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Текст книги "Fraternizing"

Автор книги: C. Brown

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Текущая страница: 16 (всего у книги 26 страниц)

Newsome’s eyes swung from me to Ruiz. Her breathing began to pick up as I smirked at her, but I could tell she was working diligently, trying to keep it under control.

“I took a sparring class at the gym. Got a little rough, that’s all.” Her eyes told a different story as she fixated on Newsome, wholly avoiding me altogether.

 Newsome nodded his head, then continued on his way. I stood there a moment longer, wanting to see her sweat. She was a feisty little bitch, I would give her that. But where Cassie was concerned, none of it was going to be tolerated.

“You’re walking on thin ice, Ruiz. Don’t make me help you fall,” I gruffly whispered into her ear. Not only did I now confirm what I had known all along, but I’d hopefully, for the last time, put this girl on notice. She looked away, averting the intense heat from my searing gaze. I turned, looking back to find Cassie laughing with her friends, and Ruiz looking like she was about to vomit. Flashes of what may have happened between the two them hit me again, bringing a double dose of wrath with it. I was infuriated by what I’d discovered, and I could have chewed through concrete with that bit of news.

Chapter 20


Class had a very strange vibe to it after the lunch hour. Alex, with his brazen acts of sexual goodness, had all but convinced me that I needed to take him up on his offer and run off with him for the weekend. His very capable tongue proved once again that I had a weakness for all things physical when it came to him. But when we came back into the classroom, the looks he gave off were nothing but menacing, even in my direction. Something had happened between his meal and class, and it worried me, leaving me anxious to find out.

Dalton waited for me outside in the courtyard as the day came to a close. Alex was inside, speaking to a few more instructors, so he wasn’t easily accessible for me to pull away and figure out what had crawled up his ass. Angelica rushed by us, not stopping to say a word. Caring about her mood swings was the last thing on my mind. She had become a bothersome fly to me, and I couldn’t wait for the next time that I’d get a chance to swat her.

We began our trek to the barracks, Dalton going on and on about Data and all of the wonderful things the he was learning. Unfortunately, my mind was occupied with thoughts of Alex. I had become a horrible friend to Dalton, always thinking or speaking of Alex, but I couldn’t help it. The man had embedded himself inside of me, and was making it damn near impossible to get rid of him.

“So, you gonna go with Cruz this weekend?” Dalton asked, abruptly switching topics, fully aware that this would finally make me pay attention.

“I don’t know. What are you doing? I don’t want to just leave you here.”

“Don’t worry about me. This guy from back home, Ben, is flying out to see me, so it’s you I’m worried about.”

I ribbed him a bit. “Ohhh, a boyfriend, huh?” Do tell.”

Dalton laughed, the kind of laugh that soothed the soul. “He isn’t my boyfriend. Although, I’d like him to be. We’ll see. We had just started to get know one another when I left for bootcamp. We’ve been keeping in touch.”

“That’s sweet. I hope you have fun.”

“Me too, but I’m worried about you. I won’t be here, and I don’t want you staying behind with Ruiz and Allen for a long weekend. I can only imagine how nerve wracking that will be. Please go with Cruz. For me?”

He batted his long lashes, his face softening and his eyes exuding puppy dog innocence. I laughed at him, but the reality of spending the weekend with Ruiz and quite possibly running into Allen did set my radar off, knowing that some fireworks would surely explode if that were to happen. As much as I wanted to go with Alex, I didn’t want him to think that with one lick of his tongue he had me. But the alternative was much more cringe-worthy than stroking Alex’s ego.

“You’re right. I’ll go with him.”

“Thank you. Good times for the both of us.”

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, seeing Alex’s name light up on the screen. It was odd that he called instead of texted.


“Ditch Dalton and go somewhere where you can be alone,” he said. His voice had irritation swirling through it, making me anxious.

I looked around and found him sitting inside his truck with the phone up to his ear. Dalton looked at me wide eyed and full of curiosity.

“I’ll catch you later,” I said, tapping his arm and walking off in the opposite direction. When I found myself away from any other living soul, I brought the phone back up to my ear. “What’s gotten into you?”

“You’re coming with me this weekend. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.”

“Whoa. Slow down.”

“No. You listen to me. Your fucking roommate is a psychotic bitch, and I know she put the scratches on your forehead. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I’m a big girl and I handled it, okay?”

“No, it’s not okay. She is a different kind of crazy. She’s got a record, and I don’t want you staying anywhere near her while I’m away. I don’t give a shit if you don’t want to spend the weekend with me. You’re at least going to let me get you away from her.”

