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Текст книги "Fraternizing"

Автор книги: C. Brown

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Текущая страница: 7 (всего у книги 26 страниц)

Chapter 9


Dammit. I was losing my touch. Castillo bringing me dinner, while satisfying, was definitely not what I needed tonight. Fuck if Bennett didn't see me, sitting there, enjoying what could be perceived as a date– only it wasn't a date. It wasn't anywhere close to a date. I was simply stuck on duty, and Castillo showed up with food; home cooked food at that.

Who could pass that shit up?

What I didn't plan on was her sticking around, especially not long enough for Bennett to walk by and see us, and with that fucking Dalton kid at that. That look on his face made me see red, like a bull ready to take out a matador, but I’d composed myself. I wasn't about to show my ass in front of the private that I was stuck on duty with.

Bennett's little comments, coming from that sweet, yet smart ass mouth of hers, were nothing but a stimulant to my already hardened dick. The way she went toe to toe with Castillo, even though she's a junior Marine, made her even more appealing to me. The intensity in her eyes as she glared back at her, that quick wit coming off those innocent lips, excited every inch of me. How a girl with the delicacy of a flower could have the demeanor of a pit bull was a total mind fuck to me, one that was welcomed every day of the week. She stood there, looking like she wanted to know about the food, when deep inside I knew she wanted to know about me and the female sitting next to me. And Castillo knew it too. Laughter would have come pouring out of me if I hadn't found the poise to keep it locked down. The situation was comical, even if I was the only one to find the humor in it.

What I didn't find comical was finding out that Dalton was in Bennett's room up until 10pm– alone. Ruiz had already been granted clearance to be out for the night, and even though I didn’t want to give it to her, I needed to. It was my way of getting to Bennett without the constant distraction. Good thing the firewatch for the night asked no questions and just did as told. I’d had a feeling Dalton might be there, but deep inside I’d wanted to be wrong. Fire ignited in my gut when I was radioed and told that the fucker was, in fact, in there and had to be told to leave. If I could have punched through walls, I would have.

2:24am, and the private on duty with me was asleep. It was time for him to wake the fuck up while I made my rounds.

"Hey, Private Rinaldi, wake up. I'm going on my rounds," I told him, standing over him with my radio in hand. He awoke in a hurry, blinking furiously as he tried to focus on my face with the bright lights of the barracks room shining down on him. "If you need me–radio. Under no circumstances are you to go to sleep or abandon your post while I'm out, you understand that?"

"Yes, Sergeant," he answered in a hurry.

I walked briskly out the door, turning to my right and circling the building before making my way up the stairs. Strolling the outside, I was thankful to find no late night/early morning barracks shenanigans taking place. Even if everyone wasn't asleep, the barracks were quiet which was always a welcomed sound.

As I turned the last corner of the walkway, I found myself only inches away from Bennett's room. My steps slowed, my hands began to sweat, and my stomach formed into a contortion of thick, tightly twisted knots, waiting for someone to come and end my fucking misery. Stretching my arms didn't help a damn thing, it actually made it worse. As I outstretched my arms, the tight material of my shirt clung to my biceps, the nervous perspiration helping to lock it down. I looked around, swallowed hard, then looked around again. My mind kept telling me to retreat, but the powerful feeling coming from the headstrong muscle in between my legs kept telling me to stop being a pussy and walk in there. It was time to finally get what it was that I had been denied for far too long. I wanted to listen to my cock and my cock only, but my mind was a powerful piece of shit, killing the thoughts of walking into that room and having my way with Bennett.

What if she didn't want it? There would be a sexual harassment charge waiting for me, ending my fucking career as I knew it and the end of me as a free man. It would mean the end of my life because without the Corps, I was nothing. As my mind began to power through the strangle hold that my cock had on me, I walked away from her room, rubbing my face at the disappointment that I had with myself for allowing my dick to lead the way. Nothing good comes when your cock does all of the thinking. Nothing.

