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Театр абсурда
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Текст книги "Театр абсурда"

Автор книги: Мартин Эсслин

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‘Dans les ames de la ville'(on Kafka), Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud – J.-L Barrault,no. 20, October 1957 ‘Qu’est-ce que Г avant-garde en 1958?',Paris: Les Lettres Francoises,itf April 1958; also Paris: Cahiers des Saisons,no. 15, Winter 1959, under the tide ‘Lorsque j’icris – '

‘Experience du thidtre’,Paris: Nouvelle Revue Fran$aise,February 1958 (trans. by L. C. Pronko, ‘Discovering the theatre’, Tulane Drama Review,September 1959)

'Ni un dieu ni un dimon’(on Artaud), Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud-J.-L Barrault,nos. 22-3, May 1958 ‘Reality in depth’, London: Encore,May-June 1958 ‘The playwright’s role’, London: Observer,29 June 1958 (The entire controversy with Kenneth Tynan is reproduced as ‘Controverse londonienne'in Cahiers des Saisons,no. 15, Winter 1959)

‘La tragidie du langage’,Paris: Spectacles,no. 2,July 1958 (trans. by Jack Unclank, ‘The tragedy of language*, Tulane Drama Review,Spring i960)


‘Preface'to Les Possidis,adapted from the novel by Dostoevsky by Akakia Viala and Nicolas Bataille, Paris: Emile-Paul,


‘Le cceur nest pas sur la main’(reply to Kenneth Tynan not published by the Observer),Paris: Cahiers des Saisons,no. 15, Winter 1959 ‘Naissance deLa Cantatrice’, Paris: Cahiers des Saisons,no. 15, Winter 1959

‘La demystification par Г humour noir’,Paris: Avant-Scene,15 February


‘Eugbie Ionesco ouvre le feu’(with parallel English translation), Paris: World Theatre,voL VIII, no. 3, Autumn 1959 Interview with Claude Sarraute, Paris: Le Monde,17 January i960 Interview with himself, Paris: France-Ohservateur, 21January i960;

reprinted Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossiers 10–11,i960 Interview, Paris: L’Express,28 January i960 ‘Pages de journal’,Paris: Nouvelle Revue Franfaise,February i960 'Printemps 1939. Les dSris du souvenir. Pages de journal’, Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud – J.-L. Barrault,no. 29, February i960 ‘Propos sur mem thidtre et sur les propos des autres’,Brussels: L’ VII,no. 3. i960

‘LeRhinocos i New York’,Paris: Arts,February 1961 ‘Some recollections of Brancusi’, trans. by John Russell, London Magazine,April 1961 Notes et Contre-notes(collected critical writings), Paris: Gallimard, 1962 (trans. by Donald Watson, Notes and Counter-Notes,London: Calder, 1965)

Journal en miettes,Paris: Mercure de France, 1967 Present passi, Passi prisent,Paris: Mercure de France, 1968 Dicouvertes,Geneva: Skira, 1969 Antidotes,Paris: Gallimard, 1977


Das Abenteuer Ionesco. Beitrage zum Theater von Heute(with contributions by Ionesco, A. Schulze Vellinghausen and Rudolf Sellner), Zurich: Verlag H. R. Stauffacher, 1958 Anouilh, jban, ‘Du chapitre desChaises’, Paris: Le Figaro,23 April



bataille, NicotAS, ‘La bataille deLa Cantatrice’, Paris: Cahiers des Saisons,no. ij, Winter 1969 benmusa, siMONiB, Eugene Ionesco,Paris: Seghers, 1956 (in the series ‘Theatre de Tous les Temps) bentlby, eric, ‘llonesco, playwright of the fifties’, New York: Columbia Daily Spectator,11 March 1958 BONNEfOY, claude, Entretiens avec Eugene Ionesco,Paris: Belfond,


bosquet, alain, ‘Le thidtre d’Eugbte Ionesco, ou les 36 recettes du comique’,Paris: Combat,17 February 1955 coe, richard, Iomesco,Edinburgh and London: Oliver Boyd, 1961 (no. 5 in the series ‘Writers Critics’) doubro vsky, sebge, ‘Ionesco and the comedy of the absurd’, Yale French Studies,no. 23, Summer 1959; also Paris: Nouvelle Revue Franfaise,February i960, under the title ‘Le rire d’Eugbu Ionesco’duvignaud, jean, ‘La dirision',Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M.

