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The British Study Edition of the Urantia Papers
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Текст книги "The British Study Edition of the Urantia Papers"

Автор книги: Tigran Aivazian




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Текущая страница: 38 (всего у книги 295 страниц)


23:3.1 The Solitary Messengers are the highest type of perfect and confidential personality available in all realms for the quick transmission of important and urgent messages when it is inexpedient to utilize either the broadcast service or the reflectivity mechanism. They serve in an endless variety of assignments, helping out the spiritual and material beings of the realms, particularly where the element of time is involved. Of all orders assigned to the services of the superuniverse domains, they are the highest and most versatile personalized beings who can come so near to defying time and space.

23:3.2 ¶ The universe is well supplied with spirits who utilize gravity for purposes of transit; they can go anywhere any time – instanter – but they are not persons. Certain other gravity traversers are personal beings, such as Gravity Messengers and Transcendental Recorders, but they are not available to the super– and the local universe administrators. The worlds teem with angels and men and other highly personal beings, but they are handicapped by time and space: The limit of velocity for most nonenseraphimed beings is 299,789 kilometres of your world per second of your time[1] [1]
  299,789 kilometres of your world per second of your time, Note that the absolutely exact (by definition of “meter”) speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s.

; the midway creatures and certain others can, often do, attain double velocity – 599,578 km/s – while the seraphim and others can traverse space at triple velocity, about 899,367 km/s[2] [2]
  899,367 km/s. I have worked out the mathematical details of a possibility of travelling faster than the speed of light by interpreting the fifth dimension of Kaluza's “unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism” as proper time τ and the momentum conjugated to it (the total phase space being the cotangent bundle T*M over a 5-dimensional Lorentzian manifold M of signature (-,+,+,+,+)) as rest mass m: xμ = (t,r,τ), pμ=(E,p,m), thus explicitly manifesting the geometric nature of rest mass (as opposed to it being an inherent constant parameter). Therefore, the ordinary 4-dimensional mass shell constraint E2 = p2 + m2, g(p,p) + m2 = 0 appears as nothing but the restriction on all matter being supported on the “lightlike cone in 5-dimensions”: G(p,p)=0, where g and G are 4d and 5d metric tensors respectively. Thus, all energy is “lightlike” in 5 dimensions, but as this “lightlike energy” undergoes slowing down, it manifests itself (i.e. its projection to a 4-dimensional spacetime submanifold) as a normal “massive material energy”. In such interpretation of Kaluza's fifth dimension there is no need whatsoever for Klein's constraint of S1-compactification thereof. Furthermore, it is easily seen that the modern offshoots of Kaluza-Klein model (superstring theories, etc.), which impose such constraints are nothing more than the special cases of monstrous situations of energy somehow locked in a loop of time-perception. Our “normal” perception of time is linear (and has a topology of a closed interval [a,b] and no such compactification constraints are demanded. Note, further, that the velocity in the fifth dimension (as measured with respect to the coordinate time t) is extremely high for slow movements in purely spatial dimension: dτ/dt = (1 – v2)1/2. Hence, if we can imagine a surface capable of reflecting the momentum in τ-dimension (thus causing dematerialization, i.e. passing through the point m=0 in the phase space) into one of the purely spatial dimensions (just like an ordinary elastic collision at an angle of 45o causes a reflection of, say px momentum component into py), we would expect by the law of conservation of 5-momentum the corresponding spatial momentum to be likewise extremely high, even equal to that of light if the process begins from purely spatial rest (p=0). And, having crossed “the light barrier”, there is then nothing peculiar about accelerating to an even higher speed, this being permitted even by such limited treatment of the material reality as Einstein's Special Relativity theory in four dimensions. The surface itself would have to be immovable in (coordinate) time, such as the Isle of Paradise, which we are told is reachable from any point in space by moving inward, the Paradise itself remaining outside space and time. This implies that superluminal travel is possible from any point in space, but some sort of contact with the Isle of Paradise or other such “surface immovable in time” (or some other dematerialization technique) is required – and this is apparently facilitated by the transport seraphim.

. There are, however, no transit or messenger personalities who function between the instantaneous velocities of the gravity traversers and the comparatively slow speeds of the seraphim, except the Solitary Messengers.

23:3.3 Solitary Messengers are, therefore, generally used for dispatch and service in those situations where personality is essential to the achievement of the assignment, and where it is desired to avoid the loss of time which would be occasioned by the sending of any other readily available type of personal messenger. They are the only definitely personalized beings who can synchronize with the combined universal currents of the grand universe. Their velocity in traversing space is variable, depending on a great variety of interfering influences, but the record shows that on the journey to fulfil this mission my associate messenger proceeded at the rate of 1,354,458,739,823 km/s.

