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Fear You
  • Текст добавлен: 5 октября 2016, 20:43

Текст книги "Fear You"

Автор книги: B. B. Reid

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Текущая страница: 12 (всего у книги 21 страниц)

Chapter Eighteen


Ten Years Ago

We traveled for a long time, and in that time, I got to see a world outside of the compound. I’d only ever been in the compound, and any time they took me out to train, I was blindfolded. Mario wouldn’t tell me where he was taking me or why. He would only say it was for my own good.

After a long flight, we landed and then drove for what seemed like hours. This was the first time I’d been in a car without blindfolds, yet I couldn’t find any excitement over the scenery. Mario had never done anything to hurt me, but it didn’t mean he wouldn’t. After my father made me kill the lady he said was my mother, he had left. Alone and hungry, it was days before I found the courage to leave the house. I took the gun for protection just in case they came looking for me. Two days later, Mario found me on the street digging through garbage. The number he had left me to call him was tucked in my pocket, but without a way to call him, it was useless.

We pulled into a lot surrounded by partially built buildings and lots of dirt. There was a large truck already waiting and a man standing beside it. He was tall with dark hair like mine. My nervousness picked up when the car slowed to a stop in front of the man. Mario didn’t waste time exiting the car. He motioned for me to stay put and then approached the man. I waited for the customary handshake I was used to seeing men make when they met, but there was none between Mario and the strange man.

The man wore a deep frown on his face as he listened to whatever Mario was telling him. He looked toward the car suddenly, and I met his stare. It looked as if Mario was still speaking when the man stepped away and headed for the car. Mario made no move to stop him, though he wore a frown on his face. I was too guarded to keep my hand away from the knife inside my jacket.

Wearing a jacket was also a first. It felt constricting around me, but the good thing was it kept me warm from the harsh winter air.

The man’s hand reached for the door handle, and I quickly scrambled to the other side. Mario must have come to his senses because he moved toward the car and stopped the man. I could hear them arguing outside the car while I watched on.

Was I here to kill this man? I figured this had to be a test, and suddenly, I felt unwanted fear snake its way in.

When they finally stopped arguing the man stepped back, and Mario turned to open the door. He leaned down to peer inside. When he noticed the way my hand clutched the knife inside my jacket, he chuckled.

“It’s okay. No one is going to hurt you, and this isn’t a test,” he said, reading my mind.

After a few moments spent looking between him and the stranger waiting for me to exit the car, I finally got out. He stepped forward immediately, and I showed my teeth the way I often saw the guard dogs in the compound do when they felt threatened.

“Gabriel?” His shock was obvious. “Is that you?”

I watched the shell-shocked man approach me, hesitantly this time. I had no clue who he was, and he must have mistaken me for someone else.

I gripped the knife under my jacket again, ready to defend myself if need be. He must have noticed because he stopped and looked me over carefully before looking back up at Mario.

“Be cool, little man. This is the uncle I told you about.”

The strange man glared at Mario before his eyes lowered to meet mine. His gazed softened as he said, “It’s okay, Gabriel. I’m not going to hurt you. My name is John. I’m your uncle.”

My eyes narrowed. His attempt to console me only strengthened my distrust. “Yeah, but I could hurt you,” I countered.


“My name is Keiran.”

I was only ever called two things in my life. Slave and Keiran. Gabriel was someone I never got to be—and someone I never would be.

Keiran was here to stay.

I don’t know exactly when I accepted the name Lily gifted to me, but I suspected it was the moment I freed her.


“You say you’re my uncle, but you call me the wrong name. My name isn’t Gabriel.”

He looked at Mario in confusion before turning back to me. “I’m sorry… Keiran. It’s just that your mother named you Gabriel, but if you prefer Keiran, then that’s what we’ll call you.”

“My mother? You knew her?”

Pain filled his eyes when I mentioned her. It was deep and unmistakable. I didn’t know much about her, and even for the short time that I knew her, it wasn’t until the end of her life I discovered who she was.

“Yes, I did, son. Your mother and I were very close. She would have wanted nothing more than to be here to meet you.”

Do I tell him that I’ve met her? That I was the reason she wasn’t here now? I thought about the man who said he was my father and what he made me do. I should have been able to trust him, but he was the exact opposite of what I thought he would be. All those kids who would cry for their parents night after night made me think parents were good people.

“Who is we?” I asked since my mother is dead and he stood alone.

