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About Culture, - A Little (СИ)
  • Текст добавлен: 6 июня 2018, 00:00

Текст книги "About Culture, - A Little (СИ)"

Автор книги: Vladimir Zalesski

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Текущая страница: 11 (всего у книги 11 страниц)

19. Sketch about Modern Realities.

20. The Short Story about Dramaturgy.

21. Dialogue about an adventure literature.

22. Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary.

23. Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary. Series 2.

24. The Fairy Tale about the creative activity.

25. The Fairy Tale about Mark Twain, the publisher.

26. The Story about Navahrudak (Novogrudok).

27. Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account.

28. Questions about an Internet-Platforms for Publications and about a "Traditional" Publishing Houses.

29. The Sketch about the Literary Prikaz.

30. The Sketch about a Timekeeping.

31. The Monologue about the Petya's Father is Good at Arithmetic.

32. The Fairy Tale of How Nikolai Gogol became the Great Dramaturge.

33. The Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale monologue about a "military prose".

Раздел 7. Радиостанцинг.

1. The Short Story about the the turned-on Radio

2. The Short Story about 'Heavy'

3. The Strange Story of the American Journalist in the Australia

4. Radio listener's monologue

5. The Dialogue in the Radio Studio

6. The Story about Thoughtfulness

7. Sketch about Vacancies

8. The Short Story about ventilators and about Hegel

9. Sketch about the Elevator Trip to Mauritius

10. The Story about the Creative Streams of Air

11. The Tale about Not-Sent Letter. Of Maxim Gorky to Ivan Bunin

12. Dialogue between the Journalist and Reader

13. Dialogue of colleagues

14. The Fairy tale about Pushkin on Easter Island

15. The Story about the Petersburg long-liver

16. The Short Story about Mercader. Series 2

17. The Express Sketch about Radio-mite, Schnauzer and Bull Terrier.

Каковы наиболее вероятные дальнейшие действия? Повидимому, (1) устранение дублирования (конкретная миниатюра не должна присутствовать в нескольких разделах), (2) изложение Содержания на английском языке.

4 июня 2018 г. 23:54

Шаг Третий: Подготовка Содержания (рабочего варианта) (на английском языке). 5 июня 2018 г. 09:36.

Рабочий вариант Содержания выглядит следующим образом.


About Culture, – a little

1. Producing

1. Dialogue of colleagues.

2. The Sketch about Modern Realities.

3. The Fairy tale about Pushkin on Easter Island.

4. The Story about the Young man.

5. The Fairy Tale of How Nikolai Gogol became the Great Dramaturge.

2. Theatring

1. The Sketch about the famous ballerina and the reciter of Hamlet.

2. Sketch about the Double of the Historical Person.

3. Songing

1. The Fairy Tale about the creative activity.

2. The Sketch about Bistro, Bikini, Napoleon and Orange Mood.

4. Newspapering

1. The Sketch about the Literary Prikaz.

5. Filming

1. The Tale of a Timely Guidance.

2. The Fairy Tale about the Screenplay and about Large Public Money.

6. Booking

1. The Tale of the Conversation of Maxim Gorky and Jack London.

2. The tale about not-sent letter. Of Maxim Gorky to Ivan Bunin.

3. The dialogue about Peter the Great.

4. The Tale about William Gladstone and about an exhibition.

5. Dialogue about Lack of Preliminary Censorship.

6. The Christmas story.

7. The Sketch about the Literary Dispute.

8. The Short Story about the Bottom.

9. The Short Story about Progress in Fishing.

10. Dialogue of Stop Down – Start Up.

11. The Monologue about Knowledge.

12. The Fairy Tale, devoted March 8, about Lermontov.

13. The Fairy Tale about the Library on the Seacoast.

14. The Short Story about ventilators and about Hegel.

15. The Short Story about Dramaturgy.

16. Dialogue about an adventure literature.

17. Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary.

18. Sketch about the celebration of the 150 anniversary. Series 2.

19. The Fairy Tale about Mark Twain, the publisher.

20. The Story about Navahrudak (Novogrudok).

21. Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account.

22. Questions about an Internet-Platforms for Publications and about a "Traditional" Publishing Houses.

23. The Sketch about a Timekeeping.

24. The Monologue about the Petya's Father is Good at Arithmetic.

25. The Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale monologue about a "military prose".

7. Broadcasting

1. The Short Story about the the turned-on Radio

2. The Short Story about 'Heavy'

3. The Strange Story of the American Journalist in the Australia

4. Radio listener's monologue

5. The Dialogue in the Radio Studio

6. The Story about Thoughtfulness

7. Sketch about Vacancies

8. Sketch about the Elevator Trip to Mauritius

9. The Story about the Creative Streams of Air

10. Dialogue between the Journalist and Reader

11. The Story about the Petersburg long-liver

12. The Short Story about Mercader. Series 2

13. The Express Sketch about Radio-mite, Schnauzer and Bull Terrier.

Безусловно, представленный вариант содержания можно улучшать, корректировать, исправлять, совершенствовать. Вместе с тем, стремление к оптимальному варианту вовсе не затрудняется фиксаций промежуточных (пусть и не совершенных) вариантов.

Каковы наиболее вероятные дальнейшие действия? Повидимому, (1) Составление сборника (рабочего варианта) (на английском языке). (2) Размещение Сборника в Интернете.

5 июня 2018 г. 09:36

Шаг Четвертый. Составлен сборник (рабочий вариант) (на английском языке). Начато размещение Сборника в Интернете. 5 июня 2018 г. 17:46.

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