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A Call for armed insurrection (СИ)
  • Текст добавлен: 18 апреля 2020, 07:30

Текст книги "A Call for armed insurrection (СИ)"

Автор книги: Марат Нигматулин




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Текущая страница: 12 (всего у книги 23 страниц)


Our lecture is coming to an end. That's why I think it's necessary to tell you about one more thing. Everyone asks me about it all the time, but there is not always an opportunity to answer. Of course, we are talking about fingerprints. Although no, our young terrorists want to learn not so much about the prints themselves, but about how not to leave. Well, the easiest way,of course, is to wear gloves. Preferably leather, but you can also rubber. Indeed: if you walk down the street in leather gloves, then few people will pay attention, and if you will be gloves made of rubber, you are provided with oblique glances. It happens, however, that even leather gloves are dangerous to wear. If the heat is forty degrees outside, the person in these will look suspicious. I'm not saying that the money for such accessories may simply not be. If so, use another way. It's just to take the glue of the pv and how to deceive their palms. After a while, glue dries up, and the arms form a protective film. This tape will prevent the abandonment of the prints. If you don't trust the glue of the pv, you can use it instead of some particularly powerful construction glue. It can also be covered in it's palms of oil paint used in construction. There is another extreme method. We just need to put your hands in concentrated sulfuric acid. It hurts, of course, but I can only take a few minutes. Fingerprints after this procedure will disappear for long... Besides this, there are special cremes and liquid for hands capable of performing the same functions as glue. It's certainly a manufacturing product. To get them, however, not so easy, and to limit the extension of the government can.


That's actually, that’s all for today. Next time I'll tell you about the practice of the guerrilla struggle, ammunition and weapons.


Grab, rape, kill! 


Remember once and for all: who does not shoot the rich, – he serves the rich!


So, my dear comrades! Today I can congratulate you, for now you are listening to my last lecture in this special course. Nothing else will happen. Today you will suffer, and you will be free! The lecture will soon be over. Then you'll go to some bar, getdrunk there until you squeal. And then it will be like in one song of my childhood: «I crawled on the floor among empty bottles...». In short, all this will be a little later. Now I ask everyone to throw out cigars, put away glasses of rum and remove other pleasant, but not useful for health substances. Only then will I start... 


Well, I see it's all cleaned up. You can get down to business. 


