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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка
  • Текст добавлен: 5 октября 2016, 23:24

Текст книги "Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка"

Автор книги: Валентина Каушанская

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 20 страниц)

Exercise 34. Insert articles where necessary.


Second, third, etc.

1. Of all those to whom he appealed one was actually not in __ position to do anything for him; another was afraid; __ third was calculating eagerly to drive __ hard bargain; __ fourth was too deliberate, anxious to have much time. [Dreiser) 2. Two people would have to hold __ chair, and __ third would help him up on it, and __ fourth would hand him __ nail, and __ fifth would pass him up __ hammer. (Jerome K. Jerome)3. __ professor Earle Fox ignored for __ second time __ buzzing signal from the secretary in __ adjoining office. (Wilson)4. One evening __ little Hans was sitting by his fireside when __ loud rap came at __ door... At first he thought it was merely the storm. But __ second rap came, then __ third. (Wilde)5. Mr. Pickwick was perfectly aware that __ tree is __ very dangerous neighbour in __ thunderstorm. He had __ tree on his right, __ tree on his left, __ third before him, and __ fourth behind. (Dickens)6. Take care, Caroline. I've proposed twice now. I shall not propose __ third time. (Maugham)

Exercise 35. Insert another or the other.


1. A person who has not done one half of his day's work by ten o'clock, runs the chance of leaving __ half undone. (E. Bronte) 2. Her hands lay on her lap motionless, one in __ loosely clasped. (Maugham)3. There was __ silence, not a long one. (Snow)4. Then she came and sat down on __ side of the hearth. (Galsworthy)5. There was __ reason why he was disturbed. Though he was ambitious, he had high standards of behaviour. (Snow)6. Fleur stole __ look. (Galsworthy)7. The boy sidled nearer, moving one foot slowly after __ 8. There was __ thing I liked in Mrs. Strickland. (Maugham)

Exercise 36. Insert articles where necessary.


A number, the number.

1. Thirteen years of life with Frank Cowperwood had taught her __ number of things. (Dreiser) 2. __ colonel says our losses have not been heavy. __ exact number is not yet known. (Greene)3. To this particular dinner __ number of people... had been invited. (Dreiser)4. Those who had any letters to deliver or... any settled plan of going anywhere or doing anything, discussed their prospects __ hundred times __ day; and as this class of passengers was small, and __ number of those who had no prospects whatever was very large, there were plenty of listeners and few talkers. (Dickens) 5. While he was dancing, Cowperwood had occasion to look at Aileen... She passed close to him __ number of times. (Dreiser)6. He went up into __ picture gallery. On __ bureau there were laid __ number of letters and things to be attended to. (Galsworthy)

Exercise 37. Insert articles where necessary.

