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Implosion. The end of Russia and what it means for America
  • Текст добавлен: 26 октября 2016, 21:57

Текст книги "Implosion. The end of Russia and what it means for America"

Автор книги: Ilan Berman




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Текущая страница: 13 (всего у книги 14 страниц)

A negative effect on the reliable defense and protection of Russia’s state borders is exerted by the insufficient level of development of border infrastructure and of technological equipment for border-related bodies.

42.The resolution of border security problems is achieved by creating high-tech and multifunctional border complexes, particularly on the borders with the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan, and likewise by increasing the effectiveness of state border defense, particularly in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the Far East, and on the Caspian.

43.The provision of national security in emergency situations is achieved by improving and developing a single public warning and relief system for emergency situations of both a natural and man-made character (comprising territorial and functional segments) and integrating it with analogous systems abroad.

The resolution of national security challenges in emergency situations is achieved by increasing the effective implementation of the powers of local self-government bodies pertaining to the security of the population’s vital activities, renewing technological equipment and the technologies of production at potentially dangerous sites and essential facilities, introducing modern technological means of informing and notifying the population in public places, and likewise developing systems of preventative measures to lower the risk of terrorist acts and allay the consequences of emergency situations of a man-made or natural character.

44.The Russian Federation is strengthening national defense and providing state and public security with the goal of creating internal and external conditions favorable to the achievement of socioeconomic development priorities.


45.The strategic goals in terms of ensuring national security in the area of improving the quality of life of Russian citizens are the reduction of social and material inequalities within the population, the stabilization of population size in the medium term, and in the long term—the fundamental improvement of the demographic situation.

46.The improvement of the quality of life of Russian citizens is guaranteed by ensuring individual security and likewise access to comfortable housing, safe and high quality goods and services, and a dignified wage for active labor.

47.Sources of threats to national security could include factors such as a crisis within global and regional financial-banking systems, an intensification of competition over insufficient raw materials, energy, water and food resources, or a lag in the development of cutting-edge technologies, which increase strategic risks associated with dependence on changes in external factors.

48.National security in the domain of improving the quality of life of Russian citizens will be supported by the reduction of organized crime, corruption, and drug addiction; by preventing organized criminal groups from legalizing their economic activities; by achieving sociopolitical stability and a positive dynamic of development of the Russian Federation, as well as the ensuring the stability of the financial-banking system, broader exploitation of mineral and raw material resources, accessibility of modern education and healthcare, high social mobility and support for socially significant labor activity, superior qualifications and quality of labor resources, and finally the rational organization of migratory flows.

49.One of the main elements of ensuring national security in the medium term includes food security and the guaranteed provision of high-quality, accessible medications.

50.Food security is assured by developing biotechnologies and import-substitution of basic food products, as well as by preventing soil depletion, the reduction of agricultural and arable land, the capture of domestic grain markets by foreign companies, and the uncontrolled dissemination of food products made from genetically modified plants, with the use of genetically modified microorganisms and microorganisms having genetically modified analogues.

51.In the interests of developing the pharmaceutical sector, conditions are being created to overcome its dependence on foreign suppliers for raw materials.

52.In order to counteract threats to national security with regards to the quality of life of Russian citizens, the forces of national security together with civil society institutions:

–improve the national system of human rights protection by developing an appropriate legal system and legislation;

–assist the growth of well-being, the reduction of poverty and of income disparities with the goal of ensuring continuous access of all citizens to a quantity of food products essential to a healthy lifestyle;

–create the conditions necessary for living a healthy lifestyle, stimulate birth rates, and lower death rates;

–improve and develop transport infrastructure, increase protection of the population from emergency situations of both natural and man-made origins;

–ensure the preservation of a cultural and spiritual legacy, the accessibility of information technologies, and likewise of information on various issues of the sociopolitical, economic, and spiritual life of society;

–improve public-private partnership with the goal of strengthening the material-technical base of healthcare, cultural and educational institutions, of developing residential construction projects, and enhancing the quality of housing and community services.


53.Strategic national security objectives include Russia’s entry, in the medium term, into the ranks of the top five countries by size of GDP and likewise the achievement of the necessary degree of national security in the economic and technological spheres.

