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  • Текст добавлен: 12 октября 2016, 00:17

Текст книги "Fraternizing"

Автор книги: C. Brown

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Текущая страница: 26 (всего у книги 26 страниц)

They both looked at me, eyes wide open, faces full of worry.

“Are you okay?” Cassie asked, closing the magazine and setting it down on her lap. “How did it go?”

“I’d prefer to speak to you in private,” I lowly muttered, putting a heightened level of bitterness in my words to let Dalton know that he wasn’t welcomed.

He stood, kissing the top of Cassie’s head, then left the room, trying to avoid me altogether. We watched him leave the room, then she turned to me, those sparkling green eyes full of worry, maybe even confusion.

“What happened?”

“Everything that I thought would happen. I’m a fucking predator, and I need to be taken down.” Tears sprang to life in her eyes and rolled down her face. “There is nothing to worry about, Cassie. I sealed my fate from the day I pursued you, so this is no fucking shock for me.”

She sniffled a couple of times, trying to blink away newly formed tears.

“What is a fucking shock to me is that someone, or a few someone’s around us, opened their fucking mouths and gave away quite a bit.”

“You think it was Dalton?”

“I don’t know who the fuck it was. It could have been him—“

“Or it could have been Castillo or Jensen,” she quickly threw in, trying to take the heat off of her friend. I wasn’t convinced. I wasn’t sure of anyone and their motives anymore.

“Look, we don’t know anything, Alex. I highly doubt Dalton would have given more away.”

I rubbed my hands over my head, feeling the growing frustration beginning to overcome me, and I was not about to lose my shit in this hospital room where she was supposed to be resting.

I took her hand in mine, hoping the warmth of her skin would make me remember that, right now she was my only focus.

“And hey, at least I don’t have to go to North Carolina,” she said, smiling her bright and vibrant smile.

“I know. I’m fucking over the moon about that. I guess something good came out of all of this bullshit.”

“Yeah, something.”

“I know something else that would be even better.”

“What’s that,” she asked, looking absolutely confused.

“If you’d marry me.”

Her mouth dropped and her breath hitched. I smiled at her, feeling like I had just hit the lottery. There was no reason to be separated. She was who I wanted, what I needed, and quickly into our relationship or not, I wanted her.

“Yesterday did a few things to me. It showed me that I could have lost you, and since I didn’t, I don’t want to go another day without having you as mine in every way that I can imagine.”

“But Alex, we’ve only been together a short time.” She stopped, running her hand over her face and sighing loudly. “We’ll just be another military couple, getting married on a whim—“

“We will never be just another fucking military couple. You mean more to me than any woman that I have ever been with. You’ve opened my eyes and brought the human side back into my robotic soul. You’ve showed me what it’s like to love and love with all you’ve got, and I know, for a short time or a lifetime, that you are exactly who I want carrying around my last name.”

Another tear dropped from her eye as her lips formed into a coy smile.

“You need to know that through this entire ordeal I tried to fight you off, but I couldn’t do it. And if it were just about the fucking, I would have let you go a long time ago. I couldn’t get you out of my system, no matter how extreme I tried to go. You’re everything I have ever wanted, Cassie Bennett, my Blondie, mi mariposa. The road is going to be rough from here on out, but I want you riding the bumps with me.”

Her hand went to her chest as she let the tears fall. I leaned in and kissed them away, hoping she would grant me permission to make her utterly and completely mine.

“I love you so much, Alex. I just—“

“You don’t have to answer me right now. I just want you thinking about it.”

A knock came on the door and the nurse walked in, carrying a tray full of meds.

“Here you go, Pfc. Bennett. There is a sleeping pill in here, so you will be out in no time.”

Cassie took the pills and washed them down with water. I turned and smiled at the nurse, urging her back out of the room. She got the clue, hurrying back out to her station. When she was out, I turned back to Cassie, trying to figure out what was running through her mind.

“What about the investigation?” she asked. I could tell she was stuffed with worry, and I was too, but I wasn’t about to let it kill this moment for us.

“Fuck that investigation. They can rip everything away from me, take me clear down to Private, and it wouldn’t mean shit to me as long as I’ve got you by my side.”

“This is exactly what I didn’t want. I didn’t want you having to choose between everything you’ve worked so hard for and me. I didn’t want to be the one to ruin everything for you.”

Listening to her blame herself was beginning to claw away at me. Her words were eagle-like talons ripping into my flesh, slowing pulling my skin down, exposing the inside and dousing it with acid. Nothing that had happened between us was any of her fault, and I was not about to let her take responsibility for any of it.

“Let me remind you that I am the superior in this situation and that I pursued you. Nowhere in this equation do I see you ruining anything for me. I made a conscious choice, and I don’t fucking regret it, but it’ll break me in half if I can’t have you—all of you.”

Just as she was about to speak, the door swung open, no courtesy knock whatsoever, and a woman walked in. She looked tired and rundown, and her foul aroma of cigarette smoke nearly knocked me off of my feet. She didn’t look too old, but her face was filled with wrinkles, and the long, scraggly blonde hair covering her head didn’t help her look. Her eyes struck Cassie, pinning her full of mockery and repulsion. My guard dog senses came alive, wanting this woman to leave because her presence had obviously disturbed Cassie. She moved further into the room, smiling a wicked smile that sent chills down my back.

