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About Culture, - A Little (СИ)
  • Текст добавлен: 6 июня 2018, 00:00

Текст книги "About Culture, - A Little (СИ)"

Автор книги: Vladimir Zalesski

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Текущая страница: 4 (всего у книги 11 страниц)

I will talk about abstract "the great writer", "journalist", "coauthor", "sub-coauthor".

If the great writer purchases sketches, were been created the journalist (one the journalist among the thousands, tens of thousands journalists), uses sketches or a sketch at least in one published work, then someone may feel appearance of concepts such as "coauthor" or "sub-coauthor".

For the great writer who wrote tens of volumes of world famous works, the significance of use of one or several (stranger, were made by other author) sketches is equal to zero.

For an (ordinary) journalist, the importance of using one or more of his (journalist's) sketches in creativity of a great writer is infinitely great.

Yet, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, how powerful is the creative flow, the flow of creative energy! How diverse this mastery!

How diverse are the ways of coming, entering the literature!

For example, someone enters the literature through wanderings, pilgrimages, travels, various kinds of trials, through the formation of a person's reputation with a "bitter" fate.

Someone passes through participation in military operations and through their description.

Someone gradually increases creative potential, aims to develop capabilities.

Probably, cooperation with publishing company "Znanie" also was for someone the road to literature...

But if – hypothetically imagine – a person who firmly decided to become a writer, without any organizational or governmental support, without the support of patrons or relatives, became a co-author or a sub-coauthor of a great writer, – then this resolute and persistent person – becoming a co-author – entered the literature.

He does not become "friend", "drinking companion", "bootlicker", "footman"... He, I will add, does not try to become permanent "speechwriter" ("writer of literary sketches"). What for? He resolved to become a writer. He uses the force the mind. He makes subject sketches and writes letters.

He waits! Waits, waits and waits.

He uses organizational opportunities of the post service. And he – is a coauthor (sub-coauthor) of the great writer. He confidently entered the literature.

I am surprised to variety of this world and those ways which creative energy is opening for itself.

I switch, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to other reflections on the of Jack London's literary career.

Let's move on, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to a higher level of generalizations. Kindness. Kind person. His defenselessness. His fate. Bitterness. Anger.

One of heads of construction of the extraordinary house so remembered about Jack London: "Jack was the best of people. I have not met anyone more humane. He was kind with all, you will never see him without smile. He was a real democrat, noble person, gentleman; he loved family, he respected the workers". The same approximately estimates in memoirs of other people.

The kind person approximately in 1913, apparently, in a minute of psychological depression, at the moment of exasperation writes in one of letters to one of addressees: "Will burst a thunder, and then you'll have to beg not one day a forgiveness and to bow before the whole world; and when you will become ashes, echoes of this thunderstorm will reach those who are not now born, and you will make the coup – into your coffins".

Is it possible for me , dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to ask you what you think of kindness, of defenselessness, and of the fate of an abstract kind man, what you think of bitterness, anger ... These questions may be sound as naпve: eternal themes. Nevertheless, if there is a mood, write me about them...

I returning, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to one of formulations of subjects of my letter: "to write and work and to act or refrain from writing and working and action?".

There will be time, write Your answer, expound Your reflections.

Your Maxim Gorky (Alexei Peshkov)."

After reading the text of the letter, Gorky meditated some moments.

– Eternal themes! – he said.

Having sighed, he wrote on a top margin of the first page of the letter: "The drafts!".

Gorky returned to giving out the books to readers of the Cafй-Library.

– What author, what book are interesting for you ? Again Jack London? We have in the catalog a section "American Literature". You can choose to yourself more authors.

He clarified the words, been heard from the reader:

– A little later? Do you plan then – Dreiser? And now you want to – Jack London? But yet after reading, look the catalog ...

May 13, 2017.

Translation from Russian into English: 28 October 2017 – 29 October 2017.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о не отправленном письме М. Горького И.А. Бунину'.

3. The dialogue about Peter the Great

– Mr. Ivanov! – Florenty Fyodorovich Pavlenkov (Florence F. Pavlenkov) invited writer to talk.– In the series "Life of remarkable people" is scheduled for publication the biographies of statesmen.

