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About Culture, - A Little (СИ)
  • Текст добавлен: 6 июня 2018, 00:00

Текст книги "About Culture, - A Little (СИ)"

Автор книги: Vladimir Zalesski

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Текущая страница: 2 (всего у книги 11 страниц)

– At first he didn't speak to them about me, – Rayevsky, Lermontov's friend, who was in group of visitors has added, – about my participation in distribution of verses . But then began to interrogate FROM (on behalf of) the SOVEREIGN: have told that to me, Rayevsky, nothing will be, and that if he doesn't admit, then "he will be given off" in a soldiers (he will be reduced to the rank of a soldier) ... He has remembered the grandmother... he couldn't resist ...

– The sovereign Imperator has deigned to enjoin: CornetLermontov, for the composition of the known verses, to send with the same rank, in the Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon regiment; and the Provincial Secretary of Rayevsky, for distribution of these verses, and in particular, for intention to secretly deliver data to the Cornet Lermontov about the testimony made by him, to keep in custody within one month – and then to send to the Olonets Province, for the use to service – at the discretion of the local Civil Governor, – the tour guide has commented.

– I have almost recovered... There was a heavy minute, but has passed, – Lermontov has spoken from a self-portrait.

– The grandmother was in despair; – continued the story V.P. Burnashev, – she by all means thought that her Michel will be arrested that in fortress will seat; however everything was even without arrest, only he was told from the chief of staff to live in Tsarskoye Selo, being engaged by diligently imperial service, but not "mad verses".

– The testimony were done... He isn't dangerous ... – someone from number of participants of an excursion has expressed opinion.

– With the Caucasian uniform of Lermontov there was a very amusing and quite ridiculous. – V.P. Burnashev has added. – Lermontov went on the affairs around the city and has run into a trouble near the English shop where he bought something.

Lermontov met the grand duke Michael Pavlovich, who has stopped him and, brandishing by his finger from side to side, has told: "You have no right to active in this leyb-hussar form, when you ought to be dressed the Caucasian form: about you long ago there was an order".

– "Not Iam guilty, your highness, but that tailor, who deceives me. On urgent affairs, it was necessary for me to went out from my house", there was Lermontov's answer. – "Look, your tailor must hasten properly " – the grand duke has noticed: – "he is so careless. May be because he, like you, the varmint, is scribbling some poem or the ode? If something like that, I will reach him. But in any case, I will not must see you again in this not your form". – "I listen, your highness" – Lermontov reported: – "today I will seem as the Caucasian in the city". – "Today? so means the uniformis ready?", – the grand duke has asked. – "I will try, in execution of will of your highness, from impossible to make a possible," – Lermontov said, and his highness happy with the valiant answer have left away ...

– I was linked, was burdened a care concerning my brother-participant of revolt in December, 1825, released – by great Mercy – the Emperor to Paris. My brother lived in Paris, but received means from estates from Russia. The visits to Russia – I did them. The Emperor has charged to me to accompany Pushkin's body to the place of a funeral, – A.I. Turgenev has remembered from a portrait. – In my memory there my feelings. This burdensome mourning way ... I on February 2 and 12, 1827, O.S. have written down in the diary: "Lermontov's verses fine". "(Pr[ince] Gol[itsyn]) interrogated me about pension, about a buckle, about the list of state service's merits. [I] Have let know that I want only – freedom and Paris."

– Here, Alexander Sergeyevich! The young man, the orphan who was brought up by the grandmother, the person with literary abilities, has written verses outstanding. He "has almost recovered"... What's further?

– What in the following hall of art gallery? – Pushkin has taken an interest.

The group of visitors has passed into the following hall.

Visitors of an exhibition have approached Vasily Vereshchagin's picture 'Парламентеры. 'Сдавайся' – 'Убирайся к чёрту!'' ("The Parlimentaires. "Give up" – "Clean up to hell!"").

Pushkin, slightly smiling, silently drank orange juice.

