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Шотландия. Автобиография
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Текст книги "Шотландия. Автобиография"

Автор книги: Артур Конан Дойл

Соавторы: Роберт Льюис Стивенсон,Даниэль Дефо,Вальтер Скотт,Кеннет Грэм,Уинстон Спенсер-Черчилль,Публий Тацит,Уильям Бойд,Адам Смит,Дэвид Юм,Мюриэл Спарк
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Текущая страница: 47 (всего у книги 48 страниц)

Guthrie, Tyrone («The Second Edinburgh Festival»), from Tyrone Guthrie, A Life in Theatre(Columbus, London, 1987). Reproduced by kind permission of the Wylie Agency (UK) Ltd.

Hamilton, Ian («Stealing the Stone of Destiny»), from I. R. Hamilton, The Taking of the Stone of Destiny(Lochar, Colonsay, 1991). Reproduced with permission of the author.

Hardie, Keir («Keir Hardie Elected as First Labour MP»), from Keir Hardie’s Speeches and Writings from 1888 to 1915, 4th edn, ed. Emrys Hughes (Forward Printing and Publishing Company, Glasgow, 1927).

Hare, William («The Trial of Burke and Hare»), from Edinburgh Courant, quoted in Burke & Hare: the Resurrection Men, ed. Jacques Barzun (The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ, 1974).

Henderson, Hamish («Jimmy MacBeath, Kingof the Cornkisters»), from Hamish Henderson, Alias MacAlias: Writings on Songs, Folk and Literature(Polygon, Edinburgh, 1992). Extract reproduced by permission of Polygon, an imprint of Birlinn Ltd ( www.birlinn.co.uk).

Hili, David Octavius («The Origins of Photography»), from NLS MS Acc. 7967/1, quoted in A Scottish Postbag,ed. George Bruce and Р. H. Scott (W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh, 1986).

Hume, David («The Wealth of Nations»), from The Correspondence of Adam Smith,ed. Ernest Campbell Mossner and Ian Simpson (Oxford, 1977).

Hunter, A. («Travelling Conditions for Emigrants»), from Testimony of A. Hunter, WS on 10 April 1827, Report of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the Expediency of encouraging Emigration from the United Kingdom, Parliamentary Papers V 1826–291-2, quoted in Modem Scottish History, 1707 to the Present: Vol 5, Major Documents,ed. Anthony Cooke, Ian Donnachie, Ana Macsween, Christopher A. Whatley (Tuckwell Press, Edinburgh, 1998).

Hutton, James («The Age of the Earth Is Proved by James Hutton»), quoted in Donald B. Mclntyre and Alan McKirdy , James Hutton: The Founder of Modem Geology(NMS Publishing, Edinburgh, 2001).

The Invemess Courier(«Rioting in Caithness»), Invemess Courier, 3 March 1847, found in H. Noble, The Potato Famine in the Highlands, 1846–1849(pamphlet).

James I, James II and James III («Acts of Parliament»), quoted in Scotland Before 1700 from Contemporary Documents,ed. P. Hume Brown (David Douglas, Edinburgh, 1893).

James VI and I («The Evils of Tobacco»), James VI, Counterblaste to Tobacco, 1604, quoted in Agnes Mure Mackenzie, Scottish Pageant, vol. II (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1948).

Jenkins, Simon («James Kelman Wins the Booker Prize»), The Times, 15 October 1994.

John of Fordun («Bird Flu, or Similar» and «The Black Death»), from John of Fordun, Chronicle of the Scottish People, translated from Latin by Felix J. H. Skene, from Historians of Scotland,vol. VI (Edinburgh, 1872).

Johnson, Samuel («A Visitor’s Impressions of Scotland»), from Samuel Johnson, Joumey to the Western Islands of Scotland(1775), ed. Peter Levi (Folio Society, London, 1990).

Ker of Gradyne, Colonel («The Battle of Culloden»), Colonel Ker of Gradyne quoted in Robert Forbes Jacobite Memoirs of the Rebellion of 1745, ed. Robert Chambers (Edinburgh, 1834).

Knox, John («The Burning of George Wishart», «The Murder of Cardinal David Beaton», «John Knox Apologizes to Queen Elizabeth I», «Mary, Queen of Scots, Arrives in Scotland»), from John Knox, A History of the

Reformation, vol. II, quoted in Source Book of Scottish History,vol. I, ed. W. Croft Dickinson, Gordon Donaldson, Isabel A. Milne (Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd, Edinburgh, 1958).

Lauder, Harry («Unknown Comedian Tries His Luck in London»), from Harry Lauder, Roamin’ in the Gloamin’(1928). Reproduced by kind permission of Elizabeth Hamilton.