I walked away, feeling defeated and triumphant, and sure as shit confused. Just as I was about to turn the corner, another thought popped into my head, forcing me to stop and turn around. If she didn't want me, then why would she put herself out there for me? The mixed signals were driving me bat-shit crazy, and I was going to burst out of my pants if I didn't figure this shit out soon.

I stood before her room, sweat coating my hands and now my face as I pulled out my key ring with the keys to all of the barracks rooms in the building. I fumbled with them, finding it hard to keep my grip as I moved key after key, trying desperately to find the one to her room and get inside before anyone could see me.

What was I going to do once I was inside? I wasn't sure on that, but at that moment all I wanted to do was get in there and satisfy the deep seated hunger and need that I had for her. Everything below my waist wanted to have her, to touch her, to feel her, to own her. I wasn't about to let this shit fester any longer. So without allowing my mind to give it another thought and somehow make me back out, I grabbed the key to her room, stuck it into the keyhole and turned. Slowly pushing the door open, I found myself in the doorway while she slept peacefully in her bed, the moonlight streaming into the room, hitting her and putting her angelic form on full display.

That sweet vanilla smell that always seemed to wrap me up and knock me senseless charged me at full force as I stepped further in, quietly closing the door behind me. Ruiz wasn't supposed to be back, but just in case, I did a quick sweep of the room to make sure my plans wouldn't be spoiled. She was out as planned, putting a sinister grin on my face. Thoughts of finally getting my hands all over Bennett's picture perfect body did that to me. As I strode over to her bed, I began wondering what the fuck my next move should be.

I'd wake her, only after stripping all of my own clothes off, and take her without her even being able to speak a word.

The second that thought entered my head, my cock jumped, but I abandoned it, knowing good and damn well that it was a horrible idea.

I couldn't just stand there like a perverted stalker; I had to think of something.

She tossed and turned a hell of a lot in her sleep. The tiny tank top and matching shorts that she wore, her gorgeous sun-kissed legs sprawled out all over the bed, had me staring at her for far too long. My eyes were enjoying the show, but my hands were beginning to itch now, and my cock, which was thrumming with need, wanted me to do something to end the agony piling up inside. Before I could give it another thought, I sat down on the edge of her bed, leaned over, and began trailing kisses from one shoulder over to the next. She squirmed a bit but didn't stop me.

As my lips made their way to her other shoulder and then back to the center, just below her neck, my hands trailed over her shoulders, pulling down the straps of the tank top that was so gracefully hindering my ability of getting to one of her most beautiful and luscious assets. She mumbled something that I couldn't make out, making me freeze for a second, but then continued to lie there, so I took it as my invitation to go even further.

As I worked the tank top down, her beautifully sculpted back was presented to me, and I wasted no time kissing every inch of her that I could get my lips on. The moonlight shining into the room highlighted small traces of her back, almost pointing out the areas that needed my attention most. I grabbed her beautiful blonde hair, the feel of it soothing something deep inside of me. Pushing it aside, I placed harder kisses on her back and up her neck while snaking my hands around and grabbing hold of her tit. The feel of it in my hands again after wanting it for so long caused me to lose my breath, sending my heart into an erratic beat that couldn't be slowed. I exhaled loudly, causing her to stir and turn over.

 She gazed up at me.

"Shh…" I said, staring down into those beautiful green eyes that seemed to melt me every time they peered at me.

She looked around the room, a sense of panic going off in her eyes as I worked to calm her down.

"Ruiz is gone. No need to worry about her," I whispered, holding her face in one of my hands. Her baby soft skin was so incredibly addicting that I found my hand running up and down her cheek, loving the feel of it.

"What are you doing? We could get in so much trouble."

"I'm not worried about that right now," I quickly answered as I continued to remove her tank top from her body. Her tits sensually revealed from the confines of the fabric, begging me to place my mouth around them. Since I was such a gentleman, I had no desire to deny her of anything she wanted from me at the moment.

