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Мальчиколюбие: Междисциплинарное исследование половых отношений между мужчиной и мальчиком, том второй
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Текст книги "Мальчиколюбие: Междисциплинарное исследование половых отношений между мужчиной и мальчиком, том второй"

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Текущая страница: 19 (всего у книги 37 страниц)

Powell G. E. & Chalkley A. J., the Effects of Pædophile Attention on the Child. In: Taylor (Ed.), Perspectives on Pædophilia. London: Batsford, 1981, p. 71.

Righton, P., The Adult. In: Taylor (Ed.), Perspectives on Paedophilia. London: Batsford, 1981, p. 38.

Zeegers, M., Psychiarie. Utrecht: Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, 1977, p. 205.

Everaerd, W., Seks – En als dat nu eens niet lukt… In: Frenken (Ed.) Seksuologie, Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1980, p. 11.

Haeberle, E. J., The Sex Atlas. New York: Seabury, 1978, p. 176.


Hanack, E.-W., Empfiehlt es sich, die Grenzen des Sexualstrafrechts neu zu bestimmen? München: Beck, 1968, p. 151.


Pohlschneider, J., Zedelijke normen voor de christelijke seksuele opvoeding. Gent: Opera Sacerdotalia, 1977.


Herdt, G. H., Guardians of the Flute – A Study of Ritualized Homosexual Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981, p. 2–4, 233–234, 238, 280–282, 288, 319.


Karpman, B., The Sexual Offender, 1954, p. 53.


Karpman, B., The Sexual Offender, 1954, p. 556.


Buffière, F., Eros adolescent – La pédérastie dans la Gréce antique. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1980, p. 468.


Janus, S. The Death of Innocence. New York: Morrow & Co., 1981, p. 318–319.


Sebbar, L., Le pédophile et la maman. Paris: Stock, 1980, p. 292.


Wolters, W. H. G., Sexueel misbruik vankinderen en jonge adolescenten. Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid 37, 6: 613–629, 1982, p. 13–14.


Howells, K., Adult Sexual Interest in Children: Considerations Relevant to Theories of Ætiology. In: Cook & Howells (Ed.), Adult Sexual Interest in Children. London: Academic Press, 1981, p. 82.


Califia81 p. 137–139.


Reeves, Th., Man-Boy Scenes in the United States. In: Duyves et al. (Eds.), Among Men, Among Women. Amsterdam: Gay-Studies and Women's Studies Unrversity of Amsterdam Conference, 1983, p. 12.


Duvert, T., L'enfant au masculin. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1980, p. 112.


Fraser, M. The Death of Narcissus. London: Secker & Warburg, 1976, p. 182.


Bernard, F., Pädophilie – Liebe mit Kindern. Lollar: Achenbach, 1979, p. 19.

Nichols, D., Ethics, Goals and Responsibilites to Be Encouraged in the Man/Boy Relationship; или: Towards a Perspective for Boy-lovers. Lansing (MI): Editorial/Creative Products, 1976, p. 75.


Sandfort, Th.: Het sexuele aspect van pedofiele relaties. Utrecht: Sociologisch Instituut, 1981; или: Sex in Paedophile Rerationships. Paper presented at the Symposium on «Child, Adult and Sexuality». Nijmegen, 1981; или: Pedofilie: wat het is en wat we crvan wten. In: Van der Velde, Wat doe jij met mijn kind? Utrecht: Veen, 1981, p. 97.


Brethmas, J. de, Traité de chasse au minet. Paris: Perchoir, 1979, p. 98.


Krist, G., Pedofilie. Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit, 1976, p. 45.


O'Carroll, T., Paedophilia – The Radical Case. London: Peter Owen, 1980, p. 166.


Matzneff, G.: Le défi. Paris: Table Ronde, 1977; или: Les passions schismatiques. Paris: Stock, 1977, p. 142–143.


Matzneff, G.: Le défi. Paris: Table Ronde, 1977; или: Les passions schismatiques. Paris: Stock, 1977, p. 143.


Rossman, P., Sexual Experience Berween Men and Boys. New York: Association Press, 1976, p. 19–20.


Rossman, P., Sexual Experience Berween Men and Boys. New York: Association Press, 1976, p. 55.


