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Ford and Stalin. How to Live in Humaneness - (IP of the USSR) Internal Predictor of the USSR
  • Книга добавлена: 5 октября 2016, 22:46
обложка книги Ford and Stalin. How to Live in Humaneness - (IP of the USSR) Internal Predictor of the USSR

Название книги: Ford and Stalin. How to Live in Humaneness

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11-12Часов на чтение
153 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Размер: 317 Кб
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Описание книги

The mother tongue of the authors of this work is Russian. The translators of this edition are native Russian speakers as well.  Text comprehension implies matching a definite word or sentence order with particular images, imaginative notions, whose foretypes (protoplasts) are located either in life (when narrating about it), or inside the authors’ mentality (when fantasizing or designing the future).  Considering the fact that the authors largely focus on the topics that are not traditionally discussed in historically established cultures, Russia or the rest of the world, including the West, which is caused by inertia of thinking, there are quite a few new notions that are not common knowledge in Social Science as yet. According to Kozma Prutkov, «Lots of things are incomprehensible to us not because our notions are poor but because these things go far beyond our notions». That is why a reader of this text is supposed to labor hard even if he is a native Russian speaker, and it gets even harder due to specific style of the Russian original. As a result, the interpreters had to cope with both word choice and grammar structures to make the translation sound adequately and transmit the same message as the original version. Moreover, different chapters were translated by different people. And despite we tried to do our best when editing the translation and attempting to gain a single style for the book as a whole, it still may happen that the personal differences between the interpreters’ outlooks and their language cultures are expressed differently in different parts of the same book, so the same phenomena may be described with different terminological frameworks.  That is why we apologize to our English-speaking readers for possible inaccuracies, style imprecisions or some difficulties which might occur in the course of reading. The readers having a command of Russian are kindly invited to the web site at the address www.mera.com.ru in case they have a need to adjust their understanding of the text.  If any readers would be so kind as to offer their own version of the translation of a book as a whole or give a revised translation of particular fragments, they can send it to the address [email protected] . Both original Russian text and the English language version belong to the Non-Author culture, which implies their free distribution, so the interpreters, offering their optional translations and corrections, have neither moral nor ethical basis for exclusive copyright for the text, hereby offered to the readers. The authors thank Russian students Maria Gerasimchuk, DmitriyOrlov, Julia Shishkina, Yelizaveta Vasserman and Ivan Zuev for theirdevoted contribution in translating this book into English.

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