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About Culture, - A Little (СИ)
  • Текст добавлен: 6 июня 2018, 00:00

Текст книги "About Culture, - A Little (СИ)"

Автор книги: Vladimir Zalesski

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Текущая страница: 9 (всего у книги 11 страниц)

– Надо освежить память...

– It is necessary to refresh memory...

– Конечно! Информация общедоступная! Интересный город Новогрудок! С богатой историей! – подвел итог Читатель.

– Of course! The public information! The information of a common access! The interesting city of Navahrudak (Novogrudok)! With the rich history! – the Reader has summed up the result.

– Да! – согласилась Читательница.

– Yes! – the Readeress has agreed.

04 июня 2017 года – 05 июня 2017 года. 19 апреля 2018 г. – 20 апреля 2018 г.

June 04, 2017 – June 05, 2017. April 19, 2018 – April 21, 2018.

Translation from Russian into English (with the text changes): April 16, 2018 – April 21, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о Новогрудке'.

21. Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account

– May I remove my account?

– And why you want to delete your account?

– Have I a right to remove my account?

– And what books in your account?

– I have to come into the account, to make by a mouse of "copy-paste", to engage in useless activities of removal a unneeded text elements and to send you the list of books by e-mail?

– And what books from the list sent by you are in the publication process? Probably, not the all? Some are in the process of a preparation?

– I had to guess what you will express new questions? And then again the "pleasure" of a useless activities?

– Why don't you want to?

– Isn't it announced that readers can purchase books, written by authors, using your platform?

– Isn't that right?

– If you, the employee of the platform, can't independently obtain information about the list of my books at your platform, if, still besides, you are asking me to specify what books from this list are published and what books – aren't, then how the ordinary reader will understand your platform? And if he doesn't understand – how he will buy books using your platform?

– Whether can we stop now? And to stop asking questions?

– Why should I place books at the platform which a mass reader cannot understand? What is the meaning of the existence of my account in this situation? Don't I have the right to delete my account?

(Allow to return to the beginning of the text? To start the reading the text once again?).

May 3, 2018 19:39

Translation from Russian into English: May 4, 2018 05:43.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы об издательской платформе и об удалении аккаунта'.

22. Questions about an Internet-Platforms for Publications and about a "Traditional" Publishing Houses

– Why the "Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account" are creating a slightly strange impression about the such internet-platforms?

– Did you get acquainted with opinions of the "beginning" writers about "traditional" publishing houses?

– "Traditional" publishers, "traditional" publishing houses – who are they?

– Is this notion – the royalties, advance payments, "paper" books, author copies, a delivery of books to readers through traditional distribution systems? Is it – the people who can work with the market? Publish and sell on the market circulation – three, five, ten, twenty-five thousand "paper" copies? The people capable to recoup the costs? Achieve a profit? Includes this notion – an author's honorariums dependent on a volumes of purchases of a circulation? – Legends about a fairy-tale good old times?

– Legends are alive still? The beginners writers are forming for themselves a slightly strange impression about the existing modern "traditional" publishing houses? – judging by Internet chats?

– Will modern "traditional" publishing houses essentially differ from other institutions? Whether it was necessary to accept the special legislative rules obliging the state organizations to respond to letters and addresses of citizens with observance of established periods?

– Whether modern "traditional" publishing houses will essentially differ from other institutions? Whether it was necessary to accept the special legislative rules obliging the state organizations to respond to letters and addresses of citizens with observance of established periods?

– Can any citizen create the account on the website of the internet-platform for publications and with enthusiasm to direct own forces for the publishing of own book?

– Probably, it is a some life experience?

– Will receive any money the citizen who has focused his energy for an achievement of the literary victories ? In exchange for results of the creative activity? At a cooperation with the publishing platform or with modern "traditional" publishing house?

– Will he receive? Or he will spend?!

– Can be spent except money, probably, both forces, and time??

– If you will go for training in gym, or you will go to play on the tennis court, – you, probably, will spend both money, and time, and forces, too?

– In what is the advantage of an internet-platform for publications?

– Perhaps, you may to save your own time? Do you reduce the period of negotiations and correspondence? Do you get in the accelerated mode a new life experience?