March 13, 2018 22:48

Translation from Russian into English: March 14, 2018 – March 15, 2018

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о молодом человеке'.

5. The Fairy Tale of How Nikolai Gogol became the Great Dramaturge

Nikolai Gogol comes to Vasily Zhukovsky:

– Vasily Andreyevich, I want to serve the benefit. By my pen. All of us know that you are the talented poet, the patron, and the tutor of Crown Prince. Therefore I to you have come for council and support. I am going to devote the forces to collecting national legends and myths about "Тришкин кафтан" (a "Trishkin's Kaftan"). But will this be the right direction?

– The fatherland waits for talented people! – Vasily Andreyevich has answered. Also he have continued to write down the poem on the sheet of paper.

"It is necessary to wait", – Gogol has understood.

There has passed some time. Creative energy demands an exit. Again Nikolai Gogol to Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky comes. Vasily Andreyevich has smiled to Gogol and has continued to write on the sheet of paper.

"I'll wait," – thought Gogol. – "First of all, Vasily Andreyevich can recall my previous question. Secondly, the creative process comes first. Everything else is on the second place.'

The room was entered by the footman and has reported that the horse carriage for Zhukovsky is arrived. The important visit is required to be made.

Vasily Andreyevich has smiled to Gogol, has postponed sheets of paper and has gone to an exit.

"He smiles!" – Gogol has thought. – "Means, it is possible to make a request!"

– Vasily Andreyevich! I would like to devote the creativity to a benefit, and I intend to go deep into folk art: to collect in different areas versions of a saying "In a kitchen garden – a plant with berries, and in the Kiev – an uncle". I plan to compare different options, to analyse, write the book. Naturally, it would be desirable to know the mood ...

Gogol slightly raised head and looked somewhere...

Vasily Andreyevich smiled again, jumped into the carriage and left.

Gogol feels, that as if would what the changes in the atmosphere occur. Again he comes to Vasily Andreyevich.

Vasily Andreyevich is a little busy, some important people, visitors, courtiers in beautiful uniforms.

The house owner has invited Gogol to sit down, has smiled friendly.

One of the guests dressed in a beautiful court uniform speaks to Zhukovsky:

– Important direction of activity! Audits are organized across all Russia!

Then he have turned the head to Gogol and have smiled.

Other guest in a beautiful uniform has joined a conversation:

– The people joke that some writers, – very famous, – write their works, after drinking a few glasses of a foreign rum!

He said, and politely looked on Gogol.

Gogol has got the manuscript from his pocket and something has added in the manuscript. Then he saw that all were silent and looking at him affectionately.

Then Gogol says:

– Vasily Andreyevich! I want to serve for a good future! By my pen. I wrote the Comedy, which aims to eradicate vices and show the benefits of audits, which were organized throughout all the Russia. Some of the writers, – very famous, – are mentioned.

– Thanks, Nikolai Vasilievich that have arrived on a visit! – Zhukovsky have politely told . – There is a big need now for a young, talented people! Several days will be required on reading, on formality. Then – the premiere of your comedy. And you are waited right now by the director of the central printing house, very much he wishes to get acquainted with you. My carriage will give a ride to you.

Gogol thanked him, gave Zhukovsky manuscript and leaved his house.

Then he have thought a little, he have taken away the fee, and he have gone to Rome.

And in St. Petersburg the theatrical performance of "The New Government Inspector" was already prepared. Who is the author of this "The New Government Inspector" – full clarity still isn't present.

Gogol those times began to write "Dead souls". In Rome.

May 25, 2018 06:55

Translation from Russian into English: May 25, 2018 09:05.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о том, как Николай Гоголь стал великим драматургом'.

2. Theatring

1. The Sketch about the famous ballerina and the reciter of Hamlet

The famous ballerina walked along one of the central streets.

She has seen the boy. The boy stood and read in English of Hamlet (The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare).

Some of the passers-by were throwing in a bag next to the boy, coin or banknote.

