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Beautiful Misery
  • Текст добавлен: 26 октября 2016, 22:12

Текст книги "Beautiful Misery"

Автор книги: Chandin Whitten

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8 Months Later

Rolling over I was welcomed by a cold bed. Opening my eyes, the bright sun burned. Tossing the bed sheet down, I sat up and rested my legs over the side of the bed. I could hear the shower running, weird. Gage had been slacking lately and never got up this early on his off days.

Pushing out of bed I shuffled into the bathroom. “Hey, why are you up so early?”

I could see Gage through the glass shower door, his body was nothing short of perfect and I still got hot and bothered from seeing it.

Gage smiled and said, “I totally forgot I have a shoot with Sports Report today. Thankfully it’s not until noon but it’s in the bay so it will take a while to get there.”

I really wanted to spend time with him. He would be leaving soon for spring training camp and would be gone for a few weeks. “Oh, ok. Maybe the kids and I will go to the beach today, it’s supposed to be sunny.”

Gage shut the water off and opened the steamed door. Grabbing his towel off the bench he wrapped it around his waist making his way to me. “Actually, my mom asked if she and dad could take them out today. I guess they are having some naval show and Gabe won’t stop talking about it.”

“Hmm. I haven’t heard him mention anything. But, sure. He would love that.” I said, shrugging one shoulder.

Gage wrapped his strong, tattooed arms around my waist and lifted me onto the counter. He lowered his mouth to mine and just as the kiss was getting warmed up I heard Londyn’s little voice come through the baby monitor. “Daddy! Me up!”

The princess was awake.

Gage lifted his head and laughed. “Every fuckin’ time. Daddy doesn’t get any lovin’ these days. I need to teach that girl how to make her own damn breakfast.”

Rolling my eyes, I smacked his bare chest. “Sorry babe, chicks before dicks. Gotta go get my little lady. Finish getting ready. I’ll make the kids breakfast and pack their bag.” I hopped off the counter and pecked Gage’s cheek. “I love you.”

Gage smacked my ass as I walked by. “Love you, too.”

I walked into Londyn’s room to find Gabe sitting on the floor in front of her crib with a book in his hands. He was flipping page after page and making up a story. Londyn was loving it. Giggling, she was saying over and over, “Bub bub, more.”

“Good morning babies.” I said resting my head on the door frame.

“Mommy! Did you see me? I was reading to Londyn.” Gabe jumped up and ran to me.

Hugging him I answered, “I did, sweetie. She was loving it.”

Londyn clapped her hands and yelled, “Mama!” She had started calling me Mama a few months ago. At first I wanted to tell her I wasn’t Mama, but I was her Mama. In my heart it felt right. I could never be Cobie, I didn’t want to be. But, I would be the next best thing and love Londyn unconditionally.

Letting go of Gabe I made my way to Londyn. The closer I got, the more excited she got. Lifting her out of her crib I hugged her close and kissed her cheeks. “Is somebody ready to eat?”

Gabe ran out the door and was halfway down the stairs when I heard him yell, “Superhero power pancakes!”

Walking out of Londyn’s room I looked at her and said, “I think Bub bub wants pancakes. Do you want pancakes, too?”

Londyn excitedly nodded and said, “Ess, ess! Peese!”

There was a time, not too long ago, that I never pictured myself with anymore kids. But now I couldn’t picture my life without Londyn. I may not be her biological mom but I loved her enough for the both of us.

“Ok, pancakes it is.”

The pancakes were almost done when I saw Gage sauntering into the kitchen.

“I just got off the phone with my mom, she said she will be here around ten to pick up the kids. Why don’t you go ahead and get in the shower while the kids are eating.”

Frowning I asked, “Why do I need to take a shower now? I can just wait until your mom gets the kids.”

“I was going to see if you could run to a few places for me today. I won’t have time and they need to be done today.”

“Where do I need to go?” I asked as I cut up pancakes for Londyn.

Gage grabbed Gabe’s plate and carried it to the table. “I will text you a list. It’s nothing you can’t handle, supermom.”

