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Текст книги "Fraternizing"

Автор книги: C. Brown

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Текущая страница: 5 (всего у книги 26 страниц)

"I'm off to the chow hall for breakfast. You slept too late, and I wasn't sure if I should wake you," she said, standing in the mirror checking over her uniform.

"It's cool. I'll eat something on my own," I answered coldly, still irritated with the fact that I was all but certain that she had deliberately sabotaged me the night before.

She shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her binder, then walked out of the room, leaving me standing in the bathroom and staring at my disheveled appearance in the mirror. I needed to get it together before I had to see him again. I was carrying around a heavy bag of mixed emotions. On the one hand, I couldn't wait to see him, to drink in the sight of him and revisit what it was that he was capable of doing to me. On the other hand, I didn't want to have to hold myself back any longer, and the more that I saw him, the more difficult that was becoming.

After fixing my hair into a perfectly styled bun, I dressed in my uniform and grabbed my binder, making my way out the door and down the stairs when I saw Allen walking out of his.

He looked back, catching my gaze on him and smiling wickedly. Luckily, Dalton came strolling out of his room shortly after Allen and I made eye contact. He looked between the two of us, his eyes flooded with worry as he made his way over to me.

"You okay? He hasn't done anything else since that night, has he?"

"I'm fine. Just keeping my distance, that's all."

We started walking, unfortunately passing Allen as he stood there, waiting for us to make our way past him. I looked up into his eyes as we walked by, showing him that I was neither afraid nor intimidated. He didn't say anything, just smirked as our eyes locked, revolting me even more. I had no clue what his problem was with me, but I was determined to make sure that he knew that I wouldn't be a pushover for him and his self-conscious ego.

Standing in the courtyard of the schoolhouse, I laughed with Dalton and the other two Marines who had been at the bowling alley, Pfc. Amanda Lane and Pfc. Michael Hutchins. We were still laughing when Allen and his crew began yelling out, disrupting every other conversation taking place that morning.

"Yeah, fuckin' chicks need to know their fuckin' place. Behind a Goddamned desk is where I see em'– if we have to let em' in the military at all," he yelled out, he and his crew laughing like it was the funniest line ever spoken. I rolled my eyes, knowing that I was on his mind as he made the statement.

"Don't even worry about him, he's harmless. Just talks a lot of shit," Dalton said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I looked at Lane and Hutchins, whose baffled stares made me smile.

"I know. I'm just sick of his shit. I've never done anything to him."

"I know. He's got his issues. I already told you that."

"What issues?" Hutchins asked, looking overly concerned. "I live next door to him."

Just as I was about to explain to him what had happened that night in Dalton's room, all of the instructors stepped out, calling for attention and prompting us to assemble ourselves in formation.

"You are taking your first test on the information that has been presented to you over the course of this last week. Hopefully you all studied because from here on out, the information will only come faster and will grow more and more difficult in succession," Jensen yelled, his characteristic bulldog persona on full display.

Sgt. Cruz stood there, scanning the crowd with his eyes, but holding his head steady so as not to gain any undue attention. When he spotted me, he licked and sucked on his bottom lip, putting my conscience on high alert as I tried inconspicuously to see if anyone else had caught on. No one seemed to notice until my eyes locked with Sgt. Castillo. Her eyes seared me as she looked between me and Sgt. Cruz, trying desperately to figure out what was going on between the two of us.

Before long, the formation was calling out, "Yes, Sergeant," and I missed it all because I was lost with my mind elsewhere.

The formation began breaking down with everyone moving to their respective classrooms. Dalton made his way over to me before turning right for his class and folded his arm, placing his elbow on my shoulder.

"Transformers is showing at the base theater tonight. You coming with us?"

"I hadn't even thought about it, I'll let you know," I replied since I had no idea what it was or what it was about.

Footsteps pounded the ground, bringing a strong presence closely behind me.

"You should be thinking about the test you're about to take," Cruz said lowly, surprising both Dalton and me as he stood firmly behind me, looking at Dalton.

Dalton's eyes enlarged, almost as if the fear of God had been put into him. He stepped back quickly, surprise and fear thickly laced in his eyes. I couldn't see Sgt. Cruz's face as he stood behind me, but from what I could read from Dalton, Cruz wasn't taking too kindly to his movie invite.