– Do you need this experience and in this volume? And what will be with results of your literary creativity?

– Who should answer these questions?

– Why I am convinced – intuitively? – that the total annual revenues from sale of all paper and electronic books is a quite noticeable and is giving a considerable amounts of money?

– What can tell about the distilled, obvious figures ?

– Knows a statistics about everything?

– Will we ask questions about a statistics now?

– Have you ever compared the cultural levels of employees of the internet-platform for publications and employees of the" traditional " publishing house?

– Are you hinting at the possibility of communicating on the Internet with cultural and trained people?

– The internet and remote communication with users now is a new format of reality? For a new reality a new people are needed ?

– And what? No income, and some costs? – As in a process of the interaction with the online platform, so in a communication with the modern "traditional" publishers? And in both cases, you gain an experience? Can you to form the opinion, perhaps, the correct, that on the Internet you are communicating with a very prepared, cultural and educated people? But when you create an account, do you start acting instead of waiting for answers to letters??

– It seems that the Internet-Platform for Publications – the idea not bad?

– Are the excessive sketchiness and pessimism useful?

– Do you hint at the information on the large royalties received by writers, at the information, which is periodically appearing in media? About books – the champions of circulation and of sales? About writers – millionaires? "Traditional" publishing houses are still useful?

– Are there more things in information business, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy?

– Shakespeare?

– Homer?

– Myths?

– Tales, dialogues?

– Questions?

– Maybe with them was necessary to begin?

May 4, 2018 – May 5, 2018.

Translation from Russian into English: May 5, 2018.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы об издательских интернет-платформах и о 'традиционных' издательствах'.

23. The Sketch about a Timekeeping

– What size of the grant?

– 1000000.

– How many minutes need to be fulfilled?

– 840. That is, 14 hours – 60 minutes in each.

– It's a lot, but we will make "packages" – 2 hours each. We will try to do the all within 7 days.

– So ... 1000000 ... 840 ... And how many ideas?

– Internet filters work in online. On average, 1 idea comes in a 10 minutes period.

– But the themes of the ideas, the levels, quality of the ideas – are the different ...

– That's why they gave you 840 minutes. For 840 minutes you will receive 84 ideas. Of these, 10 percent, that is 8.4-well, rounded, – 10 ideas – more or less of a normal level and quality.

– And a literary and intellectual factories? A personal intellectual slaves?

– In these options there are elements of doubt, some risk. Why do we need to be the dubious? These are options for the fussy. The intelligent Internet crowdsourcing is a thing socially accepted and endorsed.

– You're right!

– The ideas need to be been effective presented ... At rather high level of abstraction.

– You are right. An idea is the abstraction. An idea isn't attached to any personality.

– The quantity us is small. But – and grants there isn't a lot of.

– The budget is not a rubber.

– In general, " hurry slowly." A slow, brooding way of a speaking. All sorts of emotional "seasoning". "Civilization" – "outstanding achievements" – "we" – "startups" – "discourses" – "modeling of the future". Well, in the same spirit. It is not a dogma. Of course, creativity is welcome.

– It isn't necessary to hurry with the presentation of ideas. You're "pull a thought", and ideas from the Internet are "dropping". All sorts of schoolboys, students, intellectual volunteers, suddenly left without work, restless pensioners. Also it isn't forbidden to others. You "abstract" the ideas, – you clean the ideas, as far as possible, from authorship. Also you insert the ideas into a weaves of words.

– And 1000000 in our pockets!

– Yes!

– You are a genius!

– The burlak – the barge hauler – of industrialization!

– Nevertheless not everything is so simple ...

– Well, it is clear ... Not yesterday were born ...

– Turn on the toggle-switch!

– We begin the intellectual movement!

May 18, 2018.

Translation from Russian into English: May 18, 2018.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о тайминге'.

24. The Monologue about the Petya's Father is Good at Arithmetic

The schnauzer is walking along a street to the radio station and thinking.

"What is a strange tradition? No matter who from our trained community came to the radio station, no of them is possible to say anything a differ. They speak about the same thing: motorists are careless people. We need to train them more.'

"But not the only the motorists among us live. Fans of history sit at the radio station and thumb through ancient editions. And we learn: it appears, and creative persons once lived, – except motorists ..."