After recent lectures, all sorts of different listeners approached me. They conveyed to me their requests, comments and even reproaches, which I felt should be taken into account. Very often I was told this. Like, you tell us about agitation, about safe houses, about weapons, and in general about many interesting things. But here's one problem: it all costs money, and we don't have them. As a result, the main question is: where do honest guerrillas get money for the war? Since our movement really has serious problems with finances, I decided to cover this topic. So, «money, money, make money, and everything else is a slumber», as was sung in the Soviet film adaptation of «Treasure Island». First of all, you should realize that any revolutionary movement is constantly experiencing problems with the lack of money. There's nothing wrong with that. You can always get the money. I'll tell you exactly how to get them. Tobegin with, we need to recall the experience of all the guerrilla movements that preceded us. They extracted funds for the fight from three main methods. First of all, it is donations. Then there are the proceeds of all criminal and semi-legal activities. In third place is income from our own enterprises. To begin, perhaps, should be with donations. Many fools in our country say that this method is not cool and in general – real guerrillas do not use it. The shame, you see. So, don'tbelieve you're not like that. Real revolutionaries and guerrillas have always lived with what ordinary people gave them. Any rebel group always had the first budget item to sponsor. We are no exception in this regard. For us, as the British say, it is the most important source of income. They've dealt with it. Ideas further. «Who do we collect money from?» – you ask. The answer is as simple as a wood piece. Of course, you have to start with yourself. Let each of you donate your own savings to the fight. Puts them, so to speak, in the party cash register. So know that if you've inherited a rich inheritance, it's a good idea to share it with your brothers in arms. Do not forget that we are socialists and supporters of total equalization. And also fanatics. Who are the fanatics? Fanatics are people who live according to their conscience. That's what we're supposed to do! If you want to build socialism on the whole planet, first build it in the organization. It is always necessary to rigidly draw an equalline. If you decide to be a guerrilla, then be kind – give all the property to fight. If you don't want to, get out! That's right, guys! Take all your junk to the bazaar, and with the money you get, buy weapons or rent a safe house. Get rid of real estate, from parental capital, from cars and crap. All this you do not need: the presence of official property harms conspiracy, deprives mobility. And the last to lose the partisan can not. In short, here's what I'll tell you: sell all your property, and transfer the proceeds to the general cash register. Believe that if each of your friends follow my advice, the budget of your organization will grow significantly. If there is still not enough money, you will also shake the sympathizers. Collect donations from workers, peasants and revolutionary intellectuals. Keep in mind that this is about voluntary support, not extortion. We'll talk about him later. So, at first you will have to do only income from membership dues. When the organization grows up, and the guerrillain Russia will go with all it's strength, it will be possible to diversify the sources of funding. And we are talking primarily about criminal activity. Here, let's leave all the moral objections. If you're not a «renegade Kautsky», then don't make a nagging about what's moral and what's not. For us, genuine revolutionaries, there can be no moral laws. We do what we do. Well, he said it all. Let's get to the point. There is a huge variety of crimes in the world. Criminal is a perennial partner of the selfish system. He looks like a house slave or a servant in an aristocratic house. They try to notice him and despise him a little. At the same time, it is always somewhere near. What crimes do partisans prefer? The answer is quite simple: the most profitable. First of all, these are, of course, all forms of forcible withdrawal of money from the rich. This includes the robbery I adored, and robbery, and extortion. Revolutionaries have historically called such acts «expropriations». Now I will explain the meaning of this term. You know, when you rob a single mother with many children who barely makes ends meet, you commit a real crime. If you drag money from a banker who gets rich at the expense of someone else's work, you expropriation. And in general: money does not smell! Especially if they go to the world revolution. We also have a third stream of income. We are talking, of course, about our own enterprises. It can be small plants, farms, as well as all artisanal production. Remember that when we say «agriculture», it is necessary to represent not cows and pigs, but boundless plantations of coca bush or opium poppy. Yes, the drug trade! This activity particularly loves Colombian partisans. However, from comrades, other countries in South America are not behind. That's why, actually, Americans are called the localliberators are «drug guerrilleros». There is also a slave trade, but later on…


Now that I've summarized everything, you can give some practical advice. Iwill not say anything more about the contributions, because there is nothing to say. I hope that everything is clear without me. I'd rather tell you how to rob a bank. There's nothing hard about that. You can rob it in two ways: with or without a weapon. In the first case, everything is quite easy. We need to first find some seedy bank.  In short, it can be not a bank, and a pawnshop, a jewelry store or other institution, where all sorts of valuables are stored. The methodology here is not very different. So, we have to find a seedbank. Usually it is in some tiny provincial town or in the countryside. These places are not very securely guarded. That's why it's not hard to take away all the valuables from there. Next, you need to get used to your favorite place. It is advisable to do it late at night, when the shop closes, and there are few visitors. Several comrades with weapons in their hands go inside, and a few more remain outside. These doors on the other side are needed to cover their friends in the event of police arriving. Next, you simply threaten the employees of the unfortunate institution that you will kill out if you do not get money or other valuables. Terrified employees will give you all in a moment. Then you just need to leave the room and hide in an unknown direction. This whole operation should take no more than ten minutes. You can rob a bank without weapons. To do this, you just need to attach there to the work of some of our comrades. The main thing here is that our friend should have access to material goods. In the future, sent only to take advantage of the official position and to encircle the institution clean. Such a scheme, of course, also applies not to banks alone: you can bring shops, pawnshops, and other cereal places. It is also possible to do it in any way. Someone will simply dump the contents of the cash register in a plastic bag, which he will then take out. Another decides to transfer a couple of million rubles to his foreign bank account. It all depends on the situation. 


Do not think, however, that only institutions can be robbed. This is a big mistake and a clear sign of narrow outlook. If you are afraid to rob shops, then you have a direct path to the big road! That's where you can grab a really big jackpot! The ignorant and the sceptics will tell you that the time of road robbery has passed. Don't listen to these fools! They don't know what they're saying! Take a better mount, and go to the federal highway. 


