Текст книги "Implosion. The end of Russia and what it means for America"
Автор книги: Ilan Berman
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Issued in May 2009 by then President Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’ s National Security Strategy to 2020lays out an exceedingly ambitious reconception of the country’s strategic interests, its priorities, and its place in the world. Little attention, however, is paid to the demographic, religious, and territorial challenges now facing the Russian state.
By Decree of the President
Of the Russian Federation
May 12, 2009, no. 537
National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation to 2020*
1.Russia has overcome the consequences of the systemic political and socioeconomic crisis of the end of the twentieth century—having stopped the decline in the quality of life of Russian citizens; withstood the pressures of nationalism, separatism and international terrorism; prevented the discretization of the constitutional form of government; preserved its sovereignty and territorial integrity; and restored the country’s potential to enhance its competitiveness and defend its national interests as a key player within evolving multi-polar international relations.
Russia is pursuing a state policy of national defense, state and social security, and stable development, which responds adequately to internal and external conditions. The preconditions for reinforcing the system of national security have been created, and the relevant legal space has been consolidated. Priority issues in the economic sphere have been resolved, and the attractiveness of the economy for investment has grown. Authentically Russian ideals and spirituality are being born, alongside a dignified attitude to historical memory. Social harmony is being formed on the basis of shared values – the freedom and independence of the Russian state, humanism, the peaceful coexistence and cultural unity of Russia’s multinational population, respect for family traditions, and patriotism.
Overall, the preconditions have been formed for the reliable preemption of internal and external threats to national security, as well as for the dynamic development and transformation of Russia into a world leader with regards to the level of technological progress, quality of life, and influence over global affairs.
In the context of the globalization of processes of world development, as well as of international political and economic relations, which creates new threats and risks to the development of the individual, society, and the state, Russia is transitioning to a new state national security policy, as a guarantee of successful national development.
2.The main directions of the national security policy of the Russian Federation are the [so-called] strategic national priorities, in the form of important social, political, and economic transformations intended to create secure conditions for the realization of Russian citizens’ constitutional rights and freedoms, the stable development of the country, and the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state.
3.The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 is an officially acknowledged system of strategic priorities, goals, and measures with regards to domestic and foreign policy, which determine the degree of national security and the level of stable, long-term development of the state.
Conceptual assumptions in the area of ensuring national security are based on the fundamental interconnectedness and interdependence of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation to 2020 and the Concept for Long-Term SocioEconomic Development of the Russian Federation to 2020.
4.The given Strategy forms the basis of the development of a system ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, and presents a plan of action and measures intended to guarantee national security. It lays the foundations for constructive interaction among state bodies, organizations and social groups, in order to defend Russia’s national interests and safeguard the security of the individual, society and the state.
5.The main purpose of the given Strategy is to formulate and support, with the aid of national security forces, the internal and external conditions conducive to the implementation of strategic national priorities.
6.The given Strategy employs the following concepts:
–“national security”—the protection of the individual, society, and the state from domestic and foreign threats, which, in turn, ensures constitutional rights and freedoms, an appropriate quality of life for citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and stable development of the Russian federation, the defense and security of the state;
–“national interests of the Russian Federation”—the aggregate of the internal and external needs of the state in ensuring the protection and stable development of the individual, society, and the state;
–“threat to national security”—the direct or indirect possibility of damage to constitutional rights and freedoms, quality of life, sovereignty/territorial integrity, stable development of the RF, defense and security of the state;
–“strategic national priorities”—the most important directions in terms of ensuring national security, in accordance with which are realized the constitutional rights and freedoms of RF citizens, stable socioeconomic development, and the protection of the country’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity;
–“system of national security”—the forces and means which ensure national security;
–“forces of national security”—the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies which under federal legislation are designated as engaging in military and/or law enforcement service, and likewise federal organs of state power which participate in the provision of national security on the basis of legislation of the Russian Federation;
–“means of ensuring national security”—technologies, and likewise technical, programming, linguistic, legal, and organizational resources, including telecommunications channels, which are used within the system of provision of national security in order to collect, formulate, process, transmit or receive information on the status of national security and measures for its reinforcement.