1. What __ strange feeling it was to be going home when it was not home, and to find that every object I looked at reminded me of __ happy old home which was like __ dream I could never dream again. (Dickens)2. On her face 1 saw __ placid and sweet expression of __ : lady whose picture had looked at me downstairs. It seemed to my imagination as if __ portrait had grown womanly and __ original remained __ child. (Dickens)3. Rebecca's mother had had __ education somewhere and her daughter spoke __ French with __ purity and __ Parisian accent.lt was in those days rather __ rare accomplishment, and led to her engagement with __ orthodox Miss Pinkerton. (Thackeray)4. He had __ wit, __ keen sense of __ humour, __ sense of pathos. (Dreiser)5. __ one thing that really interested him in connection with his parents was __ existence somewhere in __ east in __ small city called Lycurgus... of __ uncle, __ brother of his father's. (Dreiser) 6. But __ bed I made up for myself was sufficiently uncomfortable to give me __ wakeful night, and I thought __ good deal of what __ unlucky Dutchman had told me. (Maugham) 7. We went down __ corridors, down __ stone stairs. We crossed over __ Park by __ lake; one of __ pelicans was spreading its wings. __ trees– were creaking in. __ blustery wind; on __ grass, __ first leaves had fallen. It was __ dark evening, with __ clouds, low and grey, driving across from __ west. (Snow)8. I breathed deeply two or three times, but felt _ little calmer, __ enormity of __ situation was too overpowering. (Clark)9. __ English of __ 14th century differs from __ Modern English. 10. He was young still, and in __ few years he would look back on all his misery with __ sadness in which there would be something not unpleasurable. (Maugham)11. After __ lights within, it was very dark, and __ night was enormous and silent with __ intensity which for __ moment made her pause in __ awe. She was in __ unfamiliar street. It was __ damp night, with rare stars. (Murdoch)12. I had often new temptations afterwards to wonder whether it was really singular, or only singular to me, that he, who was __ most grateful of mankind upon __ least occasion, should so desire to escape __ gratitude of others. (Dickens)13. Large drops of __ rain, which pattered every now and then against __ windows of __ chaise, seemed to warn __ travellers of __ rapid approach of __ stormy night. (Dickens)14. It's pleasant to get used to __ expensive, __ soft, __ comfortable. (Stone)15. __ children of __ poor know but __ few pleasures. Even __ cheap delights of __ childhood must be bought and paid for. (Dickens)16. And there began for Soames __ most confused evening he had ever spent. For in his heart were – great gladness and __ great pity, and he must not show __ sign of either. (Galsworthy)17. __ walls, down which ran __ number and variety of ^ __ pipes and cables, were painted in two contrasting shades of green – dark up to __ height of five foot, lighter above that. (Clark)18. In __ evening __ weather broke, __ wind shifted from __ South to __ North-East and brought __ rain first and then __ sleet and __ snow. (?. Bronte) 19. __ Miller said all kinds of beautiful things about __ friendship, which Hans took down in __ note-book and used to read over at __ night, for he was __ very good scholar. (Wilde)20. She drew __ little away from him; then perceived that unwittingly she had done __ right thingr for he at once tried to take her hand again. And this was her first lesson too in __ nature of __ man. (Galsworthy)21. __ London train was on __ point of __ departure. It was yet __ early morning, __ hour of __ milkmen and __ postmen __ station had __ chill, unused, deserted look; __, passengers were few. (Bennett) 22. In __ hands of __ strong, like himself when he was at his best, __ law was __ sword and __ shield, __ trap to place before __ feet of __ unwary; __ pit to dig in __ path of those who might pursue. (Dreiser)23. It had been __ severe winter, and __ snow lay deep in __ gorges of __ mountains. (Conan Doyle)24. __ point is that __ art now is just __ subject for conversation; and anything that anybody can understand (at __ first sight is not worth talking about and therefore not __. art. (Galsworthy)25. I do not consider that __ cigars and whisky he consumed at my expense, and __ few dollars, borrowed with __ civil air of conferring. __ favour upon me, that passed from my pocket to his, were in any way equivalent to __ entertainment he afforded me. I remained his debtor. (Maugham)26. He was __ psycho-pathologist as well as __ student of __ art, and __ subconscious had __ few secrets from him. (Maugham)27. And now he was in __ large bedroom overlooking __ Thames, __ chamber with __ writing table, __ sofa, __ telephone, __ electric bells and __ massive oak door with __ lock and __ key in __ lock. (Bennett)28. __ sun comes up from __ East and goes down to ; __ West. (Shaw)29. As that day closed in, __ girl's excitement increased; and when __ night came on... there was __ unusual paleness in her cheek, and __ fire in her eye, that even Sikes observed with __ astonishment. (Dickens)30. Mr. Skimpole could play __ piano and __ violoncello; and he was __ composer, had composed half __ opera once, and played what he composed with __ taste. After __ tea we had quite __ little concert, in which Richard and Mr. Jarndyce and 1 were __ audience. (Dickens)31. In __ civil life, Cassilis was __ stage-designer on __ threshold of __ brilliant career. He was __ quiet man, mildly handsome, mildly intellectual, mildly witty. He was fond of __ women in __ quiet sort of way, but behaved with them always as if he were in search of __ good quiet wife. (Hansford Johnson) 32. Though __ young man was __ honest fellow, and __ son of] __ honest father, __ latter had died so early, and his widow had J had such struggles to maintain herself, that __ son was very irn-1 perfectly educated. (Hardy)33. Next day, Margaret and I had to ! leave __ house after __ tea. __ weather had not changed. Just as when we arrived, it was __ evening so tranquil that __ chimney smoke seemed painted on __ sky, and in __ air there was __ smell of burning leaves. (Snow)34. They never, one felt, dressed carelessly, ; said __ wrong word, were __ prey to __ untidy passion. (Greene) 35. __ Herzogs moved to __ midwest. (Bellow)36. She was __ mountain-bred and ever __ lover of __ mountains. She could see __ little beauty in __ sea, and that only of __ terrible and overwhelming kind. (Buck)37. __ very tall and very good-looking man who entered seemed about thirty-eight years old. His clean-shaven face was full of __ health, his eyes full of __ light, his dark hair had __ fleck or two of premature grey in it. (Galsworthy) 38. I've been taught ' __ Latin, and __ Greek, and __ mathematics. (Eliot)39. At __ dusk, on __ evening of St. Valentine's day, Boldwood sat down to __ supper as usual. (Hardy)40. Dinny wrote __ letter to her brother in which she said nothing of __ Hallorsen, __ Saxenden, or __ Tasburghs, but discoursed in lively fashion of __ Aunt Em, Boswell and Johnson, __ Uncle Adrian, __ Lady Henrietta... (Galsworthy)41. I guessed that __ women would likej her as much as __ men, that if there was __ little tenderness in her nature, there was also no spite. (Hansford Johnson)42. He left __ kitchen, went in __ dining-room and excused himself to __ Aunt Alexandra, put on his hat and went to __ town. (Lee)

Exercise 38. Follow the direction for Exercise 37.