54.The provision of national security by means of economic growth is achieved by developing a national system of innovation, increasing the productivity of labor, acquiring new resources, modernizing priority sectors of the national economy, and improving the banking system, the financial services sector, and inter-governmental fiscal relations in the Russian Federation.

55.The main long-term strategic risks and threats to national security in the economic sphere are the maintenance of a raw materials export model of economic development, the lessening of competitiveness and the high dependence on external economic conditions, the loss of control over national resources, the worsening of the condition of the industrial and energy resource base, the unequal development of the regions and progressive labor shortages, the low levels of stability and protection of the national financial system, the persistence of conditions conducive to the corruption and criminalization of economic and financial relationships, and also to illegal migration.

56.The insufficient effectiveness of state regulation of the national economy, falling economic growth rates, the appearance of trade and balance of payment deficits, the contraction of budget revenues could lead to delays in the transition to innovation-based growth, and to the consequent accumulation of social problems in the country.

57.A direct negative effect on national security in the economic sphere may be exerted by a deficit of fuel-energy, water, and biological resources, by the adoption of discriminatory measures and the intensification of unfair competition with regards to Russia, and likewise due to crisis phenomena in the global financial-banking system.

58.For the provision of national security by means of economic growth, the Russian Federation is concentrating its main efforts on the development of science, technology, and education, and on the improvement of national investment and financial institutions, in the interests of achieving an essential level of security in the military, military-industrial, and international spheres.

59.Threats to national security related to disproportional levels of development among subjects of the Russian Federation are prevented by means of a rational regional policy directed at the improved coordination of state bodies, local administrations, the business community, and civil society.

60.One of the main long-term directions of national security in the economic sphere is energy security. Essential conditions of national and global energy security include multilateral cooperation in the interests of creating markets for energy resources that correspond to WTO principles, the development and international exchange of promising energy-saving technologies and likewise the use of ecologically clean, alternative sources of energy.

The main aspects of energy security are the stable supply of sufficient standard quality sources of energy; the effective use of energy resources by increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers; the prevention of possible fuel-energy resource deficits; the creation of strategic stocks of fuel, reserve capacities, and standard equipment; and ensuring the stable functioning of the system of energy and fuel provision.

61.In order to counteract threats to economic security, the forces of national security in cooperation with civil society institutions aim to support state socioeconomic policy, which is directed at:

–perfecting structures of production and export, antimonopoly regulation, and support for competition policy;

–developing a national system of innovation with the goal of implementing highly effective projects and priority programs developing the high-technology economic sectors;

–strengthening financial markets and increasing the liquidity of the banking system;

–reducing the informal sector and legalizing labor relations, increasing investment in the development of human capital;

–balancing the interests of the indigenous population with those of migrant laborers, taking into account their ethnic, linguistic, cultural, and denominational differences, including by improving migration records and likewise by ensuring the fair territorial distribution of migrant labor based on the labor resource requirements of the regions;

–establishing a system of scientific and technical forecasting and implementing scientific and technical priorities, intensifying the integration of science, education, and industry;

–creating conditions for the development of a competitive domestic pharmaceutical industry;

–developing the industries of information and telecommunication technologies, computer technology resources, electronics, telecommunications equipment, and programming.

62.In the interests of ensuring national security in the medium term, competitive economic sectors are being developed and markets for Russian products are being expanded, the effectiveness of the fuel-energy complex is being enhanced, instruments of public-private partnership are being used to resolve strategic challenges to economic development and to the completion of a basic transport, energy, information, and military infrastructure, especially in the Arctic zone, Eastern Siberia, and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

63.The strengthening of economic security will be supported by the improvement of state regulation of economic growth, by developing conceptual and programmatic documents of interregional and territorial planning, and creating a comprehensive system of risk control, including:

–introduction of an active state anti-inflation, currency, exchange rate, and monetary-credit and taxation-budgetary policy, aimed at import-substitution and supporting the real economy;

–stimulation and support for the development of a market for innovation, high-tech production, and high value-added production, and the development of promising general-, dual-, and special-purpose technologies.

