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  • Текст добавлен: 29 сентября 2016, 01:38

Текст книги "Infatuation"

Автор книги: River Savage

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Текущая страница: 18 (всего у книги 21 страниц)



“Darlin’.” Beau’s voice brings me out of the fog in my mind and back to the emergency room.

“Where the hell have you been?” I look up as he takes a seat next to me. It’s late. For over four hours, I’ve been sitting here in a ball of anxiety and worry.

“It’s done,” is all he says, and my panic only deepens as Nix walks in next, followed by Sy, Jesse, and Hunter.

“What did you do?” I look at each man and back to Beau. My eyes grow wide when I notice Beau’s bloodied knuckles.

“Not here, Kenzie. We’ll talk later.”

“Oh, God, what happened?” I ignore his warning and find my feet. “Please tell me you didn’t kill him.” I almost laugh, but I don’t. I’m still wired after this mess of a day.

“Calm the fuck down. Not here.” He stands and drags me down the hall of the hospital, out of earshot. “I will fill you in back at the clubhouse. Right now, you need to pull your shit together.” His grip on me tightens, not enough to hurt me, but enough to anchor me to his words. “Tell me what’s happening with Kelly.” I calm my breathing, focus in on what he’s asking.

“We don’t know yet. At first they thought it was just a concussion, but then the CT scan came back and they realized it’s worse. She hit the ground from falling or being pushed, fuck, I don’t even know, but she hit her head bad. She’s bleeding inside, something about a hematoma. They had to take her in for surgery to drain the blood.” The tears I’ve only just managed to bring under control start back up.

“She was hit with a baseball bat.” His nostrils flare and his lips curl.

“Oh, God, Beau.” My eyes well up. The first tear falls then the second.

“Shit, darlin’, wasn’t thinking.” He pulls me into his chest. That could have been me.

“Brooks coping?” He pulls back, and takes my face in his hands.

“He’s a mess. Won’t talk to anyone. Kadence just left to pick up Mia from the babysitter’s and bring Kelly’s parents down.” He nods, knowing Kelly’s parents are too old to drive.

“Bell get him back to see her?”

“He saw her briefly, but they rushed her back for surgery.” His eyes darken and his jaw ticks. “I don’t know what to do, Beau. Everyone is just so silent, no one’s talking.”

“Everything is going to be okay. This is Kelly we’re talking about. She’s going to come out of the surgery and everything is going to be okay.” He pulls me back into him, kissing the top of my head. “The woman is just as fucking strong as you, darlin’. I have no doubt she’ll pull through. I won’t accept anything less.”

“Please, tell me this is over for real,” I whisper into his chest. Even if I don’t want him to have blood on his hands, I need to know this is over. That we can live our lives.

“It’s over, darlin’. I promise.” He gives me what I need, what I’ve been searching for. “Come on, let’s go be with our family.” He reaches down and takes my hand.

“Okay.” I steel myself and try to keep it together as I follow him back over to where the rest of the club sit, silently waiting and offering Brooks their support.

“Any news?” He claps Brooks on his back before taking the seat next to him. I take the spare seat next to Beau.

Brooks has barely spoken a word to us girls the last few hours, so I’m surprised he answers Beau right away.

“Nothing. Not a fucking word.” He rests his elbows on his knees and drops his face in his hands.

“It’s gonna work out, brother,” Nix tries to reassure him.

“You find the cunt who did this?” He looks to Nix and Beau.

“We’re on it,” is all Nix says, before Brooks lets out a long deep breath and nods.

“Fuck, she’s gotta pull through. I can’t do this on my own.” His voice is shaky, and it touches me all the way down to my bones.

“You’re not alone, Brooks. She’s going to be fine. I know it.” I reach across Beau and squeeze his hand. Brooks links his fingers through mine and squeezes back.

“I know, sweetheart.” The tension rolls off me as he accepts my comfort and I find myself letting out my own relief.

It was just a small gesture, but to me it’s the world.

