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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Второй сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA)
  • Текст добавлен: 3 октября 2016, 22:43

Текст книги "Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Второй сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA)"

Автор книги: Артур Конан Дойл

Соавторы: Илья Франк,Андрей Еремин
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Текущая страница: 37 (всего у книги 38 страниц)

“Sorry to bring you out on such a fool’s errand, Watson (простите, что вытащил вас /из дома/ из-за такой ерунды, Ватсон; errand – поручение, задание; fool's errand: «дурацкое задание» – бесполезное дело, бесплодная затея),” he said at last (сказал он наконец). “It is an interesting case, too, at the bottom of it (однако, по сути: «у основания», это интересное дело).”

“I can make little of it (мне оно представляется неясным/я в нем мало что понимаю; to make of – понимать: Can you make anything of this strange letter? – Ты можешь понять что-нибудь их этого странного письма?),” I confessed (признался я).

“Well, it is quite evident that there are two men (итак, совершенно ясно, что есть два человека) – more, perhaps, but at least two (возможно, больше, но как минимум два) – who are determined for some reason to get at this fellow Blessington (которые по какой-то причине хотят добраться до этого Блессингтона). I have no doubt in my mind that both on the first and on the second occasion (я не сомневаюсь, что и в первом, и во втором случае) that young man penetrated to Blessington’s room (молодой человек проникал в комнату Блессингтона), while his confederate, by an ingenious device (пока его сообщник с помощью хитроумной уловки; ingenious – изобретательный, искусный; оригинальный; device – устройство; метод, способ; уловка, прием), kept the doctor from interfering (не давал доктору помешать тому: «удерживал доктора от вмешательства»; to interfere – вмешиваться во /что-либо – with/, уст. пересекаться, скрещиваться /в пространстве/).”

“And the catalepsy (а как же каталепсия)?”

walking ['wO:kIN], errand ['er@nd], ingenious [In'dZi:nI@s]

“And no advice for me?” cried Blessington, in a breaking voice.

“My advice to your, sir, is to speak the truth.”

A minute later we were in the street and walking for home. We had crossed Oxford Street and were half way down Harley Street before I could get a word from my companion.

“Sorry to bring you out on such a fool’s errand, Watson,” he said at last. “It is an interesting case, too, at the bottom of it.”

“I can make little of it,” I confessed.

“Well, it is quite evident that there are two men – more, perhaps, but at least two – who are determined for some reason to get at this fellow Blessington. I have no doubt in my mind that both on the first and on the second occasion that young man penetrated to Blessington’s room, while his confederate, by an ingenious device, kept the doctor from interfering.”

“And the catalepsy?”

“A fraudulent imitation, Watson (чистая имитация, Ватсон; fraudulent – обманный, мошеннический; fraud – обман; мошенничество; подделка), though I should hardly dare to hint as much to our specialist (хотя я вряд ли осмелюсь намекнуть на это нашему специалисту). It is a very easy complaint to imitate (это очень легкая для имитации болезнь; complaint – жалоба, недовольство; болезнь, недуг). I have done it myself (я и сам это делал).”

“And then (ну а дальше)?”

“By the purest chance Blessington was out on each occasion (по чистой случайности Блессингтон оба раза отсутствовал). Their reason for choosing so unusual an hour for a consultation (причина, по которой они выбрали столь необычный час для консультации) was obviously to insure (очевидно была обеспечить/гарантировать; to insure – страховать/ся/; обеспечивать, гарантировать; уберечь) that there should be no other patient in the waiting-room (чтобы в приемной не было других пациентов). It just happened, however, that this hour coincided with Blessington’s constitutional (однако случилось так, что этот час совпал со /временем/ прогулки Блессингтона; constitutional – конституционный; прогулка, моцион: to take a constitutional – совершить моцион, прогуляться), which seems to show that they were not very well acquainted with his daily routine (что показывает, что они были не очень хорошо знакомы с его распорядком дня; routine – заведенный порядок; определенный режим). Of course, if they had been merely after plunder (разумеется, если бы им было нужно всего лишь его добро; to be after – преследовать кого-либо; стараться получить что-либо; plunder – грабеж, ограбление; добыча, награбленное) they would at least have made some attempt to search for it (они по крайней мере предприняли бы попытки его найти).

fraudulent ['frO:djul@nt], coincided [,k@uIn'saIdId], routine [ru:'ti:n]

“A fraudulent imitation, Watson, though I should hardly dare to hint as much to our specialist. It is a very easy complaint to imitate. I have done it myself.”

