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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка
  • Текст добавлен: 5 октября 2016, 23:24

Текст книги "Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка"

Автор книги: Валентина Каушанская

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Текущая страница: 17 (всего у книги 20 страниц)

Exercise 17. Point out the kind of object and say by what it is expressed. Translate into Russian.

I. What have you got there? (Cronin)2. She pretended not to heart (Mansfield)3. Marcellus found the luggage packed and strapped for the journey. (Douglas)4. I know all about it, my son. (Douglas)5. I have to show Dr. French his. room. (Shaw) 6. I never heard you express that opinion before, sir. (Douglas) 7. Halting, he waited for the Roman to speak first. (Douglas) 8. He was with you at the banquet. (Douglas)9. They don't want anything from us – not even our respect. (Douglas)10. I beg your pardon for calling you by your name. (Shaw)11. I found myself pitying the Baron. (Mansfield)12. I've got it framed up with Gilly to drive him anywhere. (Kahler)13. He smiled upon the young men a smile at once personal and presidential. (Kahler)14. Gallio didn't know how to talk with Marcellus about it. (Douglas)15. Laura helped her mother with the good-byes. (Mansfield)16. Why did you not want him to come back and see me to-day? (Mansfield)17. Mr. Jinks, not exactly knowing what to do, smiled a dependant's smile. (Dickens)18. He found it impossible to utter the next word. (Kahler)19. Marcellus issued crisp orders and insisted upon absolute obedience. (Douglas)20. He's going to live his own life and stop letting his mother boss him around like a baby. (Kahler)21. I will suffer no priest to interfere in my business. (Shaw) 22. Papa will never consent to my being absolutely dependent on you. (Shaw)23. Do you know anything more about this dreadful place? (Douglas)24. She hated Frisco and hated herself for having yielded to his kisses. (Prichard)25. They had been very hard to please. Harry would demand the impossible. (Mansfield)26. His part in the conversation consisted chiefly of yesses and noes. (Kahler)27. Michelangelo could not remember having seen a painting or sculpture of the simplest nature in a Buanarrotti house. (Stone)

Exercise 18. Point out the Complex Object and say, by what it is expressed. Translate into Russian.

1. He could see the man and Great Beaver talking together. (London)2. She had lied about the scullery door being open on the night of the disappearance of the bank-notes. (Bennett)3. Each woman thought herself triumphant and the other altogether vanquished. (Buck)4. Thus these two waited with impatience for the three years to be over. (Buck)5. Sammy watched Mr. Cheviot slowly take the receiver from the girl. (Priestley) 6. He hated her to work in the boarding house. (Prichard)7. The Consul felt his legs, give way. (Cronin)8. Mother objected to Aimee being taken away from her game with the boys. (Prichard)9. They had never heard him speak with such urgency, his eyes glowing like amber coals in the fading light. (Stone)

Exercise 19. Translate into English.

1. Он посвящал музыке все свободное время. 2. Объясните мне, пожалуйста, значение новых слов. 3. Мы приписываем теплому течению мягкий климат этого острова. 4. Он открыл нам секрет своего изобретения. 5. Байрон посвятил одну из своих поэм Гете. 6. Вы видели, чтобы кто-нибудь вышел из комнаты? 7. Она объявила нам о своем желании уехать работать на целину. 8. Не приписывайте мне того, чего я никогда не делал. 9. Он посвящает общественной работе все свое свободное время. 10. Мне вчера не починили часы. 11. Я никогда не слышал, чтобы об этом студенте плохо отзывались. 12. Я хочу перешить свое пальто. 13. Войдя з картинную галерею, я увидела мою приятельницу, стоявшую у окна. 14. Она хотела, чтобы ей сшили пальто к Новому году. 15. Спойте нам. 16. Спойте нам еще одну арию из «Евгения Онегина».

Exercise 20. Point out the attribute and say by what it is expressed.