Brethmas, J. de, Détournement de majeur. Paris: Perchoir, 1980, p. 42.


O'Carroll, T., Paedophilia – The Radical Case. London: Peter Owen, 1980, p. 172.


Pieterse, M., Pedofielen over pedofilie. Zeist: NISSO, 1982, p. II-53.


Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission, Child Molestation или: Sexual Exploitation of Children. Chickago: State of Illinois, 1980, p. 7.


Pieterse, M., Pedofielen over pedofilie. Zeist: NISSO, 1982, p. II-22.


Möller, M., Pedofiele relaties. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1983, p. 100–101.


Hennig, J.-L., Thomas, 30 ans: Bruno, 15 ans: le nouveau couple zig-zag. Recherches 37: 137–166, 1979, p. 162–163.

Schult, P., Besuche in Sackgassen. München: Trikont, 1978, p. 120.


Albrecht, O., Die Unzucht mit Kindern. Kiel Universität, 1964, p. 272.


Rush, F., Le secret le mieux gardé – L'exploitation sexuelle des enfants. Paris: Denoёl/Gonthier, 1980, p. 122.


Leyland, W. (Ed.), Orgasms of Light. San Francisco: Gay Sunshine, 1977. 128.


Hannon, G., Men Loving Boys Loving Men Again. The Body Politic 8, 51: 21–27, 1979. 26.


O'Carroll, T., Paedophilia – The Radical Case. London: Peter Owen, 1980, p. 147, 173.


Sandfort, Th.: The Sexual Aspect of Paedophile Relations. Amsterdam: Pan/Spartacus, 1982; или: Seksualiteit in pedofiele relaties. De Psycholoog 17, 3: 118–131, 1982, p. 48–49.


Sandfort, Th.: Het sexuele aspect van pedofiele relaties. Utrecht: Sociologisch Instituut, 1981; или: Sex in Paedophile Rerationships. Paper presented at the Symposium on «Child, Adult and Sexuality». Nijmegen, 1981; или: Pedofilie: wat het is en wat we crvan wten. In: Van der Velde, Wat doe jij met mijn kind? Utrecht: Veen, 1981, p. 57.


Schult, P., Gefallene Engel. Berlin: Gmünder, 1982, p. 76.


Berkel, M., De pedofielen. Haage Post 65, 11: 26–32, 1978, p. 27.


Sandfort, Th., De ervaringswereld van kinderen in pedofiele relaties. Doktoraarskriptie Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1979, p. 125.


Füss, B. & Goslinga, G., En me vriendje houdt van mij. Leiden: NVSH Werkgroep Pedofilie, 1976. 72.


Hennig, J.-L., Thomas, 30 ans: Bruno, 15 ans: le nouveau couple zig-zag. Recherches 37: 137–166, 1979, p. 143.


Schérer, R. & Hocquenghem, G. Co-ire – Album systématique de l'enfance. Recherches 22, 1976, p. 34.


Dover, K. J., Greek Homosexuality. London: Duckworth, 1978, p. 58.


Koch-Harnack, G., Knabenliebe und Tiergeschenke. Berlin: Mann, 1983, p. 200.


Koch-Harnack, G., Knabenliebe und Tiergeschenke. Berlin: Mann, 1983, p. 52, 68.


Koch-Harnack, G., Knabenliebe und Tiergeschenke. Berlin: Mann, 1983, p. 53, 72, 75–76.


Buffière, F., Eros adolescent – La pédérastie dans la Gréce antique. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1980, p. 357.


Koch-Harnack, G., Knabenliebe und Tiergeschenke. Berlin: Mann, 1983, p. 233–234.


Koch-Harnack, G., Knabenliebe und Tiergeschenke. Berlin: Mann, 1983, p. 220.


Thorstad, D., Boys Speak Out on Man/Boy Love. New York: NAMBLA, 1981, p. 21.


Wilson, G. D. & Cox, D. N. The Child Lovers. London: Peter Owen, 1983, p. 78.


Sandfort, Th.: Pedofilie en pedoseksuele contacten. In: Frenken (Ed.), Seksuologie. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1980. или: Het COC en de pedofilie. Homologie 3, 1: 9–13, 1980, p. 190, 194.


