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Ford and Stalin. How to Live in Humaneness
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Текст книги "Ford and Stalin. How to Live in Humaneness"

Автор книги: (IP of the USSR) Internal Predictor of the USSR





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The second cause, in fact constituting the «Jewish question», matured for «massacre» of one or another kind, consists in the fact that the power, being under control of representatives of historically formed traditional Hebrews – due to specific character of actions, peculiar to it, determined by still more profound and ancient causes (generally not known even by the rabbinate, say nothing of common Jews) – is apprehended by the rest of the society as the hostile power, parasitizing[183] on it.

To reveal and understand these more profound causes, more ancient than historically real Jewry and its culture means to understand the beginnings of the «Jewish question»[184].

To solve the «Jewish question» it is necessary to find practical answer for the question:

Is it possible to change algorithms of Hebrews’ and non-Hebrews’ mentality (prevailing in the crowd-“elitist” society and expressed statistically) in such a way as to conclude the conflict, to establish harmony in people’s relations irrespective of their origin, and the society itself and each person was in harmony with the biosphere, Cosmos and the God? And if this is objectively possible, how should this be done practically?

However, without revealing the beginnings of the «Jewish question» H. Ford could not give vitally valid answer for it. Because H. Ford was more occupied with management of «Ford Motors», and concerned himself with sociological on the whole and historical in particular problems superficially, actually incidentally during his spare time, he did not reveal and did not call these more profound or ancient causes by their proper names. H. Ford could not understand or ground from the historical cause-and-effect point of view the behavior peculiarity of overwhelming majority of representatives of traditional Jewry (Hebrews), and he did not reveal any historical prospects that would be the alternative to their parasitic world domination.

This gave grounds to the Jewish leaders in the USA (in person of Bernard Baruch) to laugh at the newspapermen for a start: “Do you think I shall deny anything?!” – But what is it that Baruch would deny? – He (as any Hebrew (=Jewish) internazi) sincerely agreed with the opinion expressed by the «anti-Semite» H. Ford:

«The international Jew … rules not because he is rich, but because in a most marked degree he possesses the commercial and masterful genius of his race, and avails himself of a racial loyalty and solidarity the like of which exists in no other human group. In other words, transfer today the world-control of the international Jew to the hands of the highest commercially talented group of Gentiles, and the whole fabric of world-control would eventually fall to pieces, because the Gentile lacks a certain quality, be it human or divine, be it natural or acquired, that the Jew possesses» (“The International Jew”, v.1, “IV-The Jewish Question—Fact or Fancy?”).

H. Ford did not engage himself in searching answers to the questions: are certain qualities of Hebrews and non-Hebrews (historically actually expressed in statistics and distinguishing them from each other in their behavior) given genetically and permanently by God? or they are culturally conditioned and could be altered (with God’s help) by the goodwill of the people themselves?

Should H. Ford truly elucidate these problems, B. Baruch, his likes and their backstage masters were past laughter at the newspapermen and the readership, because the matter is not only in personal qualities, which these or those Hebrews have, and which these or those

non-Hebrews have not.

The point is that presence or lack of these personal qualities are mainly stipulated by the culture, formed and maintained within the channel of the doctrine of certain global policy. And at the same time, genetic apparatus and culture of the mankind and national societies are interconnected and influence each other[185].

The essence of biblical doctrine is that personal qualities of Hebrews and non-Hebrews are defined in it (see Supplement 1) and are somehow «programmable». Should H. Ford truly elucidate these problems, he would have to:

either agree to the biblical doctrine and yield to it (they say, the nature of the races is objectively such and it is permanent, thus, it is necessary to yield),

either develop some alternative for it.