“That’s what crawled up your ass this afternoon?”

“Don’t get condescending, Blondie.”

“I was going to tell you that I would go away with you, but you are making me want to change my mind.”

“Then it’s settled. Be ready to go Friday afternoon. And trust me, I knew you were coming with me all along.” I could hear his smile through the phone. He was a cocky son of a bitch and didn’t make any qualms about it. “Lay low, please. I don’t need any more blemishes on your beautiful face.”

He hung up.

I was a bit peeved by his assertions. He had just demanded that, one way or another, I leave with him for the weekend. Of course, he was coming from a good place, but still. I didn’t want to be ordered around—not unless it was work related or in the bedroom. Then thoughts of Alex and me, alone for a whole weekend, his commands on every sexual position his kinky mind could think of, came fluttering in. I quickly lost the up-in-arms demeanor and plastered a giddy grin on my face at all of the wondrous thoughts of a naked Alex floating around in my head.

Friday morning came without any more occurrences. Angelica had distanced herself from me, which was a welcomed move, and Allen didn’t say anything else. Surprisingly, Castillo hadn’t been lurking around either. The week finished on a definite upswing.

We were released at noon, hoards of overly excited students crashing out of the room with probably nowhere to go. The mere fact that they could get away from school and instructors was probably more than enough of a reason to celebrate. Dalton and I played it off as if we were heading off somewhere together. Angelica didn’t ask any questions, but when she was around, I knew the wheels were turning in her head.

Alex had told me to just take a taxi over to his place whenever I was ready. He’d slipped some cash into my hand the night before during Field Day inspections, even though I was more than capable of paying for a paltry cab ride myself, but my argument fell on deaf ears. He wanted to hear none of it. Instead, he griped about how my pretty little mouth was always running, and how he couldn’t wait to shut it for me. I hated the way his words transformed me from a boisterous adult to an obedient child waiting to be spanked. And for as much as I hated it, I loved it.

“You ready to go?” Dalton asked, helping me gather my bags. I had no clue where Alex was taking me because he wouldn’t give anything away. I was only told to pack light and bring a sweater. Nothing more, nothing less.

“I believe so.” I looked around the room, finding nothing left out of place. I double checked my wall locker, made sure my bed was made, and took a picture of it all just in case Angelica decided to be a little bitch while I was away and pull something. Seemed very childish, but I wasn’t willing to put anything past her.

I sent a quick text to Alex, letting him know that I was on my way before lugging my bags down the stairs to the awaiting cab. Lane and Hutchins said goodbye as we drove off. I felt kind of bad leaving them behind, but they said they would occupy each other for the weekend, making me feel a little better. I gave the cabbie the address to Alex’s house and sat in silence as we drove off the base and into the vast stretch of desert.

“You nervous?” Dalton asked, breaking the silence and placing his hand on top of mine.

“A little bit.”

“Good!” He wiped his brow, even though near arctic air was blasting through the cab as we blazed down the sun scorched road.

“Why are you nervous? You already know Ben.”

He blew a small breath. “I know. It’s just that everything was done in secret at home. We never spent as much time together as we will this weekend. I think this will really cement things. See what we really want out of each other.”

His words could have come out of my own mouth. I had yet to look at it that way, but his anxiety slowly creeped into my own body. Alex and I had been interacting under a cloak of secrecy, stealing away bits and pieces of time here and there. This weekend was a chance for us to truly get to know one another and be a realcouple out in the realworld. The idea frightened me more than I wanted it to. I grew silent once again, the thoughts clouding my head with the fear that things would not go well.

“Hey. You are going to have a kick ass time. Stop thinking so much.” He rubbed the top of my hand, easing some of the tension that had embedded itself within me.

“I guess I should be telling you the same thing.”

 A few turns later and we were pulling onto Alex’s street. I looked out the window as we pulled up, Alex’s truck sitting in the driveway with him leaning up against it. His muscles rippled from his cut off shirt, his shorts hanging low while a pair of black sandals outfitted his feet. He was so casual, yet so delectable.

I paid the driver then hopped out, Dalton exited as well and helped me grab my bags from the trunk. Alex’s face was fixed in a stern mask, greeting Dalton with pure formality.

“Hello, Pfc. Dalton.”

“Hello, Sgt.” Dalton tried to smile, looking very nervous as he handed my bags over to Alex.

The thick, heated air was beginning to choke me. I didn’t like the way this was playing out, and I didn’t want it to fester.