Renaud – J.-L. Barrault,no. 29, February i960 francueil, berniard, ‘Digression automobile Dilectus quemad– modum jilius unictomiunt(review of Rhinocbos), Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossiers 10–11,1960laubrbaux, r., ‘Situation de Ionesco’,Paris: Thidtre d’Aujourd’hui,January-February 1959 laubreaux, r. (ed.), Les Critiques de notre temps et Ionesco,Paris: Gamier, 1973

lerminier, geor ges, * CUs pour Ionesco’,Paris: Thidtre d’Aujourd’ hui,September-October 1957 lutbmbi, ‘Contribution ck une itude deLa Cantatrice Chauve’, Cahiers du College de Pataphysique,nos. 8–9,1953 marcel, gabriel, 'La crise du thidtre et le cripuscule de Fhumanisme’,Paris: Revue Thfdtrale,no. 39 robbe-grillet, alaiw, ‘Notes’,Paris: Critique,January 1953 roud, richard, ‘The opposite of sameness’, London '.Encore,June-July 1957

saroyan, william, ‘Ionesco’, New York: Theatre Arts,July 1958 saurel, ben6e, ‘ Ionesco ou Les blandices de la culpabiliti’,Paris: Les Temps Modemes,no. CIII, 1954 ‘A school of vigilance’, London: The Times Literary Supplement,4 March i960


senart, philippe, Ionesco,Paris: Editions Universitaires, 1964 tobi, saint, Eugbte Ionesco ou La Recherche du paradis perdu,Paris: Gallimard, 1973

TOUCHARD, p. A., ‘La loi du thidtre’,Paris: Cahiers des Saisons,no.

15, Winter 1959

– ‘ Un nouveau favuliste’,Paris: Cahiers de laCompagnieM. Renaud-

J.-L. Barrault,no. 29, February i960 towarnicki, f., 'DesChaises vides… Broadway’,Paris: Spectacles,no. 2, July 1958

vernois, paul, La Dynamique thiatrale d’Eugene Ionesco,Paris: Klingsieck, 1972


Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma’s Hung You in the Closet and I’m Feeling

So Sad. A pseudo-classical tragifarce in a bastard French tradition,New York: Hill Wang, i960; London: Methuen, 1961


The original texts of Mrozek’s plays can be found in the monthly journal Dialog,published in Warsaw, passim1958-67.

A collection in german

Stiicke,voL I, Berlin: Henssel, 1963, contains: Die Polizei, Aufhoher See, Striptease, Karol, Das Martyrium des Peter Obey, Racket Baby, Der Hirsch

Stiicke,vol. П, Berlin: Henssel, 1965, contains: Eine wundersame Nacht, Zabawa, Tango


Six Plays,trans. by Nicholas Bethell, London: Cape, 1967, contains: The Police, The Martyrdom of Peter Ohey, Out at Sea, Charlie, The Party, Enchanted Night Tango,trans. by Nicholas Bethell, London: Cape, 1968


PEDROLO, MANUEL DE Cruma,in Premi Joan Santamaria 1957,Barcelona: Editorial Nereida,


Homes i No,Barcelona: Quadems de Teatre A.DЈ.,no. 2,i960

PINGET, ROBERT Lettre Morte,Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1959

La Manivelle, Piice radiophonique(with parallel trans. by Samuel Beckett, The Old Tune),Paris: Editions de Minuit, i960 Id ou Ailleurs, suivi de Architruc et de L’Hypothese,Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1961


The Birthday Party and Other Plays,London: Methuen, i960, contains: The Room, The Dumb Waiter, The Birthday Party. The Dumb Waiteralso in Penguin New English Dramatists 2and Penguin Plays,Har– mondsworth: Penguin Books, 1961 and 1964 The Caretaker,London: Methuen i960

A Slight Ache and Other Plays,London: Methuen, 1961, contains: A Slight Ache, A Night Out, The Dwarfs,and some revue sketches The Collection and The Lover,London: Methuen, 1963 The Homecoming,London: Methuen, 1965