Should he express even briefly the alternative (but necessarily global) doctrine, B. Baruch, his likes and the masters of the biblical project right away felt past laughter at the newspapermen and the readership (especially as the circulation of “Dearborn Independent” reached at times half a million copies, spread all over the USA). They would have a problem unsolvable within the channel of the biblical project. Its essence is that it is impossible either to buy opponents, or to sell themselves to them, or to agree with them about mutually beneficial cooperation in future global policy conduct within the channel of the biblical doctrine[186].

But since H. Ford could not do it, then, having laughed at him, at the newspapermen and at the readership, the leaders and the masters of the international Jewry started using H. Ford’s «anti-Semitism» and racism in the global project with conventional title «Moustache Clown»[187]. H. Ford got into it by himself because having not revealed and having not understood the beginnings of the «Jewish question», he did not differ objectively different phenomena of Marxism, bolshevism, socialism, communism and medley Zionism in their historically real interweaving. He (just like Hitler and many others hitherto) identified them into the single phenomenon, supposedly aimlessly and groundlessly named by different words.

Because of this misunderstanding H. Ford did not perceive A. Hitler as the provocateur, guided by the biblical «world backstage», – imitator of fight for freedom against Hebrews’ parasitism and supported Nazi party in Germany from its origination during 1920-s – 1930-s, erroneously perceiving it as the mouthpiece of German people’s free will.

And H. Ford’s services in project «Moustache Clown» were rewarded by the master in person of the Fuhrer of the Third Reich, A. Hitler, in July 1938: in commemoration of his 75th anniversary H. Ford was decorated with the Cross of German Eagle Supreme Order. After this decorating, the Hebrewish and leftist press again started anti-Ford campaign. H. Ford (according to one of his friend’s words) reacted this way:

«They (the Germans) awarded me a medal… They (the Jews) insist that I should return it; otherwise I will not be considered an American. It will not do! I will not reject it» (“The International Jew”, the cited Russian edition, Preface, p. 33).

It was about a year before the imitator of fight for freedom against Hebrewish parasitism started the war doomed to be worldwide. But

H. Ford was in captivity of his phantom general sociological and general historical notions, although it was he who wrote soon after the World War I of the XX century ended:

«An impartial investigation of the last war, of what preceded it and what has come out of it, would show beyond a doubt that there is in the world a group of man with vast powers of control, that prefers to remain unknown, that does not seek office or any of the tokens of power, that belongs to no nation whatever but is international – a force that uses every government, every widespread business organization, every agency of publicity, every resource of national psychology, to throw the world into a panic for the sake of getting still more power over the world. An old gambling trick used to be for the gambler to cry «Police!» when a lot of money was on the table, and, in panic that followed, to seize the money and run off with it. There is a power within the world which cries «War!» and in the confusion of the nations, the unrestrained sacrifice which people make for safety and peace runs off with the spoils of the panic.

The point to keep in mind is that, through we won the military contest, the world has not yet, quite succeeded in winning a complete victory over the promoter of war. We ought not to forget that wars are a purely manufactured evil and are made according to a definite technique. A campaign for war is made upon us definite lines as a campaign for any other purpose. First, the people are worked upon. By clever tales the people’s suspicions are aroused towards the nation against whom war is desired. Make the nation suspicions; make the other nation suspicions. All you need for this is a few agents with some cleverness and no conscience and a press whose interest is locked up with the interests that will be benefited by war. Then the «overt act» will soon appear. It is no trick at all to get an «overt act» once you work the hatred of two nations up to the proper pinch» (“My Life and Work”, Ch. 17. “Things in General”).

These events show that Bolshevistic trend objectively peculiar to H. Ford in his activities within «Ford Motors» was at his attempt to move it outside his company captured by the outer forces. They perverted it and carried it to an absurdity[188] in everything that exceeded the bounds of his professional activities as a technician and economist. The main reason of it is in personal H. Ford’s objective (but not declared) morality, which stipulated his world understanding. In the culture of modern global civilization one can discover two kinds of world understanding[189].