“And then?”

“By the purest chance Blessington was out on each occasion. Their reason for choosing so unusual an hour for a consultation was obviously to insure that there should be no other patient in the waiting-room. It just happened, however, that this hour coincided with Blessington’s constitutional, which seems to show that they were not very well acquainted with his daily routine. Of course, if they had been merely after plunder they would at least have made some attempt to search for it.

“Besides, I can read in a man’s eye (кроме того, я могу прочитать по глазам) when it is his own skin that he is frightened for (когда человек боится за собственную шкуру). It is inconceivable that this fellow could have made two such vindictive enemies as these appear to be without knowing of it (/просто/ невозможно, чтобы этот субъект нажил себе таких мстительных врагов, не зная об этом). I hold it, therefore, to be certain that he does know who these men are (поэтому я считаю, что он наверняка знает, кто эти люди), and that for reasons of his own he suppresses it (и по каким-то своим причинам это скрывает; to suppress – подавлять, сдерживать; скрывать, замалчивать /правду и т. п./). It is just possible that to-morrow may find him in a more communicative mood (вполне возможно, что завтра мы найдем его в более общительном настроении).”

“Is there not one alternative (а нет ли другого варианта = версии),” I suggested (предположил я), “grotesquely improbably, no doubt, but still just conceivable (несомненно, неправдоподобной до абсурда, но все-таки возможной)? Might the whole story of the cataleptic Russian and his son be a concoction of Dr. Trevelyan’s (что, если вся эта история о каталептическом русском и его сыне – выдумка доктора Тревельяна), who has, for his own purposes, been in Blessington’s rooms (который – по каким-то своим причинам – побывал в комнате Блессингтона)?”

inconceivable [,Ink@n'si:v@bl], vindictive [vIn'dIktIv], concoction [k@n'kOkS(@)n]

“Besides, I can read in a man’s eye when it is his own skin that he is frightened for. It is inconceivable that this fellow could have made two such vindictive enemies as these appear to be without knowing of it. I hold it, therefore, to be certain that he does know who these men are, and that for reasons of his own he suppresses it. It is just possible that to-morrow may find him in a more communicative mood.”

“Is there not one alternative,” I suggested, “grotesquely improbably, no doubt, but still just conceivable? Might the whole story of the cataleptic Russian and his son be a concoction of Dr. Trevelyan’s, who has, for his own purposes, been in Blessington’s rooms?”

“I saw in the gaslight that Holmes wore an amused smile at this brilliant departure of mine (в свете газового фонаря я увидел, что Холмс весело улыбается моему блестящему умозаключению; to wear – носить /одежду/; иметь вид: to wear a troubled look – иметь встревоженный вид; to wear a sad smile – печально улыбаться; departure – отъезд, уход; отправная точка).

“My dear fellow (дорогой мой),” said he, “it was one of the first solutions which occurred to me (это было одним из первых объяснений, пришедших мне в голову), but I was soon able to corroborate the doctor’s tale (но вскоре мне удалось подтвердить рассказ доктора). This young man has left prints upon the stair-carpet (этот молодой человек /сын русского дворянина/ оставил следы на лестничном ковре) which made it quite superfluous for me to ask to see those (что сделало совершенно излишним просить показать те /следы/) which he had made in the room (которые он оставил в комнате). When I tell you that his shoes were square-toed instead of being pointed like Blessington’s (если я скажу вам, что его ботинки были с квадратными носками, а не с заостренным мыском, как у Блессингтона; square-toed – тупоносый; с тупыми широкими квадратными носками /об обуви/), and were quite an inch and a third longer than the doctor’s (и на дюйм с третью длиннее, чем ботинки доктора), you will acknowledge that there can be no doubt as to his individuality (вы признаете, что в отношении его личности/индивидуальности = в том, что это был другой человек сомнений нет). But we may sleep on it now, for I shall be surprised (однако можем отложить решение этого вопроса до завтра: «можем спать сейчас на этом», так как я буду удивлен) if we do not hear something further from Brook Street in the morning (если утром мы не получим новых известий с Брук-стрит: «не услышим нечто дальше»; further – дальнейший, продолжающийся; добавочный; сверх того, более того).”

corroborate [k@'rOb@reIt], superfluous [s(j)u:'p@:flu@s], acknowledge [@k'nOlIdZ]

“I saw in the gaslight that Holmes wore an amused smile at this brilliant departure of mine.