“Haha. Got this shit covered.” I handed Gage Londyn’s plate and rinsed my hands. “I will go get their bag ready then get in the shower. Will you clean up?”

Gage held his hands up, inspecting them he said, “Go ahead. I think these money makers can handle a few dirty dishes.”

Rolling my eyes, I ignored his comment. Kissing Londyn and Gabe I told them I loved them then walked up the stairs.

Going into Gabe’s room I pulled out his clothes for the day, an extra ‘just in case’ outfit, and his swim trunks. Gathering it into my arms I crossed the hall to Londyn’s room. Putting Gabe’s clothes on her dresser, I opened Londyn’s closet to get her clothes and swimsuit. Putting her clothes next to Gabe’s I reached for the diaper bag. It wasn’t on the door handle. I always put it there.

Pushing the door closed I looked to see if it fell. Nothing on the floor. What the hell?

Yelling, I asked, “Gage, is Londyn’s diaper bag down there?”

No answer.

“Gage? Is the diaper bag down there?” I yelled again.

Still, no answer. Seriously? I know he could hear me, he was just ignoring me.

Stomping down the stairs I huffed and puffed into the kitchen. It was clean and everyone was gone. “Hello? Anyone? This isn’t funny!”

Looking around the kitchen I saw a piece of paper on the counter. Picking it up I saw it was from Gage.

Dear Annie,

Don’t freak out. We are all safe. But I lied. Today is all about you. I want you to go upstairs, take a relaxing bath and get dressed. A princess can’t have a proper scavenger hunt without a chariot. Your car will be here at ten. The driver will have the clue to your next stop. There are a few rules…accept them and follow them. I’ll be waiting for you. Love you.

Rule 1…No cell phone today and no, you cannot borrow someone else’s.

Rule 2…there will be a photographer stalking you, don’t mind him.

Rule 3…You must read each clue out loud so the photographer can also record with a flipcam.

Rule 4…Relax, have fun, and enjoy your day


What was going on? Smiling, I looked at the clock, eight forty. I had an hour and twenty minutes before my car was here.

Taking my time, I took a relaxing bubble bath with candles and soothing music. I was dressed and ready five minutes until ten.

At exactly ten o’clock the doorbell rang. Opening the front door I saw a nicely dressed older man with a large bouquet of lilies. Behind him was the photographer, snapping away.

“Good morning, Miss Holland. I’m Chet, I will be your driver today.” Handing me the flowers he said, “These are for you, make sure to read the card.”

Taking the flowers, I sat them on the entry table and pulled out the card. Opening the card I found another note.

Go for a ride and trust me. Your next clue awaits you at 6489 Paradise Lane.

Grabbing my purse off the table, I smiled to the two men.

“This way, ma’am.” Chet said, pointing to the limo. Gage really did go all out. Following Chet to the limo he opened the door and I slid inside, the photographer right behind me. I was surprised to find Leigha, Sadie, and Jenna inside.

The three of them were laughing when my mouth dropped opened.

“Ok, can y’all tell me what the hell is going on?”

Jenna said, “We really don’t know either. Gage text us last night. He asked us to meet at the bar this morning, that there would be a car waiting. And here we are.”

Leigha grabbed a champagne flute filled with Mimosa and held it up. Jenna, Sadie, and I grabbed a flute and held ours up too. She said, “To girl’s day and to Gage for being so generous.” After clinking glasses we all drained our flutes.

Turning my head to look at the photographer I asked, “Do you know what’s going on?”

Winking, he replied, “You’re not supposed to see me. I cannot answer that question.”

“Oh! You know, don’t you?”

Giving me a half smile and another wink he tilted his head. “By the way, my name is Todd.”

Sticking my tongue out playfully I said, “Nice to meet you. You’re not going to tell me anything, are you?”

Todd grinned. “Nope.”

I turned to face my friends again. Leigha turned on the radio and the car was filled with Gage’s voice.

“Hey, ladies. I have made a special CD for Annie. It is filled with songs that are all special to us. In the small compartment beside the radio you will find a box of Kleenex. Annie will need them. Enjoy your day, ladies. And, Annie, I love you.”

