Текст книги "Английский язык с М. Муркоком"
Автор книги: Майкл Джон Муркок
Соавторы: Илья Франк,Андрей Еремин
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Текущая страница: 18 (всего у книги 36 страниц)
`Beldan sent me, Lady Margravine (Белдан послал меня, леди маркграфиня; to send). He asked Prince Corum to join him on the battlements (он просил принца Корума присоединиться к нему = подняться на стену).
Corum put down the sheets of manuscript (Корум положил листы рукописи).
soulless [ˈsəullɪs] knock [nɔk] soldier [ˈsəulʤə]
Corum looked at the writing. It was well-formed but without any individual character. It seemed to him that it was a somewhat soulless imitation of Vadhagh writing, but it was, as she had said, easy enough to understand.
There was a knock on the main door to their apartments. While Corum read, Rhalina went to answer it. A soldier stood there.
`Beldan sent me, Lady Margravine. He asked Prince Corum to join him on the battlements.
Corum put down the sheets of manuscript.
`I will come immediately (я приду тотчас). Rhalina, will you see that my arms and armour are prepared (Ралина, не позаботишься ли ты, чтобы мои оружие и доспехи были готовы = чтобы мне приготовили…; to see – видеть, смотреть; позаботиться /о чем-либо/)?
She nodded (она кивнула). He left (он вышел; to leave).
The causeway was almost clear of water now (дамба почти освободилась от воды = почти обнажилась теперь). Beldan was yelling something across to the warriors on the bank, speaking of a parley (Белдан кричал что-то воинам на берегу, предлагая переговоры; to speak of – говорить о; упоминать).
The drum continued its slow but steady beat (барабан продолжал свой медленный, но постоянный бой).
The warriors did not reply (воины не отвечали).
Beldan turned to Corum (Белдан повернулся к Коруму).
almost [ˈɔ:lməust] steady [ˈstedɪ] reply [rɪˈplaɪ]
`I will come immediately. Rhalina, will you see that my arms and armour are prepared?
She nodded. He left.
The causeway was almost clear of water now. Beldan was yelling something across to the warriors on the bank, speaking of a parley.
The drum continued its slow but steady beat.
The warriors did not reply.
Beldan turned to Corum.
`They might be deaf men for all they'll respond (они, должно быть, глухие, иначе бы ответили; for all – хотя, несмотря на). They seem singularly well-ordered for barbarians (они выглядят необыкновенно хорошо организованными для варваров). I think there is some extra element to this situation that has not revealed itself as yet (думаю, есть некий дополнительный элемент в этой ситуации, который не обнаружился еще = здесь есть что-то еще).
Corum had the same feeling (у Корума было то же ощущение).
`Why did you send for me, Beldan (зачем ты послал за мной, Белдан)?
`I saw something in the trees (я увидел что-то в лесу). A flash of gold (проблеск золота). I am not sure (я нет уверен). Vadhagh eyes are said to be sharper than Mabden eyes (говорят, глаза = зрение вадагов острее, чем зрение мабденов). Tell me, prince, if you can make anything out (скажи мне, принц, можешь ли ты что-нибудь разглядеть). Over there (вон там). He pointed (он указал /рукой/).
Corum's smile was bitter (улыбка Корума была горькой = он горько улыбнулся).
`Two Mabden eyes are better than one Vadhagh (два мабденских глаза лучше, чем один вадагский) …
singularly [ˈsɪŋɡjuləlɪ] barbarian [bɑ:ˈbeərɪən] sure [ʃuə]
`They might be deaf men for all they'll respond. They seem singularly well-ordered for barbarians. I think there is some extra element to this situation that has not revealed itself as yet.
Corum had the same feeling.
`Why did you send for me, Beldan?
`I saw something in the trees. A flash of gold. I am not sure. Vadhagh eyes are said to be sharper than Mabden eyes. Tell me, prince, if you can make anything out. Over there. He pointed.
Corum's smile was bitter.
`Two Mabden eyes are better than one Vadhagh…
But none the less he peered in the direction Beldan indicated (но, тем не менее, он всмотрелся в направлении, /которое/ Белдан указал). Sure enough there was something hidden by the trees (действительно, там было что-то, скрытое за деревьями). He altered the angle of his vision to see if he could make it out more clearly (он изменил угол зрения, чтобы выяснить, нельзя ли разглядеть это более ясно). And then he realised what it was (затем он понял, что это). It was a gold decorated chariot wheel (то было украшенное золотом колесо колесницы).