My mouth was on one tit while my hand squeezed and massaged the other. The way it filled every inch of my mouth, the silkiness of her skin, the firmness of her tit, sent my mind over the edge with excitement as I finally got to taste something that had been haunting me since I first laid eyes on it. Running my tongue around the outer edge of her nipple, her panting picked up as her hands gripped onto my back, tugging and pulling with each suckle that I gave. The more she tugged, the more vigorous I allowed my tongue to sweep over her. I didn't give two shits that I was still in uniform and that she was probably ruining it at this moment. All I cared about was ending this craving that I had for her and making sure that she enjoyed every fucking second of it.

I quickly swapped tits, moving to the other and giving it the attention from my mouth that its counterpart had just experienced. My hand grabbed the other, holding tightly as I licked her up like a lollipop. Her pants turned to low moans as her hands moved to my head, trying desperately to grab my hair. The sounds of her pleasure made me want to give her so much more– to challenge her, to challenge me, to see how far I could take us. I scraped my teeth over her, her nipple standing at attention every time I did so.

Aggression took over as I wanted to watch her buckle, to come apart beneath me. My hand picked up in intensity with the forceful sucking, my short nails gently scraping over her, feeling the goose bumps that had surfaced.

"You can't–"

"Can't what?" I cut her off, not wanting her to stop me before I even had the chance to do what I really wanted to do to her. "Don't stop what we both want, Blondie. I can't take anymore stares and lip sucks. I need to get inside of you, like fucking yesterday."

Her eyes narrowed, filling with exorbitant amounts of lust while a faint smile spread across her face.

"Blondie?" she asked, laughing slightly. "That's the second time you've called me that.”

"Yes, Blondie."

Before she could fix her lips to say anything else, I brought her mouth to mine, kissing her gently before she gave me an opening, allowing me to take it– all of it. My tongue worked itself into her mouth, exploring every inch of her. I used one hand to pull her shorts down, and much to my pleasure I found that she wasn't wearing panties, leaving nothing inhibiting me from getting to what I needed so badly.

Our tongues worked over and around one another. She pulled back every so often, using her teeth to trap my bottom lip. I let her do it a few times before I took over and did it to her, biting on her lip while running my hands all through her silky, soft hair.

I continued kissing and licking her neck as my hands ravaged her hair, tugging as I sucked on what appeared to be her weak spot. She turned her head, giving me further access while soft moans escaped her.

"Shhh," I chided her, placing my fingers over her mouth. "Keep your voice down, or neither of us will be getting anything."

She didn’t respond, but her body did it for her. I lay between her legs as I took her neck, her cheek, her lips...

 I went back to her tits, those beautiful, ample tits that seemed to constantly beg me to take them and have my way with them. She arched her back and brought her knees together as she tried in vain to stifle the moan coming out of her mouth. I knew it. I had her. I just needed to get her ready a bit more before I tore into her and fucked her to pieces. Her soft, gentle breaths hit my ears with every moan and exhale that she released, teasing my cock to the point that I was beginning to worry that she had the upper hand and would end up fucking the life out of me.

I used my knees to break her legs free and guided my dick up to the entrance of her pussy. She lifted her hips, inviting me to make my way inside, and I knew that I still had her.

I had no intention of giving in to what she was so obviously ready for.

My kisses trailed down her torso, that impressively solid part of her body that matched perfectly with the perkiness of her tits. I lingered around her navel, dipping my tongue inside and making her buck a bit as she tried to hold her legs closed again.

"Don't try that shit," I whispered, smiling at her. The longing in her eyes had my heart racing, sweat building, and my dick twitching.

I continued working in and around her navel, my sweat coated hands holding firm to her hips as she swiveled them, much like she did that night on the dance floor at Coyotes. My lips swept down to just above her pussy, kissing the triangular pattern leading to it. After a few kisses, I stopped, looking up at her and finding irritation in her eyes as she tried to force me back to her spot, but I held out.

"I run this shit, you understand that?"

She reluctantly nodded her head, still gasping and unable to speak. A slight laugh escaped me as I watched her lying there, lifting her hips, trying desperately for me to get my lips back in contact with her body.

