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  • Текст добавлен: 29 сентября 2016, 01:38

Текст книги "Infatuation"

Автор книги: River Savage

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Текущая страница: 17 (всего у книги 21 страниц)

“Don’t even go there, Mackenzie. It’s not your fault. This family has been fucking around with your life for too long.”

“But if I didn’t come back, if I didn’t use you…” I stop my words before I speak them out loud.

“Don’t, darlin’. I’m gonna make it better. Gonna fucking fix this. Fix everything.”

“So more people can be hurt? No, Beau. Maybe I should just come clean. He already knows something is up.” I work my bottom lip between my teeth, weighing up my options. These people don’t deserve this, to be dragged into what I have started. Not when they have done so much for me.

“No, this ends. You’ve come too far for this asshole to fuck with you. He knows nothing, darlin’. He’s bluffing.” Beau stands and brings me up with him. Just then Holly and Kadence rush in, holding X, and Low, followed by Z, Sy, Jesse, and Hunter.

“What are you going to do, Beau?” I hold on to his cut, keeping him in front of me. I can’t focus on filling anyone in on what happened right now. I need Beau to see reason.

“What I should have done before this got out of hand.” He presses his lips to mine, and then pulls back.

“Please, Beau. Don’t leave,” I beg, but we both know there’s no point. I can see the determination in his eyes. He’s done. “Beau, talk to me.”

“What’s going on?” Kadence comes into my line of sight.

“Is she okay?” Holly asks from the other side of me.

“Kadence, you need to sit with Kenzie. Nix you with me?” Beau ignores my pleas and shares one of his looks with Nix. One that’s code for I need back up. Nix nods then pulls Kadence in a quick hug, kisses Low, then tells Z to look after his girls.

“Beau, don’t do this.”

“Trust me, Kenzie. I’ve got you,” is all he says before releasing my hand and walking back out the doors of the emergency room.

I know he wants me to trust him, but my head is screaming at me to follow him and stop him from making any rash decisions.

“Kenzie, let him go.” Kadence takes my hand, stopping any chance of me running after him. I twist back and hold her eyes, silently pleading with her to let me go.

“Girl, I know that look. We’ve all had that look,” she states looking at Holly, who nods in agreement.

“Kadence. Please, don’t stop me. I need—” I start to pull out of her grasp, needing to chase after Beau to make him stop.

“No. You need to sit down and tell us everything.” She moves me back to the waiting chair. I watch as she hands Z some dollar bills for the vending machine and then points her don’t-leave-anything-out stare at me as soon as he is out of hearing distance.

“You have ten minutes before he’ll want something else, so start.” My eyes land on Jesse, Sy, and Hunter as they follow Beau and Nix out.

“What about Brooks?” I point over to Bell and Brooks. Brooks is still pacing, but Bell is trying to calm him enough to speak to a fellow nurse.

“Bell knows everyone here. If she can get any information, she will,” Kadence assures me. “Who did this, Kenzie?” I sit back, no longer sure I can fight it anymore. These people are my friends, even if I don’t deserve the title anymore. They have to know why Kelly is here.

Knowing there is nothing left to say, I start from the beginning, not leaving one thing out. I am done lying to my friends. They have to know. If Beau is about to do something we can’t come back from, it’s the least I can do.

Even if it means losing them all.



“What’s the plan?” Nix falls into step with me as we make our way out of the hospital.

“We’re going after Mayor Morre.” I reach my bike and place my helmet on. “Call in T. We’re gonna need him in on this.”

“For fuck’s sake, Beau. The Warriors? We can’t handle this on our own?” He resists like I expected he would, but I know he’ll come around. Jesse, Hunter and Sy come up behind us.

“No, I want everything we can get on him. I don’t give a fuck who we call in on it.”

“Do you hear yourself right now, Beau? Just take a breath, think this through.” Jesse starts his reasoning with me, but it’s the last thing I want to do right now.

“This asshole has hurt one of ours. He has nothing on Kenz, and I’m done spending my time on this fucker. He wants to fuck with us, so we hit him back hard. Find something on him so we can end this shit.” Nix holds my stare for a minute before nodding.

“You know for sure it’s a hunch? He’s got nothing?” he questions, reminding me I still haven’t filled them in on what happened when I met with Fred in Ohio. I barely made it back to the clubhouse when the call came through to meet Mackenzie and Kelly at the hospital.

“Yeah, Ohio turned up clean. This Fred fucker was special ops. Crazy, I tell you. He and some buddies sorted everything out. You think I’m messed up? Fuck, this guy is a piece of work. Good guy, but fuck me, I wouldn’t get on his bad side.”

“Jesus.” Nix shakes his head, giving the same reaction I had. At first I was apprehensive. I mean, who the fuck just covers up a murder for one of his employees? But after finding out his past, where he came from, what his own upbringing was like, I soon understood him.

