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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка
  • Текст добавлен: 5 октября 2016, 23:24

Текст книги "Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка"

Автор книги: Валентина Каушанская

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Текущая страница: 2 (всего у книги 20 страниц)

Exercise 9. Translate into English.

1. Декабристы погибли в борьбе за свободу народа. 2. Все народы земли хотят мира. 3. Мы никогда не забудем героизм тех, кто боролся против фашизма. 4. Я очень ценю в людях скромность и простоту. 5. Природа играла большую роль в творчестве романтиков. 6. Музыкант должен знать историю оперы. 7. С ней он мог говорить о литературе, об искусстве, о чем угодно, мог жаловаться ей на жизнь, на людей. (Чехов)8. Я хочу быть артисткой, я хочу славы, успехов, свободы. (Чехов)9. Оставим пока геометрию. Обратимся к науке, которую вы, как чиновник почтового ведомства, вероятно, любите. География – наука почтальонов. (Чехов)10. Зачем я стереометрию учил, ежели ее в программе нет? (Чехов)11. Я с детства люблю музыку. 12. Он изучает английскую историю. 13. Он изучает историю Англии. 14. На расстоянии 20—30 шагов мы увидели странную фигуру. 15. Если вы плохо себя чувствуете, не выходите в такую погоду. 16. Мой брат очень любит архитектуру и мечтает стать архитектором. 17. Меня интересует история развития английского романа.

Exercise 10. insert articles where necessary. (Articles with names of persons.)

1. Margaret was talking to __ Osbaldistons. (Snow)2. In __ dim light streaming down __ stairs from behind her, he scarcely recognised __ Lily he had known. (Lindsay)3. __ barbaric Bertie got no hint whatever that he was barbaric. (Bennett)4. __ father and __ daughter appeared at last. (Wells)5. Gradman is here, darling, and __ mother, and __ Aunt Winifred, and Kit and Michael. Is there anyone you would like to see? (Galsworthy) 6. Louis seemed... rather __ grave, still, retiring man, but __ Caroline of this evening, which was not __ Caroline of every day, thawed his reserve. (Ch. Bronte) 7. She watched __ advent of __ Tasburghs almost maliciously. Hubert and __ young Tasburgh at once discovered mutual service in Mesopotamia. (Galsworthy)8. My visit was specially made to __ good Mrs. Ames. (Conan Doyle) 9. __ professor Beans is __ man to whom you'll be responsible for your undergraduate teaching. (Wilson)10. This Pat wasn't at all like __ Pat of his memories. When she smiled he saw __ Pat he had known, __ Pat smiling at him froirt __ worn photo that still lay in – pocketbook against his heart. But watching her ...he grew aware that __ family was divided in its attitude. Alice... and Mrs. Baxter... were partisans of – new Pat. He still felt that he couldn't bring __ two Pats together; but he didn't hold that against __ Pat of __ present. (Lindsay)11. – flustered Clarice stood beside me. (Du Maurier)12. If you are – Napolеоn, you will play __ game of __ power; if you're __ Leonardo, you'll play for – knowledge; __ stakes hardly matter. (Wallace) 13. At that time I had __ greatest admiration for – Impressionists. I longed to possess __ Sisley and __ Degas, and I worshipped Manet. (Maugham)14. I overtook __ pretty little Hetty Sorrel as I was coming to my den. (Eliot)15. He cared to say no more; he had thrown quite dust enough into __ honest Adam's eyes. (Eliot)16. This was __ famous Frank A. Cowperwood whom he had read about... (Dreiser)17. __ certain Joseph Zimmerman suggested that he undertake operating in street railway shares for him. (Dreiser)18. Elsie said she would ring up __ Doctor Worple. (Bennett)19. __ poor Edward muttered something, but what it was nobody knew. (Austen)20. He was gayer than I had thought... youthful and ardent in __ hundred happy ways, not.– Maxim I had first met. (Du Maurier)21. I have __ address of – man in London to whom __ Professor writes. (Conan Doyle)22. It is needless to multiply __ instances of __ high and lofty station, and __ „ vast importance of __ Chuzzlewits at different periods. (Dickens). 23. It has been said that there is no instance, in modern times, of __ Chuzzlewit having been found on terms of __ intimacy with __ great. (Dickens)24. __ gentle, tender-hearted Amelia Sedley was __ only person to whom she [Becky] could attach herself in __ least. (Thackeray)25. Yet __ room itself was bright and elegant; on one wall was – fine Sisley, of poplars and sunny water, on another __ still life by Nicholas de Stael, pastel fruit in __ white dish. (Snow)26. __ captain Cuttle lived on __ brink of – little canal. (Dickens)27. Mr. Tupman, by __ nod, intimated that his question applied to __ disappointed Rachel. (Dickens) 28. I am __ Mr. Martin for whom you were to inquire. (Dickens) 29. I'm to meet __ Professor Hallorsen on Monday. (Galsworthy) 30. If you're going West may I come with you? I want to see __ Aunt Emily and __ Uncle Lawrence. (Galsworthy)31. During – reading of __ paragraph, and for __ minute or two afterwards, he sat with his gaze fixed on – modest Mr. Toots, like – man entranced. (Dickens)32. I had no doubt that you were – Miss Wilfer I have often heard named. (Dickens)33. «Oh, good evening,» he exclaimed, removing his cap and bowing. «How are you?» while his mind was registering that this truly was __ beautiful, __ exquisite Sondra whom months before he had met at his uncle's. (Dreiser)34. «I don't care about __ Captain Dobbin's complexion,» she said... «I shall always like him, I know.» «There is not __ finer fellow in __ service,» Osborne said, «nor – better officer, though he is not __ Adonis, certainly.» (Thackeray)35. __ difference between __ pair was that while __ father was violent and __ bully, – son had thrice __ nerve and courage of – parent, and could not merely make __ attack, but resist it; and finding that – moment was not come when __ contest between him and his father was to be decided, he took his dinner with __ perfect coolness and appetite before __ engagement began. __ old Osborne, on __ contrary, was nervous and drank much. (Thackeray)36. __ medical practitioner quite, refused to accept __ unhappy Selina's theory. (Hardy)

