Текст книги "A Call for armed insurrection (СИ)"
Автор книги: Марат Нигматулин
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So, we've looked at the main types of explosives. Now I have to talk about how to apply them. This question is not idle at all. It's not enough to make gunpowder. We still have to make the bomb right. And this case is not simple! But not difficult. Here the main thing to catch, and then everything will go great. First of all, I have to tell you about the wicks. Remember: the wick fails more often than not. That damn shoelace is always trying to die out! In short, attach special importance to the quality of this detail! Let's start with the simplest. The simplest wicks are made from hunting matches. These latter are very powerful matches. It is very difficult to put out such things. That is why they are often used by visitors of wild places: hunters, tourists, guerrillas… So, from this kind of matches come out excellent wicks! Hunting matches can be replaced with sparklers. They were once used by monarchists from the organization«White Cross». A glue tape will also be useful for the wick. To do this, on the glue-covered side put bertolet salt or granular gunpowder. If someone does not know: from bertolet salt make match heads. The next type of wick is the Bickford cord. Such a thing requires serious manipulation. First, you'll need to take a linen or cotton rope. Then it will be necessary to prepare a solution of nitrate. This is done as follows: water is heated to a temperature of 70-80 degrees Celsius, and then added to it potassium nitrate. Proportions must be equal: 50% water and 50% nitrate. When the solution cools to a temperature of 30-35 degrees, a rope falls into it. The latter should lie in the solution for 30 minutes. After that, it is taken out, dried at room temperature, and then let in. If you doubt the quality of such a wick, it can be strengthened. To do this, a powerful glue is taken, which is mixed in equal parts with gunpowder. The resulting substance is smeared with a Bickford cord. This kind of wick is incredibly difficult to put out! In addition, you can prepare a «incendiary tube». She prepares in this way. An ordinary plastic tube is taken. Long and thin. It is stuffed with black or aluminium gunpowder inside. You can also use bertolet salt or caramel explosives. Everything: the wick is ready! These tubes burn amazingly. It is necessary to set fire to the wick with a powerful lighter. Hunting matches can also be used. Now let's talk about detonators. These latter are simply necessary. ANFO and ammonium, as you know, do not explode very well. That's why you'll need detonators. To produce these things will require three peroxide acetone orhexamethylentryperoxydiamine. It is also permissible to use black or aluminium gunpowder. The body of the detonator is collected from plastic, glass or cardboard. All kinds of medical vials are suitable for these purposes. Those where medicines are stored. They need to be properly stuffed with explosives, and then bring to them a wick. The detonator needs to be installed correctly! Remember: the denser it will fit to the main charge, the better. Therefore, the detonator should be placed in the heart of the bomb. You can't fix it outside! Let's talk about bomb hulls now. Most often they make them from metal, plastic or glass. What a bomb, such is the hull! If you decide to blow up gunpowder or ammonium, the body is made metal. To produce this fit pipes, tin cans, pans, empty cylinders, metal tanks and the like. If you use dynamite, you can take a plastic case. Liquid explosives are placed in a glass case. Now I'm going to give you some practical recipes. The shrapnel mine can be manufactured in the following way. The explosive is placed in a not-too-large jar. It fits in another jar, a bigger one. Now all the free space of a large jar is filled with striking elements: bearing balls, lead shot, nuts, bolts, nails, as well as similar objects. Such a bomb is good, but metal detectors are able to detect it. But you can also collect an invisible bomb for these devices. To do this, you just need to take not metal cans, and plastic. Use broken glass or small sharp stones as striking elements. Wonderful items these mines! In short, sometimes you have to meet the enemy face to face. In such situations, you will need hand grenades. For their production usually use a variety of containers. The simplest grenade is done this way. A tin or plastic can is taken for the case. The body of the grenade must be strong. So he didn't fall apart when he hit the ground. The hull is filled with explosives. They cut a hole in the lid. There is also a wick. Most often, the role of the latter is played by a hunting match or a sparkler. Still good grenades come out of metal pipes. An ordinary metal tube is taken. One end bends. After that, there is poured gunpowder. The other end of the pipe is covered with a plastic lid. The last one is a hole. There is also a wick. Of course, you can also use plastic pipes. In short, the body of a grenade is always a space of free thought. Some like to use bottles, and some prefer medicinal vials. It's all at your discretion. I would like to add moreconcerning striking elements. First, you should take duct tape. After that, you need to start wrapping the grenade body outside the perimeter. Between vitamins, tapes are laying low-sized nuts. Such manipulation significantly strengthens the escalating effect of grenades.