“Well, well, well. Look at this here. I knew you’d find some fucking way to get yourself in some sort of trouble.”

I didn’t like her look, and now I wasn’t too keen on her tone.

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked, highly annoyed by the less than gracious entrance she made into the room.

“Who are you?” she asked, turning to me with contempt in her eyes.

Cassie rolled her eyes, then sighed.

“Alex, this is my mom, Emmalyn Bennett. Mom, this is my boyfriend, Alex.”

Confirmation that this was her mom soured my mood, making me want to grab Cassie and take her away from there.

“Hmmm. Was he the one that did this to you? You never did have any sort of fucking judgment.”

“You watch your mouth when you speak to her. I don’t know why you’re here, but if it’s only to cause problems, then it’s best you leave before I lose my fucking temper.” My clenched jaw made it easy for her to read that I wasn’t messing around.

Cassie sat in bed, mortified and not knowing what to say or do. I didn’t know her mom, but from everything I had heard, and from what I had just seen, I didn’t want her around.

And I was more than willing to be the one to remove her ass.

“What are you doing here?” Cassie finally asked. I didn’t care what her reasons were. I just wanted to see her turn and leave the same way that she came in.

“You got your ass beat so badly that you were in and out of consciousness. The hospital staff called me since I’m your next of kin.”

Hearing her say that was like a sledgehammer to the gut. Seeing this woman, Cassie’s decision maker in the event of anything ever going wrong, solidified my belief that her marrying me was for the best. I needed to rid this trash out of her life. I needed to make sure that her past didn’t come soiling our future.

We stood in a silent stalemate for a few minutes, my heart pounding, the sound beating against my eardrums. The horrendous information I had learned about Cassie’s mom wasn’t doing the real life image justice. This woman was repugnant in its truest form. She made my skin crawl, and her demeanor ignited an adverse reaction that I wasn’t even going to waste time trying to hide. This bitch was mean, cruel, and nasty. Her time tormenting Cassie was over. I stood and walked over in her direction when there was another knock on the door. Our chief instructor, Gunnery Sergeant Chavez, and the Company Gunny, Gunnery Sergeant Bokowski, marched in, looking stern faced and on a mission. Their attire alone told me they were there on official business.

“Sergeant Cruz?” they asked, looking in my direction.

“Yes. What is this about?”

They stood, surveying the room before finally focusing their attention back to me.

“Sergeant Cruz you are suspected of fraternization. By order of First Sergeant O’Hara, we are to escort you to his office where you will receive official charges.”

A piece of me wanted to shout how much of a pussy First Sergeant O’Hara was for sending his henchmen here to do his dirty work instead of detaining me on his own. He’d had me, and he’d had every opportunity to take me in. Instead, he chose to have my Chief Instructor and Company Gunny do it for him. The thought of his utter cowardice sent anger flaring through my nostrils as I stood, feeling like I could break through walls at the moment. The two Gunnery Sergeants stood, waiting for me to make my way over to them, but I didn’t.

 I had known this day would come, but I had no idea how it would play out, and this was the last way I could have imagined—Cassie lying in a hospital bed, her piece of shit mom in the room with her, and me being escorted out. It was a bad dream come to life. The walls had finally come crashing down.

Gunny Bokowski grew tired of waiting. “Right fucking now, Cruz!”

I looked back to Cassie who had tears falling from her eyes. I hated seeing her cry, and in the past day I had seen more tears fall from those gorgeous eyes than I had cared to see in all of my lifetime. Her hurt brought me hurt, and I hated it.

My eyes swung over to the living cancer stick, sitting there, satisfaction written all over her face. I could tell that the fact that I was being led out made her happy. It was heartbreaking for her daughter, and she seemed to thrive on that shit. I took a couple of slow and methodical steps over to where Chavez and Bokowski were standing, then looked back at Cassie, sadness written all over her face. I didn’t say a word as I allowed them to reign me in, but Cassie stopped crying long enough to yell out, “Yes, Alex. It’s a yes.”

Standing enclosed between the two men, I had never felt so free. To hear those words come out of Cassie’s mouth was the key to freedom. I was floating on cloud fucking nine, and nothing else factored into my moment of happiness as I stood to lose so much, but gained so much more in return.

I mouthed I love youas I was led out of the room, feeling queasy that her mom was still there with her, but also fulfilled that I had gotten her. Cassie was all I had ever wanted from the very beginning, and if it meant losing everything to gain her, it was the sacrifice that I was willing to make.

I walked out of the hospital, looking like a criminal as curious eyes glued onto me as I stood encased between two stern faced, uniformed gunnies. But the accusations, the punishments—none of it was enough to take away what I had just won. Cassie Bennett was the ultimate prize, and the love she gave me was worth more than anything else. My temporary punishment was no match for my lifelong gain.