Lavery, John («Saxpence in ma claes, ninepence in ma skin»), from Sir John Lavery, The Life of a Painter(1940), quoted in Glasgow Observed,ed. Simon Berry and Hamish Whyte (John Donald, Edinburgh, 1987).

Law, Denis («The Flodden of Football»), from Denis Law, with Bernard Bale, The Lawman: an Autobiography(Andre Deutsch, London, 1999). Copyright © Denis Law.

Lawrie, Dr W. L. («Streets of Sewage»), from Reports of the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Scotland (London, 1842).

Levison (nee Lusk), Mary («Petition for Women to Become Ministers in the Church of Scotland»), from Mary Levison, Wrestling with the Church(Arthur James, London, 1992).

Livingstone, David («Dr Livingstone Is Found by Henry Morton Stanley»), from The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to his Death,Vol II (London, 1880).

Livingstone, John («The National Covenant»), from John Livingstone, The Diary of a Covenanting Minister 1626–1667(Wigtown District Museum Service, 1993).

Lockhart, John Gibson («George IV Visits Scotland»), quoted in The Oxford Book of Literary Anecdotes,ed. James Sutherland, (OUP, Oxford, 1975).

The Lord Treasurer of England («Border Reivers Defy Capture»), from Calendarof Border Papers,ed. Joseph Bain (HM General Register House, Edinburgh, 1894).

Macaulay, Zachary («A Jamaican Sugar Plantation»), from Life and Letters of Zachary Macaulay,by his granddaughter Viscountess Knutsford (London, 1900).

McBain, Barclay («The Lockerbie Disaster»), the Herald,23 December 1988. The Herald,Copyright © Newsquest (Herald & Times).

MacCaig, Norman («A Conscientious Objector»), quoted in Voicesfrom War: Personal Recollections of War in Our Century by Scottish Men and Women,ed. Ian MacDougall (Mereat Press, Edinburgh, 1995). Reprinted by kind permission of the publishers.

Macdonald, Ethel («The Spanish Civil War»), from Barcelona Bulletin,quoted in Rhona M. Hodgart, Ethel MacDonald: Glasgow Woman Anarchist(Kate Sharpley Library, London, 1995). Reproduced with kind permission of Rhona Hodgart and the publisher.

Macdonald, John («Jacobite Orphans»), from John Macdonald, Memoirs of an Eighteenth-century Footman(Century, London, 1985).

McGahey, Mick («The Minere’ Strike»), quoted in Miners 1984–1994: A Decade of Endurance, ed. Joe Owens (Polygon, Edinburgh, 1994). Reproduced by permission of Polygon, an imprint of Birlinn Ltd (unvw.bir linn.co.uk).

McGonagall, William («The Tay Railway Bridge Disaster»), from William McGonagall, Poetic Gems(Duckworth, London, 1989).

Mcllvanney, Hugh («Celtic Win the European Cup»), from Hugh Mcllvanney, Mcllvanney on Football(Mainstream, London, 1994). Copyright © Guardian Newspapers Limited, 1967.

Mackenzie, Henry («Robert Burns Is Hailed as a Genius»), from The Lounger,quoted in Agnes Mure Mackenzie, Scottish Pageant, vol. 3 (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1949).

McLean, Reverend («The Disruption of the Church of Scotland»), from Rev. Thomas Brown, Annals of the Disruption(Macniven & Wallace, Edinburgh, 1876–1884).

MacLeod, Donald («The Sutherland Clearances» and «Sutherland after the Clearances»), from Donald MacLeod, Gloomy Memories of the Highlands, Letter VII, quoted in Alexander Mackenzie, The History of the Highland Clearances(Mereat Press, Edinburgh, 1991).

McLevy, James («An Edinburgh Detective at Work»), from James McLevy, McLevy Retums: Further Disclosures of the Edinburgh Detective(Mereat Press, Edinburgh, 2002).

Major, John («A Paen to Oatcakes»), from John Major, A History of Greater Britain as well England as Scotland, 1521, translated from Latin by Archibald Constable (Scottish History Society, Edinburgh, 1892).

Martin Martin («A GaePs View of the Islands»), from Martin Martin, A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland circa 1695, ed. Donald Monro (Mereat Press, Edinburgh, 1999).

Mary, Queen of Scots («Mary, Queen of Scots, Appeals to Elizabeth I for Help» and «The Morning of Mary, Queen of Scots's Execution»), quoted in Agnes Mure Mackenzie, Scottish Pageant, vol. II (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1948).

