Текст книги "A Call for armed insurrection (СИ)"
Автор книги: Марат Нигматулин
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Railroads are regularly inspected by travel guides. It's in peacetime. If there is a civil war in the country, the police can meet on the iron. This should not be forgotten!
But remember that the patrol men will not be there forever to graze. They'll be out sooner or later. The only question is when they will do it. In order to find out, you have to send a scout. His mission is not difficult at all. This person only needs to find a secluded place not far from the paths, hide there and keep an eye on the road through binoculars. At the same time, of course, he himself should not be seen in any case.
So, if you do everything right, you will soon know when exactly the road is patrolled. Now you can plan the operation.
First, you need to choose the place where the sabotage will be carried out. There are a number of conditions to be compared. First of all, you should study the characteristics of a particular railway. See if it passes through populated areas or stretches through the deep woods, whether there are convenient places for sabotage or not. The list of places where a strike canbe struck is then determined. After that, it is necessary to calculate when the doomed to destroy the train will pass through suitable for sabotage areas. Then the time when these same places will bypass patrols is calculated.
The sabotage takes time. And if the wedge of Shevgulidze is put in a few minutes, it can take 24 hours to disassemble the canvas. It is desirable that the trap was installed just before the passage of the echelon.
In short, time should not be forgotten. And security, too.
At the time of the diversification, the scouts must keep track of the road. In their field of sight, there should be a railway painting on a half kilometre of both sides of you. If patrol comes, they must immediately inform you of his approaching. Best on the radio.
As for the diversants themselves, they must be wearing a railway jacket. Just in case.
With a savage understandable. Let's go.
Apart from railways, there are also regular. They are struggling with different methods.
First of all, it's the flunks. It's all elementary: it's necessary to simply cut a couple of the big trees and lay them off the road.
Next, all the canvas and the pits are traps. It's a little more complicated than that. To start across the road dig a good moat. In depth it should be at least one meter. At least two meters wide. At the same time, the ditch should be long. It'slike blocking the whole road. When everything is dug, the moat is covered with thin branches on top. After these branches, the earth is sprinkled.
Ditches are suitable for relatively wide dirt roads. However, on narrow hiking trails are also arranged similar traps.
The simplest of them is done as: in the middle of the trail a square hole is dug up. The depth in it, respectively, one meter, the length – one meter, the width – one meter. On the bottom of the pitare placed boards with nails. Boards should be strong, nails – long, centimeters by fifteen or twenty. And yes, nails should be, of course, a lot, but not too much. Otherwise, the boards may break up in cracks.
Welding such boards is very simple: nails are hammered into the most ordinary boards. Nails must be hammered so that they went through the thickness of the tree and on the other side of the board came out. When it's done, the boards are just laying low – ground, so the nasty nails look up. If you wish, you can effectively impress a fresh napkin.
All the way with the ditches, the top of the hole closes the branches that already feed on a small layer of land.
The fight against motorcycles is conducted through wire barriers. They are made elementary: the road of the road is pulling the wire. It is tightened up from thirty centimeters to one meter above the level of road. The tension shall be maximum: the wire shall in no way be visified. To reliability, there can be some similar barriers in small disposal. So, just so we're here, one wire was strapped, and two meters later. And so on.
There is another way: the Road of the road is spelled out a little gutter, which lays out the blackboard with nails. The depth of a gut must be centimeter two-three, no more. The boards are packed, understood, ostrier. All of this is a little bit of a land of the earth. So nails are not too visible.
I have to tell you this. If you want to maximize the effect of the traps described, then you can place your ambushes. Here you go. They go soldiers in the forest trope. One of them is falling into a pit with nails. From an unbearable pain, he's obviously a proficient, starts to get creepy. His fellow workers, obviously, come to some excitement. They stop the way forward and approach wounded, to see what happened there and to provide the necessary assistance to injured. And then you attack soldiers from your ambush.
So, the roads we all said. We'll talk about how to fight a technique that drives these roads.
The easiest way to destroy automobile machinery is that. Under cover of night, you're cautiously chosen to get to the car. With you, you have two sappy petrol clogs and a lighter. The first rag you put under the hood, and the second one goes to the benzoak. Both rags are burning. Everything. Ready.
Cars are like a match.
As for security, the surgery is needed in gloves. The cloth of the place is delivered in a hermetically targeted packaging. The lighter is not required to be simple, but with a long nose. Instead, you can use the hunting matches.
However, all these manipulations with rag can take the weight of the time. So if you're in a hurry, use it instead of cocktail bottles with an incendiary blend. These last ones are not going anywhere. We just need to light the fuse and run it into the target. About the production of these things I'll tell you again.
Let's say a few words about water transport now.