“I hope you have a great time this weekend, Dalton. Remember, just enjoy it.” I hugged him tight and saw him off. Dalton got back into the car, and I watched it drive off before turning around to Alex. He stood to the side, holding my bags in his hands.

“So you told Dalton?” he asked, glaring at me.

“Yeah. You told Riley. I needed someone to lean on, too. And besides, he’s known for a bit. Like you say, he’s in my corner.”

He blew out a long breath, then walked past me, up the driveway. I quickly followed behind.

“He’s not going to say anything.” I tried reassuring him, seeing that the sight of Dalton had rubbed him wrong.

“I just don’t want too many people knowing.Speculating is one thing, but knowing is another.”

I stopped him, then kissed his lips, biting on the bottom a couple of times and licking the marks. “Simmer down. We are fine.”

He smiled and continued the walk, leading me into the house. When I walked in, the aroma of freshly baked pizza hit me, sending my stomach gurgling with the need to be fed. I had been so anxious about getting out and getting my weekend started that I had forgotten to eat. Alex walked in behind me, stopping to kiss my cheek.

“Make yourself at home. Pizza should be about ready. I’m going to put your bags in our room.”

“Our room?” I asked, looking over at him.

“Yes. Ourroom.”

I walked further into the house, hearing voices and a female giggle. My stomach churned, and not with hunger. When I stepped into the kitchen and looked over at the living room, Riley was sitting on the couch with a very petite blonde sitting on his lap. He was whispering things into her ear and had his hand down her shirt. I didn’t want to interrupt whatever they had going on. He looked up and saw me walking away.

“Hey, Bennett.”

I turned around, hoping to hide the embarrassment flooding my face.

“Hi, Riley,” I replied, awkwardly smiling at him and his female companion. She swatted his hand away and stood, briskly walking over to where I was standing.

“I’m Natasha, Nat for short.”

Her bubbly personality put me at ease. I had to remember that I wasn’t the student screwing my instructor this weekend. I reached out my hand and shook hers. She was short, maybe five feet tall, with large, ample breasts that clung to her V-neck tank top, and a pair of shorts that barely covered her ass. Her arms were elegantly decorated in quarter length sleeves of elaborate flowers and butterflies, with pink and orange shading. The nose ring topped off her ensemble, probably making her the prettiest girl I had ever seen.

“It’s nice to meet you, Natasha. I’m Cassie.”

“Are you a Marine?” she asked, her eyes taking in the length of me.


“Oh, wow. That’s bad ass. You’re probably the hottest fucking female Marine I’ve ever seen. And I see quite a few where I work.”

“Where do you work?” I asked, wanting to know more about this girl that had me so intrigued.

“Custom Ink, just outside the back gate.”

Just then Alex walked into the room, coming up from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, nuzzling his nose into my neck.

“Can I fuck you right now?” he asked, sending chills down my spine and blood to my clit.

“Don’t be rude, Alex. You can fuck her all night. I want to get to know her,” Natasha interrupted before I even had a chance to tell him no. I liked her; she had a lot of spunk.

“Riley, come get your cock blocking fucking chick,” Alex said, turning for the kitchen and grabbing two oven mitts to pull the pizza from the oven. He turned back around and smiled at Natasha. “You know I love ya, Nat.”

“Yeah, yeah! Hurry up and feed me, you asshole,” she replied. The banter between them calmed me. It seemed that they were quite comfortable with one another and that things would not turn awkward.

We ate pizza and had a few beers. Riley explained how he and Natasha had met when he went in for a tattoo, and she had been the only one with an open hour time slot. He said he’d been leery because he’d never had a chick do it before, but the second she stuck out her tits, lowered her eyes, shook his hand and sucked his fingers on release, he’d been a goner. The story couldn’t have been less romantic if they tried, but I found myself laughing and liking both of them even more.

“Let’s play Phase Ten,” Natasha called out, running into the hallway closet and coming back with a deck of cards, ones I had never seen before. “Chris, grab the Jose and four shot glasses.” Her mention of his first name caught me off guard. She wasn’t a Marine, so it was normal that she would refer to him that way, but the use of it seemed weird and a little out of place.

“What is this game?” I asked, once again showing that I knew nothing about anything that most people liked and participated in.

“It’s Phase Ten. It’s a frustratingly, fabulous game. Here is your phase card,” she said, tossing a card at me that held ten different phases. I looked it over, none of it meaning a damn thing to me. “You’ll get dealt a hand, and then with that hand you have to try and make each phase. One at a time. You lay a card or pick up from the deck, and then discard. The person with no cards left wins the hand. But I play with a twist. If you don’t get your phase, not only do you have to repeat it, but you also have to take a shot.”