“Yes, you have a cousin who is only a year younger than you. His name is Keenan and he’s my son.”

Instead of acknowledging his mention of more family, I looked up at Mario who watched on silently.

“Why am I here?” After meeting my father, and after what he made me do, I was afraid.

Mario stared at me for what seemed like forever before he met the gaze of my uncle and held it for long moments.

My uncle finally took the hint and spoke up. “Because you belong here.”

My gaze passed between the two men, and when I realized it was for real, I didn’t say more. Maybe this time it would be a good thing.

John seemed to sense my acceptance and reached out to grab my hand. I stared at it for a few moments before taking it. He led me to the car, but then Mario called out to him.

“Wait. There’s something else.”

“What are you talking about?” A frown now covered my new uncle’s face.

“I need you to do something for me.”

“Excuse me?”

Mario walked back to the car and opened the door. That’s when I realized I almost left without saying goodbye.

“Who is that?” John asked.

I decided to answer him because I knew Mario didn’t know his name.

“His name is Quentin.”

* * *


“Keiran. You know I choose not to say much about anything you do, but now isn’t one of those times. What the hell are you doing, man?” Quentin had been waiting outside my place by the time we pulled up. I ignored the numerous protests from Monroe when I dragged her to my house. She was even more pissed when I ordered her upstairs.

“Whatever it takes.”

“When is it going to be enough?”

“It may never be. What’s your point?”

“You trying to ruin that girl?”

Five months ago, it was exactly my plan. But now, I didn’t know what I wanted from her. I just knew she was someone I needed. Period. I shrugged, feigning nonchalance, but he knew better. The look he gave me said so.

“She’s different now, you know.”

“What’s it to you?”

Since when did Quentin nag? That’s what I had Dash for. Quentin usually gave less of a fuck than I did. It was why I called on him for all the illegal tasks. Dash dubbed himself my moral compass, and I’d only ever wanted to protect Keenan.

“She’s not going to make it easy for you. Whatever you decide. She will fight you.”

“She won’t win.”

“You might let her.”

“Q… Fuck off.”

“Look,” he said, getting in my face. “She’s yours. I don’t give a shit what you do to her, but these games you’re playing with Arthur is going to get you killed.”

“Maybe so, but he’ll be taking his last breath with me.”

Quentin gritted his teeth and shook his head, looking away for a beat before turning back to me with angry eyes. I knew my stubbornness was pissing him off, but I didn’t know how much until now.

“I remember, okay? I remember how it was. I remember all the fucked up things they made us do. It would have only worsened.”

“Mario saved you,” I reminded.

“He saved you, too.”

“Mario didn’t save me. He helped me out of guilt.” Everyone knew Q and I were close friends, but no one knew besides Dash and Keenan that we were more than friends. We had history. Quentin was owned by the same people who enslaved me, and that was how we met. He took a lot of beatings on a daily basis and was often called retarded by the other trainers because he would never talk. It wasn’t until discussions of putting him down circulated that he mysteriously disappeared.

“Look,” he huffed. “I got your back. Just don’t be so fucking stupid. If you die, then who will help those kids?”

“You will.”

He shook his head with a solemn expression. “I’m not you, man. I can’t—” He stopped to watch me carefully.

“Kill?” I finished what he couldn’t say and watched him squirm.


“Then don’t. I’m not asking you to.”

“I know. I just wish we could leave it behind for good.” Before I could respond, his phone began to ring, and after briefly talking to the caller, he hung up and announced he had to go home.

“Foster parents?”

“Yeah. Stephanie is having nightmares again, so they want me home more often.”

“She still won’t tell you what is causing her nightmares?”

“No, and she gets so scared when I ask her. It pisses me off because I don’t know how to help her.”

“What about the parents. They straight?”

He rolled his eyes before answering, “Not all parents are bad, Keiran.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

He took a deep breath before releasing it slowly. “They’re okay, but I’ve been keeping an eye on them. Maybe I should ask about her real parents and find out where she came from.”

He left after we formed a new plan to deal with the threat of Arthur close by. Dash was running late so I would have to run it by him and get his opinion once he arrived.

As soon as the door was closed, Monroe attempted to casually walk around the corner. I sent her a knowing look, and she blushed. I loved the sight of her skin reddening in embarrassment, but this time, I was too distracted by the sorrow present in her eyes.

“He was there?” she asked so softly, I almost didn’t hear her.