1. He had not been here five minutes when __ vivid flash of lightning was followed by __ loud peal of thunder, that crashed and rolled away in __ distance with terrific noise; then came another flash of lightning brighter than __ other, and __ second peal of thunder, louder than __ first. (Dickens)2. Sedov died on his way to __ North Pole. Most of __ members of his expedition died too. __ Soviet Government built __ Arctic station at __ place where Sedov died, and from that station another expedition, this time __ Soviet expedition, went to – North and set – Soviet flag over __ North Pole. 3. Glinka was born in 1804. His uncle had __ orchestra of his own. Very often __ boy would take up __ violon and try to repeat __ notes and rhythm of __ music he had heard. In 1818 __ Glinkas went to St. Petersburg, where Mikhail was placed in __ boarding school at __ St. Petersburg Central Pedagogical Institute. In 1830 Glinka went to Italy, where he stayed for __ number of years. However, it was St. Petersburg that was __ Glinka's home for __ greater part of his life. __ St. Petersburg of Pushkin played __ great part in. __ Glinka's life. – man and __ human soul are expressed in __ Glinka's music with __ deep sincerity and understanding. (Soviet Literature) 4. She [Lillian] was s]ightly taller than he... and shapely, artistic in __. form and __ feature. Her hair was __ colour of – dried English walnut and her complexion waxen, with __ lips of faint pink and eyes that varied from gray to blue and from gray to brown according to. __ light in which you saw them. Her beauty measured up to his present sense of __ artistic. (Dreiser)5. There were __ number of young women who were very friendly to her, but there were _ few with whom she was really intimate. __ only person who stood out in her mind was __ certain Mary Calligan... who had attended __ school with Aileen in former years and was now __ teacher in one of __ local schools. (Dreiser)6. Dick Stroeve, giving up his work entirely, nursed Strickland with __ tenderness and __ sympathy. He was dexterous to make him comfortable, and he exercised – cunning of which I should never have thought him capable to induce him to take _ medicine prescribed by __ doctor. I shall never forget __ tactful patience with which he persuaded him to take – nourishment. (Maugham) 7. __ reddish, fitful light was coming from __ window above. Great God! His picture gallery! He ran to – foot of __ stairs that led up to it. __ stealthy sound, __ scent of burning much more emphatic, staggered him. He hurried up __ stairs and pulled open __ door. Heavens! __ far end of __ gallery, at __ extreme left comer of __ house, was on fire. (Galsworthy)8. Rosa knocked several times without getting any answer and had stepped back tin to __ pavement to look up at __ closely curtained windows when __ door opened very quietly to __ gap of __ few inches and с __ pale face peered out. Rosa sprang forwards with such __ alacrity that __ owner of, __ face immediately shut __ door again, and Rosa could hear __ chain being fixed. With this additional safeguard __ door opened once more to __ narrow slit and Rosa could see one pale blue eye looking out at her. (Murdoch)9. But though so bad __ painter he had __ very delicate feeling for __ art, and to go with him to __ picture galleries was __ rare treat. I think 1 have never known __ man whose judgement was surer. And he was better educated than __ most painters. He was not ignorant of __ kindred arts, and his taste for __ music and __ literature gave __ depth and variety to his comprehension of __ painting. To __ young man like myself his advice and guidance was of __ incomparable value. (Maugham)10. __ Volterras had __ six-room apartment with __ hall which was like __ cord holding all '. __ small rooms together. __ kitchen was nearest to __ front door, then came three bedrooms, and __ bath, __ dining room, and, at __ far end, __ living room. Despite __ smallness of __ rooms, they had __ neat cosy quality that gave Erik __ comfortable feeling. (Wilson) 11. Mrs. Pryor looked round her, and spoke of __ neighbourhood as she had once before seen it long ago. She... compared its aspect with that of other parts of England: revealing in quiet, unconscious touches of description __ sense of __ picturesque, __ appreciation of __ beautiful or __ commonplace, __ power of comparing __ wild with __ cultured... that gave to her discourse – graphic charm as pleasant as it was unpretending. (Ch. Bronte)12. They found themselves in __ matted hall, lined almost to __ ceiling with __ pictures; through this they were conducted to __ large parlour, with __ magnificent fire in __ grate; __ most cheerful of rooms it appeared as _ whole, and when you came to examine details, __ enlivening effect was not diminished. There was no splendour, but there was __ taste everywhere, __ taste, you would have said, of __ travelled man, __ scholar, and __ gentleman. __ series of Italian views decked __ walls; each of them was __ specimen of __ true art; __ connoisseur had selected them. (Ch. Bronte)13. Mrs. Dubedut is __ arrestingly good-looking young woman. She has something of __ grace and romance of __ wild creature, with __ good deal of __ elegance and dignity of __ fine lady. She has __ figure on which any dress would look well, and carries herself with – unaffected distinction of __ woman who has never in her life suffered from those doubts and fears as to her social position which spoil __ mannens of __ most middling people. (Shaw)14. «I know,» said Darnay, «that between you and Miss Manette there is __ affection so unusual, so touching, so belonging to __ circumstances in which it has been nurtured, that it can have __ few parallels, even in __ tenderness between __ father and __ child.» (Dickens)15. It is hard that __ man's exterior should tally so little sometimes with his soul. Dirk Stroeve had __ passion of Romeo in __ body of Sir Toby Belch. He had __ sweet and generous nature, and yet was always blundering; __ real feeling for what was beautiful and __ capacity to create only what was commonplace; __ peculiar delicacy of sentiment and __ gross manners. He could exercise __ tact when dealing with __ affairs of others, but none when dealing with his own. What __ cruel practical joke __ old Nature played when she flung so many contradictory elements together, and left __ man __ face to __ face with __ perplexing callousness of __ Universe. (Maugham)16. Charmian, who had taken __ great fancy to Ellen, spoke of her warmly. At last, she felt, here was __ suitable wife for me; and she did her best to jockey me into __ marriage. __ experience of worrying about my future was __ soothing one to her, taking her mind off her own troubles. (Hansford Johnson)