“So anyone can get their phase?” I asked, still slightly confused.

“Yes. We could all get our phase, and then we move on to the next one.”

I sort of got it. Alex sat back in his chair, eyes glued on me, lowly hooded by his dark lashes, with a deep smirk on his face. He knew how out of my element all of this was for me and was probably hoping I would lose. I was hoping for beginners luck.

The first few hands were easy. I caught on rather quickly, easily getting my phases and avoiding the dreaded Jose. After a few more hands and a few too many stuck on phase four, I was three shots in and slowly feeling the buzz from the alcohol. Natasha was leading everyone, moving all the way up to phase seven. Alex and Riley were both right behind her on phase six. The room was beginning to get hot, leaving my skin damp, even with the air blowing from the vents and the ceiling fan circling overhead. The guys kept passing glances at one another, small covert eye twitches letting me know that something was up. Every skip card that they got was given to me, putting me further behind, leaving me with a multitude of cards and unable to complete my phase. I probably took three more shots before my body felt like it was overheating and I removed my tank top, without even thinking.

“What the hell are you doing?” Alex asked, his voice a deep growl while picking up my top and sweeping over to me. I looked at Riley who had a goofy grin on his face, and Natasha who just looked aroused.

“It’s hot in here.”

“You’re drunk. Enough cards for the night.”

“I’m good. I want to keep going.”

Riley filled his glass with tequila and took the shot for good measure. He and Alex had only taken three, Natasha had only taken two. Alex picked me up from the chair and held me in his arms, bidding the two of them goodnight. He burst through the door, his big, strapping body holding me close as he walked me into the room and gently lay me down on the bed. The fan was turning at full speed, sending much needed air in my direction. Music played from his phone, the smooth rock music infiltrating my ears and rocking me to a melodious sleep. I awoke a few minutes later, or so it seemed, to Alex standing over by his dresser with nothing but beads of water coating his light caramel skin.

“You want to take a shower?” he asked, turning around and giving me an eyeful of his thick and wondrous cock. I shook my head no, using my index finger to signal him over to me. He sat down on the bed, running his hands through my sweat dampened hair that now left slight tendrils sticking to parts of my face. “What’s running through your mind?”

I peered up into his golden hued eyes, the gleam inside making me want to jump him at that very second. I was much too drunk to make such sudden movements, so I grabbed his head, pulled him down to me, and licked him up. I licked his lips, his nose, his cheeks, then gently kissed each spot, urging him on and spurring a quick and bulging erection from him. He wrapped one arm around my waist, the other going to my hair, and began kissing me with tenacious want. His tongue, velvety soft with just hint of tequila, took my mouth and claimed me as his hand grabbed hold of my ass and squeezed hard, making me moan with pleasurable pain.

Alex slowly pulled away, removing the rest of my clothes and nuzzling down in between my legs when suddenly, stupidity hit me.

Now would be the best time to get some things off my chest.

I grabbed his head and pushed him away. His frustrated, panting body sat up, his eyes glaring down on me with aroused irritation.

“What?” he asked, trying to hide the annoyance laced inside.

“I just want to know. Why? Why Castillo?”

He shut his eyes and blew out a breath. “You aren’t really asking me that right now, are you?”

“Yes, I am. I need to know.”

He shook his head and sat up on the bed, looking down on me.

“I was fucking stupid, and she was readily available. I told you, I thought I could fuck you out of my system, but I realized then that I couldn’t even take another chick’s mouth on me. I’m sorry. I don’t know how else to make you believe that.”

I watched him silently go through all sorts of emotions. This probably wasn’t the best time to be asking about all of this, but I had liquid courage and a plethora of questions that needed to be asked.

“So you went out that night looking to fuck someone?”

He shut his eyes again. I could tell the inquisition was growing too strong for him.

“Yes. I did.”

I lay quiet, unsure how I felt about his answer.

“But I’ll tell you this, even though there was no exclusivity between us, it felt wrong. I hated it, and I put a stop to it. You’re inme. I need you, Blondie, and I’m going to do everything to make you realize that.”

The rest of the questions I had in mind dissipated into tiny particles with his words, filling my head with insignificant specs of nothing. His words flowed out with deep sincerity, and the look in eyes shifted to adoration as he spoke about me.

I sat up, the alcohol rushing to my head and leaving me in a slight daze. My hand caressed Alex’s strong bicep, the feel of his body making me want him me even more.