Exercise 11. Translate into English.

1. Он решил сходить к Туркиным. (Чехов)2. Мой муж ревнив, это Отелло. (Чехов)3. И мать и дочь приняли приглашение. 4. Подождите немножко, отец сейчас придет. 5. Мы сегодня пойдем в театр. Идет «Дядя Ваня». 6. Вы —Коля, тот самый Коля, неуклюжий, застенчивый... Коля? (Куприн)

Exercise 12. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with geographical names.)

1. After __ tour in __ Austrian Alps they had gone to __ Hotel Splendide at __ Montreux, in order to enjoy for __ day or two __ charms of __ Lake of __ Geneva. (Bennett)2. Dusk was already falling on __ noble curve of __ Thames. (Bennett)3. I hear he's off to __ Central Africa. (Bennett) A. In Ivanhoe Walter Scott describes __ England of __ Middle Ages. 5. __ Capetown is in __ South Africa. 6. In __ heart of __ Central Asia lies __ Khoresm, __ small fertile area in __ sea of __ sand. 7. __ prospect ends... in little hills that come nearly to __ sea; rudiments, these, of __ Atlas Mountains. (Shaw)8. «We've been touring __ world... We tried __ South America...We lasted three days in __ Australia...» «Have you ever been to. __ States?» (Amis)9. Michael looked quizzically at his parent. Did he quite understand __ England of to-day? (Galsworthy)

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

I. Кордильеры находятся в Северной Америке. 2. Берега Рейна очень живописны. 3. Эльбрус – очень красивая гора. 4. «Пиковая дама» была написана Чайковским во Флоренции в 1890 г. 5. Средиземное море находится между Европой, Азией и Африкой. 6. Венеция расположена на берегу Адриатического моря. 7. Ливингстон погиб в Центральной Африке.

Exercise 14, Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with names of hotels, streets, ships, and newspapers.)

