Текст книги "From Ashes"
Автор книги: Molly McAdams
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Chapter Sixteen
I WAS JUST pulling up to the main house on the ranch as Dad was getting ready to start the day. He took one look at me and hung his head, let it shake to the side once, then came over to me and pulled me into a hug. One I didn’t, couldn’t, reciprocate.
“What happened?” he asked when he pulled back.
“She’s gone.” I tried to act like it didn’t bother me, but fuck, it did. My world, my heart, was gone.
“She gonna stay in California?”
“Nope.” I let the word pop and looked over toward the stables. “Got to the house and Aunt Steph was surprised as all get-out to see me. Said Cass asked her to take her to the airport that morning when she got back from getting coffee. Cassidy’s words: ‘I need to leave, would you please give me a ride?’ She’s gone, Dad. I came right back and drove through the night.”
“Shit, son, well, maybe she’s coming back to Texas.”
“And still not calling me?” I laughed humorlessly and shook my head. “No, Dad, she’s gone.” I had to bite my tongue and looked over at my hand, which was gripping the door to my truck. Slamming it shut, I yelled, “Damn it!” My hand fisted and I wanted to punch something, anything, but like Tyler had said, my temper was what had driven her away. I let my back hit the door and slid down ’til my ass was on the ground and let my head fall into my now-relaxed hands.
Dad sat down next to me, and before I knew it, Mom was out there in front of me with her hands on my knees, staying quiet, which was completely out of character for Mama.
“She’s it. Cassidy’s it for me, I’ve never doubted that, not since I first met her. Y’all know what Tyler did to us; y’all know why it was so hard for us. And now? Now I can’t blame anyone but myself. I pushed her away, and this time she’s not coming back.”
“If she’s it, then she’ll come back,” Mama said hopefully.
“Not this time, Mama.”
After a couple minutes, Mom spoke again. “You’ll find someone, Gage.” But even she sounded doubtful. She’d been worried when Cassidy and Tyler broke up, but after I’d told them about what Tyler had done to me and Cass . . . hell, Mama was practically planning our wedding.
“Yeah, I will,” I said, surprising the shit out of both of them by the looks on their faces. “But she’ll never be Cassidy, she’ll never have me. Not the way Cassidy does. She’ll always be the girl for me, no matter what.” I mumbled the last part, then stood and walked into the house, up the stairs, and to my room to take a shower.
After, I lay on my bed for a couple hours before going down to the kitchen to grab breakfast. The girls looked at me like they still hated me, and I hated me too. “Goin’ for a ride,” I announced when their glares got to be too much. Hell, Emily at barely six was glaring just as good as Amanda was.
When I got out to the stables and got to Bear, I just stood there staring at him, thinking about the night on the hill with Cassidy, the tattoo on her arm, and the way it felt to have her sitting in front of me on my horse. With a reluctant sigh, I greeted him and ran my hands over him before saddling him up and heading out.
I HOPPED OUT of my SUV and waited until Jesse pulled in behind me. Taking in a deep breath and loving the smell of the ranch, I stretched my body and went over to help Isabella out of the Camaro.
We’d woken up really early that morning, and after a quick breakfast and making sure Isabella felt up to the journey, we set off. Isabella was more than excited; knowing she was meeting the family had her feeling amazing, even through the sickness. I know I should have called, but I still couldn’t bring myself to first talk to Gage over the phone. His truck and Ty’s Jeep were the first things I’d noticed when we pulled up. I was surprised that Tyler was there, but I’d been out of contact for a bit and they’d always been close, so I was really happy for them.
I’d just gotten Isabella out when Tyler came running out of the house, followed closely by all of Gage’s sisters. I took a few steps from Isabella, since it didn’t look like Tyler was going to stop, and was glad I did when he grabbed me and swung me around.
“Damn it, Cassi, you have so much you need to talk to him about. He’s . . . he’s really fucked up, sweetheart.”
I nodded my head against his shoulder before he let me down.
“Whose Tahoe?” he asked appreciatively. “And who are they?” he asked, looking at Jesse, who was holding his mom up.
“Uh, my Tahoe, bought it yesterday.” I grinned impishly. “And this is Jesse and his mother, Isabella.”