Tea Party and Other Plays,London: Methuen, 1967, contains the three television plays Tea Party, The Basement, Night School Landscape and Silence,London: Methuen, 1969 Old Times,London: Methuen, 1971 Five Screen Plays,London: Methuen, 1971 No Man’s Land,London: Eyre Methuen, 1975 Poems and Prose,London: Eyre Methuen, 1978 The Proust Screenplay,London: Eyre Methuen, 1978 Betrayal,London: Eyre Methuen, 1978


dukore, Bernard f., Where Laughter Stops. Pinter’s Tragicomedy,Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1976 esslin, martin, Pinter. A Study of his Plays,3rd expanded edition, London: Eyre Methuen, 1977 ganz, Arthur, (ed.), Pinter. A Collection of Critical Essays,in the series ‘Twentieth-Century Views’, Englewood СШБ, N.J.: Prenticc-Hall, 1972 hinchcliffe, Arnold P., Harold Pinter,New York: Twayne, 1967 imhof, rddiger, Pinter. A Bibliography,2nd revised edition, London: TQ Publications, 1976 kerr, Walter, Harold Pinter,New York: Columbia University Press, 1967



A Resounding Tinkle,in The Observer Plays(anthology of prize– winning entries in a playwriting competition), London: Faber Faber, 1958; also in New English Dramatists 2,Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, i960, and in Penguin Plays 1,1964; shorter stage version as performed at the Royal Court Theatre, London, 1 December 19J7, in The Hole and Other Plays and Sketches,London: Faber Faber, 1964 One Way Pendulum, A farce in a new dimension,London: Faber Faber, i960

The Hole and Other Plays and Sketches,London: Faber Faber, 1964, contains: The Hole, A Resounding Tinkle(shorter version), The Form, Gladly Otherwise, Oh, One Blast and Have Done The Cresta Run,London: Faber Faber, 1966

OTHBR WRITINGS The Overcoat(short story), London: Man About Town,December i960




Thidtre de Chambre I,Gallimard, 1955, contains: Qui Est Li? La Politesse Inutile, Le Sacre de la Nuit, Le Meuhle, La Serrure, Le Guichet, Monsieur Moi, Faust et Yorick, La Sonate et les Trois Messieurs ou Comment Parler Musique, La Sociiti d' Apollon ou Comment Parler des Arts, Oswald et Zenaide ou Les Apartis, Ce Que Parler Veut Dire ou Le Patois des Families, II у Avait Foule au Manoir ou Les Monologues, Eux Seuls le Savent, Un Geste pour un Autre, Conversa– tion-Sinfonietta

Theatre II: Pobnes Ajouer,Paris: Gallimard, i960,contains: L’AJS.C. de Notre Vie, Rhythme a Trois Temps ou Le Temple de Sigeste, Une Voix Sans Personne, Les Temps du Verbe ou Le Pouvoir de la Parole, Les Amants du Mitro, Tonnerre Sans Orage ou Les Dieux Inutiles

Thidtre III: Une Soiree en Province,Paris: Gallimard, 1975, contains: Une Soirie en Province ou le mot et le cri, Cinq Divertissements, Candide, Livrets d’operas de chambre


jacottet, philippe, 'Note A propos de Jean Tardieu’,Paris: Nouvelle Revue Franfaise,July i960


For a full bibliography of Vian’s numerous writings, sec Cahiers du

College de Pataphysique, Dossier 12,i960


L’Equarrissage pour Tous(also containing extracts from notices of the performance, ‘ Salut i Boris Vian ’by Cocteau, and a second short play, Le Dernier des Metiers, Saynetes pour Patronages),Paris: Toutain, 1950; L’Equarrissage pour Tousreprinted in Paris Theatre,no. 66,1952

Les Bdtisseurs d’Empire ou Le Schmurz, Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossier 6,1959; Paris: VArche, 19J9 (in the series ‘Collection du R6pertoire du TNP’)


Thidtre,Paris: Pauvert, 1965, contains: Les Bdtisseurs eTEmpire, Le GoAter des Giniraux, L’Equarrissage pour Tous


Cahiers du Collige de Pataphysique, Dossier 12,i960, contains critical and biographical studies