As Gage’s voice ended and Your Call by Secondhand Serenade came through the speakers. This was the song that was playing the night Gage told me he wanted to be more than just friends. He wanted to be my one and only.

Feeling my eyes tear up, I looked to the girls and asked, “Tissue, please?”

I saw Jenna getting teary eyed too when she said, “He really loves you. I’m so glad he found you. You have changed him, he’s the old Gage again. Thank you so much.”

“I love him too, so much, maybe too much. I don’t know what my life would be like without him and I don’t ever want to know. I can see myself marrying him one day.”

Jenna, Sadie, and Leigha smiled at me and dabbed their eyes with a tissue. Feeling the car stop I looked out the window. We were at Beach Beauty Nails to get our nails done. Chet came around to open the door and we all got out. Walking into the salon the girl at the front desk sweetly asked, “Miss Holland?”

I nodded and said, “That would be me.”

“Great, please follow me.” We were led to an area in the back where I saw Heather waiting.

“You’re in on this too?” I asked in disbelief.

Heather stood and said, “Of course! Now here, read this.”

Another clue!

What princess doesn’t have their nails ‘did’? It’s all paid for, so you ladies go crazy. But, for your nails go with French Tips. Your next clue will be given to you when you’re done.

I sat down next to my sister and spent an hour letting my hands be pampered. Once they were manicured and shiny, Jenna reached into her purse and handed me another note.

Do you remember the first place we were photographed in public? There you will find someone special with another clue.

Getting all the girls and Todd into the limo we made our way to the pier. There I was welcomed by Lydia, who gave me a yet another clue.

Remember our first official date? I’ll never look at that fifty yard line the same. Where we had dinner, that’s where you are going for lunch. You will find another clue waiting for you.

P.S. I love you

Laughing, I said, “Get back in the limo ladies. Oh and Todd, too. We’re going to Fresh for lunch.

Walking into the restaurant I saw Abby sitting at a large table waving us over. The girls and I enjoyed a lunch of sushi and beer. Just like our first date. Instead of having the check dropped off I has handed another clue.

Every princess deserves a new dress and shoes. You don’t have to go too far, just around the corner to Sunshine Boutique.

The girls and I, plus Todd, walked to the store. I was nervous to walk in, afraid of who or what I might find. Hesitantly, I opened the door and slowly stepped inside.

Walking out from the dressing rooms I saw my mom and Gage’s mom coming toward me. They both hugged me and handed me another clue.

By now I’m sure you know what I’m going to do. So get a fancy dress and shoes to match. The car will take you to your next location but hurry, you only have until eight to get ready.

I looked at my mom and asked, “What time is it?”

My mom said, “It’s two o’clock.”

“He does know me. I take forever to shop.”

Two hours later I had my dress and shoes. My dress was a strapless, tee length dark purple satin with simple silver bead accent on the bodice. I had silver strappy sandals to match.

Getting back in the car we were whisked away. We pulled up the Sheraton and I was in awe. The girls and Todd led the way into the hotel. Gage already had a suite reserved and waiting for us. We were escorted to our room, were we found massage therapist waiting for us. After our massages there was a knock on the door. I opened the door to find an army of people on the other side.

“Miss Holland, we are here to do hair and makeup for you lovely ladies.”

“Wow, really?”

The tall, slender woman nodded and smiled. Three hours later our hair and makeup was done. I looked in the mirror and was amazed. I never wore a lot of makeup but even I had to admit I looked beautiful.

Gage’s mom handed me another clue.

Now that you look every part of a princess it’s time to get your dress on and meet me at the place I first told you I was in love with you.

“Hurry, we only have an hour before you need to meet Gage.” Leigha shoved me into the bathroom so I could change. Getting dressed as fast as possible I walked back out to find everyone else had on black dresses.

“Would someone please tell me what is going on? I am so confused.”

All the girls shook their heads. They ushered me out of the suite, back to the waiting limo. Chet drove us down the coast to Fairhope. We pulled into Wet Spot’s parking lot. Chet opened the door for us to get out. I saw Gage’s dad standing a few feet away in the sand leading to the beach, a clue in his hand.

When I was close he pulled me into a hug and whispered. “Thank you for making my son happy.” He handed me the next clue.