Valentine, 1972. 22.


Hoffmeyer, H., Samlejets anatomi og fysiologi; Psykoanalytisk undviklingsteori og sexualoplysning: Puberteten. In: Hertoft (Ed.) Pædagogisk Sexologi. Copenhagen: Gyldendahl, 1971, p. I-232.


Baurmann, M. C.: Sexualität, Gevalt und psychische Folgen. или: Seksualität, Gewalt und die Folgen für das Opfer. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt, 1983, p. 53–54.


Duvert, T., L'enfant au masculin. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1980, p. 126.


Boulin, B. et al, La Charte des enfants. Paris: Stock, 1977, p. 183–184.


Duvert, T., L'enfant au masculin. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1980, p. 169–170.

Constantine, L. L.: Child Sexuality: Recent Developments. Paper presented at a conference in Nijmegen, 19 August, 1981; или: The Effects of Early Sexual Experiences; The Sexual Rights of Children. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little Brown & Cº, 1981, p. 240.

Wright, 1980. 107, 109.

Geiser, R. L., Hidden Victims – The sexual Abuse of Children. Boston: Beacon Press, 1979, p. 163.

Baurmann, M. C., Angezeigte und verurteilte Sexualkontakte aus viktimologischer Sicht. In: Albrecht-Désirat & Pacharzina (Eds.), Seksialität und Gewalt. Bensheim: Päd-extra, 1979, p. 106.


Rogier, J., Pompe of verzuipen. Amsterdam: Contact, 1973, p. 48.


Sebbar, L., Le pédophile et la maman. Paris: Stock, 1980, p. 291–292.


Dolto, F., Extraits d'une lettre à propos d'un procès en cours. Recherches 37: 83–86, 1979, p. 71, 74, 80–81, 84.


Schérer, R.: L'emprise. Des enfants entre nous. Paris: Hachette, 1979; или: A propos de la pédophilie; La vertu d'un amendement. Recherches 37: 87–104, 1979, p. 148–150.

Instituut voor Toegepaste Sociologie, Rechtspositie van minderjarigen. Nijmegen: Instituut voor Toegepaste Sociologie, 1977.


Leonetti, P.-F., Je suis un homo… comme ils disent. Paris: Lefeuvre, 1978, p. 163–164.


Wilson, G. D. & Cox, D. N. The Child Lovers. London: Peter Owen, 1983, p. 73.


Duvert, T., L'enfant au masculin. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1980, p. 122.


Duvert, T., Journal d'un innocent. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1976, p. 209–210.


Brethmas, J. de, Détournement de majeur. Paris: Perchoir, 1980, p. 180.


Schérer, R., Emile perverti. Paris: Laffont, 1974, p. 46.


Schérer, R., Emile perverti. Paris: Laffont, 1974, p. 192, 195.


Kameneff, L., Ecoliers sans tablier. Paris: Simoёn, 1979, p. 93.


Borneman E.: Lexikon der Liebe. Frankfurt: Ullstein, 1978; или: Elternrecht und Kindersexualität. In: Pacharzina & Albrecht-Désirat (Eds.): Konfliktfeld Kindersexualität. Frankfurt a.M.: Päd-extra, 1978, p. 1032, 1042.


Campaign Aganist Public Morals, Paedophilia and Public Morals. London: CAPM, 1980, p. 25.


Sandfort, Th.: Pedofilie en pedoseksuele contacten. In: Frenken (Ed.), Seksuologie. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1980. или: Het COC en de pedofilie. Homologie 3, 1: 9–13, 1980, p. 195.


Duvert, T., L'enfant au masculin. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1980, p. 144.


Schérer, R.: L'emprise. Des enfants entre nous. Paris: Hachette, 1979; или: A propos de la pédophilie; La vertu d'un amendement. Recherches 37: 87–104, 1979, p. 103.


Stieber, H., Verführt… Bonn: Europäische Bücherei, 1971, p. 52.


Straver, C. J. & Geeraert, A., De seksuele en relationele ontwikkeling als leerproces. In: Frenken (Ed.), Seksuologie. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1980, p. 111.


