Текст книги "A Call for armed insurrection (СИ)"
Автор книги: Марат Нигматулин
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Now that I have described the methods of surveillance to you, I must say about police provocateurs. Provocateurs will be darkness. I promise you that. Bewareof spikes you always have to. There are ways to deal with these freaks, however,and they are quite effective. The most important element of protection in this regard is the very structure of the organization. If you are very afraid of spikes, you can break your entire society into squads of five people. If you are already little, you can makedetachments and three people. Each unit has a commander. Only squad commanders interact with each other. At the same time, ordinary members of the cells can only keep in touch with members of their group, and the composition of others have no idea. This conspiracy system is very good for protection against spikes. It should also be remembered that the less ordinary members of your society know about each other, the better for conspiracy. At general events, contact your comrades in operational aliases, not by real names. Loud nicknames, like «The Eagle», «The Humpback», «The Former», – invented not for the sake of pathos. They were invented in order that in case of what sent spike did not recognize the names of the people in the organization. Operational aliases should change regularly. Not every day, of course, although once a month will suffice. Call sign – it is, however, not all. You should remember that ordinary members of society should ideally not know anything about each other except pseudonyms. But this applies only to ordinary members. People who lead the organization are obliged to know everything about their subordinates. But more on that later. Now I'll try to explain how following my advice can help you. Imagine that a spy came to you. First, he will see that he is not open to the whole organization, but only one squad of five or even three people. Secondly, the members of this group are known to him only by pseudonyms. All this significantly limits the detective in his actions.
We, however, need to make sure that the spy did not get into the organization at all. It is not difficult to do it, and especially in modern conditions. To do this, you just need to follow one simple rule: how to check the people applying to join the organization. I will describe the methods of such verification to you further. Let's illustrate by example. A young man comes to your organization. He says he wants to be a terrorist communist. You ask him for a biography: from what city, from what district, in what family he grew up, in what school he studied, in what university, and so on. And then we start checking. First, we will turn to the administration of our comrade's hometown. Let's clarify whether such a person has ever lived in their city or not. Since the administration can cooperate with the FSB, it is also necessary to appeal to ordinary citizens. To the residents of the area and the yard where our candidate lived. Let's clarify whether there was such a guy in their area or not. At the end of the day, you need to arrange a mapping check to want to be a terrorist. The mapping check is that a person should draw a memory map of his area. If he really lived there for twenty years, he'll make it easy. If not, he is unlikely to succeed. At the same time, you can't warn about the check in advance. It has to be sudden. You should also ask all sorts of tricky questions, such as: «Three blocks from your home on the street Big Volokitnaya is a stationery store. It is located on the ground floor of an apartment building. Tell me, what place was on the site of this store five years ago?». The district guard will answer such a question easier than easy, but the sent Cossack from the FSB, to whom the «legend» wrote operatives – will be at a loss. You ask: «How do we know what happened on the stationerystore five or ten years ago?». The answer is simple: all the necessary information you can get from the city administration for a small fee. And it's perfectly legal. If you want to ask the subject about factories, factories and land, then all the information you need about them can be obtained through cadastral maps. You can also find them freely. In the second place it is necessary to apply to the school where our friend studied. First, ask your candidate to talk about his home school, teachers, and comrades. And then start checking it all down with reality. All the necessary information you can find in the Internet archives, in the cache «Yandex» and «Google». Remember: nothing disappears without a trace on the Internet. As in the universe in general. Everything leaves it's mark, and therefore even if any page was removed ten years ago, you will still be able to find it. If you look properly. You can ask a potential terrorist this question: «Now we will show you a picture. This picture ten years ago was an avatar of your friend and classmate. Give him his name.». Then show him the picture. You can also strike up correspondence with his teachers and former classmates. Find out from them what kind of person he was. Well, ask the candidate himself what his class leader's name was in first grade. These things are usually not forgotten. In addition, a summary and recommendations can be required of those wishing to be a terrorist. «What's the resume a terrorist should have?» you ask. Although you will never find the ideal, it should be something like this: «In the first illegal rally participated at the age of twelve. He has published his articles in left-wing publications since the age of fourteen. He was fond of pyrotechnics. When he was fifteen, he lost his finger while testing a homemade bomb. At the age of seventeen he joined the «Other Russia» party, from where he was expelled for radicalism.». That's what a good resume should look like. All it's points, of course, the candidate must be documented. And then you have to double-check it all. Recommendations are even easier. One of our candidate's acquaintances must confirm that you are a true communist fanatic. You then have to check it yourself. And one more thing: when you check any information or get information, for God's sake don't say that you're from a secret communist sect. Say that you are from a large Canadian firm that needs this information to do business in Russia. Then you certainly won't be denied.
