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Текст книги "Fraternizing"

Автор книги: C. Brown

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Текущая страница: 4 (всего у книги 26 страниц)

"Stay focused. Don't be the barracks whore either. You've got too much going for you."

That shocked me.

"What?" I questioned, completely caught off guard.

"Don't hang out in barracks rooms where you're the only female. That's how rumors get started."

I swallowed hard, not sure how he knew of my whereabouts, and a bit embarrassed by them at the same time.

"Good job out there today," he reiterated, this time a wicked gleam went off in his eyes. He used them to rake over my entire body. I wanted so badly to grab him and let him have his way with me, but reality quickly set in. He blinked, took a few steps away from me, then turned on his heel and walked away. His muscular back outlined by the tight confines of the t-shirt molded onto his body. His legs, toned and tanned, with a tattoo of a depraved looking Marine Corps bulldog, carried him away from me, making me wish he would turn around and take me off somewhere to cure the ache that his presence seemed to inflict on my body.

I took another long gulp of the water in my hands, trying to squelch the flames in my body that had nothing to do with the heat from the rising sun. When the world finally stopped spinning around me, I focused, only long enough to find Sgt. Castillo's gaze fixed on me, a deep scowl accompanying it. She didn't turn away when my eyes landed on hers, and neither did I. For what seemed like a long couple of minutes we stood, in the middle of a field, glaring at one another.

She walked over in my direction, her perfect posture and swift movements taking me by surprise.

"Good job out there today, Bennett," she said, a sly grin spreading across her petite face.

"Thank you, Sgt. Castillo," I replied, unsure of her motive. She looked me over, her eyes landing on my chest that was still standing erect thanks to my hardened nipples that were on display for everyone to see.

"I'm watching you. Just be aware of that," she quickly added, no hint of friendliness in her voice whatsoever. She turned and walked away, leaving me angry and confused. If what Angelica had said about her and Cruz were true, maybe she saw me as a threat.

I wasn't sure what she knew, or what she thought she knew, but she was beginning to make me very uncomfortable.

Chapter 5


Sitting in my office, staring at my computer screen, it dawned on me that I was probably much too close for appropriate instructor/student contact, and I had to work even harder at staying away from Cassie Bennett in any capacity that could get me caught up. The only problem was, I liked the magnetic pull she had on me. Her scent seemed to linger in the air, reeling me in like a bee drawn to honey. I was beginning to think that there was no way I’d be able to function in my normal capacity, not with her figure popping up on my radar with every turn I took.

Watching her bend over out there, even if it was out of sheer exhaustion, put pictures in my mind that had me wanting to yank her somewhere and hide her away until I could fulfill every sordid fantasy I had about her.

Her PT gear, although unflattering and scruffy on most, still showcased the most ample set of tits I think I have ever had the pleasure of setting my sights on, and her ass– oh her ass– invited me over with each inch that she bent over. How I managed to keep my composure with her standing and bending, showing off and enticing, had me racking my own brain. I knew the kind of blunt asshole I could be, so I shocked myself by refraining. It just wasn't something that I would normally do.

Irritation settled within me the second I heard her yell out while up on that pull-up bar. Hearing her cry out like that put thoughts in my head, all of which started and ended with me and her, tangled up somewhere.

Me, driving in and out of her...her, yelling my name being the sound oozing from her lips...           Frustration of the highest caliber washed over me as I walked away from her, and I couldn't quite put my finger on what had me so riled up. Was it the fact that I wanted to take her and do all sorts of dirty shit to her, or was it that fuckin' Dalton kid? Just thinking about him set me off, so part of it must have been him. He reminded me so much of Riley and the way he’d irked me when I’d first met him. He was always around, always smiling, and always pissing me off. Dalton had the same affect, only my annoyance with him was that he was snaking his way into the girl that I wanted to get into, and there was no fucking way in hell I was about to let that happen.

The fact that I had found out that she was the only female in that barracks room put me in a bad place. I wanted to jump up from my meal and run over there, then pull her out and spank her ass for putting herself into that sort of situation. Young male Marines—especially overly testosterone, two second nutters—were not to be trusted when they found themselves in a situation like the one that Bennett put herself into. Her naive mind had me angry and excited at the same time. I'm sure she saw it as just another way to make friends in this shit hole town, while curing the ceaseless spouts of boredom that often times crept in. But for me, it was a punch in the gut, a kick to the chin, a stab in the heart.