Maxwell, Fordyce («The Dunblane Massacre»), Fordyce Maxwell, the Scotsman, 16 March 1996. Copyright © The Scotsman Publications Ltd.

Medical Officers of Perth and Barlinnie prisons («Force-feeding Suffragettes»), from National Archives of Scotland, HH5 5/327.

Melville, James («Schooldays»), Memoirs of James Melville, quoted in Agnes Mure Mackenzie, Scottish Pageant, vol. II (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1948).

Melville, Sir James («The Murder of Riccio»), Sir James Melville, quoted in Scottish Diaries and Memoirs 1550–1746, ed. J. G. Fyfe (Stirling, 1927).

Mendelssohn, Felix Bartholdy («Mendelssohn Visits Scotland»), from Felix Mendelssohn: A Life in Letters, ed. Rudolf Elvers, translated from German by Craig Tomlinson (Fromm International Publishing Corporation, New York, 1986).

Mill, Reverend John («Superstition and Punishment»), from The Diary of the Reverend John Mill, minister of the parishes of Dunrossness, Sadmck and Cunningsburgh in Shetland, 1740–1803(Edinburgh, 1889).

Mitchell, Joseph («Law and Justice in the Highlands» and «Railway Mania»), from Joseph Mitchell, Reminiscences of My Life in the Highlands, vols I and II (London, 1883–1884).

Moryson, Fynes («The Scottish Diet»), Fynes Moryson, in Early Travellers in Scotland, ed. P. Hume Brown (David Douglas, Edinburgh, 1891).

Muir, Edwin («Edinburgh and Its Street Girls»), from Edwin Muir, Scottish Journey(Mainstream, Edinburgh, 1979). Reprinted with permission by the publisher.

Muir, Thomas («The Trial of „the Pest of Scotland“»), from The Trial of Thomas Muir, younger, of Huntershill, Before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the 30th and 31st Days of August, 1793(London, 1793).

Myles, James («Child Worker in a Dundee Factory»), from James Myles, Chapters in the Life of a Dundee Factory Boy(Dundee, 1850).

Nithsdale, the Countess of («A Jacobite Escapes from the Tower of London»), from Genuine Account of the Escape of Lord Nithsdale written by the Countess of Nithsdale, to her sister, Lady Lucy Herbert, Abbess of the Augustine Nuns, of Bruges (National Library of Scotland, manuscript archive).

Obree, Graeme («The Flying Scotsman breaks the World Hour Re-cord»), from Graeme Obree, Flying Scotsman, the Graeme Obree Story(Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2003). Extract reproduced by permission of Birlinn Ltd ( www.birlinn.co.uk).

Owen, Robert («An Experiment in Humanity»), from Report of Minutes of Evidence Taken by the Select Committee on the State of the Children Employed in the Manufactories of the United Kingdom (Parliamentary Papers, vol. 3,1816), quoted in Scottish Voices, 1745–1960, eds. Т. C. Smout and Sydney Wood (William Collins and Sons, London, 1990).

Paris, Matthew («Viking Invaders»), from Matthew Paris, Chronica Majora, vol. I, quoted in Scottish Annals from English Chroniclers, AD 500–1286, collected and translated by Alan Orr Anderson (Paul Watkins, Stamford, 1991).

Park, Mungo («African Exploration»), from Mungo Park, Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa(London, 1799), quoted in The Oxford Book of Exploration, ed. Robin Hanbury-Tenison (OUP, Oxford, 1993).

Patrick, James («A Glasgow Gang»), from James Patrick, A Glasgow Gang Observed(Eyre Methuen, London, 1973),

Petrie, Reverend Adam («Manners»), from Rules of Good Deportment, or of Good Breeding for the Use of Youth(Edinburgh, 1720), in The Works of Adam Petrie, the Scotish [sic] Chesterfield(Edinburgh, 1877).

Playfair, John («The Age of the Earth Is Proved by James Hutton»), quoted in Donald B. Mclntyre and Alan McKirdy , James Hutton: The Founder of Modem Geology(NMS Publishing, Edinburgh, 2001).

Pollock, Thomas («Smallpox»), from The Statistical Account of Scotland 1791–1799:Vol. VI Ayrshire (parish of Kilwinning), ed. Sir John Sinclair quoted in Modem Scottish History 1707 to the Present: Vol. 5 Major Documents, ed. Anthony Cooke, Ian Donnachie, Ann MacSween, Christopher A. Whatley (Tuckwell Press, Edinburgh, 1998).

Porte, Isa («Rape»), quoted in Voices from the Hunger Marches,ed. Ian MacDougall (Polygon, Edinburgh, 1990). Extract reproduced by permission of Polygon, an imprint of Birlinn Ltd ( www.birlinn.co.uk).