“My dear fellow,” said he, “it was one of the first solutions which occurred to me, but I was soon able to corroborate the doctor’s tale. This young man has left prints upon the stair-carpet which made it quite superfluous for me to ask to see those which he had made in the room. When I tell you that his shoes were square-toed instead of being pointed like Blessington’s, and were quite an inch and a third longer than the doctor’s, you will acknowledge that there can be no doubt as to his individuality. But we may sleep on it now, for I shall be surprised if we do not hear something further from Brook Street in the morning.”

Sherlock Holmes’s prophecy was soon fulfilled (предсказание Холмса сбылось; to fulfil – выполнять; делать, исполнять, осуществлять, совершать), and in a dramatic fashion (и /весьма/ драматичным образом). At half-past seven next morning (на следующее утро, в половине восьмого), in the first glimmer of daylight (в первых тусклых солнечных лучах), I found him standing by my bedside in his dressing-gown (я увидел, что Холмс в халате стоит у моей кровати).

“There’s a brougham waiting for us, Watson (нас ждет экипаж, Ватсон),” said he.

“What’s the matter, then (а что случилось)?”

“The Brook Street business (дело, /связанное/ с Брук-стрит).”

“Any fresh news (есть свежие новости)?”

“Tragic, but ambiguous (печальные, но неоднозначные),” said he, pulling up the blind (сказал он, поднимая штору). “Look at this – a sheet from a note-book (взгляните на это – листок из записной книжки), with ‘For God’s sake come at once – P. T. («Ради Бога, приезжайте немедленно. П. Т.»),’ scrawled upon it in pencil (наспех написано на нем карандашом; to scrawl – писать наспех; писать неразборчиво). Our friend, the doctor, was hard put to it when he wrote this (наш друг, доктор, находился в трудном положении, когда писал это; to be hard put to it – быть в весьма затруднительном положении). Come along, my dear fellow, for it’s an urgent call (идемте, мой дорогой, так как это срочный вызов).”

prophecy ['prOfIsI], gown [gaun], ambiguous [&m'bIgju@s], urgent ['@:dZ(@)nt]

Sherlock Holmes’s prophecy was soon fulfilled, and in a dramatic fashion. At half-past seven next morning, in the first glimmer of daylight, I found him standing by my bedside in his dressing-gown.

“There’s a brougham waiting for us, Watson,” said he.

“What’s the matter, then?”

“The Brook Street business.”

“Any fresh news?”

“Tragic, but ambiguous,” said he, pulling up the blind. “Look at this – a sheet from a note‑book, with ‘For God’s sake come at once – P. T.,’ scrawled upon it in pencil. Our friend, the doctor, was hard put to it when he wrote this. Come along, my dear fellow, for it’s an urgent call.”

In a quarter of an hour or so we were back at the physician’s house (примерно через четверть часа мы снова были в доме доктора). He came running out to meet us with a face of horror (он выбежал нам навстречу с лицом, /полным/ ужаса).

“Oh, such a business (о, тут такое дело)!” he cried, with his hands to his temples (воскликнул он, сжимая пальцами виски).

“What then (что такое)?”

“Blessington has committed suicide (Блессингтон совершил самоубийство)!”

Holmes whistled (Холмс присвистнул).

“Yes, he hanged himself during the night (да-да, повесился ночью).”

We had entered, and the doctor had preceded us into what was evidently his waiting-room (вы вошли, и доктор провел нас в /комнату/, очевидно, бывшую его приемной; to precede – предшествовать; идти впереди).