“You weren’t supposed to hear that.” I lowered my voice to a low level that usually made her squirm. I could practically see the goose bumps on her skin now. The perverse part of me still got off on her fear.

“I—” She swallowed back what was probably an apology, lifted her chin, and demanded, “Tell me what happened to him.”

“He was sold like I was.” I shrugged as if I was discussing a bag of apples rather than a human being.

“How did he get here?”

“It’s not my story to tell.”

“Come on, Keiran. You have to give me something. You once said you wanted me to trust you. How can I trust you if you continue to keep secrets?”

“Why is it so important for you to know? You think you can fix me? Is that it?”

“Sometimes I don’t believe there is any hope for you.” She lowered her eyes as if she felt guilty for admitting to the truth. I fought the smile tugging at my lips.

“Smart girl.” I meant it sarcastically but knew it was the truth.

“Your past doesn’t have to define who you are today. It doesn’t have to define who you can be.”

“I don’t need a therapist.” I brushed past her to leave the room, hoping she’d take the hint and drop it, but I should have known better.

“At least tell me if you hate heroes so much why, did you save me?” she shouted.

“Because you’re the fucking exception, Monroe. Does that make you feel special?” I continued my retreat for the stairs.

“I swear if you don’t finish this, I will leave here somehow and you will never touch me again.”

I was prepared to ignore her, but her last threat stopped me in my tracks. “Come again?”

“You heard me.”

I quickly descended the steps once again and didn’t stop until I had her face pressed up against the wall and her back arched so that her ass pressed into my front the way I liked her.

“You want to play this game with me?”

“Just tell me what I want to know. Tell me the truth.”

“You don’t want to hear the truth. You want the fairytale. I want to ruin you.” I whispered the words against her ear and felt her body tremble against mine.

“So here’s your chance. Ruin me, if you think that’s what it will do. What are you afraid of?”

“We had this conversation before. I’m not interested in repeating myself.”

“Then tell me a bedtime story.”

“Fuck, girl,” I barked against her hair and released her. “You’re a pain in my ass.” She turned around with a self-satisfied smirk. That’s new. “You know I can’t let you leave me.”

“Then give me what I want.”

“Do you really want it?”

“Is that a trick question?”

I crowded her against the wall and grabbed her face between my hands. “I told you about that sarcastic mouth.” It was the only warning she would get that she had fucked up. My lips slammed down on hers, taking ownership of her every thought until she was only thinking of kissing me.

She was climbing up my chest by the time I made my point.

“Again… do you really want it?” When I kissed her, it was only meant to teach her a lesson, but I guess it backfired on the both of us because the next moment, I was ripping into her jeans while I bit down on her neck. I needed to mark her so when she left here, it would be with the reminder of who she belonged to.

“Keiran…” The moan that fell from her lips went straight to my dick.

“Two weeks. It’s been two fucking weeks since I felt you, and I’m not about to wait a second longer.”

“Keiran, we can’t.”

“Tell me yes,” I urged and shed her jeans. As she stepped out of them, I took my knife from my back pocket and sliced her panties in half.

She pulled my shirt up and dug her nails in my stomach as I unbuckled my jeans. I donned a condom and lifted her, wrapping her long as fuck legs around my waist.

“I fucking hate you,” she growled.

“Good. Then I expect you to fuck me as hard as you hate me.”

Her arms wrapped around my neck as she slowly impaled herself on my cock. Her throaty moan mixing with my groan nearly finished me. I gave her only a moment to adjust before I was gripping her hips and driving into her. I wouldn’t stop until I was tattooed on every inch of her.

When I felt I was ready to explode, I slammed her back against the wall and rammed into her almost brutally.

“I own you, Monroe.”

Once… twice… three times.

“And you still… don’t… fucking… get it!” I punctuated each point with a hard thrust of my hips, driving my dick inside her with an unrestrained ferocity. I was not to be tamed.

She clutched my ass in her hands and tried to hold on as she came around my dick, milking my own orgasm from me. I gripped her shoulder between my teeth, and her answering cry of pain was music to my ears.

We stood clinging to each other as we fought to catch our breath, and when we managed to regain ourselves, I finally let her go. She avoided eye contact with me as she dressed. I already knew without having her speak that she regretted it, and for some reason, it pissed me off.

When I took her home, I left her on her doorstep to face her aunt alone without a word or backward glance.

I’d officially become the evil bastard she knew me to be.

Chapter Nineteen


“Keiran, this is my daughter. Diana, this is Keiran. He’ll be looking after you for a few weeks.”

