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The British Study Edition of the Urantia Papers
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Текст книги "The British Study Edition of the Urantia Papers"

Автор книги: Tigran Aivazian




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Текущая страница: 47 (всего у книги 295 страниц)


29:4.1 These beings are the mobile subordinates of the Supreme Power Centres. The physical controllers are endowed with capabilities of individuality metamorphosis of such a nature that they can engage in a remarkable variety of autotransport, being able to traverse local space at velocities approaching the flight of Solitary Messengers. But like all other space traversers they require the assistance of both their fellows and certain other types of beings in overcoming the action of gravity and the resistance of inertia in departing from a material sphere.

29:4.2 The Master Physical Controllers serve throughout the grand universe. They are directly governed from Paradise by the Seven Supreme Power Directors as far as the headquarters of the superuniverses; from here they are directed and distributed by the Council of Equilibrium, the high commissioners of power dispatched by the Seven Master Spirits from the personnel of the Associate Master Force Organizers. These high commissioners are empowered to interpret the readings and registrations of the master frandalanks, those living instruments which indicate the power pressure and the energy charge of an entire superuniverse.

29:4.3 While the presence of the Paradise Deities encircles the grand universe and sweeps around the circle of eternity, the influence of any one of the Seven Master Spirits is limited to a single superuniverse. There is a distinct segregation of energy and a separation of the circuits of power between each of the seven supercreations; hence individualized control methods must and do prevail.

29:4.4 ¶ The Master Physical Controllers are the direct offspring of the Supreme Power Centres, and their numbers include the following:

29:4.5 1. Associate Power Directors.

29:4.6 2. Mechanical Controllers.

29:4.7 3. Energy Transformers.

29:4.8 4. Energy Transmitters.

29:4.9 5. Primary Associators.

29:4.10 6. Secondary Dissociators.

29:4.11 7. The Frandalanks and Chronoldeks.

29:4.12 ¶ Not all of these orders are persons in the sense of possessing individual powers of choice. Especially do the last four seem to be wholly automatic and mechanical in response to the impulses of their superiors and in reaction to existing energy conditions. But though such response appears wholly mechanistic, it is not; they may seem to be automatons, but all of them disclose the differential function of intelligence.

29:4.13 Personality is not necessarily a concomitant of mind. Mind can think even when deprived of all power of choice, as in numerous of the lower types of animals and in certain of these subordinate physical controllers. Many of these more automatic regulators of physical power are not persons in any sense of the term. They are not endowed with will and independence of decision, being wholly subservient to the mechanical perfection of design for the tasks of their allotment. Nonetheless all of them are highly intelligent beings.

29:4.14 The physical controllers are chiefly occupied in the adjustment of basic energies undiscovered on Urantia. These unknown energies are very essential to the interplanetary system of transport and to certain techniques of communication. When we lay lines of energy for the purpose of conveying sound equivalents or of extending vision, these undiscovered forms of energy are utilized by the living physical controllers and their associates. These same energies are also, on occasion, used by the midway creatures in their routine work.

29:4.15 1. Associate Power Directors. These marvellously efficient beings are intrusted with the assignment and dispatch of all orders of the Master Physical Controllers in accordance with the ever-shifting needs of the constantly changing energy status of the realms. The vast reserves of the physical controllers are maintained on the headquarters worlds of the minor sectors, and from these concentration points they are periodically dispatched by the associate power directors to the headquarters of the universes, constellations, and systems, and to the individual planets. When thus assigned, the physical controllers are provisionally subject to the orders of the divine executioners of the conciliating commissions but are otherwise solely amenable to their associate directors and to the Supreme Power Centres.

29:4.16 3,000,000 associate power directors are assigned to each of the Orvonton minor sectors, making a total of 3·109 as the superuniverse quota of these amazingly versatile beings. Their own reserves are maintained on these same minor sector worlds, where they also serve as instructors of all who study the sciences of the techniques of intelligent energy control and transmutation.

29:4.17 These directors alternate periods of executive service in the minor sectors with equal periods of inspection service to the realms of space. At least one acting inspector is always present in each local system, maintaining headquarters on its capital sphere. They keep the whole vast living energy aggregation in harmonious synchrony.

