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Английский язык с М. Муркоком
  • Текст добавлен: 8 октября 2016, 22:25

Текст книги "Английский язык с М. Муркоком"

Автор книги: Майкл Джон Муркок

Соавторы: Илья Франк,Андрей Еремин
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Текущая страница: 32 (всего у книги 36 страниц)

And Queen Oorese spurred her beast into a gallop and went plunging past the great rock, on towards the vast wall of flame beyond (королева пришпорила своего зверя, и он понесся галопом, подпрыгивая, мимо огромной скалы, к громадной стене огня вдали).

Corum knew what she would do (Корум знал, что она сделает).

vengeance [ˈvenʤ (ə) ns] farewell [feəˈwel] gallop [ˈɡæləp]

`Let it perish, unavenged! Too many crimes have been committed so that that vengeance might be won! Too many unfortunates have suffered frightful fates! Will the Vadhagh name be recalled with love – or muttered in hatred?

`It is already spoken with hatred. Arioch has seen to that. There is the Lion's Mouth. Farewell, Prince in the Scarlet Robe!

And Queen Oorese spurred her beast into a gallop and went plunging past the great rock, on towards the vast wall of flame beyond.

Corum knew what she would do.

He looked at the body of Hanafax. The cheerful fellow would smile no more and his soul was now doubtless suffering at the whim of Arioch (веселый товарищ больше не улыбнется, и его душа теперь, несомненно, страдает по прихоти Ариоха).

Again, he was alone (снова он был один).

He gave a shuddering sigh (он издал вздрагивающий вздох = вздохнув, он содрогнулся).

The strange, moaning sound once again began to issue from the Lion's Mouth (странный стон снова начал исходить из Пасти Льва). It seemed to be calling him (казалось, он зовет его). He shrugged (он пожал плечами). What did it matter if he perished (какая разница, погибнет ли он)? It would only mean that no more would die because of him (это будет лишь означать, что никто больше не умрет из-за него).

doubtless [ˈdautlɪs] sigh [saɪ] die [daɪ]

He looked at the body of Hanafax. The cheerful fellow would smile no more and his soul was now doubtless suffering at the whim of Arioch.

Again, he was alone.

He gave a shuddering sigh.

The strange, moaning sound once again began to issue from the Lion's Mouth. It seemed to be calling him. He shrugged. What did it matter if he perished? It would only mean that no more would die because of him.

Slowly, he began to ride towards the Lion's Mouth (он медленно поехал к Пасти Льва). As he drew nearer, he gathered speed and then, with a yell, plunged through the gaping jaws and into the howling darkness beyond (приближаясь, он набирал/увеличивал скорость, а потом с пронзительным криком влетел в разверстую пасть и пронзительную темноту /в ней/; to plunge into – бросаться, врываться; to gap – широко открывать рот; зевать; разверзаться; howling – унылый, одинокий; заброшенный; воющий)!

The beast stumbled, lost its footing, fell (зверь /Корума/ споткнулся, оступился, упал). Corum was thrown clear, got up, sought the reins with his groping hands (Корума выбросило /из седла/, он поднялся и /стал/ искать поводья ощупью: «ощупывающими руками»; to seek). But the beast had turned and was galloping back towards the daylight (но зверь развернулся и /уже/ мчался назад к дневному свету) that flickered red and yellow at the entrance (который мерцал красным и желтым у входа; to flicker – мерцать, мигать; колыхаться).

For an instant Corum's mind cooled and he made to follow it (на мгновение разум Корума остыл = у него внутри все похолодело, и он попытался догнать его; to follow – следовать; преследовать, гнаться). Then he remembered the dead face of Hanafax and he turned and began to trudge into the deeper darkness (тут он вспомнил мертвое лицо Ганафакса, развернулся и стал пробираться в более глубокую тьму = пошел глубже во тьму; to trudge – идти с трудом; продираться сквозь что-либо).

entrance [ˈentrəns] instant [ˈɪnstənt]

Slowly, he began to ride towards the Lion's Mouth. As he drew nearer, he gathered speed and then, with a yell, plunged through the gaping jaws and into the howling darkness beyond!