Geisler, E., Das sexuell missbrauchte Kind. Göttingen: Verlag für Medizinische Psychologie, 1959, p. 5.

Wegner, A., Die Sittlichkeitsdelikte an Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Nachkriegszeit. Bonn: Röihrscheid, p. 38.

Righton, P., The Adult. In: Taylor (Ed.), Perspectives on Paedophilia. London: Batsford, 1981, p. 30.

Taylor, B., Introduction. In: Taylor (Ed.), Perspectives on Paedophilia. London: Batsford, 1981, p. 11.


Geisler, 1979, p. 47.

Walters, 1982. 56.

Maisch, H., Inzest. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1968, p. 63.

Baurmann, 1963. 656–666.

Linedecker, C. L., Children in Chains. New York: Everest House, 1981, p. 94–95.

Janus, S. The Death of Innocence. New York: Morrow & Co., 1981, p. 128.

Hearings Before the Subcommittee On Crime Of The Committee On The Judiciary, House Of Representatives, Sexual Exploitation of Children. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977, p. 362.


Stieber, H., Verführt… Bonn: Europäische Bücherei, 1971, p. 1960.

Nelson, J. A., The Impact of Incest. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 164, 172.


Kurier, 13.I.1984.


Schérer, R.: L'emprise. Des enfants entre nous. Paris: Hachette, 1979; или: A propos de la pédophilie; La vertu d'un amendement. Recherches 37: 87–104, 1979, p. 175.


Summit, R. & Kryso, J., Sexual Abuse of Children. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 175.


Stieber, H., Verführt… Bonn: Europäische Bücherei, 1971, p. 162.


Symonds, C. J., Mendoza, M. J. & Harrell, W., Forbidden Sexual Behavior Among Kin. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 160–161.


Stieber, H., Verführt… Bonn: Europäische Bücherei, 1971, p. 164–166.


Constantine, L. L.: Child Sexuality: Recent Developments. Paper presented at a conference in Nijmegen, 19 August, 1981; или: The Effects of Early Sexual Experiences; The Sexual Rights of Children. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little Brown & Cº, 1981, p. 238.


Ostermeyer, H., Das Recht des Kindes auf eine ungestörte Sexualerziehung. In: Pacharzina & Albrecht-Désirat (Eds.), Konfliktfeld Kindersexualität. Frankfurt a.M.: Päd-extra, 1978, p. 126.


Churchill, W., Homosexual Behavior Among Males. New York: Hawthorn, 1967, p. 160.

Gundersen, B. H., Melaas, P. S. & Skaar, J. E., Sexual Behavior of Preschool Children. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Cº, 1981, p. 51. – Для сравнения.


Janus, S. The Death of Innocence. New York: Morrow & Co., 1981, p. 105.

Martinson, F. M., Eroticism in Infancy and Childhood; Preadolescent Sexuality; Childhood and the Institutionalization of Sexuality. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 4.


Hass, A., Teenage Sexuality. New York: Macmillan, 1979, p. 164.


Wolters, W. H. G., Sexueel misbruik vankinderen en jonge adolescenten. Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid 37, 6: 613–629, 1982, p. 24.


Schérer, R., Une érotique puérile. Paris: Galilée, 1978, p. 42.


Haeberle, E. J., The Sex Atlas. New York: Seabury, 1978, p. 87.

Möller, M., Pedofiele relaties. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1983, p. 19.

Bieber, I. et al, Homosexuality – a Psychoanalytic Study of Male Homosexuals. New York: Vintage Books, 1962, p. 52.

Cohen-Matthijsen, Th., Waar ligt de grens? In: Waar ligt de grens?'s-Gravenhage: Nationale Raad voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn, 1982, p. 37.

Presland, E., Whose Power? Whose Consent? In: Tsang (Ed.), The Age Taboo. Boston: Alyson, 1981, p. 77.


Borneman E.: Lexikon der Liebe. Frankfurt: Ullstein, 1978; или: Elternrecht und Kindersexualität. In: Pacharzina & Albrecht-Désirat (Eds.): Konfliktfeld Kindersexualität. Frankfurt a.M.: Päd-extra, 1978, p. 514.