Things might be still up in the air with Kelly, but everything out here is sorted. Beau made it so and I believe him. I have to believe him.

What other option do I have?

“How you feeling, Kenz?” Holly takes a seat next to me later that night when I stir from the most awkward nap of my life. We haven’t been home yet, deciding to sleep it out in the uncomfortable waiting chairs until we heard more on Kelly.

“Oh, God, what time is it?” I stretch, trying to relieve some tension in my back and neck.

“It’s after 2 a.m.”

“Have we heard anything yet?” I look around the waiting room. Nix is asleep four chairs down, Sy, Hunter and Beau are talking quietly across from me. Kelly’s parents are sitting two rows back with a sleeping Mia on their laps. Jesse and Bell are talking quietly between themselves, and Brooks is pacing the hallway. Waiting. Praying. Hoping.

“Not yet, but it can’t be much longer.”

“Where’s Kadence?” She was here before I nodded off, with both Low and Z.

“She took the kids home. It was getting too late. She’ll be back up in the morning.” I nod then glance back over at Brooks.

Seeing him like this, I can’t help but be mad at myself. I shouldn’t have left her. We should have left together, or called one of the guys to bring us something to eat.

Turning my head away from Brooks, I lock eyes with Beau. He stands to come to me after noticing I’m now awake.

“You okay?” He hands me a bottle of water and takes the spare seat next to me.

“Yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” I take a sip of the water before handing it back to him. I haven’t had anything to eat or drink since this morning.

“Don’t be silly. Everyone is tired.” Holly rests her hand on my leg and gives it a gentle squeeze. Ever since I told her and Kadence what happened and why it happened, I’ve been worried they would pull back from me, maybe blame me for everyone being here. But they haven’t. If anything, they’ve rallied around me even more than before, offering comforting smiles, reassuring words and even their shoulders to cry on.

“It can’t be too much longer, right?” I look up just as a doctor appears, stopping in front of Brooks.

The room becomes a flurry of movement and questions as we all stand and step forward, all desperate for good news.

“—An induced coma to help with the swelling.” I miss the first part, but manage to catch up. “She’s stable, but still in critical condition. The next three days are going to be precarious.” The doctor is young, almost too young and I wonder how long he’s been doing this.

“A coma?” Brooks’ panicked voice spears me while I take it all in. “You said the surgery would be enough.”

“Yes, the surgery helped relieve some pressure, but we are concerned with the swelling. We need to control it. Our best chance for it to happen is to let her brain rest.”

Brooks’ hands run through his hair as he takes a step back. “So that’s it? We just wait?”

“I know it’s not what you were expecting, but the next few days will tell us more.”

“Can I see her? I need to see her.”

“Soon. She’s being moved to the ICU now. Someone will be down shortly to take you back.” He offers a comforting hand on Brooks’ shoulder before leaving us alone to process.

We all stay silent, letting Brooks take the lead.

Induced coma.


It doesn’t sound good. It sounds downright scary and judging by everyone’s faces, they all feel the same way.

“It’s gonna be okay, Brooks. Dr. Dawson is thorough. She’s in good hands.” Bell steps forward and wraps her arms around his neck. He accepts her embrace, holding her while his body shakes in sobs.

“I can’t lose her, Bell. I can’t.”

I almost come undone watching him.

Nix steps in next, wrapping his arm around his back and whispering low in his ear.

Wanting to give him privacy, I turn back and notice Kelly’s parents holding each other. Hunter now holds Mia, looking so much younger than I’ve ever noticed.

It all becomes so real. Our world is spinning out of control.

How are we going to survive if she doesn’t pull through? The thought weakens my knees, and before I meet the ground, Beau has me, holding me up.

“We need to take you home,” he tells me, moving toward a free chair and sitting me down.

“I can’t leave, Beau. We need to stay.”

“Beau’s right. We should get some rest. Brooks and Kelly are going to need all the help they can get.” Holly steps in and stops me from arguing. “We can’t be of any help with no sleep.”