"There were a many votings! We have the figures in the budget for the financing of culture approved... Even if you subtract all sorts of useful employees such as leaders of clubs, librarians ... plumbers in the houses of culture, finally... then a some quantity of the creative individuals, who write stories, poems, songs, must be discovered ...'

"Stop" – the schnauzer has started slipping, – "many of people... thousands, hundreds of thousands are writing ... enough to "come in" in some literary Internet service... Literary works by some of them are reading... The subject not in this... How many creative people get a part from the budget pie?... What is the exact number of geniuses and subgeniuses?... And what share of the budget pie goes to these selected creative personalities?'

"Yes, no ... what am I saying?" – the schnauzer has again stopped himself. – "Creative people – they receive fees (royalties, honorarium). Their works are bought, the authors get the a part of the money received as a result of the purchase of their works... it is clear that the songs are listened to, that the books are bought... and so on."

"But in order to buy books, they need to be published. After a publishing the books need to sell... Who publish? – Publishers!... Who sell? – Bookstores, shops, private traders stalls... Used to sell ... ... "ofens" – traders, who went through the villages ... Perhaps, the book – if it was cheap – was the best-selling product... Sytin, – the publisher, – entered in a history...'

"Yes, isn't present! Well, what publishing houses ...", – the schnauzer has begun to get confused. – "That is, firms with the name "publishing house", of course, exist ... But the publishing house, is it seems as an organization the getting profit on a sale of books. Such an organization can estimate a book market, is capable to undertake risks, to become an intermediary between the author and retail chain stores, buyers of books ... However, and with retail chain stores not everything is simple ..."

'Generally, if who of authors dealt with all this system, he, perhaps, knows that the main thing not to write the work, but to save the patience and persistence necessary for correspondence ..."

"If the principle "profit – from a sale of books" is acting, then why they are not interested in the authors?..."

"However, skilled people with irony say that a some happiness they had – to receive the royalties: near fifteen thousands rubles [approximately 190 euros]. It a payment for a half a year – a year (and can be, and more), necessary for writing a book, and for the tons of the headache, getting at the subsequent correspondence ... If only a writing of letters – without any answers – it is possible to call correspondence ..."

"Generally, this system of "publishing houses" and "book trade" has the own secrets and laws ..."

"If the person-university was engaged in studying of this system, then he, perhaps, would open the law of a saving of money ... and still some laws ..." – the schnauzer has joked silently.

"Well, if the system of "publishing" and "book trade" to leave aside, and then to go from the traditional fees back to the budget again, to public finance for culture, and to those lucky people who are somehow involved in this budget...

Of course, literally you won't convert the budget money into the money of royalties ... you will not be for the budget money to buy fully or partially a book circulation ... ... you will not be for the budget money to buy fully or partially a book circulation ...

However, and if to buy for libraries (a civils or a militaries)?. For some state and municipal organizations – that to put a books on a regiment in a visible place ... How many did remain libraries?. . The publishing house receives money from budgets after a buying a circulation, a part of money a publisher gives to the author – here and the fee ..." "Not really is heard about it ... Probably or practice this not really widespread, or it isn't accepted to speak about it ... But, in any case, there is money, there are books, there are creative people ... Perhaps, among these people there are our modern Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Gogol?..."

"Yes, hardly", – the schnauzer has again begun to doubt, – "about Tolstoy, about Dostoyevsky, about Gogol almost all knew in Russia. And if there is no information, then what Gogol it is?"

"Then we come to the budget financing of projects, programs, events..." "Here I go to the radio station, and this radio station received a certain amount... There, for example, a thousand people are employed: from the janitor and the elevator operator till the editor and proofreader... There, probably, and fees can to appear...

However, it is simpler to work through a traditional (time-based) salary: and a creative person gets used to a relative reliability, and for the administration it is more easy ... A loyalty ...

And in general, all – are members of the creative team. And lifters, and watchmen, and editors, and proofreaders..."

"There is, of course, in the tax law a concept a "fees" ('royalties', 'honorarium'). Probably, data are in tax administration – who and how many ... But, first, there is such concept a "tax secret", secondly, the information may be absolutely unexpected ..."