29:4.18 2. Mechanical Controllers. These are the exceedingly versatile and mobile assistants of the associate power directors. Trillions upon trillions of them are commissioned in Ensa, your minor sector. These beings are called mechanical controllers because they are so completely dominated by their superiors, so fully subservient to the will of the associate power directors. Nevertheless they are, themselves, very intelligent, and their work, though mechanical and matter-of-fact in nature, is skillfully performed.

29:4.19 Of all the Master Physical Controllers assigned to the inhabited worlds, the mechanical controllers are by far the most powerful. Possessing the living endowment of antigravity in excess of all other beings, each controller has a gravity resistance equalled only by enormous spheres revolving at tremendous velocity. 10 of these controllers are now stationed on Urantia, and one of their most important planetary activities is to facilitate the departure of seraphic transports. In so functioning, all 10 of the mechanical controllers act in unison while a battery of 1,000 energy transmitters provides the initial momentum for the seraphic departure.

29:4.20 The mechanical controllers are competent to directionize the flow of energy and to facilitate its concentration into the specialized currents or circuits. These mighty beings have much to do with the segregation, directionization, and intensification of the physical energies and with the equalization of the pressures of the interplanetary circuits. They are expert in the manipulation of 21 of the 30 physical energies of space, constituting the power charge of a superuniverse. They are also able to accomplish much towards the management and control of six of the nine more subtle forms of physical energy. By placing these controllers in proper technical relationship to each other and to certain of the power centres, the associate power directors are enabled to effect unbelievable changes in power adjustment and energy control.

29:4.21 The Master Physical Controllers often function in batteries of hundreds, thousands, and even millions and by varying their positions and formations are able to effect energy control in a collective as well as an individual capacity. As requirements vary, they can upstep and accelerate the energy volume and movement or detain, condense, and retard the energy currents. They influence energy and power transformations somewhat as so-called catalytic agents augment chemical reactions. They function by inherent ability and in co-operation with the Supreme Power Centres.

29:4.22 3. Energy Transformers. The number of these beings in a superuniverse is unbelievable. There are almost 1,000,000 in Satania alone, and the usual quota is 100 for each inhabited world.

29:4.23 The energy transformers are the conjoint creation of the Seven Supreme Power Directors and the Seven Centre[1] [1]
  Centre, In 1955 text: Central. There is no other reference to Seven Central Supervisors anywhere in the text but there are multiple references to Seven Centre Supervisors (primary description at 98:4.1. in the text) who function closely with the Supreme Power Directors and can be very reasonably substituted here for the otherwise unknown Central Supervisors.

Supervisors. They are among the more personal orders of physical controllers, and except when an associate power director is present on an inhabited world, the transformers are in command. They are the planetary inspectors of all departing seraphic transports. All classes of celestial life can utilize the less personal orders of the physical controllers only by liaison with the more personal orders of the associate directors and the energy transformers.

29:4.24 These transformers are powerful and effective living switches, being able to dispose themselves for or against a given power disposition or directionization. They are also skillful in their efforts to insulate the planets against the powerful energy streams passing between gigantic planetary and starry neighbours. Their energy-transmutive attributes render them most serviceable in the important task of maintaining universal energy balance, or power equilibrium. At one time they seem to consume or store energy; at other times they appear to exude or liberate energy. The transformers are able to increase or to diminish the “storage-battery” potential of the living and dead energies of their respective realms. But they deal only with physical and semimaterial energies, they do not directly function in the domain of life, neither do they change the forms of living beings.

29:4.25 In some respects the energy transformers are the most remarkable and mysterious of all semimaterial living creatures. They are in some unknown manner physically differentiated, and by varying their liaison relationships, they are able to exert a profound influence upon the energy which passes through their associated presences. The status of the physical realms seems to undergo a transformation under their skillful manipulation. They can and do change the physical form of the energies of space. With the aid of their fellow controllers they are actually able to change the form and potential of 27 of the 30 physical energies of the superuniverse power charge. That three of these energies are beyond their control proves that they are not instrumentalities of the Unqualified Absolute.

29:4.26 ¶ The remaining four groups of the Master Physical Controllers are hardly persons within any acceptable definition of that word. These transmitters, associators, dissociators, and frandalanks are wholly automatic in their reactions; nevertheless they are in every sense intelligent. We are greatly limited in our knowledge of these wonderful entities because we cannot communicate with them. They appear to understand the language of the realm, but they cannot communicate with us. They seem fully able to receive our communications but quite powerless to make response.