64.At the regional level, the stable condition of national security is ensured by the balanced, comprehensive and systemic development of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

One of the main medium-term directions of national security at the regional level is the creation of mechanisms intended to reduce the level of interregional disparity in the socioeconomic development of the subjects of the Russian Federation, by means of balanced territorial development.

In the long term, threats to national security related to the disproportionate levels of development of the Russian regions are prevented by launching a full-scale national innovation system, by creating territorial-industrial areas in the southern regions and Middle Volga, in the Ural region and in Siberia, in the Far East, and in other regions of the Russian Federation.

65.In order to achieve regional development, the forces of national security in cooperation with civil society institutions support the effective implementation of the powers of state bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-governing bodies, by coordinating and implementing measures taken at the federal, regional, and municipal levels, directed at the development of the regional economic and social sphere, including the equalization of their budgetary provisions.


66.Strategic national security goals in the sphere of science, technology, and education are as follows:

–developing state scientific and scientific-technical organizations, capable of providing competitive advantages for the national economy and the needs of national defense, by means of effective coordination of scientific research and the development of a national system of innovation;

–increasing social mobility, the population’s general and professional level of education, and the professional qualities of highly qualified cadres, by means of the accessibility of competitive education.

67.A direct negative effect on national security in terms of science, technology, and education is caused by the country falling behind in the transition towards the next technological order, by dependence on imported deliveries of scientific equipment, instruments, electronic components, and strategic materials, by the unsanctioned transfer abroad of competitive domestic technologies, by unfounded unilateral sanctions against Russia’s scientific and educational institutions, by the insufficient development of the normative legal base and weak motivation to formulate policies around innovation and industry, by the low level of social protection for engineering-technical, professorial, and pedagogical, the low quality of general secondary education and of professional primary, secondary, and higher education.

68.One of the main policy directions of the Russian Federation in the medium term is determined by technological security. To this end, a state policy pertaining to industry and innovation is being perfected; fundamental and applied research, together with education, are defined as unquestionable priorities of the innovational development of the national economy; a system of federal and public contracts for the training of highly qualified specialists and workers is being improved; public-private partnerships are being developed in science and technology; conditions are being created for the integration of science, education, and industry; systemic research is being conducted in the interests of resolving strategic challenges of national defense, state and public security, and likewise of the country’s stable development.

69.In order to counteract threats in the spheres of science, technology, and education, the forces of national security in cooperation with civil society institutions implement the civil education of new generations in the traditions of the prestige of the scientist and the pedagogue, ensure the effectiveness of state regulation in relation to integrating science, education, and high-technological industry.

70.The resolution of national security issues in the area of science, technology, and education in the medium-and long-term are achieved by the following means:

–formulating systems of targeted fundamental and applied research and their support by the state in the interests of an organizational-scientific approach to achieving strategic national priorities;

–creating a network of federal universities and national research universities that would ensure, within a framework of cooperative relationships, the training of specialists for work in science and education, the development of competitive technologies and exemplary high-tech production, and the organization of high-tech production;

–implementing programs establishing institutions of learning oriented at training cadres to serve the needs of regional development, as well as the organs and forces of national security;

–ensuring the participation of Russian scientific and scientific-educational organizations in global technological and research projects, taking into account the state of the intellectual property market.


71.Strategic national security goals in the area of healthcare and the health of the nation are as follows:

–increasing life expectancy, reducing disability and mortality;

–improving disease prevention and the provision of timely, qualified primary healthcare and high-technology medical assistance;

–improving standards of medical assistance and likewise of the quality, as well as effectiveness and safety of medicines.

72.One of the main threats to national security in terms of healthcare and national health is the appearance of large-scale epidemics and pandemics, the mass spread of HIV infection, tuberculosis, drug addiction, alcoholism, and the increased accessibility of psychoactive and psychotropic substances.

73.A direct negative effect on national security in the domain of healthcare and the health of the nation is exerted by the low effectiveness of the medical insurance system and the low quality of health-care specialist training and retraining; the insufficient level of social guarantees and wages for medical workers and insufficient financing for the system of high-technology medical assistance; the incomplete formation of a normative legal basis for healthcare oriented at increasing accessibility and implementing guarantees of medical assistance for the general population.