As he watched, the wheel began to turn (пока он наблюдал, колесо начало вращаться). Horses emerged from the forest (лошади появились из лесу). Four shaggy horses, slightly larger than those ridden by the Pony Tribes (четыре мохнатые лошадки, немного больше, чем /лошадки/, на которых ездили племена на пони), drawing a huge chariot in which stood a tall warrior (тащили огромную колесницу, в которой стоял высокий воин).
Corum recognised the driver of the chariot (Корум узнал возничего). The Mabden was dressed in fur and leather and iron (мабден был одет в меха, кожу и металл) and had a winged helmet and a great beard and held himself proudly (у него был шлем с крыльями и большая борода; он держался гордо).
`It is Earl Glandyth-a-Krae, my enemy (это граф Гландит-а-Краэ, мой враг), said Corum softly (сказал Корум тихо).
decorated [ˈdekəreɪtɪd] winged [wɪŋd] beard [bɪəd] proudly [ˈpraudlɪ]
But none the less he peered in the direction Beldan indicated. Sure enough there was something hidden by the trees. He altered the angle of his vision to see if he could make it out more clearly. And then he realised what it was. It was a gold decorated chariot wheel.
As he watched, the wheel began to turn. Horses emerged from the forest. Four shaggy horses, slightly larger than those ridden by the Pony Tribes, drawing a huge chariot in which stood a tall warrior.
Corum recognised the driver of the chariot. The Mabden was dressed in fur and leather and iron and had a winged helmet and a great beard and held himself proudly.
`It is Earl Glandyth-a-Krae, my enemy, said Corum softly.
Beldan said: `Is that the one who took off your hand and put out your eye (это тот, кто отрубил тебе руку и выколол глаз; to take off – убирать, уносить; ампутировать; to put out – удалять, убирать; выкалывать /глаза/)?
Corum nodded (кивнул).
`Then perhaps it is he who has united the Pony Tribes (тогда, наверное, это он объединил племена на пони) and given them those bright, new swords they carry (дал им те блестящие новые мечи, что они держат; to carry – носить с собой, иметь при себе), and drilled them to the order they now hold (и обучил их строю, который они теперь держат; to drill – обучать /строевой подготовке/; order – строй, построение).
`I think it likely (думаю, это вероятно). I have brought this upon Moidel's Castle, Beldan (я навлек эту /беду/ на замок Мойдел, Белдан; to bring upon).
Beldan shrugged (пожал плечами).
`It would have come (это произошло бы /все равно/). You made our Margravine happy (ты сделал нашу маркграфиню счастливой). I have never known her happy, before, prince (я никогда не знал = не видел ее счастливой раньше, принц).
Beldan said: `Is that the one who took off your hand and put out your eye?
Corum nodded.
`Then perhaps it is he who has united the Pony Tribes and given them those bright, new swords they carry, and drilled them to the order they now hold.
`I think it likely. I have brought this upon Moidel's Castle, Beldan.
Beldan shrugged.
`It would have come. You made our Margravine happy. I have never known her happy, before, prince.
`You Mabden seem to think that happiness must be bought with misery (вы, мабдены, кажется, считаете, что счастье должно быть куплено = за счастье нужно платить страданиями; to buy).
`I suppose we do (думаю, да, /считаем/).
`It is not easy for a Vadhagh to understand that (нелегко вадагу понять это). We believe – believed – that happiness was a natural condition of reasoning beings (мы полагаем – полагали – что счастье – естественное состояние мыслящих/разумных существ).
Now from the forest emerged another twenty chariots (и вот из леса появились еще двадцать колесниц). They arranged themselves behind Glandyth (они выстроились позади Гландита) so that the Earl of Krae was between the silent, masked warriors (так, что граф Краэ оказался между безмолвными воинам в масках) and his own followers, the Denledhyssi (и своей свитой, денледисси; follower – последователь, сторонник).
The drum stopped its beating (барабан прекратил бой).
misery [ˈmɪz (ə) rɪ] Earl [ə: l] masked [mɑ:skt]
`You Mabden seem to think that happiness must be bought with misery.
