.

9. Interview Milton Eisenhower.

10. DE to Robinson, 3/12/54, EL.

11. DE Diary, 4/1/53.

12. Griffith, Politics of Fear, 200.

13. PP (53), 63.

14. Ibid., 56 – 57.

15. ML, 81 – 83; Mmnich, LLM, 3/9/53, EL.

16. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/6/53, EL.

17. PP(53), 116—17.

18. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/20/53, EL.

19. DE, Mandate, 113.

20. West, Upstairs at the White House, 155.

21. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 32.

22. West, Upstairs at the White House, 175.

23. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 33.

24. DE Mandate, 211 – 72.

25. Whitman Diary, 2/7/53, EL.

26. West, Upstairs at the White House, 157 – 58.

27. DE to Phillips, 6/5/53, EL.

28. Bullis to DE, 5/9/53, and DE to Bullis, 5/18/53, EL.

29. Bischof, "Before the Break", 144.

30. PP (53), 413 – 15.

31. Dulles memo, 6/15/53, EL.

32. PP (53), 427 – 37.

33. Mmnich, Cabinet, 6/26/53, EL.

34. DE Diary, 5/1/53.

35. Ibid.

36. Minnich, LLM, 5/12 and 5/19/53, EL.

37. PP (53), 209 – 10.

38. Ibid., ЪЪ1.

39. Minnich, Cabinet, 5/22/53, EL.

40. Ibid.

41. Hughes, Ordeal, 103 – 05.

42. PP(53), 179 – 88.

Глава тринадцатая

1. NSC notes, 4/8/53, EL.

2. Dulles to DE, 5/22/53, EL.

3. DE, Mandate, 183.

4. DE to Rhee, 6/6/53, EL.

5. Minnich, Cabinet, 6/19/53, EL.

6. DE to Rhee, 6/18/53, EL.

7. Parmet, Eisenhower, 314.

8. PP (53), 520 – 22; New York Times, 7/28/53.

9. DE, Mondate, 190.

10. Roosevelt, Countercoup; Cook, Declassified Eisenhower, interview Goodpaster.

11. Parmet, Eisenhower, 315.

12. DE Diary, 1/10/55.

13. DE to Laniel, 9/21/53, EL.

14. DE Diary, 5/14/53.

15. Ibid.

16. Interview Brownell, Columbia Univerity, DE to Edgar Eisenhower, 10/1/53, EL.

17. DE to Dean Smith, 9/14/53, EL.

18. DE to Milton Eisenhower, 10/9/53.

19. Ewald, Eisenhower, 81.

20. PP (53), 645 – 46.

21. Oppenheimer, "Amerikan Weapons and American Policy", Foreign Affairs, July 1953.

22. Divine. Blowing on the Wind, 11.

23. Lear, "Ike and the Peaceful Atom", 11—12.

24. DE Diary, 10/10/53.

25. Ibid., 12/2/53.

26. Ibid., 12/3/53.

27. Ewald, Eisenhower, 82 – 83: DE-Brownell telephone call, 11/16/53, EL.

28. DE-Brownell telephone call, 12/2/53, EL.

29. PP (53), 813 – 22.

30. Ibid.

31. DE to Smith, 3/15/54, EL.

32. E-Dulles telephone calls. 3/24 and 3/25/54, EL.

33. Ewald, Eisenhower, 119 – 20.

34. DE– Dulles telephone call, 4/5/53, EL.

35. PP (54), 382 – 83.

36. Dulles to DE, 4/22 – 25/54, EL.

37. DE to Gruenther, 4/26/54, EL.

38. Interview DE.

39. NSC notes, 5/6/54, EL.

40. DE, Mandate, 357.

41. DE.Wilson telephone call, 5/11/54, EL.

42. Hagerty Diary, 5/14/54, EL.

43. Minnich, LLM, 5/17/54, EL.

44. PP (54), 483 – 84.

45. Hagerty Diary, 5/13/54.

46. Ibid., 1/15/54.

47. Warren, Memoirs, 291.

48. Hagerty Diary, 5/18/54, EL.

49. PP (54), 491.

50. DE to Hazlett, 7/22/57, EL.

51. PP(54),450.

52. NSC notes, 6/2/54, EL.

53. Hagerty Diary, 6/19/54, EL.

54. PP (54), 698 – 701.

55. American-Korean talks, 7/27/54, EL.

56. PP (54), 642.

57. Ibid., 661.

58. Hagerty Diary, 9/2/54, EL.

59. DE, Mandate, 404.

Глава четырнадцатая

1. DE, Mandate, 303.

2. DE to Robinson, 3/23/54, EL.

3. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 69.