1. She nodded __ command to __ footman, and they drove off westward, down __ Strand, and so into __ little side street by __ Charing Cross. (Bennett)2. I am going to Folkestone to-day, and shall stay at __ Metropole. (Bennett)3. They were excited because they had been dining with __ editor of __ Times, and had been given __ glimpse of next day's paper. (Snow)4. She sat in her superb private drawing room at __ Hotel Cecil. 5. __ boys loved him because he told them that __ Navy had borrowed him from __ U. S. Army just in time to blow taps on __ Maine as she was sinking, and he remained long after everyone including – captain had abandoned __ ship. (Wilson)6. He began to walk very rapidly up towards __ Trafalgar Square. (Greene)7. He went out and ate __ ices at __ pastry-cook's shop in __ Charing Cross; tried __ new coat in __ Pall Mall; and called for __ Captain Cannon, played eleven games at __ billiards with __ captain, and returned to __ Russell Square. (Thackeray)8. __ street was empty, unlighted save by __ reflection from __ Grandlieu Street behind them... (Faulkner)9. In 1905 __ revolt broke out on __ Potem– kin, one of __ battleships of __ Black Sea Fleet. 10. Yet, in – bright drawing room in __ Lord North Street, all he was thinking of... was what __ Telegraph, __ Guardian, the popular press, would say next day. (Snow)

Exercise 15. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with nouns modified by proper nouns.)

1. I often go to __ Pushkin Theatre. 2. I am very fond of – Pushkin's short tragedies. 3. __ Tretyakov gallery was founded nearly __ century ago by Pavel Tretyakov. __ Tretyakov's devotion to __ art and his indefatigable efforts had __ magnificent results and furthered __ development of __ Russian painting. 4. I am __ medical student and have held __ post of house surgeon at one of __ London hospitals for some time. (Marryat) 5. __ Fox apartment had __ spacious old-fashioned feeling. 6. Towards __ end of __ year 1913 several young students living in Moscow founded __ small group known as __ Students' Drama Studio. It was from that group that __ Vakhtangov Theatre sprang. Vakhtangov was __ tireless innovator. Some of Vakhtan– gov's pupils became __ capable producers. 7. __ sets of furniture were imitations of one of __ Louis periods. (Dreiser)8. __ Pulkovo Observatory is over __ hundred years old. 9. __ chin of __ founder of __ Forsyte clan was settled comfortably between __ widely separated points of. __ old-fashioned collar. (Galsworthy) 10. He had known all __ pretty Montjoy sisters scattered over – Society, but of them all Diana was __ youngest, __ prettiest, most tasteful and wittiest... (Galsworthy)

Exercise 16, Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with set expressions.)

1. I trust you to tell me __ bare truth, whatever it is. (Snow) 2. The maid, looking to right and left, spoke in __ low and hurried voice. (Galsworthy)3. On his trip round __ world with Fleur he had often put his nose out and watched the dancing on – deck. (Galsworthy)4. He decided that he would not at __ present explain to her who he was. (Bennett)5. I saw __ good deal of him during __ war. (Snow)6. He has taken his death very much to __ heart indeed. (Collins)7. What did her education and her accomplishments amount to? She could keep __ house. (Bennett)8. AH seemed perfectly at their ease, by no means in __ hurry. (Dickens) 9. Somebody important must have been arriving from Europe by __ air... (Greene)10. Am I dealing, young people, with __ case of __ love at __ first sight? (Galsworthy)11. We've had some tea already on __ board __ yacht. (Shaw)12. Rosa was well aware that she had never taken __ trouble to get to know Annette. (Murdoch)13. You will go to _ sea and forget ail about me in __ month. (Galsworthy)14. He was about to start on __ long journey, __ difficult one, by __ sea, and no soul would know where he was gone. (Eliot)15. It is __ pleasure to see you. (Galsworthy)16. He held __ very guarded conversation with her on his way home, for fear that she would take __ additional offence. Argument was out of __ question. (Dreiser)17. On __ other hand, if he was beaten he took it with complete good humour. (Maugham)18. He is beginning to lose __ heart, they say. (Reade) 19. She burned like __ fire from __ head to __ foot. (Hardy) 20. I got into conversation with him by __ chance at __ concert. (Shaw)21. She's taken quite __ fancy to you, Ridgeon. (Shaw) 22. __ furniture was all sent round by __ water. (Austen)23. I returned at once, and found Ada sitting at __ work by __ fireside. (Dickens)24. He played __ flute. (Miller) 25. Somewhere __ great many men were singing. (Greene)26. He was chronically in __ debt... (Snow)27. __ woman I fixed my eye on was __ woman who kept __ house for me at my cottage. (Collins)28. It is __ pity to worry her if she has __ talent for __ uneasiness. (Galsworthy)29. He has given __ permission to go up and see her there. (Priestley) 30. Behind __ house was __ large garden, and in summer, __ pupils almost lived out of __ doors. (Ch. Bronte)31. __ rain had stopped, and we went on __ foot to __ Ebury Street. (Snow)32. They started at __ dawn, and __ boy I sent with them didn't come back till next day. (Maugham)33. On being informed... that her departure would be delayed... she had flown into __ violent passion. (Collins)34. All of __ sudden, his face had become stony. (Snow)35. Dear, dear! It seems only __ other day since I took you down to school at Sloughl (Galsworthy)36. Mr. Byron Waller could play __ violin. (Lee)