23:3.4 It is wholly beyond my ability to explain to the material type of mind how a spirit can be a real person and at the same time traverse space at such tremendous velocities. But these very Solitary Messengers actually come to, and go from, Urantia at these incomprehensible speeds; indeed, the whole economy of universal administration would be largely deprived of its personal element were this not a fact.

23:3.5 ¶ The Solitary Messengers are able to function as emergency lines of communication throughout remote space regions, realms not embraced within the established circuits of the grand universe. It develops that one messenger, when so functioning, can transmit a message or send an impulse through space to a fellow messenger about 100 light-years away as Urantia astronomers estimate stellar distances.

23:3.6 Of the myriads of beings who co-operate with us in the conduct of the affairs of the superuniverse, none are more important in practical helpfulness and timesaving assistance. In the universes of space we must reckon with the handicaps of time; hence the great service of the Solitary Messengers, who, by means of their personal prerogatives of communication, are somewhat independent of space and, by virtue of their tremendous transit velocities, are so nearly independent of time.

23:3.7 ¶ I am at a loss to explain to Urantia mortals how the Solitary Messengers can be without form and yet possess real and definite personalities. Although they are without that form which would naturally be associated with personality, they do possess a spirit presence which is discernible by all higher types of spirit beings. The Solitary Messengers are the only class of beings who seem to be possessed of well-nigh all the advantages of a formless spirit coupled with all the prerogatives of a full-fledged personality. They are true persons, yet endowed with nearly all of the attributes of impersonal spirit manifestation.

23:3.8 In the seven superuniverses, ordinarily – but not always – everything which tends to increase any creature’s liberation from the handicaps of time and space proportionately diminishes personality prerogatives. Solitary Messengers are an exception to this general law. They are in their activities all but unrestricted in the utilization of any and all of the limitless avenues of spiritual expression, divine service, personal ministry, and cosmic communication. If you could view these extraordinary beings in the light of my experience in universe administration, you would comprehend how difficult it would be to co-ordinate superuniverse affairs were it not for their versatile co-operation.

23:3.9 No matter how much the universe may enlarge, no more Solitary Messengers will probably ever be created. As the universes grow, the expanded work of administration must be increasingly borne by other types of spirit ministers and by those beings who take origin in these new creations, such as the creatures of the Sovereign Sons and the local universe Mother Spirits.


23:4.1 The Solitary Messengers seem to be personality co-ordinators for all types of spirit beings. Their ministry helps to make all the personalities of the far-flung spiritual world akin. They contribute much to the development, in all spirit beings, of a consciousness of group identity. Every type of spirit being is served by special groups of Solitary Messengers who foster the ability of such beings to understand and fraternize with all other types and orders, however dissimilar.

23:4.2 The Solitary Messengers demonstrate such an amazing ability to co-ordinate all types and orders of finite personality – even to make contact with the absonite regime of the master universe overcontrollers – that some of us postulate that the creation of these messengers by the Infinite Spirit is in some manner related to the Conjoint Actor’s bestowal of Supreme-Ultimate Mind.

23:4.3 ¶ When a finaliter and a Paradise Citizen co-operate in the trinitization of a “child of time and eternity” – a transaction involving the unrevealed mind potentials of the Supreme-Ultimate – and when such an unclassified personality is dispatched to Vicegerington, a Solitary Messenger (a conjectured personality repercussion of the bestowal of such deity mind) is always assigned as guardian-companion to such a creature-trinitized son. This messenger accompanies the new son of destiny to the world of his assignment and nevermore leaves Vicegerington. When thus attached to the destinies of a child of time and eternity, a Solitary Messenger is forever transferred to the sole supervision of the Architects of the Master Universe. What the future of such an extraordinary association may be, we do not know. For ages these partnerships of unique personalities have continued to forgather on Vicegerington, but not even a single pair has ever gone forth therefrom.

23:4.4 Solitary Messengers are of stationary numbers, but the trinitization of the sons of destiny is apparently an unlimited technique. Since each trinitized son of destiny has assigned to him a Solitary Messenger, it appears to us that at some time in the remote future the supply of messengers will become exhausted. Who will take up their work in the grand universe? Will their service be assumed by some new development among the Inspired Trinity Spirits? Is the grand universe at some remote period going to be more nearly administered by Trinity-origin beings while the single– and dual-origin creatures move on into the realms of outer space? If the messengers return to their former service, will these sons of destiny accompany them? Will the trinitizations between finaliters and Paradise-Havoners cease when the supply of Solitary Messengers has been absorbed as guardian-companions of these sons of destiny? Are all our efficient Solitary Messengers going to be concentrated on Vicegerington? Are these extraordinary spirit personalities going to be eternally associated with these trinitized sons of unrevealed destiny? What significance should we attach to the fact that these couples forgathering on Vicegerington are under the exclusive direction of those mighty mystery beings, the Architects of the Master Universe? These and many similar questions we ask ourselves, and ask numerous other orders of celestial beings, but we do not know the answers.