`I suppose we do.
`It is not easy for a Vadhagh to understand that. We believe – believed – that happiness was a natural condition of reasoning beings.
Now from the forest emerged another twenty chariots. They arranged themselves behind Glandyth so that the Earl of Krae was between the silent, masked warriors and his own followers, the Denledhyssi.
The drum stopped its beating.
Corum listened to the tide drawing back (Корум слушал, как течение отходит = как шумит отлив). Now the causeway was completely exposed (теперь дамба полностью обнажилась).
`He must have followed me, learned where I was (он, должно быть, следовал за мной, узнал, где я) and spent the winter recruiting and training those warriors (и провел зиму, вербую и тренируя тех воинов), Corum said.
`But how did he discover your hiding place (но как он обнаружил твое убежище: «потайное место»)? Beldan said.
For answer, the ranks of the Pony Tribes opened and Glandyth drove his chariot down towards the causeway (в качестве ответа, ряды /всадников/ племен на пони раздвинулись, и Гландит повел свою колесницу = подъехал к дамбе). He bent and picked something from the floor of his chariot (он наклонился и взял что-то с пола колесницы), raised it above his head and flung it over the backs of his horses to fall upon the causeway (поднял это над головой и швырнул через спины лошадей /так/, что предмет упал на дамбу; to fling).
Corum shuddered when he recognised it (Корум вздрогнул, когда узнал предмет).
recruiting [rɪˈkru:tɪŋ] floor [flɔ:] above [əˈbʌv]
Corum listened to the tide drawing back. Now the causeway was completely exposed.
`He must have followed me, learned where I was and spent the winter recruiting and training those warriors, Corum said.
`But how did he discover your hiding place? Beldan said.
For answer, the ranks of the Pony Tribes opened and Glandyth drove his chariot down towards the causeway. He bent and picked something from the floor of his chariot, raised it above his head and flung it over the backs of his horses to fall upon the causeway.
Corum shuddered when he recognised it.
Beldan stiffened and stretched out his hand to grasp the stone of the battlement, lowering his head (Белдан застыл и протянул руку, чтобы схватиться за камни стены, опуская голову; to stiffen – застывать, затвердевать; делать/ся/ негибким).
`Is it the Brown Man, Prince Corum (это мохнатый человек, принц Корум)?
`It is (да).
`The creature was so innocent (существо было таким невинным). So kind (таким добрым). Could not its master save it (разве не мог хозяин спасти его)? They must have tortured it to get the information concerning your whereabouts (они, должно быть, пытали его, чтобы получить сведения о твоем местонахождении = узнать, где ты скрываешься) …
Corum straightened his back (Корум выпрямился: «выпрямил спину»). His voice was soft and cold when he spoke next (его голос был тихим и холодным, когда он произнес следующее):
`I once told your mistress that Glandyth was a disease that must be stopped (я однажды сказал твоей госпоже, что Гландит – болезнь, которая должна быть остановлена; to tell). I should have sought him out sooner, Beldan (мне следовало найти его раньше, Белдан; to seek out).
innocent [ˈɪnəs (ə) nt] straightened [ˈstreɪtnd] disease [dɪˈzi:z]
Beldan stiffened and stretched out his hand to grasp the stone of the battlement, lowering his head.
`Is it the Brown Man, Prince Corum?
`It is.
`The creature was so innocent. So kind. Could not its master save it? They must have tortured it to get the information concerning your whereabouts…
Corum straightened his back. His voice was soft and cold when he spoke next:
`I once told your mistress that Glandyth was a disease that must be stopped. I should have sought him out sooner, Beldan.
`He would have killed you (он бы убил тебя).
`But he would not have killed the Brown Man of Laahr (но он не убил бы мохнатого человека из Лаара). Serwde would still be serving his sad master (Сервд по-прежнему служил бы своему печальному хозяину). I think there is a doom upon me, Beldan (думаю, на мне проклятие, Белдан; doom – рок, судьба; приговор). I think I am meant to be dead and that all those who help me to continue living are doomed also (думаю, я должен умереть, и все те, кто помогает мне продолжать жить = выжить, обречены также; to mean – намереваться; предназначать/ся/). I will go out now and fight Glandyth alone (я выйду сейчас и сражусь в одиночку с Гландитом). Then the castle will be saved (тогда замок будет спасен).