The beast stumbled, lost its footing, fell. Corum was thrown clear, got up, sought the reins with his groping hands. But the beast had turned and was galloping back towards the daylight that flickered red and yellow at the entrance.

For an instant Corum's mind cooled and he made to follow it. Then he remembered the dead face of Hanafax and he turned and began to trudge into the deeper darkness.

He walked thus for a long while (он шел таким образом долго). It was cool within the Lion's Mouth and he wondered if Queen Oorese had been voicing nothing more than a superstition (внутри Пасти Льва было прохладно, и он размышлял, а не были ли рассказы королевы Оорес лишь суевериями; to wonder – удивляться; интересоваться; размышлять, сомневаться; to voice – произносить, говорить), for the interior seemed to be just a large cave (потому что внутренняя часть /Пасти Льва/ казалась просто большой пещерой).

Then the rustling sounds began (затем начались = послышались шелест, шуршание).

He thought he glimpsed eyes watching (ему показалось, он увидел мельком глаза, наблюдавшие /за ним/). Accusing eyes (обвиняющий взгляд)? No. Merely malevolent (только злобный). He drew his sword (он вытащил меч). He paused, looking about him (остановился, оглядываясь вокруг). He took another step forward (он сделал еще шаг вперед).

He was in whirling nothingness (он был /теперь/ в кружащейся пустоте; nothingness – ничто). Colours flashed past him, something shrieked and laughter filled his head (/разные/ цвета проносились мимо него, что-то пронзительно вскрикнуло, и смех наполнил его голову; to flash – сверкать, вспыхивать; быстро промелькнуть, пронестись). He tried to take another step (он попытался сделать еще один шаг).

rustling [ˈrʌslɪŋ] malevolent [məˈlev (ə) lənt] laughter [ˈlɑ:ftə]

He walked thus for a long while. It was cool within the Lion's Mouth and he wondered if Queen Oorese had been voicing nothing more than a superstition, for the interior seemed to be just a large cave.

Then the rustling sounds began.

He thought he glimpsed eyes watching. Accusing eyes? No. Merely malevolent. He drew his sword. He paused, looking about him. He took another step forward.

He was in whirling nothingness. Colours flashed past him, something shrieked and laughter filled his head. He tried to take another step.

He stood on a crystal plain and embedded in it, beneath his feet, were millions of beings (он стоял на прозрачной плоской поверхности; вмурованные в нее, под его ногами, находились миллионы существ) – Vadhagh, Nhadragh, Mabden, Ragha-da-Kheta, and many others he did not recognise (и многие другие, /которых/ он не узнал). There were males and females and all had their eyes open (там находились мужчины и женщины, и у всех были открыты глаза); all had their faces pressed against the crystal (лица у всех были прижаты к /поверхности/ кристалла); all stretched out their hands as if seeking aid (все протягивали руки, словно прося о помощи). All stared at him (все пристально смотрели на него). He tried to hack at the crystal with his sword, but the crystal would not crack (он попытался разбить кристалл своим мечом, но тот /даже/ не треснул).

He moved forward (он двинулся дальше).

He saw all the Five Planes, one superimposed upon the other, as he had seen them as a child (он видел все Пять Плоскостей, наложившиеся одна на другую, как он видел их, будучи ребенком) – as his ancestors had known them (/в том виде/, как их знали его предки). He was in a canyon, a forest, a valley, a field, another forest (он был /то/ в глубоком ущелье, /то/ в лесу, /то/ в долине, /то/ в поле, снова в лесу). He made to move into one particular plane, but he was stopped (он попробовал переместиться в одну определенную плоскость, но /что-то/ его остановило).

crystal [ˈkrɪstl] superimposed [, s (j) u:p (ə) rɪmˈpəuzd] ancestor [ˈænsəstə]

He stood on a crystal plain and embedded in it, beneath his feet, were millions of beings – Vadhagh, Nhadragh, Mabden, Ragha-da-Kheta, and many others he did not recognise. There were males and females and all had their eyes open; all had their faces pressed against the crystal; all stretched out their hands as if seeking aid. All stared at him. He tried to hack at the crystal with his sword, but the crystal would not crack.

He moved forward.