Exercise 17. Translate into English.

1. Он всегда говорит очень тихо. 2. На днях я случайно встретила Нину. 3. Если вы ей так ответите, она придет в ярость. 4. По правде говоря, я так и не поняла, почему она обиделась. 5. Она читает с утра до ночи. 6. Я люблю путешествовать морем. 7. Вы по ошибке принесли не тот журнал. 8. Мы всегда заставали его за работой. 9. Приходите ко мне завтра.—Об этом и речи быть не может, я очень занята. 10. Он даже не потрудился встретить нас на вокзале. 11. Жаль, что вы не можете пойти с нами в театр. 12. Мы уже' можем читать Диккенса и Теккерея в оригинале. 13. Мой брат очень хорошо играет на скрипке.

Exercise 18. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with predicative nouns and nouns in apposition.)

1. Ostrovsky commenced __ clerk in __ Moscow Commercial Court. 2. Selina, __ daughter of __ Paddocks, had been surprised that afternoon by receiving __ letter from her once intended husband. (Hardy)3. My father became __ rector of Burnmore when I was nine. (Wells)4. Cashel was to go to sea, so that if his affairs became desperate, he could at least turn __ pirate. (Shaw)5. He was __ particular friend of Sir John's (Austen). 6. You are not __ person you claim to be. (Dickens)7. His money was __ money I brought him as my marriage portion. (Shaw) 8. That meeting had occurred at __ house of __ high official of __ British Museum, __ scholar with whom Arthur was on friendly terms. (Bennett)9. Mrs. Patterson, __ lymphatic woman, was holding her son Jim by __ hand. (Lindsay)10. __ trained diplomat and statesman as he was, his– stern aristocratic face was upside down with __ fury. (Leacock) 11. I am not __ good fisherman myself. (Jerome K. Jerome)12. Ever since then I haven't been able to suppress – gnawing thoughts in my mind. I'm not strong enough to suppress them. I'm too weak. I'm not __ man enough. (Caldwell)13. You were __ dear little girl; I see it now, looking back. But not __ little girl I had in my mind. (Jerome K. Jerome)14. He looked thin, and yellow as __ guinea, and he had turned __ miser. (Reade)15. You should have been __ woman enough to control yourself. (Hardy)16. Martha, who was __ poor apprentice at __ milliner's, then told them what kind of __ work she had to do. (Dickens)17. What __ charming house you have, Lady Chiltern! (Wilde)18. I am Anthony Anderron, __ man you want. (Shaw)19. Only, his forehead and mouth betray an extraordinary steadfastness; and his eyes are __ eyes of __ fanatic. (Shaw) 20. He had just been appointed __ Lord Justice of appeal. (Snow) 21. His clothes are not __ clothes, nor his anxious wife __ wife of __ prosperous man. (Shaw)22.-1 was __ fool enough to ask her to live here still, and direct __ affairs of __ house for me. (E. Bronte)

Exercise 19. Translate into English.