The kind ballerina has approached the boy and has put in a bag some banknote.

On the periphery of consciousness, the thought was: "no administration, no directorate, no theatrical squabbles."

"What if to go past the theater?" – the famous ballerina with irony has thought of herself.

The young woman has risen from the bench standing nearby. In her hand she was holding an open book. The woman approached the famous ballerina:

– We know You. Heard about You much. Even somehow involuntarily we watch Your life.

– Yes Yes! – the famous ballerina joined the situation. – I know you, too. In absentia. Surname is ... historical.

– Many thanks for your attention to Shakespeare's artwork, – the young woman has spoken.

– World culture! – the famous ballerina has answered.

– He opened a window out to Europe! – a young woman noticed. And clarified:

-I hear, that You have a period of peculiar worries now.

– Mm ... – the famous ballerina has reluctantly answered. – What Your affairs?

– Yes, we are, too... – the young woman has nodded.

– I'm going to stay above this and preserve my dignity, – the famous ballerina noted.

– Mm... Yes, we are, too... – a young woman agreed.

The ballerina and the young woman have kindly said goodbye.

– It's good to be a ballerina. But it's difficult! – noticed one of the passers-by to another.

– And for the reciters of Hamlet not easily, – chuckled his companion.

– There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio...– the immortal words were flying above the street.

08.10.2017 16:41

This translation from Russian into English: 09.10.2017 03:15

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о знаменитой балерине и о чтеце Гамлета'.

2. Sketch about the Double of the Historical Person

Скетч о двойнике исторической личности

Sketch about the Double of the Historical Person

– Предъявите разрешение!

– Show the permission!

– У меня должно быть разрешение?

– I have to have the permission?

– Вы похожи на заместителя председателя культурной комиссии!

– You are similar to the vice-chairman of the cultural commission!

– Я похож на заместителя председателя культурной комиссии?

– I am similar to the vice-chairman of the cultural commission?

– Вы фотографировались рядом с крокодилом!

– You were photographed near a crocodile!

– Э-э-э... Он же молчал!

– E-e-e ... He was silent!

– За большие деньги!

– For big money!

– Он сам со мной захотел сфотографироваться! Деньги отдал добровольно! Я готов исправиться! Немедленно!

– He with me has wanted to be photographed! He have given money voluntarily! I am ready to improve! Immediately!

– Э-э-э... Ладно... Всё-таки, господин уличный артист, учтите, есть жалобы жителей города! Загримируйтесь лучше под Ленина!

– E-e-e ... All right ... After all, mister the street actor, take into attention, there are complaints of the inhabitants of the city. Better do the actor make-up to be similar to Lenin!

28 февраля 2018 г.

February 28, 2018.

3. Songing

1. The Fairy Tale about the creative activity

Сказка о творчестве

The Fairy Tale about the creative activity

Владимир Высоцкий задумался: 'Сколько новой информации!'

Vladimir Vysotsky has thought: "How many of a new information!"

'Но как эту информацию творчески переработать?!'

"But how creatively to process this information?!"

Он стал подбирать аккорды:

He began to found chords:

'Здесь лапы у елей дрожат па весу,

Здесь птицы щебечут тревожно.'

"Here the paws of the fir-trees tremble on weight,

Here a birds chirp is disturbing."

'Почему лес? А не море?' 'Что-нибудь о море?'

"Why a forest? But not a sea?" "Something about a sea?"

Пальцы снова коснулись струн.

Fingers have again touched strings.

'Но почему аборигены съели Кука?'

"But why natives have eaten Cook?"

Пришла логичная мысль:

The logical thought has come:

'Но почему именно Кука?' 'Все-таки Лисянского с Крузенштерном они не съели?..'

"But why Cook?" "After all, they haven't eaten Lisyansky and Krusenstern?.."

'А если не лес и не море, а – воздушный океан?'

"And if – not a wood and not a sea, and – an air ocean?"

Высоцкий погладил гитару.