Fucker hates abusive men just as much as I do.

“Yeah, Kenzie was right. He’s got her back. Even left there with a new connection. So we’re sorted on that front.” All the guys relax a little, but I know they’ll want all the details when this is over.

“I’ll fill you in on the rest later. Now we need to find out what we can on Morre.” I kick up the stand on my bike and start the engine.

“Jesse, get back to the shelter, check the cameras. Let’s see if we can get this fucker on tape.” Jesse moves right away.

“Sy, you’re with me. Hunter ride with Beau.” Nix takes over ordering the guys and moves toward his own bike, ready to do what needs to be done.

“Later.” I give them one last nod before taking off in the opposite direction. Nix and Sy to the Warriors Prez, and me and Hunter to Tiny.

I don’t know what we will find out, if we can find anything out, but I’m not returning until we have Morre where we want him. Even if we have to make our own shit up.

The fucker is going down today.

We pull up out the back of Pink House three hours later, an illegal whorehouse just outside of town in Redwick.

“You sure you want to do this, Beau?” Nix asks one more time, climbing off his bike and coming to stand next to me.

“Yes,” I answer, done with the questions. We are doing this and fucking doing it tonight.

“So how are we playing this? We just gonna walk in there and fuck him up?” Jesse asks, coming to stand with Nix and me. Hunter pulls up in the van, followed by Sy on his bike.

When I left Nix in the hospital parking lot, I paid Tiny a visit. After filling him in on everything, he pulled his connections to see what we could find. It was unreliable to start with, but after a few calls, things become clear. Not only does Mayor Morre have connections inside of the law, the fucker also had more than his toe dipped into far worse shit.

Shit that could be traced back to the men who took Paige.

“We go in, rough the fucker up, then take him with us,” I tell them the plan again. We were back at the shelter checking over the CCTV tapes hoping to get a face on who got to Kelly when we received a tip-off from one of Tiny’s men. The tip put Mayor Morre here, getting his weekly fill with a whore named Angel.

“Are we going Red on this?” Sy asks, using our code name for taking it to the next level. When Red, Nix’s dad, ran the Rebels, jobs like these would be frequent. Something we all hated and were glad when we eventually stopped.

“We’re not fucking going Red on this.” Nix turns and points his stare at everyone, reminding them we’re not crossing any lines here.

Too late.

“If it were Kadence, would you be saying the same thing?” He doesn’t answer right away, but I watch his lips tighten. He knows we have to do this. It’s our only option. We couldn’t get a good look at the fucker on the camera, and if we have any hope of finding out who he is, it’s from Morre.

Knowing I won’t receive a straight answer from Nix, I start walking to the back door. “Are we gonna stand around playing with our dicks or we getting this shit done?” Before I reach the door and knock, it swings open, and out steps one of Tiny’s men.

“You have ten minutes. Cameras are off. But they go back on regardless if you’re out or not,” he warns looking us over.

I’m not sure who runs this place, but whatever markers they had with Tiny, he just called them in.

“What room?” I ask, not giving a fuck about the cameras. We’ll be in and out.

“One level up, three doors down on the right.” He steps back and lets us pass.

“You sure he’s there?” Hunter questions as we take the steps two at a time.

“Yeah, apparently it’s a regular booking.” Mayor Morre likes to stick his dick in barely legal pussy.

“Witnesses?” Jesse asks, wondering if interrupting them will come back to bite us.

“Tiny’s set this up. He’s not gonna fuck us over on this one.” Jesse eyes me, still not looking convinced, which only serves to piss me off. “You want out, leave now.” I give him a chance to go.

Jesse wasn’t around when Red ran the Rebels. Not to say he hasn’t crossed any lines since joining, but this shit could get messy.

“I’m not going anywhere. Just covering our asses. Don’t want this coming back on you or anyone.” He lays it out and I can respect his hesitation, but even if it does come back on me, I don’t give a fuck. If the Mayor is involved with the men who are running a trafficking ring around here, then he deserves everything coming to him.

“By the time this is over, I doubt there will be anything to come back at us with,” I tell them, not giving a fuck how out of control it makes me sound.

“Beau,” Nix cautions when we stop at the third door on the right. The pink paint is cracked and peeling, exposing the black underneath. But I give it no more than five seconds of my attention before turning to Nix.

“I got this,” I tell him, not needing him second-guessing me. With a quick nod, he kicks in the door, and we all move in.

“The hell is this?” Morre shoots up off the bed, pushing the blonde bitch riding him off his cock, and onto the floor with a loud thud.

“Well, well, well. Look what we have here, boys. Mayor Morre? Fancy running into you here.” Nix trains his gun on the piece of shit who’s been fucking with us, while I step closer to him. Jesse stands at the door, keeping watch. Hunter’s at the end of the bed, his own gun trained while Sy moves toward the whore.

“What the fuck do you want?” He makes no attempt to cover himself up, so I point my gun down at his discarded pants on the floor.

“Cover your shit up,” I order, and then watch him casually reach for them.

The whore stands from the floor with the help of Sy and reaches for her dress.

“Do you mind telling me what this is about?” Morre asks when he’s covered his shriveled dick.

“We’re going for a drive. We’re gonna have some words,” I tell him, pointing to his shirt.

“I can assure you, whatever you need to discuss doesn’t interest me.” He ignores his shirt and puffs his chest out. Somehow his pants have given him some newfound confidence.

“No? I think the video you just made could be of some interest to you.” I nod to Angel, and she moves to the freestanding closet, opens it up, and pulls out a video camera.

Thank fuck Tiny could set this shit up.

“You think your threats interest me?” He reaches for his phone, but I’m faster, snatching it from his hands. I drop it to the floor and stomp my boot into it, smashing it to pieces.

“You think this is a threat?” I step in closer and press my gun into his pasty chest. “You have no fucking idea. Put your shirt on. You’re coming with us.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.” I point my gun at his thigh and pop a round into his flesh.

“Fuck.” He falls to the bed, clutching his leg.

“Last warning. You’ll have another hole if you fight this.” He looks up, fear, panic, and anger flash all over his face, before resignation.

“Fuck you!” The cocksucker isn’t bright. I train my gun on his right leg, and let the pop ring out before his screams take over once again.

“That’s two rounds in less than a minute. We need to wrap this up,” Nix reminds me over the screams of the Mayor. I don’t want to rush this, but he’s right. We need to get him out.

“Not gonna tell you again, Morre.”

“You’re gonna have to kill me,” he spits, deciding the next move for me.

“You’re not gonna walk. We’ll carry you.” I bring the butt of my gun down on the side of his head and knock him out cold.

“Get the van ready, Jesse. Hunter, Sy, help me with him.” They both move at my command, Sy taking his legs, Hunter on his arms. “Nix, make sure we have a clear path.” Nix nods, leaving us alone.

“You okay?” I ask the girl.

“Yep, you go. I’ll sort it.” She hands me the tape. I slide it into my back pocket as she moves to her bag and pulls out her cell. I don’t give her a second thought. I pick up his shirt and then help Hunter with his other hand and start to drag him out of the ratty hotel.

“Fucker better hold up enough for me to have my shot at him,” Sy grumbles under his breath.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take it slow on him. You’ll have your shot,” I assure him as we carry him down the stairs and into the back of the van.

“Straight to the barn.” I turn to Hunter.

“Got it,” he says, moving to the driver’s side.

“Jesse, you stay here and make sure that everything gets cleaned up,” Nix orders, and I’m grateful for it. If this turns Red, I’m not sure he’s gonna be able to handle it. The last thing we need is him going green on us.

“Yep, boss.” He moves back to the steps, following his orders.

“Let’s roll.” I pick up my pace as I head back to my bike and watch Hunter speed out of the parking lot.

“You sure you want to do this, Beau? There’s no going back from this.”

“I’ve done worse for less to better men,” is my only response.

“And you’ve come back from that. You sure you wanna head back there?”

“The only thing driving me forward now is knowing this will be the end, Nix,” I tell him what he wants to hear. He mounts his bike, not saying anything else.

This is happening.

Maybe later my decision will play with me, maybe it won’t. But I won’t waste another second thinking about it right now though.

I have to do this. For Mackenzie. For Kelly. For this to end.

I already let down one woman in my life. I’m not making the same mistake again.

“I’m not telling you anything.” Morre slurs his words, still fighting his restraints as I land another blow to his face.

We’ve been going at it for an hour, and I’m not sure how much longer I can keep up. I just want the fucker dead, but know I can’t take it anywhere close to there. Not until we have the information we need.

“You fucking will, even if it’s the last words you say.” I punch him again, splitting the bridge of his nose. I don’t even care how fucked-up he looks, or how clean Nix wanted this. There’s someone out there who is responsible for Kelly being in the hospital and I want a fucking name before we finish this fucker off.

“You and that bitch won’t get away with this.” Before I realize what I’m doing, my fist is connecting with his mouth. He twists his head and spits blood out onto the dirty barn floor.

“Call her a bitch again, and I’ll put another bullet in you.” I shake my fists out. I’m getting over his bullshit. He has no proof on Chad, but it’s in his head, and he’s not letting it go.

“Nix, Warriors just pulled up.” Hunter’s voice travels across the barn.

“What the fuck are they doing here?” Nix pushes off the bench and makes his way outside.

“Listen, fucker, you’re dead either way I see it. Give me the name and I’ll make sure we go easy.” I have no desire to follow my promise through, but he doesn’t need to know.

“You have no idea who you’re messing with.” He dodges my question and continues with his shit.

“No, I know you’ve been dealing with Axle David.” His eyes find mine at the name. “You don’t think we know about your connections, Mayor?”

“I can explain.” I almost laugh. I doubt there is any possible way for him to explain this clusterfuck.

Axle David is known as the leader of a human trafficking organization in Arizona. One of the largest ones, on this side of the country. Connections to the Mayor tell me Axle’s organization runs a lot deeper than anyone knows.

“I don’t think you’re gonna be able to find a way out of this one, Mayor.” I smirk, knowing we have him right where we want him.

“Beau, we have a problem.” I turn back and watch Nix walk back in with T and three of his guys.

“He’s ours, T. Fuck off,” I tell him right out. How the fuck did he know we were here? Someone obviously talked back at Pink House.

“Give him up, Beau. Trust me, you don’t want this marker on your head. You kill him, you’re only bringing more shit to your doorstep.”

“And you expect me to believe you give a fuck?” I fire back. I don’t know what T’s intentions are here, but I’m not willing to give him up, so the Warriors can settle whatever it is they want with him.

“We have a relationship with them. We also have our own agenda.” He offers nothing for me to go off.

“And you want us to trust your agenda is going to sit well with us.”

“You owe us.”

“Last time I heard, you owe us, T. I’m not giving him up.”

“You will if you want your woman to walk away with murder.” My mind blanks for a second, before clearing and realizing what he just said.

“The fuck you say?” I take two steps toward him. Nix moves to my right, Sy to my left. I know I’m fucking losing. I’m walking a steep precipice here. But fuck, I can’t seem to give a fuck.

“Rumors.” He raises both hands in surrender.

“Yeah, rumors, this fucker’s been spewing to anyone and everyone.” I point back to the piece of shit tied to one of the support beams.

“Let us take care of this, Nix. There are larger things at play here.” T ignores my anger and turns to the one person who can put a stop to it.

“Larger things you’re not gonna share with us,” I surmise, knowing before he even answers.

“This goes way up, Beau. Don’t fucking get yourself twisted in it.”

I don’t say anything for a while. The Mayor’s labored breathing is the only sound in the barn.

“He’s right, Beau. The less our hands are dirty, the better.”

I don’t want to agree with Nix so I argue back. “So when he comes back and fucks with us some more?” Men like Morre don’t give a shit about threats. He survives this, there will be hell to deal with.

“He’s not surviving anything. Trust me, Beau. This shit is bigger than all of us. It’s going to be dealt with,” T offers and it only appeases me a small amount.

“You clean this shit up like he wasn’t even here.” Nix makes the decision for me, before I can even question anymore.


“Don’t push it, Beau. We have an out and we’re taking it. Let it play out in someone else’s territory.” I know he wants to keep us clean, but my anger is holding me here.

“You want me to trust they have our interests?”

“I want you to trust this is what’s best for the club. For our family.”

As much as I’d love to put a bullet through the fucker’s head, Nix is right. We’re better off letting this play out on someone else’s territory. For the sake of the club.

“Fuck,” I concede, not happy about it.

“You’re making the right decision here.” T reaches forward and taps my shoulder.

“Get the fuck off me, T.” I brush it off, and move back to Morre. “Looks like it’s your lucky day. Or maybe your not so lucky day.” I bend my knees and crouch down to his level.

“Please, don’t let them take me, I’ll give you whatever you want.” The Mayor’s eye grow wide realizing I’m going to hand him over. Now the fucker starts to plead.

“You give me the name, I’ll see what I can do.” I’m not short of lying to the fucker to get what I want.

“Brent Harrison. He’s a street thug.” It’s the first truthful thing he’s told us since we’ve been here.

“Where can I find this fucker?”

“He hangs down by the dock in Redwick.”

Knowing this is all I’m going to get from him, I give him one final gift. “I was going to enjoy what I had planned for you next.” He licks his lips, his nervous tell showing. “I wondered if you’d piss your pants as much as your son did when I had him tied,” I lie through my teeth. If this shit with T and the Warriors falls through, I want Chad’s death on me, not Mackenzie.

“You?” His brows shoot up for a second, before lowering into a scowl.

“Yeah,” is all I say before delivering my final punch, and knocking him out.

“You clean this shit up, no trace this fucker was here,” Nix orders T.

“Nothing will touch you. You walk out that door, we don’t talk about it again. He turns up in a few weeks, you don’t bat a lid.”

I don’t know if I believe T or whoever wanted Morre, only time will tell. But I am going to trust my Prez and his decision. Kenzie and the club are safe and we have a name.

Brent Harrison

That’s all that matters to me right now.

We will sort out the fucker who laid his hands on Kelly.

For Brooks.

For the club.

For Kelly.

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