Reader's interest and the reader's demand is currently such that the biographies of Russian writers – are the maximally popular.

Author, invited to talk, nodded, agreeing.

Pavlenkov continued:

– Now that the nineteenth century is coming to an end, in Russia is difficult to reach agreement on the issues about the evaluation of those or other Russian historical figures.

– Yes, – Ivanov reacted.

– But readers relate to our series with confidence. Paying heed to their trust, their desire to obtain basic knowledge of history of Russia, Russian state figures, we have to publish a biography of Peter the Great.

Ivanov nodded again, agreeing.

– How do you think Mr. Ivanov, is it correct to see in the biography of Peter the Great two biographies: his personal biography, characterizing his life's path, and the biography of the Russian Empire? – Pavlenkov asked.

– In 1721 Peter I declared the Russia as an Empire, – Ivanov reacted. – There are scientific definitions of the concept of "Empire". The empire is defined as a vast state that includes the territories of other peoples and states. Discussions are held about the content of the scientific definition.

In the ordinary consciousness – an Empire is a powerful, "brilliant" state.

The fates of Peter the Great and the Russian Empire are interrelated.

The processes that led to the emergence of the Russian Empire, began long before Peter I.

There are challenges, that facing any government. For example, state must to ensure the independence, security, development, trade and cultural relations with other countries.

The solution to these "standard" tasks in the specific conditions of Russia led to the emergence of the Russian Empire.

Pavlenkov looked at Ivanov with interest. Ivanov continued:

– Victory in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 – one of the most important events in the process of gaining independence by Russia. But this victory was the result of the summing of different factors. For example, a significant role was played by the internecine wars in the Golden Horde. Troops of the Golden Horde were repeatedly defeated by the army of Tamerlane. The Great Stand on the Ugra river in 1480 completed the acquisition of Russia's almost complete political independence.

However, safety was far away. One example is the existence of so-called Qasim Khanate or Kingdom of Qasim within Russia since 1445 in 1681.

Before Ivan IV Vasilyevich (Ivan the Terrible) were the tasks: and centralization, and security.

Ivan IV Vasilyevich was born in 1530; Grand Prince from 1533, the first Russian Tzar since 1547. He died in 1584.

Peter the Great was born in 1672; Russian Tsar from 1682, Emperor of Russia since 1721.

About one hundred and fifty years were between the periods of activity of Ivan IV Vasilyevich and Peter the Great.

There are surnames and place-names that "connect" the period of the reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich and Peter I the Great.

In 1558, the Stroganov Grigory receives an official document from Ivan IV on ownership of desert land on both sides of the Kama river, from the mouth of the Lysva to the Chusovaya River.

In 1568 to the possessions of Stroganov by an official document from Ivan IV were attached the lands on the 20 miles up of the Chusovaya River .

In 1574 Ivan IV attaches lands along the Tobol River to the possessions of Stroganov.

Stroganovs received the right to populate the earth with people, judge them during 20 years old, not to pay government taxes and duties. Stroganovs had the right to build cities, to have military men, produce cannons.

On acquired lands Stroganovs develops salt, fish, ores extraction, cultivates arable farming.

The Stroganovs owned vast lands and received a large income from the salt and trade furs. They were not subject to Royal governors and, subject only to the personal Royal court.

In 1581 the Stroganovs recruited, equipped, armed, sent a detachment of Cossacks under command of ataman Yermak Timofeyevich.

In 1582 Ermak breaks the troops of Kuchum Khan and enters into the capital of the Siberian Kingdom (Khanate of Sibir) Isker (Qashliq).

In 1584 completed the period of the reign of Ivan IV but the Stroganovs continue to be active in Russian history.

Stroganovs had a significant monetary and military assistance to the Second Volunteer Army..

In the first years of the reign of Michael I of Russia, the first Russian Tsar of the house of Romanov, when the Treasury was depleted, and often lacked the funds for the maintenance of military men, the Stroganovs had major cash and food aid to the state.

During the Great Northern War (1700-21), the Stroganovs rendered great financial aid to Peter I.