A girl, donning a skintight dress that was entirely too revealing for casual wear, and sunglasses too large for her face, stepped forward. A lascivious smile spread across her lips as she looked me up and down.

Last night, when Dash had finally come over, Mario called to tell me that he would be bringing his daughter by in the morning, reminding me of the favor I had promised him a couple of weeks ago. Dash didn’t think it was a good idea, and I couldn’t agree more, but what could I do? Staying on Mario’s good side would get me what I wanted.

“Well, well, well, this little criminal getaway might not be so bad after all.”

“Diana, behave yourself. That is not why you are here,” Mario scolded. He turned his hard gaze to me, and I could see the clear warning in his eyes that said ‘Don’t touch my daughter.’

I snorted. After Anya, there was no way in hell I would ever touch another broad like her. Besides… Monroe already ruined me for all girls that weren’t her.

“Relax, dear ole dad. I won’t do anything he doesn’t beg me for.” She winked at me and licked her lips.

I did snort that time, and I even rolled my eyes. Big hair and too much makeup didn’t do it for me. She was pretty, but in an obvious way that said she tried too hard and cared too much about her appearance.

“Are we done here?” I was growing impatient and needed to be in place for Keenan’s transport back home. With all eyes on me, I needed to make sure he was guarded at all times. Speaking of which… I typed out a quick text to Quentin letting him know to be ready. No matter what happened to me, Keenan would be protected at all costs.

“Sure. Diana, give us a moment to talk, will you?”

With one last lustful look, she strutted away to stand by my ride. I shook off the warnings telling me this was a bad idea. I’d already agreed, and I figured this would be a sure way to keep Mario close.

“Another one of mine on the inside was found out. He’s running things tighter, and his trust is waning. We need to move faster.”

“No, we need to move smarter. The people you got on him are stupid and weak. He’s been in this business for a long time. He knows all the tricks.”

“He also knows I’m gunning for him just as much as he’s gunning for me, so he’s even more cautious.”

“Yeah, well, he’s expecting me to deliver you to him soon. I have to figure out a way to stall him a little longer. I’ve got too many eyes on me with the investigation and my uncle being in town long term now.”

“How is your brother holding up?”

“He’s surviving,” I answered simply. I wasn’t about to disclose any information about my brother to Mario. We may be working together toward a common cause, but it didn’t mean I trusted him.

“If he’s anything like you, then I’m sure he’ll pull through.”

“You don’t know me well enough to say that.”

He regarded me with a serious look. “I’ve seen enough.”

I didn’t have a response, and so I shook hands with him and parted ways. Diana was standing by, chattering on her phone. I walked up to her and snatched her phone away. The last thing I needed was her leading a bunch of unknowns to my place. I didn’t know her, and I didn’t trust her. I considered trashing the phone but thought better of it. Maybe there was something useful in it. There were still a lot of unanswered questions, and Mario was the culprit.

“Hey! Excuse you!”

“You’re fucking excused. Before you get any ideas of how this is going to go, let’s get something clear. I don’t care about you. You aren’t my priority. I’m doing this as a favor, and while I’m at it, I’m going to pump you for information. You do what I say, or I kick you out, and I won’t look back. Is that clear enough for you? I won’t repeat myself again.”

She peered up at me, and rather than appearing afraid, she looked curious if not amused. “Are you sure you’re eighteen?”

“My age is none of your business, but what I can and will do to you is. Are. We. Clear?” I held her gaze while counting down the seconds in my head before I risked it all and left her standing on the pavement alone.

“Understood.” She nodded once and then grinned up at me while extending her hand. I ignored it and made my way to my side of the car, sliding in without acknowledging her further. She finally took the hint and hopped in the car when I was less than a second away from pulling off.

“So who is she?”

“She?” I pulled out onto the main road and headed in the direction of my house. She had arrived sooner than expected, so I still hadn’t run it by my uncle yet. I decided to cross that bridge when I got there.

“Yes. The ‘she’ who has you overly guarded around me. Is she your girlfriend?”

“I don’t do girlfriends,” I answered without sparing her a glance even though I could feel her eyes boring into me.

“So there is a she?”

“Even if there was, I wouldn’t fuck you, so I guess it doesn’t matter if there’s a she, does it?”

“Who says I’m looking to get fucked? Maybe I want to do the fucking.”

“You don’t know me from Adam, girl.”