1. В 1937 г. археологическая экспедиция отправилась в Хорезм. Экспедицию возглавлял профессор С. Толстов, известный специалист по истории народов Средней Азии. (Советская литература) 2. Качалов, изумительный актер, которого оплакивали миллионы любителей театра, умер за месяц до 50-летнего юбилея Художественного театра. 3. Озеро Байкал, сердце Сибири, как его называют, замечательно редкой красотой берегов и удивительным цветом воды. Академик Берг, выдающийся советский географ, называет Байкал чудом природы. 4. Беранже, знаменитый французский поэт, родился в 1780 г. В детстве он жил с дедом, бедным парижским портным. Когда началась революция, его отправили в провинцию к тетке, содержательнице гостиницы.

Exercise 20. Insert articles where necessary.

1. __ love seemed now so little __ thing, seemed to have lost __ warmth and __ power... (Galsworthy)2. It was too great __ P shock to be borne with __ calmness, and she immediately left __ room. (Austen)3. It's as good __ place, I suppose, as you could find. (Galsworthy)4. Mrs. Todgers was __ lady, __ rather bony and hard-featured lady. (Dickens)5. It was quite __ way down to __ main road and then we walked along __ main road about __ mile and __ half. (Hemingway)6. But he,., gave her so long and so peculiar __ stare from __ corner where he was having tea, that she knew he had not forgiven her. (Galsworthy)7. She seemed to take rather __ fancy to me. (Galsworthy)

Exercise 21. Translate into English.

1. Такую интересную книгу приятно перечитать. 2. Это слишком длинный роман, чтобы его можно было прочесть в два дня. 3. Это такая же светлая каюта, как та. 4. Я не могу ответить на такой странный вопрос. 5. Это довольно интересная статья. 6, Как вы могли упустить такой редкий случай? 7. Какое нелепое возражение! 8. Оба письма были отправлены утром. 9. Все бумаги подписаны. 10. Это слишком сложная проблема, чтобы ее можно было разрешить в такое короткое время.

Exercise 22. Translate into Russian. (Ways of expressing the meaning of the English articles in Russian.)

1. I am very fond of Helen, there is a great charm about the girl. 2. The man was slowly walking along the street. 3. A man was slowly walking along the street 4. We've bought the butter in this shop. 5. We've bought some butter. 6. A girl showed me the way to the station. 7. I shouldn't like to live here; there is something gloomy about the house. 8. You had better not attempt to be a governess, as the duties of the position would be too severe for your constitution. (Ch. Bronte)

Exercise 23. Translate into English.

1. Я не знала, что собака в комнате. 2. Я не знала, что в комнате есть собака. 3. Принесите муку. 4. Принесите муки. 5. Девушка подошла к окну. 6. К окну подошла девушка.

Exercise 24. Insert articles where necessary. (Special cases.)


Day, night, morning, evening.