7.The forces and means which ensure national security concentrate their efforts and resources on the provision of national security in the political, economic, and social spheres, in the areas of science and education, in the intercultural, spiritual, informational, military, military-industrial, and ecological spheres, and likewise in the area of social security.
8.World development is following the path of globalization in all spheres of international life, which, in turn, is characterized by a high degree of dynamism and interdependence of events.
Nation-states have experienced the intensification of conflicts connected to unequal development, as a result of globalizing processes, and of the deepening rift between rich and poor countries. Values and models of development have become the subject of global competition.
The vulnerability of all members of the international community to new threats and challenges has grown.
As a result of the rise of new centers of economic growth and political influence, a qualitatively new geopolitical situation is unfolding. There is an increasing tendency to seek resolutions to existing problems and regulate crisis situations on a regional basis, without the participation of non-regional powers.
The inadequacy of the current global and regional architecture, oriented (particularly in the Euro-Atlantic region) towards NATO, and likewise the imperfect nature of legal instruments and mechanisms, create an ever-increasing threat to international security.
9.The transition in the international system from opposing blocs to principles of multi-vector diplomacy, together with Russia’s resource potential and pragmatic policy for its use, have broadened the possibilities for the Russian Federation to reinforce its influence on the world stage.
The Russian Federation has sufficient potential to count on the creation, in the medium-term, of conditions conducive to its entrenchment among the leaders of the world economy, on the basis of effective participation in global division of labor, improved global competitiveness of the national economy, of defense potential, and of the level of state and social security.
10.A negative influence on the assurance of Russia’s national interests will be exerted by the likely recurrence of one-sided use of force in international relations, disagreements between the main participants in world politics, the threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and of their use by terrorists, and likewise the improvement of forms of illicit activity in the cybernetic and biological domains, in the sphere of high technology. The global information struggle will intensify, threats will increase to the stability of industrialized and developing countries, their socioeconomic development and democratic institutions. Nationalist sentiments, xenophobia, separatism, and violent extremism will grow, including under the banner of religious radicalism. The global demographic situation and environmental problems will become more acute, and threats associated with uncontrolled and illegal migration, drug and human trafficking, and other forms of transnational organized crime, will also increase. Epidemics caused by new, previously unknown viruses are likely to spread. The deficit of fresh water will become more obvious.
11.In the long term, the attention of international politics will be focused on ownership of energy resources, including in the Near East, the Barents Sea shelf and other parts of the Arctic, in the Caspian basin, and in Central Asia.
In the medium term, the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as conflicts in the Near and Middle East, in a number of South Asian and African countries, and on the Korean peninsula, will continue to exert a negative influence on the international situation.
12.The critical condition of physical storage of dangerous materials and objects, especially in countries with unstable political situations, together with the proliferation of regular armaments beyond the control of the state, can lead to the intensification of existing, as well as the creation of new regional and interstate conflicts.
Under conditions of competition for resources, it is not excluded that arising problems may be resolved using military force, and that the current balance of power on the borders of Russia and its allies may be disturbed.
There is an increasing risk that the number of countries possessing nuclear weapons will rise.
The possibility of maintaining global and regional stability will substantially decrease with the placement in Europe of elements of the global missile defense system of the United States of America.
The consequences of global financial-economic crises may become comparable, in terms of overall losses, to the consequences of large-scale application of military force.
13.In the long term, the Russian Federation will seek to construct international relations based on the principles of international law, and on the institution of reliable and equal security of nation-states.
For the defense of its national interests, Russia, while remaining within the boundaries of international law, will implement a rational and pragmatic foreign policy, one that excludes expensive confrontation, including a new arms race.
Russia perceives the United Nations and the Security Council of the United Nations as a central element of a stable system of international relations, at the basis of which lie respect, equal rights, and mutually beneficial cooperation among nations, resting on civilized political instruments for the resolution of global and regional crisis situations.
