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About Culture, - A Little (СИ)
  • Текст добавлен: 6 июня 2018, 00:00

Текст книги "About Culture, - A Little (СИ)"

Автор книги: Vladimir Zalesski

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Текущая страница: 1 (всего у книги 11 страниц)



Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich

Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich

About Culture, – A Little


1. Producing

1. Dialogue of colleagues.

2. The Sketch about Modern Realities.

3. The Fairy tale about Pushkin on Easter Island.

4. The Story about the Young man.

5. The Fairy Tale of How Nikolai Gogol became the Great Dramaturge.

2. Theatring

1. The Sketch about the famous ballerina and the reciter of Hamlet.

2. Sketch about the Double of the Historical Person.

3. Songing

1. The Fairy Tale about the creative activity.

2. The Sketch about Bistro, Bikini, Napoleon and Orange Mood.

4. Newspapering

1. The Sketch about the Literary Prikaz.

5. Filming

1. The Tale of a Timely Guidance.

2. The Fairy Tale about the Screenplay and about Large Public Money.

6. Booking

1. The Tale of the Conversation of Maxim Gorky and Jack London.

2. The tale about not-sent letter. Of Maxim Gorky to Ivan Bunin.

3. The dialogue about Peter the Great.

4. The Tale about William Gladstone and about an exhibition.

5. Dialogue about Lack of Preliminary Censorship.

6. The Christmas story.

7. The Sketch about the Literary Dispute.

8. The Short Story about the Bottom.

9. The Short Story about Progress in Fishing.

10. Dialogue of Stop Down – Start Up.

11. The Monologue about Knowledge.

12. The Fairy Tale, devoted March 8, about Lermontov.

13. The Fairy Tale about the Library on the Seacoast.

14. The Short Story about ventilators and about Hegel.

15. The Short Story about Dramaturgy.

16. Dialogue about an adventure literature.

17. Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary.

18. Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary. Series 2.

19. The Fairy Tale about Mark Twain, the publisher.

20. The Story about Navahrudak (Novogrudok).

21. Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account.

22. Questions about an Internet-Platforms for Publications and about a "Traditional" Publishing Houses.

23. The Sketch about a Timekeeping.

24. The Monologue about the Petya's Father is Good at Arithmetic.

25. The Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale monologue about a "military prose".

7. Broadcasting

1. The Short Story about the the turned-on Radio

2. The Short Story about 'Heavy'

3. The Strange Story of the American Journalist in the Australia

4. The Radio listener's monologue

5. The Dialogue in the Radio Studio

6. The Story about Thoughtfulness

7. Sketch about Vacancies

8. Sketch about the Elevator Trip to Mauritius

9. The Story about the Creative Streams of Air

10. Dialogue between the Journalist and Reader

11. The Story about the Petersburg long-liver

12. The Short Story about Mercader. Series 2

13. The Express Sketch about Radio-mite, Schnauzer and Bull Terrier.

1. Producing

1. Dialogue of colleagues

Диалог коллег

Dialogue of colleagues

После неприятной истории с Радищевым Екатерина II выделила деньги из государственного бюджета на поддержку литературного творчества.

After a unpleasant story with Alexander Radishchev Catherine II has allocated money from the state budget for support of literary creativity.

Составили смету. Устроили очередную книжную выставку.

Have calculated the estimate. Have organized the once more book exhibition.

Люди все уважаемые. Рядом оказались за соседними столами бывший пресс-секретарь одной из организационных структур в звании генерала со своей книгой о резонансных, всем известных, громких преступлениях и новационный журналист со своей книгой 'Все тайны петербургской бани'.

People – all the respected. At the nearby tables are sit the former press secretary of one of the organisation structures in the general's rank with the book about resonant, all the known, loud crimes and the innovative journalist with the book "All Mysteries of the St. Petersburg Bathhouse".

Экс-пресс-секретарь смотрел вокруг, иногда бросая взгляды на соседа.

The ex-press secretary looked around, sometimes darting glances at the neighbor.