“You’re Isabella!” Amanda gasped, and she quickly came to my side to hug me, touch my cheek gently with her fingertips, and smile brightly at me. “I’m so happy you’re here, Cass,” she said softly, then turned to Isabella and Jesse to introduce herself.
I was surrounded by hugs from Nikki and Emily and quickly explained to Tyler who Jesse and Isabella were. I’d told them last night about everything, so they knew about the fight, the fire, California, and Tyler, but Jesse still didn’t seem to like Tyler all that much. I did notice he and Amanda couldn’t take their eyes from each other though, and Isabella took one look at them, turned to me, and winked.
Emily and Nikki tugged me toward the house, Amanda helped Isabella, and Jesse and Tyler got all the bags and followed us in. When Gage’s mom, Tessa, heard us all come in, she walked out of the kitchen and actually dropped her wooden spoon as she ran to engulf me in a hug that lasted for what felt like minutes. When she pulled back, her eyes were bright with tears and she was touching my cheeks just as Amanda had done.
“Oh my sweet girl, thank you.”
My eyebrows drew together in confusion, but I didn’t have time to ask what she was thanking me for because it was then that she noticed Jesse and Isabella, and the next round of introductions took place. Of course, she grabbed the phone and called Gage’s dad right away, telling him that he had to come back immediately. Not ten minutes later, he waltzed in, took one look at me, and a huge grin broke out from under that Sam Elliott mustache. He took large steps across the room and picked me up off the floor to hug me before setting me back down.
“Damn, girl, it is good to see you in this house.”
“Thanks, John,” I said softly. I just hoped Gage felt the same way. “John, this is Jesse and his mother, Isabella. They’re the family you’ve been helping.”
Isabella was crying softly and Jesse actually left her side and walked right up to John to hug him. John’s eyes went wide with shock and his hands came up and patted Jesse’s back. When Jesse stepped back and tried to thank him, no words would come out and he just hung his head. John patted his shoulder and walked past him to sit next to Isabella on the couch and pull her into a hug as the rest of the family had done.
Tyler wrapped an arm around my waist and touched the exposed part of my back. “That’s awesome, Cass, when’d you get it?” he whispered.
“Thursday. Where’s Gage?” I’d bought a couple of those racer-back tanks; the one I was wearing today was a dark green, the same color as Gage’s eyes, eyes that I’d spent way too long without.
He pulled me back a ways from the living room toward the dining room. “The girls said he went out to ride a couple hours before you got here. He must have gotten back sometime early this morning; I was still asleep when he did and when he left.”
“Gotten back?”
“He went to California yesterday to get you, Cass; got to my parents’ house, and my mom told him you were gone. From what Aunt Tessa said, he thinks you’re gone gone. I’m tellin’ you, Cass. He’s. Fucked. Up.”
“He went to California? How did he know I was there? Did you tell him?”
Tyler looked at me like I was dense. “Cass, come on, I told him when we were in the airport before we even left Texas. I thought you just left without a word. He’d already woken up and was looking for you. He told me about the note you left him—not a good choice, by the way.” He raised an eyebrow at me.
“Wait! He has known where I was for two weeks and he didn’t try to come get me or call me before yesterday?” Connor’s words in his apartment yesterday morning started flooding my mind.
“Gage and I decided it was best. You were slipping away, and it was because of what Gage had done. If he had tried to push you by calling or coming right away, which he wanted to, we both agreed it would have just pushed you even farther away. We agreed to let you work it out and wait for you to come back to him, but he’s been so messed up, yesterday he just couldn’t wait any longer.”
“But now he thinks I’m gone,” I said softly.
Tyler nodded. “Yeah, sweetheart, he thinks it’s over.”
His words felt like a physical blow and I bent slightly, reaching out to grab Ty’s arm to keep myself standing. “It can’t be. I just had to deal with what happened, I had to fix me. And I did. I couldn’t come back to him without fixing me.”
“You guys will figure it out—you’re meant for each other.” He kissed my head and wrapped his big arms around me. “Just be easy on him, all right? Like I said, he’s not doing well.”
“Yeah,” I whispered, and looked back over at Isabella. I remembered all the stories she’d told me of her true love during the times I’d come to visit her, and how she was so sure Gage and I were soul mates and would be together forever. God, I hoped she was right.