Talk about the delay systems now. It's a fuse, of course. But it is not always possible to solve the question alone with only a fuse. Sometimes more serious measures are required! Suppose you decided to blow up the ministry. They put it under 50 pounds of dynamite. Detonation needs to be strictly made at 15:00. You need to leave the sabotage site. It requires 30 minutes of time. Of course, making a multi-meter fuel is uncomfortable. Such cases require a delay system. About the assembly of the last I'll tell you now.
The best delays are, of course, the system electrical. They do this way. There is an ordinary filament lamp on 2.5 or 3.5 volts. The is being assaulted by wires. The lamp container is crashed. It's about the best thing to do is not damage the spiral. The latter constitutes a mixture that includes nitrocellulose glue and a sparkling substance. The lamp is reinforced in a paper cartridge, which is also filled with explosives. The latter is sealed with a dust, and then fits inside the detonator. There is another way. A hole is made in the lamp cylinder with the help of a man. Through it, explosives are pouredinside. The hole is then sealed with glue. This method is good because the probability of damage to the spiral is lower. As an incendiary composition, you can use aluminium gunpowder or bertolet salt. If there is no incandescent bulb, you can apply an ordinary nomerom wire. The main thing is that it is thin enough.
I told you the lamp should be soldered with wires. The only question is what wires. Of course, we are talking about wires on which the electric current moves. The latter warms up the lamp arc, which leads to detonation. Explosion, however, should occur not when, but at a particular time. I'll tell you about how to do it now.
A radio-controlled bomb. This thing is done like this. First, we'll need a radio-controlled model on an electric motor. Keep in mind: this last one has to be powerful enough. As for the transmitter, it should have a long range. At least 20 meters! The model will have to be disassembled, and the electronic scheme will take out. The wires leading from the power battery to the engine are then disconnected. They are attached to an incandescent lamp or an nichrome wire. It's done! Remote control is done by remote control. You just need to move to a safe distance, and then press the appropriate buttons or levers. At the same moment, the electric current will warm up the spiral, which will lead to detonation. This kind of bomb is good, but there are drawbacks. The range of such a thing is small. Maximum – 100 meters. It is possible to make a more reliable bomb, controlled from a distance. To do this, you need to take an ordinary mobile phone. This latter is ruthlessly investigated. The speaker should be turned off. The wires leading to it must be soldered to an electric arc. The last, as you remember, is a spiral incandescent lamp or an nichrome wire. The bomb's ready! It is possible to undermine this from anywhere in the world. All you need to do is call the phone you're used. As soon as the last bell rings, the electric arc will immediately split. This will detonate.
You can also make a system that responds to movement. To do this, we'll need a motion sensor. Such that from the recorded vibrations immediately begins to make terrible sounds. Such sensors are sold in large quantities. It's not hard to find them. So: the wires leading to the dynamics need to be disconnected. We throw the speaker away. It's no longer useful. Disconnected wires must be soldered to an electric arc. The one you made of a lamp or a wire. That's it: the system is ready. Now, as soon as the sensor detects the movement, the electric current will heat the arc. As a result, the bomb detonates. Similarly, you can apply a sound vibration sensor.
Let's talk about the clock system now. She has become more accustomed to the mass consciousness. As soon as it comes to bombs, the everyman immediately imagines a ticking clock. Now about manufacturing. If we want to assemble this mechanism, we will need an electric alarm clock. It is desirable that a melody, rather than short beeps, be used as a signal of the latter. The case of the watch should be carefully disassembled. The wires leading to the speaker are detached. Thespeaker itself is taken away. Then you need to solder these wires to the electric arc. The one we talked about. Let's say now a few words about activation of this device. To begin with, you will need to set the exact time on the clock. Then you should turn on the alarm mode. After that, you need to set the right time to trigger the alarm. Only then does the electric arc connect. Finally, the electric arc is placed in the detonator. The latter is placed inside the bomb. The system is ready. As soon as the time comes – the alarm will work. The electric arc will heat up, leading to detonation.