1. The first day's journey from Gaza to Ascalon was intolerably tedious. (Douglas)2. What do you say to a stroll through the garden, Mr. Cockane? (Shaw)3. It was such a cruel thing to have happened to that gentle, helpless creature. (Prichard)4. He was always the first to enter the dining-room and the last to leave. (Mansfield)5. Sally hated the idea of borrowing and living on credit. (Prichard)6. The two men faced each other silently. (Douglas)7. It was an easy go-as-you-please existence. (Prichard) 8. I am not in the habit of reading other people's letters. (Shaw) 9. He thrust his hands deep into his overcoat pockets. (Galsworthy) 10. It was not a matter to be discussed even with a guide, philosopher and friend so near and trusted as the Professor. (Kahler) 11. Ethel, the youngest, married a good-for-nothing little waiter. (Mansfield)12 He pointed to a house on a near-by shady knoll. (Douglas)13. It was just one little sheet of glass between her and the great wet world outside. (Mansfield)14. She had a pair of immense bare arms to match, and a quantity of mottled hair 'arranged in a sort of bow. (Mansfield)15. Dicky heard right enough. A clear, ringing little laugh was his only reply. (Mansfield)16. To think that a man of his abilities would stoop to such a horrible trick as that. (Dreiser)17. There was a blackbird perched on the cherry-tree, sleek and glistening. (Braine) 18. A middle-aged man carrying a sheaf of cards walked into the room. (Braine) 19. Daniel Quilp began to comprehend the possibility of there being somebody at the door. (Dickens)20. Still, Pett's happiness or unhappiness is quite a life and death question with us. (Dickens)

Exercise 21. Point out the apposition and say whether it is close or loose.

1. Maria, the mother, had not taken off her shawl. (Croniri)2. One of our number, a round-faced, curly-haired little man of about forty, glared at him aggressively. (Braddon) 3. There are plenty of dogs in the town of Oxford. (Jerome K. Jerome)4. You look all right, Uncle Soames. (Galsworthy)5. James, a slow and thorough eater, stopped the process of mastication. (Galsworthy)6. He felt lost, alone there in the room with that pale spirit of a woman. (London)7. But the doctor —a family physician well past middle age – was not impressed. (Carter)8. They, the professors, were right in their literary judgement... (London)9. In consequence neither Oscar nor his sister Martha had had any too much education or decent social experience of any kind. (Dreiser)10. But now he had seen that world, possible and real, with a flower of a woman... (London)

Exercise 22. Point out the kind of adverbial modifier, and state by what it is expressed. Translate into Russian.

l.Gallio slowly nodded his head. (Douglas)2. He's coming Saturday at one o'clock. (Cronin)3. Lucia stopped them in their tracks with a stern command. (Douglas)4. Sally was sitting on the front seat of the buggy, dumb and unhappy at being ignored. (Prichard)5. I feel my own deficiencies too keenly to presume so far. (Shaw)6. A few miners hung on, hoping the mines would reopen. (Prichard) 7. The first bar of gold raised hopes sky high. (Prichard)8. She had to talk because of her desire to laugh. (Mansfield)9. Gallic pushed back his huge chair and rose to his full height as if preparing to deliver an address. (Douglas)10. He takes a glass and holds it to Essie to be filled. (Shaw)11. Morris was walking too quickly for Sally to keep up with him. (Prichard)12. The poor woman was annoyed with Morris for dumping his wife on her. (Prichard)13. It was quite a long narrative. (Douglas)14. Of course Laura and Jose were far too grown-up to really care about such things. (Mansfield)15. Now and then Gavin would stop to point out silently some rarity. (Cronin)16. And for all her quiet manner, and her quiet smile, she was full of trouble. (Dickens)17. The young schoolteacher's spirits rose to a decided height. (Dreiser)18. Evil report, with time and chance to help it, travels patiently, and travels far. (Collins)

Exercise 23. Follow the direction for Exercise 22.

