Текст книги "Английская Утопия"
Автор книги: Артур Лесли Мортон
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Ко всей книге
Jоyсе Оramеl Негtzlеr, The History of Utopian Thought London, 1922.
Lewis Mumford, The Story of Utopias, New York, 1923.
Paul Bloomfield, Imaginery Worlds, London, 1932.
Marie Louise Berneri, Journey through Utopia, London, 1950.
Henry Morley, Ideal Commonwealthc, London, 1885.
К главе I
The Cambridge Book of Prose and Verse: From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance, Ed. George Sampson, Cambridge, 1924 (for Land of Cokaygne).
E. K. Chambers, The Medieval Stage, 2 vols., Oxford, 1903.
E. K. Chambers, The English Folk-Play, Oxford, 1933.
R. J. E. Tiddy, The Mummers Play, Oxford, 1923.
S. Baring-Gould, Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, Lon don, 1866.
Benjamin Farrington, Head and Hand in Ancient Greece, London, 1947.
Joseph Hall, Mundus Alter et Idem, London, 1607. (In Latin trs. John Healey, 1608).
Jean d'Outremeuse, Travels of Sir John Mandeville (Many modern editions and translations).
Margaret Alice Murray, The Witch Cult in Western: Europe, Oxford, 1921.
К главе II
Sir Thomas More, Libellus vere Aureus, nec Minus Salutaris quam festivus de optimo reipublicae statu, deque nova Insula Utopia, Louvain, 1516 (Томас Мор, Утопия, М., 1953).
Utopia: or the best state of a republique weale, Translated by Ralph Robinson, London, 1551.
Plato, The Republic (Many English editions) (Платон, Полное собрание творений в 15 томах, Л., 1922–1929).
Frederic Seebohm, The Oxford Reformers, London, 1869.
Karl Kautsky, Thomas More and his Utopia, Stuttgart, 1887 (In German, English translation, London, 1927),
Russel Ames, Citizen Thomas More and his Utopia, Princetown, 1949.
H. W. Dоnner, Introduction to Utopia, London, 1945 Т. Е. Hulme, Speculations, London, 1924.
Maurice Dobb, Studies in the Development of Capitalism, London, 1946.
К главе III
Francis Bacon, New Atlantis, London, 1627 (in Latin. Many English translations available) (Френсис Бэкон, Новая Атлантида. Опыты и наставления нравственные и политические, М, 1954).
Benjamin Farrington, Francis Bacon, Philosopher of Industrial Science, London, 1951.
Samuel Hartlib, A Description of the Famous Kingdom of Macaria, London, 1641 (Also in Harleian Miscellany).
G. H. Turnbull. Samuel Hartlib, Oxford, 1920.
John Sadler, Olbia: The New Island Lately Discovered, London, 1660.
Samuel Gott, Nova Solyma, London, 1648 (In Latin. Translated and Edited Rev. Walter Begley, 2 vols., London, 1902).
James Harrington, Oceana, London, 1656.
John Toland, The Oceana and Other Works of James Harrington, Esq., London, 1700.
H. F. Russell Smith, Harrington and His Oceana, Cambridge, 1914.
New Atlantis. Begun by the Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Albans and Continued by R, H, Esquire, London, 1660.
Henry Nevile, The Isle of Pines, London, 1668 (Also in Everyman Library: Shorter Novels, Vol. 2).
Joseph Glanvill, Anti-Fanatical Religion and Free Philosophy in a Continuation of the New Atlantis, London, 1676 (In Essayc on Several Important Subjects).
Caplain Siden (Denis Vairasse d'Allais), The History of the Sevarites or Severambi, London, 1675 and 1679.
Basil Willey, The Seventeenth Century Background, London, 1934.
A. S. P. Woodhouse, Puritanism and Liberty, London, 1938.
Leonard Hamilton, Gerrard Winstanley, Selections from his Works, London, 1944.
D. M. Wolfe, Milton in the Puritan Revolution, New York, 1941.
К главе IV
Daniel Defoe, The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York Mariner, London, 1719 (Даниэль Дефо, Жизнь и удивительные приключения Робинзона Крузо, моряка из Йорка, Л., 1932).
Jonathan Swift, Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, By Lemuel Gulliver, London, 1726 (Джонатан Свифт, Путешествия в некоторые отдаленные страны света Лемюэля Гулливера, сначала хирурга, а потом капитана нескольких кораблей, М.-Л., 1932).
Swift, Selected Writings in Prose and Verse. Ed John Howard, London, 1934 (Джонатан Свифт, Сочинения, СПБ., изд. Чуйко, 1881).
Francis Godwin, The Man in the Moon, or a Discourse of a Voyage thither by. Domingo Gonsales. the Speedy Messenger, London, 1638 (Also in Harleian Miscellany).
Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, The Description of a New World, called the Blazing World, London, 1668.
Simon Berington, The Memoirs of the Sigr Gaudentio di Lucca, London, 1738.
Robert Paltock, The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, London, 1751.
Leslie Stephen, Swift, London, 1882.
Herbert Davis, The Satire of Jonathan Swift, New York, 1947.
Sir Charles Firth, The Political Significance of Gulliver's Travels, Oxford, 1938 (In Essays Historical and Literary).
К главе V
William Godwin, Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, London, 1793 (Second Ed, much revised. 1796).