He saw all the Five Planes, one superimposed upon the other, as he had seen them as a child – as his ancestors had known them. He was in a canyon, a forest, a valley, a field, another forest. He made to move into one particular plane, but he was stopped.

Screaming things came at him and pecked at his flesh (визжащие твари набросились на него и /принялись/ клевать его плоть). He fought them off with his sword (он отогнал их мечом). They vanished (они исчезли).

He was crossing a bridge of ice (он переходил ледяной мост). It was melting (мост таял). Fanged, distorted things waited for him below (клыкастые, перекошенные твари поджидали его внизу). The ice creaked (лед треснул). He lost his footing (он поскользнулся). He fell (упал).

He fell into a whirlpool of seething matter that formed shapes and then destroyed them instantly (он упал в водоворот бурлящей материи, которая создавала /различные/ формы и разрушала их тотчас). He saw whole cities brought into existence and then obliterated (он видел, как создавались целые города, а затем уничтожались; to obliterate – вычеркивать; уничтожать, удалять). He saw creatures, some beautiful, some disgustingly ugly (он видел существ, одни были прекрасными, другие – отвратительно уродливыми). He saw things that made him love them and things that made him scream with hatred (он видел вещи, которые заставляли его любить их, и вещи, которые заставляли его кричать от ненависти).

whirlpool [ˈwə: lpu:l] obliterated [əˈblɪtəreɪtɪd]

Screaming things came at him and pecked at his flesh. He fought them off with his sword. They vanished.

He was crossing a bridge of ice. It was melting. Fanged, distorted things waited for him below. The ice creaked. He lost his footing. He fell.

He fell into a whirlpool of seething matter that formed shapes and then destroyed them instantly. He saw whole cities brought into existence and then obliterated. He saw creatures, some beautiful, some disgustingly ugly. He saw things that made him love them and things that made him scream with hatred.

And he was back in the blackness of the great cavern (он снова вернулся в черноту/темноту огромной пещеры) where things tittered at him and scampered away from beneath his feet (где твари хихикали над ним и удирали из-под его ног; to scamper – носиться, быстро бегать).

And Corum knew that anyone who had experienced the horrors that he had experienced would have been quite mad by now (Корум знал, что любой, кто пережил те ужасы, которые пережил он, сошел бы с ума уже). He had gained something from Shool the sorcerer besides the Eye of Rhynn and the Hand of Kwll (он получил что-то от колдуна Шула помимо Глаза Ринна и Руки Кулла). He had gained an ability to face the most evil of apparitions and be virtually unmoved (он получил способность смело смотреть на самые зловещие = ужасные видения и практически не реагировать на них; unmoved – неподвижный; равнодушный, непоколебимый).

And, he thought, this meant that he has lost something, too (он подумал, это означает, что он также и потерял что-то; to lose) …

He moved on another step (он сделал еще шаг).

ability [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] virtually [ˈvə: ʧuəlɪ]

And he was back in the blackness of the great cavern where things tittered at him and scampered away from beneath his feet.

And Corum knew that anyone who had experienced the horrors that he had experienced would have been quite mad by now. He had gained something from Shool the sorcerer besides the Eye of Rhynn and the Hand of Kwll. He had gained an ability to face the most evil of apparitions and be virtually unmoved.

And, he thought, this meant that he has lost something, too…

He moved on another step.

He stood knee-deep in slithering flesh that was without shape but which lived (он стоял по колено в скользкой плоти, которая была без формы, но которая жила = была живой; to slither – скользить). It began to suck him down (она начала засасывать его). He struck about him with his sword (он рубил мечом вокруг себя). Now he was waist-deep (теперь он /увяз/ уже по пояс). He gasped and forced his body through the stuff (он вдохнул и пробился через эту ткань; to force through – прорываться, пробиваться; проталкивать; stuff – материя, ткань; вещество).