Freud, S., Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie. Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1920, p. 92.


Barrington, J. S., Sexual Alternatives for Men. London: Alternative Publishing, 1981, p. 125–126.


Yankowski, J. S., Sex vor der Ehe. München: Lichtenberg, 1965, p. 93.


Finkelhor, D., Sex Between Siblings. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 139.


Wegner, A., Die Sittlichkeitsdelikte an Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Nachkriegszeit. Bonn: Röihrscheid. 53 p. 38.


«Fag Rag», II.1982.


Baurmann, M. C.: Sexualität, Gevalt und psychische Folgen. или: Seksualität, Gewalt und die Folgen für das Opfer. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt, 1983, p. 168.


Finkelhor, D., Sex Between Siblings. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 143.

Symonds, C. J., Mendoza, M. J. & Harrell, W., Forbidden Sexual Behavior Among Kin. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 157.


Baurmann, M. C.: Sexualität, Gevalt und psychische Folgen. или: Seksualität, Gewalt und die Folgen für das Opfer. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt, 1983, p. 65.

Geiser, R. L., Hidden Victims – The sexual Abuse of Children. Boston: Beacon Press, 1979, p. 43.


Borneman E.: Lexikon der Liebe. Frankfurt: Ullstein, 1978; или: Elternrecht und Kindersexualität. In: Pacharzina & Albrecht-Désirat (Eds.): Konfliktfeld Kindersexualität. Frankfurt a.M.: Päd-extra, 1978, p. 665, 670, 809, 810, 891, 892.


Janus, 1982. 134.


Scheepmaker, 1985.


Symonds, C. J., Mendoza, M. J. & Harrell, W., Forbidden Sexual Behavior Among Kin. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 154.


Camp, J. van der, Dossier Taboe – Incest begint thuis. Humo. November 1983, p. 81.

Bloch, I., Die Prostitution. Berlin: Marcus, 1912, p. 56.


Janus, S. The Death of Innocence. New York: Morrow & Co., 1981, p. 94.


Borneman E.: Lexikon der Liebe. Frankfurt: Ullstein, 1978; или: Elternrecht und Kindersexualität. In: Pacharzina & Albrecht-Désirat (Eds.): Konfliktfeld Kindersexualität. Frankfurt a.M.: Päd-extra, 1978, p. 667.


Symonds, C. J., Mendoza, M. J. & Harrell, W., Forbidden Sexual Behavior Among Kin. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 160.


Stieber, H., Verführt… Bonn: Europäische Bücherei, 1971, p. 35.


Bendig, B.: Résumé – Private Handreichung zum 5. Wissenschaftlichen Kongress «Sexualität und Gewalt». Privatdruck, 1979; или: Pädophilie – Handreichung zum 5. Wissenschaftlichen Kongress «Sexualität und Gewalt». Privatdruck, 1979; или: Paedophilia – The Way to the Future. Venlo: Studiegroep Pedofilie, 1979, p. 11.


Janus, S. The Death of Innocence. New York: Morrow & Co., 1981, p. 97.


Janus, S. The Death of Innocence. New York: Morrow & Co., 1981, p. 101.


Borneman E.: Lexikon der Liebe. Frankfurt: Ullstein, 1978; или: Elternrecht und Kindersexualität. In: Pacharzina & Albrecht-Désirat (Eds.): Konfliktfeld Kindersexualität. Frankfurt a.M.: Päd-extra, 1978, p. 669.

Fraser, M., The Child. In: Taylor (Ed.) Perspectives on Paedophilia. London: Batsford, 1981, p. 48.


Maisch, H., Inzest. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1968, p. 24.


Fisher, G., & Howell, L. M., Psychological Needs of Homosexual Pedophiliacs. Diseases of the Nervous System 31, 9: 623–625, 1970.


Kwast, S. van der, «Incest». In: Albarda, P. et al. (Eds.) Gewoon bizonder. Amsterdam: Humanitas, 1970. 93.


Geiser, R. L., Hidden Victims – The sexual Abuse of Children. Boston: Beacon Press, 1979, p. 45.

Fraser, M., The Child. In: Taylor (Ed.) Perspectives on Paedophilia. London: Batsford, 1981, p. 49–50.