29:4.27 4. Energy Transmitters. These beings function chiefly, but not wholly, in an intraplanetary capacity. They are marvellous dispatchers of energy as it is manifested on the individual worlds.

29:4.28 When energy is to be diverted to a new circuit, the transmitters deploy themselves in a line along the desired energy path, and by virtue of their unique attributes of energy-attraction, they can actually induce an increased energy flow in the desired direction. This they do just as literally as certain metallic circuits directionize the flow of certain forms of electric energy; and they are living superconductors for more than half of the 30 forms of physical energy.

29:4.29 Transmitters form skillful liaisons which are effective in rehabilitating the weakening currents of specialized energy passing from planet to planet and from station to station on an individual planet. They can detect currents which are much too feeble to be recognized by any other type of living being, and they can so augment these energies that the accompanying message becomes perfectly intelligible. Their services are invaluable to the broadcast receivers.

29:4.30 Energy transmitters can function with regard to all forms of communicable perception; they can render a distant scene “visible” as well as a distant sound “audible.” They provide the emergency lines of communication in the local systems and on the individual planets. These services must be used by practically all creatures for purposes of communication outside of the regularly established circuits.

29:4.31 These beings, together with the energy transformers, are indispensable to the maintenance of mortal existence on those worlds having an impoverished atmosphere, and they are an integral part of the technique of life on the nonbreathing planets.

29:4.32 5. Primary Associators. These interesting and invaluable entities are masterly energy conservators and custodians. Somewhat as a plant stores solar light, so do these living organisms store energy during times of plus manifestations. They work on a gigantic scale, converting the energies of space into a physical state not known on Urantia. They are also able to carry forward these transformations to the point of producing some of the primitive units of material existence. These beings simply act by their presence. They are in no way exhausted or depleted by this function; they act like living catalytic agents.

29:4.33 During seasons of minus manifestations they are empowered to release these accumulated energies. But your knowledge of energy and matter is not sufficiently advanced to make it possible to explain the technique of this phase of their work. They always labour in compliance with universal law, handling and manipulating atoms, electrons, and ultimatons much as you maneuver adjustable type to make the same alphabetical symbols tell vastly different stories.

29:4.34 The associators are the first group of life to appear on an organizing material sphere, and they can function at physical temperatures which you would regard as utterly incompatible with the existence of living beings. They represent an order of life which is simply beyond the range of human imagination. Together with their co-workers, the dissociators, they are the most slavish of all intelligent creatures.

29:4.35 6. Secondary Dissociators. Compared with the primary associators, these beings of enormous antigravity endowment are the reverse workers. There is never any danger that the special or modified forms of physical energy on the local worlds or in the local systems will be exhausted, for these living organizations are endowed with the unique power of evolving limitless supplies of energy. They are chiefly concerned with the evolution of a form of energy which is hardly known on Urantia from a form of matter which is recognized still less. They are truly the alchemists of space and the wonder-workers of time. But in all the wonders they work, they never transgress the mandates of Cosmic Supremacy.

29:4.36 7. The Frandalanks. These beings are the joint creation of all three orders of energy-control beings: the primary and secondary force organizers and the power directors. Frandalanks are the most numerous of all the Master Physical Controllers; the number functioning in Satania alone is beyond your numerical concept. They are stationed on all inhabited worlds and are always attached to the higher orders of physical controllers. They function interchangeably in the central and superuniverses and in the domains of outer space.

29:4.37 The frandalanks are created in 30 divisions, one for each form of basic universe force, and they function exclusively as living and automatic presence, pressure, and velocity gauges. These living barometers are solely concerned with the automatic and unerring registration of the status of all forms of force-energy. They are to the physical universe what the vast reflectivity mechanism is to the minded universe. The frandalanks that register time in addition to quantitative and qualitative energy presence are called chronoldeks.