This was the place I first said ‘I love you’. I want this to be the last place I say I love you…

I looked up from the paper when I heard Phoenix Rising playing God Gave Me You. It wasn’t coming from a radio. It was coming from Tristan, Jase, Kamp, Ryker, and Reid, themselves. Live. In person.

That was when everything started coming together and making sense. I saw Gage coming around the corner with Jinx who was carrying Londyn, Dylan who was holding Gabe’s hand, and Tyler, Trent, and Larkin.

Tyler, Larkin, Trent, Jinx, Dylan, and the kids stopped when they reached the group of girls and Gage’s father. Gage kept walking to me.

When he got to me he grabbed my hands and said, “You look gorgeous.” He lightly kissed me before continuing, “Annie, a very wise woman once told me ‘if you fight like your married, talk like best friends, and flirt like loves then you are meant to be. Well, that describes us perfectly. I guess we are meant to be. Life is about finding that one person who is your kind of crazy. You’re more than my kind of crazy, you’re my happily ever after. You were my heaven when my life was hell. You brought me peace I didn’t know I was searching for. Londyn and I are so lucky to have you in our lives and if you let us we want to be in yours and Gabe’s for the rest of ours. I love you and Gabe and would love nothing more than to spend my life showing the three of you how much I love you. Everything about you is so fucking beautiful and I want to spend forever with you. Would you do me the honor and marry me? Be mine. Today, tomorrow, and forever.”

Gage dropped down on one knee and pulled out the most gorgeous ring I had ever seen. It was a vintage inspired, emerald cut, four carat diamond in the center with a one carat, emerald cut diamond on each side in a pave setting.

Swallowing hard I took a deep breath as my tears fell. “Yes, of course I will marry you! I want nothing more than to spend my life with you. I love you so much”

As Gage slid the ring on to my finger I heard all the cheers and clapping from our friends and family. Gage stood and pulled my face to his, kissing me deep and hard. “I love you.”

Through all of our miserycame beauty, and without our miserywe might not have gotten the beauty. It was our own kind of beautiful miseryand I wouldn’t change a thing.



Coming Winter 2013 by Chandin Whitten Rock Raising Hell #1

I couldn’t help but watch as Tristan strutted across the stage. The looks he would give all those girls was making their panties drop. No, I mean literally lose their panties. The girls were taking them off and tossing them on the stage. I felt like I was watching Magic Mike, Rockstar Edition…only gone wrong. Very, very wrong. Tristan was loving it. I was disgusted. It was like a really bad car wreck. You know the kind you really shouldn’t look at, afraid of what you might see. Yet, you can’t take your eyes off of it.

Tristan let his eyes search the crowd, no doubt looking for his next conquest. Then, he landed on me and his eyes were glued. Those fucking eyes– once upon a time I fell in love with those honey colored irises. Tristan raised one side of his mouth, as if he was daring me to move.


Rolling my eyes, I huffed and turned to walk away. Mistake. Tristan called me out. Of course he would. He was an asshole.

“Ah there she is. Where you goin’, Butterfly?”

Oh hell no he didn’t?! He did not just call me Butterfly. It felt like I was just stabbed a thousand times in my chest. Pausing mid step, I turned to glare at him while others looked around for Tristan’s ‘Butterfly’. I was pissed. I was hurt. How dare he use that name? He knew what it meant…used to mean.

“Why you leaving so early? I was hoping you would join me for this next song. After all you are the inspiration behind it.”

People were finally figuring out who had Tristan’s attention. They had followed his gaze and found me on the receiving end. Albeit, not very happy. Fine. He wants to play games? Well, I hope he packed his pads and a helmet, because game on baby. And, I don’t play fair. I had on my ball bustin’ boots and I was ready to do some damage.

Holding my middle finger up, I started towards the stage. The group of people dividing like I was Moses parting the Red Sea. Don’t quote me on that, I haven’t brushed up on my Bible 101 lately. The guys were gawking at me and the girls were shooting daggers at me. They wanted to be. They wanted to be the one going on stage to sing with Tristan Cole. I would gladly trade places with them.