I don’t want to leave, but I understand where they’re coming from.

“You guys head out. I’ll stay with Brooks until he goes back to the ICU. We can meet back in the mornin’.” Nix comes to stand near us, as Jesse and Bell move in to console Brooks.

“Are you sure?” Beau asks him.

“Yeah, you take her home.” He nods down to me.

“What about Mia?” I ask, looking back at her sleeping form. “We can take her.” I look up at Beau, hoping he agrees.

“We’ll take her back to the clubhouse,” Holly offers. “She’ll be better off waking up there.” Nix nods, deciding it’s the best decision for tonight.

“We’ll stay at the clubhouse, too.” Beau agrees. “You call us if you need anything, Nix.” Nix nods, and then claps Beau on the back, before turning and doing the same with Sy.

“Come on, darlin’.” Beau helps me up and holds me close as we say our goodbyes to everyone. Brooks accepts my hug, and our promise to take good care of Mia before leaning in and kissing her sweet little face.

“You ride with Holly. I don’t have a helmet with me,” Beau tells me as we follow Sy and Holly out of the hospital. “We’ll ride behind.”

I nod and take his kiss before planting my ass in the passenger side of Holly’s car.

After settling Mia into her seat, we set off, and before I can fight it, my eyes turn heavy, and I’m out again, the warmth of the car lulling me back to sleep.

“Darlin’,” Beau’s soft voice calls to me as he releases me from my belt. “You fell asleep,” he whispers as I come back to myself.

“It wasn’t a dream.” I start to cry. The day’s events finally catching up with me. “It’s still real, Beau.” I shake my head, fighting to escape the darkness.

“Come on, you need to sleep. You okay with Mia, Sy?” Beau asks, and I think I hear him reply, but I can’t be sure. Every second of the day, every action, and reaction washes over me as it all plays out in my mind over and over.

Kelly is in a coma. Beau has done something bad, and it’s all because of me.

“Are you ever going to tell me what happened?” I ask Beau three nights later when we climb into bed at home. We just came back from the hospital; it’s been seventy-two hours since the doctors put Kelly in a medically induced coma. Every day we’ve woken up, had breakfast, dressed and headed over to see her. Every day we’ve prayed for her to heal and be okay, but as of today, she’s not ready to come out. As devastating as it is, the doctors assure us it’s for the best. Her brain function is good. Her vitals are strong, but the swelling is still a factor, they’re not prepared to bring her out of it yet.

“The less you know, the better, darlin’,” Beau tells me the same thing he’s told me the last three nights before he flicks off the lamp and curls into me with his front to my back.

“Beau, please don’t keep this from me. I can’t handle it. With everything else going on, I don’t need this between us.” I try to roll to face him, but his hold is too firm.

“He’s not going to give you more trouble,” is all he gives away while pulling me tighter against him.

“He’s dead, isn’t he?” He doesn’t answer me, the room growing eerily quiet. My hands move to his arm that’s holding me and I pry it off me. “Don’t you dare keep this from me.” I sit up and look down at him. “Please.” I’m just shy of pleading, but I don’t care. I need to know.

He lets out a frustrated sigh, before rolling back over, flicking on the lamp and coming to sit up with me. “If he’s not already, then he will be soon,” he says casually, like he’s just given me the time.

“No, Beau.” I shake my head, not okay with this at all. His hands come to my face, stopping my freak out.

“Mackenzie, he fucking put Kelly in the hospital. In a fucking coma. Don’t make this out to be anything more. He fucked up.”

“But what if it comes back on you?” I push, hating that this is all because of me. Two days ago, Jackson came to the hospital to take my statement regarding what I knew. Unless Beau knows and hasn’t told me otherwise, the man responsible for hitting Kelly with the baseball bat is still out there. The cameras at Missy’s didn’t get his face, so until she wakes up, we won’t know who we’re dealing with.

