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Африка: четыре столетия работорговли
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Текст книги "Африка: четыре столетия работорговли"

Автор книги: Светлана Абрамова




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Текущая страница: 24 (всего у книги 26 страниц)

131. Cooper T. Facts Illustrative of the Condition of the Negro Slaves in Jamaica with Notes and Appendix. L., 1824.

132. The Correspondence Between John Gladstone, Esq., M. P. and James Cropper, Esq., on the Present State of Slavery in the British West Indies and in the United States of America; and on the Importation of Sugar From the British Settlements in India. With an Appendix, Containing Several Papers on the Subject of Slavery. Liverpool, 1824.

133. Cropper J. The Support of Slavery Investigated. Liverpool, 1824.

134. D., Ch-s Jh. Considerations sur l'esclavage aux Antilles franchises et de son abolition graduelle. P., 1843.

135. De I'Etat actuel de la traite des noirs, extrait des renseignements deposes recement a ce sujet sur le bureau de la chambre des communes d'Angleterre, composant le rapport presents le 8 mai 1821, aux direceurs de l'institut Africaine par le comite special nomme a cet sujet imprime par ordre de l'Institut Africaine, comme supplement a son rapport annuel pour 1821. L., 1821.

136. Edwards B. The History Civil and Commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 3 Vols. L., 1801.

137. Frossard B. S. La cause des esclaves negres et des habitants de la Guinte, portee du Tribunal de la justice, de la jeligion, de la politique et histoire de la traite et de l'esclavage des negres, preuves de leur illegitimite, moyens de lcs abolir sans nuire ni aux colonies ni aux colons. T. 1–2. Lvon, 1789.

138. Godwin B. The Substance of a Course of Lectures on British Colonial Slavery. L., 1830.

139. Gregoire H. De la litterature des Negres, ou rechercbesseur leur facultes intellectuelles, leur qualites morales et leur litterature. P., 1808.

140. Gregoire H. Des peines infamantes a infliger aux negriers. P., 1822.

141. Hampden J. A Commentary on Mr. Clarkson's Pamphlet, Entitled Thoughts on the Necessity of Improving the Condition of the Slaves in the British Colonies, with a View to Their Ultimate Emancipation. L., 1824.

142. Horton R. W. Speech in the House of Commons, on the 6-th of March, 1828, on Moving for the Production of the Evidence Taken Before the Privy Council, Upon an Appeal against the Compulsory Manumission of Slaves in Demerera and Berbice; with Notes and Appendix. L., 1828.

143. Hüne A. Vollstandige historisch-politische Darstellung aller Veranderungen des Negersklavenhandels. Bd. 1–2. Göttingen, 1820.

144. Is the System of Slavery Sanctioned or Condemned by Scripture? To which is Subjoined an Appendix Containing Two Essays upon the State of the Canaanite and Philistine Bondsmen, Under the Jewish Theocracy. L.. 1824.

145. Ladies' Anti-Slavery Associations. L., [б. г.].

146. A Letter to William Wilberforce, esq. M. P. on the Subject of Slave Emancipation. By an Eye-Witness. L., 1824.

147. Lindoe R. Observations Upon Slavery; Setting Forth, That to Hold the Principle of Slavery is to Deny Christ. L., 1824.

148. The London Missionary Society's Report of the Proceedings Against the Late Rev. J. Smith, of Demerera, Minister of the Gospel Who was Tried Under Martial Law, and Condemned to Death, on a Charge of Aiding and Asiss-ting in л Rebellion oi” the Negro Slaves. L., 1824.

149. Macaulay Z. The Slave Colonies of Great Britain, or a Picture of Negro Slavery Drawn by the Colonists Themselves. L., 1826.

150. M'Donnell A. A Colonial Commerce. L., 1828.

161. M'Donnell A. A. Considerations on Negro Slavery. With Authentic Reports. Illustrative of the Actual Condition of the Negroes in Demerera; Also, an Examination into the Propriety and Efficacy of the Regulations Contained in the Late Order in Council Now in Operation in Trinidad. To Which ar. Added Suggestions on the Proper Mode of Amelioration the Condition of the Slaves. L., 1825.

152. Mc Queen J. The West India Colonies: the Calumnies and Misrepresentation Circulated Against Them by the Edinburg Review, Mr. Clarkson, Mr. Cropper etc. L., 1824.

153. Moreau de Jounes A. Recherches statistiques sur Tesclavage colonial et sur moyens de la supprimer. P., 1842.

154. Negro Slavery; Or, a View of Some of the More Prominent Features of That State of Society, as It Exists in the United States of America and in the Colonies of the West Indies. Especially in Jamaica. L., 1823.

155. Placide-Justin. Histoire politique et statistique de l’Ile d'Hayli, Saint Do-mingue, ecrite sur les documents officiels et les notes communiquees par sir James Barskett, agent du gouvernement Britannique dans les Antilles. P., 1826.

156. Raynal G. Histoire philosophique et politique des etablissements et du commerce des europeens dans les deux Indes. T. 1–10. Geneve, 1788.