29:4.38 I recognize that the frandalanks are intelligent, but I cannot classify them as other than living machines. About the only way I can help you to understand these living mechanisms is to compare them to your own mechanical contrivances which perform with almost intelligentlike precision and accuracy. Then if you would conceive of these beings, draw upon your imagination to the extent of recognizing that in the grand universe we actually have intelligent and living mechanisms (entities) that can perform more intricate tasks involving more stupendous computations with even greater delicacy of accuracy, even with ultimacy of precision.


29:5.1 The force organizers are resident on Paradise, but they function throughout the master universe, more particularly in the domains of unorganized space. These extraordinary beings are neither creators nor creatures, and they comprise two grand divisions of service:

29:5.2 1. Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers.

29:5.3 2. Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers.

29:5.4 ¶ These two mighty orders of primordial-force manipulators work exclusively under the supervision of the Architects of the Master Universe, and at the present time they do not function extensively within the boundaries of the grand universe.

29:5.5 ¶ Primary Master Force Organizers are the manipulators of the primordial or basic space-forces of the Unqualified Absolute; they are nebulae creators. They are the living instigators of the energy cyclones of space and the early organizers and directionizers of these gigantic manifestations. These force organizers transmute primordial force (pre-energy not responsive to direct Paradise gravity) into primary or puissant energy, energy transmuting from the exclusive grasp of the Unqualified Absolute to the gravity grasp of the Isle of Paradise. They are thereupon succeeded by the associate force organizers, who continue the process of energy transmutation from the primary through the secondary or gravity-energy stage.

29:5.6 Upon the completion of the plans for the creation of a local universe, signalized by the arrival of a Creator Son, the Associate Master Force Organizers give way to the orders of power directors acting in the superuniverse of astronomic jurisdiction. But in the absence of such plans the associate force organizers continue on indefinitely in charge of these material creations, even as they now operate in outer space.

29:5.7 The Master Force Organizers withstand temperatures and function under physical conditions which would be intolerable even to the versatile power centres and physical controllers of Orvonton. The only other types of revealed beings capable of functioning in these realms of outer space are the Solitary Messengers and the Inspired Trinity Spirits.

29:5.8 [Sponsored by a Universal Censor acting by authority of the Ancients of Days on Uversa.]

PAPER № 30
Mighty Messenger

30:0.1 The personalities and other-than-personal entities now functioning on Paradise and in the grand universe constitute a well-nigh limitless number of living beings. Even the number of major orders and types would stagger the human imagination, let alone the countless subtypes and variations. It is, however, desirable to present something of two basic classifications of living beings – a suggestion of the Paradise classification and an abbreviation of the Uversa Personality Register.

30:0.2 It is not possible to formulate comprehensive and entirely consistent classifications of the personalities of the grand universe because all of the groups are not revealed. It would require numerous additional papers to cover the further revelation required to systematically classify all groups. Such conceptual expansion would hardly be desirable as it would deprive the thinking mortals of the next 1,000 years of that stimulus to creative speculation which these partially revealed concepts supply. It is best that man not have an overrevelation; it stifles imagination.


30:1.1 Living beings are classified on Paradise in accordance with inherent and attained relationship to the Paradise Deities. During the grand gatherings of the central and superuniverses those present are often grouped in accordance with origin: those of triune origin, or of Trinity attainment; those of dual origin; and those of single origin. It is difficult to interpret the Paradise classification of living beings to the mortal mind, but we are authorized to present the following:

30:1.2 I. TRIUNE-ORIGIN BEINGS. Beings created by all three Paradise Deities, either as such or as the Trinity, together with the Trinitized Corps, which designation refers to all groups of trinitized beings, revealed and unrevealed.

30:1.3 A. The Supreme Spirits.

30:1.4 1. The Seven Master Spirits.

30:1.5 2. The Seven Supreme Executives.

30:1.6 3. The Seven Orders of Reflective Spirits.

30:1.7 B. The Stationary Sons of the Trinity.

30:1.8 1. Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy.

30:1.9 2. Eternals of Days.

30:1.10 3. Ancients of Days.

30:1.11 4. Perfections of Days.

30:1.12 5. Recents of Days.

30:1.13 6. Unions of Days.

30:1.14 7. Faithfuls of Days.

30:1.15 8. Perfectors of Wisdom.

30:1.16 9. Divine Counsellors.

30:1.17 10. Universal Censors.

30:1.18 C. Trinity-origin and Trinitized Beings.