"What I to myself ask riddles?" – the schnauzer has begun to be tired of the own questions. – "Who they, the creative people?" "Who geniuses and subgeniuses?" "Who Dostoyevsky and Gogol?" "What sums of the fees?" "Who they, which had received money from the budget? And how many was received?" "This creative people not a millions? To Maxim Gorky, when he lived at the Capri, a several hundreds of the beginners writers from Russia letters were written ..."

"Who at us a cultural figures? And bloggers are not cultural figures? All know them and about them!..."

"Bloggers! But hardly they get something from the budget ..." "And this culture (from the most famous bloggers) – mostly the culture of a tea strainer from Ilf and Petrov's book ..."

"In general it is natural ... Heinrich Schliemann, let us assume, learned different languages, he prepared himself for the career of the archeologist, was engaged in business, sport ... and someone from his contemporaries spent time at a balls, dances and lunches ... There can't be at all identical interests ..."

"And in general... With this "culture" ... All this is very strange ..."

The schnauzer, at last, has reached the radio station. The moment has come to present the ideas to radio listeners.

"Owners of tricycles are people careless. It is necessary to train them more", – has sounded in a radio air.

"To organize a dialogue with listeners on a subject! To find out the relation of "people" to a theme!..." – the staff of the radio station were worried ...

Radio listeners have switched off radio receivers.

May 22, 2018 22:23

Translation from Russian into English: May 23, 2018 – May 24, 2018.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о Папа у Пети силен в арифметике'.

25. The Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale monologue about a "military prose"

Leo Tolstoy with interest read the poem by Mikhail Lermontov. One officer with interest got acquainted with the work written by the other fighting officer.

'И жизнь всечасно кочевая,

Труды, заботы ночь и днем,

Все, размышлению мешая,

Приводит в первобытный вид

Больную душу: сердце спит,

Простора нет воображенью...

И нет работы голове...'

"And life is hourly nomadic,

Labors, cares night and day,

All, reflection hampering the,

Leads the sick soul

To a primitive form: heart sleeps,

There is no scope to imagination ...

Also there is no work for the mind ..."

Poetically described...

But all was not so poetic.

Here are the memories of the other officer.

"Lermontov gathered some gang of dirty thugs ... It did not last long, however, because Lermontov could not sit anywhere, always torn to somewhere and did not bring anything to the positive completion. He disgusted me with his unusual untidiness. He wore a red canaus shirt, which seems to have never erased and looked blackened from under the ever-unbuttoned coat of the poet, who wore it without epaulettes ... Lermontov pranced on a white, like snow, horse ... ... rushed on horseback to the protective structures made of felled trees?! We laughed at him for it'

In fact, how he can to rush on horseback to the protective construction made of the cut-down trees?

Tolstoy continued reflection.

The Vladimir Bogomolov's novel 'In the August of '44' ('The Moment of Truth')... A lot of episodes which, taken separately, and "commented", are capable to create impression of some theater of absurdity. One of the characters remembers how he led many hours of observation in the cold from an abandoned toilet in the middle of the yard. Or – the search for a sapper shovel... The search long, mass, and, as it might seem, meaningless. Or – the lack of chairs, seats at the meeting of the generals... and so on... but the novel – eventually – shows the reader a completely different reality... in many of the heroes of this novel there is pride for himself and for comrades, a tremendous energy of victory...

...These are the people of the knightly spirit...

But this, nevertheless, events are not close...

And if we turn to other events?

Here, for example, the circumstances, which the one of participants of the Crimean war remembered:

"I ask you, young man," – began the managing director in an instructive tone, – " how much will you pay me for the money I order to release for your brigade's battery?" Usually pay me eight percent and more, but you, artillerymen, the people stubborn. Artillerymen like to bargain. Well, from you it is possible to take cheaper... However I warn: I won't take less than six percent for anything, it is impossible..."

Such shameless and cool robbery has exasperated me".

Tolstoy's fingers have accidentally touched one of sheets of the manuscript. He has much written about the Crimean war too.

"More than once I saw near Sevastopol when as during truce Russian and French soldiers, without understanding the words of each other, after all friendly, brotherly smiled met, doing signs, patting each other shoulder or a belly. As far as these people were above those people who arranged wars, and stopped truce during war, and inspiring people that they aren't brothers, and hostile members of the different people, forced them to kill each other again."

