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Электронная библиотека книг » B. B. Reid » книга "Fear You"
Fear You - B. B. Reid
  • Книга добавлена: 5 октября 2016, 20:43
обложка книги Fear You - B. B. Reid

Название книги: Fear You

Автор книги:

7-8Часов на чтение
107 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Год издания: 2015
Размер: 204 Кб
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Описание книги

Fear You (#2): What happens when she's had enough? Lake Monroe has given in to her childhood tormentor too many times. She knows it, he knows it, and even their enemies know it. When he returned after being found guilty of a crime he didn't commit, a crime he thought she set him up for, he returned darker than ever, demanding her body and her submission. To survive him, she knew she had to give in to fear once more or suffer the deadly consequences... But Lake experienced what it was like to submit to the dark and demanding boy who invaded her dreams. Now she'll experience what it's like to fight him. What happens when he wants more? Keiran Masters has a past that is both shocking and dark. Once enslaved, he now has demons he can't escape, demons that have followed him for ten years, demons he blames his beautiful obsession for. He promised to make her pay. He promised to make her break... But after Keiran had conquered her body and tasted her submission, he found a new addiction instead, one he has no intention of giving up. As secrets unfold, identities are revealed, danger closes in, and they both discover what it really means to fear...

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