My appetite was lost at the news of her being in that room without anyone there to properly defend her. I couldn't let Castillo know that it had damn near sucker punched me, but it had, and I wanted to tear out of there at the sound of it. Sure that Dalton kid was there, and I guess she looked at him like a friend, but honestly, something about that kid had me puzzled. I wasn't sure if I could trust him around her the way that she trusted herself around him.

A quick knock on the door broke me from my thoughts, prompting me to fix myself and remove the sweat from my brow before Smith came striding into the room.

"Riley said you wanted to see me, man."

"Yeah. Just got a quick question. That Dalton kid from your class, what do you know about him?"

Smith pondered for a minute before Dalton apparently popped into his head, sparking his memory.

"He's a good kid from Wisconsin. Company Honorman in bootcamp. That's all that really stood out to me. Why?"

"Just wondering. He's on my radar and I just wanted to know what you knew."

"Nothing bad from what can I tell."

I nodded, but deep down I still wasn't convinced. An aching in my gut was telling me that there was something about this kid that he was hiding.

"Anyway, man. We're hitting up the bowling alley at lunch. You coming? Dollar games during the lunch hour for military in uniform."

"Yeah, I'll be there. Puttin' you assholes to shame."

"Right. We aren't putting the bumpers up, man. Gutter balls count."

"Fuck off," I replied, finally able to laugh.

Smith turned and walked out of my office. I quickly changed over to my cammies, grabbing my cover and placing it on my head as I strolled out, trying to think of anything other than the fucking student who had done nothing but mentally destroy me since I first laid eyes on her.

Back at the schoolhouse, I went ahead and got the class started for the day, focusing on the various types of radio communications we used in the fleet and in what capacity they would be used. Newsome worked tirelessly in the corner, putting together the test packets for the first test that the students would take later in the week in neat and orderly piles.

"What is the job of a zero-six in the Marine Corps, Bennett?"

Her eyes widened as she looked up from her manual.

"To set up and operate all radio equipment for field missions."

I looked at her with lustful, unrelenting eyes, nodding my head before going into my spiel about how, without communications, people die. I had given the speech quite a few times, and in all actuality, it was true.

Jensen went more in depth with the functions of each radio system that was commonly used in the fleet while I took over the roaming of the classroom, making sure that every bit of pertinent information was being written down so as not to fail their test later in the week.

Allen, the beast from the PFT who was screaming his head off like he'd just murdered and eaten something after his pull-ups, wasn't taking down very many notes, prompting me to keep an eye on him. He seemed to possess brute strength, but his classroom skills were not on par. He was definitely one to look out for.

I took a seat in the back of the room, studying the class while trying to mentally place them into the categories that I thought they fit into. Most of them were pretty easy to distinguish. There were the obvious science nerds who loved anything with numbers and currents, then there were those who were willing to do anything other than infantry, and then there was Allen, Ruiz, and Bennett. None of them seemed to fit into any category. Allen, in my opinion, seemed like a picture perfect infantry man. He was big, rugged, and tough, so it puzzled me as to how he ended up in Comm. Ruiz and Bennett were odd ones here because if I had met them in bootcamp, I would have pegged them for Admin girls. Ruiz and her grit out on the PFT field showed that she had a rugged side, but Bennett, I didn't want to see anything rugged about her, except maybe for how well she could hold up against me in bed. Besides that, I wanted to see her as the sweet smelling flower that plastered smiles on my face, perked up my day, and brightened my night.

"You'll have an hour for chow today.  Be back here at thirteen thirty," Jensen called out, promptly dismissing the class.

I seemed to have gotten lost in my thoughts in the back of the room and lost track of time.

"You coming to the bowling alley, Cruz?" Jensen asked.

I swallowed, trying to bring myself back into the here and now.

"Yeah, let's go."