General Works

barnes, hazel, The Literature of Possibility,Lincoln, Nebraska: University Press, 1959 beigbeder, marc, Le Theatre en France depuis la Liberation,Paris: Bordas, 1959

bergeaud, jean , Je choisis … mon thidtre. Encyclopidie du Thidtre Contemporain,Paris: Odilis, 1956 bergson, henri, Le Rire. Essai sur la Signification du Comique,in CEuvres,Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1959 boisdeffre, pierre de, Une Histoire Vivante de la Literature d’Aujourd’hui,Paris: Le Livre Contemporain camus, albert, Le Mythe de Sisyphe,Paris: Gallimard, 1942 cruickshank, john, Albert Camus and the Literature of Revolt,London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1959 Dictionnaire des Hommes de ThiStre Francois Contemporains (tome I: Directeurs, Animateurs, Historiens, Critiques),Paris: Librairie Thtrale, 1957

eco, umberto, 'L'CEuvre ouverte ou La poitique de Г inditermination’,Paris: Nouvelle Revue Franfaise, Julyand August i960 evreinov, nikolai, The Theatre of the Soul, Monodrama,trans. by M. Potapenko and C. St John, London, 191 j fowlie, Wallace, Dionysus in Paris. A Guide to Contemporary French Theatre,New York: Meridian, i960; London: Gollancz,


freud, sigmund, Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten(1905), paperback reprint, Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1958


GREGOR, JOSEPH, Weltgeschichte des Theaters,Vienna: Phaidon, 1932 grossvogel, david, The Selfconscious Stage in Modem French Drama,New York: Columbia University Press, 1958 huxley, aldous (ed.), The Perennial Philosophy,London: Chatto

Windus, 1946

mallarm6, st^phane, Crayonni au Thidtre,in CEuvres Completes,Paris: Plade, 1945 nietzsche, Die Geburt der Tragodieand Also sprach Zarathustra,in Werke,ed. Schlechta, Munich: Hanser, vok. I and П, 195j pound, ezra, Literary Essays,ed. T. S. Eliot, London: Faber Faber, 1954

sartre, jean-paul, L’Etre et le Niant,Paris: Gallimard, 1943 steiner, george, ‘The retreat from the word’, London: Listener,

14 and 21 July i960 Suzuki, D., Manual of Zen Buddhism,London: Rider, 1950 Thidtre Populaire, ‘Du cSti de Г avant-garde’(special number on the avant-garde theatre), no. 18, May 1956 Wittgenstein, ludwig, Philosophical Investigations,Oxford: Blackwell, 1958

Pure Thbatre, Clowning, Commedia dell’Arte, Music Hall, etc.

beerbohm, max, ‘Dan Leno’, in Around Theatres,London: Hart– Davis, 1953

buchner, GEORG, Werke undBriefe,Leipzig: Insel, 1958

–  Woyzeck,trans. by John Holmstrom, in Three German Plays,

Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1963 CRICHTON, kyle, The Marx Brothers,London: Heinemann, 1951 disher, willson, Clowns and Pantomimes,London: Constable, 1925 #9632;

grabbe, Christian dietrich, Werke,ed. Wukadinowic, 2vols., Berlin: Bong, n.d. hazlitt, william, ‘The Indian jugglers’, Table Talk,London and New York: Everyman’s Library holzer, rudolf, Die Wiener Vorstadtbiihnen,Vienna: 1951 lea, к. м., Italian Popular Comedy. A Study in the Commedia delГ Arte,London: Oxford University Press, 1934


macinnes, colin, ‘Wherefore does he why?’ (on Dan Leno), London: Spectator,23 December i960 mckechnie, samuel, Popular Entertainment through the Ag(s,London: Sampson Low, n.d. nestroy, johann, Samtliche Werke,ed. Bruckner and Rommel, Vienna: Schroll, 15 vok, 1924-30. raimund, Ferdinand, Werke,ed. Castle, Leipzig: Hesse Becker, n.d.

reich, Hermann, Der Mimus,voL I (in two tomes) [no further volumes appeared], Berlin: Weidmann, 1903 tietzb-conrat, e., Du /аф and Jesters in Art,London: Phaidon,


wood, j. hickory, Dan Leno,London: Methuen, 1905

Nonsense Poetry and Nonsense Plays

belloc, hilaire, Cautionary Verses,London: Duckworth, 1940 benayoon, r., Anthologie du Nonsense,Paris: Pauvert, 1957 breton, andrЈ, Anthologie de Г Humour Noir,Paris: Sagittaire, 1950 busch, wilhelm, Samtliche Werke,Gutersloh: Bertelsmann, 2 vok., n.d.