– Perhaps, – Ivanov stared at Pavlenkova, – we get the first group of concepts that characterize the history of the Empire:






Initiative commercial, industrial, and free people.

Pavlenkov thoughtfully looked at Ivanova.

Ivanov continued:

– The desire to develop trade and cultural relations with Europe was one of the motives of the beginning of Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Livonian War (1558-1583).

Successful start of the Livonian war showed the importance of positive reform of the army and the state apparatus.

However, there has been a "problem of coalition". Russia had to wage war simultaneously against Lithuania, Poland, Denmark and Sweden. Many forces were distracted by raids of Devlet I Giray, a khan of the Crimean Khanate, on the southern margin of the state. Despite this, Ivan IV rejected the truce in 1566 and continued the fight against the bloc of States in the absence of allies.

In the late 70's-beginning 80-ies the Russian troops were forced to leave all the conquered territory. The Livonian war ended inconclusively. In the end of the Livonian war ended badly for Russia, and Russia's access to the Baltic sea was carried out only in the early 18th century. Under the leadership of Peter the Great. The result of the Great Northern War of 1700-1721.

So, thinking about the Livonian war, we come to another group of concepts, describing the history of the Empire:

– coalition,

– reform of the army (Peter the Great added the task of creating a fleet),

– positive government reform (creation of a professional army by Peter the Great demanded changes in the tax system, improved budgetary process).

– Concisely! – appreciated Pavlenkov. – But – in general – corresponds to the generally accepted historical concepts.

The activities of Peter the Great is a positive and practical development of concepts, describing the history of the Empire, – continued Ivanov.

– First, ensuring state independence, security, the trend for centralization,

Second, the development of the Urals and Siberia, the development of industry in these regions

Third, the coalition. Peter the Great actively sought to act in a "Holy League"of 1684, uniting the Papal States, the Holy Roman Empire, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Venetian Republic, the Tsardom of Russia. "Holy League" against the Ottoman Empire.

Peter the Great contributed to the creation of anti-Swedish coalition (the so-called Northern Alliance). In different periods of the Northern Alliance was composed of Russia, Denmark, Saxony, Poland, Hanover and Prussia.

Peter I managed to achieve a rapprochement with France and sign the Treaty of Amsterdam 1717 of Alliance and friendship between Russia, France and Prussia.

Russia was among the great European powers.

Fourth, the reform of the army and the Navy, a positive reform of the state apparatus belong to the generally recognized achievements of Peter the Great.

Fifth, the reform of the tax system, improve the budget process, has provided funding for the army, Navy and other government spending.

There is an opinion that excessive growth of expenditure for military needs, and the severity of taxation – these are the main features of the state economy under Peter the Great.

The state budget reached at the end of the reign of Peter to 8 and a half million. The new tax replaced the old taxes, and gave significant against the previous surplus (2.8 million). 3/4 of state funds spent on the maintenance of the military Department: the land forces (4.6 million) and Navy (1.4 million). From the rest covered the cost of diplomacy, administration, court, public buildings and so on. It should be noted that the poll tax was established when state-owned costs have increased; all the available funds of Central and local offices were allocated to cover the maintenance of the army and Navy, and the old ways of increasing state revenue were invalid before the formidable fact of the exhaustion of means of payment and reduction of the indigenous population of Russia.

Peter the Great said that the money, collected from people, he must use for the government. He must give an account about this usage to God himself.

Positive changes gave the result: changed the status of the state.

Improvement and professionalization of the state apparatus, creating the new army, the appearance of the fleet, the construction of ports on the Baltic sea, changing the position of the Russian state in the international arena, other progressive phenomenon allowed to declare Russia an Empire. Peter I the Great became the first Russian Emperor.

Ivanov paused and separately added:

Development of initiative of businessmen, industrial and free people, which was manifested in the activities of the Stroganov, Yermak Timofeyevich and other active personalities, it seems, was "to fade". On the contrary, the bureaucracy has come to dominate, to prevail. Clearly positive effects from the domination of the bureaucracy should not wait.

– It's hard to argue with You, Mr. Ivanov, – has responded Pavlenkov. – You know that the books of our series "Life of remarkable people" is designed for a wide range of readers. Each book is approximately 100 pages. It is clear: the brevity and compactness will be necessary.

