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The British Study Edition of the Urantia Papers
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Текст книги "The British Study Edition of the Urantia Papers"

Автор книги: Tigran Aivazian




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Текущая страница: 46 (всего у книги 295 страниц)


28:7.1 The seconaphim have their origin and headquarters on the capitals of the superuniverses, but with their liaison fellows they range from the shores of Paradise to the evolutionary worlds of space. They serve as valued assistants to the members of the deliberative assemblies of the supergovernments and are of great help to the courtesy colonies of Uversa: the star students, millennial tourists, celestial observers, and a host of others, including the ascendant beings in waiting for Havona transport. The Ancients of Days take pleasure in assigning certain of the primary seconaphim to assist the ascending creatures domiciled on the 490 study worlds surrounding Uversa, and here also do many of the secondary and tertiary orders serve as teachers. These Uversa satellites are the finishing schools of the universes of time, presenting the preparatory course for the seven-circuited university of Havona.

28:7.2 ¶ Of the three orders of seconaphim, the tertiary group, attached to the ascendant authorities, minister most extensively to the ascending creatures of time. You will on occasion meet them soon after your departure from Urantia, though you will not freely make use of their services until you reach the tarrying worlds of Orvonton. You will enjoy their companionship when you become fully acquainted with them during your sojourn on the Uversa school worlds.

28:7.3 These tertiary seconaphim are the timesavers, space abridgers, error detectors, faithful teachers, and everlasting guideposts – living signs of divine surety – in mercy placed at the crossroads of time, there to guide the feet of anxious pilgrims in moments of great perplexity and spiritual uncertainty. Long before attaining the portals of perfection, you will begin to gain access to the tools of divinity and to make contact with the techniques of Deity. Increasingly, from the time you arrive on the initial mansion world until you close your eyes in the Havona sleep preparatory to your Paradise transit, you will avail yourself of the emergency help of these marvellous beings, who are so fully and freely reflective of the sure knowledge and certain wisdom of those safe and dependable pilgrims who have preceded you on the long journey to the portals of perfection.

28:7.4 We are denied the full privilege of using these angels of the reflective order on Urantia. They are frequent visitors on your world, accompanying assigned personalities, but here they cannot freely function. This sphere is still under partial spiritual quarantine, and some of the circuits essential to their services are not here at present. When your world is once more restored to the reflective circuits concerned, much of the work of interplanetary and interuniverse communication will be greatly simplified and expedited. Celestial workers on Urantia encounter many difficulties because of this functional curtailment of their reflective associates. But we go on joyfully conducting our affairs with the instrumentalities at hand, notwithstanding our local deprivation of many of the services of these marvellous beings, the living mirrors of space and the presence projectors of time.

28:7.5 [Sponsored by a Mighty Messenger of Uversa.]

PAPER № 29
Universal Censor

29:0.1 Of all the universe personalities concerned in the regulation of interplanetary and interuniverse affairs, the power directors and their associates have been the least understood on Urantia. While your races have long known of the existence of angels and similar orders of celestial beings, little information concerning the controllers and regulators of the physical domain has ever been imparted. Even now I am permitted fully to disclose only the last of the following three groups of living beings having to do with force control and energy regulation in the master universe:

29:0.2 1. Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers.

29:0.3 2. Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers.

29:0.4 3. Universe Power Directors.

29:0.5 ¶ Though I deem it impossible to portray the individuality of the various groups of directors, centres, and controllers of universe power, I hope to be able to explain something about the domain of their activities. They are a unique group of living beings having to do with the intelligent regulation of energy throughout the grand universe. Including the supreme directors, they embrace the following major divisions:

29:0.6 1. The Seven Supreme Power Directors.

29:0.7 2. The Supreme Power Centres.

29:0.8 3. The Master Physical Controllers.

29:0.9 4. The Morontia Power Supervisors.