“I really hardly know what I am doing (я с трудом понимаю, что делаю),” he cried. “The police are already upstairs (полиция уже наверху). It has shaken me most dreadfully (это потрясло меня совершенно ужасно; to shake – трясти/сь/; сотрясать/ся/; потрясать; to shake-shook-shaken).”

physician [fI'zIS(@)n], preceded [prI'si:dId], police [p@'li:s]

In a quarter of an hour or so we were back at the physician’s house. He came running out to meet us with a face of horror.

“Oh, such a business!” he cried, with his hands to his temples.

“What then?”

“Blessington has committed suicide!”

Holmes whistled.

“Yes, he hanged himself during the night.”

We had entered, and the doctor had preceded us into what was evidently his waiting-room.

“I really hardly know what I am doing,” he cried. “The police are already upstairs. It has shaken me most dreadfully.”

“When did you find it out (когда вы это обнаружили)?”

“He has a cup of tea taken in to him early every morning (рано утром ему подают чай). When the maid entered, about seven (когда горничная вошла /к нему/, около семи), there the unfortunate fellow was hanging in the middle of the room (бедняга болтался /в петле/ посреди комнаты). He had tied his cord to the hook (он привязал веревку к крюку) on which the heavy lamp used to hang (на котором раньше висела тяжелая лампа), and he had jumped off from the top of the very box (и спрыгнул с той самой коробки) that he showed us yesterday (которую показывал нам вчера).”

Holmes stood for a moment in deep thought (с минуту Холмс стоял в глубокой задумчивости).

“With your permission (с вашего позволения),” said he at last (сказал он наконец), “I should like to go upstairs and look into the matter (я хотел бы подняться наверх и изучить это дело = осмотреть место происшествия).”

We both ascended, followed by the doctor (мы оба поднялись, за нами шел доктор; to follow smb. – следовать за кем-либо, сопровождать кого-либо).

cord [kO:d], yesterday ['jest@dI], permission [p@'mIS(@)n]

“When did you find it out?”

“He has a cup of tea taken in to him early every morning. When the maid entered, about seven, there the unfortunate fellow was hanging in the middle of the room. He had tied his cord to the hook on which the heavy lamp used to hang, and he had jumped off from the top of the very box that he showed us yesterday.”

Holmes stood for a moment in deep thought.

“With your permission,” said he at last, “I should like to go upstairs and look into the matter.”

We both ascended, followed by the doctor.

It was a dreadful sight which met us as we entered the bedroom door (ужасное зрелище предстало перед нами, когда мы вошли в спальню). I have spoken of the impression of flabbiness (я уже говорил о дряблости; to speak-spoke-spoken; flabbiness – вялость, дряблость; flabby – /о мускулах, коже/ вялый, дряблый, отвислый: flabby skin – дряблая кожа) which this man Blessington conveyed (впечатление которой исходило от Блессингтона; to convey – сообщать, передавать; выражать). As he dangled from the hook it was exaggerated and intensified (/но сейчас/, когда он болтался на крюке, она настолько усилилась; exaggerated – чрезмерный; преувеличенный; to intensify – усиливать/ся/, углублять/ся/) until he was scarce human in his appearance (что он с трудом был человеком во внешности = почти утратил всякое сходство с человеческим существом). The neck was drawn out like a plucked chicken’s (шея была вытянута, как у ощипанного цыпленка), making the rest of him seem the more obese and unnatural by the contrast (отчего тело его казалось еще более тучным и неестественным /по контрасту с шеей/; obese – тучный, страдающий ожирением). He was clad only in his long night-dress (на нем была только ночная сорочка; clad – одетый), and his swollen ankles and ungainly feet (и его распухшие лодыжки и неуклюжие ступни; to swell-swelled-swollen) protruded starkly from beneath it (окоченевшие, торчали из-под нее; starkly – застыв, окоченев; stark – застывший, окоченевший; окостенелый, окостеневший; затвердевший, твердый). Beside him stood a smart-looking police-inspector (возле него стоял молодцеватый/подтянутый инспектор полиции; smart – умный; опрятный, молодцеватый, подтянутый, бравый), who was taking notes in a pocket-book (делавший записи в своей записной книжке; pocket – карман).

“Ah, Mr. Holmes (а-а, мистер Холмс),” said he, heartily, as my friend entered (он сердечно поприветствовал моего друга, когда тот вошел), “I am delighted to see you (рад вас видеть).”