– Of course, Mr. Pavlenkov, – stated Ivanov, – a wide circle of readers is not planning to purchase scientific historical monographs. To buy and read "thick" books, many readers are not enough funds, not enough time. This series has its own reputation and its own reader. The book of series "Life of remarkable people" will have to balance information about the details of the personal life of Peter the Great and information on the history of the Empire.

Reading compact 100 page book about Peter the Great, the reader should get an idea not only about the history of the Empire, but about his, Peter the Great's, personality, about his biography.

There is an opinion that Peter consciously imitated Ivan IV, whose authority he honored highly.

Probably every Russian reader it is useful to know that Peter eventually acquired the selfeducation is comprehensive and encyclopedic.

With the "art" he is acquainted practically.

He was the master of the fourteen crafts.

Peter became a great military leader, who wanted to, could and was able to do everything himself.

For example, a whole month Peter kept himself on the soldier's rations, performing all the duties of the soldier. A personal experience gave him reliable data to determine the strength and endurance of his army. Training the newly formed regiments is always performed under his direct supervision.

Peter waged war, as a practical sage. He is clearly aware the goals of the war, the necessary forces and means, and he never attempted to achieve the impossible.

Before the decisive moment during the battle of Poltava, the Russian Emperor addressed his soldiers with the words:

"Soldiers! Here the hour has come which will decide the fate of the Fatherland. And so you shouldn't think that you fight for Peter, but for the state, entrusted to Peter, for the country... You also should not confuse the glory of the enemy. Think about your victories over him.

As for Peter, know that his life is not dear to him. His purpose is only to Russia lived in happiness and glory for our well-being".

During the battle of Poltava the Swedish army adopted the linear order of battle, and at 9 a.m. went on the attack. In a fierce melee the Swedes managed to press the Russian centre, but in this moment, Peter I personally led the counter-attack by the second battalion of the Novgorod regiment and restored the situation. During this fight one Swedish bullet pierced his hat, another one stuck in the saddle, and the third flattened Golden crucifix on the chest.

Practical mindset of Peter the Great combined with philosophical generalizations. For some time before the death of Peter, among unbearable suffering, he spoke ironically: "I know what the poor animal is man!"

The influence of the reforms of Peter the Great was so significant and lasting that in spite of turmoil in Russia, its political power has not been shaken.

Quite aptly and eloquently described the diverse transforming activity of Peter the Great, the famous Russian historian Pogodin:

"We Wake up. What is now the day? January 1, 1841. Peter the Great ordered to count years from the birth of Christ, Peter the Great commanded to count the months from Jan. (...) Catches the eye of the book – Peter the Great introduced the use of this font, and he carved the letters. (...) Brought Newspapers – Peter the Great started them. You need to buy different things – all, from the neck of a silk shawl to a shoe sole, will remind you of Peter the Great: he prescribed, introduced them into use... (...) Lunch from salt herrings to wine, all meals will tell you about Peter the Great. (...) Meet the ladies admitted into the company of men at the request of Peter the Great. Go to University – the first secular school was established under Peter the Great, etc."

In conversation with You, Mr. Pavlenkov, the publisher, I cannot fail to note, – Ivanov tapped fingers lying beside the newspaper. – Learned some foreign languages, Peter found time to read books of historical and technical. After dinner he usually read the Dutch Newspapers, making marks with a pencil on "St. Petersburg Vedomosti". Peter was actively engaged in the selection of books for translation; he edited textbooks, managed the compilation of the maps and descriptions of various localities, took part in printing and publishing. Decrees and legislation of the era of transformation – for the most part the works of Peter himself, or prepared under his direct supervision.

Peter I was the author and editor of a number of statutes, military-theoretical and historical works. Among them – "The Book of military regulations", "The Book of the marine regulations", "Regulations concerning the administration of Admiralty and the shipyard...", "Book of Mars or military Affairs..."

Essays "History of the Swedish war" and "Reflections on the causes of the Northern war" were prepared with close cooperation of Peter.