“Oh, but I know your type. You like to be in control when you take her, don’t you? You like to handle her, test her limits… maybe even make her beg a little?”

I gripped the steering wheel tighter out of aggravation. Even if what she said was true, I didn’t like to be read. Especially by a stranger. “No.”

“No?” I could hear the disbelief in her tone.

“I like to do much more than make her beg.” I briefly glanced at her in the passenger seat and caught her leaning forward with anticipation. “I like to make her cry so I can lick her fucking tears. I like to make her hurt so I can hear her scream. And most importantly, I like to make her want more.”

The lust building in Diana’s eyes was unmistakable.

“Something tells me she’s inside your head just as much as you are in hers. I’d like to meet this girl.”

“She’s not in my head and that’s not going to happen.”

“Yes, it most certainly is. Before you started speaking about her, there wasn’t as much as a flicker…” she used her fingers to emphasize… “of life in your eyes. I think I might be jealous.”

“Brunettes aren’t my type anymore.”

“It’s quite all right. Maybe I’ll dye my hair and figure out another way to get in your head as well. This could be fun.”

“You wouldn’t do well as a blonde.”

“Oh, so she’s blonde?”

I spit out a curse and scowled at her. “You’re annoying me, Diana.”

“It’s just Di, so call me that. I hate Diana.” The conviction in her voice made me pause.

“Your father calls you Diana.”

“My father doesn’t listen to much if it doesn’t have to do with money.”

My attention zeroed in the comment about her father, but I didn’t let on that I was interested. “Why would you say that?”

“Sorry, super spy. That conversation is more suited for a fifth date, and I just met you.”

“Yet you were salivating over my dick moments ago.”

“So what do you say we trade? A fuck for an answer?”

“What makes you think I’m that interested?”

“Oh, you are. Something tells me you and my father didn’t meet over coffee. So are you in business with him? You’re kind of young.”

“How old are you?” I asked, dodging her question.

“I’ll be twenty-one in a few months.”

“Where is your mother?”

“Strung out somewhere… I haven’t seen her since I was eleven.”

“So what really happened to make your father feel the need to relocate you?”

“What makes you think something happened? My father has always been cautious.”

I pulled into my driveway and put the car in park before turning my full attention on her.

“Don’t insult my fucking intelligence. What. Happened?”

“Are you this bossy with everyone?”

“I’m less than three seconds from sending your head through the windshield.”

She studied me for a few moments, gauging my sincerity before releasing a long breath and running her fingers through her hair. “One of my father’s men tried to kill me. I don’t know why, but he almost succeeded.”

“What did your father do?”

“What do you think he did? He killed him.”

“And you’re okay with that?” I lifted my brow at the nonchalant way she admitted her father had committed murder. How close did he raise her to his business?

“He tried to kill me. I’m not exactly expected to cry over his casket. It’s just crazy, you know? He’s worked for my father for years. It doesn’t make sense, but I’m guessing it was over money.”

“That would be the easy explanation.” I sent her a look to let her know I wasn’t buying. I already figured her father warned her to watch what she said. Mario trusted me as little as I trusted him.

“It’s a valid explanation. The men who work for my father are always harping about more money. He pays them less than the price of shit.”

“How would you know that?”

“I’m under close guard every day of my life. The men talk.” I let my hard gaze bore into hers until she shifted and looked around. Her gaze focused on my house and she said, “You have a nice home.”

“It’s a house, not a home.”

“People do say there’s a difference, don’t they?”

I shrugged and exited the car. She silently followed after me to the house, but when we reached the door, I stopped and turned to face her. “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that if you try anything, I will not hesitate to cut your throat open.” She didn’t as much as blink at my threat, and again, I wondered how close her father kept her to his business. I still had yet to figure out what it was about her.

“Wow. Are all teenage boys as intimidating and violent as you?”

“I’m not a boy, and there is no one like me.

“Cocky much?”

I didn’t try to stop the smirk that appeared on my face. “It comes with the territory.”

“I’d like to tread in that territory.” She slid her hands slowly up my chest as she leaned into me with a secretive grin and a gleam in her eye meant to seduce. I placed my hands firmly on her hips and flashed a panty-dropping smile. I would have liked nothing more than to see her on her back in the bushes than in my bed. My chance to humor myself was lost when an irritated growl interrupted.

“Oh, for fuck sake. It’s Anya reincarnated.”

Our heads snapped simultaneously to Sheldon and Dash standing in my driveway with astonished expressions… well… Sheldon looked more pissed as she glared at Diana.