BEAR AND I were making our way over the last hill before the main house came into view. I’d spent the morning staring at the house I’d built with Dad, unable to make myself go inside. We’d run for a bit to get some pent-up energy out of Bear and for me to try to clear my mind, but nothing helped; it just reaffirmed that Cass was gone. As soon as I saw the house, I saw the other cars, and when we got closer, I noticed a brand-new Tahoe and familiar Camaro . . . Jesse’s. Shit, I thought, something happened to Isabella.
Making quick work of taking everything off Bear, I left him out in one of his fields so he didn’t have to go back into the stable and forced myself into the house. I’d come to really like Isabella over the past two months; she was just as sweet as Mama, and she always welcomed me and Cassidy into the house. I dreaded the day Jesse would call with the bad news. And today, I just didn’t think I could handle it.
I heard laughter when I opened the door and, when it shut, the noise stopped completely. There was a buzz in the air and it was making my heart race. I felt like I should have known what was happening, but I was so far gone from what was going on with Cassidy, I couldn’t focus on it enough. Turning the corner to the living room, I stopped dead and gripped the corner of the wall.
Cassidy, Isabella, and Mama were sitting on the main couch, each with completely different expressions on their faces, but all I could focus on was Cassidy’s. She looked like she was about to burst, like she’d just seen the sun for the first time and was terrified that it was about to be taken away from her.
She slowly got off the couch and made her way to me, stopping when she was just inches from me. All I could think about was the fear she’d had in her eyes the night she left and how she’d flinch away when I tried to touch her. The fear on her face now was nothing like her fear of me, so I slowly brought my hand up, dragged the tips of my fingers across her right cheekbone, and cupped her face. Not once did she flinch, not once did she blink, and her body didn’t still when I touched her; it relaxed.
That was all I needed to know.
I grabbed around her waist to haul her body to my chest and crushed her mouth to mine. Not caring that my entire family was staring at us. Not caring about anything except for that little noise in the back of her throat, and that her arms immediately went around my neck, her hands taking off my cowboy hat and letting it fall to the ground, grabbing fistfuls of my hair. Without another word I walked us out of the house and toward my truck, cursing when I realized it was blocked in. A second later the Tahoe bleeped and the lights flashed, and Cassidy smiled slyly as she handed me the fob.
“I’ll explain everything. Can we go to our spot?”
Kissing her soft lips once, I whispered against them, “I’ll do one better.”
I drove us to the house and watched Cassidy’s confused face as it came to view. “What is this place, Gage?”
Swallowing hard, I grabbed her hand and looked at her. “It’s our house, darlin’.”
At the word our, her head whipped around to mine and her eyes went wide. “Our house?” she whispered. “We have a house?”
“If you want it.” Her eyes went bright with unshed tears and she turned to look out the windshield, taking in everything about the outside. “C’mon. Let’s talk and I’ll show you around.”
We walked around the house first. The entire time she held my hand tightly, and her other hand was covering her mouth, which was wide open. By the time we got inside, I couldn’t go any farther; I pulled her to me and kissed her long and hard. Something about being in our house ignited something in both of us and the kiss quickly escalated.
I was kicking off my boots at the same time as I unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them over her hips, taking her lacy black underwear with them. My fingers trailed over her heat and I damn near died when I found her completely ready for me. She moaned and arched against my hand when I slid two fingers in her and her gasp filled the empty house. Her head had fallen back, and she righted it, trying to focus her eyes on my plaid button-up. When she was tugging it down my arms, I took my fingers away and helped her remove the shirt, laying it flat on the floor before standing up and grabbing that sexy-as-sin green shirt she was wearing and pulling it, and another light shirt I hadn’t noticed, off her, revealing Cassidy without a bra.
“Babe,” I growled, and bent to take one of her perfect breasts in my mouth, loving the way her fingers slid through my hair as she gently kept my head in place.
Too soon her hands were gone, but then they were at my jeans and in no time she had them off and had taken my length in her hands, and I had to struggle to stay standing as I kicked the jeans and boxer-briefs away from us. Removing her hands from me, I hitched her legs up around my hips and helped lay her on my shirt on the floor.
“Gage, I love you,” she breathed as she brought my face to hers, and I smiled against her lips.
“God, darlin’, I love you so damn much. Don’t ever leave me again.” I kissed her once more before making my way down her body.