Russia will increase its interaction with multilateral fora such as the G8, G20, RIC (Russia/India/China), BRIC (Brazil/Russia/India/China), and will likewise capitalize on the potential of other informal international institutions.
The development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States is a priority direction of Russian foreign policy. Russia will seek to develop the potential for regional and sub regional integration and coordination among member states of the CIS, first of all within the framework of the Commonwealth, and also the CSTO and EvrAzEs, which exert a stabilizing influence on the overall situation in the regions bordering on the CIS.
Moreover, the CSTO is regarded as the main interstate instrument for responding to regional threats and challenges of a military-political or military-strategic nature, including the fight with illegal trafficking in narcotic and psychotropic substances.
14.Russia will promote the strengthening of EvrAzEs as the nucleus of economic integration, and instrument of assistance to the realization of major hydropower, infrastructural, industrial and other joint projects having a primarily regional significance.
15.Of particular significance for Russia will be the reinforcement of the political potential of the SCO, and the stimulation within its framework of practical steps towards the enhancement of mutual trust and partnership in the Central Asian region.
16.The Russian Federation is in favor strengthening the mechanisms of cooperation with the European Union by all possible means, including the continued formation of common spaces in the economic, educational, scientific and cultural spheres, and in terms of internal and external security. The long-term national interests of Russia are served by the creation of an open system of Euro-Atlantic collective security, on a clear legal and treaty basis.
17.A determining aspect of relations with NATO remains the fact that plans to extend the alliance’s military infrastructure to Russia’s borders, and attempts to endow NATO with global functions that go counter to norms of international law, are unacceptable to Russia.
Russia is prepared to develop relations with NATO on the basis of equality and in the interests of strengthening the general security of the Euro-Atlantic region. The content and depth of these relations will be determined by the preparedness of the alliance to recognize Russia’s legal interests when engaging in military-political planning, and to respect norms of international law; and likewise NATO’s readiness to consider the further transformation of these relations and the search for new tasks and functions with a humanitarian orientation.
18.Russia will strive to build an equitable and valuable strategic partnership with the United States of America, on the basis of shared interests and taking into account the key influence of Russian-American relations on the international situation as a whole. In terms of priorities, these will continue to be the achievement of new agreements in the sphere of disarmament and arms control, the reinforcement of confidence building measures, and likewise the resolution of issues surrounding non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the development of antiterrorist cooperation, and the regulation of regional conflicts.
19.In the sphere of international security, Russia will maintain its adherence to the use of political, legal, economic, military and other instruments to defend state sovereignty and national interests.
The execution of a predictable and open foreign policy is inextricably tied to the realization of Russia’s stable development. The successful integration of Russia into the global economic space and the international division of labor is inhibited by the slow pace of transition of the national economy towards an innovation-based development trajectory.
20.For the prevention of threats to national security, it is essential to guarantee social stability, ethnic and denominational harmony, increase the mobilization potential and growth of the national economy, as well as improve the quality of work performed by state bodies and formulate effective mechanisms for their interaction with civil society, in order to realize the right of every Russian citizen to life, security, work, housing, health and a healthy way of life, accessible education, and cultural development.
21.The national interests of the Russian Federation in the long term consist of the following:
–developing democracy and civil society, and the enhancement of the competitiveness of the national economy;
–ensuring the solidity of the constitutional system, territorial integrity, and sovereignty of the Russian Federation;
–transforming the Russian Federation into a world power, whose activity is directed at supporting the strategic stability and mutually beneficial partner relationships within the multi-polar world.
22.The internal and external sovereign needs of the state with regards to ensuring national security are realized via the strategic national priorities.
23.The main national security priorities of the Russian Federation are national defense and state and social security.