He stood beneath a dome of ice and with him stood a million Corums (/и вот/ он стоял под куполом из льда, а с ним стоял миллион /таких же/ Корумов). There he was, innocent and gay before the coming of the Mabden (вот он, невинный и веселый до прихода = нашествия мабденов), there he was moody and grim, with his jewelled eye and his murderous hand, there he was dying (вот он унылый и мрачный, с украшенным самоцветами глазом и смертоносной/кровожадной рукой; вот он умирает) …

Another step (еще один шаг) …

Blood flooded over him (кровь лилась вокруг него; to flood – затоплять; хлынуть потоком). He tried to regain his feet (он попытался снова встать на ноги). The heads of foul reptilian creatures rose from the stuff and snapped at his face with their jaws (головы отвратительных похожих на рептилий существ поднимались из этой массы и щелкали своими челюстями возле его лица).

innocent [ˈɪnəs (ə) nt] foul [faul] reptilian [repˈtɪlɪən]

He stood knee-deep in slithering flesh that was without shape but which lived. It began to suck him down. He struck about him with his sword. Now he was waist-deep. He gasped and forced his body through the stuff.

He stood beneath a dome of ice and with him stood a million Corums. There he was, innocent and gay before the coming of the Mabden, there he was moody and grim, with his jewelled eye and his murderous hand, there he was dying…

Another step…

Blood flooded over him. He tried to regain his feet. The heads of foul reptilian creatures rose from the stuff and snapped at his face with their jaws.

His instinct was to draw back (его инстинкт был = требовал отступить; to draw back – отдергивать; отходить назад, отступать). But he swam towards them (но он поплыл к ним; to swim) …

He stood in a tunnel of silver and gold (он стоял в туннеле из серебра и золота). There was a door at the end and he could hear movement behind it (в конце была дверь, и он слышал /какое-то/ движение позади нее).

Sword in hand, he stepped through (/держа/ меч в руке, он вошел в нее).

Strange, desperate laughter filled the immense gallery in which he found himself (странный, отчаянный смех наполнил необъятную галерею, в которой он оказался; immense – безмерный, беспредельный, очень большой).

He knew that he had reached the Court of the Knight of the Swords (он понял, что добрался до двора Рыцаря Мечей).

instinct [ˈɪnstɪŋkt] immense [ɪˈmens] Court [kɔ:t]

His instinct was to draw back. But he swam towards them…

He stood in a tunnel of silver and gold. There was a door at the end and he could hear movement behind it.

Sword in hand, he stepped through.

Strange, desperate laughter filled the immense gallery in which he found himself.

He knew that he had reached the Court of the Knight of the Swords.

CHAPTER SIX (глава шестая)
The God Feasters (пир бога)

feaster – организатор или участник пира; feast – пир; торжество

Corum was dwarfed by the hugeness of the hall (Корум казался маленьким из-за громадности зала; to dwarf – останавливать рост; подчеркивать малые размеры или незначительность по контрасту). Suddenly he saw his past adventures, his emotions, his desires, his guilts as utterly inconsequential and feeble (внезапно он увидел = ему показались его былые приключения, его чувства, желания, чувство вины чрезвычайно незначительными и ничтожными). This mood was increased by the fact that he had expected to confront Arioch the moment he reached his court (это настроение = такие мысли усилились из-за того, что он ожидал встречи с Ариохом в тот момент, когда достиг его двора).

But Corum had entered the palace completely unnoticed (но Корум проник во дворец совершенно незамеченным). The laughter came from a gallery high above where two scaled demons with long horns and longer tails were fighting (смех исходил из галереи высоко наверху, где дрались два покрытых чешуей демона с длинными рогами и еще более длинными хвостами). As they fought, they laughed, though both seemed plainly near death (когда они дрались = во время драки они смеялись, хотя оба, казалось, вот-вот умрут; to be near death – быть при смерти). It was on this fight that Arioch's attention seemed fixed (видимо, их драка поглотила внимание Ариоха: «это именно на их драке было сосредоточено внимание Ариоха»).

dwarfed [dwɔ:ft] inconsequential [ɪn, kɔnsɪˈkwenʃ (ə) l]

Corum was dwarfed by the hugeness of the hall. Suddenly he saw his past adventures, his emotions, his desires, his guilts as utterly inconsequential and feeble. This mood was increased by the fact that he had expected to confront Arioch the moment he reached his court.

But Corum had entered the palace completely unnoticed. The laughter came from a gallery high above where two scaled demons with long horns and longer tails were fighting. As they fought, they laughed, though both seemed plainly near death. It was on this fight that Arioch's attention seemed fixed.