“I promise you it won’t.” He sounds so sure, I don’t know if I should be scared, or relieved. I know Beau is capable of being a dangerous man. I know who his club deals with sometimes, but I also know deep down in my soul he would never hurt me.

“I’m scared, Beau. I’m scared for Kelly. For Brooks. For Mia. For you.” He drops his hands and pulls me into his lap. I don’t fight him. My need to be close to him only grows stronger the more reality seeps in.

“I know you are, darlin’, and I wish I could reach in and take your fear from you, but I can’t. I can only tell you I have your back. Nothing will touch you. You have to trust me.”

“I did this. I made you do this. It’s already on me, Beau.” Bile creeps up the back of my throat, but I force it back down.

“Bullshit, he did this. Not you. I don’t want to hear you say that shit again.”

“For all I know you killed a man for me, Beau. How can you expect me not to react?”

“I didn’t kill him, darlin’,” he whispers, his voice almost disappointed.

“Then what happened?” The air grows thick as we both sit and look at each other, neither one of us speaking until Beau takes my hand. “I love you, Kenz, but I’m not gonna talk about this with you. Do you hear me?” Reluctantly, I nod, in understanding more than anything. If Beau didn’t kill him, then someone else did and he won’t tell me.

“I need to hear the words.”

“Yes, I understand, Beau.” I give him the words he needs to relax.

“Do you trust me, darlin’?”

“More than myself,” I answer without pause. He has to know how much trust I have in him. How much he could destroy me. We are connected like nothing else. I trust him with everything.

“Then breathe, darlin’. Trust that I have you. That I have this.” I nod, giving it over to him and maybe even more. This thing between us is bigger than I’ve ever felt before; this is on a whole new level.

“Good girl, now come here.” He falls back, pulling me down with him so my body covers his.

“Just promise me she’s going to be okay.” I press my lips to his and close my eyes, almost praying he grants my wish.

“I promise you’re going to be okay.” I open my eyes when he doesn’t give me what I want.

“I don’t care about me. I need her to be okay.” He rolls us to his left, following me over and covering me with his weight.

“I care about you. I need you to be okay.” I shake my head, not sure if I’ll ever be okay.

Not after this.

When I came here, I couldn’t imagine my situation getting any worse. I thought after everything I had been through, surely this time around would finally give me my happy ending.

Look where it got me. I was to blame for bringing this to their lives. I knew it. Beau knew it. Everyone in the club knew it.

But no one is saying it.

No, I won’t be okay, not until Kelly is.

Not until this is over.



“Mackenzie? Did you hear me?” She looks up at my voice and smiles. But it’s not like her usual smile. This one’s new. It’s the one she started giving after Kelly was hurt. Each day it kills me and each day it gets worse.

After the first three days, Kelly’s swelling didn’t come down as quickly as the doctors first hoped. She was kept in her induced coma for nine days before they brought her out. Only she didn’t respond. Three weeks later and she still hasn’t woken up. She’s breathing on her own, her brain function is normal, she’s shown signs she’s there, but she hasn’t come out yet. We’re all hopeful, telling ourselves she’s just taking a little longer to come out of it because her body is healing. Most injuries with the brain vary from case to case, so all we can do now is wait.

“Yeah, just finishing up. You go on ahead.” Mackenzie waves me off and goes back to reading.

“Must be some book you have there.” I reach down and pull it out of her hands.

“Hey!” She shifts forward to grab it back, but I don’t let her.

“Reading time’s over. You’re coming to bed with me.”

“Beau, I was at the best part.” She fights it, but I’m done with this shit. I’m not letting her play this card anymore.

“It’s still gonna be there tomorrow.”

“I’m not tired. I just want to read, Beau.” She starts to shut down, just like every time I push a little. Over the last four weeks, I’ve let her get away with it, thinking it was what she needed. But now it’s getting out of hand and she’s pulling further away instead of coming back to me.