24.In order to ensure national security, the Russian Federation, as well as achieving the basic priorities of national security, concentrates its efforts and resources on the following priorities of stable development:
–increasing the quality of life of Russian citizens by guaranteeing individual security, high standards of living, and economic growth which is achieved first and foremost by developing a national system of innovation and by investing in human capital; science, technology, education, healthcare, and culture, which are developed by reinforcing the role of the state and improving public-private partnership;
–ecology of living systems and rational resource use, supported by balanced consumption, development of progressive technologies, and expedient use of the country’s resources;
–strategic stability and equitable strategic partnership, on the basis of Russia’s active participation in the development of the multi-polar model of the international system.
25.The main components of the provision of national security consist of the maintenance of legal and institutional mechanisms, and likewise of the resources of the state and society, at a level corresponding to the national interests of the Russian Federation.
The state of national security of the Russian Federation is directly dependent on the economic potential of the country and the effectiveness of the system of provision of national security.
26.The strategic goals related to improving national defense consist of preventing global and regional wars and conflicts, and likewise of realizing strategic deterrence in the interests of ensuring the country’s military security.
Strategic deterrence presupposes the development and systemic realization of a range of interconnected political, diplomatic, military, economic, informational, and other measures, intended to forestall or reduce the threat of destructive action on the part of a state aggressor (coalition of states).
Strategic deterrence is realized with the use of the state’s economic resources, including support for the forces providing national security, by means of the development of a system of military-patriotic education of Russian citizens and likewise of military infrastructure and administration systems for the state military organization.
27.The Russian Federation provides national defense on the basis of principles of reasonable sufficiency and effectiveness, including by means of non-military response, mechanisms of public diplomacy and peacekeeping, and international military cooperation.
28.Military security is ensured by developing and improving the military organization and defensive potential of the state and likewise the allocation of sufficient financial, material, and other resources for this purpose.
The strategic objectives of national defense are realized by developing the system of national security, implementing a long-term military-technological policy and developing military infrastructure, and likewise by improving the system of administration of the state military organization and by realizing a range of measures increasing the prestige of military service.
29.The long-term state policy of the Russian Federation in the area of national defense and military construction, including within the framework of the Union State [with Belarus], is oriented towards the improvement of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, called upon to ensure the security, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the state, under any given conditions of the military-political environment.
30.Threats to military security include the policies of a number of leading foreign countries, directed at achieving predominant superiority in the military sphere, primarily in terms of strategic nuclear forces, but also by developing high-precision, informational, and other high-technology means of conducting armed warfare, strategic non-nuclear arms, by unilaterally creating a global missile defense system and militarizing space, which could lead to a new arms race, and likewise policies directed at the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological technologies, and the production of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, or their components.
Negative influences on the military security of the Russian Federation and its allies are aggravated by the departure from international agreements pertaining to arms limitation and reduction, and likewise by actions intended to disrupt the stability of systems of government and military administration, rocket attack warning systems, control of outer space, the functioning of strategic nuclear forces, nuclear weapons storage facilities, nuclear energy, nuclear and chemical industry, and other potentially dangerous sites.
31.The Russian Federation realizes the long-term state policy of national defense by developing a system of foundational conceptual documents, and likewise of documents concerned with planning and developing norms of legal regulation of state bodies, of institutions, of enterprises and organizations of the real economy, and of civil society institutions, in times of peace and war; and, moreover, with the improvement of the forces and means of civil defense, as well as the country’s communication networks and transport infrastructure in the interests of national defense.
32.The main challenge of strengthening national defense in the medium term is the transition towards a qualitatively new profile for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, while maintaining the potential of the strategic nuclear forces, by improving the organizational staff structure and system of territorially-based troops and forces, increasing the number of divisions at constant readiness, and likewise improving operations and combat training, as well as improving the organization of interaction among different troops and forces.
To this end, the recruitment system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies is being clarified, including personnel training and development of relevant infrastructure; optimal standby mechanisms are being developed; the prestige of military service and officers’ status is being enhanced; and likewise government programs and contracts are being executed for the development, creation, and modernization of arms, military and specialist technology, including means of communication, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and command control.