Exercise 39. Comment on the use of articles or their absence.

1. You can't become prime minister at once. (Shaw)2. I began once at a dinner to tell a good story. (Jerome K. Jerome)3. The scene of yesterday was quite transformed. The sea was now pale and almost colourless, yet at the same time brilliant, a sea of liquid light. It merged without a boundary into a sky which at the horizon was of an equal pallor, though changing at the zenith to a very pale vibrating blue. Here and there in the far distance, as if suspended motionless between sea and sky, there were small sailihg-boats with triangular sails. (Murdoch)4. Mr. Pickwick observed that fame was dear to the heart of every man. Poetic fame was dear to the heart of his friend Snodgrass; the fame of conquest was equally dear to his friend Tupman; and the desire of earning fame in the sports of the field, the air, and the water was uppermost in the breast of his friend Winkle. (Dickens)5. The evening had already deepened into night. (Dreiser)6. I know he couldn't love a Linton. (E. Bronte) 7. «John, dear,» said Bella, «You're a good nurse; will you please hold baby?» (Dickens)8. I must remind you again that Adam had the blood of the peasant in his veins. (Eliot)9. She comes home to a late tea, and after tea she never sews. (Ch. Bronte)10. He was already chairman of the department. (Wilson)~-ll. Thus he stood by the bank of thfs still lake... marvelling at the subtleties of reflected radiance, feeling the artist's joy in perfect natural beauty. (Dreiser)12. This is Professor Hallorsen, who was head of the expedition. (Galsworthy)13. Winter and summer a stove was burning in his room, stoked by Peter Saward's landlady, a Miss Glashan, who also brought him his meals and did the cleaning. (Murdoch)14. George got out his banjo after supper and wanted to play it, but Harris objected. He said he had got a headache. George thought the music might do him good—said music often soothed the nerves and took away a headache. Harris said he would rather have the headache. (Jerome K. Jerome)15. A full moon rode between the elm trees and there was silence as of the grave. (Galsworthy)16. The world is all before him where to choose. A life of stirring work and interest, a life of change and excitement, a life of domestic ease and love! (Dickens)17. After all, we all live in the future, even if it's a future where we aren't to be found anywhere upon the earth. (Murdoch)18. But, ere that moment, an astonishing and vivid experience happened to them. One might have supposed that, in the life of Priam Farle at least, enough of the astonishing and the vivid had already happened. (Bennett)19. There was a certain dignity in the little elderly gentleman's manner of rebuking these youths; though it was not, perhaps, quite the dignity most appropriate to the occasion. (Ch. Bronte)20. I went into the war when I was seventeen, ran away from school to do it, enlisting as a Tommy and telling them I was nineteen. (Priestley) 21. Phuong was drinking a glass of orange juice and I was having a beer and we sat in silence, content to be together. (Greene)22. So it was that on the following day, which was a Saturday, Rosa was knocking on Mrs. Wingfield's door at about four o'clock. (Murdoch)

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