The last month has been tough for everyone. The club has taken a huge hit with Kelly still in her coma. Brooks is barely holding it together. Mackenzie feels guilty. We’re still on the lookout for Brent Harrison and between daily visits to the hospital, and having Mia stay with us off and on, it’s been a complete clusterfuck.

“You’ve been pulling back from me.”

“I’m just—”

“You can’t lose yourself in a book to get through this, Kenzie.” She looks up at me, guilt etched all over her face.

“I’m not, Beau.” Her argument is weak, setting in stone what we both already know.

“Darlin’, I haven’t had you in my arms in four weeks. Tell me when’s the last time you came to bed with me?” I try not to sound like a fucking pussy, but Jesus Christ, I’m losing my shit.

“I’m sorry. I just haven’t been in the mood. How can you even think about sex with everything going on?”

“I’m not talking about sex, darlin’. I’m talking about holding you. Fucking touching you. Just being with you.” In the beginning, I expected it. I knew she would shut down, but this, this is more. This is her letting it eat at her.

“I don’t know what you want from me, Beau.”

“I want a lot of things, darlin’, but I’ll settle for you coming to bed with me. You want to read, fine. You read in our bed, with me.” I reach out for her hand and wait for her to take it. “Come on, Kenz,” I encourage. It’s something so small. But right now, for us it’s huge. I need her to come back to me. To come back to us.

“Fine,” she finally relents. “I’m tired anyway.” She takes my hand and stands.

I hand her back her book as I guide her down the hall, turning the lights off as we go. She doesn’t talk and I don’t push her. After brushing our teeth, we settle into bed. She doesn’t roll into me like she used to, and I want to reach over and pull her to me, but I don’t. It’s enough she’s even here.

“The opening of Missy’s Place is going ahead next week,” I fill her in on what the club decided today.

“What?” her body flings up to a sitting position. “No, Beau. You can’t. Not without Kelly.”

“We’ve already postponed it three weeks. We’ve gotta get it going.” I itch to roll over and flick the lamp on, wanting to see her reaction, but I don’t want her to shut down again. Not when I just have her talking.

“It’s her baby just as much as it’s yours.”

“You’re right, and she would want us to go ahead. Kelly would want us to help as many people as we can. You know this.”

She doesn’t come back with anything; instead, she lies back down and settles underneath the covers. She knows I’m right, knows this is what Kelly would want. Pushing back the opening isn’t helping anyone.

“I’m sorry, darlin’. I know you wanted to wait. But we have a lot of people expecting to start work, plus all the women we had coming in.”

“No, I get it. You’re right. She would want it to go ahead.” She slightly rolls to the middle of the bed, facing me and I turn to face her. I can barely make out her features in the dark, but I can see her eyes are open and looking into mine.

“I’m sorry, Beau. I didn’t mean to pull away,” she whispers after a few minutes of silence.

“Nothing to be sorry for. I understand why you have, but darlin’, it’s gotta stop. I’ve given you time, and I’ve let you try to work this out on your own, but I’m done waiting.” Her hand finds mine under the blanket and I greedily take it, threading my fingers through hers.

“The guilt, it’s just eating me, Beau. Because of me, she’s in that hospital bed.”

“You can’t let this guilt win, Kenz. You need to fight it before it controls you. Fuck, trust me. If anyone knows, it’s me.” I roll in closer to her. If I could just fall into her to make her see, I would.

“How do you know, Beau? How do you know what this feels like? I can’t just stop feeling this. First it was Chad. Then Heidi, because we both know she’s not coming back, and now Kelly.” The desperation in her voice almost makes me lie and tell her one day it will go away, one day it will stop hurting, but I don’t because it doesn’t.

“I know because every time I help a woman in a dangerous situation I see Missy’s face.” I try to give her something to hold on to. Something I haven’t given anyone before. “I’m reminded of that look of fear, the look of defeat, and then I’m reminded I couldn’t save her. I help these women every fucking day, Kenz, yet all I see is Missy. I see my failures. My regret. My guilt.” She stills as I shift my body back, angling to face the ceiling.