First world UNDERSTANDING – «the I-centric» one. In this world understanding the mental tree develops in different directions from the personal «I», which undertakes the part of reference system zero point. During the process of mental tree development its separate branches absorb newer and newer information pertaining to various areas of life and activities of the person and the contemporary society and the mankind as a whole. Consciousness level thinking represents the unity of flow of emotions and flow of language structures and figurative ideas (this could be called emotionally-notional structure of the soul). Emotions in their turn constitute an outlet to the level of consciousness in the form of ultimately generalized estimation of a “good” or a “bad” mood of realizably non-sensible morally stipulated results of activity of unconscious levels of the person’s psyche, which excel several times the level of consciousness in their abilities of information processing[190].

In case of the I-centric algorithms of mentality, the flow of emotions is stipulated by those circumstances, which directly affect the personality. This results in changes of proper perception of «the I». Therefore the success or failure in certain activities depends on the emotional mood of the person with the I-centric world understanding, performing these activities. And many processes are beyond his comprehension because during the time necessary for this comprehension his «zero point» (from which he builds up his mental tree) changes. Every time this zero point changes the mental process is destroyed, not having achieved the result or having achieved a wrong one.[191]

On the other hand, by having assessed the actual morality of the carrier of the I-centric mentality algorithms and controlling his emotions, he could be driven to certain views and prevented from coming to some other opinions, undesirable to the guardians.

This happened to H. Ford: when he tried to become a social and political leader, he fell under guardianship because he had the I-centric world understanding. We shall not engage in extensive and keen “psychoanalysis” trying to prove this fact. Suffice it to say that the I-centrism of H. Ford’s world understanding directly appeared in the title of his book: “My Life and Work”. If his world understanding was not the I-centric, the title of the book would be different, for example, “My Life and OUR (bold type supplied by the authors) Work”, because, as H. Ford himself says in this book, all the achievements of «Ford Motors» are not his personal achievements, but the achievements of the collective, which appeared and developed under his direction on the principles of people’s friendly relations, i.e. on the principles of Bolshevism. If H. Ford acted differently (as the majority of his contemporary businessmen did), there would not be the «Ford Motors» as it historically formed, and probably no one except his close relatives and friends would know who was Henry Ford.

The I-centric world understanding is characterized by certain kaleidoscopic effect, in the sense that different notions in it are separated, have no connections between each other; the same relates to interrelations of notions and objective phenomena. And it was this kaleidoscopic peculiarity in the I-centric outlook that prevented

H. Ford from noticing the said inadequacy between the title of the book (my achievements) and its contents (work of the collective and its achievements).

The I-centrism in algorithms of mentality and world understanding is peculiar to the children during the process of their personal becoming. But as the person grows up, he pays attention to the interrelations between notions in his mentality and between phenomena in life that seemed to him separated before. He starts looking for and developing an alternative to I-centrism (though he can do it without realizing this and knowing neither the name of phenomenon, which we called I-centrism, nor the name of its alternative). The search of the alternative results in the second world understanding.

second world UNDERSTANDING – God-centric world understanding. In this world understanding the mental tree develops in sequence:

God  Creature Universe  object of a person’s attention in interrelation of this object with all the rest of objects and subjects revealed by him during his lifetime.

In this world understanding, there is a «tuning fork» providing conformity of emotional and notional structures of a human soul. Of life as such:

God the Almighty makes no mistakes. Everything done is done the best possible way. But regarding the society, this is true with a reservation: under such dispositions and ethics, which are peculiar to the people[192].

Realization of this fact must be accompanied by joy – positive emotions and optimistic calmness. In such emotionally notional structure the algorithms of mentality works the best way during solving the problems that Life brings and eliminating the ones that it made in the past.

In God-centric world understanding, the kaleidoscopic effect is continually eliminated; the world is represented as still more detailed mosaic. Its «zero point» is basically objectively permanent, which is the steadfast basis for elimination of all the mistakes of world understanding and individual development of a person.