Beldan swallowed and spoke hoarsely (Белдан сглотнул и сказал хрипло).
`We chose to help you (мы решили помочь тебе; to choose – выбирать, решать/ся/). You did not ask for that help (ты не просил об этой помощи). Let us choose when we shall take back that help (позволь нам решить, когда мы должны взять обратно эту помощь = отказаться от помощи).
`No. For if you do, the Margravine and all her people will surely perish (потому что если вы сделаете = поможете мне, маркграфиня и все ее люди непременно погибнут).
continue [kənˈtɪnju:] swallowed [ˈswɔləud] hoarsely [ˈhɔ:slɪ]
`He would have killed you.
`But he would not have killed the Brown Man of Laahr. Serwde would still be serving his sad master. I think there is a doom upon me, Beldan. I think I am meant to be dead and that all those who help me to continue living are doomed also. I will go out now and fight Glandyth alone. Then the castle will be saved.
Beldan swallowed and spoke hoarsely.
`We chose to help you. You did not ask for that help. Let us choose when we shall take back that help.
`No. For if you do, the Margravine and all her people will surely perish.
`They will perish anyway (они погибнут во всяком случае), Beldan told him.
`Not if I let Glandyth take me (нет, если я позволю Гландиту захватить себя = если сдамся).
`Glandyth must have offered the Pony Tribes this castle as a prize if they would assist him (Гландит, должно быть, предложил племенам на пони этот замок в качестве награды, если они помогут ему), Beldan pointed out (заявил Белдан; to point out – указывать, обращать внимание; выделять).
`They do not care about you (ты им не нужен; to care about – заботиться; беспокоиться, тревожиться). They wish to destroy and loot something that they have hated for centuries (они желают уничтожить и разграбить то, что ненавидели веками). Certainly it is likely that Glandyth would be content with you (конечно, вероятно, что Гландит ограничится тобой; to be content with – довольствоваться) – he would go away (он уйдет) – but he would leave his thousand swords behind (но он оставит тысячу мечей). We must all fight together, Prince Corum (мы должны сражаться все вместе, принц Корум). There is nothing else for it now (больше не на что надеяться).
century [ˈsenʧərɪ] content [kənˈtent] else [els]
`They will perish anyway, Beldan told him.
`Not if I let Glandyth take me.
`Glandyth must have offered the Pony Tribes this castle as a prize if they would assist him, Beldan pointed out.
`They do not care about you. They wish to destroy and loot something that they have hated for centuries. Certainly it is likely that Glandyth would be content with you – he would go away – but he would leave his thousand swords behind. We must all fight together, Prince Corum. There is nothing else for it now.
CHAPTER ELEVEN (глава одиннадцатая)
The Summoning (заклятие)
summon – вызывать /в суд/; призывать /волю, силы и т. д. /
Corum returned to his apartments where his arms and his armour had been laid out for him (Корум вернулся в свои покои, где оружие и доспехи были выложены = приготовлены для него). The armour was unfamiliar, consisting of breastplate, backplate, greaves and a kilt (доспехи были непривычными/необычными, состояли из нагрудной и спинной пластин, ножных лат и килта; kilt – килт /короткая юбка в складку или плед вокруг бедер – национальная одежда мужчин в Шотландии/) all made from the pearly blue shells of a sea creature called the anufec (все было сделано из перламутрово-синих раковин морского существа, называемого ануфек), which had once inhabited the waters of the West (которое когда-то населяло воды запада). The shell was stronger than the toughest iron and lighter than any byrnie (раковина была крепче, чем самый крепкий металл, и легче, чем любая кольчуга; tough – крепкий, негнущийся). A great, spined helmet with a jutting peak (большой, шипастый шлем с /одним/ выступающим острием) had, like the helmets of the other warriors of Moidel's Castle, been manufactured from the shell of the giant murex (был, как и шлемы остальных воинов замка Мойдел, изготовлен из раковины гигантского моллюска).
pearly [ˈpə: lɪ] toughest [ˈtʌfɪst] manufactured [, mænjuˈfækʧəd]
Corum returned to his apartments where his arms and his armour had been laid out for him. The armour was unfamiliar, consisting of breastplate, backplate, greaves and a kilt all made from the pearly blue shells of a sea creature called the anufec, which had once inhabited the waters of the West. The shell was stronger than the toughest iron and lighter than any byrnie. A great, spined helmet with a jutting peak had, like the helmets of the other warriors of Moidel's Castle, been manufactured from the shell of the giant murex.