30:1.19 1. Trinity Teacher Sons.

30:1.20 2. Inspired Trinity Spirits.

30:1.21 3. Havona Natives.

30:1.22 4. Paradise Citizens.

30:1.23 5. Unrevealed Trinity-origin Beings.

30:1.24 6. Unrevealed Deity-trinitized Beings.

30:1.25 7. Trinitized Sons of Attainment.

30:1.26 8. Trinitized Sons of Selection.

30:1.27 9. Trinitized Sons of Perfection.

30:1.28 10. Creature-trinitized Sons.

30:1.29 II. DUAL-ORIGIN BEINGS. Those of origin in any two of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any two beings of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

30:1.30 A. The Descending Orders.

30:1.31 1. Creator Sons.

30:1.32 2. Magisterial Sons.

30:1.33 3. Bright and Morning Stars.

30:1.34 4. Father Melchizedeks.

30:1.35 5. The Melchizedeks.

30:1.36 6. The Vorondadeks.

30:1.37 7. The Lanonandeks.

30:1.38 8. Brilliant Evening Stars.

30:1.39 9. The Archangels.

30:1.40 10. Life Carriers.

30:1.41 11. Unrevealed Universe Aids.

30:1.42 12. Unrevealed Sons of God.

30:1.43 B. The Stationary Orders.

30:1.44 1. Abandonters.

30:1.45 2. Susatia.

30:1.46 3. Univitatia.

30:1.47 4. Spironga.

30:1.48 5. Unrevealed Dual-origin Beings.

30:1.49 C. The Ascending Orders.

30:1.50 1. Adjuster-fused Mortals.

30:1.51 2. Son-fused Mortals.

30:1.52 3. Spirit-fused Mortals.

30:1.53 4. Translated Midwayers.

30:1.54 5. Unrevealed Ascenders.

30:1.55 III. SINGLE-ORIGIN BEINGS. Those of origin in any one of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any one being of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.

30:1.56 A. The Supreme Spirits.

30:1.57 1. Gravity Messengers.

30:1.58 2. The Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits.

30:1.59 3. The Twelvefold Adjutants of the Havona Circuits.

30:1.60 4. The Reflective Image Aids.

30:1.61 5. Universe Mother Spirits.

30:1.62 6. The Sevenfold Adjutant Mind-Spirits.

30:1.63 7. Unrevealed Deity-origin Beings.

30:1.64 B. The Ascending Orders.

30:1.65 1. Personalized Adjusters.

30:1.66 2. Ascending Material Sons.

30:1.67 3. Evolutionary Seraphim.

30:1.68 4. Evolutionary Cherubim.

30:1.69 5. Unrevealed Ascenders.

30:1.70 C. The Family of the Infinite Spirit.

30:1.71 1. Solitary Messengers.

30:1.72 2. Universe Circuit Supervisors.

30:1.73 3. Census Directors.

30:1.74 4. Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit.

30:1.75 5. Associate Inspectors.

30:1.76 6. Assigned Sentinels.

30:1.77 7. Graduate Guides.

30:1.78 8. Havona Servitals.

30:1.79 9. Universal Conciliators.

30:1.80 10. Morontia Companions.

30:1.81 11. Supernaphim.

30:1.82 12. Seconaphim.

30:1.83 13. Tertiaphim.

30:1.84 14. Omniaphim.

30:1.85 15. Seraphim.

30:1.86 16. Cherubim and Sanobim.

30:1.87 17. Unrevealed Spirit-origin Beings.

30:1.88 18. The Seven Supreme Power Directors.

30:1.89 19. The Supreme Power Centres.

30:1.90 20. The Master Physical Controllers.

30:1.91 21. The Morontia Power Supervisors.

30:1.92 IV. EVENTUATED TRANSCENDENTAL BEINGS. There is to be found on Paradise a vast host of transcendental beings whose origin is not ordinarily disclosed to the universes of time and space until they are settled in light and life. These Transcendentalers are neither creators nor creatures; they are the eventuated children of divinity, ultimacy, and eternity. These “eventuators” are neither finite nor infinite – they are absonite; and absonity is neither infinity nor absoluteness.