"Yes, Sgt. On my way now," Dalton said, giving me an inquisitive look before turning to make his way to his classroom. He looked back at me as he walked away, still puzzled by whatever had just transpired.

I slowly turned around to meet Cruz's all-encompassing stare, flames flaring up inside of me as I stood so close to him but unable to actually touch him. An internal battle struck as I had to remind myself that I couldn't just reach out and touch him, even though it was all my tingling hands wanted to do. The imaginary barrier placed between us, courtesy of the Marine Corps, had a strangle hold on me, causing my breath to hitch.

"Don't make me jealous with that little fuck," he said, trying to keep his voice down but unable to do so.

"Excuse me?" I asked, a bit taken aback by his statement. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I mean. I don't play nice when someone tries to take what's mine," he whispered in my ear, then stepped back, smirking at me.

I took a deep breath, feeling every syllable of his words wash over me, flooding me in need and want. He had just stood there and claimed me, and I was all too willing to let it happen.

He turned and walked away, leaving me standing with a lazy grin, feeling like I had been left in a drunken stupor. I watched as he walked away in his Service Charlies, the three, heavily starched lines on the back of his khaki shirt bulging with every movement of his profoundly defined back. His green pants hugged his rock hard ass with every step he took, forcing my mind to think of what I would do if I were ever given the opportunity to grab a hold of it.

Finally realizing that I was one of the last few to make my way inside, I picked up my binder and turned in the direction of my classroom, my eyes landing on Sgt. Castillo who looked like she was ready to attack. She had seen our interaction, and the ferocious glare she shot in my direction served as a warning that things were probably about to become a bit more challenging.

Chapter 7


I was beginning to get a tad bit too cocky for my own fucking good, but even with that acknowledgement, I couldn't find the self-restraint to hold myself back from testing the waters and seeing just how far I could get with Bennett. Sure, my fucking promotion would be snatched away from me quicker than I could take my next breath, and I could quite possibly lose my current rank, my pay, and be court martialed, but none of that seemed to matter whenever she was around. Her presence was the fog on my brain that left me unable to think. I tried to forget about her, but it drove me fucking insane.

Every free moment I had somehow drifted to her. Her long flowing hair, that gorgeous fucking smile, and the sweet, soothing sound of her voice, all of it had me in a trance, one that I didn't know how, nor did I want to find my way out of.

With the vigorous restrictions set up to prevent situations like the one that I now found myself in, I had to get creative with ways to get some alone time with Bennett. Unbeknownst to her, Newsome was sent into her room to find something, or in this case, create something that could turn into a screaming rage fest for him, thus bringing me into the room. I heard his tirade as he laid into her, and even though he thought she was just the lucky one that I had picked to make an example out of, he enjoyed that shit far too much and I had to keep myself from running into that room and bashing his face into the ground. He had done what I'd instructed him to do, but I didn't like the level that he took it to, and it pissed me off thinking of how angry or scared she may have been in that moment. Newsome is a big guy who can come off as an overly intimidating asshole.

The second I was able to be alone with her, all of the anger subsided, bringing a relative calm over me. That calm was the fucking problem because when it struck, it put my thought process on hold and allowed me to do shit that I knew for a fact I shouldn't be doing, like running my hands up her torso while I kissed her sweet fucking neck. Doors were wide ass open as I stood there, ready to seep into her, knowing damn well that I wouldn't be able to. All common sense escaped me when she came near, making me do stupid shit that could jeopardize everything for the both of us. I needed to reign my shit back in, but I found I was severely lacking the will power, and it would ultimately destroy me.

 I just knew it would.

Sitting in the back of the classroom as they took their tests, my mind wandered back to Dalton and the smile that seemed to creep onto his face every time he got near her. His fucking hands, no matter how harmlessly they touched her, sent my mind to a place that I didn't need it to be. I meant what I said about not playing nice when someone tries to take something of mine, and even though I may have come on too strong, or overly aggressive, I was done with the bullshit. It was time to stake my claim and cement that shit.