“Good-morning, Lanner (доброе утро, Лэннер),” answered Holmes; “you won’t think me an intruder, I am sure (уверен, вы не считаете меня незваным гостем = не станете возражать против моего присутствия). Have you heard of the events which led up to this affair (вы слышали о событиях, которые привели к этой трагедии)?”

conveyed [k@n'veId], exaggerated [Ig'z&dZ@reItId], intruder [In'tru:d@]

It was a dreadful sight which met us as we entered the bedroom door. I have spoken of the impression of flabbiness which this man Blessington conveyed. As he dangled from the hook it was exaggerated and intensified until he was scarce human in his appearance. The neck was drawn out like a plucked chicken’s, making the rest of him seem the more obese and unnatural by the contrast. He was clad only in his long night-dress, and his swollen ankles and ungainly feet protruded starkly from beneath it. Beside him stood a smart-looking police-inspector, who was taking notes in a pocket-book.

“Ah, Mr. Holmes,” said he, heartily, as my friend entered, “I am delighted to see you.”

“Good-morning, Lanner,” answered Holmes; “you won’t think me an intruder, I am sure. Have you heard of the events which led up to this affair?”

“Yes, I heard something of them (да, кое-что слышал).”

“Have you formed any opinion (вы составили какое-нибудь мнение)?”

“As far as I can see (насколько я понимаю), the man has been driven out of his senses by fright (страх свел его с ума; to drive out of senses – доводить до безумия, сводить с ума: «выгонять из чувств /восприятия/ = лишать чувств восприятия»). The bed has been well slept in, you see (видите – в постели спали /и привели ее в беспорядок/). There’s his impression deep enough (вот довольно глубокий отпечаток /его тела/). It’s about five in the morning, you know, that suicides are most common (около пяти утра, как вы знаете, самоубийства совершаются чаще всего: «наиболее обычны»). That would be about his time for hanging himself (он повесился примерно в это время). It seems to have been a very deliberate affair (похоже, это был умышленный/тщательно спланированный поступок; deliberate – хорошо обдуманный; намеренный, предумышленный).”

“I should say that he has been dead about three hours (должен сказать, он умер около трех часов назад), judging by the rigidity of the muscles (судя по окоченевшему состоянию мышц),” said I.

“Noticed anything peculiar about the room (вы заметили что-нибудь необычное в этой комнате)?” asked Holmes.

“Found a screw-driver (я нашел отвертку) and some screws on the wash-hand stand (и несколько шурупов на умывальнике). Seems to have smoked heavily during the night, too (также, похоже, он много курил в эту ночь). Here are four cigar-ends that I picked out of the fireplace (вот четыре сигарных окурка, которые я извлек из камина).”

suicide ['s(j)u:IsaId], deliberate [dI'lIb(@)rIt], screw [skru:]

“Yes, I heard something of them.”

“Have you formed any opinion?”

“As far as I can see, the man has been driven out of his senses by fright. The bed has been well slept in, you see. There’s his impression deep enough. It’s about five in the morning, you know, that suicides are most common. That would be about his time for hanging himself. It seems to have been a very deliberate affair.”

“I should say that he has been dead about three hours, judging by the rigidity of the muscles,” said I.

“Noticed anything peculiar about the room?” asked Holmes.

“Found a screw-driver and some screws on the wash-hand stand. Seems to have smoked heavily during the night, too. Here are four cigar-ends that I picked out of the fireplace.”

“Hum!” said Holmes, “have you got his cigar-holder (у вас есть его мундштук: «держатель сигар»)?”

“No, I have seen none (нет, я его не нашел).”

“His cigar-case, then (а его портсигар)?”

“Yes, it was in his coat-pocket (да, он был в кармане пальто).”

Holmes opened it and smelled the single cigar which it contained (Холмс открыл портсигар и понюхал единственную сигару, лежавшую в нем).

“Oh, this is an Havana (о, это гаванская), and these others are cigars of the peculiar sort (а те другие – сигары особого сорта) which are imported by the Dutch from their East Indian colonies (голландцы ввозят их из своих ост-индских колоний). They are usually wrapped in straw, you know (обычно их заворачивают в солому), and are thinner for their length than any other brand (и они тоньше, чем другие сорта; length – длина).”