"When you calm down, I'll go back."

"If I calm down, I may not want you to go back," she responded, shocking and exciting me at the same time. These were the first words she had been able to speak in quite some time, and the fact that she was challenging made me want to command her to give me every piece of her body.

But I didn't.

I just laid there, silently calling her bluff.

She lasted longer than I thought she would, but in the end she pulled my head back down to her sweet spot. I smiled, feeling like I had won a small victory in that moment. She was challenging, but she was no fucking match for me and I was ready to prove it to her.

I placed my nose at the entrance of her very succulent and already moist pussy, inhaling the sweet aroma of it as my mouth began to salivate at the very thought of getting a taste. Her hips moved up and down again and as I placed the tip of my tongue at her entrance.

My eyes caught a glimpse of a very intricate tattoo on her right hip. With only a hint of moonlight casting down onto it, I couldn’t make out exactly what the tattoo was, but I made a mental note to study it along with every inch of her body in greater detail later. At the moment, I just wanted to finally taste this girl who had been running circles in my mind over the course of the past week.

I removed one of my hands from her hip and traced my fingers down her thigh and over to her pussy. The lips seemed to be swelling with excitement and anticipation as I used my thumb and index finger to peel them back, giving my tongue the necessary space needed to dive in and explore the core of this mind blowing girl.

I backed her, forcing her legs up into the air while she used her elbows to steady her weight. I sat up on my knees, wrapped my arms around her thighs and grabbed hold of her, running my tongue from the middle of her thigh clear up to the top, stopping just before reaching her entrance. She was desperate for my tongue to get inside of her, so I moved over to her other thigh and did the same thing, only this time when I reached her entrance, I slowly sank my tongue in, causing her to gyrate her hips while moaning loud enough to wake up her neighbors next door.

"Don't make me have to quiet you down," I lightly threatened, stopping just long enough to sneak a peek at her—her bottom lip was tucked into her mouth, held firmly by the stiff bite of her teeth, and her eyes were tightly shut as she tried to control her moans, but failing miserably.

I snuck one finger and then another into her, feeling the clasping of her very tight walls lock onto them from the second they entered. I worked those two fingers inside of her, her hips rocking back and forth as slight whimpers now left her soft, plentiful mouth. With every sound she made, I felt my dick grow harder and harder, growing impatient with the need for an intense release.

My tongue was back inside of her. I ran it over her clit, those slight whimpers turning into pleas and cries for me to " shove my cock inside," as she called out. Her need egged me on as I removed my tongue and began exploring her tiny asshole, then back up to the entrance of her pussy and swirling my tongue around and moving it in and out as my fingers firmly massaged the lips that were swelling more and more with every touch. The moisture from inside of her grew more plentiful, and soon tiny white droplets were coating my tongue, pressing me to bring her orgasm full circle. I picked up the pace of my tongue, her hips doing the same thing. Her tits moved up and down, side to side, slapping against one another as I lapped and sucked her until those droplets turned into a gush of silky whiteness on my tongue, on my lips and down my chin. She tasted as sweet as she smelled, satisfying and teasing at the same time.

Shrieks left her as I fought with whether to make her shut the fuck up or scream louder. I knew good and damn well that having anyone catch us like this would be the end of us, but I couldn't help myself. I had found my Achilles heel, and it didn't seem like anything was going to stop me from having every bit of her.

Licking and savoring the release of her from my lips, I gently moved away from her. She fought hard to slow her breathing, staring at me with nothing but, "fuck me,"in her eyes. She didn't need to say a damn word.

I removed my shirt with haste and tossed it on the end of her bed as she sat up and helped to pull my under shirt over my head. She sat back, softly biting her lip as her eyes raked me over. She reached up and placed her satiny hands on my chest, running her fingers over my most prized tattoo– the picture of the rifle turned upside down standing between a pair of combat boots with a helmet and dog tags hanging from the gun. The names of my six brothers in arms who had died during my third combat tour in Iraq surrounded the gun, and her soft hands running all over it did something crazy to my mind as well as my body. She inched closer, an aroused and longing gaze filling her eyes as she kissed my abs, then slowly brought her tongue out, using the tip to lick the boundaries of each bulge. Her licks went lower and lower until she was at my pants line. She looked up to me, the innocence on her face making me smile ever so gently.