We walked out of the schoolhouse, sunglasses pulled down over our eyes, covers thankfully protecting our heads from the broiling rays of the sun as we made our way over to the base bowling alley. When we walked in, Castillo and Collins were already sitting down at one of the lanes, motioning for us to join them. Shortly after we sat down and got situated, Riley, Newsome, and Smith walked in, meeting us in our area.

"Let's put a friendly wager on today's game," Riley called out, making the rest of us shake our heads. "Whoever scores the lowest is footing the bill all night at Coyotes on Friday."

"That's not a good bet. Cruz has duty Friday night. He won't be around to pay for our binge fest," Jensen answered, making everyone break out in laughter, including me.

"I'm not that fucking bad. And I'll take your shitty little wager, Riley, because I'm damn near certain that it won't be me paying up to kill your livers."

Everyone else nodded their heads, agreeing to the bet.

Before long, we were five frames into the game and I was holding on to second to last place. Collins, luckily, was pulling up the rear. It was my turn to throw when I heard that annoying voice of Pfc. Dalton making his way into the bowling alley. When I turned around, I found Bennett and two other Marines whom I didn't know walking in with him. The female I had never seen before, but the male looked like he was in Smith's and Riley's class; perhaps a friend of the kid who made me want to spit nails.

I turned and cracked my neck, trying to erase her presence from my mind. It wasn't an easy task. In fact, it was downright shitty because the more I tried not to think about her, the more she was there, smiling that perfect little naïve smile that had hooked me from the very beginning.

I walked up to the lane, throwing my ball and cursing aloud as the ball made its way to the gutter for the first time in the game. Of course it would have to happen when she was around, possibly looking over at me.

"You better hope Collins rolls a gutter too, or else your ass is flying solo in last place, Cruz," Riley yelled out. My eyes narrowed at him, or so he thought it was him, but truth be told my eyes were focusing in on Bennett in the background, getting what looked like a back rub from Dalton as she prepared to make her first throw.

Son of a bitch.

My insides were turning, pushing me to stomp over there and remove his hand from any part of her body. Innocent or not, it was pissing me off that he could touch her and I couldn't. And I hated being told no.

She stood, grabbed a ball, then walked up the lane and situated herself. When she threw, she knocked down seven pins, leaving a very simple spare to pick up extra points. Dalton made sure to high-five her, holding on to her hand a bit too long for my liking. I had completely checked out of our game as I remained focused on what was happening down the row from us. She threw her second ball and easily picked up the spare, throwing her hands into the air while the rest of them clapped and hollered for her. Her easy going nature had me wrapped around her finger without her even having to say much to me. She was so different from me, so carefree, and I liked it.

Fuck, I loved it.

I tried hard to come back to our game, but I couldn't get my mind or my eyes to keep from wandering to where Bennett was driving me mad, even though she was unaware of the affect she had on me. She high– fived Dalton when he walked back after throwing a strike, their fingers lingering as they pulled away. His excessive celebration was grating my nerves, and even if there was technically nothing wrong with what they were doing, I just couldn't take his flirtations with her any longer.

"You all need to keep it down. This is still a place of business," I growled, standing over the four of them. Bennett's eyes loomed large as she looked up to me. My presence must have caught her off guard as shock filled her face, almost as if she had no idea that I was in the building.

"I'm sorry, Sergeant," Dalton offered up, further pissing me off by his cordial demeanor when I was anything but. "We'll try and keep it down."

"It's fine," I backtracked, realizing that I was losing my shit in front of her. "Just bring it down a notch. You don't want to get too rowdy in here," I lied. They all nodded and answered. I looked back down to Bennett, her bottom lip tucked into her mouth, held down by the top row of her teeth. The look sent blood streaming down to my cock, exciting me in a way that I couldn't deal with, not in public anyway. I closed my eyes and exhaled, quickly turning and walking back over to where my own group sat.

"I'll catch you guys later. I'll take this loss and pay for your shit, I just have to get out of here," I said, quickly gathering my things before walking out of the bowling alley. Before I walked out, I turned back to catch a glimpse of Bennett who still had her gaze hooked on me. She sucked on that bottom lip of hers again, this time making me do the same.