Yes ...

More and more of a literate people. If everyone is literate, then, of course, some educated people – those, who gained a fighting experience. And among them – there are people with literary abilities...

Eventually, if to simplify, the problem consists in the outlook wide scope? Or – in capacity of a talent? Or – in a life experience?.

Someone, – we will believe in this statement, – have seen a dirty shirt and slovenliness ... Other by the power of talent have created a beautiful poetic image. The third in a set of circumstances and documents, in the meat grinder of multimillion war has seen

'Надежды лучшие и голос благородный

Неверием осмеянных страстей'.

"Hopes the best and voice noble

of Passions, which were later discredited with a disbelief".

What about abroad?

The question is not a simple... Take the specific example... and look in the encyclopedias...

... The gifted artist, having been wrecked in private life, finds death in the battlefield in the ranks of colonial troops. ... Espionage activity of the boy ... ... for the benefit ... empires is sung. ... Draws everyday life of soldiers, petty officials, their devotion to a debt to the empire. Criticizing ... colonial administration ..., reproaching ... the government and military command in inattention to the lower ranks ... ... makes an impression of impartial objectivity of the views. However his creativity is extremely tendentious in the statement of a "civilizing" mission ... The heavy "burden" ... A little seperatly there are two well-known "Books of the Jungle" ... ("The Jungle Book", 1894 – 95) in which ... acts as the initiator of "stories about animals", where the capitalist law of competition is proved by the animal law"survival of a strong".

Yes it is possible to find both other examples, and other statements in encyclopedias ...

In general, war – a terrible thing. What happens to the person who passes through her? Great Northern War (1700-1721) lasted about 20 years. Events there was a set. A set of options – as it is possible to group these events. How to interpret ... How to estimate ...

Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky showed in the one way the image of Peter the Great . And Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy – in the another way...

Aleksey Nikolayevich... Peter I. The 'window' in Europe... The European way of life... The Navy... Education...

Let's say there are readers who can read with interest the works by D. S. Merezhkovsky and the works by A. N. Tolstoy...

A. N. Tolstoy wrote "The Adventures of Buratino or The Golden Key".

...About a cat Leopold is not a bad idea...

From memory the reminiscence was rising up: "mongoose". Family, – parents, children, the house, the garden, the mongoose ... The mongoose protects children. Question " to protect or not to protect?" not even worth it ... And about a hostilities or an armed confrontation – not a one a word... Just – the children's tale... How is it? "No questions"? Even if "no one step backwards", there are still questions: is not it too simplistic? towards the left Bank of the Volga heavy artillery was transported? the artillery fist was created? so a maneuver was needed?.. "Having passed school of a newspaper essay ..." Here, perhaps, the other school ... If to take since the time of Julius Caesar, – 2 thousand years ... Since 1215 – from acceptance of the Magna Carta Libertatum – 800 years ...

Long it is possible to reflect ...

Tolstoy has switched from philosophical reflections to continuation of writing of the literary work.

So ... The Story "Demoted" (1853-1856) ["Meeting a Moscow Acquaintance in the Detachment" ("Разжалованный", 1856)] [Person, was stripped of his officer's rank and became an ordinary soldier]. From "The Caucasian memories"...

"-Because I'm an abomination, this life has destroyed me, everything that in me was, everything is killed." – Tolstoy has written down the statement of one of the characters.

"Probably, he became worried at the cold.

– What here ... is walking?

I didn't answer and silently have got out to the road."

'The "Demoted" story do not pass',– Leo Tolstoy noted in the Diary on December 2, 1856, referring to the censorship.

The story didn't make the great success. The story "was accepted coldly", – Wikipedia (rus) specifies, making a reference to the correspondence of Leo Tolstoy's contemporaries.

May 30, 2018 – May 31, 2018.

Translation from Russian into English: May 31, 2018 – June 1, 2018.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказочный монолог Льва Толстого о 'военной прозе''.

7. Broadcasting

1. The Short Story about the the turned-on Radio

Gorky turned on the radio.

– "I am Olympic championess of the two Olympic Games! Listen..!"

– "I am listening..." – Gorky thought.