29:0.10 ¶ The Supreme Power Directors and Centres have existed from the near times of eternity, and as far as we know, no more beings of these orders have been created. The Seven Supreme Directors were personalized by the Seven Master Spirits, and then they collaborated with their parents in the production of more than 1010 associates. Before the days of the power directors the energy circuits of space outside of the central universe were under the intelligent supervision of the Master Force Organizers of Paradise.

29:0.11 Having knowledge about material creatures, you have at least a contrastive conception of spiritual beings; but it is very difficult for the mortal mind to envisage the power directors. In the scheme of ascendant progression to higher levels of existence you have nothing directly to do with either the supreme directors or the power centres. On certain rare occasions you will have dealings with the physical controllers, and you will work freely with the supervisors of morontia power upon reaching the mansion worlds. These Morontia Power Supervisors function so exclusively in the morontia regime of the local creations that it is deemed best to narrate their activities in the section dealing with the local universe.


29:1.1 The Seven Supreme Power Directors are the physical-energy regulators of the grand universe. Their creation by the Seven Master Spirits is the first recorded instance of the derivation of semimaterial progeny from true spirit ancestry. When the Seven Master Spirits create individually, they bring forth highly spiritual personalities on the angelic order; when they create collectively, they sometimes produce these high types of semimaterial beings. But even these quasi-physical beings would be invisible to the short-range vision of Urantia mortals.

29:1.2 The Supreme Power Directors are seven in number, and they are identical in appearance and function. One cannot be distinguished from another except by that Master Spirit with whom each is in immediate association, and to whom each is in complete functional subservience. Each of the Master Spirits is thus in eternal union with one of their collective offspring. The same director is always in association with the same Spirit, and their working partnership results in a unique association of physical and spiritual energies, of a semiphysical being and a spirit personality.

29:1.3 The Seven Supreme Power Directors are stationed on peripheral Paradise, where their slowly circulating presences indicate the whereabouts of the force-focal headquarters of the Master Spirits. These power directors function singly in the power-energy regulation of the superuniverses but collectively in the administration of the central creation. They operate from Paradise but maintain themselves as effective power centres in all divisions of the grand universe.

29:1.4 These mighty beings are the physical ancestors of the vast host of the power centres and, through them, of the physical controllers scattered throughout the seven superuniverses. Such subordinate physical-control organisms are basically uniform, identical except for the differential toning of each superuniverse corps. In order to change in superuniverse service, they would merely have to return to Paradise for retoning. The physical creation is fundamentally uniform in administration.


29:2.1 The Seven Supreme Power Directors are not able, individually, to reproduce themselves, but collectively, and in association with the Seven Master Spirits, they can and do reproduce – create – other beings like themselves. Such is the origin of the Supreme Power Centres of the grand universe, who function in the following seven groups:

29:2.2 1. Supreme Centre Supervisors.

29:2.3 2. Havona Centres.

29:2.4 3. Superuniverse Centres.

29:2.5 4. Local Universe Centres.

29:2.6 5. Constellation Centres.

29:2.7 6. System Centres.

29:2.8 7. Unclassified Centres.

29:2.9 ¶ These power centres together with the Supreme Power Directors are beings of high will freedom and action. They are all endowed with Third-Source personality and disclose unquestioned volitional capacity of a high order. These directing centres of the universe power system are the possessors of exquisite intelligence endowment; they are the intellect of the power system of the grand universe and the secret of the technique of the mind control of all the vast network of the far-flung functions of the Master Physical Controllers and the Morontia Power Supervisors.

29:2.10 1. Supreme Centre Supervisors. These seven co-ordinates and associates of the Supreme Power Directors are the regulators of the master energy circuits of the grand universe. Each centre supervisor is headquartered on one of the special worlds of the Seven Supreme Executives, and they work in close association with these co-ordinators of general universe affairs.

29:2.11 The Supreme Power Directors and the Supreme Centre Supervisors function both as individuals and conjointly with regard to all cosmic phenomena below the levels of “gravity energy.” When acting in liaison, these 14 beings are to universe power what the Seven Supreme Executives are to general universe affairs, and what the Seven Master Spirits are to the cosmic mind.