Let's talk about incendiary mixtures now. Bombs are, of course, very, very nice, but there are other means of political activity. These include a substance called termite. This composition was actively used by Nazi saboteurs in the United States. It tends to burn at very high temperatures. It'sflames cannot be extinguished by water. With termite, you can easily burn an entire plant. That's why this wonderful substance is so popular with saboteurs. Termite is made in a variety of ways. The first recipe for it'spreparation is this. It is necessary to mix with each other 25% aluminium powder and 75% of iron oxide. The only big question is how to make the last one. It is very simple. You only need to take 50 grams of calcified soda and 100 grams of iron vitriol. These reagents are mixed together. Then they should be put in a frying pan and subjected to heavy heating. After a while, the mixture will become blue. Then it will become purple, and then black. After 15 minutes, it will become dark red. After that, it is necessary to heat this substance for 20 minutes. If you need to cook iron oxide in large quantities, then do it in small portions. Otherwise, the substance will not warm up properly. The resulting red powder can be used as iron oxide. In short, to improve the quality of termite can be used to manipulate. To do this, mix the known powder with 0.5 liters of water. This liquid should be kept at rest for 24 hours. Then the water is drained, and the lower sediment is dried in a frying pan when heated. Then remove the iron scale. This last one needs to be powdered. Then it is necessary to mix 1 part of the iron scale with 3 parts of the available red powder. You will have a good iron oxide, good for termite. I must note that this substance itself does not flare up. To set fire to termite requires a plastic tube filled with aluminium gunpowder. This line-up is good for everyone. One has a drawback: burns very quickly. That's why I'm going to talk about another termite. One that burns longer. To prepare it you only need to replace aluminium powder with aluminium powder. It is very easy to make the latter. A piece of aluminium is clamped in a gripe, and then sharpened with a large file. The termite based on aluminium powder burns well. But there is one problem. The fact is that you can not set fire to such a substance with aluminium gunpowder alone. We're going to have to make a special product. This requires a piece of aluminium foil. It is 8-10 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters long. From this piece should be made casing. This last is stuffed with termite made on the basis of aluminium powder. After that, they take a firepipe filled with aluminium gunpowder. This last one is placed inside the casing. The ignition goes like this. First, the aluminium gunpowder erupts. From it lights up stuffed in a casing termite. This causes the termite mixture to ignite based on aluminium powder. You can still cook phosphate termite. This requires pure superphosphate and aluminium powder. Superphosphate should be interpreted to powder, and then mixed with aluminium powder. The proportions should be taken by 75% of superphosphate and 25% aluminium powder. This mixture is easily ignited by an incendiary tube filled with aluminium gunpowder. I have to say a little bit about the use of termite. This substance should be stuffed into a plastic jar and properly pressed with a jack. You can't do it with an incendiary tube. Such a design will work only with the help of a detonator. Several such projectiles will be needed to destroy the military plant. And from termiteproduce «incendiary pencils». The latter, as I said, were used by German saboteurs in America. It is made such a thing very simply. An ordinary plastic tube is filled with termite. At one end of the latter install another tube. Same, but smaller. This second one is filled with aluminium gunpowder. Everything: the projectile is ready. Apply it as follows. First, the aluminium gunpowder stuffed into a small tube is lit, and then the whole device is discreetly placed among combustible materials. The fire will be secured!