However, due to the culture of modern civilization, the I-centrism of mentality (to a greater or lesser extent) is reserved by the majority of the adults. Yet those who somehow converted to God-centric world understanding, sometimes fall down to the I-centrism under the influence of some mistakes of the formed morality, which are peculiar to them. But intellectual might of any individual in solving all the problems he is involved in, is always realized within the channel of certain world understanding: either the I-centric or God-centric.

Having preserved the I-centrism of psyche algorithms, H. Ford turned out to be groundless as sociologist and practical public figure (he did not realize as «ford» – the wade across an obstacle), although in one of the branches of his I-centric world understanding he managed to express organizational and economical principles of Bolshevism and socialism.

6. Essence and Results of Stalin’s Bolshevism

6.1. Distinct Terminology is the Key

to Understanding the Epoch

Historians and sociologists (perhaps, with rare exceptions) agree that the revolutions of 1917 in Russia were followed by the attempt of building up a new society on the principles incompatible with the principles of organization and functioning of capitalism.

This perhaps is the only thing that historians and sociologists agree upon, because depending on the personal bias towards one or another way of social life organization they understand flow of events in pre-revolutionary period (the end of 19th – the beginning of 20th century) differently. They also understand differently the flow of events in the period of history of RSFSR – USSR after the revolution and Civil War, when the party and the state were headed by J. Stalin. And correspondingly, they assess the results of this period differently. Therefore they see different prospects and possibilities for both Russia and the mankind on the whole.

However, in spite of all mutually exclusive conclusions made by historians and sociologists (both in the past and at present) studying problems of that period of world history and of modern sociology, they all (perhaps with rare exclusions) have one thing in common:

For them, use of such terms as «communism» or «socialism», «communism», «Marxism», «Bolshevism» and their derivatives is stipulated mainly by their feeling of «pen craft», feeling of «euphony» of the text or oral speech, but not by the peculiarities of the meaning of each of these words, which, in its turn, is stipulated by the peculiarities of actual phenomena of social life, named by these words.

But using these words as the interchangeable synonyms (just like L. Bronstein (L. Trotsky), G. Zyuganov, E. Gaidar, I. Khakamada, G. Yavlinsky and the majority of politologists do) it is practically impossible to understand the history of Russia of the end of 19th – the beginning of 20th century. Things do not get better if we add to this nonsense one more group of synonyms built up on the basis of words «Zionism», «Judaism», «Jewry» (mostly meaning Hebrews indeed) etc[193], used by S. Nilus[194], A. Hitler, H. Ford and many others, including today’s «skinheads», biblically «Orthodox» «Russians» and other «patriots» and nationalists of all countries.

Yes, analytical assessments and political manipulations, resulting from such sort of thoughtless indifference to life and to the unique meaning of each word of the living languages of every folk, under some circumstances are capable to emotionally wind up the crowd, urging it to heroic construction or demolition of communism. But still all of them represent harmful senseless noise whatever pathos they bring about as a result of mendacity of pathos.

Therefore before we turn to the epoch of Stalin’s Bolshevism itself, let us define the terminology, which characterize the life of Soviet society and the rest of global civilization during that epoch.

* * *

National Self-Perception – perception of originality (uniqueness) of one’s nation (first of all, as the bearer of culture) and differences between one’s own culture and cultures of other nations, which also have originality and magnitude in the mankind history common to all nations.

Nationalism – perception of unique originality of one’s nation and its culture combined with denial (generally, thoughtless one) of uniqueness and magnitude of other cultures and nations (which bear these cultures in generation succession) for the mankind and its future.

Nazism – attempts to destroy other nations and/or cultures created by them.

Such interpretation of nationalism and Nazism means that they can exist in the society under monarchy or under republic (state systems), or under slave-owning system, or feudalism, or capitalism, or socialism (economic structures). Nationalism and Nazism can embrace either individual groups of population, or spread over the whole society.