He was proportionally complex, his figure was not overwhelmed by its size. Full, dark, precisely sculpted face exuded calm and deep awareness. Quick, shrewd, slightly contemptuous glance, large and massive forehead...

As if summing up the reflections on the contents of a compact 100 page book about Peter the Great, Ivanov has formulated the wish:

– However, we will not lose hope that the General reader will – over time – to buy and read "thick" books with a lot of detail, figures, thinking, versions, and interpretations ...

– Financial conditions of cooperation of the authors with our series "Life of remarkable people" are no secret, – continued Pavlenkov.

– Yes, – responded Ivanov.

– Are you ready to start writing a biographical sketch of the life and public activities of Peter the Great for the series "Life of remarkable people"? The approximate volume of the book – 100 pages? – said Pavlenko.

– Yes, – said Ivanov.

– In that case, – I propose to begin! – summed up the negotiations Pavlenkov.

27 may 2017.

Translation from Russian language into English language: 04.09.2017.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог о Петре Великом".

4. The Tale about William Gladstone and about an exhibition

November, 1877. Science Museum, London. Exhibition of archeological finds.

William Gladstone approached one of the twenty-four showcases with ancient artifacts.

A lot of time, efforts he has expended, promoting opening of this exhibition.

Numerous visitors gave the opportunity to come near the display case.

All became silent.

All were waiting for opinion of the connoisseur of Homer, the author of books on theological and church questions.

Suddenly the British officer has spoken, which also was standing next to a showcase. He in appearance already had combat experience.

– Or – victories, or – the fate of archaeological finds, – the officer has formulated the thought briefly – as in an army.

Visitors of an exhibition with amazement have translated views to the officer.

William Gladstone looked at the officer with interest.

The officer, encouraged by general amazement, has continued:

– Archeologists are useful. Asia. Egypt and Arabia. Diaries. Topography. Exploring the terrain. Knowledge of languages and history. Magnificent exhibition! Britain again ahead!

The officer has kindly looked at William Gladston, has slightly inclined the head. Then for a second he was before William Gladstone on standing at attention.

"How many efforts were required to cancel practice of sale of officer patents, but tried not in vain", – William Gladstone has thought.

Aloud he has spoken:

– The commitment of the people, the common people to the throne and Britain is more valuable than the Army and Navy, gold and silver. It is honor and glory of the country. This exhibition, the first in the history the public exposition of unusual archaeological finds, exhibition, which can be visited by any Briton and guest of our state, makes honor to our country and serves the benefit of science!

In 1883 in the second premiership of William Gladstone the officer has been attached to the Egyptian army, held important posts. And in 1892 (this year W. Gladstone became a prime minister for the fourth time) the officer has held a position of "sirdar", that is the Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian army.

In the winter of 1888, two European scientists with research goals swam on a hired yacht up the Nile.

Suddenly their yacht has been shooted from the coast. There was a danger of capture and the yacht, and crew, and scientists.

At a critical moment, like magic, appeared the gunboat with the British crew, which forced the attackers to retreat.

The shot from the ship cannon could be reviewed and as a way of the help, and as a cannon's salute.

One of scientists, been talking in half an hour with the the British lieutenant, commander of the gunboat, has said:

-Your face is familiar to me, Mr. Lieutenant. It seems to me You – at that time still the young man – were ten years ago among visitors at an exhibition of ancient treasures in the Science Museum, London.

– Yes, sir, – the Lieutenant has answered, – at that time I still studied. But at the first opportunity I have visited this remarkable exposition. And the Governor of Provinces – and all of us – remember the impression, was made by treasures. We try to get acquainted with new archaeological achievements and new book publications.

– The science moves forward! – the scientist has noted, having politely inclined the head.

The assistant to the commander of the gunboat joined the conversation with the scientist:

– I will note, sir, that we under a big impression both of discoveries, and of books, and of intensive development of archeology. Your example of maintaining diaries is very interesting to us. And we prepare our diaries for the publication. Perhaps, they will be interesting both to public, and to outstanding scientists. Indicative names: "The Diary of the Navy officer" and "The Sudanese diary".

– I believe that the publication of the book "Battles on the River" – an event of the close future, – the commander of the gunboat has added.