А тот сосредоточился на своей книге, на экс-пресс-секретаря как-то совсем не смотрел.

The neighbor has focused on the book, somehow didn't watch absolutely at the ex-press secretary.

Мероприятие было недолгим. Стали все подниматься. Волей-неволей журналист бросил взгляд на экс-пресс-секретаря, кивнул ему и что-то буркнул.

The action was short. All began to stand up. Willy-nilly the journalist has darted a glance at the ex-press secretary, has nodded to him and has muttered something.

'Так было нужно, коллега' – послышалось экс-пресс-секретарю.

"It was so necessary, the colleague", – the ex-press secretary seemed, that he heard.

Журналист направился к выходу.

The journalist has gone to an exit.

'Нужны новые подходы, новые пыжи в писательской обойме, новые литературные величины.' – мудро подумал генерал.

"The new approaches, the new corks in the writers community's clip, the new literary organisms are necessary." – the general has wisely thought.

1 февраля 2018 г. 15:05

February 1, 2018 15:05

Translation from Russian into English: February 1, 2018 15:10. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог коллег'.

2. The Sketch about Modern Realities

Скетч о современных реалиях

The Sketch about Modern Realities

Утром на электронную почту одного из сотрудников Культурной Панели пришел E-mail:

In the morning a e-letter has come to e-mail of one of employees of the Cultural Panel:

'Уважаемый Председатель Культурной панели!

"Dear Chairman of the Cultural panel!

Пишет Вам простой читатель из провинции. Вчера читал статью Льва Толстого 'Бессмысленные мечтания'. И вот что подумал.

The ordinary reader from the province writes you. Yesterday I read Leo Tolstoy's article "Senseless aspirations". And here that has thought.

В традициях мировой литературы осуществлять художественное переосмысление происходящего.

In traditions of the world literature to fulfill an art reconsideration of the current events.

Посмотрите сколько вокруг нас событий! И то происходит. И это. И пятое и десятое. И сто тридцать пятое.

Look how many events around us! And that occurs. And this. And the fifth and tenth. And the hundred thirty fifth.

Поскольку Вы – явный титан культурной и литературной мысли, вознесенный, можно сказать, на Олимп, то прошу Вас: напишите о происходящем.

As you are the obvious titan of a cultural and literary thought uplifted, one may say, on Olympe, I ask you: write about the current events.

Заранее благодарен.

Thanks in advance.

Рядовой читатель.'

The Ordinary Reader."

Весть о поступившем письме пронеслась по коридорам, офисам и подсобным помещениям Культурной Панели. В воздухе повисло осторожное молчание.

The message about the arrived letter has rushed along corridors, offices and utility rooms of the Cultural Panel. Careful silence has hung in mid-air.

Председатель Культурной Панели прибыл в середине дня в офис и нашел у себя на столе распечатку электронного письма. Он побыл на своем рабочем месте полчаса и уехал. Секретарь нашла у него на столе распечатанное электронное письмо без каких-либо пометок.

The chairman of the Cultural Panel has arrived in the middle of the day to office and has found at himself on a table the listing of the e-mail. He has stayed in the workplace half an hour and has left. The secretary has found on the chairman's table the printed-out e-mail without any marks.

Вскоре по Культурной Панели пронеслась весть. К Председателю вызывали врачей. Он серьезно болен. Требуется отдых и длительное лечение на хороших западно-европейских курортах.

Soon along the Cultural Panel the news has flown. To the Chairman called doctors. He is seriously sick. Rest and long-term treatment in good Western European resorts is required.

Тем временем Председатель Культурной панели писал:

Meanwhile the Chairman of the Cultural panel was writing:

'Уважаемый Министр цивилизационного развития!

"Dear Minister of a Civilization Development!

Информирую Вас, что Выданный Вами грант в размере ста миллионов биткойнов эффективно использован. (Сами понимаете).

I inform you that the grant given by you of hundred million bitcoins is effectively used. (You understand).