4. Greenstein, Hidden Hand Presidency, 184 – 85.

5. Hagerty diary, 2/25/54, EL.

6. DE-Brownell telephone call, 3/2/54, EL.

7. PP(54), 288 – 91.

8. Greenstein, Hidden Hand Presidency, 191—92.

9. DE memo, 3/5/54, EL.

10. DE to Robinson, 3/12/54, EL; PP (54), 300.

11. DE to Robinson, 3/12/54, EL.

12. DE to Helms, 3/12/54, EL.

13. DE Diary, 1/18/54, EL.

14. Hagerty Diary, 3/24/54, EL.

15. PP (54), 339.

16. Hagerty Diary, 4/7 and 4/9/54, EL.

17. Ibid., 4/10/54.

18. Ibid., 4/9/54.

19. PP (54), 382; DE, Mandate, 312.

20. DE to Hazlett, 4/27/54, EL.

21. PP(54),346.

22. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 13.

23. Hagerty Diary, 3/31/54, EL.

24. DE to Strauss, 6/14/54, EL,

25. PP (54), 435.

26. Ibid., 58.

27. Ibid., 324 – 25.

28. Minnich, LLM, 2/8/54, EL.

29. NSC notes, 1/8/54, EL.

30. PP (54), 382 – 83.

Глава пятнадцатая

1. DE, Mandate, 461 – 64.

2. Memcon, 10/30/54, EL.

3. New York Times, 10/30/54.

4. DE to Hazlett, 8/20/56, EL.

5. Ambrose, Ike's Spies, 188.

6. Goodpaster memo, 11/24/54, El.

7. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 82 – 83; Whitman Diary, 11/24/54, EL.

8. Hagerty Diary, 10/24/54, EL.

9. PP (54), 1074 – 77.

10. New York Times, 1/2/55.

11. DE, Mandate, 466.

12. Ibid.,467; Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 51.

13. DE-Rayburn/Martin telephone call, 1/20/55, EL.

14. PP (55), 207 – 11.

15. Goodpaster memo, 3/15/55, EL.

16. Ibid., 3/15/55.

17. Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 62; Hagerty Diary, 3/16/55, EL.

18. PP (55). 332 – 33.

19. Ambrose, Rise to Globalism, 239.

20. Hagerty Diary, 3/19/55, EL.

21. PP(55), 358.

22. Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 64; DE, Mandate, 482 – 83

23. DE, Mandate, 483.

24. Divine, Eisenhower and the Cold War, 65 – 66.

25. DE, Mandate, 491.

26. DE-Milton Eisenhower telephone call, 1/31/56, EL.

27. Davies, Age of Asphalt, 17 – 22; Rose, Interstate, 69 – 84.

Глава шестнадцатая

1. DE, Mandate, 525; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 175 – 76.

2. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 176.

3. PP (55), 707 – 16; interview Vernon Walters.

4. DE, Mandate, 521.

5. PP (55), 718,722 – 23.

6. See DE to Bulqanin, 7/27/55, EL.

7. DE to Milton Eisenhower, 9/12/55, EL.

8. DE to Hazlett, 8/15/55, EL.

9. Whitman Diary, 9/23/55, EL.

10. Snyder to Robinson, 10/5/55, EL.

11. Ibid.; Whitman Diary, 9/29/55, EL.

12. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 181.

13. Ibid., 182.

14. New York Times, 9/30/55.

15. Parmet, Eisenhower, 417.

16. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 110 – 15.

17. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 183 – 84.

18. Hagerty Diary, 12/10 and 12/12/55, EL.

19. Ibid., 12/11 and 12/13/55, EL.

20. Ibid 12/14/55.

21. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 184.

22. Nixon, Memoirs, 167 – 68; Parmet, Eisenhower, 424.

23. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 121 – 24.