Thinking about sitting on duty all night on a fucking Friday night when all of the guys would be at Coyotes, and she would be off enjoying her time with that little dipshit, was frustrating me all over again. Could I make her stay in? As her instructor, absolutely. Would I? No. But that didn't mean that I couldn't find some way to steal some time away with her.

"Time," Jensen shouted as the timer on the desk went off.

I stood in the back of the room near the door, waiting for the students to turn in their papers before walking out for their break.

"You will have a fifteen minute break before we start the next session. Turn your papers in to Sgt. Cruz on your way out," Jensen said.

The class filed out, dropping their papers off with me as they made their way out the door. Ruiz was directly behind Bennett as they approached, making it difficult to get her to steal away for a minute with me. Bennett reached me and stopped, placing her paper on top of the pile as I tried to nonchalantly nod my head in the direction of the room that would take us away from everyone else. She looked as if she got it, softly smiling as our eyes left one another. Ruiz moved forward, dropping off her paper and giving me a suspicious glare which I gladly returned. Whatever the fuck it was that she thought she knew, I needed to make sure that she stayed a few steps behind us.

As soon as Ruiz walked out of the room, I turned my attention back over to Jensen and Newsome, who I needed to get out of the room as well.

"Hey, man. We're going to make a quick turnaround trip to Vegas tomorrow. You comin'?" Newsome asked, taking a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. I had never been so thankful that this fucker smoked.

"Fuck, I've got duty all night, so no, I won't be up and ready to go to Vegas in the morning."

"Sucks for you, man. Friday night duty. I'll drink a few in your honor," Jensen chimed in. "But right now, I need to take a monstrous piss. Too much coffee this morning."

He tore out of the room before either of us had the chance to say anything more to him. I didn't care since it left me with one less person to have to get rid of.

Finally, I had the room all to myself. I stridently walked over to the side that held a door which remained locked from the outside. I gently pushed it open, not wanting to alert anyone who may have been nearby that someone was using that entrance. Bennett stood there, hidden by the wall that lay adjacent to the door, her soul sucking green eyes pulling me in the second that our eyes locked. I pulled her into the room, pressing her against the wall as I ran my lips up and down her tiny, delicate neck. That familiar vanilla and fruit flavored smell overcame me, sending me back to Coyotes and all of the excitement that took place there. She eagerly tilted her head to the side, giving me further access to her neck as I worked my lips up and down, kissing and suckling every inch of skin exposed to me.

Our chests moved in erratic succession, both of us breathing hard as the need to let go of some of this sexual tension mounted. Her hands wrapped around my head, pulling me even closer to her as one of my hands lay on her cheek while the other snaked down and firmly clasped onto her ass. I paused to pull back, needing to look at her, to drink her in.

"Are you crazy?" she asked, still breathing hard while trying to catch her breath.

I sucked on my bottom lip, wanting to cut the chit chat and take advantage of every second that I had with her.

"I must be, because right now, nothing else fucking matters but you," I lowly grumbled, hoping to get back to fulfilling my need to touch her, to taste her, to be with her.

"You know we could–"

My mouth crashed down on hers just as she was about to beat me over the head with a dose of reality. I didn't want to hear what could happen should anyone catch us, I didn't give a shit in that moment. I just wanted her, and I wasn't about to waste another second denying myself of her any longer.

My tongue moved aggressively with hers, swirling around in her mouth and trying to taste every inch of her. Her hands held strong to the back of my neck, prompting me to place both of mine on her ass, squeezing and lifting her off the ground. My hard cock was pounding with an aching need to get inside of her, and as it sat at the entrance of her pussy, clothing once again inhibiting us, I felt her gently beginning to rock to and fro, further taunting and teasing me.

"You don't want to do that," I growled, warning her that I was in a primal state, and there was no telling how far I would be willing to go.

She didn't stop, further rocking her hips over my cock, sending pain and pleasure from root to tip. Her movements were making it damn near unbearable to not rip her clothes off, bend her over, and fuck the living lights out of her.

"Yeah, start roundin' em' up," I heard Jensen call out, startling Bennett.

She stopped moving and stared into my eyes, the innocence putting a smile on my face.

"Me and You. Your room tonight," I told her through labored pants just as fear went off in her eyes.