Мною, в соответствии с планом, написан значительный литературный труд 'Десять лет до приказа'. Однако, в процессе работы выяснялась целесообразность переработки и темы, и творческого плана.

I, according to the plan of the personal creative activity, have written the considerable literary work "The Ten Years before the instruction". However, in the course of work the expediency of the correcting and a theme, and the creative plan was opened.

Тема упомянутого литературного труда должна с учетом современных реалий звучать по-иному: 'Сто лет до приказа'. Целесообразность такой формулировки подтверждается служебными записками Экспертных советов ?? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (копии служебных записок прилагаются). Обращаю Ваше внимание, что в состав названных экспертных советов входят десять тысяч лиц с учеными степенями и тысяча лиц, награжденных орденом Почетного Центуриона.

The subject of the mentioned literary work has to taking into account modern realities sound otherwise: "The Hundred years before the instruction". The expediency of such formulation is confirmed by service records of Advisory councils NN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (copies of service records are attached). I pay your attention that ten thousand persons with academic degrees and one thousand persons who are awarded the order the Honourable Centurion are a part of the called Advisory councils.

С учетом изложенного прошу Вас рассмотреть и положительно решить вопрос о выделении дополнительного гранта в сумме один миллиард биткойнов на подготовку литературного труда 'Сто лет до приказа' (обновленное название, обновленный творческий план), а также на проведение дополнительных цивилизационных мероприятий.

Taking into account stated I ask you to consider and to positively resolve an issue of allocation of an additional grant in the sum of one billion bitcoins on preparation of the literary work "The Hundred years before the instruction" (the updated name, the updated creative plan) and also on holding the additional civilization actions.

Считаю целесообразным отметить эффективное использование некоторой части ранее выделенного гранта на проведение дополнительных цивилизационных мероприятий. В частности, на проведение семидневного Приморского фестиваля творчества с самым широким кругом творческих проектов. Позволю привести Ваши слова, сказанные Вами в завершающий день фестиваля: 'Так держать!'.

I consider it expedient to note effective use of some part of earlier allocated grant on holding additional civilization actions. In particular, to the holding a seven-day Seaside festival of creativity with the most wide range of creative projects. I will allow to cite your words told by you in the finishing day of a festival: "Keep it Up!".

С учетом изложенного заверяю Вас о направленности на культурное сотрудничество (примерный процент времени, затрачиваемого на такое сотрудничество, остается без изменений).

Taking into account stated I assure you about orientation on cultural cooperation (the approximate percent of time spent for such cooperation remains without changes).

Прошу безотлагательно рассмотреть и положительно решить вопрос о выделении гранта в сумме 1000000000 (один миллиард) биткойнов.

I ask to consider urgently and to positively resolve an issue of allocation of a grant in the sum of 1000000000 (one billion) bitcoins.

Искренне Ваш, Председатель Культурной Панели.'

Sincerely yours, Chairman of the Cultural Panel."

Министр цивилизационного развития прочитал поступившее обращение и написал резолюцию: 'Председателю Культурно Панели. Рассмотреть вопрос о выделении гранта в сумме 1 миллиард биткойнов. Подготовить проект решения на коллегию министерства.

The Minister of a civilization development has read the arrived address and has written the resolution: "To the Chairman of the Cultural Panel. To consider a question of allocation of a grant in the sum of 1 billion bitcoins. To prepare the draft decision on board of the ministry.

Начальнику финансового управления. Зарезервировать 1 миллиард биткойнов для мер поддержки.

To the chief of financial management. To reserve 1 billion bitcoins for support measures.

Руководителю Секретариата. Ознакомить членов коллегии с письмом из Культурной Панели и с резолюциями.

To the Head of the Secretariat. To inform members of board of the letter from the Cultural Panel and of the resolutions.



Вспомнился Приморский фестиваль творчества. Вспомнилось, как он оставил несколько мелких купюр перед отъездом на столе и записку с пожеланием купить в дорогу местных фруктов. Приятно было трогаться в путь с хорошей новой полной сумкой. Прощальная суета не позволила ее открыть до самого прибытия.