Tristan smirked and his voice grew deeper. He practically growled, “Don’t tease me baby, unless you’re going to please me. You had better put that finger away or I might do something crazy like hold you accountable.  You know I’ve always been quite the wild child.” His little comment had the guys laughing and I swear I could feel all the different ways the girls were planning on killing me. Little did they know, Rockstar up there wasn’t trying to flirt with me. No, he was trying to piss me off. And, I will give him credit, it was working. Not that I would let him know that.

I dropped my hand and straightened as I reached the side of the stage. My eyes still locked with his. He was standing front and center, waiting. Waiting to make my life living hell, more than it already was.

“Boys, a little help for the lady?” Tristan asked, nodding at me.

Before I could protest I was being lifted by some guy behind me and sat on the stage. What the hell? Was I four? I wanted to turn around and kick and scream at that Neanderthal. Ok, so maybe I was a little closer to acting like a four year old than I wanted to admit.

The bassist, Ryker, just took a step back and bowed his head. Chicken ass. Looking across the stage I saw Kamp, one of the guitarist trying –and failing– to hide his laughter as he kept up a steady rhythm on his guitar. Shifting my eyes to the back of the stage where Reid was stationed behind his drums, he was looking straight ahead, shaking his head. Jase was my last resort, but of course that guitar playing twat box was looking at his cousin and smiling.  I was on my own with this one.

Taking a few steps in Tristan’s direction, I put my hands on my hips and squared up to him, smiling a little too sweetly. When he was within reach I placed a finger on his chest, he tensed, and tapped my finger as I spoke, “Well, playboy, you got me up here…now what are you going to do with me? Last time you got me this close you ran like a little girl. Think you can handle me this time?”

Told you I don’t play fair. I fight dirty.

The room was silent except for the strumming coming from Jase and Kamp’s guitars. Tristan’s eyes grew dark, making the green flecks in them stand out. His mouth twitched. “Why, Ms. Caine aren’t you just a sweet little lollipop all wrapped up in bitch?”

Narrowing my eyes I said, “And, you Mr. Cole, are a dick.”

His hazel eyes sparkled. “Yep.” Tristan took his eyes off me and shifted them back to the crowd while taking a few steps away from me. He drew his lip ring into his mouth. He knew exactly what that did to me. “Y’all ready for our new number one hit, Rockstar Call Girl?” The crowd went crazy, clapping and hollering. Tristan glanced at me, a smile playing at his lips. Pointing at me he said, “You can thank this hot little lady for that. If it wasn’t for her this song wouldn’t exist.”

The bands new song didn’t exactly put me in the best light. To be honest it made me sound like some sort of whore, which I wasn’t. There was a tap on my shoulder before a microphone was being shoved in my face. Looking over my shoulder I saw Ryker retreating back to his spot on stage. He actually had a little sympathy on his face. At least somebody cared…maybe. A little?

I heard Reid’s sticks hit the drums and both guitars came to life. Tristan looked at me, that stupid ass, shit eatin’ grin on his face as he started to sing.

She’s always looking for a little danger,

Just a little fun.

The dark bars, the street cars.

And everything in between.

The bad boys who want one thing,

She’s exactly what they need.

She’s a rockstar call girl,

An angel with demon wings.

Remember, bitch who you belong to,

Your body is my private domain.

Fuck you like the whore you are,

Drink away your memories at night.

Because you’re a rocsktar call girl,

And that’s all you’ll ever be.

Tristan took a breath then looked at me, motioning me to sing the next verse. The verse he knew that would hurt me the most. I held the microphone close to my mouth, almost letting in rest on my lips.

I should have took one look,

And knew the real you.

You told me things to make me believe,

That I was more than just money.

There was fire in my veins,

You turned it into ice and never thought twice.

I’ll never make the same mistake,

And trust someone like you.


Tristan started signing with me. Getting closer and closer to me. He held his hand out to me. He turned from the crowd to my face, meeting me eye for eye.

She’s a rockstar call girl,

An angel with demon wings.

Remember, bitch who you belong to,

Your body is my private domain.

Fuck you like the whore you are,

Drink away your memories at night.