The Knight of the Swords – the Duke of Chaos – lay in a heap of filth and quaffed some ill-smelling stuff from a dirty goblet (лежал на куче отбросов и пил большими глотками какую-то отвратительно пахнувшую жидкость из грязного кубка; filth – отбросы, грязь; to quaff – пить большими глотками, осушать залпом; goblet – бокал; кубок). He was enormously fat and the flesh trembled on him as he laughed (он был чрезвычайно толст, и его плоть тряслась: «и плоть на нем тряслась», когда он смеялся). He was completely naked and formed in all details like a Mabden (он был совершенно наг, и во всех деталях был сложен = выглядел в точности, как мабден). There seemed to be scabs and sores on his body, particularly near his pelvis (парша и язвы виднелись на его теле, особенно возле пупка; sore – болячка, рана, язва; pelvis – таз). His face was flushed and it was ugly and his teeth, when he opened his mouth, seemed decayed (его лицо было покрасневшим, уродливым, а его зубы, когда он открывал рот, были гнилыми; to flush – хлынуть; приливать к какой-либо части тела /особенно о крови к лицу/; decayed – испорченный, гнилой, разрушенный).

Corum would not have known he was the God at all if it had not been for his size (Корум не понял бы, что это вообще бог, если бы не его величина), for Arioch was as large as a castle and his sword, the symbol of his power (потому что Ариох был большим, словно замок, а его меч, символ власти/могущества), would have stood as high as the tallest tower of Castle Erorn, if it had been placed upright (стоял бы так высоко, как = был бы таким же высоким, как самая высокая башня замка Эрорн, если бы его поставили вертикально).

naked [ˈneɪkɪd] particularly [pəˈtɪkjuləlɪ] symbol [ˈsɪmb (ə) l]

The Knight of the Swords – the Duke of Chaos – lay in a heap of filth and quaffed some ill-smelling stuff from a dirty goblet. He was enormously fat and the flesh trembled on him as he laughed. He was completely naked and formed in all details like a Mabden. There seemed to be scabs and sores on his body, particularly near his pelvis. His face was flushed and it was ugly and his teeth, when he opened his mouth, seemed decayed.

Corum would not have known he was the God at all if it had not been for his size, for Arioch was as large as a castle and his sword, the symbol of his power, would have stood as high as the tallest tower of Castle Erorn, if it had been placed upright.

The sides of the hall were tiered (по сторонам зала располагались ярусы; tiered – расположенный ярусами; tier – ряд; ярус). Uncountable tiers stretched high towards the distant dome of the ceiling which, itself, was wreathed in greasy smoke (бесчисленные ряды поднимались вверх к далекому своду потолка, который был черным от дыма; tier – ряд; ярус; to wreathe – обвивать, покрывать; клубиться /о дыме/; greasy – сальный, жирный; грязный). These tiers were occupied, mainly with Mabden of all ages (эти ряды были заняты в основном мабденами всех возрастов). Corum saw that most were naked (Корум увидел, что большинство были обнаженными). In many of the tiers they were copulating, fighting, torturing each other (на многих рядах они совокуплялись, дрались, мучили друг друга; to torture – пытать; мучить, терзать). Elsewhere were other beings – mainly scaly Shefanhow somewhat smaller than the two who were fighting together (кое-где были другие существа – в основном покрытые чешуей шефанхау = демоны, немного поменьше, чем те двое, которые дрались друг с другом).

The sword was jet black and carved with many peculiar patterns (меч /Ариоха/ был черным как уголь, и украшен многочисленными причудливыми узорами; to carve – резать, вырезать /по дереву или кости/; высекать /из камня/). Mabden were at work on the sword (мабдены трудились над мечом; at work – в действии, за работой). They knelt on the blade and polished part of a design (они = одни стояли на коленях на клинке и полировали часть рисунка), or they climbed the hilt and washed it (другие вскарабкались на эфес и мыли его), or they sat astride the handgrip and mended the gold wire which bound it (или уселись верхом на рукоять и чинили золотую проволоку, которая оплетала ее; to mend – чинить, ремонтировать).

ceiling [ˈsi:lɪŋ] copulating [ˈkɔpjuleɪtɪŋ] design [dɪˈzaɪn]

The sides of the hall were tiered. Uncountable tiers stretched high towards the distant dome of the ceiling which, itself, was wreathed in greasy smoke. These tiers were occupied, mainly with Mabden of all ages. Corum saw that most were naked. In many of the tiers they were copulating, fighting, torturing each other. Elsewhere were other beings – mainly scaly Shefanhow somewhat smaller than the two who were fighting together.