There are still some methods of dealing with police snoopers. First of all, it is the so-called «kindergarten». I'm going to explain what it is. When a person has already passed the selection, we take him to the organization. But not toimmediately send to sabotage. Instead, we send him to kindergarten. This is the name of a special organizational department, where new terrorists are held. Those who are there are not involved in any practical activity. Instead, they should devote all their free time to studying Marxist theory, as well as all kinds of physical and mental exercises. Class shouldn't be just a lot, but a lot. In doing so, you must be sure that your ward has learned and all the necessary skills. To verify the knowledge of the Marxist theory, examination examples are provided with the oral response. In addition to this, the preparations shall be able to write as often as possible autonomy theoretical work. Physical training is verified through the delivery of appropriate physicultural norms. This is particularly true for the norms of running. Psychic training is being checked during the so – called «marathons», which I have already mentioned earlier. Remember, this is all very important, and because it's not possible to be halibut.
Now some will start to wonder how all this can help in the fight against the syps. The answer is very simple: no matter how naive it may sound, but a police provocateur under the influence of theoretical studies may well realize that the revolutionaries are in fact right. A police provocateur can really understand that Marxism is a true teaching. And, of course, he can stop being a spy and be a sincere revolutionary. Don't laugh: this often happened in the history of revolutionary movements. But in order for such a miraculous reincarnation to happen, theoretical classes are needed, and very serious and regular ones are needed. Therefore, do not rush to transfer people from our terrorist «kindergarten» to the main asset of the organization. Recruits need to be strengthened not only physically and mentally, but primarily theoretically. And if you do everything right, the police will never be able to introduce the spiky in the organization.
This, however, is not enough for the success of the revolution. We not only have to protect ourselves from police spies, but also to introduce our own scouts into the state security agencies. Fortunately, doing so is extremely simple. Some of our people think that the security services cannot be deceived. They think it's impossible to send your agents there. These stupid thoughts are imposed on you by bourgeois propaganda. Drive them away from yourself. In fact, the security services are extremely vulnerable in this regard. Now I will tell you how to send my agent at least to the police, at least to the FSB, at least to some other law enforcement agency. First, you need to find some good high school student, ready to even die to help the revolution. Then we persuade this high school student to enter the Academy of the FSB. He goes there, studies there, and then this educational institution finishes and gets a job in the FSB. Of course, from the first day of his work in the specialty, this young man is accepted to pass on to terrorists all the secret information, which will only be able to reach. Well, at the same time still in every way to harm the servants of the law. It is possible to introduce agents in this way not only in the FSB, of course, but also in almost all law enforcement agencies. This method of introducing spies has the advantage that sent agents are almost never detected. There is, however, also one big fat minus. It could easily take five or six years to get on this whole thing. In short, the resultlives up to years of waiting. If you have not yet grown to the FSB, then try to do all this with the police! Believe me, it's so much easier! The fact is that the police of almost any capitalist country are always exhausted from the lack of personnel. That is why everyone is taken there, not caring about the qualityof personnel. That's why it's easy to send your agent to the police.
If you managed to introduce your agent into the appropriate structures, now you have to solve an important question: how will it harm people? This is very important! Such things should not be neglected: sent spy simply has to spoil law enforcement life. To do this, he needs to deceive the enemy. To be honest, there's nothing hard here. The best way to complicate the life of the whole team is to weave intrigues. It's easy to intrigue. First, our agent should make friends with all his colleagues. That's the only way they're going to trust him. And then you can start fighting them. As Mavrodi used to say, be honest, and people will reach out to you. And then you can steal them! Now, actually, about how exactly to quarrel. It's pretty simple. You have, for example, at work Major Kozlov and Captain Baranov. Here Major Kozlov should in a confidential private as if a friendly conversation to tell that Baranov hates him. Baranov, respectively, to tell about how much Kozlov hates him. The main thing here is the authenticity of the story. You have to be believable in your deceitfulness. Now about misinformation. It's not for you to stop tank wedges. It's even easier: you report incorrect, but believable information, and it's done! In addition, you can arrange in the workplace every different sabotage. In short, I will talk about sabotage methods later, and now we will talk about things no less significant.
But it's not enough to send your own agents to the police. You still need to be able to recruit friends among the police.