I should have taken my time kissing every inch of her now that she was back in my arms, but that would have to wait ’til later. I needed to take care of her, of us, and I needed to do it right now. Not wanting to tease her, I dove right in and her back arched off the ground. The sexiest moan you’ve ever heard filled the room and her hands wove their way through my hair to keep my head where she wanted it. I groaned against her, having missed the taste of her, the way my sweet Cassidy completely let go when we were together, and thanking God that she had come back to me.
She came so hard and fast, I wanted to stay there and make her come again that way, but I knew I’d have time for that later. Now I needed her. Her hands were already pulling my body back up hers, and though I tried to be considerate to her and not kiss her after that, she slammed our mouths together and swiped her tongue against mine, moaning even louder when she tasted herself. Dear Lord, my girl was hot. She wrapped her legs around me at the same time I sank into her and our kisses cut off as she cried out and I groaned. Feeling her around me took away the last of the tension of those last two weeks and I reveled in the feel of her.
“Oh, Gage, please. Please move.”
I smiled and bit at the hollow of her neck before whispering in her ear as I slowly slid out, “Yes, ma’am.” And slammed back in.
“Gage!” she cried, and her back bowed off the ground again, her head pressing against it.
I wanted to take this slow, I swear I did, but I just couldn’t. And thank God she was right there with me, matching each thrust and urging our bodies to go faster and harder. She had just started to tighten against me when her body started shuddering and I rode out her orgasm a little longer before I found my own release and collapsed onto her. Cassidy took my weight easily and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, letting one hand softly caress my back.
“Welcome home,” I mumbled into her shoulder, and she burst into giggles.
“I’d say that was definitely a welcome home.”
“Don’t ever leave again, darlin’,” I pleaded again, and she squeezed my shoulders before releasing them.
“Never.” She brought my head up and kissed me softly before looking into my eyes. God I missed those whiskey eyes. “Do you want to get dressed and we’ll talk? It’s going to be a long talk, I have a lot to tell you.”
“Nope.” I rolled off her and pulled her onto her side as well. “I want you to stay like . . .” I trailed off as I caught a flash of color on her exposed shoulder and leaned up to look over it. “You got a new tattoo?”
“I did.” Her smile was one I’d never seen before and she rolled away so I could see it. It was one badass-looking phoenix, and before I could ask what had made her get that, she rolled back so she was facing me. “I’ll get to that part but not yet. It’ll be explained though.”
“All right, darlin’.”
THREE AND A half hours later, and I was sitting up on the floor, looking down at Gage, who was propped up on both elbows, staring down at the hardwood floor. I’d just finished telling him my story, every part of it. He’d thrown on his jeans and I’d put on my underwear and my racer-back tank when he had to go out to my car to get the letter from my mom, but other than that, we’d stayed half-naked and in the same spot where we’d had our “welcome home.”
Of course he’d known some things about the beatings from Tyler, but he’d never heard about them from me. I told him about all the different ones that stuck out in my mind, how and what Jeff would reward my mom with right in front of me after they got done almost killing me, and about the times when I’d be able to walk away after they beat me, how I’d still be able to hear their moans filling the house. I told him about how I had to shut off my emotions, what I felt when it was happening, before and after, and how Tyler was my savior during those times.
He flinched, but I still told him everything I felt and thought when I saw him hitting Grant, when he elbowed me, and the flashbacks when he turned to hit me again. I explained how I’d thought that until I was able to be past that, I couldn’t talk to him, because it would just continue to get worse for us. Then I mentioned the fire and what led to Detective Sanders and Detective Green questioning me, which led to the reading of the will, all the money, and the letter from my mom. I’d had to stop for a second and take a few deep breaths before I told him all about Detective Connor Green, and when I say “all,” I do mean all. I told Gage about my feelings for him after he’d shown up that night years ago, the coffee shop this past week, the alleyway, and the hours afterward. Gage read the letter again after I told him about the alleyway with Connor and that was when I told him how I had come to see the beauty in my mother’s actions with the fire and why I’d decided to get the tattoo. I didn’t need to explain why I got a phoenix, since it was in the letter, but I did tell him all about my dad’s ring and the painting that had been on my bedroom wall. Gage was pissed that Connor had kissed me, but his eyes had gone solid when I told him about the hours on the phone and texting in the days following, and going to his house Saturday morning. I didn’t leave a thing out from then either; I told him everything, from the way I felt to taking his tie off for him and watching him take his shirts off. How I kept thinking about leaving to see Gage while Connor was in the shower and, as soon as Connor was back, how the butterflies were back again. What happened when I showed him the tattoo and how he had my legs around his hips and me pressed against the wall in under a second, and how I’d started to kiss him back before I told him to stop.