carroll, lewis, Complete Works,London: Nonesuch; New York: Random House, 1939 Cohen, j. м., Comic and Curious Verse,Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1952

cohen, j. м., More Comic and Curious Verse,Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1956 flaubert, gustavb, Dictionnaire des idies Refues(augmented with newly discovered entries), Paris: Aubier, 1951 lardner, ring Nonsense Plays

The Tridget of Griva,unpublished (extract in eldbr [see below]) Dinner Bridge,New York: New Republic,20 July 1927; also in First and Last,New York: Scribner, 1934 I Gaspiri(The Upholsterers), Chicago Literary Times,15 February 1924; also in What of It?New York: Scribner, 1925 Clemo-Uti/The Water Lilies,in What (fit?New York: Scribner, 1925


Cora or Fun at the Spa,New York: VanityFair, June 1925 Quadroon. A Play in Four Pelts which May All Be Attended in One Day or Missed in a Group, The New Yorker,19 December 1931 AbenddiAnniNouveau,New York: The Morning Telegraph,1928 OnLardner

elder, donald, Ring Lardner,New York: Doubleday, 1956 lear, edward, The Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear,ed. Holbrook Jackson, London: Faber Faber, 1947 morgenstern, Christian, Alle Galgenlieder,Wiesbaden: Insel, 1950

–  Das Mondschaf, Deutsch und englisch(English versions by A. E.

W. Eitzen), Wiesbaden: Insel, 1953 opie, iona and peter, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes,London: Oxford University Press, 1951

–  The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren,London: Oxford

University Press, 1959 ringelnatz, joachim, Kinder-Verwirr-Buck,Berlin: Rowohlt, 1931

–  Tumgedichte,Munich: Kurt Wolff, 1923

–  KutteUDaddeldu,Berlin: Rowohlt, 1930

sewell, в., The Field of Nonsense,London: Chatto Windus, 1952

Dream Plays and Allegories

bidermann, jaeob, Cenodoxus der Doktor von Paris,in Deutsche Dichtung des Barock,ed. Edgar Hederer, Munich: Hanser, n.d. CAlder6n de la barca, pedro, Autos Sacramentales,voL III of Obras Completas,Madrid: Aguilar, 1945-52 eliade, mircea, Myths, Dreams and Mysteries,London: Harvill,


gregor, Joseph, Das Spanische Welttheater,Vienna: Reichner, 1937 holberg, Comoediemt,ed. Bull, Kristiania: 1922-j honig, edwin, Dark Conceit. The Making of Allegory,Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 1959; London: Faber Faber,


JOYCE, james, Stage adaptations ofUlysses

Ulysses in Nighttown,adapted by Maijorie Barkentin under the


supervision of Padraic Colum, New York: Random House, Modem Library Paperbacks, 1958 Bloomsday,adapted by Alan MacClelland KAFKA, franz, Der Grujhvacher(dramatic fragment), in Beschreibung eines Kampfes,New York: Schocken, 1946 Kafka, Franz, adapted by gidb, andr6 and barrault, jban– louis, Le Proch,Paris: Gallimard, 1947 Franz Kafka duProcfcs auChateau, special number of Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud-J.-L. Barrault,no. 20, October 1957 lope de vbga, Obras Escogidas,3 vols., Madrid: Aguilar, 1952-5, contains Lope’s principal Autos sacramentalesmadach, imre, Az Ember Tragidiija,Budapest: Franklin, n-d. Strindberg, august, Samlade Skrifier,55 vols., Stockholm: Bonnier, 1911-21

–  A Dream Playand The Ghost Sonata,in Six Plays of Strindberg,

trans. by E. Sprigge, New York: Doubleday (Anchor Books), 1955

Dadaism, Surrealism, Pataphysicians, and their Forerunners and Followers


Les Mamelles de Tirdsias/Couleur du Temps,in CEuvres Poitiques,Paris: Pltiade, 1956 ARAGON, LOUIS L’Amoire it Glace un Beau Soirand Au Pied du Mur,in Le Libertinage,Paris: Gallimard, 1924 with brbton, andrЈ, Le Trisor des Jisuites,Brussels: Variitis,June 1929