"You want it, you're gonna have to go get it," I told her, my voice spilling out in a rough rumble.

She wasted no time, almost as if she were asking permission to go after what I had deemed hers a while ago. She worked furiously to remove my belt, unsnapping my pants, pulling my boxer briefs down with them. My cock was finally free, the moonlight and fresh air hitting it, breaking it from the restrictions that had tortured it for far too long. She looked up to me and swallowed, exciting me with the idea that she would do just that. The pure and righteous look in her eyes made me shutter with excitement because I knew at any moment, she was about to suck the life out of my cock.

Her tiny, soft hand grabbed hold of it, stroking gently at first while I ran my fingers over her head. The harder she grasped and stroked, the harder I gripped onto her hair. She stroked me so hard that I thought I would come with just the movement of her hand alone, depriving me of the chance to have her perfectly beautiful little mouth around it, sucking and tugging until I came apart. I grabbed even harder onto her hair, guiding her head to my cock with firm tenacity. I was met with no hesitation as she opened her mouth and gracefully took me inside. I could have come with the warmth of her mouth alone. As she licked my cock from the base clear up to the tip, I worked hard to hold back and keep myself from prematurely spilling out all over her. I wanted more of what she had to offer, and by the overzealous movements coming from her, I knew she had so much more that she wanted to give me.

My hips began moving back and forth, pounding my cock in and out of her mouth. My hands held their strong hold on her hair, guiding her mouth where it needed to be. I pushed my cock deeper and deeper, gauging just how far I could get before she gagged on me and made me stop. To my delight and surprise, I got all the way to the back of her throat, and she took that shit like a champ. I had found a winner, and there was no way I was going to give her up easily. She took every bit of me without pulling away, gagging, or any other shit that so many girls I had come across had often done.

I pulled back a bit, and she sucked me in, tightening her lips around me and damn near pulling the orgasm out of me. I wasn't ready to come just yet, so I held off, making sure that I kept control and showed her that even though she had the mouth of a fucking Hoover, I wasn't going to let her own me– not yet anyway.

Her sucks picked up, making me yank her head back and forth as my hips moved to the same rhythm. Moans began filtering out of me as I tried desperately to keep them to a minimum, but the task seemed like such an astronomical feat. She was sucking me off in a way that I had only imagined. I wasn't truly ready for it. I felt the tingle in my cock and knew that if I let her go a second longer, I was going to explode in her mouth, but it wasn't I wanted it to happen. She locked on even tighter, making me finally pull her head back as I stood there, breathing hard as fuck as she looked up at me.

"I'm not fucking coming like that right now. My first come with you is going to be inside of you, claiming you, where I can mark my spot, keeping all other dicks away."

The words came out through labored pants, and she understood, rising to her feet and sitting down on her bed, waiting for me to make the next move. I reached down into my pants and pulled out a condom, thrusting it into my mouth and tearing into the wrapper with my teeth like a rabid dog, then quickly rolling it onto my aching cock.

"I want you, Sergeant Cruz," she said in a lustful, breathy tone. The fact that she didn't even know my first name hadn't dawned on me.

"Alex," I quickly responded. "Call me Alex."

Before she could say another word I was over her, my pleading cock at her entrance, and my face between her perky tits. I pulled away for a split second and looked into her memorizing green eyes.

"I'm gonna fuck you until I get tired, and I won't stop–not a second sooner."

"Fuck me," she whispered, turning her head to the side and giving me her pretty little neck once again. I took it, licking and kissing just the way I had done earlier while positioning myself in the ready position to enter her tight little pussy.

Just as I was about to dive in, my radio went off.

"Sgt. Cruz, this is Private Rinaldi, you copy."