24. DE Diary, 2/7/56.

25. Hagerty Diary, 1/25/56, EL.

26. Dulles memo, 1/25/56, EL.

27. PP (56), 182.

28. DE Diary, 1/23/56.

29. Dulles memo, 2/29/56, EL; DE Diary, 1/10/56.

30. New York Times, 2/15/56.

31. PP(56), 266 – 67.

32. Ibid., 287, 295.

33. Whitman Diary, 2/9/56, EL.

34. Ibid., 3/13/56.

35. PP (56), 186 – 87.

36. Ibid., 269 – 70.

37. Ibid., 304 – 05.

38. Ibid., 335 – 40.

39. Ibid., 335.

40. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/9/56, EL.

41. DE, Waging Peace, 149.

42. Minnich, Cabinet, 2/14/56, EL.

43. PP (56), 235 – 36.

Глава семнадцатая

1 Larson, Eisenhower, 10.

2. Ibid.; Hughes, Ordeal, 173.

3. Nixon, Memoirs, 170 – 71; Whitman Diary, 4/9/56, EL.

4. Nixon, Memoirs, 172 – 73.

5. Minnich, LLM, 4/17/56, EL.

6. Persons Memo, 8/1/56, EL.

7. DE, Waging Peace, 34.

8. Memcon, 7/31/56, EL.

9. PP (56), 735.

10. Whitman Diary, 11/14/56, EL.

11. PP (56), 736 – 37, 758 – 59.

12. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 88.