The Seaside festival of creativity was remembered up. It was remembered how he left several small bank notes before departure on a table and a note with a wish to buy of local fruit – for a road. It was pleasant to start a way, having a good new full bag. Farewell vanity hasn't allowed to open her before the arrival.

Настроение улучшилось. Лицо его осветилось блаженной улыбкой.

The mood has improved. His face was lit with a blissful smile.

27 марта 2018 г. 14:02

March 27, 2018 14:02

3. The Fairy Tale about Pushkin on Easter Island

Сказка о Пушкине на острове Пасхи

The Fairy tale about Pushkin on Easter Island

Александр Пушкин решил стать журналистом. Как только он ощутил это желание, он оказался на острове Пасхи.

Alexander Pushkin has decided to become a journalist. As soon as he has felt this desire, he has found himself of Easter Island.

Пушкин не падал духом. Он направился в прогулку по острову, декламируя вслух произведения Лермонтова.

Pushkin didn't lose courage. He has gone to walk on the island, reciting aloud works by Lermontov.

– Не вы ль сперва так злобно гнали

Его свободный, смелый дар

И для потехи раздували

Чуть затаившийся пожар?

– Did not you, at first so viciously pushed aside

His free, daring gift

And for fun were fanning

A little hidden fire?

Пушкин посмотрел вокруг, прислушался. Ответа не было. Он решил переключиться на Лермонтовскую прозу.

Pushkin has looked around, has listened. The answer wasn't. He has decided to switch to Lermontovsky prose.

– Здесь нечисто! Я встретил сегодня черноморского урядника, он мне знаком – был прошлого года в отряде, как я ему сказал, где мы остановились, а он мне: 'Здесь, брат, нечисто, люди недобрые!..'

–Here the place is uncleanly! I have met the officer of the the Black Sea Cossacks' Host today, he is familiar to me – was last year in the squad, as I have told him where we have stopped, and he to me: "Here, brother, is dirty place, the people bad!."

Пушкину показалось, что на него откуда-то сверху смотрят с иронией и превосходством.

It seemed to Pushkin that on him from where from above look with irony and superiority.

Может, быть, его надежды скрыты в море? Но, увы, парус одинокой не белел в тумане моря голубом!..

Perhaps to be, his hopes are hidden in the sea? But, alas, the lonely white sail didn't grow in sea fog blue!.

Нет паруса! 'Пришел невод с одною рыбкой,

С непростою рыбкой, – золотою.' 'Это – из Пушкина' – подумал Пушкин. – 'Откуплюсь чем только пожелаешь.' 'Не садися не в свои сани!'

There is no sail! "Came seine with one fish,

With the uneasy small fish, – the gold. " "It – from Pushkin" – Pushkin has thought. – "I will pay off using the such kind of payment, what only you will wish." "Don't sit in other people's sleds!"

Появились сомнения:

There were doubts:

– Быть может, за стеной Кавказа

Укроюсь от твоих пашей...

– Perhaps, behind a wall of the Caucasus

I will can to hiding from your bashaws...

Как по волшебству опустилась южная ночь.

The southern night has as if by magic fallen up the earth.

Пушкину на память пришли строки из 'Макара Чудры' М. Горького:

To Pushkin's memory was come the lines from "Makar Chudra" of M. Gorky:

– С моря дул влажный, холодный ветер, разнося по степи задумчивую мелодию плеска набегавшей на берег волны и шелеста прибрежных кустов. Изредка его порывы приносили с собой сморщенные, желтые листья и бросали их в костер, раздувая пламя; окружавшая нас мгла осенней ночи вздрагивала и, пугливо отодвигаясь...

– From the sea damp, cold wind blew, carrying on the steppe a thoughtful melody of splash of the wave running on the coast and a rustle of coastal bushes. Occasionally his rushes brought with the themselves wrinkled, yellow leaves and threw them into a fire, inflating a flame; the haze of autumn night surrounding us was shuddering, timidly being going off away ...