Servants helped Corum don his gear (слуги помогли Коруму надеть доспехи; gear – одежда; вещи, имущество) and they gave him a huge iron broadsword that was so well balanced (и дали ему огромный железный палаш: «широкий клинок», который был так хорошо сбалансирован) that he could hold it in his one good hand (что Корум мог держать его одной здоровой рукой). His shield, which he had them strap to his handless arm (его щит, который ему пристегнули к руке без кисти; to strap – стягивать ремнем; закреплять), was the shell of a massive crab which had once lived, the servants told him (был панцирем = сделан из панциря огромного краба, который когда-то обитал, /как/ слуги сказали ему), in a place far beyond even Lywm-an-Esh and known as the Land of the Distant Sea (в месте далеко за пределами даже Лиум-ан-Эш, известном как Край Дальнего моря). This armour had belonged to the dead Margrave who had inherited it from his ancestors (эти доспехи принадлежали покойному маркграфу, который унаследовал их от своих предков) who had owned it long before it had been considered necessary to establish a Margravate at all (владевших ими задолго до того, как вообще посчитали необходимым основать маркграфство).
Corum called to Rhalina as he was prepared for battle (Корум окликнул Ралину, когда был готов к битве), but although he could see her through the doors dividing the chambers (но, хотя он мог видеть ее через /открытые/ двери, разделявшие комнаты), she did not look up from her papers (она не подняла глаз от своих бумаг). It was the last of the Margrave's manuscripts and it seemed to absorb her more than the others (это была последняя из рукописей маркграфа, и, казалась, /она/ поглотил ее больше, чем остальные).
inherited [ɪnˈherɪtɪd] ancestor [ˈænsəstə] necessary [ˈnesɪs (ə) rɪ]
Servants helped Corum don his gear and they gave him a huge iron broadsword that was so well balanced that he could hold it in his one good hand. His shield, which he had them strap to his handless arm, was the shell of a massive crab which had once lived, the servants told him, in a place far beyond even Lywm-an-Esh and known as the Land of the Distant Sea. This armour had belonged to the dead Margrave who had inherited it from his ancestors who had owned it long before it had been considered necessary to establish a Margravate at all.
Corum called to Rhalina as he was prepared for battle, but although he could see her through the doors dividing the chambers, she did not look up from her papers. It was the last of the Margrave's manuscripts and it seemed to absorb her more than the others.
Corum left to return to the battlements (Корум вышел, чтобы вернуться на стену).
Save for the fact that Glandyth's chariot was now on the approach to the causeway (кроме того /факта/, что колесница Гландита была теперь на подступе к дамбе = у самой дамбы; approach – приближение; подход, подступ), the ranks of the warriors had not shifted (ряды воинов не переместились). The little broken corpse of the Brown Man of Laahr still lay on the causeway (маленький изувеченный труп мохнатого человека из Лаара по-прежнему лежал на дамбе).
The drum had begun to beat again (барабан начал бить снова).
`Why do they not advance (почему они не атакуют; to advance – продвигаться вперед; наступать)? Beldan said, his voice sharp with tension (его голос был резким от напряжения).
`Perhaps for a twofold reason (возможно, /тому/ две причины; twofold – двойной, двойственный; двоякий), Corum replied (ответил Корум). `They are hoping to terrify us and banish the terror in themselves (они надеются запугать нас и прогнать страх в себе = свой страх; to banish – изгонять, прогонять).
corpse [kɔ:ps] advance [ədˈvɑ:ns] twofold [ˈtu:fəuld] terrify [ˈterɪfaɪ]
Corum left to return to the battlements.
Save for the fact that Glandyth's chariot was now on the approach to the causeway, the ranks of the warriors had not shifted. The little broken corpse of the Brown Man of Laahr still lay on the causeway.
The drum had begun to beat again.
`Why do they not advance? Beldan said, his voice sharp with tension.
`Perhaps for a twofold reason, Corum replied. `They are hoping to terrify us and banish the terror in themselves.
`They are terrified of us (/неужели/ они нас боятся)?