Vysotsky has stroked a guitar.

'Я слышу: 'Ростовчане вылетают!'

А мне в Одессу надо позарез...'

"I hear: "Residents of Rostov are sent to the flight!"

And to me to Odessa it is necessary extremely ..."

Высоцкий вдруг замолчал. Затем незаметно оглянулся.

Vysotsky has suddenly become silent. Then he have imperceptibly looked back.

На всякий случай спел еще пару строк:

He has sung couple more of lines – just in case:

'Открыты Лондон, Дели, Магадан -

Открыли всё, но мне туда не надо.'

"London, Delhi, Magadan are available -

All airports are opened. But I don't need of them."

'Лучше буду читать ... Шекспира!' Снова сомнения. 'Попрошу ставить Островского! "Бедность не порок", "Не так живи, как хочется"'.

"I prefer to read ... Shakespeare!" Again doubts. "I shall ask to organize the theatrical productions of plays by Ostrovsky! "Poverty is not a crime", "Not so live as there is a wish"".

Высоцкий облегченно вздохнул, отложил гитару и направился служить в театр.

Vysotsky has sighed with relief, has postponed a guitar and has gone to serve in the theater.

6 апреля 2018 г. 15:14

April 6, 2018 15:14

2. The Sketch about Bistro, Bikini, Napoleon and Orange Mood

The French composer listened sadly to sound recording. The song in Russian was sounding. Memories of the trip to Russia were not the most pleasant. The composer associatively remembered about Berezina: "That! Happens and a worse!".

"The mood is kind of... A purple?.. But – obviously not of orange color".

Meanwhile in Russia the famous man, – the singer, – has turned on the TV. On the screen the vigorous illusionist has appeared. He was in a cocked hat and talked Napoleon's voice. The singer gloomy looked at the screen. "Stop!", – the singer has thought. – "From where he can know how Napoleon talked? Sound recordings of lectures of the academician Tarle have remained? Creative borrowing of intonations, manner of performance?"

"Napoleon it's, of course ..." "By whom she feels herself? A nymph?."

The singer has accepted inside a glass of Martini.

The French composer was walking along a Paris street. His mood was not the most the best. "Why do I remember up Napoleon? About Berezina? About my trip to Russia?'

The composer saw a sign: "Bistro!".

"Here and perfectly!" "That's great!"

He went into the bistro and sighed with relief: "Napoleon and the bistro – two things are an incompatible!". Nearby the nice girl was drinking a something. "I don't know if she feels like a goddess," – the composer continued to think, – "but I foresee in her hands a bikini!'

The composer has addressed the employee of cafe: "Please, martini for mademoiselle!"

The mood became orange. "Let he sings there!... And I – here is...", – he has thought with a smile ...

"Mademoiselle!" – he begun. – "I looked at you and I composed the song ..."

May 14, 2018 13:37

Translation from Russian into English: May 14, 2018 14:21. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о бистро, бикини, Наполеоне и об оранжевом настроении'.

4. Newspapering

1. The Sketch about the Literary Prikaz

He returned after shopping and visiting a spa beauty salon.

"The prices are rather big, of course". "But it is necessary to be in the native circle of contacts". "The writer-millionaire shouldn't be among the different ones ..."

On the table he found "Questions." Questions about that and about this... 'The reviewer has leaved them on the table again'. "What is literature?" – he has pressed "Questions" by the finger toward a table surface. – "This concept abstract ... It is possible to ask as much as necessary ... Life such is what it is ...".

He has phoned: "Have brought?"

In several seconds on his table laid the text of article prepared by an employee of a trusted literary factory.

He has thrown a cursory glance along the page: "Orders – the effective form of a governmental management..." "It is a big art to plan the orders correctly ..." "Until the one of the orders ten days. Until another – ten nights, until third – ten weeks.... " "After the each order there will be literary achievements ...".

To read further there was no mood.