CEuvres Completes,vols. I–XIV, Paris: Gallimard, 1956-^78 [further volumes in preparation]

Le TMAtre et son Double,Paris: Gallimard, 1938 (trans. by C. Richards, The Theatre and its Double,New York: Grove Press,


Lettres el Jean-Louis Barrault(with a study of Artaud’s theatre by Paul Arnold), Paris: Bordas, 1952 Arnold, PAUL study of Artaud’s theatre in Lettres A Jean– Louis Barrault[see above]


Antonin Artaud et le Thidtre de Notre Temps,Paris: special issue of Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud – J.-L. Barrault,nos. 22-3, May 1958 Antonin Artaud ou La Santi des Pontes,Jarnac: special number of La Tour du Feu,December 1959 bsslin, martin, Antonin Artaud,London: Fontana, 1976


Das Dichterische Werk, Band I,Munich: Piper, 1956


Stiicke,14 vols., Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1954-67 COCTEAU, JBAN Les Mariis de la Tour Eiffel,in Theatre I,Paris: Gallimard, 1948 Paradeand Le Bceuf surle Toit, in Nouveau Thidtre de Poche,Monaco: Editions du Rocher, i960 Orphie,Paris: Stock, 1927 Le Sang d’un Poite(film), Paris: Marin, 1948


himin From the Modem Repertoire, Series Two,ed. Eric Bentley, Indiana University Press, 1957 bentley, eric, Notes to him,ibid. norman, Charles, The Magic Maker,New York: Macmillan, 1958


arp/huelsenbbck/tzara, Die Geburt des Dada,Zurich: Arche, 1957

mehring, walter, Berlin Dada,Zurich: Arche, 1959 huelsenbeck, richard, Mit Witz, Licht und Griitze,Wiesbaden: Limes, 1957 daumal, renЈ and gilbert-lecomte, roger, Petit Thidtre,Paris: College de Pataphysique, 1957


La Place de TEtoile, Antipobne,Rodez: Collection Humour, 1945 Domaine Publique(collected poems), Paris: Gallimard, 1953

berger, pierre, Robert Desnos(essay on Desnos with anthology of his work), Paris: Seghers, i960 (no. 16 in the series ‘Pofetes d’Aujourd’hui’)

Expressionismus. Literatur und Kunst, 1910–1923(catalogue of an exhibition at the Schiller Museum, Marbach, West Germany, 8


May-31 October 1961, ed. B. Zeller, containing a very full bibliography of Expressionism, with biographical notes on all important authors), Marbach: i960


The Vegetable or From President to Postman,New York: Scribner, 1923 mizener, Arthur, This Side of Paradise,London: Eyre Spottiswoode, 1951


Dichtungen,ed. Claire Goll, Neuwied: Luchterhand, i960, reprints Die Chaplinade, Die Unsterblichen, Zwei Uberdramen(1. Der Unsterbliche,2. Der TJngestorbene), Melusine Methusalem,in Schrei und Bekenntnis. Expressionistisches Theater(anthology of Expressionist plays), ed. K. Otten, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1959 romains, jules/brion, marcel/carmody, f./exner, r., Yuan Goll(anthology and critical essays), Paris: Seghers,

1956 (no. 50 in the series ‘PoStes d’Aujourd’hui *)


The Marriage,trans. by Louis Iribame, London: Calder Boyars, 1970

Princess Ivona,trans. by Krystyna Griffith and Catherine Robins, London: Calder Boyars, 1969 Operetta,trans. by Louis Iribame, London: Calder Boyars, 1971


CEuvres Completes,Monte Carlo and Lausanne: 1948 Ubu Roi, Ubu Enchaini, Paralipombies d’LJbu, Questions de Thidtre, Les Minutes de Sable Memorial, Cisar-Antichrist, Poisies, L'Autre Alceste,Lausanne: Henri Kaeser, 1948 (colllection of all Ubuesque writings)