The technology of robbery is quite simple. To start a place and time. To undo preferably the hour when cars are not enough. The smaller the better. Normal times are the night, slightly less early morning. As far as the area is concerned, it is desirable to select the roads that are flown through deaf and deserted areas. Best of all, of course, doing this thing on the forest tracks. For the bandits, the perfect road that flows through the deaf forest. Here you are: you go on the narrow strip of asphalt, and on both sides above you are bending the mighty trees. On such tracts, robbing people is unbelievable. If there's no taiga around, there gonna be fields and meadows, and all sorts of desert. Just to keep the people out of the neighborhood. Everything else is in particular. So, the places are fixed. We need not too much of a lively Road in the desert area. Now, how do you actually rob it? Doing it can be three ways. The first one's very refined. It is frequently used by the countries of the united Europe. That's the point of it. First, we must draw the attention of the future victim. It's not hard to do.  If you are a girl, it is enough just to change into prostitutes, and then stand on the side of the road. Very soon motorists will pay attention to you. Men are more difficult: here you need to apply ingenuity. You can stand on the side of the road with a poster. On the banner itself to write something like «Help, die!». Someone from the passers-by is sure to stop.  In addition, you can pretend to be hunters, merchants of all kinds of food and hell knows who else. When your victim stopped and got out of the car, we proceed to the second part of the plan. We need to lure the unfortunate somewhere away. It is necessary under any pretext to take a person away from the road. Like, our comrade twisted his leg, and can not stand himself: he is there, in more often... Or, they say, let's go, have sex in the woods... For this do not need a boundless taiga: enough and a slack grove. The main thing here is to make sure that no one can see what you are doing with that driver. When you take the unfortunate longer from the human eyes, you can waste beating him to death, and then rob. The second option is much less intelligent. The fact is that many drivers spend the night right in their cars. Sometimes it is caused by greed (in motels now expensive), but much more often – a simple lack of infrastructure. In short, hapless travelers park on the side of their cars, and so in them and slumber. Now, robbing them is incredibly easy. You just have to go to the car, open the door, nail the sleeping owner, and then rob him. The third way is even simpler. You block the road and wait for an unsuspecting person. When that comes, you just attack him. After neutralizing the driver follows robbery. 


In addition, you can rob houses and apartments. That's what it's doing. You have to change into the uniforms of employees of some official organization. It's a form of some kind of community service, a police uniform or something. Then you enter the victim's house. It's as simple as that. You say you have a toilet problem, and we're here to fix it. Then you go into the dwelling of the class enemy, kill the world-class, and then exproprepriate his property. 


If you think that all this is very difficult, then there is a simpler method to enrich yourself. You just have to take out a loan and then not repay it! But remember, asking for money doesn't have to be an. Official banks will not fit. Real guerrillas are only credited to underground loan sharks. If you deceive such an illegal banker, the police will not complain. And possibilities to ventrate a loan shark wherever less than a banker's license.