The sword was jet black and carved with many peculiar patterns. Mabden were at work on the sword. They knelt on the blade and polished part of a design, or they climbed the hilt and washed it, or they sat astride the handgrip and mended the gold wire which bound it.

And other beings were busy, too (другие существа тоже суетились; busy – деятельный, занятой; суетливым). Like lice, they scampered and crawled over the God's huge bulk (как вши, они носились и ползали по огромной туше бога), picking at his skin, feeding off his blood and his flesh (они впивались в его кожу, пили его кровь и жрали плоть; to pick – клевать; есть, отщипывать; to feed – кормить/ся/, питать/ся/). Of all these activities, Arioch seemed oblivious (на все эти действия Ариох, казалось, не обращал внимания; oblivious – забывчивый, непомнящий; не замечающий). His interest continued to be the fight to the death in the gallery above (его интересом продолжал оставаться бой на смерть на галерее вверху).

Was this, then, the all-powerful Arioch, living like a drunken farmer in a pigsty (значит, это и был всемогущий Ариох, который живет, как пьяный фермер в свинарнике)? Was this the malevolent creature which had destroyed whole nations (неужели это и есть злобное создание, которое уничтожило целые народы), which pursued a vendetta upon all the races to spring up on the Earth before his coming (которое осуществляло кровную месть = мстило всем расам, что возникли на Земле до его прихода)?

Arioch's laughter shook the floor (смех Ариоха сотряс пол). Some of the parasitic Mabden fell off his body (некоторые мабдены-паразиты отвалились от его тела; parasitic – паразитический; вредный). A few were unhurt, while others lay with their backs or their limbs broken, unable to move (/лишь/ немногие были невредимы, в то время как остальные лежали со сломанными спинами и конечностями, неспособные двигаться). Their comrades ignored their plight and patiently climbed again upon the God's body (их товарищи = соплеменники не обратили внимания на их беду и снова терпеливо взбирались на тело бога; plight – положение /обычно затруднительное, бедственное/), tearing tiny pieces from him with their teeth (отрывая зубами от него крохотные кусочки).

busy [ˈbɪzɪ] oblivious [əˈblɪvɪəs] pigsty [ˈpɪɡstaɪ] vendetta [venˈdetə]

And other beings were busy, too. Like lice, they scampered and crawled over the God's huge bulk, picking at his skin, feeding off his blood and his flesh. Of all these activities, Arioch seemed oblivious. His interest continued to be the fight to the death in the gallery above.

Was this, then, the all-powerful Arioch, living like a drunken farmer in a pigsty? Was this the malevolent creature which had destroyed whole nations, which pursued a vendetta upon all the races to spring up on the Earth before his coming?

Arioch's laughter shook the floor. Some of the parasitic Mabden fell off his body. A few were unhurt, while others lay with their backs or their limbs broken, unable to move. Their comrades ignored their plight and patiently climbed again upon the God's body, tearing tiny pieces from him with their teeth.

Arioch's hair was long, lank and dry (волосы Ариоха были длинными, прилизанными и иссохшими; lank – гладкий, невьющийся; прилизанный /о волосах/). Here, too, Mabden searched for and fought over the bits of food that clung to the strands (здесь тоже мабдены искали и дрались за кусочки пищи, которые прилипли к прядям /волос/; to cling; strand – длинный локон, прядь волос). Elsewhere in the God's body hair Mabden crept in and out (кое-где в волосах на теле бога мабдены ползали туда и сюда; to creep – ползать, пресмыкаться), hunting for scraps and crumbs or tender portions of his flesh (разыскивая кусочки и крошки или нежные части его плоти; to hunt for – искать; добиваться).

The two demons fell back (два демона упали назад). One of them was dead, the other almost dead but still laughing weakly (один был мертв, другой – почти мертв, он все равно слабо смеялся). Then the laughter stopped (затем смех прекратился).