1. At the top of the stairs she paused to wave to him. (Douglas)2. Marcellus accepted this information without betraying his amazement. (Douglas)3. Having knocked on his door, she firmly entered Grandpa's room. (Cronin)4. After waiting for a few minutes, he marched up the steps, closely followed by Demetrius. (Douglas)5. Why do you always look at things with such dreadfully practical eyes? (London)6. David appeared in the open door, one hand clutching a sheaf of bills, under his other arm an account book. (Stone)7. That night I could scarcely sleep for thinking of it. (Cronin)8. She did feel silly holding Moon's hand like that. (Mansfield)9. Then Gallio cleared his throat, and faced his son with troubled eyes. (Douglas)10. We have some exceptionally fine roses this year. (Douglas)11. Jonathan shook his head slowly, without looking up, his tongue bulging his cheek. (Douglas)12. But it was of no use. Marcellus' melancholy was too heavy to be lifted. (Douglas)13. She [Sally] never would have been able to make a success of the dining-room but for the kindness and assistance of the men. (Prichard)14. On being informed of the old man's flight, his fury was unbounded. (Dickens)15. To be a complete artist it is not enough to be a painter, sculptor or architect. (Stone)16. Sally was furious with herself for having fainted. (Prichard)17. With all her faults, she was candor herself. (Hardy)18. The receiving overseer, Roger Kendall, though thin and clerical, was a rather capable man. (Dreiser)

Exercise 24.

Point out all the adverbial modifiers expressed by Predicative Constructions. Translate into Russian.

1. Marcellus strode heavily to and fro before the entrance, his impatience mounting. (Douglas)2. On her applying to them, reassured by this resemblance, for a direction to Miss Dorrit, they made way for her to enter a dark hall. (Dickens)3. Well, women's faces have had too much power over me already for me not to fear them. (Hardy)4. I almost doubt whether I ought not to go a step farther, and burn the letter at once, for fear of its falling into wrong hands. (Collins)5. Michelangelo went to Jacopo's side, ran his hand carressingly over the sacrophagus, his fingers tracing out in its low relief the funeral procession of fighting men and horses. (Stone)6. Michelangelo went into the yard and sat in the baking sun with his chin resting on his chest. (Stone) 7. That over, she sat back with a sigh and softly rubbed her knees. (Mansfield)8. He opened the door for the Senator to precede him. (Douglas)9. They were returning to Fogarty's; their hands full of flowers. (Prichard)10. She pressed his hand mutely, her eyes dim. (London)11. His being an older man, that made it all right. (Warren)12. On the second of these days Granacci burst into the studio, his usually placid eyes blinking hard. (Stone)13. He stood beside me in silence, his candle in his hand. (Conan Doyle)14. In a room within the house, Cowperwood, his coat and vest off, was listening to Aileen's account of her troubles. (Dreiser)15. There was room enough for me to sit between them, and no more. (Collins)

Exercise 25. Say what parts of the sentence are introduced by the preposition with or without.

I. Steger was beside himself with fear. (Dreiser)2. Basil, let us have something iced to drink, something with strawberries in it. (Wilde)3. She continued silent, leaning back, her smile now glowing with all its insolence. (Murdoch)4. His friend Francesco Granacci was a nineteen year-old youth, a head taller than himself, with hay-colored hair and alert blue eyes. (Stone)5. Without beauty of feature or elegance of form, she pleased. Without youth and its gay graces, she cheered. (Ch. Bronte)6. The real bourgeois Ruth, with all the bourgeois failings and with the hopeless cramp of the bourgeois psychology in her mind, he had never loved. (London)7. Mr. Godfrey's fine eyes filled with tears. (Collins) 8. The gravel paths were moist and the grass was wet with dew. (Hemingway)9. There were villas with iron fences and big overgrown gardens and ditches with water flowing and green vegetable gardens with dust on the leaves. (Hemingway)10. My Anna is worth two of her, with all her beauty and talent. (Eliot)11. He was standing now with the waves breaking at his feet. (Lawrence)

Exercise 26. Point out all the independent elements and say by what they are expressed.