Now about fraud. This is the real art of the cat Basilio! Being a fraud is profitable, and it is also safe. The technology of such activity is simple. You need to find the people to whom you promise the golden mountains. When these unfortunates are deceived by false promises, we will demand money from them. Then we get their material means and run away in an unknown direction. This is the common matrix of all fraudulent actions. The rest falls on the imagination of my little guerrillas. Some prefer to engage in unfair trade. Most often, all sorts of «patented remedies for all diseases» are spreading. Sometimes not from all: well-quoted on the market drugs for weight loss, all sorts of Chinese and in general exotic drugs, as well as other mud. Well profited on this homeopaths, herbalists (these are those that treat all diseases with different herbs), «posterity sorcerers» and other charlatans. Joining this whole fraternity is easy. To do this, you only need to learn with an important kind of uttering nonsense, such as «our tea contains positive charged isotopes, very useful for your body». If you can carry such nonsense without risking laughter, you can safely start trading some Chinese berries. To be seen as clairvoyants is also a simple matter. You just have to talk streamlined and inaccurate. Like: «I see that you have a problem.». Naturally, if a man has rested on a charlatan, he has problems, and even a lot of things. It is necessary to speak inaccurately. «Your childhood was hard, but joyful. You have a complicated relationship on your own. You suffer from many diseases. Ahead of the loss of a loved one, – here they are, on duty phrases of any sorcerer. Which of us had a cloudless childhood? Who has a simple relationship with other people? Who doesn't suffer from disease? Of course, such phrases are suitable for any person. Whoever you're talking about, it's going to be true! And do not forget: you can learn a lot about a person by his appearance. You don't have to be a psychic to do that. If in front of your visitor's hand a gold watch for five thousand dollars, then this citizen is clearly rich. And if a person isreally «obsessed with a terrible disease», it is written on his face. As you can see the earthy color of the saggy face with extinct eyes, so know: the patient will stay among the living for a while. But selling (even water at the price of gold) is expensive. And to conduct charlatan practice is a difficult task. We need to fork out for the office, for the secretary, for all the necessary paraphernalia. Naturally, after all, a real healer must have at least three bearskins, and ten more wolfskins! And we need amulets, shaman iced diamonds, deer antlers, bodhisatwa fingers... In short, a lot of things! Therefore, some settled better: they do not give anything to anyone, except empty promises. Fortunately, the latter are free. A person will usually be told something is not told, will collect funds from him, and will be wet. That's how you work! In addition, there are also financial pyramids. Some fools told me that no one believes in it anymore. What a stupid thing to do! Mavrodi in practice proved that people are ready to carry money to the pyramid even if they know perfectly well what shop they give savings! This is how a similar structure works. You raise funds from ten people. Then you find twenty more idiots.  You're raising money from them, too. You let these finances go to the first ten victims. Then you find forty more not very smart citizens. You give the money collected from them to those twenty fools. On... Well, you must have understood. Famous actions will be repeated as long as there are moronswho want to support this guy. When the latter end, you just take all the money accumulated in the previous time, and run away. The investors are, of course, still left behind. Consumers, however, are often hoping that they will be a bit of a cup of time. They believe they'll be able to take their contributions. That default pyramid doesn't touch them. And because the dokola will be on the ground of greed, there will be financial pyramids.


Talk to you about the drug dealer. Especially since I'm in love with it. Nothing difficult here. First, you'll need drugs. This is the most important thing. Therefore, I must teach you to make the production of crappy – numbered. They are produced in the first place from plants. Here we must say that the hermanising herbs are great many. As you know, even a tea sheet can make a great raw material for narcotic drugs.


For a start, a few words about the hemp. This plant is very unpleasant. Cultivating marijuana is probably even in the basement, even in the closet, even in the closet. Nothing supernatural for the process is required. Only spacious pots with earth, daylight lamps and alittle free space are needed. The land needs to be taken fertile. If the soil is bad, it can be improved. To do this, you need to add a certain amount of sand and gravel to the composition of it. You can also put fertilizers what to put. You need to set up daylight bulbs. Ordinary incandescent bulbs are not suitable. Note: fluorescent lamps should work non-permanent, and about 6-12 hours a day. Cannabis should grow in a warm room.  It is desirable to have degrees 25-30 Celsius. It is necessary to water this plant every day. The leaves of the hemp are dried at room temperature. After they are crushed, diluted and sent for sale. Dilution occurs usually with ground tobacco. In short, also use dill or parsley. It is possible to make hashish from cannabis. To do this, the crushed leaves of this plant are filled with a small amount of ethanol. The result is a homogeneous mass. This last one is wrapped in a dense cloth. The exit edited a squeeze on top of a heavy object. The wrapped substance should dry under the weight. The result is a dark green tile. It's going to be hashish. The latter is highly valued on the black market and generally brings great profits. Tothose who sell it, of course. Consumers do not get anything but problems... That's all there is to it. 