As I was led into the back of the duty car, a satisfied grin creeped across my face.

Like Cassie’s butterfly, in every way that mattered, I was finally free.


A-duty: assistant to the Duty NCO

Barracks Whore: female who sleeps around with males in the barracks

Blouse: long sleeve top to the cammies, covering the green t-shirt

Boot Bands: elastic bands used to keep the pant legs tight around the boot.

Bootcamp: training to transform civilians into Marines. Performed at Parris Island, South Carolina and San Diego.

Boot Marines: military slang term for a new Marine

Brig: military prison

Buddy Program: going through entry level training with a friend/buddy 

Cammies: camouflage utility uniform

Chevrons: symbols of enlisted ranks above private

Chief Instructor: head instructor in charge of all instructors, insuring proper training to students.

Chow: food

Commanding Officer (CO): in charge of the entire unit

Company Gunny: Gunnery Sergeant in charge of everyday operations for the unit.

Company Honorman: top graduate out of bootcamp

Court Martial: a judicial proceeding

Cover: headgear

Devil Dog: nickname for a Marine

Dog Tags: the informal name for the identification tags worn by military members.

Duty NCO– Non Commissioned Officer responsible for patrol and security of a specified area (Corporal or Sergeant)

Field Day: detailed and thorough cleaning of an area

Firewatch: acting as a patrolling security guard

Groupie: usually a female who actively seeks out military members

Gunny: nickname for Gunnery Sergeant

Headgear: hats, helmets, caps, etc…

Knife hand: fingers extended and joined with the thumb along the side of the hand. Used to point at someone or something.

MCT: Marine Combat Training (skills training for non-infantry Marines)

MOS: Military Occupational Specialty (job classification)

NJP: Non-Judicial Punishment

Oorah: spirited cry used to respond to a verbal greeting or show great enthusiasm.

PCS: Permanent Change of Station (transfer to another base)

PFT: Physical Fitness Test (semi-annual test measuring strength, agility, and endurance.)

PT gear: Physical Training gear (green workout clothing)

Seabag: duffel bag used to carry one’s personal belongings

Service Charlies: consists of green trousers and short sleeved, khaki shirt

Seven Ton: a large military truck

TAD: Temporary Assigned Duty (temporarily detached from home unit for a short amount of time)

Tag Chasers: see groupie

UA– Unexcused Absence

Walking Mattress: derogatory term used to describe females who sleep around

Wall Locker: closet style storage area

Stay Tuned for….


The exciting conclusion to Alex and Cassie’s story!


As always, I have a whole host of people to thank.

I want to thank my wonderfully, supportive husband, who provided his expertise on the Marine Corps to help make this book possible. Thank you for your service, for your support, and for your love. I found my “ALEX” when I married you, babe!

I want to thank Leeann, for your undying love and support of my work, and everything you have done to help get my name out there. You rock. Someday I’ll be in GA so we can meet. J

Steph, Michlene, and KaTonya…what the hell would I do without you girls? You were all excellent beta readers and I appreciated every tweak you had me make. Even when I got crazy and neurotic, you stood there, tapping those fingers, waiting for me to calm the hell down. Thanks for the lifelong friendship as well as your love and time.

To Jen, my super awesome editor who always makes my crap look and sound amazing, you have no idea how much I adore you. Thanks for loving my work, pushing me, and working your ass off to make it the best product that it could possibly be. I’m forever grateful.

To the bloggers, those who I have worked with before and those who decided to take a chance on my book, THANK YOU! You are an author’s lifeline and I am so grateful for you. Ena Burnette, you are an amazing woman. You’ve gone above and beyond for me, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

To my writing girls, Karina, Claribel, Gail, Syreeta, Emmy, Trevlyn, and Madeline. I’m not really sure if I would have much sanity if it weren’t for you girls. And Madeline, you know I owe you more than I could ever pay. You’ve done things for me that were above and beyond friendship. I’m eternally grateful.

Shanora, you’re my right hand in all of this. Your kind words, your advice, your shoulder to cry on and your ears to listen have given me such strength along this journey. Thank you so much.

To Najla and Jen, the cover and the aesthetic appeal do not go unnoticed. Your ladies have a gift. Thank you so much for making my book so beautiful.

To my friends and family. You know me better than most. I know that I’m crazy and when I get an idea, it consumes me and I run with it. You all have listened to me talk, scream, cry, and vent about these characters and this book, and you are still there, rooting me on. Unconditional love is what I call it, and I am grateful for it.

And last, but certainly not least, to the readers. Where the hell would I be without you? For those who have loved my previous work, to those taking a chance on me for the very first time, I can’t say it enough how incredibly lucky I am to have you. I could write a million books, but if you didn’t read and recommend them to others, they wouldn’t reach very many people. You mean the world to me. THANK YOU!

The Author

I am a proud Marine Corps wife, married to my very own “Alex,” with two kids, living in the beautiful state of Hawaii.

My lifelong love of books made me pursue a career in education where I was quite content until I had to move again for my husband’s career. I decided to follow my dreams of writing a book. Now, here I am.

I look forward to hearing from you…



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