Internazism – basically, the same as Nazism, but in mob-like execution of heterogeneous international diasporas (first of all, the Hebrewish Diaspora), but not in execution of some nation fallen into Nazism and state system supported by such nation.

Socialism as economic structure of social life assumes that many needs of any person and any family are guaranteed to be satisfied at the expense of direct and indirect reimbursement of corresponding costs by the state, which acts in the capacity of the representative of the whole society and the guarantor of person’s rights and freedoms in this society.

In more general meaning, socialism includes many non-economical peculiarities of life of the society on the whole and of the people within it. These, first of all, are morality and structure of mentality, world understanding and ethics stipulated by this morality and appearing in socialist economic structure; for them, it is the most convenient and safe for the life of the society and any person.

Orientation of production-and-consumption system toward guaranteed satisfaction of people’s needs primordially predetermines planned nature of socialist economy. Planned nature in the system of social production is accompanied by restrictions in some activities of private entrepreneurship on the basis of private property on means of production; some activities could be prohibited[195]. Under socialism, restrictions on maximum income level for the members of society are introduced inevitably. This measure is necessary to protect the social order and each citizen who is loyal to it from misuse from the part of non-loyal private employers and other persons whose high income is excessive with respect to state-declared level of expenses, motivated by vital needs of a person and family of this society.

Such restrictions in the course of time result in domination of state sector of economy, although its means of production could still be not in public, but in private corporative property. Due to private-corporative nature of property on means of production in the society that has not matured to the socialism morally and ethically (in the wider sense than just an economic structure), many restrictions of public-and-socialist economy express interests of public oligarchy and turn out to be socially non-righteous and no less harmful for the social development than capitalism based on element of private entrepreneurship – either individual, or oligarchic-and-corporative.

Communism – order of social life, in which parasitism of the minority on the majority will disappear, all the demands will be satisfied securely and free of charge on principle “each gives what he is able to, each gets what he needs” on the basis of righteousness’ rule in the society, by steadily reproduced culture in succession of generations. This will be possible because of general growth of production facilities in all branches as well as because of transformation of culture: new generations will have different mentality and morality. They will not be depressed by the necessity of labor, mastering of professional skills and knowledge, participation in labor activity of the society due to liberation of each person’s creative potential in transformed culture; now, this potential (speaking of the majority of adults) is enslaved by awkward and unjust upbringing. In the communist society, labor will not become the very first vital need, as stated the Marxian propaganda meaning that labor is always subordinate to the task of satisfaction people’s needs in food, clothes and other products and services. The very first need will be personal and social development and activities within the channel of God’s Providence, and necessary labor in this process will take its harmonious place.

Capitalism in its initial form is, first of all, the economic structure of social life with supremacy of bourgeois-individualistic (perhaps, corporative[196]) mode of production organization and distribution on the basis of the right on private property and formal equal protection of the law for all citizens. Solving of vital personal and family problems is mainly placed on the person itself, on the family and on various non-governmental funds and public organizations. As any other economical-and-social structure, capitalism is stipulated by the morality that prevails in the society, and expresses the I-centric world understanding.

Even progressive taxation under capitalism sets practically no limits for income and accumulation, which remain after payment of taxes provided by legislation, and public sector of economy plays auxiliary part with respect to the sector operating on the basis of private property on means of production. As a result, the state owns unrewarding and unprofitable under developed law of value branches and industries; however, the society cannot do without them.

National-Socialism – socialism in the sense of economic structure and legal status for certain (one or several) nations by name, but representatives of other nations and person of mixed parentage (members of the same multinational society) are not covered by guarantees and norms of national-socialism provided for the citizens of national-socialist state[197].

International-Socialism is not an alternative for the national-socialism, as Marxists-internazis claim, but «priority socialism» for mob-organized international diasporas in multi-national and externally (formally) socialist-organized state with equal personal rights. In other words, international-socialism is a kind of internazism.