"Of course, we will publish ..." – He has chuckled. – "All the same, nobody reads this newspaper ... Now are not those times ...".

"What else?"

He has written the instructions: " Editor. Proofreader. To publish" and phoned to the assistant: "You need to sign the act of partial performance of works on the grant. Visit me'. Immediately he called the number of the accounts department. "Now will bring you the act of partial performance of work on a grant. Do the count of the honorarium and transfer money to me to the my bank cash card".

"After all, the cash machine will take time."

He has ironically smiled, having touched with a look the papers lying on a table: "Peter the Great was a person outstanding, but the Literary Prikaz hasn't created ...". [The pun of Russian words: order (instruction) = prikaz (executive governmental office)]. "Tomorrow at a meeting in the spa beauty salon this pun will be useful ...".

"It seems, for today – all."

He has called the service vehicle, and has gone to an exit.

May 5, 2018 17:17

Translation from Russian into English: May 5, 2018 22:43.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о литературном приказе'.

5. Filming

1.The Tale of a Timely Guidance

Mathilda Kschessinskaya wearily went across evening St. Petersburg. There night was coming. She has turned the head and has seen the low person overtaking her. On the person there was a cap, his cheek has been tied up by bandage. Apparently, his teeth were sore.

The experience of theatrical activity allowed Kschessinskaya to know the person despite the actor's makeup. She has understood that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is walking near her.

Matilda Kschessinskaya has understood that she will have no second such opportunity.

– Vladimir Ilyich! – she has exclaimed. – I ask You, listen to me! One second.

Lenin has turned the head and has watchfully looked at her, nothing without answering.

Mathilda Kschessinskaya has decided to show persistence:

– Vladimir Ilyich! We are cultural people! Remember your trips across Paris by bicycle!

Lenin has looked at Kschessinskaya more benevolently.

– Here look, Vladimir Ilyich, I have a decision of magistrate's court on return of my palace to me! You always were for the democratic republic! And the republic is a law!

– Nadezhda Konstantinovna, comrade Kschessinskaya, deals with questions of culture, – at last Lenin has said. – I recommend to you to address her.

– Where will I find Nadezhda Konstantinovna? She is a professional revolutionary. I also have met you by chance. And I need to live somewhere!

– Don't You want to address Nadezhda Konstantinovna, so?... – Lenin has said. – Well. Time You such persistent, I will render You assistance.

He took out a piece of paper and a pencil. He have written on a leaf: "In hundred years. Twice two – four".

– Contact, comrade Kschessinskaya, with this note. The palace, maybe won't be return, but will call You a public figure with all the ensuing consequences... Film about You will produce...

Lenin has stopped and is attentive, with value, has looked in Kshesinskaya's face:

– And now I hurry, comrade Kschessinskaya. To You, as to the Parisian, I have found so much time how many I could. Comrade Uritsky waits! He has already started motors!

Kschessinskaya in horror has instinctively groped a handbag with the remained gifts.

Lenin continued to stride quickly on the night street.

Kschessinskaya has rushed to the railway station. Behind the back she has heard Lenin's words: "And the judgment of magistrate's court you will give to the broadcast's programm "What Occurred Hundred Years Ago" !..."

January 20, 2018 12:49

Translation from Russian into English: January 20, 2018 14:00.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о своевременном совете'.

2. The Fairy Tale about the Screenplay and about Large Public Money

The advanced training courses for screenwriters at the international Film Festival have opened.

In the room of the five-star hotel, the screenwriter, who studied at the courses, was suffering from the heat.

"Why so uncomfortable? Air conditioning works! The room temperature is normal."

He felt sleepy.

He remembered up the today's assigned task by the chief of the courses:

"Let's say you have received a good money! "You" – in a broad sense! That is, the film producer – have received money ..."

Apparently, the screenwriter fell into a dream.

Eyes of the chief of courses came nearer, became closer and closer. They looked directly in the soul.

"You not for YouTube are capturing the video with the the mobile phone device! Many professionals will be employed! You will have nо possibility to shoot the bad film.