I wanted her so bad. I wanted to show her just how much she affected me, but I couldn't. I couldn't do a God damned thing about the lust, the friction, or the crazy erections that she often times gave me. No, all I could do was walk back out into the searing sun and stew on my thoughts that were never going to become a reality because the Marine Corps made sure that I couldn't act on them without losing everything that I had worked so hard for.

If someone had asked me a year ago if I could disobey a Marine Corps order, I would have laughed in their face and offered them a punch to the gut for such an idiotic fucking question. The Corps was everything I have ever wanted to be, and it's made me everything that I am. The rules and regulations were set in place to maintain proper conduct and order, two necessary components for running the world's most elite branch of war fighters.

Now, after meeting Bennett and going half way with her—and desperately wanting to taste that second half– I'm not so sure those rules and regulations weren't set in place to test me and make my life a living hell. Could I turn my back on the Corps and what it stands for? For Cassie Bennett, I wasn't sure, but this was more than just saying no as I would for almost every other female. This was a dire straits game of tug-o-war, a self-depraving inner struggle, a test of wills. On the outside, I was winning, but deep inside...deep inside I knew I was losing badly.

My mind was swirling and jumbling with the thought of betraying one of the main rules that had been put in place to protect all parties involved. For the first time in my career, I wasn't ready to staunchly defend an order that had been given. I was ready to toss that bitch aside and forget that it even existed if that meant I could finally taste Bennett and every ounce of her vanilla and fruit scented body.

I hated what she was doing to me in terms of who I was as a Marine and my standing within the Corps. I didn't make it to where I was because I cut corners to get there. I worked hard, never taking shortcuts or doing shit in secret. But now, not only was my mind grappling with the idea of doing those things, I was fucking salivating at the opportunity to break that one, cock blocking rule. Because by not breaking that rule, it was destroying my mind while also slowly, tortuously breaking down my will power.

Chapter 6


The bowling alley was completely and utterly frustrating. What started out as a fun idea to quickly pass along the lunch hour, turned into a panty wetting, lip biting, image-producing fiasco within my own mind. I pictured Sgt. Cruz's lips on mine, biting and tugging as I bit down on my own. His response was not lost on me, and I could only hope that it wasn't that obvious to everyone else in attendance. If Sgt. Cruz was serious about forgetting what had happened that night at Coyotes, he wasn't making it easy on me. He could have very well stayed away from us because honestly, we weren't that loud. And even if we were, it was a bowling alley for crying out loud; people get loud and rowdy in there.

Unlike the other three people I was with, I knew the real reason he had made his way over to us. He wanted to make his presence known. I had no clue he was there until he walked over, using his burly voice that reminded me of pure and unadulterated sex, to bark out orders that he knew he had no business giving. The sight of him did things to my body that felt foreign to me. How I couldn't contain my excitement whenever he came near was baffling. I was never thatgirl– the one who lost her bearings at the mere sight of a good looking guy. But Sgt. Cruz was so much more than just good-looking. He oozed sex appeal and confidence, and his disposition was weakening me with every encounter.

I was usually much more in control than what I'd been showing, but somehow, whenever he got near me, everything I ever knew washed away, leaving me stupefied.

Even with his abrupt exit his presence lingered, making me wholly uncomfortable and unable to concentrate. The frequent questions from Dalton, and the incessant stares from Jensen and Castillo, had me on pins and needles. Dalton had no clue what was going on, and I was hoping to keep it that way. Jensen and Castillo knew and were in a position to make things very difficult for me if I tried to act on it.  It was a delicate balancing act that I was faltering with.

As much as I wanted to believe that we could be mature adults about what had happened, there was much more to this that was clouding that prospect. For starters, the feelings involved, whether simple attraction or lust, were consuming me. It was on my mind from the moment that I woke in the morning until I went to bed at night, and having to see and interact with him throughout the day was driving me crazy.

So many times as I sat in my seat trying hard to focus on the lesson for the day, my mind would wander off and thoughts of those large hands grabbing and groping my body, lifting me and tossing me down on the bed while raking over every inch of me, would crash into my mind, diverting my attention and sending my clit into a violent, throbbing mess. It always seemed that just after coming back from my daydream I'd find Sgt. Cruz's eyes glued to me, almost as if he knew or felt exactly what it was that I was seeing and feeling. A few times I caught him wiping his brow, indicating that some lustrous thought had been rummaging through his mind as well.