1. Outside it was __ night. (Murdoch)2. It was __ warm summer night. (Snow)3. __ night outside seemed very quiet. (Greene)4. It was __ foggy evening in November. (Murdoch) 5. During _ evening we played innumerable games of piquet... (Maugham)6. It was __ evening, and he was walking across the school grounds on his way home. (Saroyan)7. He wondered what hour it was. __ sun seemed to indicate __ late morning... (Greene) 8. I think it's going to be __ fine morning, after all. (Shaw) 9. __ morning was cold and sharp and sunny. (Greene)10. It is __ early morning. (Shaw)11. We are going to have __ ideal night. (Shaw)12. __ night being sharp and frosty, we trembled from __ head to __ foot. (Dickens)13. It was early in __ afternoon. (Murdoch)14. __ night was __ windy one, with broken clouds drifting swiftly across __ face of __ three-quarter moon. (Conan Doyle)15. __ night came and he sent his sadness into his sleep. (Saroyan)16. I was up at six in __ morning. (/. Shaw)17. She has had __ bad night, probably __ rather delirious night. (Shaw) 18. __ machines at __ factory were in perpetual motion __ day and __ night. (Murdoch)19. Arthur did not pass __ sleepless night; he slept long and well, for __ sleep comes to __ perplexed, if __ perplexed are only weary enough. (Eliot)20. It was about ten o'clock at __ night. (Maugham)21. __ fine September afternoon was dying fast. (Galsworthy)22. I persuaded him to stay __ night with me, and I put him into my own bed. (Maugham) 23. It was __ morning after Roger had talked to me in __ Park, and Margaret and I were sitting at breakfast. (Snow)24. __ day was by This time approaching; __ West was dim, __ East beginning to gleam. (Ch. Bronte)25. On __ bright January morning __ telephones kept ringing in my office. (Snow)26. I cannot describe to you __ intense silence of __ night. (Maugham)27. I shall not forget __ evening I spent with him. I had not intended to stay more than __ hour, but he insisted that I should spend __ night. (Maugham)28. He painted and he read, and in ^ _ evening, when it was dark, they sat together on __ veranda, smoking and looking at __ night. (Maugham)29. It was as lovely __ morning as one could desire. (Jerome K. Jerome)30. It was __ glorious night. __ moon had sunk, and left __ quiet earth alone with __ stars. (Jerome K. Jerome)31. Nell dropped __ curtsey, and told him they were __ poor travellers who sought __ shelter for __ night. __ schoolmaster told them that they were welcome to remain under his roof till __ morning. (Dickens)32. Every day I was up at __ dawn, clearing, planting, working on my house, and at – night when I threw myself on my bed it was to sleep like.– log till __ morning. (Maugham)

Exercise 25. Translate into English.

I. Утро было холодное и ветреное. 2. Был теплый летний вечер. 3. Настала ночь, и путешественники решили отдохнуть. 4. Он пишет с утра до ночи. 5. Он переночевал у приятеля. 6. Он провел бессонную ночь и был очень бледен. 7. Приятно поехать за город в ясный летний день. 8. И днем и ночью он думал об одном. 9. Было прекрасное утро – солнечное и тихое. 10. Было раннее утро, и все в доме еще спали.

Exercise 26. Insert articles where necessary.


Names of seasons.

1. It was __ winter, and __ night of bitter cold. (Wilde) 2. You see, __ winter was __ very bad time for me, and I really had no money at all to buy __ bread with. (Wilde)3. It was __ very dark evening for __ summer. (E. Bronte) 4. __ summer drew to __ end, and __ early autumn. (E. Bronte) 5. I wondered if __ autumn would come upon us two months before her time. (Du Майrier) 6. ft was __ lovely evening in __ spring time of __ year; and in. __ soft stillness of __ twilight, all __ nature was very calm and beautiful. __ day had been fine and warm; but at __ coming on of __ night, __ air grew cool. (Dickens) 7. It was pretty late in __ autumn of __ year when __ declining sun, struggling through __ mist which had obscured it all day, looked brightly upon __ little Wiltshire village. (Dickens)8. There was going to be __ election soon, we all knew: this was. __ spring of 1955. (Snow)9. It was __ cold fall and __ wind came dowd from __ mountains. (Hemingway)10. It was __ fine day, early in __ spring, and we were in __ good humour. (Maugham)

Exercise 27. Translate into English.

1. Была ранняя весна. 2. Была дождливая, холодная осень. 3. Осень была исключительно теплая; стояла ясная, солнечная погода. 4. Мое любимое время года – лето. 5. Лето 1941 года было очень жаркое.

Exercise 28. Insert articles where necessary.


Bed, school, prison, town.