Termite is a very useful thing. Use more often! Now many people want to exclaim: «You told about bombs and termite, but forgot about the most important things!». It's a big deal. We need to get to the right place! Now I'm going to tell you about the Molotov cocktail beloved by the revolutionaries! This wonderful mixture is the main weapon of a street fighter. There are a huge number of varieties of this tool. I'll give only the most running. But first, let's name the ingredients required for cooking. First of all, it is, of course, gasoline. You can use gasoline brand A-76, as well as aviation. In addition, acetone, turpentine, kerosene, tar, fuel oil and vegetable oil are needed. The first composition is very simple: gasoline should be mixed with turpentine in equal proportions. For the second should mix the turpentine with acetone in equal quantities. For the third it is needed to drain together 2 parts of gasoline, 1 part of kerosene and 1 part of the turpentine. The fourth composition is made like this. You need to take 1 part of oil, 4 parts gasoline and 1 part of the turpentine. It's all stirred. Itis somewhat more difficult to prepare the fifth line-up. To do this, you need to take 1 part of the tar, 3 parts of turpentine and 5 parts of gasoline. Instead of a tar, it is permissible to use fuel oil. It is necessary to prepare this substance in this way. Initially, the turpentine is mixed with gasoline. Then add small pieces of tar. Replace the latter is allowed with fuel oil. The mixture is heated almost to a boil and then stirred. As a result of such manipulations, the tarison is made liquid. Then the substance is cooled down. Then the mixture is poured into bottles. If you need a more viscous remedy, the amount of tar can increase. Now a few words about the use of the Molotov cocktail. The resulting liquid you fill ordinary liter bottles. These latter must be glass. Plastic – not suitable. The wick is usually made as follows. A linen or cotton cloth is taken. It is wetting with gasoline and then strengthened in the bottle throat. It is necessary that the fabric tightly plugs the bottle. Otherwise, petrol fumes will light up ahead of time. If you value yoursafety, you can do otherwise. The bottle itself closes tightly. At the same time, the wick is fastened from the outside. In short, for such a system it is better to take more than one wick. On the outside of the bottle, secure two at once. It's going to be more reliable! And a few more words about the application. To fight the vehicles Molotov cocktail – the very thing! From it tanks burn like matches! Cars are powerless to do so. Thick sluric is not enough that is able to burn the body! It also flowsinwards, damaging the engine. That's why it's ruin ousontousion for motor vehicles is huge! With this means it is not difficult to commit arson. To do this, you only need to run the bottle into a cluster of flammable materials. Thrown into the window of a room Molotov cocktail is able to deliver huge losses. And if your target is a crowd of people, someone will certainly burn alive!
But the Molotov cocktail is not serious. Okay, a toy for anarchists. We're tough men! We need napalm! How many guerrillas were killed by this substance! It's okay: now we will answer the enemy with his own means. Modern napalm has three main components: thickener, solvent and dilutor. Polystyrene is commonly used as a thickener. It is a soft plastic that has the properties to burn and melt. Toluene or dichloretan will be used as a solvent. In short, it is possible and easier. Take any burning plastic and anysolvent that can dissolve it. Let's get to the point! Write down the recipes! The first way to make napalm is this. You want to take a jar with an airtight lid. In this vessel we pour solvent. Then you need to get finely chopped pieces of polystyrene. These latter sink into the solvent. Now the bank should be closed. It’s contents are left alone for 12 hours. At the end of the given period, the bank is uncorked again and the substance is mixed. Must be a thick mass. It often happens that polystyrene is all dissolved, and the substation is still liquid. In such cases, more plastics must be sought. The mixture is then retained for 12 hours. Then we'll certainly succeed! A thick mass must be shifted with gasoline in equal numbers. Napalm is ready! But there is another recipe for napalm. He is considered the most simple. Take a hermetic shell. We're putting acetone in there first, and then we re throwing Styrofoam. It takes last incredibly much! You should put it on and foam foam! Pending the complete takeover of acetone! Only when a viscous mass is formed, it can be stopped! The mass is mixed with gasoline in equal quantities. But there is a third attack on the numeric receptor. We need to take four parts of diesel fuel, one part of the gudron and one part of the gasoline. Diesel fuel is transfused into the pot. Then it is subjected to heating. The heated liquid is tossed by Hudson bits. After that, the castrated contents stir. Thermal exposure is terminated. The substantially obliged to be a bit of a fit. Another warm mass add gas. The substance is intensified. After a while, a thick mass is formed. That's gonna be napalm. The last known number of things is hard to lit. But it is incredibly difficult to repay! Let's just say a few words about the use of napalm. Here he is fully seized of a Molotov cocktail. It's spilt on the incendiary bottles. The last one throws a hostile. The temperature of the napalm's combustion is very large. More than 1000 degrees Celsius. To pay a fire caused by his fire is very difficult. Also, the substance has the properties of limping to different surfaces. Word, beautiful weapon!
Now let's talk about pies. It's even better than napalm! Napalm is hard, pyrogel – impossible! The same is constructed in this way. You'll need to take napalm. He's the foundation for pierogel. Then we need to make a metallized mix. To do this, one part of aluminium powder and three parts of the caliber selitra should be shifted. Aluminium powder can be replaced by magneyev powder. Then it takes a little bit to heat up the napalm. Then the latter add a metallized mix. The proportions of mixing may vary. After a while, the substance has cooled cooled. It's gonna be a piglet. Please note: pirogel can relax! Nothing! It's on battle qualities not reflected! This applies to the incendiary bottles. Like napalm or Molotov cocktail.