He picked up the four ends (Холмс взял четыре окурка) and examined them with his pocket-lens (и осмотрел их с помощью карманной лупы).

colony ['kOl@nI], wrapped [r&pt], straw [strO:]

“Hum!” said Holmes, “have you got his cigar-holder?”

“No, I have seen none.”

“His cigar-case, then?”

“Yes, it was in his coat-pocket.”

Holmes opened it and smelled the single cigar which it contained.

“Oh, this is an Havana, and these others are cigars of the peculiar sort which are imported by the Dutch from their East Indian colonies. They are usually wrapped in straw, you know, and are thinner for their length than any other brand.”

He picked up the four ends and examined them with his pocket-lens.

“Two of these have been smoked from a holder (две из них выкурили через мундштук) and two without (а две – без него),” said he. “Two have been cut by a not very sharp knife (/концы/ двух сигар обрезали не очень острым ножом), and two have had the ends bitten off by a set of excellent teeth (а у двух других откусили отменными = острыми зубами; to bite-bit-bitten; set – комплект, набор; a set of false teeth – вставная челюсть, вставные зубы). This is no suicide, Mr. Lanner (это не самоубийство, мистер Лэннер). It is a very deeply planned and cold-blooded murder (это очень хорошо спланированное и хладнокровное убийство).”

“Impossible (невозможно)!” cried the inspector (вскричал инспектор).

“And why (почему же)?”

“Why should any one murder a man in so clumsy a fashion as by hanging him (зачем кому-то убивать человека через повешение – таким неудобным способом; clumsy —неуклюжий, неповоротливый; неизящный)?”

“That is what we have to find out (это нам и нужно выяснить).”

“How could they get in (как они вошли)?”

“Through the front door (через парадную дверь).”

excellent ['eks(@)l@nt], cold-blooded [,k@uld'blVdId], clumsy ['klVmzI]

“Two of these have been smoked from a holder and two without,” said he. “Two have been cut by a not very sharp knife, and two have had the ends bitten off by a set of excellent teeth. This is no suicide, Mr. Lanner. It is a very deeply planned and cold-blooded murder.”

“Impossible!” cried the inspector.

“And why?”

“Why should any one murder a man in so clumsy a fashion as by hanging him?”

“That is what we have to find out.”

“How could they get in?”

“Through the front door.”

“It was barred in the morning (утром она была заперта на засов).”

“Then it was barred after them (значит, ее заперли за ними).”

“How do you know (откуда вы знаете)?”

“I saw their traces (я видел их следы). Excuse me a moment (прошу меня извинить, я отойду ненадолго = дайте мне немного времени), and I may be able to give you some further information about it (и я смогу рассказать вам об этом более подробно: «смогу предоставить дополнительные сведения об этом»).”

He went over to the door (он подошел к двери), and turning the lock he examined it in his methodical way (и, заперев и отперев замок, методично осмотрел его: «своим методическим способом»). Then he took out the key, which was on the inside (потом он вытащил ключ, торчавший /из замка/ с внутренней стороны /в комнате/), and inspected that also (и тоже осмотрел его). The bed (кровать), the carpet (ковер), the chairs (стулья), the mantelpiece (каминная полка), the dead body (тело убитого), and the rope (и веревка) were each in turn examined (все это, одно за другим, было подвергнуто осмотру; in turn – по очереди, поочередно), until at last he professed himself satisfied (пока наконец Холмс не заявил, что он удовлетворен; to profess – признавать; изображать, выказывать; professed – открытый, явный), and with my aid and that of the inspector cut down the wretched object (и с нашей с инспектором помощью не снял несчастное тело, обрезав веревку; wretched – бедный, несчастный) and laid it reverently under a sheet (и почтительно накрыл простыней: «почтительно положил его под простыню»).

“How about this rope (а что /вы скажете/ насчет веревки)?” he asked.

key [ki:], satisfied ['s&tIsfaId], wretched ['retSId], reverently ['rev(@)r@ntlI]

“It was barred in the morning.”

“Then it was barred after them.”