The Presbytery of Glasgow («No Pipe-playing on Sundays»), the Presbytery of Glasgow, Kirk Session of Glasgow, 1573, quoted in Agnes Mure Mackenzie, Scottish Pageant, vol. II (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1948).

Rafferty, John («Scotland Beats the English World Cup Team»), the Scotsman, 17 April 1967. Copyright © The Scotsman Publications Ltd.

Register of the Privy Council («The First New Year’s Day»), the Privy Council of Scotland, 1599, quoted in Agnes Mure Mackenzie, Scottish Pageant, vol. II (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1948).

Register of the Privy Council («A Good Use for the Plantations»), Register of the Privy Council, 3rd series, ii, quoted in Source Book of Scottish History, vol. I, ed. W. Croft Dickinson, Gordon Donaldson, Isabel A. Milne (Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, Edinburgh, 1958).

Reid, Jimmy («The Upper Clydeside Shipyards’ Work-in»), from «The UCS Campaign», in Jimmy Reid, Reflections of a Clyde-Built Man,ed. Ruth Wishart (Souvenir Press, London, 1976). Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

Robertson, James («The Day They Buried Princess Diana»), an extract from his essay «Six Deaths, Two Funerals, a Wedding and a Divorce», first published in Scotland into the New Era(Canongate, Edinburgh, 2000). Reproduced by permission of the author.

Rosie, George («The Big Yin»), George Rosie, «King Billy», in the Sunday Times, 23 February 1975.

Rosie, George, quoted in the Scottish Review of Books, Vol. 3, No. 2,2007.

Royle, Trevor and Taylor, Alan («The Death of Donald Dewar»), the Sunday Herald, 11 October 2000. Sunday Herald, Copyright © Newsquest Ltd (Herald & Times).

Russell, James («Murder of Archbishop Sharp»), in James Kirkton, Secret and True History of the Church of Scotand, ed. С. K. Sharpe (Edinburgh, 1817), Appendix: Russell’s Account of the Murder of Archbishop Sharp.

Ruthall, Thomas («Battle of Flodden»), from Facsimiles of National MSS [of Great Britain], 11, nos 4 and 5, quoted in Source Book of Scottish History, vol. I, ed. W. Croft Dickinson, Gordon Donaldson, Isabel A. Milne (Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, Edinburgh, 1958).

St Fond, B. Faujais («A Bagpipe Competition»), quoted in The Land Out There, a Scottish Land Anthology, ed. George Bruce, with Frank Rennie (AUP, Aberdeen, 1991).

Salmond, Alex («The SNP Come to Power»), quoted in the Sunday Herald, 6 May 2007.

Scotichronicon(«English Fashion»), from Walter Bower, Scotichronicon, c. 39, ii, 34–83, quoted in Walter Bower, A History Book for Scots, Selections fromScotichronicon, ed. D. E. R. Watt (Mereat Press, Edinburgh, 1998). Reprinted by kind permission of the publisher.

The Scots Magazine(«The New Town Is Conceived»), from The Scots Magazine, August 1767.

The Scotsman(«Mayhem at Musselburgh Golf Match»), from the Scotsman, 23 and 25 April 1870.

The Scotsman(«Benny Lynch Retains His Triple Crown»; «Nudity at the Edinburgh Festival»; «Scotland Beats the English World Cup Team»; «Allan Wells Wins Olympie Gold»; «The Poli that Put Gordon Brown out of the Leadership Race»), from the Scotsman,13 October, 1937; 9 September 1963; 26 July 1980; 26 May 1994. Copyright © The Scotsman Publications Ltd.

Scott, Sir Walter («Robert Burns Meets Walter Scott»), quoted in From Scenes Like These: Scottish Anecdotes and Episodes, ed. David Ross (Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2000).

Scott, Sir Walter («The Ossian Fraud»), from The Letters of Sir Waiter Scott, vol. IX, ed. H. J. C. Grierson (London, 1932–1937), quoted in A Scottish Postbag,ed. George Bruce and Р. H. Scott (W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh, 1986).

Scottish Ecclesiastical Statutes («Guidelines for the Clergy»), from Ecclesiae Scoticanae Statuta tam Provincialia quam Synodalia quae Supersunt, quoted in Scotland before 1700 from Contemporary Documents, ed. P. Hume Brown (David Douglas, Edinburgh, 1893).

Simpson, James («Experimenting with Chloroform»), from J. Duns, Memoir of Sir James Y. Simpson, Bart(Edinburgh, 1873).

Slessor, Магу («Mary Slessor’s Campaign to Save Babies»), from W. P. Livingstone, The White Queen(Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1931).