"FUCK!" I yelled in anger and utter frustration. No way was this shit happening just as I was finally going to get a taste of her with the one part of my body that needed her most.

Disappointment washed over her in an instant, further breaking me.

"I'm sorry. I have to get this shit," I told her, moving off the bed and leaning down to pick up the radio. "Sgt, Cruz. What is it?" I asked, my tone filled with anger.

"Fight on second deck, Sgt."

"I'm on my way."

I stared at my stubborn cock that showed no signs of breaking the need to be milked dry. Fuck. How was I supposed to get back to my post with this shit sticking out like it hadn't been given attention in years? Trying desperately to remove all thoughts of smashing someone's fucking teeth in when I finally got to this fight, I worked fast, re-dressing myself and trying to look as suitable as possible before making my way back out of her room.

"This isn't finished," I said as I tucked my shirt back into my pants and fastened my belt. "I'm coming for you in the morning."

"I can't. I have plans with Dalton in the morning."

Something about his name coming from her mouth, that very mouth that had just been on my cock, put a bad taste inside of me.

"Cancel them," I barked.

"I can't. He–"

"I'm off duty at zero seven, depending on how much shit I have to deal with right now. Figure a way out of your plans." I leaned down and kissed her, trying to touch and taste her for as long as I could. Our scents intermingled as we kissed, the taste of her on my lips and the taste of me on hers, supplying one another with the flavor of ourselves. She was fucking mine, I could taste it when I kissed her.

I poked my head out of the room, making sure no one was lurking about before walking out, striding angrily towards the scene of the fight that had that crazy fucking Allen kid sitting outside with another guy who I hadn't seen before.

"Who the fuck do you belong to?" I asked the unknown kid, feeling the frustration, anger, and build-up from the cock block.

"Data, Sgt."

I turned to Rinaldi who stood there with the MPs and a notebook in his hands. Grabbing onto his arm, I pulled him away from the scene.

"Why the fuck are there MPs here before I was notified?" I questioned, staring him down with the urge to beat his ass right there in front of everyone. He swallowed, fear going off in his eyes as he tried to step away from me.

"I tried calling for you, Sgt. I tried a few times. I couldn’t get you, and I didn't know exactly where you had gone on your rounds."

He swallowed again, his eyes still laced with fear as I calmed the fuck down. He had been left on his own, this fucking Private who maybe had four months in the Marine Corps. I had left him to deal with this shitty ass situation.

I patted him on the back.

"Thank you, Private," I said before moving over to the MPs to find out exactly what they knew so that it could be logged into the duty log book. After speaking with them for the next twenty minutes, the guys were led back to their rooms with restrictions placed on them, and a note that they would be dealt with by their commands in the morning.

"Private Rinaldi, go ahead and make notes in the log book. I'm running to the john."

He nodded his head, then sat down and got to work. I walked fiercely, desperately trying to combat the painful throb from my cock that had made its way up to my head. I needed a fucking release, and as I thought back to my opportunity to let loose with Cassie's mouth all over me, frustration seeped in even further. I made my way into the bathroom, slamming my hand on the door of the stall as I walked in and locked the door behind me. I thrust my pants down to my ankles and stood there, grabbing my cock with tremendous amounts of fury and aggression. I needed a release, but I was also pissed that I had left my post for pussy and that pussy was running around with another guy who irked the living fuck out of me. All of those thoughts at once had me jacking off hard and mad. Cassie was mine, and I’d be damned if that Dalton prick got any more of her time when I needed it so desperately.

What was happening to me? Abandoning a post in combat could lead to deaths, and we practice like we play, making sure that our duty time is treated like a combat situation. Cassie was weakening me, and the power of her pussy was overcoming my resolve. I loved it and hated it all at the same time. As I looked down at my now bulging cock being worked furiously by my angry hand, I beat the side of the stall with my fist until I came with loud groans through clenched teeth. Finally… finally feeling some sense of relief but still needing it to happen inside the walls of a very enticing, skillful, blonde beauty that had me wrapped around her finger.

 I was fucked.

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