As I had with the phone calls, texts, and coffeehouse, I told Gage everything we talked about when Connor had me pressed to the wall, including my promise to him. Gage’s hands had curled into fists and his jaw started ticking from the pressure. I wanted to run my fingers down his jaw so he would relax, but seeing as I was the reason he was so pissed off, I just scooted back a few inches and held his flat stare as I continued to tell him how I told Connor not to wait for me and that Gage was it for me, kissing him, and then leaving. I ended with flying back to Texas, going to the town house to find it empty, going to buy my dream car, and stopping to see Jesse and Isabella in hopes of helping them with their financial situation before going to find Gage so I could tell him about how I’d been forced to face my demons, and that I knew what I had to do to overcome them.
Connor, as I’d told Gage, was really attractive and sweet but didn’t hold a candle to Gage. What he had that Gage didn’t was an understanding of my past, and before Connor sat down with me at the coffee shop, I hadn’t known that I needed that. But what I had come to realize was that it wasn’t Connor, and it wasn’t that he’d gone through what I did; it was that I was keeping that part of my life from Gage. I wasn’t giving Gage a chance to understand it and help me with my demons. He would never know what it felt like, but by telling him everything and by baring my soul to him, I could allow him to be there for me and it could only help our relationship improve. And as I’d hoped, as soon as I told him everything, I felt a new connection in our already unbreakable bond that came from my opening up to him about myself. But now he wasn’t speaking, and he wasn’t looking at me. And since the better part of the last hour had been spent talking about Connor, I could only imagine why.
“Phone, Cass, give me your phone.” He turned to look at me and his eyes were still flat.
I nodded and dug through my purse as I held his stare. “I know why you want it, and I’m not going to stop you. But, Gage, I just told you all of this; do you want to talk about it first?”
“No. When I can stop thinking about you and him, I’m gonna come back, and then we’ll talk about it.” He took my phone, stood up, and walked out of the house.
I SLID MY finger over the phone, and though I wanted to, I didn’t check the messages. Cassidy had been painfully honest with me, so I knew she hadn’t hidden one damn thing from me. Checking the messages would only be saying I didn’t trust her, and I did. I went to her recent calls, and though I knew she’d been avoiding everyone but this detective, it still felt like a blow to see his name as the top four of her recent calls. Next to each of them was a number. Three, five, two, six. It didn’t take more than a second to add them up. Sixteen. They’d called each other sixteen fuckin’ times in a matter of two days, which he was working the majority of, and one morning. My stomach churned and I pressed on his name. It only rang twice before he picked up.
“Cassidy.” He sighed, sounding relieved. “God, I’m glad you called.”
“Not Cassidy,” I responded.
It only took a few seconds for him to get it. “Gage,” he stated firmly.
“So she’s there with you.”
“And you’re calling, which means she’s told you about me.”
What pissed me off more was that he’d known about me and still kissed her, begged her to stay with him. “Told me absolutely everything about you, including how she felt about you.”
“Everything,” he said doubtfully.
“Everything, meaning I just had to listen to my fuckin’ world talk to me for an hour about a guy who knew about me and still fuckin’ kissed and had her up against a wall with her legs around him. She even told me how she helped you out with your clothes before you got in the shower. So yes, I know it all.”
“I don’t appreciate people touching what’s mine,” I said in a low warning tone.
He didn’t care or back down. “I’ve never met anyone like her. It didn’t take me more than a couple minutes to know I wanted her, and not just in my bed. Girls like her don’t just come around every day—in fact they don’t come around ever. You weren’t there for her when you should have been. I don’t give a fuck if she didn’t tell you where she went. I would have made it my mission to find her and not let her go again. You let her go two weeks without even calling her.”
“And you let her go four years without even checking up on her. You don’t know the first thing about me and Cass, and you and she didn’t know that Tyler and I were talking daily while she was there. I knew I freaked her out the night of the fight, so Ty and I agreed it was best if I waited for her to come around instead of pushing her. Since Tyler’s the one who took care of her all those years, I figured he knew best, and looks like we were right.”