“It took me two years to realize something was wrong. For two fucking years I didn’t see it. I don’t know if it’s because I was selfish, lost in my own fucking head, or if I just didn’t want to see it, but I missed the signs. The turtlenecks she would wear in the summer. How she all of a sudden became clumsy. Fuck, even the way the light in her eyes just dwindled away. Two years, I was blind. How’s that for guilt?”

“You can’t blame yourself, Beau.” Kenzie finally speaks up, resting her hand on my bare chest. “You didn’t bring him into her life.”

“No, I did worse. I didn’t save her. Instead of protecting her, or insisting she leave him. I drove to his work and roughed him up. Took Nix with me and beat his ass. Told him to pack a bag and fuck off. But he didn’t. He was pissed and didn’t take too kindly to Missy telling me. She was dead the next day.”

“Oh, God, Beau. That’s not your fault.” She sits up and flicks the lamp on, bathing the room in orange light.

“No? Whose fault is it then?” I put it back on her. She’s no more to blame for Kelly than I am for Missy, but it doesn’t stop the guilt from being fed.

“His. He took her life. Not you.” Her eyes are red from crying and I’m a complete ass for putting this shit on her, but I can’t sit back and watch her travel down the same path as me.

“And you didn’t put Kelly in the hospital, darlin’.” Her shoulders sag in defeat when she understands what I’m getting at. “I know you want to blame yourself, but you have to fight it. There are always going to be moments in my day where I beat myself up over it. I was her big brother. I was meant to look after her and protect her. I can still see my mom falling to the floor when I had to tell her Missy was gone. I can still feel both of my parents pull away from me, from each other. I didn’t just lose Missy, Kenz. I lost my family. But I can’t change any of it. I can’t go back and save Missy. I can only do what I can now.”

“That’s why you started helping women? Started Missy’s Place?” she whispers, finally getting it.

“Yeah, darlin’. But it took me a long time to get here. Like you, I let it control me, but you don’t have to. You have all these people giving you grace and you’re pushing it away.”

“But how do I accept it when I don’t think I deserve it?”

“I learned a long time ago it doesn’t matter what you think you deserve. You can’t give yourself grace. You have to allow others to give it to you. No one blames you. Yes, this is a fucked-up situation. Yes, Kelly is still in a coma, but she’s not dead. You have to stay positive.” I reach forward and wipe her face. “You have to have hope. Fight for her. Fight for yourself. Don’t give up now, not when it matters the most.” Her tears are falling hard and fast now, but I don’t care. She needs to feel how real this is.

“You’re right, oh, God.” She buries her head into my chest. “I’ve just been so buried under this guilt, I haven’t seen anything around me. I’ve been selfish when I should’ve been fighting.”

“You’re the least selfish person I know, darlin’.” I hold her tightly against me, wishing she wouldn’t be so hard on herself.

“I can’t even stand myself right now, how can you?” She sniffles, her hot tears roll down my skin.

“Because the bitterness I’ve been carrying from Missy’s death doesn’t taste so sour in my mouth when you’re around. You changed me. You made me see everything differently. The way you think I’m seeing you right now, is so far from the truth. If I need to light one thousand candles for you to see yourself the way I do, then I will.”

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” She lets out a shaky breath, while wiping her face.

“Been asking myself the same question until I realized I don’t think I do deserve you. So I stopped asking myself and started loving you.” She looks up giving me one of her smiles. Only this time, I believe it all the way to my bones.

It’s the most beautiful smile she’s ever given me, because it means I haven’t lost her. She is still there. She’s fighting it, and that’s all I need. I can do the rest.

And I will.

I’ll do anything for this woman.

“How you doing, brother?” I ask Brooks a couple of days later on one of my daily visits to the hospital. His face is drawn downward and his beard is unkempt. He’s wearing clean clothes only because the girls have been bringing him some in, and he doesn’t look like skin and bones because the hospital has been feeding him, but besides that, the man is falling apart and I can’t blame him. I don’t know how I’d be coping if Kenz was lying in that hospital bed.