My frequent bathroom breaks had nothing to do with actually needing to use the bathroom, but more so to catch my breath, wipe my sweat away, and soothe the ache building within me, yearning for a release that never truly came because I still hadn't had the remedy to dispose of it. No matter how difficult I thought it would be to turn my thoughts and my libido away from Sgt. Cruz, I was finding the actual act of trying to forget about him ten times more difficult. It was slow torture, like someone taking you to the brink of an earth shattering orgasm and then abruptly pulling away, leaving you to try and obtain a feat that you knew would never come. The frustration within me was beginning to build, and I was running out of ways to quell it.

Thursday evening came and with it came our first official Field Day, or the detailed cleaning of our barracks rooms with an instructor inspection to follow.  Angelica and I did a meticulous job of cleaning and making sure that nothing was out of place.

We stood at the entrance of our room, still in uniform, nervous as shit that something was going to be out of place and that we would fail, probably furthering the strife already festering between us.

Sgts. Newsome and Jensen walked up, looking like two angry pit bulls ready to attack on command. They stopped at the door, greeting both Angelica and me, before removing their covers and walking into the room, scouring every inch of it. My breath caught as nerves settled within me.  I thought Sgt. Cruz's absence would quell the nervous flutters inside of me, but it did quite the opposite– it intensified them. I knew he was around, I just didn't know where or when he would pop up, and that uncertainty escalated my anxiety.

After waiting in the hallway for what felt like a lifetime, Sgts. Newsome and Jensen were finally making their way back to the entrance of the room, effectively signaling that we had passed our inspection. Just as I exhaled the daunting breath that I had been holding, I saw Sgt. Newsome turn his head and begin yelling.

"Why the fuck is this wall locker not secured?"

His thunderous voice shook me, sending ice through my veins as I knew he was referring to my locker. I was certain that I had locked it up.

"Pfc. Bennett," he called out, jolting me back into the room.

"Yes, Sgt. Newsome?"

"Is this your wall locker?"

"Yes, Sgt."

"Then why in the fuck is it not secured?" The veins in his forehead were beginning to bulge as his entire face went beet red.

"I thought it was, Sgt."

His eyebrows twitched as flash of anger went off in his face.

"You thought?" he yelled out, moving closer to the locker before placing his hand and on the unsecured lock. "When you thinkwithout follow-up, people die, Bennett. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, Sergeant," I quickly replied.

Without another word, he opened the locker, looking around at the contents before grabbing and violently flinging it down onto the ground, expelling all of my personal belongings from inside. There were clothes, body sprays, lotions, hair essentials, make-up, jewelry, detergent, books, and many other things that lay strewn on the ground. I wasn't sure if I should move to pick them up or wait until I was given the order to do so. Instead, I stood there, eyes locked on Sgt. Newsome as he went into a long tirade on how sloppy I was and how my absentmindedness could someday cost the lives of my fellow Marines.

When he finished, he ordered that I clean up the mess and secure my fucking wall lockerbefore stalking out of the room. Jensen followed, never saying a word to me while Angelica stood to the side, probably unsure of where she fit into all of this, but glad to see me being ripped in half.

"Well, I'm cleared, so I'm going to run down to the vending machine. Thank God he didn't trash my shit too, or I would have been pissed at you."

I turned to look at her, her shit stain smirk properly staining her face.

"Shut the fuck up, Angelica," I said, standing to place my wall locker back to its upright position. "My wall locker was secured. You probably unlocked it in hopes of this happening. Well, it happened. You happy? Congratulations."

"I didn't do shit," she quickly defended.

"Right. Casper came in here and did it."

She turned and walked out of the room without another word. I was pissed and damn near certain that she'd had something to do with that. I knew I had secured my wall locker, so for it to just magically be unlocked wasn't adding up for me.

"Private First Class Bennett," a voice growled, making me freeze in my tracks. It wasn't the voice of intimidation; it was the sex oozing voice that had done nothing but distract me since I had first heard it, and now was no exception. "My instructor tells me that you had an unsecured wall locker."

"Yes, Sgt. Cruz. I did," I replied, taking hold of my shaky voice. "It won't happen again."