Connor scoffed. “You can’t keep her in a glass box. I pushed her and that’s what helped her. If not, she’d still be battling her demons and she might not be there with you. Since she told you everything, I’m guessing she told you if you weren’t in the picture, she wouldn’t have walked out my door.”
My hand gripped the railing on the wraparound porch and my head dropped. Hearing her say that had hurt more than anything else she’d told me. “She did,” I said, confirming it.
“Pushing her brought us together, and yeah, it may have ultimately sent her back to you, but it gave us a connection you’ll never understand and you’ll never have with her. I’m not blind, I know she’s completely in love with you. As soon as she says your name those eyes of hers light up and it felt like a punch to my gut every time. But just remember what she said to me. Remember that I do want your girl, and that when you mess up, I’ll be ready to take her from you.”
“Not gonna happen,” I growled, and straightened. “I’ve had enough of other guys trying to take her from me. So hear me when I say that Cassidy. Is. Mine. She came back to me. She’s not going anywhere, and neither am I. I hate what she just told me, I hate that she feels anything for you at all, but I will fight to keep her and make her forget about you for the rest of my life.”
Connor stayed silent.
“I’m putting a ring on her finger. I’m marrying her. And I’m gonna have a family with her here on my ranch. I don’t want to hear from you ever again, and when I say I, note that Cassidy will tell me if you call her, you understand?”
“Yeah, I got you.”
“Good-bye, Detective Green.” Without waiting for a response I ended the call and stormed back into the house.
Cassidy was on her knees, butt on her feet, and looking at me like she had earlier, like she was seeing the sun for the first time and afraid it was going to be taken away from her. I understood the look now; she hadn’t known then and didn’t know now how I was going to react to the Connor thing. Without saying a word, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her through the empty house into the kitchen. Her eyes didn’t leave mine and her hand shakily came up to brush across my cheeks, down my jaw, and across my lips.
“Gage,” she whispered.
“You’re mine,” I informed her, in case she hadn’t figured that shit out yet. I set her butt on the edge of the counter and gripped the sides of her underwear to pull them down, letting my hands trail back up the insides of her thighs.
She nodded. “Forever.” Her voice was breathy as her arms went back onto the large granite island in the center of the kitchen and her head fell back.
“I talked to Connor.”
“Figured that.”
Her head was still dropped back, so I let the hand that had been supporting her back slide up until it cupped her neck and forced her to look at me. “Are you mad about that?”
“No, I had a feeling something like that, or worse, was going to happen. But I’m confu—oh!” She gasped when I slid two fingers in, and had to work hard to keep her eyes open and on mine. “Confused. Aren’t you mad, why are you—oh God—um, why are you doing this?”
I smiled widely and leaned forward to suck on that spot she loved behind her ear before telling her, “Always told you I wanted to claim you, darlin’.” Cassidy burst out laughing, but the movement it caused, and where my fingers currently were, made the sound cut off, and she moaned deeply. “Plus, we gotta break in all the rooms of our home.”
She was biting her bottom lip and grinning, her honey eyes bright. “Then I have a request, since this is my room.”
“Anything,” I promised, but she gripped my wrist and pulled my hand away from her. “Anything but that.”
Laughing huskily, her hands went to the button on my jeans and she looked up at me from under her lashes before leaning toward my ear. “I want my turn. Lie down, Gage.”
I kept my eyes on her as I stepped out of my pants and hopped onto the island with her, lying down and letting my legs hang off the end. Before I could pick her up to place her on me, one hand was grabbing my base and her mouth and tongue were teasing the tip for torturous seconds before she took as much of me in as she could.
“Shit, Cassidy.” I groaned and raked my hands down my face before looking down at her, only to find her looking up at me again from under her eyelashes. Where the hell did this girl come from? I couldn’t take my eyes off what she was doing and cursed the fact that I was getting worked up way too fast and this would all be over too soon. Her hand, mouth, and tongue were working together perfectly and I felt like a damn middle schooler again.
When I knew I didn’t have more than a minute left, I put the slightest pressure on her ponytail and she looked up, quickly releasing me with a satisfied grin as she crawled over and sank down on me. Her mouth opened but nothing more than a breathy sound of pleasure came out as her eyelids fluttered shut and she started riding me. On our kitchen island. In our house. On the ranch. Hell. Yeah.