“She just needs to fucking wake up. Everything will be okay if she just woke up.” He drops his hand from Kelly’s and rests his elbows on her bed. I look over Kelly’s sleeping form and the overwhelming ache of helplessness grows. We’re no closer to knowing when she’ll wake. The doctors are saying she can wake any time. There is no reasoning with these types of brain injuries, we just have to be patient and wait it out. It’s the worst thing to hear. Sometimes the unknown is more frightening than the horrible truth.

“It’s going to work out, Brooks. You have to believe it, brother.” He nods but doesn’t say anything else. He’s probably sick of hearing it. From everyone. The whole clubhouse has stepped in. Always having someone here for when she wakes up. The girls come up every day, making sure someone is always with Kelly. Talking to her. Encouraging her to come around. Brooks hasn’t been alone but at the same time, he has. He’s alienated himself. And I get it, I do, but it’s hard to watch it. Watch him shut down and push everyone out.

We sit in silence for another twenty minutes until Brooks finally sits up and takes Kelly’s hand again.

“You find the fucker who did this yet?”

“Not yet. We’ve still got eyes out.” I hate we can’t give him the answer he wants. Yeah, Mayor Morre has been dealt with, but the man responsible for this needs to be found.

“I want him, Beau. I want him found and I want to deal with him.” I want him, too. After finding out who we’re looking for, Jesse and Hunter did some digging. It turns out it’s the same guy who threatened Mackenzie in Liquid.

Yeah, I’ll make sure we get him.

“We’re on it, brother. Rest assured, I will find him.” I offer the only thing I can: my word. We haven’t had any blow back from the Mayor. T’s promise on the Mayor turning up dead came through. A week after we left him alone in the barn with the Warriors, he was found dead a few hours out of town. Media called it gang war. Mayor Morre was apparently in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I called it good riddance.

“I want him to pay.” I nod, knowing that feeling all too well. Even with the blood on my hands, knowing Chad and the Mayor are gone, I can breathe easier.

“While we’re talking about club business, I need to talk to you about Missy’s Place. We decided we need to keep things moving on it.” I hate being the one to tell him we want to go ahead with it. It’s the last thing he needs to think about, but I won’t go ahead without him knowing. I’m not keeping it from him.

“Kelly would want you to go ahead. You can’t keep putting it off.” He gives his okay and I’m relieved. We’ve already put the staff off for three weeks. I don’t want to risk losing them.

“The club is gonna have a fundraiser night for the opening, you want to come?” I know it’s pointless asking him, but I told Mackenzie I would, just in case.

“I can’t leave her, man. What if she wakes up?”

“You’re right. I just wanted to make sure you know you’re welcome.” A knock at the door stops Brooks from replying. I twist my head to watch Bell walk in.

“Hey, guys, how are we?” She steps into the room and walks over to Kelly. She’s wearing her nurse’s uniform today so I know she’s on shift.

“Hey, Bell.” I nod and watch her lean down and squeeze Kelly’s free hand.

“Morning, Kelly. Are you going to wake up for me today?” She smiles down at her before picking up her chart. “How was last night?” She looks up at Brooks.

“Same. Nothing.” He lets out a frustrated breath.

“She’s showing activity, Brooks. I know it’s hard but keep talking to her. Some people say they can hear what’s going on around them in this state. Everything helps.” She places Kelly’s chart back into place then moves around the bed.

“I’ll be back in later.” She waves us off, leaving just as fast as she came. The room falls silent again, and I wonder if I should just head out too. Mackenzie is at the clubhouse and I’m bringing her up later, so I can always stay longer when we return.

“I think I should head out. Give you some quiet time before the next visitor,” I tell him, deciding to leave. Every day he gets more distant and every day, it gets harder to watch it.

“How’s Mia?” He looks up, stopping my retreat and I see a flash of pain in his eyes.

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