1. In the morning, however, there was a comforting excitement in leaving the train. (Kahler)2. May be, after all, there was something in that wild idea of Albertine's. (Kahler)3. They gave him, in fact, a pleasant feeling of vicarious fatherhood. (Kahler) 4. Nicholas, unfortunately, had passed an unquiet night. (Cronin) 5. Nevertheless, despite this reasoning there remained in the Consul's breast that strange sense of jealousy. (Cronin)o. now fortunate to have such a reliable couple in the house. Naturally, he counted on the Burtons as an official standby. (Cronin)7. I am a human being, senor, and must take advantage of my opportunities. Frankly, I am accustomed to good wine. (Cronin) 8. He was surprised, evidently, to find Sally so much at home and bustling about like that. (Prichard)9. She was quite unconcerned, as a matter of fact, about being left alone in the camp, (Prichard)10. Perhaps her colonial upbringing had something to do with it. (Prichard)11. It was still too early for his ride, but he did not go back to bed, he wasn't deeply worried, to be sure, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep. (Kahter)

Exercise 27. Point out what parts are detached and by what they are expressed.

1. Now their laughter joined together, seized each other and held close, harmoniously, intertwined through each other's fabric and substance. (Stone)2. Huckleberry Finn was there, with his dead cat. (Twain)3. We reached the station, with only a minute or two to spare. (Collins)4. Blind and almost senseless, like a bird caught in a snare, he still heard the sharp slam of the door. (Cronin)5. As he strode along he was conscious, within himself, of a deep, pervading sense of power. (Cronin)6. With his hands by his sides, he strolled very slowly and inconspicuously, down the border. * (Cronin)7. One summer, during a brief vacation at Knocke, his visit had come to the notice of Harrington Brande. (Cronin)8. We are very poor, senor, with many mouths to feed, and these fish would make a good meal for us. (Cronin)9. Unbelievingly, his eyes fixed, lips tightly compressed, Brande stared at the advancing youth. (Cronin)10. He remembered her brave and hardy, wjth a small-boned eager face, enriched with weather and living. (Sdnborn) 11. The girls had met and were strolling, arm in arm, through the rose arbor. (Douglas)12. Stout, middle-aged, full of energy, clad in a grease-stained dark blue print dress... she bustled backwards and forwards from the kitchen to the dining-room. (Prichard)13. She had become very drab and unattractive, with all the hard work, no doubt. (Prichard)14. But, for all that, they had a very pleasant walk. (Dickens)

Exercise 28. Point out homogeneous parts, define them and say by what they are expressed.

1. He had lived with this block for several months now, studied it in every light, from every angle, in every degree of heat and cold. (Stone)2. He felt discouraged, strangely empty. (Cronin)3. There were tangerines and apples stained with strawberry pink. (Mansfield)4. He came in slowly, hesitated, took up a toothpick from a dish on the top of the piano, and went out again. (Mansfield)5. But I was exceedingly nice, a trifle diffident, appropriately reverential. (Mansfield)6. From the edge of the sea came a ripple and whisper. (Wells)7. They went side by side, hand in hand, silently toward the hedge. (Galsworthy)8. The light oiltside had chilled, and threw a chalky whiteness on the river. (Galsworthy)9. Thousands of sheets must be printed, dried, cut. (Heym)10. Opening the drawer he took from the sachet a handkerchief and the framed photograph of Fleur. (Galsworthy)II. The Captain was mostly concerned about himself, his own comfort, his own safety. (Heym)12. Her mother was speaking in her low, pleasing, slightly metallic voice. (Galsvuorthy) 13. And suddenly she burst into tears of disappointment, shame and overstrain. (Galsworthy)14. She extended a slender hand and smiled pleasantly and naturally. (Wales) 15. Then, without a word of warning, without the shadow of a provocation, he bit that poodle's near foreleg. (Jerome /C– Jerome) 16. It could be smashed by violence but never forced to fulfil. (Stone)17. Never before had the friar had such power and never had his voice rung out with such a clap of doom. (Stone)

Exercise 29. Analyse the following sentences.