157. Reed J. An Appeal to the British Nation to Think for Themselves, Instead of Allowing Wilberforce, Buxton and Others to Think for Them; with a True Statement of the Condition of the Negroes in the Island of Jamaica. Liverpool, 1823.

158. Reflexion d'un cultivateur americain, sur le projet d'abolir l'esclavage et la traite des negres. L., 1788.

159. Riland J. Memoires of West India Planter, Published from an Original MS. L., 1827.

160. Roscoe W. Abolition of the Slave Trade. Letters of William Roscoe and the Duke of Gloucester. 1814. Wallasey, [б: г.].

161. Roscoe W. General View of the African Slave Trade. Demonstrating Its Injustice and Impolicy; with Hints Towards a Bill for Its Abolition. Liverpool, 1788.

162. Roscoe W. A Scriptural Refutation of a Pamflet Lately Published by the Rev. Raymund Harris Intitled «Scriptural Researches on the Ligitness of the Slave Trade etc. Liverpool, 1788.

163. Schoelcher V. Esclavage et colonisation. P., 1948.

164. Schoelcher V. Histoire de l'esdavage pendant les dernieres annees. T. I–II. P., 1847.

165. Sells W. Remarks on the Condition of the Slaves in the Island of Jamaica. L., 1823.

166. Sharp G. A Representation of the Injustice and Dangerous Tendency of Tolerating Slavery; or of Admitting the Least Claim of Private Property in the Persons of Men, in England. L., 1769.

167. The Slave Colonies of Great Britain, or a Picture of Negro Slavery Drawn by the Colonists Themselves; Being an Abstract of the Various Papers Recently Laid Before Parliament on that Subject. L., 1.825.

168. Smyth F. C. An Apology for West Indians, and Reflections on the Policy of Great Britain's Interference in the Internal Concerns of the West India Colonies. L., 1824.

169. A Statement of Facts, Illustrating the Administration of the Abolition Law and the Sufferings of the Negro Apprentices in the Island of Jamaica. L. 1837.

170. Stephen J. England Enslaved by Her Own Slave Colonies. An Adress to the Electors and People of the United Kingdom. L., 1826.

171. Stephen J. The Slavery of the British West India Colonies Delineated, As It Exists Both in Law and Practice and Compared with the Slavery of Other Countries Ancient and Modern. Vol. 2. L., 1830.

172. Strickland S. Negro Slavery Described by a Negro: Being the Narrative of Ashton Warner, A Native of St. Vincent. With an Appendix, Containing the Testimony of Four Christian Ministers, Recently Returned from the Colonies, on the System of Slavery as it Now Exists. L., 1831.

173. Sturge J. and Harvey Th. The West Indies in 1837 being the Journal of a visit to Antiqua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbados and Jemai-ca; Undertaken for the Purposes of Ascertaining the Actual Condition of the Negro Population of those Islands. L., 1986 (Cass Library of African Studies. Slavery Series 10) (1-st ed. 1838).

174. Torrey J. American Slave Trade. An Account of the Manner in Which Slave Dealers Take Free People From Some States of the USA, and Carry Them Away, and Sell Them as Slaves in Other of the States; and of the Horrible Cruelties Practised in the Carrying On of This Most Infamous Traffic: with Reflections on the Project for Forming a Colony of American Blacks in Africa, and Certain Documents Respecting That Project. L., 1822.

175. The Trial of Arthur Hodge Esd. (Late One of the Members of His Majesty's Council for the Virgin Islands) at the Island of Tortola, on the 25-th April 1811, and Adjourned to the 29-th of the Same Month, for the Murder of His Negro Man Slave named Prosper. Stenographically Taken by A. M. Belisario. L., 1811.

176. Wilberforce W. An Appeal to the Religion, Justice and Humanity of the Inhabitants of the British' Empire, in Behalf of the Negro Slaves in the West Indies. L., 1823.

177. Wilberforce W. A Letter on the Abolition of the Slave Trade. L., 1807.

178. Wilberforce W. Letter a l'Empereur Alexandre sur la traite des Noirs. L., 1822.

179. Williams J. A Narrative of Events, Since the First of August 1834, by J. Williams, an Apprenticed Labourer in Jamaica. L., 1837.

180. Winn T. S. Emancipation; or Practical Advice to British Slave-Holders: with Suggestions for the General Improvement of West India Affairs. L., 1824.

181. Yates J. Л, Letters to the Right Hon. William Huskisson, President of the Board of Trade etc. on the Present Condition of the Slaves, and the Means Best Adapted to Promote the Mitigation and Final Extinction of Slavery in the British Colonies. Liverpool, 1824.

Периодические издания

182. Современник. СПб.

183. Anti-Slavery Reporter. L.

184. Journal of African History. L.

185. Journal of Negro History. Wash.


186. А-в П. Курляндская колония в Африке в XVII в. СПб., 1891.

187. Абрамова С.Ю. Африка: четыре столетия работорговли. М., 1978.

188. Абрамова С.Ю. История работорговли на Верхне-Гвинейском побережье (вторая половина XV – начало XIX в.). М., 1966.

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215. Маркс К. Аболиционистские выступления в Америке. – Маркс К. и Энгельс Ф. Сочинения. Изд. 2-е Т. 15.

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