13. DE toGruenther, 11/2/56, EL.

14. DE to Hazlett, 11/2/56, EL.

15. DE memo, 10/15/56, EL.

16. NSC notes, 10/26/56, EL.

17. Whitman Diary, 10/28 – 30/56, EL.

18. DE, Waging Peace, 71—73.

19. Memcon, 10/29/56, EL.

20. Ibid., 10/30/56, EL. 21 Ibid.

22. DE-Dulles telephone call, 10/30/56, EL.

23. DE, Waging Peace,18 – 79.

24. DE-Knowland telephone call, 10/31/56, EL.

25. DE-Lodge telephone call, 10/31/56, EL.

26. Hughes, Ordeal, 219 – 21.

27. NSC notes, 11/1/56, EL.

28. New York Times, 11/2/56.

29. DE to Gruenther, 11/2/56, EL.

30. DE, Waging Peace, 86 – 88.

31. Ibid.

32. Ibid., 89, 95.

33. Ibid., 89.

34. Hughes, Ordeal, 222 – 23.

35. Memcon, 11/6/56, EL.

36. DE, Waging Peace, 91.

37. DE-Eden telephone call, 11/6/54, EL.

38. Whitman Diary, 11/6/56, EL. 39. Hughes, Ordeal, 228.

40. DE-Eden telephone call, 11/7/56, EL.

41. Memcon, 11/7/56, EL.

42. DE, Waging Peace, 94 – 95.

43. Minnich, LLM, 12/31/56, EL.

44. DE-Hoover telephone call, 11/9/56, EL.

45. Memcon, 11/15/56, EL.

46. DE-Dulles telephone call, 12/18/56, EL.

47. Whitman Diary, 12/26/56, EL.

Глава восемнадцатая

1. PP (57), 60 – 65.

2. DE to Humphrey, 3/27/57, EL.

3. Minnich, LLM, 7/2/57, EL.

4. DE to Hazlett, 7/22/57, EL.

5. DE to Gerow, 11/15/57, EL.

6. Whitman Diary, 7/15/57, EL. 1. DE to Wallace, 2/22/57, EL.

8. DE-Dulles telephone call, 12/18/56, EL.

9. Minnich, LLM, 3/29/55, EL; Memcon, 6/28/57, EL.

10. Minnich, LLM, 7/30/57, EL.

11. Whitman Diary, 1/3/57, EL.

12. DE-Johnson telephone call, 6/15/57, EL.

13. PP (57), 520 – 21.

14. DE, Waging Peace, 157 – 58.

15. Whitman Diary, 7/10/57, EL.

16. DE to Hazlett, 7/22/57, EL.

17. DE to Byrnes, 7/22/57, EL.

18. PP (57), 546 – 47, 555.

19. Minnich, Cabinet, 8/2/57, EL; PP (57), 587.

20. DE, Waging Peace, 160; Minnich, LLM, 8/13/57, EL.

21. Whitman Diary, 9/3/57, EL.

22. DE-Brownell telephone call, 9/20/57, EL.

23. DE, Waging Peace, 170.

24. DE-Brownell telephone call, 9/23/57, EL.

25. New York Times, 9/25 – 27/57.

26. DE to Reid, 9/28/57, EL.

27. DE, Waging Peace, 205 – 06.

28. PP(57), 719 —30.

29. Whitman Diary, 11/6/57, EL.

30. Memcon, 10/15/57, EL.

31. Memcon, 10/31/57, EL.

32. Minnich, Cabinet, 11/1/57, EL.

33. Memcon, 11/4/57, EL.

Глава девятнадцатая

1. DE, Waging Peace, 227 – 28; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 195 – 96.

2. John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 196; Adams, Firsthand Report, 196 – 97.

3. Adams, Firsthand Report, 197 – 98; John Eisenhower, Strictly Personal, 196 – 97.

4. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 200.

5. Ibid.,262; PP (58), 262.

6. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 106 – 07.

7. Memcon, 4/17/58, EL.

8. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 210 – 12.

9. Minnich, LLM, 1/28/58, EL.

10. NSC notes, 4/25/58, EL.

11. Memcon, 3/7/58, EL.

12. Ibid., 3/16/58.

13. NSC notes, 6/3/58, EL.

14. Minnich, LLM, 6/24/58, EL.

15. DE-Knovvland telephone call, 1/7/58, EL.

16. DE-Rockefeller telephone call, 1/16/58, EL.

17. Minnich, LLM, 2/4/58, EL.

18. Memcon, 2/6/58, EL.

19. PP(I958), 311.

20. Interview DE.

21. PP (58). 479.

22. DE to Hoffman, 6/23/58, EL.

23. Interview DE.

24. Cutler, No Time for Rest, 363 – 64.

25. DE, Waging Peace, 270.

26. Memcon, 7/15/58, EL; Cutler, No Time for Rest, 363 – 64.

27. Minnich, LLM, 7/14/58, EL; Memcon, 7/14/58, El.

28. DE, Waging Peace, 273; DE-Macmillan telephone call, 7/15/58, EL.

29. DE, Waging Peace, 290 – 91.

30. Ibid.

31. Memcon, 8/30/58, EL.

32. Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 228 —

33; Memcon, 8/27/58, EL.

33. Divine. Blowing on the Wind, 229 – 34.

34. DE-Alcorn telephone call, 9/4/58, EL.

35. Whitman Diary, 9/16/58, EL.

36. Ibid., 9/17/58.

37. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 179 – 80.

38. DE to Humphrey, 7/22/58, EL.

39. DE, Waging Peace, 311.

40. Ibid., 380 – 81.

41. Memcon, 10/25/58, EL.

42. Time, 11/10/58.

43. Memcon. 11/18/58, EL.

44. Ibid., 12/9/58.

45. Ibid., 1/12/59.

46. Ibid., 2/12/59.

47. Ibid., 2/18/59, EL.

48. Ibid., 11/12/58.

Глава двадцатая

1. Whitman Diary, 6/11/59, EL.

2. Minnich, LLM, 6/2/59, EL.

3. PP (59), 226 – 28.

4. Memcon, 3/9/59, EL.

5. Minnich, LLM, 3/10/59, EL.

6. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/13/59, EL.

7. DE-Herter telephone call, 3/5/59, EL.

8. Ibid., 4/4/59.

9. DE to Khrushchev, 4/13/59, EL.

10. DE-Dulles telephone call, 4/7/59, EL.

11. Memcon, 5/28/59, EL.

12. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 197 – 99.