33.In the medium term, the transition towards a single system of contracts by the federal organs of executive power for armaments, military and specialist technology to supply the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, should be completed, as should the transition to a unified system of logistics and technical support. Normative legal regulation of the maintenance of supplies of material resources in the state– and mobilization reserve should be achieved and likewise the collaboration with other states in the area of military security.
34.The restructuring, optimization and development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation in the medium term corresponds to the resolution of challenges regarding the comprehensive and timely provision of modern armaments and specialized technology to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.
35.Strategic national security objectives in the sphere of state and public security are the protection of Russia’s constitutional system, of the basic rights and freedoms of the individual and the citizen, of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, and likewise the preservation of civil peace, political and social stability.
36.For the provision of national security in the domain of long-term state and public security, the Russian Federation starts from the necessity of constant improvements to law enforcement measures for the exposure, prevention, disruption, and discovery of acts of terrorism, extremism, and other criminal infringements on the rights and freedoms of the individual and the citizen, on property, on social order and public security, and on the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.
37.The main threats to national security in the sphere of state and public security are as follows:
–investigative or other activity by the special services and organizations of foreign countries and likewise by individual persons, directed at causing harm to the security of the Russian Federation;
–the activity of terrorist organizations, groups and individuals, directed at violent changes to the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, the disruption of normal functioning of state bodies (including violent action against governmental, political and social actors), the destruction of military or industrial sites, enterprises and institutions providing for vital social activities, and intimidation of the population, including by means of nuclear and chemical weapons or dangerous radioactive, chemical, and biological substances;
–the extremist activity of nationalist, religious, ethnic or other organizations and structures, directed at destroying the unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, destabilization of the internal political and social situation in the country;
–the activity of transnational criminal organizations and groupings, connected to illegal trafficking of narcotic and psychotropic substances, weapons, ammunition, and explosive substances;
–the persistent growth of criminal acts, directed against the individual, property, state power, public and economic security, and likewise acts connected to corruption.
38.The main long-term directions of state policy in the sphere of state and public security must be the reinforcement of the role of the state as guarantor of the security of the individual, first of all children and adolescents; the improvement of normative legal regulation of the fight against and prevention of criminality, corruption, terrorism, and extremism; more effective defense of the rights and lawful interests of Russian citizens abroad; and the expansion of global collaboration in law enforcement.
39.Long-term state and public security will likewise be supported by the increased effectiveness of law-enforcement organs and special services, by the creation of a single state system for the prevention of criminality (first of all concerning minors) and of other unlawful acts, a system which will encompass monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of law enforcement practices, and developing and applying special measures directed at reducing the level of corruption and criminalization of social relations.
40.In order to ensure state and public security:
–the structures and activity of federal organs of executive power are being improved, a National Anticorruption Plan is being implemented, a system of discovery and response to the global threats and crises of modernity is being developed, including international and national terrorism, political and religious extremism, nationalism and ethnic separatism;
–mechanisms for the forecasting and neutralization of social and interethnic conflicts are being created;
–a long-term concept for the comprehensive development and improvement of law-enforcement organs and special services is being formulated, social guarantees for their employees are being strengthened, scientific-technical support for law enforcement activity is being improved, promising specialist means and technologies are being adopted, a system of professional cadre training is being developed in the area of state and public security;
–a regime of secure functioning of the enterprises, organizations and institutions belonging to the country’s military-industrial, nuclear, chemical, and nuclear energy complexes, and likewise of essential support systems for the life of the population;
–the social responsibility of bodies providing state and public security is being increased.
41.One of the conditions of national security is the reliable defense and protection of the state borders of the Russian Federation.
The main threats to the border-related interests and security of the Russian Federation are the presence and possible escalation of armed conflicts near its state borders, the Security threats to borders include the activity of international terrorist and extremist organizations which base their emissaries and terrorist means in Russia and organize sabotage on Russian territory, and likewise the increased activity of transnational criminal groupings engaged in the illegal transfer across the Russian border of narcotic and psychotropic substances, goods and cargo, water and biological resources, other material and cultural valuables, and in the organization of channels for illegal migration.