He moved further into the room, determination shelling every inch of him. My heart began beating erratically as tiny droplets of perspiration coated my hands, neck, and face. He was only inches away from me, that strong, husky scent of his infiltrating my nostrils, sending my overworked and unsatisfied libido into a tortuous overdrive.

"It won't happen again. I already know that." He moved even closer, his rock hard chest skimming my shoulder as he stepped around and to the back of me. "Do you know why I know that?"

"No, Sergeant, I don't," I replied in an embarrassingly breathy tone, taking quick swallows and trying desperately to rid myself of the nerves that had flushed in like a catastrophic wave.

His lips were at the nape of my neck, making the hair stand up. All blood in my body seemed to be rushing to my clit, making it nearly impossible to continue standing there holding on to what little self-control I had left.

He placed his lips on my neck, the moist plumpness thrilling every inch of me with the boldness of the move. He gently skimmed, sending prickles all over my skin. My breathing picked up, and I shut my eyes, hoping I could reign myself back in, but that wasn't happening. I was falling deeper and deeper into the trap that this man seemed to have set for me, and I wanted him to just take me. I wanted him to forget about all of the boundaries and just make good on the desire that we were both withholding from one another.

"You won't do it again because I said you won't, and I can already tell the effect I have over your mind and body whenever I say anything to you," he huskily whispered, further weakening my already fragile hold on self-control.

His answer was certainly not what I had in mind.

I had no response.

I stood there, awestruck and yearning, hoping he would throw caution to the wind and rip my clothes from my body and lay into me.

That didn't happen either.

Instead, his hand made its way to my hip and gently slid up my torso, stopping in between my breasts. His lips were still gently placed on my neck, expelling small breaths that were working to unravel what little composure I seemed to have left. My head drifted back to meet his and I ever so softly placed my hand on his, guiding it over my now rock hard breasts that desperately wanted to be licked, sucked, and manhandled. I felt his cock spring to life and just as I reached back with my free hand to grab it, Angelica's voice startled us out of our moment.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow," she called out, just before stepping into the room. Her eyes were full of suspicion, looking from me to Sgt. Cruz, then back to me again.

Luckily, he had moved ever so slightly away from me, and I grabbed the first thing I saw and acted as if I were still stacking things back into my wall locker.

Sgt. Cruz cleared his throat. "Make sure you keep your wall locker secured whenever you are out of the room, you understand that?"

"Yes, Sgt. Cruz," I answered feebly, making Angelica narrow her eyes at me.

I watched him stride toward the door, his big, strong hands dangling on the side of him before he placed his cover on his head just as he made his way outside. I swallowed hard, amazed that we had done what we had done without a care in the world for the burdensome consequences that could have followed our getting caught.

Angelica sat down on her bed, her lips puckered as she watched me move about the room. I didn't want to look at her, not because I was afraid of what she might have to say, but because I couldn't wipe the smile from my face at the thought of what took place, and what could have taken place, had we been in a different location with more time. As much as I knew that our interaction could cost both of us greatly, I was knee deep with longing, needing to get a taste of Sgt. Cruz to crush that feeling.

Friday morning came with little to no sleep. Flashbacks of Sgt. Cruz's hands and lips enticing my body were all I saw every time I closed my eyes, and I showered at least twice in the middle of the night, trying desperately to calm the urge to have him inside of me long after he left.

I had planned to do a cram session for our first test that was scheduled for today, but that never happened. Every word I read from the manuals was read to me in his voice, sending me to a place that rendered me mindless. I knew for certain that the only way to get things back on track would be for us to finally fulfill what we both wanted so badly. But with that, and the rules of the Marine Corps, came an entirely different set of problems.

I awoke from about two hours of sleep, quickly making my way to the bathroom and washing my face, hoping to appear well rested even though I was quite the opposite. Angelica must have been up early because she was already dressed in Service Charlies, the uniform of the day. Her short sleeved khaki shirt with rank insignia on the side of her arms was matched with green pants and shiny, black shoes. Her service ribbon sat on the left side of her chest as she held her green cover in her hands. She had been up for a while, and thankfully looked to be on her way out.

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