13. Ibid., 193.

14. Whitman Diary, 6/27/59, EL.

15. Memcon, 7/10/59, EL.

16. PP (59), 576 – 82.

17. Memcon, 8/25/59, EL.

18. DE, Waging Peace, 415.

19. Memcon, 11/24/59, EL.

20. DE, Waging Peace, 419; Lyon, Eisenhower, 798.

21. PP (59), 625.

22. DE, Waging Peace, 435.

23. Ibid., 432.

24. New York Times, 9/20/59.

25. Memcon, 9/28/59, EL.

26. DE, Waging Peace, 442 – 44, 446 – 47.

27. Memcon, 6/24/59, EL.

28. Ibid., 11/16/59.

29. Ibid., 11/18/59.

30. Ibid., 11/16/59.

Глава двадцать первая

1. Herter to DE, 3/17/60, EL.

2. Memcon, 1/25/60, EL.

3. Ambrose, Ike's Spies, 309.

4. Ibid., 310.

5. Minnich, LLM, 4/26/60, EL.

6. PP(60), 144, 147.

7. DE to Hobby, 5/9/60, EL.

8. PP (60), 26.

9. Minnich, LLM, 2/9/60, EL.

10. DE-Gates telephone call, 1/12/60, and Minnich, LLM, 2/9/60, EL.

11. PP(60), 126.

12. Ibid., 145, 198 – 99.

13. White to Stephenson, 3/18/60, EL.

14. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 250 – 52.

15. PP (60), 166.

16. Ibid., 323 – 29.

17. Ibid., 362 – 63.

18. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 290 – 91; Divine, Blowing on the Wind, 310.

19. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 293.

20. Minnich, Cabinet, 4/26/60, EL.

21. Memcon, 2/2/60, EL.

22. Goodpaster memo, 4/25/60, EL.

23. Ambrose, Ike's Spies, 283 – 84.

24. DE, Waging Peace, 543.

25. New York Times, 5/6/60.

26. Ibid.

27. Ibid., 5/8/60.

28. DE-Hertsr and DE-Dulles teleph ne calls, 5/7/60, EL.

29. New York Times, 5/9/60.

30. Goodpaster-Herter telephone call, 5/9/60, EL.

31. New York Times, 5/9/60.

32. Whitman Diary, 5/9/60, EL.

33. DE, Waging Peace, 552.

34. PP (60), 403 – 07.

35. DE, Waging Peace, 558 – 59; Lyon, Eisenhower, 811 – 14.

36. DE, Waging Peace, 555 – 56; Walters, Silent Missions, 343 – 47; Memcon, 5/16/60, EL.

37. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 335 – 36.

38. Memcon, 5/23/60, EL.

39. Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 375.

40. Memcon, 12/5/60, EL.

41. DE to Dillon, 12/15/60, EL.

42. Memcon, 11/29/60, EL.

43. DE, Waging Peace, 613 – 14.

44. Memcon, 8/18/60, EL.

45. Ibid., 8/15/60, EL.

46. Ibid., 8/15/60.

47. DE to Luce, 7/6/60, EL.

48. Memcon, 10/13/60, EL.

49. Minnich, LLM, 6/10/60, EL.

50. Whitman Diary, 6/10/60, EL.

51. DE-Hobby telephone call, 6/11/60, EL.

52. Robinson Diary, 7/18 – 25/60, EL.

53. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 229.

54. DE-Fairless telephone call, 8/19/60, EL; Kistiakowsky, Scientist at the White House, 402.

55. Robinson Diary, 7/18 – 26/60, EL; DE, Waging Peace, 595.

56. DE-Nixon telephone call, 7/24/60, EL.

57. DE, Waging Peace, 596 – 97.

58. Memcon, 8/3/60, EL.

59. DE-Jones telephone call, 8/8/60, EL.

60. PP (60), 622 – 27.

61. Ibid., 651, 653, 657 – 58.

62. Memcon, 10/18/60, EL.

63. Whitman Diary, 10/4/60, EL.

64. Ibid., 8/30/60.

65. Ibid., 10/14/60; DE-Nixon telephone call, 9/25/60, EL.

66. Nixon, Memoirs, 222.

67. Whitman Diary, 11/4/60, EL.

68. Ibid., 11/8 – 9/60.

69. Ibid.

70. Ibid.

Глава двадцать вторая

1. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 231.

2. Memcon, 12/30/60, EL.

3. Ibid., 12/5/60.

4. DE Diary, 12/6/60.

5. Memcon, 11/29/60, EL.

6. Ibid., 1/31/61; interview Goodpaster.

7. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 239.

8. DE to various friends, 12/26/60, EL.

9. DE to Edgar Eisenhower, 1/7/61, EL. 10. DE to С D. Jackson, 12/31/60, EL.

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