1. His heart felt swollen in his chest. (Stone) 2. The girl [Aileen] was really, beautiful and much above the average intelligence and force. (Dreiser)3. Footsore and downhearted, they were making their way back to Coolgardie doing a bit of prospecting. (Prichard)4. The idleness made him cranky. (Stone)5. The prior's hearty, warm-cheeked face went dark at the mention of Savanarola's name. (Stone)6. Ah, to be a soldier, Michelangelo, to fight in mortal combat, to kill the enemy with sword and lance, conquer new lands and all their women? That is the life! (Stone) 7. He said it in a very mature, man-to-man tone. (Warren)8. Evidently George and the sheriff were getting along in a very friendly way, for all the former's bitter troubles and lack of means. (Dreiser)9. Together they sketched the apostles, the one bald-headed, the other supporting the weeping John. (Stone)10. With all his brightness and cleverness and general good qualities, Mr. Franklin's chance of topping Mr. Godfrey in our young lady's estimation was, in my opinion, a very poor chance indeed. (Collins)11. Suddenly all the differences between life and death became apparent. (Stone)12. Michelangelo began to see pictures in his mind: of struggles between men, of the rescue of women, of the wounded, the dying. (Stone)13. I am a thousand times cleverer and more charming than that creature, for all her wealth. (Thackeray)14.1'mnot accustomed to having more than one drink. (Tennessee Williams)15. Bertoldo, I feel the need to be solitary, to work beyond all eyes, even yours. (Stone)16. Miss Fulton laid her moonbeam fingers on his cheeks and smiled her sleepy smile. (Mansfield)17. Sally found it difficult to visit anybody herself. (Prichard)18. And surely, no man in his senses wants the disastrous consequences of this rush to go any further. (Prichard)19. To draw one does not need big muscles. (Stone)20. And yet, as though overcome, she flung down on a couch and pressed her hands to her eyes. (Mansfield)21. It was a simple face and could have been handsome, in spite of its saffron colouring, but for the soft, full mouth. (Cronin)22. The Lieutenant, without cap, sword or gloves, and much improved in temper and spirits by his meal, chooses the lady's side of the room, and waits, much at his ease, for Napoleon to begin. (Shaw)23. With his strange, hawking cry and the jangle of the cans the milk-boy went his rounds. (Mansfield)24. The man and daughter, the mother being dead, brought their letter from a church in West Tennessee and were accepted forthwith into fellowship. (Warren)25. He could not bring himself to face Stanek. (Heym)26. There was a two-storey new wing, with a smart bathroom between each two bedrooms and almost up-to-date fittings.. (Lawrence)27. Her [Aileen's] eyes gleamed almost pleadingly for all her hauteur, like a spirited collie's, and her even teeth showed beautifully. (Dreiser)28. In the afternoon, leaning from my window, I saw him pass down the street, walking tremulously and carrying the bag. (Lawrence)29. Amazed and amused, they watched white men scurrying about the ridge, digging and burrowing into the earth like great rats. (Prichard)30. He sat down by the oak tree, in the sun, his fur coat thrown open, his hat roofing with its flat top the pale square of his face. (Galsworthy)31. She was remaining upstairs to give Mary full pleasure of being hostess at her own party. (Murdoch)32. It was pleasant to travel this way, all expenses paid by «the Firm». (Warren)33. One of them even opened the car door for him, with the awkward deference ritually paid in Johntown to the crippled or sick. (Warren)34. She was sitting there very quietly, her legs bent back under her, her yellow skirt evenly spread to make a circle on the green grass, her hands lying supine, slightly curled, and empty on her lap, in a sweet humility, her waist rising very straight and small from the spread circle of the skirt, her back very straight but her neck gently inclining to one side. (Warren)

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