1. It was eleven o'clock. Annette was still in __ bed. (Murdoch)2. Stefan, who had been sitting on the edge of __ bed, came near to her and smiled for __ first time. (Murdoch)3. May comb was __ old town. (Lee) 4. Dolores said nothing all __ way to __ town. (/. Shaw)5. Yes, he and my brother had been to __ school together. (Snow)6. Before that she had taught history in __ girls' school. (Murdoch)7. __ school was not __ particularly good one. (Conan Doyle)8. I never knew __ lawyer yet who didn't threaten to put me in __ prison sooner or later. (Shaw)9. Steger next visited __ county jail, close on to five o'clock, when it was already dark. (Dreiser)10. In all probability he was already in – town. (Austen)11. Among other public buildings in __ certain town... there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small... – __ workhouse. (Dickens)12. After leaving __ school, I became clerk to her father. (Lindsay)13. She graduated from __ Pedagogical Institute __ year ago and now she is working at __ school in __ village near Leningrad. 14. __ prison where Little Dorrit was born was called «The Marshalsea». 15. I haven't done anything that warrants my running away or going to __ prison, either. I'm merely going there to save time at __ present. (Dreiser) 16. It was in my walk that night, and in __ sleepless hours which followed when I lay in. __ bed, that __ thought first occurred to me which afterwards shaped itself into __ settled resolution* (Dickens)17. He told with __ perfect truth... how he had in time been released from __ prison. (Dickens)18. "When you think of me at all, John, let it only be as __ little child you have seen grow up in __ prison. (Dickens)19. You take your man home, Mrs. Dubedut, and get him to __ bed before eleven. (Shaw)20. I'm going to be out of __ town for a few days. So I may not even see you again. (Faulkner)21. Unless we can give __ rector. __ bed he had nowhere to lay his head this night. (Shaw)22. Who could be in – _ prison __ quarter of __ century, and be prosperous! (Dickens)

Exercise 29. Translate into English.

1. Она легла спать в три часа и встала с головной болью. 2. Почему вы так поздно вернулись из города? 3. Женщина подошла к кровати и накрыла ребенка одеялом. 4. Она плохо себя чувствовала и провела весь день в постели. 5. Сегодня мне надо пойти в школу на родительское собрание. 6. Я провела все лето в городе. 7. Когда сестра окончила школу, она поступила в консерваторию. 8. Мы провели несколько дней в маленьком городке на Кавказе. 9. Мы живем на даче, но часто приезжаем в город. 10. О. Генри был обвинен в краже, и, хотя он был невиновен, его посадили в тюрьму. Он сидел в тюрьме три года.

Exercise 30. Insert articles where necessary.


Names of meals.

1. He said he had letters to write and if I would allow him, would remain in his room till __ dinner was ready. (Jerome K. Jerome)2. He came in one morning when I was having – breakfast on __ terrace of __ hotel and introduced himself. (Maugham) 3. I saw to it that he had __ good dinner. (Jerome K. Jerome) 4. We had __ cold bacon for __ lunch that day. There was not much of it. I took it to be __ bacon we had not eaten for – breakfast. But on __ clean dish with parsley it looked rather neat. (Jerome K. Jerome)5. Mr. Clay settled back in his chair, savoring his drink, expecting __ good dinner. (/. Shaw)6. __ dinner was very sound. (Bennett) 7. Come and have __ tea on __ deck. (Bennett)8. They had __ supper in __ silence. (Murdoch)9. __ little expedition down __ river was delightful, and __ little room overlooking __ river into which they were shown for __ dinner was delightful. (Dickens)10. In __ tiny dining-room, we were having __ excellent dinner, cooked by Mary Osbaldiston-.. (Snow) 11. She... began to dress for __ dinner to which she had been invited. (Austen)12. When he arrived... __ famous Contract was at __ dinner. (Dreiser)13. When they arrived and mounted __, stairs, Stefan behaved as usual, and soon they were eating. __ supper which Jan had prepared. (Murdoch)14. He assisted her... in setting forth __ neat luncheon, consisting of __ cold chicken, __ ham and __ tarts. (Ch. Bronte)15. __ dinner was __ grand one. (Austen)16. I shall be glad to see you at __ lunch at half past one. (Shaw) 17. He had given me __ dinner, and __ good one. (Snow)

Exercise 31. Translate into English.

I. Мы позавтракали в восемь часов. 2. Завтрак состоял из хлеба с маслом, сыра и кофе. 3. Не опаздывайте к обеду. 4. Обед еще не готов. 5. Наши знакомые пригласили нас на обед.