Poetry and Prose of William Blake, Ed. Geoffrey Keynes, London, 1927.
Thomas Spence, Description of Spensonia, London, 1795.
Thomas Spence, The Constitution of Spensonia, London, 1801.
P. A. Brown, The French Revolution in English History, London, 1918.
H. N. Вrailsfогd, Shelley, Godwin and their Circle, London, 1913.
J. Bronowski, A Man Without a Mask, London, 1944.
F. Engels, Herr Eugen Duhring's Revolution in Science (Anti-Duhring), 1885 (In German, English trs., London, 1935) (Фридрих Энгельс, Анти-Дюринг, М, 1953).
Mark Hoilowау, Heavens on Earth. London, 1951.
Robert Owen, The Book of the New Moral World. London, 1836–1844 (Роберт Оуэн, Избранные сочинения, тт. 1–2, М.-Л., 1950).
G. D. H. Cole, The Life of Robert Owen, London, 1930.
Thomas Frost, Forty Years Recollections, London, 1880.
John Saville, Ernest Jones: Chartist. London. 1952.
Lord Lуttоn, The Coming Race, London, 1870 (Э. Бульвер-Литтон, Грядущая раса, СПБ., 1908).
Samuel Butler, Erewhon, or. Over the Range, London, 1872.
Samuel Butler, Erewhon Revisited, London, 1901.
Samuel Butler, A First Year in Canterbury Settlement, London, 1863.
The Note Books of Samuel Butler, London. 1912.
G. D. H. Cole, Samuel Butler, London, 1947.
H. J. Massingham, Samuel Butler and New Zealand (Geographical Magazine, Vol. Ill, N. 6), London, 1936
К главе VI
Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, Boston, 1888 (Эдуард Беллами, Через сто лет, М., 1907).
Conrad Wilbrandt, Mr. East's Experience in Mr. Bellamy's World, Translated by Mary J. Safford, New York, 1891.
My Afterdream: A Sequel to the Late Mr. Bellamy's Looking Backward, by «Julian West», London, 1900.
Arthur E. Morgan, Edward Bellamy, Columbia University Press, 1944.
William Morris, News from Nowhere, London, 1890 (Вильям Моррис, Вести ниоткуда или эпоха мира, М., 1923).
William Morris, Stories in Prose, Stories in Verse, Lectures and Essays. Ed. G. D. H. Cole, London, 1934.
J. W. Mасkail, The Life of Williams Morris, 2 vols, London, 1899.
R. Page Arnot, William Morris. A Vindication, London, 1934.
Richard Jefferies, After London, London, 1885.
W. H. Hudson, A Crystal Age, London, 1887.
Percy Greg, Across the Zodiac, 2 vols., London, 1880.
Edmund Boisgilbert (Ignatius Donnelly), Caesar's Column: A story of the Twentieth Century, Chicago, 1890.
E. W. Fisk, Donnelliana, Chicago, 1892.
Theodor Hertzka, Freeland. A Social Anticipation, 1890 (English transition by Arthur Ransome, London, 1891).
Eugen Richter, Pictures of the Socialistic Future (English translation), London, 1893.
Ernest Вraman, What Might Have Been. The Story of a Social War. London, 1907.
Jack London, The Iron Heel, New York, 1907 (Джек Лондон, Избранное, М., 1951).
К главе VII
Н. G. Wells, When the Sleeper Wakes, London, 1892 (Герберт Дж. Уэллс, Когда спящий проснется, М., 1930).
Н. G. Wells, The First Men in the Moon. London, 1901 (Герберт Дж. Уэллс, Первые люди на Луне, М., 1939).
Н. G. Wells, A Modern Utopia, London, 1905 (Герберт Дж. Уэллс, Современная Утопия, СПБ., 1906).
Н. G. Wells, The New Machiavelli, London, 1911 (Герберт Дж. Уэллс, Новый Макиавелли, Л., 1926).
Н. G. Wells, The World Set Free. London. 1914.
Н. G. Wells, Men Like Gods, London, 1922 (Герберт Дж. Уэллс, Люди как боги, М., 1930).
Н. G. Wells, Things to Come, London, 1935 (Герберт Дж. Уэллс, Облик грядущего (киноповесть), «Интернациональная литература», М., 1937).
Н. G. Wells, Mind at the End of Its Tether, London, 1945.
G. R. Chesterton, The Napoleon of Notting Hill, London, 1904. (Г. К. Честертон, Наполеон из пригорода, Л., 1925).
Е. М. Fоrster, The Eternal Moment, London, 1928.
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, London, 1932.
Aldous Huxley, Ape and Essence, London, 1948.
Lord Samuel, An Unknown Land, London. 1942.
Rose Macaulay, Orphan Island, London, 1924.
James Hilton, Lost Horizon, London, 1933.
Dennis Wheatley, They Found Atlantis, London, 1936.
G. Bernard Shaw, Back to Methuselah, London, 1921 (Бернард Шоу, Назад к Мафусаилу, М., 1924).
J. В. S. Haldane, Possible Worlds, London, 1927.
Olaf Stapledon, Last and First Men, London, 1930.
Joseph O'Neill, Land Under England, London, 1935.
Murray Constantine, Swastika Night, London, 1937.
Herbert Read, The Green Child, London. 1935.
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, London, 1949.