Текст книги "A Call for armed insurrection (СИ)"
Автор книги: Марат Нигматулин
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Okay, the aconite's done. Next in line we have hemlocks spotted. They do the same thing with him, basically, as they do with the aconite. So it is necessary to collect roots of the boilhead, wash them, cut them into small parts, dry, and then put into the powder. Fresh roots of this plant can be allowed to produce concentrated poison. The manufacture process I just described. The production of poison from the boilhead is only different than the two subtleties. First, the coastroots of aconite take, of course, roots of boilhead. Second, when you will collapse the poison solution, remember to overheat it in no way. The solution must have a temperature in 50-60 degrees Celsius. No more! The rest of the borehead concerns the same as aconite.
You will, aconite and boilheads are very strong poisons! Such substances can easily kill a man. So be careful with them!
So, I just told you about the poisons of lethal activity.
Now we'll talk about the venom of the non-lethal. Such a man can't be killed, but he s got a lot of trouble very much.
Let's start with the datura. You're going to have to find this stupid man first. It grows almost everywhere, and therefore there should be no problems with it'sfinding. When you find the plant itself,you can get down to business. To collect the seeds of this wonderful plant. I would like to note that only mature seeds are suitable for our purposes.
The simplest recipe here is this. First, you need to take a bottle with some alcoholic beverage. This drink, of course, should have a pronounced smell. Flavored wines are perfect. Liqueurs, alcoholic tinctures are also suitable. Also suitable fragrant strong alcoholic beverages, such as rum or absinthe. Ordinary Russian vodka is not good for our purposes! So, we've decided on booze. When you have the necessary swill, we get to the point. You open the bottle. Next, a certain amount of dope seeds is thrown inside the designated container. After the bottle should be closed. Then it should be put in some cool and dark place. There she must stand for two weeks. After the bottle, it's open again. Now alcohol should be filtered by seeds, and these last to throw. Then alcohol is back in the bottle. After the bottle, they'll have a new cork. So nobody knows anything. Only leaves a trained trap of class. The heavy hallucinations of the bourgeois are guaranteed!
Let's go. The same seeds are gonna use the powder. It's all elementary. You're just throwing seeds into a coffee maker. This one you closing and turn on. In a few minutes, the powder will be ready. If you don't have a coffeemaker, you can regroup the seeds in the studio. Of course, the seeds of datura are very firm, and because it will be difficult. But for you, my dear, there is nothing impossible. Cooked from seeds of powder should be made to the enemy in the food.
Here's more to do. Here we need already flowers of the dope. To begin with, you have to collect these flowers, wash under running water and finely chop. Then you need to put them on the bottom of a glass jar. Remember that this last one should be sealed. Flowers should be well squeezed to the bottom of the container. Plant material should take one-third of the volume of the jar. The rest of the space inside is filled with seventy percent ethyl alcohol. Then alcohol is added to this mixture. The latter should be added in this proportion: one liter of a mixture of poisonous flowers with ethanol should take one milliliter of washing alcohol. Now the bank should be clogged. The designated container is put in a dark and cool place. She will stay there for several weeks. When this deadline passes, it will be necessary to reopen the bank. Flowers now need to be pressed. The alcohol that has been added to the one in which the flowers have recently been found has been added to the one in which the flowers have been. The plant material should then be discarded. Now the alcohol is poured into a porcelain cup, and this cup is installed on a sand bath. The way the sand bath works, – I have described before. At least in the section about aconitis. So, the alcohol in the cup will have to slowly evaporate. He should never boil! When the contents of the cup decrease in volume and begin to thicken, – you can turn off the heat. After that, remove the glass container from the sand bath. On it'sbottom should form a thick poisonous syrup. Then add a certain amount of seventy percent ethanol to the contents of the jar. The proportion here is this: one milliliter of alcohol per twenty milliliters of syrup. That's it, the poison is ready! This means adding to food and alcoholic beverages. You can, by the way, and add it to soft drinks. This product must be stored in an airtight sealed bottle. The bottle itself should be kept in the refrigerator.
Instead of a dope, you can also use bele. Relatively white I have nothing to add. It's the same as the fool. In the same way, you collect the seeds of the white, and then grind them into powder. This last is added to the mixing enemies in the food. And yes, concentrated poison is also made from the belene.