74.The state policy of the Russian Federation relating to healthcare and the health of the nation is geared at preventive medicine and also at preventing the spread of socially dangerous illnesses.

75.The main directions of national security policy in the sphere of healthcare and national health of the Russian Federation are determined in the medium term by the intensification of the preventative orientation of healthcare, focusing on preserving human health, and preserving the institution of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, as the foundations of social vitality.

76.The strengthening of national security in the area of healthcare and national health will be supported by enhancing the quality and accessibility of medical services, by using promising information and telecommunications technologies, by means of state support for promising pharmaceutical, biotechnological, and nano-technological research, and likewise by modernizing economic mechanisms involved in the functioning of healthcare and developing the material-technical base of state and municipal health-care systems, taking regional particularities into consideration.

77.In order to counteract threats to healthcare and the health of the nation, the forces of national security in cooperation with civil society institutions ensure the effectiveness of state regulation in the area of standardization, licensing, and certification of medical services, in the accreditation of medical and pharmaceutical establishments, in the provision of state guarantees for receiving medical assistance and modernizing the system of obligatory medical insurance, and in the definition of uniform criteria evaluating the work of centers for treatment and prevention at the level of municipal formations and subjects of the Russian Federation.

78.The resolution of problems of national security in the sphere of healthcare and the health of the nation in the medium and long term is achieved by the following means:

–formulating national programs (projects) for the treatment of socially significant diseases (oncological, cardiac-arterial, diabetic, and physiological illnesses, drug addiction, alcoholism) alongside the development of uniform approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients;

–developing an administrative system overseeing the quality and accessibility of medical assistance, and the training of health-care specialists;

–providing for the qualitative transformation of the structure of infections and for the liquidation of the preconditions of epidemics, including epidemics caused by particularly dangerous infectious pathogens, by developing and implementing promising technologies and national programs of state support for disease prevention.


79.Strategic objectives ensuring national security in the cultural sphere are as follows:

–broadening access of large sections of the population to the best examples of national and foreign culture and art by creating modern territorially distributed information banks;

–creating conditions for the stimulation of creative self-realization within the population, by improving systems of cultural enlightenment, the organization of leisure activities, and mass extracurricular artistic education;

–assisting the development of the cultural potential of Russia’s regions and supporting regional cultural initiatives.

80.The main threats to national security in the cultural sphere are the dominance of production of mass culture oriented towards the spiritual needs of marginalized groups and likewise unlawful infringements against cultural objects.

81.Negative influences on the state of national security in the cultural sphere are intensified by attempts to revise perspectives on Russia’s history, its role, and its place in world history; and by the propagandizing of a lifestyle based on permissiveness and violence, or racial, national, and religious intolerance.

82.In order to counteract threats in the cultural sphere, the forces of national security together with civil society institutions ensure the effectiveness of state regulation intended to support and develop national cultures, tolerance, self-respect, and likewise the development of international [in the sense of interethnic] and interregional cultural ties.

83.The strengthening of national security in the cultural sphere will be served by preserving and developing indigenous cultures within Russia’s multinational population, and the citizenry’s spiritual values; by improving the material-technical basis of cultural and leisure establishments; by perfecting the system of training of cadres and providing for their social welfare; by supporting the production and distribution of domestic cinematography; by developing cultural tourism; by establishing government contracts for the creation of cinematographic and printed works, television, radio programs, and internet resources; and likewise by using Russia’s cultural potential in the service of multilateral international cooperation.

84.In the medium and long term, the resolution of national security challenges in the cultural sphere are achieved by acknowledging the primary role of culture in the rebirth and preservation of cultural-moral values, by reinforcing the spiritual unity of the multinational population of the Russian Federation and the international image of Russia as a country with a very rich traditional and dynamically developing contemporary culture, by creating a system of spiritual and patriotic education for Russian citizens, and finally by developing.