Many people think that it is impossible, and if possible, it is very dangerous. In reality, of course, everything is not so. The cops are people, too. Ordinary people, many of whom suffer under the rule of capital. That is why it is not difficult to recruit a policeman. The main thing here is to do everything right, scientifically. First of all, we need to choose the person we will recruit. This case must be taken seriously. The fact is that it is at this stage most often and fail. Our comrades from Tver once wanted to find an agent in the ranks of the police. They found the man, started recruiting him. And then it turned out that this man is a member of «United Russia», a fanatical supporter of Putin. This mistake could have destroyed all their organization! That is why the choice of a candidate should be approached with all care. And remember: a potential agent must have a whole set of veryspecific qualities. First of all, I will say that he needs to be poor, to have significant problems with money. This is the first and most important condition. Secondly, the candidate must be an outsider in the police team. He needs to be stapered and clogged with his colleagues. Other police officers should despise him and abuse him. The personality qualities of a potential agent must also be specific. We need a man devoid of the notion of «high morality». Such for whom the concepts of «good name» and «honor of the uniform» do not matter. And if this person also suffers from some kind of drug addiction (alcohol, for example), then it is not at all wonderful! Many of those in the room do not believe that they will be able to find a candidate suitable for my description. Calm down: these types are full of police. I'll give you an example of the perfect agent. We managed to find him in a Moscow police station. It was a middle-aged man. He was in his forties, but he looked like he was in his sixties. This man lived in incredible poverty, in a small squalid apartment, where there was almost no furniture. Only the bed was there, and even a nightstand. As it turned out, he owed several million rubles to different banks. Of course, he didn't have a family. Colleagues despised him, constantly mocked him and arranged all sorts of cruel pranks on him. On top of that, this unfortunate was a chronic alcoholic. Every day he drank a bottle of cognac. At the same time I must note that this man was very, very kind. No jokes: he sobbed over criminal cases, sincerely pitied those who were taken to the «monkey». We easily managed to recruit him to our organization. As a consequence, he has done a lot for us. This old man was sabotaging and wrecking in the workplace, destroying some documents, passing us useful information. It's a pity he died of a heart attack a year ago. He was a good man...
We will not, however, indulge in sentimentality. I'll tell you better about how police agents are recruited. At first, as I said, a person suitable for our activities is chosen. Then it is taken «into development». This means that the potential candidate is being studied. How he spends his leisure time, what is he is fascinated by, what are his political views and so on. All these issues are studied in great detail. Let's say our subject is interested in fishing and often go to the local fishing shop. Then we find some understanding in fishing comrade and send him to recruit. This comrade goes to the same fishing shop, and meets our policeman. The acquaintance shouldtake place as if by accident. We met two men in the store, talked, realized that they have a lot in common, and became friends. At this stage, everything should be quiet and peaceful. No revolution, only fishing. Gradually, our agent rubs into the trust of the policeman. It's not hard to get into trust. You just have to be able to listen to the other person and constantly agree. People want to be heard and understood. Drunk policeman can carry any nonsense, but our agent must listen carefully to him and agree with everything. If the subject is anti-Semite, then our agent must pretend to be an anti-Semite. If a potential candidate is racist, well, our comrade will have to play the role of a racist. As a result of all this, the recruiter very quickly becomes the closest friend of the policeman. And then (usually three months later) he proposes to him. Business, of course. Usually this proposal is not connected with the revolution again. They put it on like this. Our agent is having a friendly conversation with a potential candidate. Preferably somewhere in a quiet place: outdoors or in a quiet beer bar. The agent himself begins to talk about the financial difficulties that befell him. After that, the policeman usually opens up and says that he is not okay with it. Then our recruiter says he knows a good way to earn money. The way this is to sell police information to «one commercial structure». If the subject does not agree the first time, you can try again in two or three weeks. The main thing here is to promise big money. When the honest guardian of the law still agrees, it is possible to bring it to a higher level. Depicting the best friend recruiter introduces our police man with a certain «agent of a commercial structure». In fact, of course, it is not an «agent of a commercial structure». This is the most ordinary revolutionary who portrays such an agent. Then the policeman agrees with our agent about cooperation. We pay the internal affairs officer money, and he gives us official information. At the same time it is desirable to tell him that we are representatives of some firm, not revolutionaries. Commercial organizations sell service materials more willingly than non-profit organizations. Now that the policeman is recruited, you can check him. She's usually like that. First, choose one of our comrades, whose voice is not familiar to the recruited policeman. As a last resort, you can use a special computer program like a voice simulator. However, there are a lot of ways to distort your own voice. The easiest way is to put a small object in your mouth. You can take a ballpoint pen in your teeth, stuff with buttons or coins. The second way is to clamp your nose. There's nothing hard about it: you just have to pinch your nose with a pin. If you are so poor that you do not even have clothespins, then squeeze your hand. The third method is related to the handkerchief. It is very simple: you only need to attach a handkerchief to your lips and broadcast through it. You can also try to develop a specific accent. To work out this will require listening to a speech with an accent of interest to you, and then trying to reproduce it yourself. This will require some effort, but the result will exceed all your expectations. Let's return, however, to our sheep, or rather to the pigs. We call our police agent from a cell phone number he doesn't know. He picks up the phone and hears a calm but firm voice uttering the most terrible words in the world: «Hello, this is your call from the FSB...». Then we tell the recruited policeman that we know everything about him and that we will put him in prison. Unless he tells the whole truth, of course. Then it all depends on the circumstances. If our recruit bravely hangs up, he's good. If he starts to and say that he will tell everything, then trust him is not much worth it. Shortly after the check, you need to tell your agent that it was just a check. It's going to be a man who's going to be nervous. Keep in mind that even if a person has not passed the test, it is still possible to use it. The main thing here is not to give him any secrets. It is desirable to communicate with your agent through a system of caches and general conspiratorial communication. That's what I'm going to talk about right now.