"How can you? You're on duty? That's worse than right now."

I held her up with one arm and placed a finger over her lips.

"Don't doubt me, Blondie. I make shit happen."

She was just about to reply when I placed her down on the ground, helping her fix her uniform.

Gently pushing the side door open, I leaned in and kissed her sweet, soft lips again, my lips lingering on hers, not wanting to break our touch, before helping her out. Just as she stepped outside, a haze overcame me, blurring the sight of her while leaving me in a daze.

"Ahem," Jensen said. He and Newsome stared down at me with baffled expressions staining their faces.

I sat up, having fallen asleep in the back of the classroom. I wiped my eyes before running my fingertips over my lips, having sworn I had Bennett pinned up against a wall, tasting her beautifully sculpted body while she taunted me, letting go of her inhibitions and giving herself to me. Feeling the bulge that was my cock, I reached down to massage it, trying to discreetly ease the ache that had settled into what was turning into the most sensitive part of my body.

I was losing control. Never had I ever fallen asleep, drifted off, or lost my train of thought when it came to my job– until now. My feral attraction to Bennett was beginning to destroy me. My psyche wouldn't allow me to move on from her. She was imprinted in my mind.

"What the fuck, man? Falling asleep in the classroom?" Jensen asked, looking absolutely disgusted. Thankfully the classroom was empty.

"I don't know what the fuck got into me," I lied, rubbing my hands over my eyes again.

"I know what the fucks gotten into you," Jensen sneered. "Get yourself together, Alex."

I abruptly stood up, my chair loudly scratching against the floor, bringing myself face to face with Jensen. Even though I was off my game, I was still his senior and wouldn't tolerate his shit.

"You better stand the fuck down, Jensen," I hissed.

Our breathing intensified as we stood glaring at one another, scowls deepening as neither of us wanted to back down.

"Whoa. Fill me in. I want to know what the fucks gotten into both of you," Newsome said, trying to diffuse the combustible situation we now found ourselves in.

"It's nothing, man," I said. "Nothing at all."

He didn't look convinced.

Jensen turned and walked out of the classroom, leaving Newsome and me standing there. I needed to let him know that he had gone too far with Bennett the night before.

"Hey, man. Just wanted to say thanks for yesterday." I grabbed the back of his neck, playfully gripping it.

A bright smile crept across his face. "Oh, no problem, man. I love picking out the example. It always feels good getting to blow out my frustrations by destroying shit."

He laughed, but I couldn't join in. He took one look at my face and stopped.

"I appreciate it, but don't go overboard like that next time."

"But, that's what we always–"

I stopped him, gripping just a bit harder.  "I know. But for a female, that was a bit too much. You understand that?" I responded, my voice growing more defense with every word spoken.

Confusion swept over him as he looked at me with piqued curiosity, but I didn't say anything further. I simply patted him on the shoulder and motioned for him to go on his way. He didn't say another word, instead strolling outside and lighting up his cigarette.

He was right. We did normally pick out an example and go ape shit on them, but where Bennett was concerned, that shit had rubbed me raw and pissed me off.

Staring at my watch, I realized I only had about ten minutes left of the fifteen minute break normally allotted to the students. I stepped into my office and slammed the door shut, throwing my cover on the desk and yelling out my frustrations. Perspiration coated my face as I ran my hands over it, trying to figure out a sensible way to drain the pent up aggression raging inside of me.

Sitting down in my chair, I blew out an exasperated breath while thoughts of Bennett came crashing back into my mind with the force of a wrecking ball. How this girl had mind fucked me with one brief encounter was beyond me. Ever since the day I swore into the Corps, nothing and no one, with the exception of family, had ever come before it. The shit they preached to you in bootcamp about the guy to the right and left of you being your brother was taken to heart. I would gladly take a bullet for any of these motherfuckers, and believed wholeheartedly in everything the Corps laid out before us.

Bennett challenged those beliefs and placed me between a rock and a hard place.  On one end, the rules mattered. They kept order in an often unorganized world, but on the other end, the rules were a roadblock to a very enticing prize at the end of a very winding road. They were the stern warning given to a dog who's just had a bone placed before him and told not to touch. Bennett was the warning that I didn't want to heed.