Working with bleach has only two features. The first is that alcoholic beverages cannot be infused on the seeds of the bele. The second is this. If you want to make concentrated poison from the white, then you need seeds, not flowers of the plant. That,and, perhaps, and all the features. The rest is the same as with a dope.
Finally, a couple of words about how all these means of dope and belene are used.
The above poisons are used mainly to kidnap people. That's how it's done. First, a man is bullied. It happens in different ways. You can drink the victim with alcohol infused on the seeds of a fool. You can pour a man into the food powder from the root of the white or the same fool. If you need to put a person to sleep for a long time, then instead of powders are used concentrated poisons. When something from the above gets into the body of the enemy, – this very enemy is poisoned. Alcohol infused on the seeds of the dope can cause serioushallucinations in the victim. Added to the food powder can knock out the enemy for a few hours. Concentrated poison can deprive a person of consciousness for one day. Moreover, the poison made from datura has one important feature here. When a poisoned man comes to himself, he won't remember anything that happened to him. So if you've decided to kidnap a man, poison him from the poison, and then from belena. It's gonna be more reliable.
Let's just say a few words about chemical weapons. Of course, this will only go about the simplest compositions.
However, the compounds are simple, but still quite effective.
All right, let's go!
Chlorine can be manufactured as follows. Take the glass can. Remember that the bank is supposed to be sealed hermetically. Now fill the taru concentriated with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Then take the cloth bag. In him, get chlorine. Then you can fly the identified sack on the inside of the very lid that closes the can. Doing it by building a glue. Now cover the jar with a lid. And yes, I forgot to say, – the bag should not touch hydrochloric acid.
The projectile works as follows. When you throw this thing at the enemy, the banks are broken. As a result, the acid is spilled onto the lime. There is a very violent chemical reaction. Well, this very reaction is already releasing poisonous chlorine.
It is somewhat easier to make sulphurous gas. First, take the powdered sulfur. Then take potassium or sodium nitrate. Dissolve the last one in water. Then take a thin newspaper paper and soak it with the resulting solution. Dry the paper and then roll it into a roll. Between the layers of this very roll pour a certain amount of powder sulfur. Then wrap the paper roll in aluminium foil. You have to wrap tightly. As a result, you will get a real sulfur checker. This tool is very easy to apply. You just burn paper and then you throw the shell in the enemy. Here you should hurry. Such a shell is burning down lightning. The combustion is given a huge amount of evil smoke.
The easiest recipe is this. You Need to get the 25th percentage of ammonium.Pour the fluid into the glass bottle. The latter should be within the range of 500 billilitres to one liter. Seal the bottle. All right, ready! Now just take the ammonium bottle and start the scab directly into the enemy.
So, I've already told you quite a lot about making all the possible poisonous funds. However, there are such poisons, which make no sense. They can be divorced in pure form.
First of all, of course I'm talking about mercury. It's pretty wide used in industry. To get her so, so maybe. We just have to do your best.
There is no point in talking about the use of metal mercury for a long time. It's pretty obvious. First, you need to enter the enemy room. When it's done, just pour some mercury in there. After that, you can leave. Keep in mind that pouring such a valuable metal damn knows where – in any case it is impossible! Mercury should be deposited in all sorts of dark corners and hard-to-reach places. So, if you have penetrated into the office of a major capitalist – precious metal must be hidden behind cupboards, under sofas, as well as in other similar places. Well, that's understandable. Let's move on.
We should also not forget about methanol. This wonderful combination in all external and taste qualities is completely indistinguishable from wine alcohol. When you get methyl alcohol – you will only have to pour this product in a bottle from some solid alcoholic beverage. Bottle, of course, should also look solid. You will need to install a new lid on the bottle. One that's unprinted. The label, of course, also needs a whole. So no one suspects anything! If it's a bottle of vodka, that's where your job will end. If you decide to simulate cognac, rum or something like that, you will have to add the right food colors and flavors to methanol. Now it's a small matter. All you have to do is stick a bottle of poison to the class enemy. I would like to note that it is impossible to dilute methanol with simple ethyl alcohol. From a similar wood alcohol is deprived of it'ssending properties.
Yes, it's easy to kill an alcoholic bourgeois. But what to do if the bourgeois is a hedgehog?
Believe me, this problem is solvable!