Because you’re a rockstar call girl,

And that’s all you’ll ever be.

I stopped singing. I let the microphone drop to my feet. Tristan took another step closer, towering over me. His body just inches from me. His breath in my face. He finished the song.

That’s all you’re ever going to be,

To everyone.

Now you’re nothing,

Nothing else to me.

Tristan was breathing hard and incredibly close. My eyes were shut. I could smell his cologne mixed with sweat. I slowly peeled my eyes open to find him staring at me.

He wasn’t singing to the crowd now, he was talking to me. He flicked his lip ring and licked his lips. “You’re nothing but a memory”

I don’t know where my tears came from. One minute I was standing there looking at Tristan, the next I was running off the stage. The bands bodyguards didn’t try to stop me from going backstage. Both men stepped to the side as I ran passed them. When I was far enough away so that the band or the crowd couldn’t see me I collapsed onto the floor.

“There you have it ladies and gentlemen. You just witnessed what that girl does best. She runs.” Tristan spoke to the crowd. He sounded proud of himself. The crowd actually cheered. Unbelievable.

I wanted to get out of this place before the guys came off stage. Standing, I ran my fingers under my eyes, hoping I didn’t look like a drunk raccoon. When I rounded the corner where the exit sign was hanging from ceiling I saw a very pregnant and a very pissed off Lydia Cole coming in my direction.

She was yelling at her bodyguard, “What the fuck is his problem! I swear, I am so sick of his selfish bullshit. If he wasn’t Jase’s cousin I would beat the shit outta him. What he did was fuckin’ ridiculous. I can’t believe he made Em do that. If I was her before I ran off stage I would have kicked him square in his dick.”

Lydia finally looked up and saw me standing against the wall. Her face instantly softened as did her voice. “Oh my God, Em! I am so sorry. I had no idea that asshole would do that to you. I never thought he would see you in the crowd. I feel so bad for inviting you then you having to go through that.”

Sniffing, I attempted a smile. “This wasn’t your fault, it was mine. I should have walked away the minute he saw me in the crowd. Hell, I should have walked away eighteen months ago.” I dropped my head and pushed my tears back. “I just want to get outta here before the guys are finished.”

I no more than got the words out of mouth before I heard the rowdy band coming down the hall. There were now two more body guards behind Lydia, making it near impossible to make an escape without the guys noticing.

“Well, well, well. Isn’t this convenient?” Tristan snickered.

Lydia stepped in front of me, attempting to shield me from Tristan. “Don’t start, T. What you did was uncalled for and you know it. She never did anything wrong to you. It’s time you grow up and act like the twenty six year old that you are, not the six year old little boy pulling the cute girls piggy tails at recess. You are an arrogant ass and if it wasn’t for Jase I would love to knock you out myself for that shit you pulled. You owe her an apology.”

Tristan just laughed in Lydia’s face. “Jase, can you control you wife?”

Jase held his hand up in front of him as if surrendering and shook his head. “Hell no. She scares me and I am not stupid enough to piss of the pregnant lady.”

Tristan scoffed, “Fuckin’ great.” He leaned down so he was face to face with Lydia. She never budged. Tristan stuck his hand out and pointed at me, accusingly. “She deserved every bit of humiliation she got tonight. Emersyn Caine is a fuckin’ whore. She doesn’t deserve my respect or my apology. I want her away from my band before we catch some disease from her.”

Before he saw it coming Lydia connected her fist with Tristan’s jaw. She hit him hard enough he stumbled backwards, losing his balance long enough for Lydia to throw another punch. This time she connected with the apple of his cheek. Tristan fell into the wall, grabbing his face. The bodyguards started to step in and reached for Lydia. Jase held his arm up in front of them. “No. It’s fine. Let her go.” The oversized men dropped their hands and took a few steps back.

Leaning down so she was in Tristan’s face, Lydia bit out, “Call her a whore again and I swear I will make sure your dick is made into a smoothie and fed to you, you idiotic prick. You don’t deserve to be around a girl like Em.” Lydia turned on her heel, grabbed my hand, and drug me out of the building into the warm Los Angeles night.

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