30:1.93 These uncreated noncreators are ever loyal to the Paradise Trinity and obedient to the Ultimate. They are existent on 4 ultimate levels of personality activity and are functional on the 7 levels of the absonite in 12 grand divisions consisting of 1,000 major working groups of 7 classes each. These eventuated beings include the following orders:

30:1.94 1. The Architects of the Master Universe.

30:1.95 2. Transcendental Recorders.

30:1.96 3. Other Transcendentalers.

30:1.97 4. Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers.

30:1.98 5. Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers.

30:1.99 ¶ God, as a superperson, eventuates; God, as a person, creates; God, as a preperson, fragments; and such an Adjuster fragment of himself evolves the spirit soul upon the material and mortal mind in accordance with the freewill choosing of the personality which has been bestowed upon such a mortal creature by the parental act of God as a Father.

30:1.100 V. FRAGMENTED ENTITIES OF DEITY. This order of living existence, originating in the Universal Father, is best typified by the Thought Adjusters, though these entities are by no means the only fragmentations of the prepersonal reality of the First Source and Centre. The functions of the other-than-Adjuster fragments are manifold and little known. Fusion with an Adjuster or other such fragment constitutes the creature a Father-fused being.

30:1.101 The fragmentations of the premind spirit of the Third Source and Centre, though hardly comparable to the Father fragments, should be here recorded. Such entities differ very greatly from Adjusters; they do not as such dwell on Spiritington, nor do they as such traverse the mind-gravity circuits; neither do they indwell mortal creatures during the life in the flesh. They are not prepersonal in the sense that the Adjusters are, but such fragments of premind spirit are bestowed upon certain of the surviving mortals, and fusion therewith constitutes them Spirit-fused mortals in contradistinction to Adjuster-fused mortals.

30:1.102 Still more difficult of description is the individualized spirit of a Creator Son, union with which constitutes the creature a Son-fused mortal. And there are still other fragmentations of Deity.

30:1.103 VI. SUPERPERSONAL BEINGS. There is a vast host of other-than-personal beings of divine origin and of manifold service in the universe of universes. Certain of these beings are resident on the Paradise worlds of the Son; others, like the superpersonal representatives of the Eternal Son, are encountered elsewhere. They are for the most part unmentioned in these narratives, and it would be quite futile to attempt their description to personal creatures.

30:1.104 VII. UNCLASSIFIED AND UNREVEALED ORDERS. During the present universe age it would not be possible to place all beings, personal or otherwise, within classifications pertaining to the present universe age; nor have all such categories been revealed in these narratives; hence numerous orders have been omitted from these lists. Consider the following:

30:1.105 The Consummator of Universe Destiny.

30:1.106 The Qualified Vicegerents of the Ultimate.

30:1.107 The Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme.

30:1.108 The Unrevealed Creative Agencies of the Ancients of Days.

30:1.109 Majeston of Paradise.

30:1.110 The Unnamed Reflectivator Liaisons of Majeston.

30:1.111 The Midsonite Orders of the Local Universes.

30:1.112 ¶ No especial significance need attach to the listing of these orders together except that none of them appear in the Paradise classification as revealed herein. These are the unclassified few; you have yet to learn of the unrevealed many.

30:1.113 There are spirits: spirit entities, spirit presences, personal spirits, prepersonal spirits, superpersonal spirits, spirit existences, spirit personalities – but neither mortal language nor mortal intellect are adequate. We may however state that there are no personalities of “pure mind”; no entity has personality unless he is endowed with it by God who is spirit. Any mind entity that is not associated with either spiritual or physical energy is not a personality. But in the same sense that there are spirit personalities who have mind there are mind personalities who have spirit. Majeston and his associates are fairly good illustrations of mind-dominated beings, but there are better illustrations of this type of personality unknown to you. There are even whole unrevealed orders of such mind personalities, but they are always spirit associated. Certain other unrevealed creatures are what might be termed mindal– and physical-energy personalities. This type of being is nonresponsive to spirit gravity but is nonetheless a true personality – is within the Father’s circuit.

30:1.114 ¶ These papers do not – cannot – even begin to exhaust the story of the living creatures, creators, eventuators, and still-otherwise-existent beings who live and worship and serve in the swarming universes of time and in the central universe of eternity. You mortals are persons; hence we can describe beings who are personalized, but how could an absonitized being ever be explained to you?

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