Smellie, William ( «TheEncyclopaedia Britannica»), from Encyclopaedia Britannica, or, a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, compiled upon a new plan, vol. 1, 1773.

Smith, Adam («Death of David Hume»), from The Correspondence of Adam Smith, ed. Emest Campbell Mossner and Ian Simpson (Oxford, 1977).

Smith, David («Life at the Front in France»), from «Memories of my life as.a soldier and prisoner of war during the Great War 1914–1918», the unpublished diary of Private David Smith, 5th and 7th Battalions Seaforth Highlanders, National Museums Scotland, M. 1969. 19. Courtesy of the trustees National Museums Scotland.

Somerville, Alexander («Radicals in the Playground»), from Alexander Somerville, The Autobiography of a Working Man(1848).

Spark, Muriel («The Origins of Missjean Brodie»), from Muriel Spark, Curriculum Vitae (Constable, London, 1992). Permission granted by David Higham Associates Limited.

Stevenson, Robert («Building the Bell Rock Lighthouse»), from Robert Stevenson, An Account of the Bell Rock Lighthouse(Constable, London, 1824).

Stevenson, Robert Louis (« Treasure Island»), from Robert Louis Stevenson, «My First Book», in Robert Louis Stevenson, The Lantem Bearers and other essays, ed. Jeremy Treglown (Chatto & Windus, London, 1988).

Stobo, Reverend Archibald («The Darien Venture»), Rev. Archibald Stobo, Darien Letters, from the Spencer Collection, Glasgow University Library (Glasgow College Press, 1971).

The Strike Bulletin(«Red Clydeside Erupts»), from The Strike Bulletin, Organ of the 40 Hours Movement,1 February 1919.

Tacitus («Agricola Sails around Scotland»), from Tacitus’s Life of Agricola,quoted in Agnes Mure Mackenzie, Scottish Pageant(Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1946).

Taylor, James («The Scuttling of the German Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow»), quoted in Dan van der Vat, The Grand Scuttle: the Sinking of the German Fleet at Scapa Flow in 1919(Birlinn, Edinburgh, 1997).

The Times(«The Sinking of the Arandora Star»), The Times, 4 and 5 July 1940.

Victoria, Queen («Victoria and Albert at Balmoral»), from Queen Victoria*s HighlandJoumals, ed. David Duff (Webb and Bower, Exeter, 1980).

Walker, Patrick («Famine»), from Patrick Walker, Biographia Presbyteriana,ii, quoted in Source Book of Scottish History, vol. I, ed. W. Croft Dickinson, Gordon Donaldson, Isabel A. Milne (Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, Edinburgh, 1958).

Watt, Christian («The Mental Asylum»), from The Christian Watt Papers, ed. David Fraser (Paul Harris, Edinburgh, 1983).

Watt, James («The Invention of the Steam Engine»), from Partners in Science: Letters of James Watt and Joseph Black, ed. Eric Robinson and Douglas MeKie (Constable, London, 1971).

Weld, Charles Richard («Fish Gutters» and «The Glorious Twelfth»), from Charles Richard Weld, Two Months in the Highlands(London, 1860).

William of Malmesbury («The King of Scots Insults the English King»), from William of Malmesbury, Gesta Regum, vol. I, quoted in Scottish Annals from English Chroniclers, AD 500–1286, collected and translated by Alan Orr Anderson, vol. I (Paul Watkins, Stamford, 1991).

William of Newburgh («Capture of William I by the English»), from Historia Rerum Anglicarum, in Chronicles of Stephen, vol. I, pp. 183–185, quoted in Scottish Annals from English Chroniclers, collected and translated by Alan Orr Anderson, vol. I (Paul Watkins, Stamford, 1991).

Williamson, Duncan («The Travelling Family»), from Duncan Williamson, The Horsieman: Memories of a Traveller (Canongate, Edinburgh, 1994).

Wilmut, Professor Ian («Dolly the Sheep»), from Ian Wilmut and Roger Highfield, Af ter Dolly: The Uses and Misuses of Human Cloning(Little, Brown, London, 2006). Reproduced by permission of Little, Brown.

Wilson, John («Among the Residents of Black Houses»), from John Wilson, Tales and Travels of a School Inspector: In the Highlands and Islands at the End of the Nineteenth Century(reprinted 1998 and 2006, Acair Ltd, Isle of Lewis).

Wingfield, Robert («The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots»), in the Hon. Mrs Maxwell Scott, The Tragedy of Fotheringay(Edinburgh, 1905), quoted in Agnes Mure Mackenzie, Scottish Pageant, vol. II (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1948).

Избранная библиография

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