Looking down at my watch, I sat up, patiently awaiting composure to take hold of my body. There was no way I was going back into that classroom with my cock throbbing and mind wandering. After straightening my uniform, I walked out to the bathroom, leaning over to splash some cold water over my face. A cold shower would have been a much better choice, but the face splash was all I could accomplish at the moment.

I grabbed a few paper towels, wiping and drying off my face and hands, when Jensen walked in, stopping at the urinal. He finished his piss, then made his way over to the sinks, washing his hands while looking at me through the mirror.

"Have you fucked her?" he asked, putting me on guard with the high level of bite in his tone. He didn't look away after asking the question.

"That's none of your fucking business, Brandon."

He grabbed a few paper towels and dried his hands, turning to face me with pure malice in his eyes.

"It's my fucking business when it brings chaos into the schoolhouse. You understand better than most why these rules are put in place. You were the last person I ever thought I’d have to watch over when it came to shit like this."

"You don't need to watch over shit when it comes to me. I'm just fine," I hissed, growing more annoyed with every word he spoke.

"You sure about that? Because I can't remember that last time our lead instructor flirted with one of his students, set up field day failures to get near her, and fell asleep on the job.  You'd have someone's rank for falling asleep on duty. It's not like you, Alex"

"Like I've already said, there is nothing to fucking worry about," I grumbled, glaring at him before walking towards to the exit door.

"I'm just letting you know I won't stand by and lie about this shit."

I stopped just as my hand was grasping the knob.

"What did you say?"

"I won't lie about it. If a senior asks about this shit, I will not dishonor myself or my service. The Corps is bigger than one man."

My eyes dimmed as I walked back in his direction, stopping just before him.

"There won't be shit to tell because nothing has happened," I coldly responded, glaring my icy stare at him.

 In body size, Jensen was my equal, so he showed no signs of being intimidated. We stood for what felt like a lifetime, staring at one another, willing the other to back down. With two alpha males in the same room, standing on opposite sides of the issue, the air was beginning to go stale.

"Let's just keep it that way," Jensen said, finally breaking the showdown before striding out.

All of my earlier attempts at putting my jumbled nerves on ice were completely thwarted. If it was this obvious for Jensen, then others must have noticed as well. It shocked me when that thought sprung to mind, but I couldn't find a fuck to give. Getting a taste of Bennett felt like a mission that I had to complete, and unfortunately for me, missions required a certain level of precision to attain, and I never abandoned one.


On my way back to the classroom, Castillo stopped me, worry clouding her eyes as she stood before me.

"You alright, Cruz?"

"Just fine," I answered, not wanting to get into this with anyone else.

"Well hey, I know you've got duty tonight, I was thinking about skipping Coyotes. I can drop off dinner or something." A smile touched her lips, making me relax the rigidly held muscles in my face that had formed into a tight scowl.

"You really don't have to do that. I can manage."

She smiled again, this time larger.

"I know you can manage. Call it returning the favor. I owe you dinner, from our last date."

She smiled again, patting my shoulder as she walked by. We hadn't been on any dates, so I wasn't quite sure where that shit had come from.

My eyes followed her out of the courtyard, landing on Bennett not too far away—she had heard our conversation. The look on her face punched me in the gut, turning my stomach and making me weak. She looked at me with contempt in her eyes, and for the girl who I was ready to risk it all for, that was the last way I wanted her to see me. I wasn't about to let her slip through my fingers before I‘d even gotten the chance to have them explore her.

 "Stay in tonight," I told her after casually making my way over to her. I didn't know what was going through her mind, but I was sick of fucking around with mine.

She looked at me, albeit briefly, then turned for the walkway as if nothing had ever even happened. I knew every time I got too close to her it was a reckless move, but I felt like I was losing ground. I needed her to know that I wasn't just having lewd thoughts about her; I wanted her. Even with the rules and consequences laid out before us, I was willing if it meant both of us getting to fulfill the ache that lay inside. I didn't want her giving that Dalton kid, or Castillo for that matter, another fucking thought, and by brazenly taking her and showing her that I meant business, I was pretty confident that I would accomplish my goal.

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