`The Pony Tribesmen probably are (племена на пони – возможно). After all, they have, as you told me yourself, lived in superstitious fear of the folk of Lywm-an-Esh for centuries (в конце концов, они, как ты сам говорил мне, жили веками в суеверном страхе перед народом Лиум-ан-Эш). They doubtless suspect we have supernatural means of defence (они, несомненно, полагают, что у нас есть сверхъестественные средства защиты).
Beldan could not restrain an ironic grin (Белдан не смог сдержать иронической усмешки).
`You begin to understand the Mabden at last, Prince Corum (ты начинаешь понимать мабденов наконец, принц Корум). Better than I, it seems (лучше /даже/, чем я, кажется).
Corum gestured towards Glandyth-a-Krae (Корум указал в сторону Гландита-а-Краэ; to gesture – жестикулировать; указывать направление /движения/).
superstitious [, s (j) u:pəˈstɪʃəs] defence [dɪˈfens] ironic [aɪˈrɔnɪk] gestured [ˈʤesʧəd]
`They are terrified of us?
`The Pony Tribesmen probably are. After all, they have, as you told me yourself, lived in superstitious fear of the folk of Lywm-an-Esh for centuries. They doubtless suspect we have supernatural means of defence.
Beldan could not restrain an ironic grin.
`You begin to understand the Mabden at last, Prince Corum. Better than I, it seems.
Corum gestured towards Glandyth-a-Krae.
`There is the Mabden who gave me my first lesson (вон мабден, который дал мне мой первый урок).
`He seems without fear, at least (он кажется без страха, по крайней мере = уж он точно не боится).
`He does not fear swords, but he fears himself (он не боится мечей, но он боится себя /самого/). Of all Mabden traits, I would say that that was the most destructive (из всех особенностей мабденов, я бы сказал, что эта – самая разрушительная/пагубная; trait – характерная черта, особенность).
Now Glandyth was raising a gauntleted hand (тут Гландит поднял руку в латной рукавице; gauntlet – рукавица; латная рукавица).
Again silence fell (снова тишина воцарилась: «упала»).
`Vadhagh! came the savage voice (прозвучал грубый голос). `Can you see who it is who has come to call on you in the castle of vermin (ты можешь видеть = видишь, кто пришел за тобой в замок паразитов; to call on – посещать, наведываться; обращаться; vermin – паразиты, вредители; сброд)?
Corum did not reply (не ответил). Hidden by a battlement, he watched as Glandyth scanned the ramparts, seeking him out (укрытый стеной, он наблюдал, как Гландит рассматривает крепостной вал, разыскивая его).
gauntleted [ˈɡɔ:ntlɪtɪd] savage [ˈsævɪʤ] vermin [ˈvə: mɪn]
`There is the Mabden who gave me my first lesson.
`He seems without fear, at least.
`He does not fear swords, but he fears himself. Of all Mabden traits, I would say that that was the most destructive.
Now Glandyth was raising a gauntleted hand.
Again silence fell.
`Vadhagh! came the savage voice. `Can you see who it is who has come to call on you in the castle of vermin?
Corum did not reply. Hidden by a battlement, he watched as Glandyth scanned the ramparts, seeking him out.
`Vadhagh! Are you there (ты там)?
Beldan looked questioningly at Corum who continued to remain silent (посмотрел вопросительно на Корума, который продолжал хранить молчание).
`Vadhagh! You see we have destroyed your demon familiar (видишь, мы убили твоего демона-хранителя; familiar – дух, хранитель /оберегающий человека/)! Now we are going to destroy you (теперь мы собираемся убить тебя) – and those most despicable of Mabden who have given you shelter (и тех /очень/ презренных мабденов, что дали тебе убежище). Vadhagh! Speak!
Corum murmured to Beldan (Корум прошептал Белдану).
`We must stretch this pause as far as it will go (мы должны растянуть эту паузу как можно дольше; as far as it will go – до предела; до отказа). Every second brings the tide back to cover our causeway (каждая секунда приносит прилив назад, чтобы покрыть нашу дамбу = с каждой секундой приближается прилив…).
familiar [fəˈmɪlɪə] despicable [ˈdespɪkəbl] cover [ˈkʌvə]
`Vadhagh! Are you there?
Beldan looked questioningly at Corum who continued to remain silent.