What is "bad"?

This concept expresses the summed personal, subjective points of view.

The art critics and the famous people won't pronounce this word ... They will pronounce other words – a positive ..." Eyes became closer and closer, they entered the screenwriter ...

"But under the main condition", – the screenwriter has continued a thought of the chief of courses by voice of the chief of courses, – "under the condition of the good the film scenario".

"After all, what is a historical episode with mass riots and the shooting of civilians?" – the screenwriter continued to reflect. – "This is, admittedly, a fact, repeatedly occurred in the history ..." "In this or that option we can find such fact in the history of any country ..."

"Listen," – the screenwriter has addressed the chief of courses, – " why you are looking at me so closely. I understand: it is responsible project ... But it is not only such sad facts in one or another variant repeated in history. And a shootings of all sorts of movies are repeated... scenarios in some form are repeated... What is the remakes, in the end? Why are you looking at me like that? Like a boa on a rabbit. I am not a rabbit!'

"You don't understand!" – the chief of courses has indignantly growled. – "You do the scenario not for some a movie! But for the film, which will be created with public money! There shouldn't be mass actions with a collective reading texts by chorus! There shouldn't be nefarious hints about a permission to use himself ..." "Have you understood?!"

The screenwriter passed out completely of own confusion. "Statuette!– Statuette!– Statuette" – he began to tune himself by the repeating the code word...

"There is no stability in the world... " "He's Sasha, he's Sanya, he's Alexander... " – the words in his memory appeared.

"Ugh!"– thought the screenwriter. – 'Not this!" "They will get attached: where the money ... The words "was used " will appear ... They will discover some contracts...'

"The hero of the civil war ...", – the words appeared in the memory.

The screenwriter focused his attention.

"He is at his country house with his family... The Staff of punitive structures are preparing for terrible things... First – the love affair... The lawbreaker rejected once by the wife of the hero, entered the service of the punitive structures... The lawbreaker comes to the hero and his wife... the tension increases...'

The screenwriter has grabbed sheets of paper began to write down convulsively ...

"Here and black car. The hero of civil war is taken and put into car between agents. The hero is indignant! He tries to resist. The car moves ... Agents use force ... Resistance of the hero of civil war is broken ... The car arrives to the square ... The excited crowd of civilians holds in hand pies with a liver. The tanks, arms. Troops. Generals. Machineguns. Everything froze... The generals recall the reception at the Supreme Commander, the toast said by him ... They don't give the necessary order!.."

"Command"! – agents demand from the brought hero. – "People know you. You're the hero, all known!"

The hero, morally destructed by the violence, commanded: "Fire!"

Shots sound ...

Balloons appear above the square. Enormous portraits of the Leader of Peoples are attached to them.

"That's good!" – the tender voice of the chief of courses was heard.

"Nonsense!"– the screenwriter thought. – "How did the chief of the course get here in the room?" "I'll go to the pool, freshen up!"

The screenwriter put in a folder the scribbled sheets of paper and went into the corridor. Here's the pool. The screenwriter undressed and jumped into the water.

At the time of the jump, he suddenly heard the words: "The state money! And not a little!'

The screenwriter was plunging into the water deeper and deeper. The eyes of the chief of the courses were approaching him.

In the sleep the screenwriter has heard the knock at a door of the hotel room.

May 27, 2018 21:49

Translation from Russian into English: May 29, 2018 06:19.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о киносценарии и крупных государственных деньгах'.

6. Booking

1. The Tale of the Conversation of Maxim Gorky and Jack London

Сказка о беседе Максима Горького и Джека Лондона

The Tale of the Conversation of Maxim Gorky and Jack London

В кафе-библиотеку вошел Джек Лондон и направился к Максиму Горькому.

Jack London had entered the cafe library and headed to Maxim Gorky.

Тот вышел из-за стойки библиотекаря.

Gorky came out from behind the counter of the librarian.