“I need you to—“

“Shut up and fuck me, Alex.”

He pounced, pushing me back down on the bed and hovering over me. I stared up at him, my drunken haze seemingly gone as he smiled down on me, shaking his head.

“This is the only time I will take a command from you. You understand that, Pfc. Bennett?”

“I know you don’t take orders from Pfcs, so I’ll gladly take the punishment. Be rough, I think I deserve it.”

Before long a condom wrapper was in his mouth. He tugged on it and ripped it open. He grabbed the condom from inside and rolled it onto his largely stiff cock.

“You don’t even realize what you just asked for,” he whispered, bringing his chest down to meld with mine. I started to respond before I was calling out his name as he rammed his way inside of me, completely catching me off guard and shooting sparks off inside my body. He stilled inside, looking down at me while removing the hair from my face. My eyes were tightly shut as my top teeth held onto my lower lip.

 “I’m about to own you, Blondie. And when I’m done, the only words you’ll know are shit, fuck, and Alex.”

He set to work, roughly rocking to and fro inside of me while licking, biting, and sucking on my neck.

 “Shit! Fuck! Fuck me, Alex!”

I couldn’t hold back. He was pummeling my insides, ripping away at an imaginary barrier that seemed to be hindering him from reaching some imaginary objective. The louder I cried out, the harder he worked, grunting and holding tighter to my hair.

“I have to get deeper. I need to embed myself in you like you’ve done to me.”

He let go of my hair and sat up, easing his way out of me before standing on the floor at the side of the bed. He pulled me to the edge and wasted no time turning my body, grabbing onto my thighs and ramming his way back inside.

I cried out as pleasurable bolts of lightning ripped through my core, hitting every wall surface with the deeper intrusion of his bulging, aggressive cock. I grabbed the blankets, fisting them tightly as he continued ramming his way to the depths of me.

“Ahhh, you’re so fucking smooth, I’m never coming out of here,” Alex groaned with a guttural sound. He let go of one of my thighs, using his now free hand to smack my ass, giving just enough sting and bite to make me cry out his name.

“Louder,” he growled, his voice growing deeper as he beat harder into me. He smacked my ass again, double time, one smack right after the other.

“Alex! Alex!” I screamed, having no other words come to mind. He knew me better than I knew myself. He left me ragged and almost speechless.

“You like that?” he asked, now taking my hair into his hands and tugging roughly. I didn’t answer; I was too worn out to muster up the energy. His movements stopped, and he leaned down to softly nibble on my neck.

“I asked you a question. When I ask a question, you answer. You understand that?” The grip on my hair grew tighter, but the ache of my almost there release consumed me, needing him to finish me off. “Do you like that?”

“Yes… yes…I love it.” My desperate voice came barreling out, shocking me.

He laughed, low and seductive, then quickly picked up the pace, one hand still holding rigidly to my hair while the other reached down and firmly pushed the tip of his thumb into my ass. The pain of the entrance surprised me, but pleasure masked it, making my growing climax that much more intense. I bit the blankets as he forced my head down, beating away at my pussy with so much force that I thought he would rip me in two.

“Ahhhh… fuck… I’m coming!” I said, my words muffled by the bed spread.

“I’m coming too, Blondie. Come with me.” His voice was deep and coarse. He beat into me a few more times, removing his thumb from my ass and letting go of my hair before grabbing onto my waist and pounding. My entire body went numb as Alex ravaged me, finishing me off as he groaned. I fell to the bed, Alex falling on top of me, our bodies breathing in succession, neither of us able to speak.

After a few minutes, Alex rolled off of me, and I was finally able to turn over. We were both drained, completely sated, and over the bullshit. The angry, menacing fuck absolutely needed to happen.

When my thoughts finally slowed, and I could think clearly, the music played into my ears putting a smile on my face. I reached over and turned it up. Alex scrunched his eyebrows at me.

“This song is so fitting, don’t you think?”

The chorus to Fall for Youby Secondhand Serenade belted from the speakers, making me sing along as I lay my head down on Alex’s chest, feeling even closer to him through our intense fucking and now the melodic rhythm of his heartbeat.

“I’m never going to do anything to make you change your mind ever again,” he responded, pulling me closer and nuzzling his nose in my hair.

I reached over for his phone that was plugged into the speakers, and hit repeat. The song played over and over again as we lay intertwined with one another, my leg draped over his like a satiny sheet, and his hand, on my ass, rubbing and squeezing until we both fell asleep.

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