В наступившей темноте Пушкин внезапно осознал, что он снова находится в России. Пушкин почувствовал интерес к личности Петра I и решил сосредоточиться на написании поэмы 'Полтава'.

In the come darkness Pushkin suddenly has realized that he is in Russia again. Pushkin has felt interest in Peter I's identity and has decided to focus on writing of the poem "Poltava".

02 марта 2018 г. 18:48

March 02, 2018 18:48

Translation from Russian into English: March 02, 2018 20:19. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Пушкине на острове Пасхи'.

4. The Story about the Young man

– Come in, please, Alexander Sergeyevich! Would you like to sit down? Would you like a glass of orange juice?

We are reading about your words to the Emperor Nicholas I. The words, wich were told just before end of your terrestrial way: "Tell the Emperor, I regret losing my life. Because I can't express to him my gratitude. I would be totally of his!"

Pushkin remained silent. A bit later he said:

– The boy will go toward outstanding success.

– Orphan, difficult the private life, not simple situation in the family. He was brought up by the grandmother ... It seems, these are your words: 'It's impossible to break an axe into two parts with a lash?'

– "The poet – or the no one!" – Alexander Pushkin has quoted a line from the poem.

The group of excursionists entered the hall where the portraits were arranged. Among others there was a self-portrait of Lermontov.

The guide told:

– Pushkin's death has terribly struck Lermontov. Lermontov revered the Pushkin's genius ...

Under influence of a true grief, fresh still, and the indignation excited in him by this scary murder, Lermontov in a short period, almost immediately, wrote a few stanzas, which were extended out widely in two days around the city. Since then, all who cherish the Russian word, learned the name of Lermontov.

– I read these verses to the count von Benckendorff, and we haven't found in them anything reprehensible, – Alexander Nikolaevich Mordvinov, the managing director of the Third Section of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery has quietly commented on a situation from the portrait.

– Business was so, – V.P. Burnashev, one of participants of an excursion, has noticed, – Lermontov has written the poem, known to almost all Russia, on the death of Pushkin, the poem which has put suddenly him, our schoolmate, almost level with poet, he in the magnificent verses mourned now.

A people said to us that Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky appreciated these verses with special pleasure and he recognized in them not only rudiments, but all manifestation of mighty talent. The charm and musicality of versification have been recognized by experts as the phenomenon remarkable.

Whether the truth whether isn't present, I don't know, – it not that other as repetition of opinion, that the Emperor has read verses with attention. and he told: "This person, – who knows, – will replace Pushkin in the Russia!"

They said, – before accident with the additional verses, – that his highness the grand duke Michael Pavlovich has spoken of Lermontov so: "This unripe poet will give in the future a rich harvest of fruits". And then, laughing, he have added: "I will send him in a guardroom if he in head of a military unit will command in verses!".

Lermontov, always such a respectful to the grandmother, two times hardly constrained himself when the old woman said to him that the late Alexander Sergeyevich has sat not in his own (and not suitable) sledge, and, having sat down in them, wasn't able to operate dexterously the capricious horses rushing his up to that snowdrift, from which one road was only into a precipice.

Lermontov, of course, didn't argue with our old woman. He was only bitting his fingernails and left the house for the whole days.

The grandmother has noticed it, and, without a wishing to sadden the Mischa, didn't tell a word to him about secular rumors any more. And these rumors have influenced on Lermontov so strongly that he has got sick even.

The grandmother was frightened. The doctor recognized disorder of nerves and has advised to accept a good dose of the Valerian extract . The friend of all St. Petersburg, the kindest Nikolay Fedorovich Arendt has arrived. He, without prescribing any medicine, has quite calmed our whimsical patient with the conversation. Arendt told him all sad epic of those two with a half days from January 27 to January 29, during which Pushkin, wounded, felt a great pain. He everything, everything, everything that only occurred these days, hour an hour, on the dot, has told out for Lermontov, having respoken the words of Pushkin. Our friend has even more loved the idol after this frank message ofNikolay Fedorovich, the message, which has poured out from the kind soul not able to constrain the words.

