Текст книги "Помпеи: Сгинувший город"
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Редакторы и авторы выражают свою признательность всем специалистам , которые оказали неоценимую помощь при подготовке этого тома : Margaret Alexander, University of Iowa, Iowa City; Giulia Aurigcmma, Rome; Brigitte Baumbusch, Florence; Donatella Bertoni, Milan; Jane Biscl, Rochester, Minnesota; Horst Blanck, Istiluto Archeologico Germanico, Rome; Stefano Bruschini, IBM Semea, Rome; Steven Carey, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett; Robert I. Curtis, University, of Georgia, Athens; Stefano De Caro, Soprintendente, Maria Rosaria Es~ posito, Chiara Lepore, Maria Grazia Ruggi d'Aragona, Valeria Sanpaolo, Sop-rintendenza Archeologica di Napoli, Naples; Baldassarc Conticello, Soprintendente, Antonio D'Ambrosio, Ernesto De Carolis, Maria De Conte, LorenzoPergola, Salvatore Ciro Nappo, Mario Pagano, Antonio Varone, Soprin-tendenza Archeologica di Pompei, Pompeii; Joseph Jay Deiss, Gainesville, Florida; Helmut Jung, Istituto Archeologico Germanico, Rome; Maria Montemba-ult, Documentaliste, Departement des Antiquites Grecques et Romaincs, Musee du Louvre, Paris; Margaret So-mervilic Roberts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Ниже, с искренней благодарностью авторов, приводится список источников, из которых были взяты иллюстрации для этого тома, различные источники отмечены косой чертой.
Background Leonard von Matt/Photo Researchers; Mimmo Jodi-ce/Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples. End paper: Art by Paul Breeden. David Hiser/Image Bank. Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Art by Al Kettler. By O. Louis Mazzatenta, National Geographic Society Painting at Musee des Augustins, Toulouse, France, photo courtesy of Alexandra Murphy. Luciano Pedicini, Naples. Didier Baussy, Paris. Luciano Pedicini, Naples. Courtesy the Trustees of the British Museum, London; Luciano Pedicini, Naples (2). Archiv fur Kunst und Geschichte, Berlin. Istituto Archeologico Germanico, Rome. Mary Evans Picture Library, London-Roger-Viollel, Paris. Roger-Viollet, Paris. Heirs of Prof. Salvatore Aurigemma, Rome from Pompeii alia Luce degl't Scavi Nuou't d't Via dell Abbondanza, Vittorio Spinazzola, Libre-ria dello Stato, Rome, 1953. Robert Etienne, Bordeaux; Leonard von Matt, Buochs, Switzerland. Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Mimmo Jodice, Naples. Alinari-Gira-udon, Paris. Roger-Viollet, Paris. Milan Horacek/Bilderburg, Studio X; Roger-Viollet, Paris-Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Mimmo Jodice, Naples. Background Mimmo Jodice, Naples. Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Art by Time-Life Books. Luisa Ricciarini, Milan; IGDA, Milan. С . М . Dixon, Canterbury, Kent. Mimmo Jodice, Naples; Luciano Pedicini, Naples. Alinari/Art Resource, New York City-Scala, Florence. Luciano Pedicini, Naples-Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Art by Time-Life Books– Mimmo Jodice, Naples. David Hiser, National Geographic Society-Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Andre Held, Ecublens, Switzerland; Luciano Pedicini, Naples (2). Julian Whittlesey Foundation, from The Gardens of Pompeii, Herculaneum and the Villas Destroyed by Vesuvius by Wilhelmina F. Jashemski, Caratzas Brothers, New Roc-helle, N. Y., 1979. Mimmo Jodice, Naples. Luciano Pedicini, Naples. David Hiser/Photographers Aspen; Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Mimmo Jodice, Naples, inset Leonard von Matt/Photo Researchers. Fail-let/ARTEPHOT, Paris. Luciano Pedicini, Naples. Background Alinari, Florence. C. Bevilacqua/IGDA, Milan; Albedo and Pio Foglia, Naples; Luciano Pedicini, Naples. Background C. Bevilacqua/IGDA, Milan. Luciano Pedicini, Naples (3). Background Roger-Viollet, Paris. Luciano Pedicini, Naples; Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples; Alinari/Art Resource, New York City. Background C. Bevilacqua/IGDA, Milan. Luciano Pedicini, Naples (2); Scala, Florence-Art Resource, New York City; Photo BULLOZ, Paris. Background Luciano Pedicini, Naples. Luciano Pedicini, Naples-Alinari/Art Resource, New York City; Alfredo and Pio Fog-lia, Naples (2). Alfredo and Pio Foglia, except left, Luciano Pedicini, Naples. Mimmo Jodice, Naples. Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Andre Held, Ecublens, Switzerland. Reunion des Muse'es Nationaux, Paris. Antonia Mulas, Milan-Dario Gallino/Foto-Grafica s.r.l., Rome. Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Andre Held, Ecublens, Switzerland. Scala/Art Resource, New York City; Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples (2). Stanley A. Jashemski-Julian Whittlesey Foundation, both horn The Gardens of Pompeii. Herculaneum and the Villas Destroyed by Vesuvius by Wilhelmina F. Jashemski, Caratzas Brothers, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1979. Stanley A. Jashemski, except second from left, top, Institute of Aechae-ology, London, all from The Gardens oj Pompeii. Herculaneum and the Villas Destroyed by Vesuuius by Wilhelmina F. Jashemski, Caratzas Brothers, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1979. Background Erich Lessing/Culture and Fine Arts Archive, Vienna. Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples (2). Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples; Alinari. Florence; Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Rogers Fund, 1903 (03.14.13) detail # 7. HI: Mario De Biasi/Mondadori, Milan. Antonia Mulas, Milan. Mimmo Jodice, Naples. 118: Josef Adamiak, Leipzig. ©Leonard von Matt/Photo Researchers. Stan Goldberg Assoc. Inc./Superstock. Werner Forman Archive, London. Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. 126428: Mimmo Jodice, Naples. From blcrculaneum: Italy's Buried Treasure by Joseph Jay Deiss, revised and updated edition published by the. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, Calif., 1989. ©Leonard von Matt/Photo Researchers. Courtsey Sara Bisel-Joe McNally. Courtsey Sara Bisel by O. Louis Mazzatenta, ©National Geographic Society. By O. Louis Mazzatenta, ©National Geographic Society courtsey Sara Bisel. Courtsey Sara Bisel except lower right, Jonathan Blair/Woodfin Camp and Associates. Courtsey Sara Bisel Jonathan Blair/Woodfin Camp and Associates. Map from «La Villa Ercolanese dei Pisoni» by Do-menico Comparetti and Guilio De petra, Ermanno Loescher, Turin, 1883. J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, Calif., main peristyle garden and fountain. Luciano Pedicini, Naples/Biblioteca Nazionale, Naples. Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Mimmo Jodice, Naples. С Bevilacqua/IGDA, Milan. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei, Pompeii. Mimmo Jodice, Naples. Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Mimmo Jodice, Naples. Mimmo Jodice, Naples-Alfredo and Pio Foglia, Naples. Stanley A. Jashemski, from The Gardens of Pompeii, Herculaneum and the Villas Destroyed by Vesuvius by Wilhelmina F. Jashemski, Caratzas Brothers, New Rochelle, N. Y.T 1979. Photo Nimatallah/ARTEP-HOT, Paris; Mimmo Jodice, Naples. Mimmo Jodice, Naples. Art by Paul Breeden.
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Другие источники
Anderson, Maxwell L. «Pompeian Frescoes in the Metropolitan Museum of Art». Reprinted from the Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Winter 1987/88
J. Paul Getty Museum. Guide to the Villa and Its Gardens. Malibu. Calif.: J. Paul Getty Museum, 1989.
Le Collezioni del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Catalog from the Naples Museum. Rome: Dc Luca, 1986.
Le Collezioni del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Catalog from the Naples Museum. Rome: De Luca, 1989.
Rediscovering Pompeii. Catalog of exhibition by IBM-Italia, New York City,IBM Gallery of Science and Art, 12 July-15 September 1990. Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider, 1990.
Предметы, найденные при раскопках Помпеи и Геркуланума, можно увидеть в следующих музеях:
– Antiquaiium, Boscoreale;
– Antiquariurn di Stabiae, Castellammare di Stabia;
– Bibliotecn Nazionale Vittorio Emanuelc III, Officina Papiri Ercolanesi, Naples
British Museum. London;
– J. Paul Getty Museum, Classical Collections, Malibu, California;
– Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples Villa di Poppeia, Oplontis, Torre Annun-ziata.