“Trust me, sweetheart—that’s one line you don’t want to cross for numerous reasons. And those reasons are way too fucked up to talk about even over a bottle of whiskey.” She switched her glare to me and bared her teeth. “Isn’t that right, Keiran?”

I didn’t bother to answer her question or acknowledge Dash’s inquisitive stare. What is he doing bringing her over here anyway? I didn’t give a shit about being caught in a compromising position. I had no intention of ever touching Diana and even less intention of explaining myself. I unlocked the door and entered, leaving the door open because what else would they all do but follow?

Ever since Sheldon became friends with Monroe, she had watched me like a hawk, critical of every move I made. It made my previous tolerance of her almost unbearable. She didn’t think I was good enough for Monroe… well, that was one thing we agree on at least.

“Who is she?” Sheldon demanded, crossing her arms over her chest. I didn’t miss the eye roll she directed her gaze toward Diana.

“Why is that your business?” I asked casually. Truth is, I was really curious to know why she cared so much.

Sheldon’s eyes narrowed and her lips set to deliver a scathing reply, but Dash interjected before she could. “Actually, I would like to know myself.”

His hard gaze met mine, and he silently communicated that he wasn’t about to let it go. I sighed and relented because I trusted Dash and much more than that, I respected him. “She’s Mario’s—”

He eyed Diana with a look of disgust while Diana checked him out with a lascivious look. “She’s a little young…”

“Eww. I’m his daughter.”

“Oh, she speaks,” Sheldon griped. “I thought you only talked when you wanted to get a cock in your mouth.”

“What’s wrong, princess? You afraid of a little competition?”

“You’re barking up the wrong tree. I’m actually doing his brother,” she snapped.

Teeth were bared and claws unsheathed as they squared off against each other. I felt the beginnings of a headache stir, so I signaled Dash to take care of them and headed upstairs for my gear. I needed to play a game to unwind because if I had to listen to any more of that, I would be tempted to shoot both of them between the eyes.

I came back downstairs after changing into only basketball shorts and sneakers. As soon as my foot connected with the carpet of the living room and all eyes shifted to me, I immediately regretted not wearing a shirt. Diana’s eyes shamelessly trailed my body, and the way she licked her lips told me she was thinking of only one thing. Sheldon’s snort and the sound of disgust interrupted her eye fucking when she turned her gaze to glare at Sheldon.

“I called Q,” I directed to Dash, dismissing them.

“Dude, we can’t play with only three players,” he reminded me.

“Damn.” I rubbed my forehead and hid my frown by aiming it at my feet. Right. How could I forget? My brother was lying in the hospital with his only remaining lung failing, and here I was ready to play basketball.

“I can call Buddy,” Dash offered. I could hear the sympathy in his voice and could feel my anger grow, but rather than taking it out on my best friend, I turned on my heel for the door. “Fine. Whatever.”

* * *

Buddy fell on his ass for the third time in the ten minutes we had been playing. He sent me an uncharacteristic dirty look and swiftly jumped back on his feet and continued the play without missing a beat.

I knew they were all thinking the same. It was written all over their faces. I knew it too, so I guess it’s why no one bothered to say anything.

I was falling apart.

For the last ten years, basketball had been my escape and punishing Monroe had been my drug. With Monroe gone, I felt as if there was nothing to keep be balanced, and I was too preoccupied for even the simplest of distractions.

I dribbled the ball, and as it bounced from hitting the pavement and made its way back into my hand, I was reminded of everything that waited to destroy me—and everyone I could hurt in the process.




I took the shot… I made the basket.

The play resumed, and the ball was in my opponent's hand and like always, I waited for an opening to get the ball back into my hands and steal another victory.

I watched my opponents, I studied their reactions, and I looked for a weakness and then took an opening. The ball was in my hands, and I was back in control.



My control of the ball faltered on my third dribble, but I quickly regained control, and just as I braced my feet to take the shot, I was blindsided.

My palms scraped the pavement as I slid across the concrete and gritted from the pain of the abrasions I knew I would find. The ball bounced away, and when I looked up, Buddy was standing over me with an apologetic expression.

“Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to foul you like that.” He held out his hand and waited for me to take it. I ignored it and jumped to my feet, much like he had except I felt my knees turn to jelly. His hand was still out, and a look of uncertainty was plastered on his face, so I took it in mine and shook it to show no hard feelings.

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