Они дружески пожали друг другу руки.

They have shaken hands each other with friendly mood.

– Джек! Наконец мы встретились!

– Jack! At last we have met!

– Алексей! Мечтал о нашей встрече.

– Alexei! I dreamed of our meeting.

– Джек! В нашем кафе-библиотеке принято в свободное от чтения время пить кофе. Пойдем, присядем за столик, выпьем по чашечке.

– Jack! In our cafe-library it is accepted to have coffee in free time. Come on, sit down at the table. We will drink of coffee.

– С удовольствием, Алексей! Раз уж возникла возможность поговорить... Я часто размышляю о совпадениях и различиях в наших с тобой, Алексей, судьбах. Любопытно было бы узнать твое мнение по этому поводу.

– With pleasure, Alexei! We have an opportunity to talk... I am often reflecting on the similarities and differences between destinies – my fate and your's life route, Alexei. It would be interesting to know your opinion on this matter.

– Отлично, Джек! Сравнения и сопоставления помогают лучше понять и оценить самого себя. Для стандартного любителя мировой литературы вполне естественным может стать вопрос: почему в общем здоровый Джек Лондон прожил 40 лет, а Максим Горький – с больными легкими – 68 лет? Я родился в 1868 году, а ты, Джек, – в 1876. В принципе, можно считать нас ровесниками.

– Ok, Jack! Comparisons help better understand and appreciate yourself. For the standard fan of the world literature it may be a well natural the question: why in General a healthy Jack London had lived near 40 years, and Maxim Gorky – with sick lungs, – 68 years? I was born in 1868, and you, Jack, – in 1876. In principle, it is possible to consider us age-mates.

– И у тебя, Алексей, и у меня жизнь началась в материально стесненных обстоятельствах.

– And at you, Alexei, and at me a life began in a financially constrained circumstances.

– Твоя мать, Джек, настояла на твоем участии в литературном конкурсе, в ходе которого ты получил первое место, получил премию, поверил в свои силы, в свой писательский талант.

– Your mother, Jack, insisted of your participation in a literary competition, in a course of which you received the first place, received a prize, believed in your forces, in your writer's talent.

– Твоя мать, вся твоя семья, Алексей, была далеки от традиционной художественной литературы. Но твоя мать научила тебя грамоте. Твоя бабушка была знатоком народного творчества. Твой дед по Библии выучил тебя церковнославянскому языку. Прежде чем стать приверженцем социализма, ты получил от одного из знакомых "титул" "псалтырника" – то есть, в некотором смысле, знатока Библии.

– Your mother, all your family, Alexei, were far from traditional literature. But your mother taught you to read and write. Your grandmother was a master of a folk song art. Your grandfather by the Bible has taught you to Church Slavonic language. Before becoming the adherent of socialism, you received from one of your acquaintances a "title", "name" "psaltyrnik" ("a man with a deep knowledge of Psalter") – that is, in a some sense, a connoisseur of the Bible.

– Да, Джек. Библию надо знать. Всегда был убежден в этом... И я, и ты, Джек, росли без отцов. В какие-то моменты в наших жизнях появились отчимы.

– Yes, Jack. it necessary to know the Bible. I always was convinced of it... Both I, and you, Jack, grew without own fathers. At some moments in our lives stepfathers have appeared.

– И я, и ты, Алексей, в какие-то моменты почувствовали склонность к самоубийству. Выкарабкались из этого психологического состояния. Вели вольную жизнь. Путешествовали, бродяжничали. Много ходили пешком, сплавлялись по рекам.

– Both I, and you, Alexey, at some moments have felt tendency to a suicide. Have got out of this psychological state. We conducted a free life. Traveling, wandering. Went on foot much, were alloyings along the rivers.

– Ты, Джек, много плавал по морям-океанам... И еще: даже вдали от своих родных мест ты оставался семейным человеком. Тебя ждали дома мать, сестры... Я же в какой-то момент лишился всех близких родственников...

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