85.Strategic objectives relating to ecological security and environmental management are:

–preserving of the environment and ensuring its protection;

–redressing the environmental consequences of economic activity in the context of a growing economy and global climate changes.

86.The state of national security in the ecological sphere is negatively affected by the depletion of world reserves of mineral, water and biological resources, and likewise by the presence in the Russian Federation of ecologically disadvantaged regions.

87.The state of national security in the ecological sphere is worsened by the maintenance of a significant number of dangerous production processes, whose activity leads to the destruction of the ecological balance, including the disruption of sanitary-epidemiological and/or sanitary-hygienic standards of drinking water used by the general population; disposal of radioactive waste from the nuclear fuel cycle is not subject to normative legal regulation and oversight. The strategic risk of exhaustion of the country’s most important mineral and raw material resources is growing, as the rate of extraction of many mineral resources declines.

88.In order to counteract threats in the sphere of ecological security and environmental management, the forces of national security together with civil society institutions create the conditions for the introduction of ecologically safe production; the search for promising energy sources; the creation and implementation of a state program for the establishment of strategic reserves of mineral and raw material resources sufficient to supply Russia’s mobilization requirements; and the guaranteed provision of water and biological resources to meet the needs of the population and the economy.


89.The achievement of the Russian Federation’s priorities for stable development is supported by an active foreign policy, whose efforts are focused on seeking agreement and common interests with other states, on the basis of a system of bilateral and multilateral mutually beneficial partnership relations.

90.The creation of favorable conditions for Russia’s stable development in the long term is achieved by ensuring strategic stability, including by means of consistent movement towards a world free from nuclear weapons, and by creating conditions of equal security for all.

91.Russia bases its relations with the international community on the principle of maintaining stability and predictability in the area of strategic offensive arms and attributes particular significance to the achievement of new full-scale bilateral agreements on the continued reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms.

92.Russia will assist with engaging other states, first of all those possessing nuclear weapons but also those interested in joint action to ensure mutual security, in a process of establishing strategic stability.

93.Russia believes that the maintenance of strategic stability and equitable strategic partnership can be supported by the presence of contingents of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in conflict zones, on the basis of norms of international law, with the goal of resolving political, economic, and other challenges by non-military means.

94.On the world stage, Russia will act from a position founded on an unchanging course towards joint participation with other states in the reinforcement of international mechanisms for nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, means of their delivery, and related goods and technologies; on the unacceptability of use of military force in contravention of the United Nations Charter; and likewise from a position of adherence to arms control and rational sufficiency in military construction.

95.In order to preserve strategic stability and equitable strategic partnership, the Russian Federation:

–will fulfill existing treaties and agreements pertaining to the limitation and reduction of arms, will participate in the development and conclusion of new agreements corresponding to Russia’s national interests;

–is prepared to engage in further discussion of questions surrounding the reduction of nuclear potentials on the basis of bilateral agreements and in multilateral fora and likewise will assist in creating appropriate conditions, allowing for the reduction of nuclear armaments without detracting from international security or strategic stability;

–intends to continue assisting the reinforcement of regional stability by means of participation in processes of reduction and limitation of ordinary armed forces and likewise the development and application of confidence building measures in the military domain;

–considers international peacekeeping to be a viable instrument for the resolution of armed conflicts, stands for strengthening this institution in strict accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter, and will continue its participation therein;

–will participate in efforts led by the UN and other international organizations to relieve natural and man-made catastrophes and crisis situations and likewise in the provision of humanitarian assistance to affected countries.

96.In the interests of strategic stability and equitable multilateral interaction on the international stage, during the period of realization of this Strategy Russia will undertake all necessary efforts, with minimum expenditure, to maintain parity with the United States of America in the area of strategic offensive arms, given a situation in which the United States of America is unfolding a global missile defense system and implementing a global “lightning strike” concept using nuclear– and non-nuclear-equipped strategic bombers.


97.The state policy of the Russian Federation in the area of national security is the result of the concerted effort of all elements of the system providing national security, with a coordinating role being played by the Security Council of the Russian Federation with respect to the realization of a range of measures of an organizational, legal-normative, and informational nature.

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