If you need to stop the movement of enemy boats on the river, – then just pull between the banks thick wire. It should pass a few centimeters from the surface of the water. The wire should be fixed tightly. It should not sag under any circumstances. Just in case, you can stretch several such barriers at a short distance from each other.
Small motor boats, racing on the waves at great speed – from a collision with such an obstacle jump a few meters, turn over and sink.
But with the big courts, this trick does not go away. Chains should be used against them.
A long chain takes over. At one distance from each other, hermetically sealed plastic bottles are attached to it. They function as floats. This structure is immersed in water and stretched between the shores. At the same time, the chain should never sag, but it should not hang out at the surface. Improvised floats should be invisible (or at least subtle) for crews sailing ships. Such a chain can destroy even an impressive size ship.
There is also a third way to destroy enemy flotillas. Dangerous, but effective. You'll need a few motor boats. They should be small (each for two or three places), but very fast. Made boats must be made of metal or wood. By no means rubber! And you will need to weave a large network of chains, steel cables or at the worst end of strong ropes. Then you gently swim up to the enemy vessel and throw your net to him on the blades of the propeller. Barely done, get out of there as soon as possible.
There is also a fourth method of dealing with enemy ships. Here you will need a small boat made of wood or metal. Shehas to have a powerful motor. Very powerful. This boat is loaded with explosives. As a result, you get a real boat-torpedo. You're pointing it towards an enemy ship. The wick is set on fire – the engine turns on. The boat with the explosion will break into the hull of the enemy ship and sink it. This trick works well, it must be said, only with large slow-moving vessels. It is very easy to hit tankers and cargo ships, but with warships this is unlikely to ride. However, you can try your luck. It is possible that you will be lucky.
These are, in fact, the main methods of destruction of enemy water transport.
I must note that the last two of them (i.e. the damage of the propeller and the boat-torpedo) are used both on rivers and small bodies of water, and on the high seas. Wire and chain barriers, on the other hand, are used only where the distance between the shores does not exceed a few hundred metres.
That's what they said.
Now a few words about planes.
The simplest method of dealing with them is to blind the pilots. To do this, use powerful laser pointers. Such sabotage is carried out only at dusk and only in the areas adjacent to the airfields. The laser beam is directed directly to the cockpit glass of thelanding or take-off aircraft. The accuracy of guidance is adjusted by binoculars. The pointer should be powerful. Very powerful. As much as possible. The principle of action is clear. From bright light the pilot goes blind and loses control. The plane crashes.
Everything, as you can see, is very simple and cheap. But the enemy brings multibillion-dollar losses. Jet planes are incredibly expensive.
Now, however, the armed forces of the imperialist powers are gradually abandoning manned vehicles. They are replaced by drones.
These laser pointers are not afraid. We need more serious measures here. Such machines are most often knocked down with homemade rockets. It is best todestroy them at low altitudes – when landing or on takeoff. But you can try in the heat of the flight.
Destroying a plane is easy. It's much harder to capture.
So, you needed to steal an airplane for some reason. It is necessary to act in this case. First, choose the object of the seor. Let it be a dead plane, which carries only domestic and local flights. Stealing such a car will be much easier than some fancy Boeing latest model, carrying tourists to Barcelona and back. Security on domestic, and even more so on local airlines clearly sags. That's what we need!
When you find the plane you need, you can get down to business.
First, we need to decide on what day the planned rebel action will be carried out. The date usually correlates with the nearest flight of the car you are interested in. After that, you will need to buy up all the tickets for your chosen flight. Here, however, the question is ambiguous. If you just want to hijack a plane, you have to buy all the tickets. If you decide to get a couple of hostages – then leave a quarter of all seats to ordinary passengers. They'll be surprised!
As far as weapons are concerned, it is not here to overpower. We'll have to figure out what you can wear on board and not be able to. They'll cover you up at the airport. Then what will you do?
However, general recommendations I can give. The plane usually brings baseball bats, crowds, small lobes, ice flares and cords. But if you're good,there s a specific passenger – type rules to watch, and they're constantly changing. But most of all, the weapons are taking it.
By the way, for the conspiracy you can disguise yourself as tourism or construction workers. It is necessary to register a tourist club in advance or a construction firm. Tickets you will acquire through this fake structure. It is also necessary to contain a false document in advance. Tickets should be made on aliases.
The big importance also has shoes. On your feet, you must have grave berths or boots. It's in case of a fight with potential hostages. If this starts, you'll have to hit the creep with feet. Try to please everyone in the belly. A sturdy blow that will take long will reveal the desire to resist. But don't get carried away. So to death to death for a short time.
Now to the case. You got on board, waited for the moment the plane went off, and then they announced who you are and what you want. Keep acting like that. First, try to talk pilots into the plane to the plane where you need to go. If they don't agree, you can kill hostages.