Tout Ubu(another collection of Ubuesque writings), Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1962 Ubu Roi,trans. by Barbara Wright, in Four Modem French Comedies,New York: Capricorn Books, 1961 Ubu, Version pour la seine(acting edition of Ubu Roiand Ubu Enchainiadapted for performance as one play at the Theatre Nadonale Populaire), Paris: L’Arche, 1958 Gestes et Opinions du Docteur Faustroll,Paris: Fasquelle, 1955 (trans., New York: Evergreen Review,no. 13, i960, p. 131)



KOKOSCHKA, OSKAR Schrijten 1907–1955,Munich: Langen, 1956


CEuvres Completes,Paris: Corti, 1946


Obras Completas,Madrid: Aguilar, 1955

NADEAU, MAURICE Histoire du Surrialisme,Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1945 PICASSO, PABLO Le Disir Attrapi par la Queue,Paris: Messages П, 1944;also, in book form, Paris: Gallimard, 1949 (no. 23 of the collection ‘Metamorphoses’) (trans. by B. Frechtman, Desire Caught by the Tail,London: Rider, 1950) penrose, roland, Picasso, His Life and Work,London: Gollancz, 1955 pinthus, kurth Menschheitsdammerung(one of the first anthologies of Expressionist poetry), Berlin: Rowohlt, 1920; reissue (with new introduction and bibliographical material), Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959


Les Pelicans, Piice en deux actes,in CEuvres Completes,vol. I, Paris: Club des Libraires de France, 1959

RIBEMONT-DESSAIGNES, GEORGES Thidtre,Paris: Gallimard, 1966 Diji Jadis(memoirs), Paris: Julliard, 1958


Le Symbolisme au Thidtre, Lugni – Роё et les Dibuts de FCEuvre,Paris: L’Arche, 1957


L’Etoile au Front,Paris: Lemerre, 1925 La Poussibe de Soleils,Paris: Lemerre, 1927

rousselot, jean, Raymond Roussel et la Toute-Puissance du Langage,Paris: La Tour St Jacques,March-April 1957 heppenstall, rayner, Raymond Roussel, a critical guide,London: Calder Boyars, 1966


SALACROU, ABMAND Surrealist playlets Pieces Lire: Les Trente TombesdeJudas, Histoire de Cirque,Paris: Les CEuvres Libres,no. 173, October i960


The Banquet Years(containing outstanding studies of Apollinaire and Jarry), London: Faber Faber, 1959


The Writer in Extremis: Expressionism in Twentieth-Century German Literature,Stanford University Press, 1959


Four Saints in Three Acts,New York: Random House, 1934 Geography and Plays,Boston: Four Seas, 1922 Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights

In Savoy or Yes Is for a Very Young Man,London: Pushkin Press, 1946


Coupures, Tragidie, sum de Lauma Lamer,Paris: Рёгои, 1926 Euphorismes,no publisher indicated, 1926

Le Bhrou, Drome en IVactes,Paris: College de Pataphysique, 1956 Hommage h Torma(biographical, bibliographical, and critical studies by various hands), Cahiers du College de Pataphysique,no. 7,1952

TZARA, TRISTAN La Premibe Aventure Cileste de M. Antipyrine,Zurich: Collection Dada, 1916

La Deuxibne Aventure Cileste de M. Antipyrine,Paris: RЈverbЈre, 1938

Le Cceur Gaz,Paris: GLM, 1946 La Fruite,Paris: Gallimard, 1947

valle-inclAn, ram6n del Martes de Camaval, Esperpentos,in Opera Omnia,vol. 24, Madrid: Editorial Rua Nueva, 1943, contains: Las Galas del Difunto, Los Cuemos de Don Friolera, La Hija del CapitanVITRAC, ROGER

Thidtre,4 vols., Paris: Gallimard, 1946, 1964


Dramaty, 2vols. ed. Konstanty Puzyna, Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1962 Plays available in English are contained in:

The Madman and the Nun and Other Plays,trans. and ed. by Daniel C. Gerould and C. S. Durer, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1968, contains: The Madman and the Nun, The Water Hen, The Crazy Locomotive, The Mother, They, The Shoemakersand Tropical Madness. Four Plays,trans. by Daniel and Eleanor Gerould, New York: Winter House, 1972, contains: The Pragmatists, Mr Price or: Tropical Madness, Gyubal Wahazar, Metaphysics of a Two-Headed CalfYEATS, w. в.

Autobiographies,London: Macmillan, 1955

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