Lermontov was under this impression when ours the relative N. A. S., a diplomat, serving under the superiors of Count Nesselrode, appeared to us. This relative was one of the representatives and members of our highest circle, and a gentleman in all the meaning of the word.

Having learned from the grandmother, – she was with the guests, – about Michel's disease, he has hurried to visit about him and has entered unexpectedly his room, minutes ten after Nikolay Fedorovich Arendt's departure. S. highly appreciated Lermontov's verses on the death of Pushkin. But only he said that in vain Michel, extolling the poet, has attached too strong significance to involuntary murderer. He as any noble person, after the fact that was between them, couldn't but to participate in a duel and but to shoot. "The honor obliges"!

Lermontov didn't want to hear it. He, grasping a sheet of paper, something quickly on it scrabbled by a pencil, breaking pencils one after another and and having damaged so with a half-dozen. The anger of him didn't know limits. He has angrily looked at S. and has thrown to him: "You, the sir, Pushkin's antipode, and I am not responsible for anything if you now don't leave from here". S. haven't forced itself to invite to an exit twice. And he left quickly, having told only: "But he just mad".

A quarter of hour later, Lermontov who has damaged so many pencils in time when here was S., and then was writing absolutely quietly clean off, have read me those verses with the first words: "And you, haughty descendants!" ['And you, the offspring arrogant'], – the verses in which there were such a lot of force.

And two or three days later almost all St. Petersburg read and knew "addition" to Lermontov's verses on the death of Pushkin. When the old woman the grandmother has learned about these verses, she tried in every way somehow as if it were false bank notes to withdraw them from the public circulation; but it was resolutely impossible: they extended with speed, and soon they were read already by all the Moscow where old men and old women, mainly in the Tverskaya street, declared them purely revolutionary and dangerous. Also the count von Benckendorff has read them ...

– Though we, the youth, didn't know properly, and there was nobody to explain: about whom it was talked in the stanza: "And you, by greedy crowd standing near a throne", etc., but after all we worried, came in a deep indignation ( – in relation to someone), we flared heartily, filled with heroic enthusiasm, ready, perhaps, on anything, – so the force of the Lermontov's verses raised us. The heat burning in these verses was so infectious. Hardly sometime in Russia verses made such enormous and universal impression. Unless 20 years earlier the "Woe from Wit", – V.V. Stasov, one of participants of excursion group, has spoken.

– To these verses it was necessary to treat as a poetic flash. I have told the chief of staff of the Corps of Gendarmes, general Dubelt: "The best not to pay any attention to similar thoughtless tricks: and their glory will fade soon. if we will begin to prosecution and their prohibition, will be nothing of good, and we will only inflate a flame of passions", – the portrait of the count Alexander von Benckendorff, the Chief of Gendarmes and Director of the Third Section has spoken.

– These verses, – V.P. Burnashev continued, – even the grand duke Michael Pavlovich read and have only told laughing: "Eh, as he accelerated! Who will think that he doesn't belong to the highest noble childbirth?"

Even we were reached by rumors, that the grand duke, at a meeting with von Benckendorff, has whispered to him, that this "nonsense" (as he has said), hasn't to reach attention of the sovereign of the emperor.

In a word, these verses, rewritten and learned by all everywhere, in the highest spheres were considered as childish flash, and in public, though isn't loud, but admitted for the ingenious literary work. The sovereign knew nothing about them, because the count von Benckendorff didn't attach significance to those verses.

– Perhaps, the Emperor Nicholas I also didn't wish to excess a noise? – someone from participants of an excursion has expressed doubts. – On January 27, 1837, O.S. the duel on the Chernaya River has taken place. On January 29, 1837, O.S. Pushkin has died. On February 3, 1837 , O.S. the coffin with Pushkin's body has been sent to Pskov. On February 6, 1837, O.S. Pushkin's body has been buried.