– "Its a crash of World Olympic Movement!" – the man's bass voice was hooting.

– "?" – reacted Gorky.

– "Today February, 5, 2018! We dont know, how this day will be finished!" – the radio was talking.

– "The Champions" – Gorky has understood. And turned off the radio.

February 5, 2018 10:13

2. The Short Story about 'Heavy'

Gorky turned on the radio.

"The girl with a big desire of a better life has written a book about relations with some men. She needs a marriage..."

"In our times such a books weren't written", – Gorky was surprised. – "Development of culture".

"There are villages, where only invalids with governmental financial support are living. Or only the PhDs..." – the correspondent informed from the South area.

"Maybe, the villages with only writers will appear ?" – asked Gorky.

"The journalistess stretched the flag in the Korea".

"Heavy" – Gorky tried to summarize.

February 10, 2018 16:15.

3. The Strange Story of the American Journalist in the Australia

The American Journalist decided to write an article about the people of a humanism and of a good guests attitude.

Someone of his ancestors lived a some time in Russia in old times. Seemed, it was not a badly.

He started to write. Simultaneously he turned on a radio receiver.

The songs by Vladimir Vysotsky were sounding.

The pressman has felt the discomfort: 'The songs of the Russian poet! Why the Australia?'

He went out to a fresh air to walk along a street.

And the article?

The situation a strange a little...

April 24, 2018 20:16

4. The Radio listener's monologue

The fan of history has opened the book by the baron Budberg Alexey Pavlovich "The diary of the White Guard member" (on October 7, 1917 – on April 4, 1918):

"We rush further to the south; clean and comfortable little Japanese train rushes through bridges and tunnels; the road very much to resemble on our Amur railway and east branch of Chinese railway.

Have passed Antung, the former Korean small village, and now the solid city with stone houses, factories and the plants. I sadly thought of that the foundation is laid for it by us; we the first have woken desert Manchuria, have brought in it culture, have invested many millions of Russian money, have lost hundreds of thousands of Russian people and eventually have made her a source of the great benefits and income, but only not for ourselves; Japan has profited, China have got a lot of things and is going to get even more, we on a historical habit have got to ourselves only a grief, losses and a position with a chipped washing-tub."

"..." – the fan of history has thought, has slammed the book, has put the book aside. He have turned on radio.

The famous ballerina was trying, explaining that to listen to radio – well.

"..." – the fan of history has thought.

Here the pleasant voice of the vigorous journalistess was heard. She explained intelligibly, using the word "we":

– As much we have constructed in (background noise has muffled the place name): roads, bridges, buildings, power plant ....

Journalistess continued to list. Then she have slightly changed foreshortening of information:

– (background noise has muffled the name) have brought containers. Have collected, have mounted them. When needed, containers will be disassembled and will be transported away.

"..." – the Radio listener has thought. Also he "have passed" to other wave.

But radio has managed to continue a thought:

– ... relations with leaders of tribes!

On other wave the vigorous voice assured:

– The relations is the most valuable capital!

"..." – the radio listener has thought. He have switched off radio. He have reopened the book.

January 4, 2018 15:46

Translation from Russian into English: January 4, 2018 16:30.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог радиослушателя'.

5. The Dialogue in the Radio Studio

Диалог в радиостудии

The Dialogue in the Radio Studio

Пришел человек в радиостудию. Сел перед микрофоном. И как закричит:

The person has come to the radio studio. He have sat down in front of the microphone. And he started to exclaim loudly:

'Горький, Алданов, Париж!..'

"Gorky, Aldanov, Paris!.."

Кто-то шел по коридору. Заглянул в студию и говорит: 'Ну что Вы так кричите'. 'Алкоголизм! Многое пропили. Вы же не кричите?'

Someone was going along the corridor. He have glanced in studio and says: "Well... Why you shout so loudly?". "Alcoholism! A lot of things were drinked up away. You, seem, don't shout?"

Человек перед микрофоном посмотрел на заглянувшего с настороженностью. И неприязненно махнул рукой: 'Иди, иди...'.

The person in front of the microphone has looked at the human, which has glanced in the studio, with a vigilance. Also he have waved by hand with dislike: "Go, go ...".

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