Exercise 32. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with nouns modified by certain adjectives, pronouns, and numerals.)



1. You have had __ most distinguished career... (Snow) 2. This was __ most painful thought of all. (Murdoch)3. He had put himself in __ most unsatisfactory position, politically and socially. (Dreiser)4. She was __ most beautiful young girl; __ most beautiful girl he had ever seen. (Bennett)5. __ most of __ women had flowers or little black feathers sticking up in their hair. (Glyn) 6. I started relating __ most interesting anecdote, but was somewhat surprised to observe... that nobody was paying __ slightest attention io me whatever. (Jerome K. Jerome) 7. __ news he had conveyed to her would have terrified __ most women. (Cronin) 8. He was __ man of __ most subtle and refined intellect. __ man of __ culture, __. charm and __ distinction. One of __ most intellectual men I ever met. (Wilde)9. Her life held so little of __ real charm; and Aileen Butler was __ most significant element of __ romance in it. (Dreiser)10. Youth in her South Carolinian home had been simple and self-reliant; and unlike __ most American girls, she had not had too good __ time. (Galsworthy)11. It was __ most beautiful room. It was _ most beautiful room in – house. (Du Maurier) 12. Gentleman, he was __ most excellent man, __ ' most gentle, tender and estimable man, with __ simplicity of __ child. (Dickens)13. __ Norman Conquest is one of __ most important events in __ English history, and it had __ greatest influence on __ history of __ language.

Exercise 33. Insert articles where necessary.


Few, little.

1.. __ mother and I are planning to go to __ country for __ few days. (Dreiser)2. It was __ cold, windy evening and there were __ few people in __ Park. 3. __ few words that I have to add to what 1 have written, are soon penned. (Dickens)4. We needn't take. __ porter. We have __ little luggage. 5. When you've wanted something very badly and it comes at last, it is somehow __ little frightening. (Maugham)6. __ little I have to say can be said in __ few minutes. 7. I am commonly __ man of __ few words. (Dickens)8. One morning, when Rose was alone in __ breakfast-parlour, Harry Maylie entered; and, with some hesitation, begged __ permission to speak with her for __ few moments. (Dickens)9. What __ little light there was came from one small window. (Priestley) 10. He paused, wishing he had not mentioned that fact. It was __ slip of __ tongue, one of __ few he ever made, due to __ peculiar pressure of __ situation. (Dreiser)11. Oh, I know there's no danger, but I'm __ little frightened all __ same. (Greene)12. Well, for instance, why don't you tell me about your sister? She always sounds fascinating, from __ little I hear, but I've no real idea what she's like. (Hansford Johnson)13. __ old man replied that there were __ few grown persons as trustworthy or as careful as she [Nell]. (Dickens)14. Harriet closed her coat quickly and walked __ little faster. (/. Shaw)15. We can't disguise from ourselves that there's __ little hope. (Greene) 16. He accepted willingly my invitation to remain for __ few days in my apartment. (Maugham)17. I seem to have forgotten __ little I ever knew. (Conan Doyle)18. He tried to orient himself by : __ stars; but it was __ cloudy night and __ few stars that were visible did not announce any constellation that he could recognize. (Murdoch)19. Carie expostulated, begged, was very angry, even wept __ little, and then suddenly capitulated. (Buck)20. Luf– kin's tastes were austere. He spent __ little on himself. (Snow) 21. I see very __ few women; but those are __ women of rank. (James)22. Mary offered to lend __ little she had. (E. Bronte) 23. I've travelled __ little, but not enough. (Hansford Johnson) 24. Surely, during __ few hours he might pass in _ cottage it would be easy for her to keep out of his way. (Marryat)25. She respected him mightily but gave him __ very little thought. (Buck) 26. When __ winter came... he suffered __ good deal from – cold and __ hunger, and often had to go to __ bed without any supper but __ few dried pears or some hard nuts. (Wilde)27. He was one of __ few men of science who never terrified me, probably because he never behaved like __ doctor. (Lee)

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