Lermontov has written "The first part" of the well-known poem on January 28, 1837, O.S.

"Addition" has been written after the visit of the physician Nikolay Fedorovich Arendt, after January 29, 1837, O.S. . therefore, "the first part", at least, of the well-known poem has been written even before burial of a body of Pushkin.

– However, – V.P. Burnashev kept logic, – these days the reception from the count F. has taken place, where there was also a count von Benckendorff among guests. Suddenly the famous St. Petersburg talker and, what is her names the "Leprosy of society", the street vendor of news and lampoons on all city, approaches to him,and this intolerable the source of news suddenly says:

"And you, truly, know, the count, new verses on all of us and in which the best representatives of the nobility are negatively characterized?"

– "About what verses you speak, the madam?" – the count von Benckendorff asks. – "Yes about those which were written by the hussar Lermontov and which began with the words "And you, haughty descendants!". – it is clear that it the words about all of us, all Russian aristocracy". von Benckendorff has dexterously channelized a conversation immediately to another direction and tried to evade from the interlocutor ...

However after this conversation, count von Benckendorff for next day, before the departure with the report to the sovereign to the emperor, has told Dubelt: "Well, Leonti Vasilyevich, what will be, it will be. And after the fact that H[itrova] knows about verses of this boy Lermontov, I may do nothing else as now to report on them to the sovereign".

– I came to the Emperor and began to talk about these verses in the soothing tone, – count Alexander von Benckendorffspoke from a portrait, – the Emperor showed me a copy of them, delivered by city mail, with a vile inscription: "The Appeal to the revolution".

– They did additional actions for reliability! – the comment from group of visitors of an exhibition was heard. – Svyatoslav Rayevsky's explanation has dated On February 21, 1837, O.S. . At this time Lermontov was under the house arrest. Between date of death of Pushkin and the beginning of "The administrative case concerning the unsuitable verses written by Lermontov and the distribution of this verses by Rayevsky" there have passed about three weeks.

In general, the interesting impression arises: there is no clarity with exact dating of many events.

The "official" version looks as follows: On February 7, 1837 Lermontov has written final 16 verses ("And you, haughty descendants..."). On February 18, 1837 Lermontov has been arrested and placed in one of rooms of the top floor of General staff.

However to archival documents P.E. Shchegolev had access. In his work 'Книга о Лермонтове' ("The Book about Lermontov") dates look less definitely:

1837. January 27. A.S. Pushkin is mortally wounded on a duel with d'Anthes.

1837. January 28. Lermontov writes the poem about the Pushkin's death ("The death of the poet"). [?]

1837. January 30. V.P. Burnashev in "Wolf's candy store" writes off the S.N. Glinka's the copy of the poem by Lermontov on the death of Pushkin.

1837. February 21. S.A. Rayevsky's testimony on the case of "the inadmissible verses written by a cornet hussar Lermontov".

1837. February. Lermontov's explanation on the same matter.

1837. February 27. The royal order on the displacement a cornet Lermontov in the Nizhny Novgorod dragoon regiment as the ensign.

Quite natural question: why Pavel E. Shchegolev, who had access to archives, has evaded from the indication of exact dates?

Intense there was time! Here and Pushkin, here and Lermontov ... And in general, how not to be involved in all these events?..

However, dates are important, but dates – not the main thing ...

– Many were that opinion that it is work of the "leprosy of society". She, dissatisfied with my the noncommittal on a reception, early in the morning has sent the copy to the highest name to the Winter Palace, – the count von Benckendorff has specified from a portrait. – Anyway, the sovereign has been angered, has accepted a situation more seriously, than I represented, and ordered the grand duke Michael Pavlovich to send immediately to Tsarskoye Selo the chief of staff of guard Pyotr Fedorovich Veymarn for the work of a search in the apartment of a cornet of Lermontov.

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