“How do you know?”

“I saw their traces. Excuse me a moment, and I may be able to give you some further information about it.”

He went over to the door, and turning the lock he examined it in his methodical way. Then he took out the key, which was on the inside, and inspected that also. The bed, the carpet, the chairs, the mantelpiece, the dead body, and the rope were each in turn examined, until at last he professed himself satisfied, and with my aid and that of the inspector cut down the wretched object and laid it reverently under a sheet.

“How about this rope?” he asked.

“It is cut off this (она отрезана от этого),” said Dr. Trevelyan, drawing a large coil from under the bed (сказал доктор Тревельян, вытаскивая из-под кровати большой моток). “He was morbidly nervous of fire (он патологически боялся пожара; morbid – болезненный; нездоровый /о виде/; перен. болезненный, ненормальный; психически нездоровый; с отклонениями), and always kept this beside him (и всегда держал веревку неподалеку: «возле себя»), so that he might escape by the window (чтобы спастись через окно) in case the stairs were burning (в случае, если бы загорелась лестница).”

“That must have saved them trouble (это избавило убийц от /лишних/ хлопот),” said Holmes, thoughtfully (задумчиво проговорил Холмс). “Yes, the actual facts are very plain (итак, настоящие обстоятельства совершенно ясны), and I shall be surprised if by the afternoon (и я буду очень удивлен, если к полудню) I cannot give you the reasons for them as well (не сумею сообщить вам их причин). I will take this photograph of Blessington (я возьму с собой фотографию Блессингтона), which I see upon the mantelpiece (которая стоит на каминной полке), as it may help me in my inquiries (так как она может помочь мне в расспросах).”

“But you have told us nothing (но вы ничего нам не рассказали)!” cried the doctor.

morbidly ['mO:bIdlI], thoughtful ['TO:tful], photograph ['f@ut@grA:f]

“It is cut off this,” said Dr. Trevelyan, drawing a large coil from under the bed. “He was morbidly nervous of fire, and always kept this beside him, so that he might escape by the window in case the stairs were burning.”

“That must have saved them trouble,” said Holmes, thoughtfully. “Yes, the actual facts are very plain, and I shall be surprised if by the afternoon I cannot give you the reasons for them as well. I will take this photograph of Blessington, which I see upon the mantelpiece, as it may help me in my inquiries.”

“But you have told us nothing!” cried the doctor.

“Oh, there can be no doubt as to the sequence of events (о, касательно последовательности событий сомнений быть не может),” said Holmes. “There were three of them in it (преступников было трое): the young man, the old man, and a third (молодой человек, старик и третий), to whose identity I have no clue (чью личность я не установил). The first two, I need hardly remark, are the same (первые двое – едва ли мне нужно /о них/ говорить – это те самые /лица/) who masqueraded as the Russian count and his son (выдававшие себя за русского графа и его сына; to masquerade – принимать участие в маскараде; притворяться, выдавать себя /за кого-либо/), so we can give a very full description of them (так что мы можем их очень подробно описать: «дать полное описание их»). They were admitted by a confederate inside the house (их впустил сообщник, находившийся в доме). If I might offer you a word of advice, Inspector (позвольте дать вам совет, инспектор), it would be to arrest the page (арестуйте мальчишку-слугу), who, as I understand, has only recently come into your service, Doctor (который, как я понимаю, лишь недавно поступил на службу, доктор).”

“The young imp cannot be found (этого постреленка нигде не найти; imp – чертенок, бесенок; постреленок),” said Dr. Trevelyan; “the maid and the cook have just been searching for him (горничная и кухарка уже искали его).”

Holmes shrugged his shoulders (Холмс пожал плечами).

sequence ['si:kw@ns], masqueraded [,m&sk@'reIdId], count [kaunt]

“Oh, there can be no doubt as to the sequence of events,” said Holmes. “There were three of them in it: the young man, the old man, and a third, to whose identity I have no clue. The first two, I need hardly remark, are the same who masqueraded as the Russian count and his son, so we can give a very full description of them. They were admitted by a confederate inside the house. If I might offer you a word of advice, Inspector, it would be to arrest the page, who, as I understand, has only recently come into your service, Doctor.”

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