Having discussed plans of safe return of the yacht toward the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the scientist has added: "The archaeological collection is replenished. I hope for the common meeting in the updated museum halls with an expanded exposition of ancient values!".

February 02, 2017 – March 03, 2017.

Translation from Russian into English: January 19, 2018.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка об Уильяме Гладстоне и о выставке'.

5. Dialogue about Lack of Preliminary Censorship

The Reader and the Readeress went along the park pathway, discussing the books were read in M. Gorky's cafe-library.

– Somewhere I have found a question: and whether were published in France at the time of Napolйon I of the book about invasion of the Swedish troops of Karl XII into Russia. Strange question, – the Readeress admitted. – It is well-known that Napolйon I was one of the most knowing, competent rulers.

The Reader has smiled:

– Napoleon hasn't established for newspapers of preliminary censorship.

– Blossoming of the press! – the Readeress has smiled in reply. – After destruction of the French Directory and coming to power of the general Bonaparte he has destroyed all Parisian political newspapers, except thirteen (60 of 73).According to the order of the minister Joseph Fouche in each editorial office of more widespread newspapers has been appointed editor-censor who was receiving a salary from means of the newspaper at a rate of 2/12 income of the newspaper.

– And what about books about the Swedish troops invasion? – the Reader has demanded conclusions. – Censorship was extended over books?

– In February, 1811 censorship has forbidden French translation of some Psalms of David because "malicious" could see in David's words a hint on oppression of the Pope by Napoleon I. "... Sometimes there was a subject to confiscation even King Solomon with his Parables...", – the Readeress has reminded. – E.V. Tarle wrote about Napoleon I that "he has absolutely taken out all domestic and all foreign policy off the sphere of discussion and considered as great grace the permission for the rare bodies of the press to publish only of most short information notes of "political character", i.e. simply notes about news, short messages about the facts".

"I don't attach any significance to disputes of these fools", – Napoleon said...

The general line in management of "the sphere of the press" has been directed to reduction of number of discussions, debates, emotional subjects, to reduction of number of newspapers...

"When each person will have rather common sense to be concentrate onto the sphere of own the duties?" – the French ruler who has come to the power tried to understand.

What was the subjects of trade of French book traders at that time? Old editions with pictures, jokes, stories about beautiful women,the lists and the images of beautiful women...

– "Naked asses"? – the Reader alarmed.

– In a privileged position there were scientific, professional publications, though and they were under "pressure", – the Readeress has tried to neutralize the alert.

– And protection of the law? – the Reader was indignant. – Principles of the French revolution? To the law and the principles have turned by a bare back (a lower part)?

The Readeress has sighed:

– The minister of police of France Joseph Fouche concerning legality joked: "My dear, the constitution is a beautiful woman on whom it is allowed, passing by, to throw an admiration look, but she doesn't belong to public".

The police watched and printing houses, and authors of publications, and buyers of printing editions.

The bookstores were under constant, close observation of the authorities.

But it is necessary to mention also examples of the loyal attitude of the power towards writers.

During an era of a marriage of Napoleon I on the Austrian princess a large number of authors were glorifying this event, have composed verses. For their remuneration the sum of 88 400 francs has been spent from treasury. From marriage of the emperor the child who has received a title of the Roman king was born. In honor of the birth of the Roman king a number of works has been written; for remuneration of authors 30 thousand francs have been spent.

– If any structure can provide itself with work, then the such a situation for such structure is comfortable, – the Reader has assumed. – I will give an example of effectiveness. The minister of police of France, to the greatest indignation, has learned that the censorship subordinated to the Minister of Internal Affairs will confiscate even books which he (the minister of police) writes out from England. That is, the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has found out that the minister of police receives and reads "undesirable" books. What result, what benefits of such information? But – all are busy with (important) affairs.

And here England printed and read all books (and continues to do it), adheres – it seems, – the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of information – and, probably, doesn't suffer.

In principle, it is possible to make subject to control thesightseeing of architectural sights. The look of tourist falls on others windows. And what things and events tourist there sees? To what opinions does come? To what actions the tourist is induced? Big necessary information and analytic business. To collect information, to generalize, take measures...

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