29:2.12 2. Havona Centres. Before the creation of the universes of time and space, power centres were not required in Havona, but ever since these far-distant times, 1,000,000 have functioned in the central creation, each centre having the supervision of 1,000 Havona worlds. Here in the divine universe there is perfection of energy control, a condition not existing elsewhere. Perfection of energy regulation is the ultimate goal of all the power centres and the physical controllers of space.

29:2.13 3. Superuniverse Centres. Occupying an enormous area on the capital sphere of each of the seven superuniverses are 1,000 power centres of the 3rd order. Three currents of primary energy of 10 segregations each come in to these power centres, but 7 specialized and well-directed, though imperfectly controlled, circuits of power go forth from their seat of united action. This is the electronic organization of universe power.

29:2.14 All energy is circuited in the Paradise cycle, but the Universe Power Directors direct the force-energies of nether Paradise as they find them modified in the space functions of the central and superuniverses, converting and directing these energies into channels of useful and constructive application. There is a difference between Havona energy and the energies of the superuniverses. The power charge of a superuniverse consists of 3 phases of energy of 10 segregations each. This threefold energy charge spreads throughout the space of the grand universe; it is like a vast moving ocean of energy which engulfs and bathes the whole of each of the seven supercreations.

29:2.15 The electronic organization of universe power functions in seven phases and discloses varying response to local or linear gravity. This sevenfold circuit proceeds from the superuniverse power centres and pervades each supercreation. Such specialized currents of time and space are definite and localized energy movements initiated and directed for specific purposes, much as the Gulf Stream functions as a circumscribed phenomenon in the midst of the Atlantic Ocean.

29:2.16 4. Local Universe Centres. On the headquarters of each local universe are stationed 100 power centres of the fourth order. They function to downstep and otherwise to modify the seven power circuits emanating from superuniverse headquarters, thus making them applicable to the services of the constellations and systems. The local astronomical catastrophes of space are of passing concern to these power centres; they are engaged in the orderly dispatch of effective energy to the subsidiary constellations and systems. They are of great assistance to the Creator Sons during the later times of universe organization and energy mobilization. These centres are able to provide intensified lanes of energy useful for interplanetary communication between important inhabited points. Such a lane or line of energy, sometimes also called an energy path, is a direct circuit of energy from one power centre to another power centre or from one physical controller to another controller. It is an individualized stream of power and stands in contrast to the free space movements of undifferentiated energy.

29:2.17 5. Constellation Centres. 10 of these living power centres are stationed in each constellation, functioning as energy projectors to the 100 tributary local systems. From these beings there go forth the power lines for communication and transport and for the energizing of those living creatures who are dependent upon certain forms of physical energy for the maintenance of life. But neither the power centres nor the subordinate physical controllers are otherwise concerned with life as a functional organization.

29:2.18 6. System Centres. One Supreme Power Centre is permanently assigned to each local system. These system centres dispatch the power circuits to the inhabited worlds of time and space. They co-ordinate the activities of the subordinate physical controllers and otherwise function to ensure the satisfactory distribution of power in the local system. The circuit relay between the planets depends upon the perfect co-ordination of certain material energies and upon the efficient regulation of physical power.

29:2.19 7. Unclassified Centres. These are the centres who function in special local situations but not on the inhabited planets. The individual worlds are in the charge of Master Physical Controllers and receive the encircuited lines of power dispatched by the power centre of their system. Only those spheres of the most extraordinary energy relationships have power centres of the seventh order acting as universe balance wheels or energy governors. In every phase of activity these power centres are the full equals of those who function on the higher units of control, but not 1 space body in 1,000,000 harbours such a living power organization.


29:3.1 The Supreme Power Centres distributed throughout the superuniverses number, with their associates and subordinates, upward of 1010. And they are all in perfect synchrony and complete liaison with their Paradise progenitors, the Seven Supreme Power Directors. The power control of the grand universe is thus intrusted to the keeping and direction of the Seven Master Spirits, the creators of the Seven Supreme Power Directors.