Arioch slapped his body, killing a dozen or so Mabden, and scratched his stomach (Ариох хлопнул по телу, убив дюжину или около того мабденов, и почесал живот; to scratch – царапать/ся/, скрести/сь/; чесать/ся/, расчесывать; stomach – желудок; живот). He inspected the bloody remains in his palm and absently wiped them on his hair (он пристально посмотрел на кровавые останки на своей ладони и рассеянно вытер их о волосы). Living Mabden seized the scraps and devoured them (живые мабдены набросились на куски /прихлопнутых/ и сожрали их; to seize – хватать, ухватываться; scrap – клочок, кусочек; объедки, остатки /пищи/).

dozen [dʌzn] stomach [ˈstʌmək] absently [ˈæbs (ə) ntlɪ] devoured [dɪˈvauəd]

Arioch's hair was long, lank and dry. Here, too, Mabden searched for and fought over the bits of food that clung to the strands. Elsewhere in the God's body hair Mabden crept in and out, hunting for scraps and crumbs or tender portions of his flesh.

The two demons fell back. One of them was dead, the other almost dead but still laughing weakly. Then the laughter stopped.

Arioch slapped his body, killing a dozen or so Mabden, and scratched his stomach. He inspected the bloody remains in his palm and absently wiped them on his hair. Living Mabden seized the scraps and devoured them.

Then a huge sigh issued from the God's mouth (потом огромный вздох раздался из рта бога = Ариох громко вздохнул; to issue from – вытекать, исходить) and he began to pick his nose with a dirty finger that was the size of a tall poplar (и он принялся ковырять в носу грязным пальцем, который был размером с высокий тополь).

Corum saw that there were openings beneath the galleries and stairways twisting upwards (Корум увидел, что под галереями есть проходы и лестницы, поднимавшиеся наверх; to twist – виться, изгибать/ся/), but he had no notion where the highest tower of the palace might be (но он понятия не имел, где может находиться самая высокая башня дворца). He began to move, soft-footed, around the hall (он начал двигаться, крадучись: «с мягкими ногами», по залу; to move around – передвигаться, перемещаться).

Arioch's ears caught the sound and the God became alert (уши Ариоха уловили звук /его шагов/, и бог насторожился). He bent his head and peered about the floor (он наклонил голову и всмотрелся в пол). The huge eyes fixed on Corum and a monstrously large hand reached out to grasp him (огромные глаза остановились на Коруме, и невероятно большая рука потянулась, чтобы схватить его).

alert [əˈlə: t] monstrously [ˈmɔnstrəslɪ] grasp [ɡrɑ:sp]

Then a huge sigh issued from the God's mouth and he began to pick his nose with a dirty finger that was the size of a tall poplar.

Corum saw that there were openings beneath the galleries and stairways twisting upwards, but he had no notion where the highest tower of the palace might be. He began to move, soft-footed, around the hall.

Arioch's ears caught the sound and the God became alert. He bent his head and peered about the floor. The huge eyes fixed on Corum and a monstrously large hand reached out to grasp him.

Corum raised his sword and hacked at the hand (Корум поднял меч и рубанул руку), but Arioch laughed and drew the Vadhagh prince towards him (но Ариох рассмеялся и подтянул вадагского принца к себе).

`What's this (что это)? the voice boomed (прогремел голос). `Not one of mine (не один из моих). Not one of mine.

Corum continued to strike at the hand and Arioch continued to seem unaware of the blows (Корум продолжал наносить удары по руке, а Ариох продолжал выглядеть незнающим = казалось, не замечал ударов), though the sword raised deep cuts in the flesh (хотя меч оставлял глубокие порезы в его плоти; to raise – поднимать; вызывать, порождать). From over his shoulders, behind his ears and from within his filthy hair (из-за его плеч, из-за его ушей, из его грязных волос), Mabden eyes regarded Corum with terrified curiosity (глаза мабденов смотрели на Корума с ужасом и любопытством: «напуганным любопытством»; to regard – расценивать; рассматривать).

`Not one of mine, Arioch boomed again (снова прогремел Ариох). `One of his (один из его). Aye. One of his.

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