Barrington, J. S., Sexual Alternatives for Men. London: Alternative Publishing, 1981, p. 108.


Linedecker, C. L., Children in Chains. New York: Everest House, 1981, p. 98.


Camp, J. van der, Dossier Taboe – Incest begint thuis. Humo. November 1983, p. 90.


Lochtenberg, H., Pedophilie. Manuscript, 1981, p. 4.

Sandfort, Th.: Pedofilie en pedoseksuele contacten. In: Frenken (Ed.), Seksuologie. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1980. или: Het COC en de pedofilie. Homologie 3, 1: 9–13, 1980, p. 185.


Stieber, H., Verführt… Bonn: Europäische Bücherei, 1971, p. 166.


Nugteren, H., «Thomas Mann. Between sovereign man and tempting lover.» In: Duyves et al. (Eds.) Among Men, Among Women. Amsterdam: Gay-Studies and Women's Studies University of Amsterdam Conference, 1983. 71.


Bernard, F., Pädophilie – Liebe mit Kindern. Lollar: Achenbach, 1979, p. 18.


Awad, G. A., Father-Son Incest: A Case Report. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 162, 2: 135–139, 1976. 78?.

Barrington, J. S., Sexual Alternatives for Men. London: Alternative Publishing, 1981, p. 26. – Такой же случай.


Fraser, M., The Child. In: Taylor (Ed.) Perspectives on Paedophilia. London: Batsford, 1981, p. 43.


Geiser, R. L., Hidden Victims – The sexual Abuse of Children. Boston: Beacon Press, 1979, p. 70.


Ernest, E. Sexe et graffiti. Paris: Moreau, 1979, p. 198.


Ernest, E. Sexe et graffiti. Paris: Moreau, 1979, p. 198.


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Ernest, E. Sexe et graffiti. Paris: Moreau, 1979, p. 198.


Ernest, E. Sexe et graffiti. Paris: Moreau, 1979, p. 198.


Voestermans, P., Kinderseksualiteit: seksuele gevoelens in dienst van orde. Jeugd en Samenleving 13, 2: 140–157, 1983, p. 148–149.


Smith, D. C., The Naked Child. Saratoga (CA): Century Twenty One, 1981, p. 96.


Lambert, 1976, p. 85.


Bender, L. & Blau, A., The Reaction of Children to Sexual Relations With Adults. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 7: 500–518, 1937.

Rascovsky & Rascovsky, 1950.

Martinson, F. M., Eroticism in Infancy and Childhood; Preadolescent Sexuality; Childhood and the Institutionalization of Sexuality. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 273.

Summit, R. & Kryso, J., Sexual Abuse of Children. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 124.

Tsai, M., Feldman-Summers, S. & Edgar, M., Childhood Molestation. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 202.


Symonds, C. J., Mendoza, M. J. & Harrell, W., Forbidden Sexual Behavior Among Kin. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 161.


Nelson, J. A., The Impact of Incest. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 163.


Nelson, J. A., The Impact of Incest. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 166, 168, 171.

Constantine, L. L.: Child Sexuality: Recent Developments. Paper presented at a conference in Nijmegen, 19 August, 1981; или: The Effects of Early Sexual Experiences; The Sexual Rights of Children. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little Brown & Cº, 1981, p. 228.


Janus, S. The Death of Innocence. New York: Morrow & Co., 1981, p. 126.


Fraser, M., The Child. In: Taylor (Ed.) Perspectives on Paedophilia. London: Batsford, 1981, p. 56.


Constantine, L. L.: Child Sexuality: Recent Developments. Paper presented at a conference in Nijmegen, 19 August, 1981; или: The Effects of Early Sexual Experiences; The Sexual Rights of Children. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.) Children and Sex. Boston: Little Brown & Cº, 1981, p. 235–236.


Nelson, J. A., The Impact of Incest. In: Constantine & Martinson (Eds.), Children and Sex. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1981, p. 168.


Peyrefitte, R., Roy. Paris: Albin Michel, 1979.


Daniélou, A., Le chemin du tabyrinthe. Paris: Laffont, 1981, p. 92.


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