29:3.2 The Supreme Power Directors and all their associates, assistants, and subordinates are forever exempt from apprehension or interference by all the tribunals of all space; neither are they subject to the administrative direction either of the superuniverse government of the Ancients of Days or of the local universe administration of the Creator Sons.

29:3.3 These power centres and directors are brought into being by the children of the Infinite Spirit. They are not germane to the administration of the Sons of God, though they affiliate with the Creator Sons during the later epochs of universe material organization. But the power centres are in some way closely associated with the cosmic overcontrol of the Supreme Being.

29:3.4 ¶ Power centres and physical controllers undergo no training; they are all created in perfection and are inherently perfect in action. Never do they pass from one function to another; always do they serve as originally assigned. There is no evolution in their ranks, and this is true of all seven divisions of both orders.

29:3.5 Having no ascendant past to revert to in memory, power centres and physical controllers never play; they are thoroughly businesslike in all their actions. They are always on duty; there is no provision in the universal scheme for the interruption of the physical lines of energy; never for a fraction of a second can these beings relinquish their direct supervision of the energy circuits of time and space.

29:3.6 ¶ The directors, centres, and controllers of power have nothing to do with anything in all creation except power, material or semiphysical energy; they do not originate it, but they do modify, manipulate, and directionize it. Neither do they have anything whatever to do with physical gravity except to resist its drawing power. Their relation to gravity is wholly negative.

29:3.7 The power centres utilize vast mechanisms and co-ordinations of a material order in liaison with the living mechanisms of the various segregated energy concentrations. Each individual power centre is constituted in exactly 1,000,000 units of functional control, and these energy-modifying units are not stationary as are the vital organs of man’s physical body; these “vital organs” of power regulation are mobile and truly kaleidoscopic in associative possibilities.

29:3.8 It is utterly beyond my ability to explain the manner in which these living beings encompass the manipulation and regulation of the master circuits of universe energy. To undertake to inform you further concerning the size and function of these gigantic and almost perfectly efficient power centres, would only add to your confusion and consternation. They are both living and “personal,” but they are beyond your comprehension.

29:3.9 ¶ Outside of Havona the Supreme Power Centres function only on especially constructed (architectural) spheres or on otherwise suitably constituted space bodies. The architectural worlds are so constructed that the living power centres can act as selective switches to directionize, modify, and concentrate the energies of space as they pour over these spheres. They could not so function on an ordinary evolutionary sun or planet. Certain groups are also concerned in the heating and other material necessities of these special headquarters worlds. And though it is beyond the scope of Urantia knowledge, I may state that these orders of living power personalities have much to do with the distribution of the light that shines without heat. They do not produce this phenomenon, but they are concerned with its dissemination and directionization.

29:3.10 ¶ The power centres and their subordinate controllers are assigned to the working of all of the physical energies of organized space. They work with the 3 basic currents of 10 energies each. That is the energy charge of organized space; and organized space is their domain. The Universe Power Directors have nothing whatever to do with those tremendous actions of force which are now taking place outside the present boundaries of the seven superuniverses.

29:3.11 The power centres and controllers exert perfect control over only 7 of the 10 forms of energy contained in each basic universe current; those forms which are partly or wholly exempt from their control must represent the unpredictable realms of energy manifestation dominated by the Unqualified Absolute. If they exert an influence upon the primordial forces of this Absolute, we are not cognizant of such functions, though there is some slight evidence which would warrant the opinion that certain of the physical controllers are sometimes automatically reactive to certain impulses of the Universal Absolute.

29:3.12 These living power mechanisms are not consciously related to the master universe energy overcontrol of the Unqualified Absolute, but we surmise that their entire and almost perfect scheme of power direction is in some unknown manner subordinated to this supergravity presence. In any local energy situation the centres and controllers exert near-supremacy, but they are always conscious of the superenergy presence and the unrecognizable performance of the Unqualified Absolute.

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