«Prometheus» liquid. This substance inflicts horrific wounds on the enemy. The burns caused by it are difficult to heal. With this means, it is easy to cripple the enemy beyond recognition. Write down the recipe! First, you need to take the turpentine. Then «Ferezol» is acquired. It is a thick dark liquid. It'ssmell is just terrible! It consists of 60% phenol and 40% tricresolol. Now you should mix the turpentine with the «Ferezol». The proportions must be taken as follows: 5 parts of the turpentine and 1 part of «Ferezol». «Prometheus» is used in the same way as napalm. That is in incendiary bottles. But it's better to throw live people. Against infrastructure «Prometheus» is ineffective. But he can leave a man deep disabled!
Let's talk about smoke checkers now. This projectile is made this way. It is necessary to take equal amounts of sugar and potassium nitrate. These ingredients should be dried, crushed into powder, then stirred. The released composition is put in a tin. It is joined by a wick. That's it, the shell is ready! Such a thing can easily smoke a whole block! A word about the application. The range of use of these tools is incredibly wide. Thrown into the crowd of people smoke will cause mass panic and stampede. Maybe someone's going to die. You can simulate a fire on a certain object. And here's what it's doing. Let's say you simulate a fire in an explosives warehouse. Naturally, the workers are hastily evacuated. Well, while they are evacuated, the terrorists climb inside and steal explosives. Good for such diversions ventilation systems. Abandoned smoke can cause serious panic. In addition, with the help of checkers can spoil the mass gathering, distract the police, create a smokescreen.
Fiery fugues. These funds are made in this way. The capacity is roomy. It is filled with Molotov cocktail, napalm, pie or «Prometheus» liquid. After it is tightly clogged with a lid. A shrapnel mine is fixed on the outside of this container. The calculation is necessary: for 5 liters of incendiary mixture is taken 200-250 grams of sugar ammonium. There is another recipe for fugas. If you're sorry to translate a Molotov cocktail, do so. Make a large shrapnel mine. Now take a metal cylinder filled with flammable gas. It's going to be good for propane or butane. Fix the shrapnel mine on the valve. That's it, the shell is ready! Thescary thing is a fiery fugas. It easily burns entire villages! At the same time with their residents. And yet to the ground! In short, pay attention to high-explosive charges.
So we're done with explosives and drugs.
Now let's talk about poisons.
So, sulema. You can make it like this. First, take two grams of mercury. This very mercury is poured into a small porcelain cup. Then we add five milliliters of concentrated sulphuric acid. Now take a large ceramic bowl and fill it with sand. You have to put this vessel on the electric tile. Then you take your porcelain cup with mercury and acid. Put the cup on the sand. Then turn on the electric tile and wait for all the mercury to dissolve in the acid. If dissolved, add more mercury. Remember that the acid during this process should not boil and smoke. When mercury in acid no longer dissolves, the electric tile should be turned off. Remnants of metallic mercury are removed from the hot solution. If white crystalline sediment begins to fall out, then a little hot water should be added to the acid. The time for precipitation has not yet come. It's going to have to fall out a little later. At this stage, the solution is put in the refrigerator for speedy cooling. After a while, the solution will fall the same crystalline sediment. When this happens, the liquid will need to be drained, and the sediment will be collected and dried through heating. Now it is necessary to mix the resulting white crystals with ordinary neucoded table salt, crushed to the state of powder. Remember that crystals should be twice as much as salt. The resulting mixture should be poured into the cup, and the cup itself put in the same bowl filled with sand. On top of the cup is covered with a saucer. The cracks between the cup and this saucer should be smeared with clay. In the saucer itself should put crushed ice in the texts with table salt. All this structure is put on an electric tile. The electric tile turns on and the structure heats up. Now the sulema will be chased and settled on the inside of the saucer in the form of transparent crystals. It should be noted that the heating here should be very, very serious, and the ice should be regularly reported, as the old will certainly melt. The whole operation lasts about thirty minutes. As these half-hour will pass – it will be necessary to remove the cup with heating. The electric tile, ofcourse, should be turned off. Now you should wait for the cup to cool to room temperature. And as it cools down, – you can safely tear off the saucer from it and scrape the crystals of precious sulema from it’s bottom. And yes, I forgot to say, – the production of sulema can only be done outdoors. Her steam is incredibly toxic!