Now I'm going to talk about how to grow psychogenic mushrooms. First of all, it is necessary to understand what it is – psychogenic mushrooms? Of course, first of all we are talking about psilocybin mushrooms. In short, we should not forget about the fly-tipped. These latter are unpopular in the intelligent environment, but they are very effective. Moreover, unlike psilocybin mushrooms – to grow fly-tipped is much easier. That's why I prefer fly-tipped! They are in everything superior to these fashionable psilocybin mushrooms! Now to the point. It is not difficult to grow psychogenic mushrooms. First, you'll have to get mycelium mushrooms. You can not mycelium, and disputes. Now I have to explain the meaning of theseterms. Mycelium is a fungus. The fact is that the terrestrial part of the fungus is only a tiny fraction of it. Most of the fungus is underground. It consists of long and thin threads. These latter are mycelium. Now about the controversy. Spores are the smallest particles of a fungus. With their help, organisms of this type reproduce. The same spores are located most often on the underside of the mushroom hat. Since these particles are very delicate, it is necessary to collect them in a sterile jar with an airtight lid. Now it is necessary to find a mushroom-friendly environment. They can be grown in different substances. Suitable grain, hay, dry leaves, manure, rice, bran, shavings of deciduous trees. It is best, however, to apply for these purposes solid varieties of wheat or rye. You can't use raw grains. It should be properly brewed. Take the pan. Pour in the water and pour the grains. Next, you need to boil the contents for 10-15 minutes. After that, the water merges away, and the grain itself is slightly dried. Then you can start a disembarkation. This requires a large amount of the vessel. The said post is necessarily necessary to sterilize. For this, it's gonna be a little bit of an imprint. We can use a simpler means. He's the one that s been conning alcohol. Next you put grain in the sterile. After that, you should carefullytake the mycelium fungi or it's spores. These last you'll carry to the breeding capacity. The bank must then be moved to a separate room where the rest will be left. The place must be both dark and warm. Temperature should be maintained at 20-30 degrees Celsius. Remember: the capacity must be open, because the mushrooms require oxygen. You'll have to wait a deadline for two to four weeks. After that, you can collect mushrooms. The swap needs to be carefully cut with a knife and then after it is dry at room temperature. This is necessary to expand their expansion.


A separate mention deserved myristin. Chemical formula of him – C11H1203. This wonderful substance has the qualities of a good psychedelic! This substance has a lot of advantages. The main thing of them is that it is incredibly easy to get it. Well, and among other things, the synthesis of this psychedelic is very primitive. I'll tell you about it! First, you'll need to find myristine-containing products. To get those is a spitting matter. The desired psychedelic is contained in nutmeg, dill, parsley. When the raw materials are purchased, you can get down to business. To extract myristiticin will require solvent. Acetone or ethanol will be suitable. You need to take the original products, and then properly grind them. So, nutmeg rub into powder, dill and parsley – finely chopped. Then the organic raw materials are placed in the solvent. Remember: only airtight utensils are suitable for such actions. After that, you only have to wait a while. Maybe a week. Maybe two. At the end of the specified period, you will get a solvent containing myristycin and some by-products. Further manipulations are very simple. First, you need to drain the existing liquid through gauze tissue. This is necessary in order to remove shredded trimmings of raw materials. Now it's up to the small: it is necessary to evaporate the resulting substance. To do this, the solvent is poured into the pan. Of course, the latter should be deprived of the lid. The transfusion of liquid in heat-resistant dishes should be heated. The temperature should not be too high. Otherwise, the solvent will simply flare up. Next, all you have to do is track the evaporation of the solvent. When 90% of the liquid boils, the heating needs to stop. The fact is that if you continue the temperature impact and continue, you can inadvertently burn the drug. And this can not be allowed! Therefore, as soon as 90% of the liquid has boiled, so immediately heat and stop! The remaining solvent should evaporate at room temperature. To do this, you just need to leave a pan with liquid in a well-ventilated room. After a while, the foreign substance will disappear. At the bottom of the pan will remain only pure myriads! The perfect drug! Of course, the synthesis described above is universal. This method is easy to extract drugs from many plants. So, if you put in a solvent nutmeg or dill, you get myristicin. But let's say you need to get caffeine. It's incredibly easy! You'll need to get coffee beans and tea leaves. It is good that in the times of the world does not feel the need for these products. Coffee beans should be crushed to the state of powder. That is to grind. Yes, we need ground coffee beans. Tea leaves also need to be rubbed into powder. Further manipulations are known to you. The powdered ingredients are soaked in a solvent. The latter is then evaporated. There is still pure caffeine. I'll tell you what. Pure cocaine can also be synthesized with the solvent. One problem: such an event would require a sheet of coca bush. At the same time, there should be a lot of raw materials. It is possible to use the described method also for the production of heroin. It will, however, be necessary to get the juice of opium poppy. This latter also needs to take a huge amount. Word, heavy drugs, like cocaine and heroin, get this way, really, even possible. The whole problem here is a raw material. coca bush, for example, is not found in Russia. But at the same time, I'm gonna tell them about their synthesis. Not enough, suddenly the ingredients are gonna find it.

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