An alternative for both national-socialism and international-socialism is the «multinational-socialism». It actually provides freedom of personal development and equality of rights of citizens of different ethnic origin in absence of mob-organized «priority socialism and communism» for international diasporas and «national minorities», where multinational society, having sunk into international-socialism, finds itself oppressed by mob-organized international diasporas of the minorities which parasitize on it. One of these diasporas act as a leader[198].

Marxism is the dogma of provocative-and-imitating nature, proclaiming inevitability of global-scale transition of mankind from «exploitation of a human by human» to the «kingdom of freedom», firstly, to socialism, and then, to communism.

The ideals of justice in socialist and communist society (as they are expressed in Marxism or expressed somehow differently) are attractive for the majority of people living by their own labor and oppressed by parasitism of ruling minority. Therefore, under certain historical conditions the crowd is responsive to the slogans, which it thinks are expressing its expectations of better life without any parasitism and oppression of the majority by the minority.

However the history shows that by no means all slogans are made a reality by those who throw them into the crowd, or by those who respond to the calls and sincerely works at making the slogans a reality. This happens not always because the ideals proclaimed by the slogans are objectively unrealizable, or the leaders are double-faced and hypocritical. This happens mostly because the leaders and the crowd in realization of proclaimed ideals are provocatively offered certainly unsuitable means by the backstage political script-writers, pursuing their own goals, and the leaders and the crowd can not reveal the unsuitability of those means in due time. This also relates to Marxism.

Imitation-and-provocative essence of Marxism is expressed in two facts. Firstly, in Marxist philosophy, the question of solving the problem of predictability of the multiversion future, which lies in the basis of any power and any government is replaced by the “fundamental” question of what is primary, either matter or consciousness. Secondly, Marxist political economy is metrologically inconsistent: in economical activity, it is impossible to bind it with accounting either on micro-level, or on macro-level of economics. Owing to these two peculiarities of Marxism of fundamental nature the crowd, which believes in Marxism, finds itself a hostage of the masters of Marxism, who possess certain «know-how» of exercising their ideological and economical power.

Trotskyism is not in the least one of the modifications of Marxism. The characteristic feature of Trotskyism in the communist movement, which occurred in the XX century «under the cotton wool» of Marxism, was complete deafness of Trotskyists to the essence of criticisms addressed to them[199]. Besides that, they tended to suppress in life declarations made by Trotskyists, had a system of preteritions, on the grounds of which they were actually acting, having united in the collective unconscious.

This means that Trotskyism is a psychic phenomenon. The conflict between individual psyche and both individual and collective (created by all Trotskyists in aggregate) unconscious is peculiar to Trotskyism in sincere expression of loyalty by its followers. And in this conflict, the collective unconscious of the Trotskyists darkly triumphs, oppressing personally realized loyalty of each of them by the aggregate of the deeds of them all.

This is the peculiarity of mentality of those who managed to become a Trotskyist, but not the peculiarity of one or another specific ideology. Psychical type of a «Trotskyist» could be accompanied by various ideologies. And for this reason (of purely psychic nature) equitable relations with Trotskyism and Trotskyists personally on a level of intellectual discussion, arguments and counterarguments are fruitless and dangerous[200] for those who consider Trotskyism as one of the ideologies[201] and do not see its real UNDER-ideological hidden motive, independent of the enveloping ideology, which psycho-Trotskyist may change frankly many times throughout his lifetime[202].

Intellect, which one turns to during the dispute trying to reason his interlocutor, or to reveal together with him the truth, which would help to overcome the former problems in communication with him, is just one component of the psyche as a whole. But psyche as a whole (in case it is Trotskyist-type) does not allow the psycho-Trotskyist to process the information intellectually, if this information can change the doctrine which is presently being the subject of the ideologically-formed branch of Trotskyism (one of the many), which psychologically the individual Trotskyism belongs to.

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