`Vadhagh! You see we have destroyed your demon familiar! Now we are going to destroy you – and those most despicable of Mabden who have given you shelter. Vadhagh! Speak!
Corum murmured to Beldan.
`We must stretch this pause as far as it will go. Every second brings the tide back to cover our causeway.
`They will strike soon (они атакуют скоро), Beldan said. `Well before the tide returns (задолго до того, как прилив вернется).
`Vadhagh! Oh, you are the most cowardly of a cowardly race (ты самый трусливый из трусливого народа)!
Corum now saw Glandyth begin to turn his head back towards his men (Корум теперь увидел, что Гландит начал поворачивать голову назад = повернулся к своим людям), as if to give the order to attack (как будто чтобы отдать приказ атаковать). He emerged from his cover and raised his voice (он вышел из своего укрытия и окликнул /Гландита/; to raise one`s voice – возвышать, поднимать голос).
His speech, even in cold anger, was liquid music compared with Glandyth's rasping tones (его речь, даже в холодном гневе, была мелодичной музыкой по сравнению со скрипучим голосом Гландита; liquid – жидкий, текучий; мелодичный, плавный; rasping – режущий, скрежещущий; tone – тон, звук; интонация).
`Here I am, Glandyth-a-Krae, most wretched and pitiable of Mabden (вот и я, Гландит-а-Краэ, самый жалкий и ничтожный из мабденов)!
Disconcerted, Glandyth turned his head back (в замешательстве, Гландит обернулся). Then he burst into raucous laughter (затем он разразился хриплым смехом).
cowardly [ˈkauədlɪ] liquid [ˈlɪkwɪd] wretched [ˈreʧɪd] pitiable [ˈpɪtɪəbl] raucous [ˈrɔ:kəs]
`They will strike soon, Beldan said. `Well before the tide returns.
`Vadhagh! Oh, you are the most cowardly of a cowardly race!
Corum now saw Glandyth begin to turn his head back towards his men, as if to give the order to attack. He emerged from his cover and raised his voice.
His speech, even in cold anger, was liquid music compared with Glandyth's rasping tones.
`Here I am, Glandyth-a-Krae, most wretched and pitiable of Mabden!
Disconcerted, Glandyth turned his head back. Then he burst into raucous laughter.
`I am not the wretch (я не жалкий; wretch – несчастный, жалкий человек)! He reached inside his furs and drew something out that was on a string round his neck (он сунул /руку/ под меха = за пазуху и вытащил что-то, что было = висело на веревке вокруг его шеи; to reach – протягивать; доставать; проникать). `Would you come and fetch this back from me (может быть, ты придешь = спустишься и заберешь это обратно у меня; to fetch – приносить, доставать)?
Corum felt bile come when he saw what Glandyth ported (Корум почувствовал, как желчь подступила /к горлу/, когда увидел, что Гландит держит; to port – переносить; porter – носильщик; грузчик). It was Corum's own mummified hand (это была мумифицированная/высохшая рука Корума), still bearing the ring that his sister had given him (по-прежнему носившая кольцо, которое его сестра подарила ему).
`And look (а /вот/, посмотри)! Glandyth took a small leather bag from his furs and waved it at Corum (Гландит достал маленький кожаный мешочек из мехов = из-за пазухи и помахал им Коруму). `I have also saved your eye (я также сохранил твой глаз)!
Corum controlled his hatred and his nausea and called (сдержал свою ненависть и тошноту и крикнул):
`You may have the rest, Glandyth, if you will turn back your horde and depart from Moidel's Castle in peace (ты можешь получить остальные /части моего тела/, Гландит, если развернешь свою орду и покинешь замок Мойдел в мире = мирно; horde – орда; полчище, банда; to depart – отправляться; уходить, покидать).
mummified [ˈmʌmɪfaɪd] nausea [ˈnɔ:zɪə] horde [hɔ:d]
`I am not the wretch! He reached inside his furs and drew something out that was on a string round his neck. `Would you come and fetch this back from me?
Corum felt bile come when he saw what Glandyth ported. It was Corum's own mummified hand, still bearing the ring that his sister had given him.
`And look! Glandyth took a small leather bag from his furs and waved it at Corum. `I have also saved your eye!
Corum controlled his hatred and his nausea and called: