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Perfection Is Just An Illusion
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 16:00

Текст книги "Perfection Is Just An Illusion"

Автор книги: Rebecca Barber

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Текущая страница: 1 (всего у книги 17 страниц)

Perfection is

Just an Illusion

Rebecca Barber

Perfection is Just an Illusion


Copyright © 2015 by Rebecca Barber.

All rights reserved.

First Print Edition: October 2015

Limitless Publishing, LLC

Kailua, HI 96734


Formatting: Limitless Publishing

ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-300-7

ISBN-10: 1-68058-300-X

No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


For the boy who gave me hope.

Who grew into the man who saved my life.

You’ll never know it, but thank you.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 1


They sat across from each other. He was beautiful. He was amazing. His tight black shirt accentuated every contour of his body. Every muscle was tight and defined. His mahogany coloured cargo pants and brown shoes only emphasised his immaculate taste. He had almost overwhelming deep brown eyes outlined by long, thick, black lashes. His messy blond hair fell across his face. He was the perfect combination of sensuality and masculinity.

“More wine?” he asked politely in his deep husky voice, which had held her captive the entire evening.

She nodded with a smile and raised her glass. His huge hands lifted the bottle of Chardonnay and filled her glass carefully before refilling his own. At that exact moment she looked at him and saw clearly how much of the perfect gentleman he really was. She saw what a truly beautiful person he was, both inside and out.

Between them the table lay perfectly set. The red and white linen tablecloth was lined with a row of roses and candles along the window. The sterling silver cutlery had been polished to an almost unbelievable shine. The booth they were sitting in looked out over the river. The huge old willow trees lined the banks, their leaves bending down touching the water. Coloured lights reflected off the water as the moon glistened overhead.

She wore her heavy black overcoat, even at the table after quietly declaring she was cold. All you could see of her outfit was her thick black leggings that ran up her legs under her coat and her four inch high heel black shoes. Her hair was allowed to flow freely, framing her face. It was a mass of long brown spirals that ran halfway down her back. Her deep ocean blue eyes were fixed on his. He had her completely mesmerised. She had been completely bewitched by him.

They had arrived and with the help of a very chatty and witty young hostess, had by-passed the line and been whisked away into a very private and romantic booth in the top corner of the crowded restaurant.

Now they sat chatting about anything and everything. They seemed so content just to be in each other’s company. Only the waitress taking their order interrupted them. It was not a Michelin star restaurant by any means, but it was comfortable and understated. And for them, it was perfect. After placing their order and after he had signed an autograph for the starry-eyed waitress she disappeared back into the kitchen.

“Is that your phone?” he asked as the ringing disturbed their conversation.

Shrugging apologetically, Anna pulled it from her hand bag and clicked mute. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

“Don’t be. You can answer it if you want.” He smiled genuinely.

“You sure?”

He flashed his panty-dropping smile and nodded softly.

Sighing reluctantly, she picked up her phone. “Hello?” she answered politely, flashing him a sympathetic smile.

“Hey Anna! It’s Bronwyn.”

“Oh.” Instantly Anna became intrigued as to why after all this time she was ringing. She tried to remain friendly, but it wasn’t easy. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Well, I heard you’re back in town and we’re all at the club having a drink. Why don’t you join us?” Bronwyn recited stiffly. It sounded as though she was reading directly from a prepared statement.

Instantly Anna became wary. These were the people who had treated her like she was nothing the last time they had seen her. They always treated her as though she was expendable. They made Anna feel like she was worthless and could easily be replaced or made redundant. It was a feeling and a memory Anna had put behind her long ago. Until now. Now they were inviting her back into their lives. But for how long? How long would it be before they discarded her like yesterday’s newspaper? But Anna knew now things had changed. She had changed. Once they saw her they would never do or say anything to jeopardise her friendship again. She had something too important in her life now. Something they could benefit from. And he was sitting right across from her.

“Hang on a second,” Anna covered her phone and quickly explained. All her high school friends were downstairs having a drink and they had just invited her to join them.

Quickly James flashed her a seductive smile and whispered mischievously, “Tell them you’ll be there. I will be a surprise!”

Anna turned her attention back to the phone. “Sure, yeah. We’ll be there in about half an hour. I have got to run though, so I’ll see you soon.” Anna smiled sadly at James, who had become intrigued by the people who knew his fiancée as a teenager.

“Okay. See you soon,” Bronwyn hung up.

Anna had lost her appetite and began to push her food around on her plate. Suddenly eating was the last thing on her mind.

“What’s wrong?” James’s voice was full of genuine concern. Anna knew when James sounded concerned, he really was.

“What was I thinking? I can’t let them see me looking like this! And then I show up with you! When I was in high school with these people, I was just the fat girl who spent all of her time trying to fit in, but I couldn’t,” Anna spluttered as agitation consumed her. Her mood changed dramatically. Before the phone call she had been carefree and content just to be in James’s company but now she was looking back on the past and remembering who and what she had once been. It was like the light in her eyes had been extinguished with a single phone call.

“They’re going to be absolutely amazed by you, Anna. You’re intelligent and beautiful and you have so much more confidence in yourself now than you did when I first met you. Don’t worry about them. They aren’t in your life now, I am. What they say and think doesn’t matter. Only what I say and think does. And I say screw them. You’re not in high school any more. You’re all grown up and you’re happy and it shows. Anna, you have a warmth and radiance that projects off you onto everyone around you. They’ll see that. And you know what? Even if they don’t, it’s their loss. And just think, if they say something mean, I promise I’ll sort them out for you.” James laughed, lacing his fingers through Anna’s.

He really was remarkable. The warmth from his fingers and his beautiful words made her feel better and somehow even put the smile back on her face. They finished their meal, collected their things, and headed downstairs. She was nervous not only by what they would think about her, but what was even more terrifying was the thought of what they would say about James. None of them knew. Actually no one in the country knew with the exception of their parents that they’d even been dating. And now they were engaged. In a normal relationship it wouldn’t matter. They would be shouting their joy from the rooftops, but James and Anna’s relationship was anything but normal.

Anna stepped carefully down the stairs and saw them. There they were. All of them. Sitting around the table covered in empty glasses, chatting quietly. James was right behind her, with his strong hand resting gently on her hip. Anna felt a cold shiver run straight down her spine.

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” Anna suggested nervously, as she tried to turn and head back up the stairs.

“It is. Now, I’ll go and get us a drink and you can go say hello. Then I will be there, right next to you. I promise. You can do this.” With a quick kiss on the top of her head he left her side.

“But…but—” It was too late. James had already disappeared into the crowded room.

Slowly she made her way across to where they were all sitting. Everyone was there; Bronwyn, Daniel, Grant, Matt, Johnny, Holly, Rick, Stephanie. Grant saw her coming. He stood up and grabbed another chair before embracing her in a tight hug hello. Then after hugs and kisses from everyone, Anna pulled over another chair and sat down nervously.

“Do you want a drink, Anna? My shout,” Grant bubbled enthusiastically.

“No thanks, I’m okay. Actually, James is just getting me one.” Anna balanced nervously on the edge of her seat. Forcing her hands under her thighs, she was fighting her every impulse to cut and run.

“Who’s James?” Bronwyn pounced quickly, never one to miss the opportunity to uncover gossip. Throughout high school, Bronwyn had been the gossip queen. She had to know everyone’s business, maybe to ensure she remained popular. She knew everything about everyone, and she had the ability to either make or break them.

“When he comes over please don’t say anything stupid or act funny around him. Please. I’m begging you. He’s just a normal guy like you and me,” Anna pleaded, wide eyed.

At the mention of the ‘normal guy,’ Anna couldn’t help but notice the wide, suspicious eyes staring back at her. It was obvious her comments had had the exact opposite effect than the one she’d been after. Instead of acting natural and normal, now Anna was worried what would fall out of their mouths. And what confused her more was why. After all, they’d all known each other for years, but now, all of a sudden, Anna didn’t trust them. Not as far as she could throw them.

But in the same moment the thought crossed her mind, James edged his way around the bar towards them. Daniel was first to see and recognise him. Anna watched on, horrified, as his mouth fell open, his eyes firmly fixed on James’s approaching figure. And slowly but surely, one by one, everyone else’s gaze followed.

Anna hated her home town in that moment. And she knew James would have as well. This was why they never went anywhere or did anything. The whole bar was watching him. Every move he made was scrutinized, and as he passed by tables, Anna was disgusted to notice conversations fell short. People stopped pushing buttons on the poker machines, and even the bar attendants froze mid-pour as the entire club fell silent. But to James’s credit and Anna’s delight, he continued to walk purposefully across the room, his head held high, and took his seat next to Anna, offering her a glass of mineral water and a reassuring smile as she made introductions.

Anna had never felt so many pairs of eyes on them at once. She felt them boring into her soul. So she did something she never would have done if she had been thinking straight. It was Anna’s greatest weakness; she was rash and impulsive. And when provoked, she tended to react first and think later. So she kissed James. In the middle of the crowded room, with hundreds of eyes fixated on them, she kissed him. It worked, luckily. Shocked people returned to what they were doing, leaving Anna’s cheeks burning. She could hear their names being whispered amongst patrons, but at least the staring and deafening silence was over. She heard rumours beginning to take shape, about how she—a nobody—had just kissed the superstar swimmer.

The silence had enveloped the group, and surely everyone had noticed. But it seemed to take forever for someone to break it. Anna had never been so grateful to Grant for starting a random conversation. The topic didn’t matter. Anything to take some of the focus off Anna was all right by her. Being the centre of attention was something Anna wasn’t used to. Sure, James had to deal with it every day, but Anna had never adjusted. Soon, she wouldn’t have a choice.

Surrounded by old friends, Anna was surprised to see people she once knew silenced. Usually they spoke their minds and were brutally honest, but today they were far too quiet for Anna’s liking. She knew them, and they her. And in that moment, while they continued to make idle chit chat with the swimmer the world recognised, Anna knew they had a million questions they were dying to ask. And she was already dreading the moment she’d have to face them. She was never comfortable with answering personal questions and highly doubted she ever would be.

Desperate for a break, Anna began scouring the room for a release. Someone, anyone she could talk to just to have a break from the intense scrutiny. A few tables over, a group of people seemed to be staring at her. It took Anna few moments before she could place them. It was a group of teachers from her high school sitting there having a drink and watching the drama unfold; a show Anna was now starring in.

James tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention and bring her back out of her own head. “Where’s the bathroom?” he asked.

Anna knew as soon as he was far enough away she would be bombarded with questions. Reluctantly Anna pointed him in the right direction.

“Be right back,” James said, kissing the top of her head as he rose and moved away.

Three, two, one, showtime, Anna thought reluctantly. Three of her old teachers were headed in her direction. Please hurry back, James, Anna prayed silently.

But before the questions had a chance to begin the room fell silent once again as a news update came over the television. Somewhere in the bar, someone held the remote and decided now seemed like a good time to turn the volume up. It was then that Anna heard a very familiar voice–James. They were showing his press conference from earlier this afternoon. Of course they had to show it the moment James stepped away from her side.

“Coming up tonight in the late news,” the old decrepit broadcaster began. “Olympic swimming champion and world record holder James Thompson has today announced his engagement. Although he was reluctant to give away his bride-to-be’s name, he assures us wedding preparations are well underway.” Even though the newsbreak hadn’t yet finished, all eyes turned in a choreographed move from the television screen to Anna.

“It’s you,” Grant stated in no more than a whisper yet the whole bar seemed to have heard it. Anna’s heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest and break through her rib cage. Where the hell was James right now? All Anna could do was to put her head on the table and hope the floor would open up and swallow her.

Then James appeared. The whole bar started applauding and whistling wildly. The look on James’s face was priceless. But when his eyes landed on Anna, his faced paled instantly. Striding deliberately towards the table, James flopped into the chair beside Anna and tried to discover what he’d missed.

“Well, the moment you left they showed today’s press conference and announced to the world you were engaged. That’s all.” Anna sighed heavily, raising her eyes to meet James’s sympathetic gaze.

In the few minutes he had left her alone, Anna’s life as she knew it had become totally unrecognisable. At the end of the room James’s gaze landed on a karaoke machine. Standing up, he strode purposefully towards it. The operator, who had seen everything, watched him approach.

“Mate,” James began, “mind if I say something?”

He didn’t say a word; instead he just handed James a microphone, twisted a few knobs and watched as his control panel lit up.

“Hi everybody!” James announced sounding remarkably cheery.

Anna’s stomach clenched and her eyes never left James. She couldn’t have pulled her eyes away even if she wanted to. Grant, who was still sitting next to her, slipped his arm around her.

“Well, um…Hi. My name’s James Thompson and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to someone who has become the most important thing in my life. My fiancée, Anna.” Anna was stunned. She tried to swallow, but her throat felt like sandpaper. They’d agreed Anna would never be publicly named in attempts to try and save what little privacy remained. Yet here he was standing in a crowded bar in her hometown calmly declaring their engagement. “Anna, can you come up here please?” he asked, his eyes never wavering from hers. With some encouragement and prodding from Grant, Anna stood. On shaky legs, Anna shuffled over to where he was standing, not trusting her feet to move any faster. James extended his hand to help her as she stepped carefully up onto the stage. Now she stood, deathly pale beside him, James wrapped his long, warm arm around her waist and Anna was sure it was the only thing keeping her standing upright. A painful silence hung heavily in the air. If someone didn’t break it soon Anna was sure it would kill him or her. Or there was the distinct possibility she’d throw up.

Daniel, who had watched all the commotion in silence, slowly stood up. He was the only sign of movement in the room. He rose his glass high above his head and said, “Congrats Anna and James. Cheers.” Daniel offered Anna a conspiratorial wink before taking a long swig of his beer. Slowly everyone followed, all standing, clapping, and calling out their congratulations.

James smiled. Anna was still frozen at his side but when James bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips, the tension from Anna’s body evaporated and Anna seemed to come back to life. “Dance with me?” James asked before he led her onto the dance floor.

In that moment it was like no one else in the room even existed. They were floating on a cloud, wrapped in their own private bubble. The music played and they danced. Before they knew it the dance floor was full of people moving to the music, acting as if they had no cares in the world. They could have been in heaven. How could it ever get better than this? It was what she’d always pictured.

“Told you,” James said, stroking Anna’s hair. Her head was buried on his shoulder. In those strong, protective arms Anna knew she was safe. While she was wrapped in those arms no one could touch her.

“Mind if I cut in?” The alarm was evident as Anna’s head shot up and looked around to see who dared to interrupt them. It was only Grant.

“Sure, mate. Just watch your hands,” James teased, letting go and moving away from her.

Grant’s arms slid around Anna’s waist with a strange familiarity. It was odd and Anna knew the moment his hands touched her skin she’d regret this. “You really did it, didn’t you?” Grant muttered quietly so only Anna could hear his accusation.

“I’m sorry. What did you say?” And with that, Anna’s dream was shattered. No longer wrapped in the protective cocoon of James’s strong embrace, Anna felt as though she was about to face the firing squad.

“I said, you did it.”

“I did what?” Anna snarled. Agitated, her eyes were now scouring the room desperate for James to swoop in and rescue her.

“Don’t get defensive, Anna. I just mean you really did it. This is the happiest I’ve ever seen you. And honestly, if James is responsible. Well…all I can say is congratulations. You really do deserve to be happy.” Grant smiled sweetly.

“Thanks, Grant.” Anna dropped the cynicism and snuggled against him. The Grant in her arms was not the one she remembered. Maybe Grant had changed as much as she had. Maybe growing up agreed with him. Anna felt relieved as she realised maybe someone would actually understand.

“Sleeping with him?” he asked callously. It was like a slap in the face. Barely moments ago Anna was giving him credit for being an actual human being, but with that comment Anna knew he was still the same manipulative, sex-obsessed asshole he’d always been. Pushing him away, she stormed off towards James. Back towards home.

Still seated at the table were Bronwyn, Stephanie, and Holly. Anna could only assume they were still gossiping about what had just happened. Anna felt the anger and disappointment building inside of her. Why couldn’t they just be happy for her? Through high school they’d been the popular ones, the ones with the latest outfits, the perfect hair, and the perfect boyfriends. Anna just felt as though now it was her turn. She had always been happy for them even if privately she was also more than a little envious, so she couldn’t quite comprehend why they couldn’t return the gesture. Surely it was her chance to have it all. She had the perfect fiancé and for the first time since she could remember Anna felt truly happy. And if she ever found the courage to take off her overcoat they would see she now had the perfect wardrobe as well. She was finally exactly who she wanted to be. And sadly, the people who she wanted to accept her and be happy for her were just sitting there bitching about her. Anna was filled with disappointment.

Moments later, Grant walked calmly back to the table as though nothing had happened. Then, almost as if he was rubbing salt in the wound, he suggested they move the party on and get James and Anna out of the spotlight. They’d been gawked at enough for one night and perhaps it was time they should head to the nightclub up the road. Without hesitation they agreed. But the girls couldn’t let it go. Or they wouldn’t. It was obvious they were still suspicious. Anna wasn’t sure how she was going to convince them this was a legitimate engagement or even if she could be bothered trying to convince them. How did she make someone believe her? Make them believe she wasn’t just after his money? Or that he wasn’t using her as a fake fiancée to protect himself from overzealous fans?

Anna and James quickly agreed getting out have there was indeed a great idea. “Well…the car is out the front so we’ll meet you there,” James explained. Anna knew him well enough to see past the mask. He didn’t care about the car. She knew he wanted a moment or two, just the two of them without eyes analysing their every move. Five minutes wouldn’t be enough but at least that would give James a chance to check on her and make sure she was still holding herself together. The smile plastered across Anna’s face didn’t fool James. He knew her too well. He knew the smile wasn’t real—it didn’t reach her eyes.

Anna was determined to make one last ditch attempt to reunite with old friends, no matter the cost. “Why don’t you drive the guys up and I’ll walk with the girls? We’ll meet you out the front. I’m sure they would love to take a spin in your new toy anyway.”

“You sure?” James asked nervously.

“I’ll be fine,” Anna convinced herself before giving him a sly wink.

Splitting up, they headed for the exit. No one spoke until they burst out onto the street. Just as Bronwyn opened her mouth and was about to start interrogating Anna, Marcy appeared. By the looks of her she’d just knocked off work for the night and was looking to party.

“Anna! I didn’t know you were back. How are you? What’s new?” Marcy exclaimed, throwing her arms around Anna’s shoulders with a touch too much enthusiasm.

“Yeah, Anna, what’s new?” Stephanie asked sarcastically. They were all blatantly staring at her, barely containing their giggles. What was she supposed to do? Lie?

“What did I miss?” Marcy asked, looking mystified.

As the girls pushed off they started clacking down the street, their impossibly high heels clicking on the pavement.

“Guys! Come on! Tell me! What’s going on?” Marcy pouted as she spotted the furtive glances and nervous laughs surrounding her.

“It seems…” Holly began to tell the tale. “Well…it seems Anna here went and got herself engaged.” Anna forced a smile.

“Congratulations! Oh my god…Anna, that’s great. Isn’t it?” Marcy asked, looking slightly lost. “Why aren’t we all jumping up and down and celebrating? Aren’t we happy about this?”

“Yeah, I am. It’s great.” Anna finally felt relieved. Someone was reacting the way friends were supposed to, the way she’d hoped they all would.



They circled the car like a lion circled its prey. They were beyond impressed and over-awed. It was obvious they were envious of James’s pride and joy. His V8 ice silver Audi Spyder put a smile on everyone’s face and a jealous sparkle in their eyes. Everyone was practically drooling. It was a dream car but James was the lucky one with the keys in his pocket.

“Dude! This is a hot car!” Matt exclaimed.

“How fast?” Rick questioned.

With a beep James unlocked the car, and without waiting for an invitation, Grant slipped silently into the driver’s seat. The black leather interior gleamed under the street lights and James couldn’t restrain the wide grin that consumed his face as he watched the guys surround him and salivate over his toy.

“It goes okay. Zero to one hundred in four point two seconds.” James smirked nonchalantly.

“Fuck yeah!” Grant bellowed, climbing out of the car. But not everyone was as impressed by James’s choice of transportation. It seemed Johnny too had questions, but they had nothing to do with the Audi.

“So, what’s the go? Why propose to Anna?” Johnny asked, leaning casually against the car. It would have seemed like a typical male question between friends but these guys weren’t friends. These were people James had just met and right now he wasn’t sure he liked any of them.

“Why does anyone get married? I love Anna. That’s all. She’s the one I want to spend my life with.” James was being extremely diplomatic, which he had plenty of practice at. Over the years James had gotten used to the fact he had to watch what he said. He had been told a million times it was just one of the drawbacks of ‘being known.’

“But Anna? Seriously? I’ve seen pictures of you hanging out with actresses and models, yet you’re marrying Anna?” Johnny asked, genuinely bewildered. “Let’s face it, she isn’t exactly hot and she is…well, you know…a bit on the chunky side. Maybe it’s me, man, but…you have really nice taste in cars but you need help.” Johnny didn’t even attempt to hide his distaste.

James bit his lip and swallowed his argument. James smiled as he thought wait until you see what is under that coat. Sliding into the driver’s seat and revving the engine seemed to bring the discussion about Anna to a halt. Rick jumped in and flipped the others off as James and Rick tore through the car park, leaving the others to make the trek on foot.

Moments later they pulled into the parking lot. James killed the ignition before he and Rick headed towards the door. The girls had managed to beat them and were waiting out the front for them. Anna stood surrounded by women as if she were the last cake at a bakery. She was fielding questions from Marcy, who appeared as though she actually approved. Without thought or hesitation, James sauntered over to where they were and took his position beside her.

“Marcy, I’d like you to meet my fiancé, James.” Anna grinned as she reached out and wrapped her arm around his waist, pulling him close.

“Oh my god!” Marcy had lost control of her mouth and was just blurting out strange noises. Eventually she managed to splutter out, “Hi…congratulations.”

The bouncer quickly checked their identification and after James signed an autograph for his son, they made their way upstairs. James insisted it was time for Anna to take off the jacket. It took him a moment, but James managed to summon up three pretty acceptable reasons. “Anna, it will be so hot on the dance floor you’ll certainly overheat. As hot and stuffy as it is in here, I don’t want you getting sick. Besides, you look fucking hot. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. I promise, I’m the only one who will be watching you.” He smiled at her. The third reason James knew he would never speak aloud. It was purely selfish. He wanted everyone to shut up once and for all and stop judging the woman who would be his wife. He knew this was the perfect revenge.

“If I have to. But I just want you to know, I’m only doing this for you,” Anna gave up reluctantly, shrugging out of her coat.

The others were already on the dance floor showing off their very funky dance moves. James went to get a drink but sent Anna ahead of him. Edging around the corner of the bar, she spotted them. They were in the middle of the crowded dance floor. Nervously she made her way over.



The whole place had the overpowering stench of thick cigarette smoke. Anna thought she would die of lung cancer if she inhaled. The floor was sticky from all the spilt drinks. Tiny shards of glass stuck out of the carpet and embedded themselves into shoes. The club was crowded and everyone seemed to be talking so loud that Anna couldn’t even hear herself think. A group of sad, old men were sitting off to one side gathered around a pool table that had seen better days. As she passed them she could feel their beady eyes on her. “That one is a definite nine out of ten,” Anna heard one of the drunks mumble.

She tapped Daniel on the shoulder so he would step back and make some room for her to fit into the group. He spun around and saw Anna for the first time. His eyes instantly doubled in size as he appreciated the view. Struggling to form actual words, he managed to mumble, “Wow!’ The others looked up and did a double take. The shy, little chunky girl had vanished and left in her place a stunning, confident, and happy Anna.

She wore a short, black, pleated skirt; her black leggings only emphasised the length of her shapely legs. Her top was a strapless, blue sequin top that didn’t quite reach the top of her skirt, leaving her taut midriff exposed. Her long hair was a mass of loose brown spirals, flowing halfway down her back. Anna’s fresh innocent face was set off by a sexy smile that acted as the centrepiece. And for the first time since the unexpected reunion with her friends her smile reached her eyes. Anna’s bubbling confidence was overflowing. She looked like sex on legs and she knew it. But she didn’t act as if she was better than anyone else. Those people who had criticised and ostracised her through her school years were now in total awe of her miraculous transformation. Anna had truly been converted from an ugly step-sister to a beautiful princess. And with James as her knight in shining armour standing proudly beside her, the picture was complete.

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