And it can be solved with the help of caustic soda. You will need to get a forty percent solution of this wonderful compound. For all external qualities, this solution is no different from water. Liquid, transparent, odor does not emit. The specified solution should be poured into a bottle of drinking water. As for the bottle, I can repeat all that was said about the methanol bottle. A new cover, a whole label and stuff like that. Apply such a bottle can be so. Here, for example, a certain bourgeois likes to run in the mornings in the park. For a run, he usually takes a bottle of water with him. So here we are. It would be very good to replace this same loaf of water with a bottle with a solution of caustic soda. He will want to drink the bourgeois water and the caustic soda. The slack burn of the mucous is then guaranteed.
You can still use potassium chloride. There's nothing complicated here. You just buy this very potassium chloride, dissolve it in warm water, and then this warm water injects the bourgeois into the bloodstream. It causes a heart attack in the bourgeois heart attack, and this last one dies. There's only one problem. It is not so easy to inject this kind of solution into the blood of a class enemy. However, guerrilla savvy will always help. So, you can seep into some clinic for the rich, and then poison there all the drugs intended for intravenous intake. Well, anything you can reach. Imust note that it is most convenient to pour poison into bottles with medicines for intravenous drips. It's incredibly easy to do. You just need to bring a few syringes filled with potassium chloride solution. You just need to pierce the rubber cork bottle with a needle syringe, and then enter there a certain amount of solution. You don't need much! A few milliliters will be enough! And yes, I forgot to say, – some drugs are cloudy when they are added to the solution. And if any remedy changes it'scolor in one night, – it can lead doctors to certain suspicions. So be vigilant!
All of the above are good for poisoning a person. If you decide to send a guard dog , do not waste good poisons. Prepare a special dog poison! Take a few glass items. Gentlybreak them into small pieces. Then prepare the minced meat. Add these shards to it. Gently mix the resulting substance. Feed the damned dogs. They will then quickly die in cramps.
Okay, the poisons are over.
Let's just say a few words about guns.
To this I really will not speak much. The point is that the subject is absolutely inexhaustible.
Let's start with the very simple one.
Let's say a few words about the passing beam.
If you can't get a Cossack checker, and you have to fight on the barricades, don't despair. Get a better engineering lineup. Remember, you don't just need some lineup! No, not at all! For our purposes, only steel rulers of one meter long are suitable. Take one such line. And just lock it up on both sides! It's easy to do. First, take the sables. Then take the ruler. Now start gently rubbing the edges of the ruler on the surface of the donkey. At the same time, it is necessary to lightly wet the saline with water. When the edges of the ruler are sharpened, remove the sables. Then take the sandpaper. Apply a few drops of water to the surface. Now rub a ruler about this very paper in exactly the same way you just rubbed it on the settles. When the blade is quite sharp, take a piece of smooth skin. Next rub your blade about this piece of skin. When the surface of the line becomes mirrored, the work will be done. In the process of sharpening leave a small section of the metal canvas unsharpened. This site, of course, should be located at one end of the line. There will have to be a hand weld. This latter is done elementaryly. Take the usual insulation tape. And then wrap the unsharpened end of the line with this very ribbon! Here's a cold weapon ready! And even if this thing looks insolate, – but still people chop perfectly. Apply sharpened line as well as Cossack checker.
Now a few words about the inertial baton. It is done very simply. First, take a metal pipe about fifty centimeterslong. One end of this pipe flattens in the grip, and then bends on the side through pliers. After the tube one-third of it's volume is filled with a metal shot. Then it's second end is also flattened in the grip, and then bent on the side with pliers. That's it, the weapon's ready!
It's easier to do. Take a rubber garden hose. Cut off a piece that will be one metre long. Get inside this piece of the steel wagon. Then, in both end of the hose, it will be necessary to insert a tugitous plug.
It's easier to get. Take a fat metal prouth. Length of it will be around half meter. Obtain the title of the induced isolation tape. All right, weapons ready!
I think describing the use of homemade dubbs doesn't make sense. You throw a baton, and then you strike her in the face, the ribs and the genitals.
Besides that, you can still piss the brass knuckles. This latter constitutes such a design. Four united rings connected between each other. Between the rings, the thorns are located. The rings are based on a little handle. When you put on the castle, this last resort is in the back of the palm. The designated design must have a Mass in a hundred grams.