The link is for the guerrillas. The point is, there's no connection. No, of course, a group of three people can do without connection. But here's a huge terrorist cult with it's branches in hundreds of Russian cities, without a good contact to live. That is why I say that the more the organization is more important to her the sacred question. I don't want to waste this subject too long, but I ll cut to the point.
Don't use your cell phone! Only idiots and liberals use it for party needs. The cellular link is completely transparent for the government services. Completely! Moreover, the government can be deaf. All of this applies also to wired telephone telephony. So, I don't know, do you know if there are any more idiots who are ready to discuss party secrets on the phone? I hope there's none among you. We don't need phones! No cell phone, no stationary. Ifyou're really sick of talking mobile, you ll remember the satellite phones. They cost a rabid money, but their possessor will look very glamorous. Like James Bond! If you do not have money for such things, then instead I advise to use radio communication. First of all, these are, of course, portable radios such as «Walkie Talkie». You're going to need these things. They are absolutely indispensable during complex military operations. Here, for example, you are going to attack the military unit. You have three guerrilla groups. One group comes from the north, the other – from the south, the third – from the west. Ifthe commanders of these units have radios, you can easily synchronize their actions. That is to make them a one-time. At once you break into the enemy's territory, with the same speed will move on it and so on. Radios are simply necessary during such actions. These small devices, however, cannot solve all our problems. Portable radios are very good because they are portable, that is portable. They can be carried in your pocket without any problems. That's a plus, but there are downsides. Such devices are too low-power. If your interlocutor is at the other end of the block, the radios are just the perfect way to communicate. Ifyour comrade is overseas, it changes the matter.
That's why you'll need a short-wave radio station! The most useful thing in the farm, I'll tell you. Of course, some may argue that, they say, this technique is hopelessly outdated, that now is the time of high technology and computer networks and the like. But only fools who don't understand anything can say that. Paradoxically, the short-wave radio station is much better than computer networks. First, it's easier to operate. Here, for example, you need to organize a connection with comrades from another city. It's all elementary! You need two short-wave radio stations: one for you, one for your comrades. And we're going to need two more radios. Such that they can receive messages on short waves. You should have one such receiver and the other must have friends. In this case, of course, you should have access to electricity. Your colleagues, too. But since electrification is now almost everywhere, the question is unlikely to become the question. And that's it! You don't need anything else! Very simple,you will agree! And no complicated computer networks! It was «first». Secondly, the short-wave radio station provides anonymity better than the most modern computer programs. It is almost impossible to trace it's location.
Radio stations, however, are a technique, and technology has a tendency to break down. Moreover, the government can ban short-wave radio stations at any time. That's why you have to remember about guerrilla mail. Iwill say at once that the guerrilla mail is not much different from the most ordinary. However, she also has some features that I will now explain.
So, the first and main method of guerrilla mail is a system of fake addresses. Now I'll explain to you by example that this is. Let's say you want to send a letter to your comrades in New York. But we're not sending our message to New York, but to someabandoned farm in Appalachia. The courier or postman takes your message to the designated farm and puts it in the mailbox there. Then your American friends come to the farm and take out from the box all the mail addressed tothem. Including your letter. Very simple, as you can see, nothing complicated. This method is very good for international communication. But if you need to send a letter to the other end of Moscow, it is better to use the cache.
Sending written messages and small items through a cache is a classic ofespionage. It's very simple. Chooses a secluded place, hidden from prying eyes. Usually it is a distant part of some large forest park, a vast wasteland or a forest strip. Then a small hole is dug under a bush or tree. An airtight bottle or jar falls into this pit. All this on top a little sprinkled with earth, covered with branches and leaves. That's it, the stash is ready. Then everything is elementary. You and your comrades from South Butovo, for example, know about the cache. If you need to send a message to your colleagues, just put the letter in your secret inbox. Then the recipients will find it at the time of checking the mail. As you can see, it's not complicated.