23:4.5 ¶ This transaction, together with many similar occurrences in universe administration, unmistakably indicates that the personnel of the grand universe, even that of Havona and Paradise, is undergoing a definite and certain reorganization in co-ordination with, and with reference to, the vast energy evolutions now taking place throughout the realms of outer space.

23:4.6 We incline to the belief that the eternal future will witness phenomena of universe evolution which will far transcend all that the eternal past has experienced. And we anticipate such tremendous adventures, even as you should, with keen relish and ever-heightening expectation.

23:4.7 [Presented by a Divine Counsellor from Uversa.]

PAPER № 24
Divine Counsellor

24:0.1 On Uversa we divide all personalities and entities of the Conjoint Creator into three grand divisions: the Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit, the Messenger Hosts of Space, and the Ministering Spirits of Time, those spirit beings who are concerned with teaching and ministering to the will creatures of the ascendant scheme of mortal progression.

24:0.2 ¶ Those Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit that find mention in these narratives function throughout the grand universe in seven divisions:

24:0.3 1. Solitary Messengers.

24:0.4 2. Universe Circuit Supervisors.

24:0.5 3. Census Directors.

24:0.6 4. Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit.

24:0.7 5. Associate Inspectors.

24:0.8 6. Assigned Sentinels.

24:0.9 7. Graduate Guides.

24:0.10 ¶ Solitary Messengers, Circuit Supervisors, Census Directors, and the Personal Aids are characterized by the possession of tremendous endowments of antigravity. The Solitary Messengers are without known general headquarters; they roam the universe of universes. The Universe Circuit Supervisors and the Census Directors maintain headquarters on the capitals of the superuniverses. The Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit are stationed on the central Isle of Light. The Associate Inspectors and the Assigned Sentinels are respectively stationed on the capitals of the local universes and on the capitals of their component systems. The Graduate Guides are resident in the Havona universe and function on all its billion worlds. Most of these higher personalities have stations in the local universes, but they are not organically attached to the administrations of the evolutionary realms.

24:0.11 Of the seven classes composing this group, only the Solitary Messengers and perhaps the Personal Aids range the universe of universes. Solitary Messengers are encountered from Paradise outward: through the Havona circuits to the superuniverse capitals and thence out through the sectors and local universes, with their subdivisions, and even to the inhabited worlds. Although Solitary Messengers belong to the Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit, their origin, nature, and service have been discussed in the preceding paper.


24:1.1 The vast power currents of space and the circuits of spirit energy may seem to operate automatically; they may appear to function without let or hindrance, but such is not the case. All these stupendous systems of energy are under control; they are subject to intelligent supervision. Universe Circuit Supervisors are concerned, not with the realms of purely physical or material energy – the domain of the Universe Power Directors – but with the circuits of relative spiritual energy and with those modified circuits which are essential to the maintenance of both the highly developed spiritual beings and the morontia or transition type of intelligent creatures. The supervisors do not give origin to circuits of energy and superessence of divinity, but in general they have to do with all higher spirit circuits of time and eternity and with all relative spirit circuits concerned in the administration of the component parts of the grand universe. They direct and manipulate all such spirit-energy circuits outside the Isle of Paradise.

24:1.2 ¶ Universe Circuit Supervisors are the exclusive creation of the Infinite Spirit, and they function solely as the agents of the Conjoint Actor. They are personalized for service in the following four orders:

24:1.3 1. Supreme Circuit Supervisors.

24:1.4 2. Associate Circuit Supervisors.

24:1.5 3. Secondary Circuit Supervisors.

24:1.6 4. Tertiary Circuit Supervisors.

24:1.7 ¶ The supreme supervisors of Havona and the associate supervisors of the seven superuniverses are of completed numbers; no more of these orders are being created. The supreme supervisors are seven in number and are stationed on the pilot worlds of the seven Havona circuits. The circuits of the seven superuniverses are in the charge of a marvellous group of seven associate supervisors, who maintain headquarters on the seven Paradise spheres of the Infinite Spirit, the worlds of the Seven Supreme Executives. From here they supervise and direct the circuits of the superuniverses of space.

24:1.8 On these Paradise spheres of the Spirit the seven associate circuit supervisors and the first order of the Supreme Power Centres effect a liaison which, under the direction of the Supreme Executives, results in the sub-Paradise co-ordination of all material and spiritual circuits passing out to the seven superuniverses.

24:1.9 On the headquarters worlds of each superuniverse are stationed the secondary supervisors for the local universes of time and space. The major and minor sectors are administrative divisions of the supergovernments but are not concerned in these matters of spirit-energy supervision. I do not know how many secondary circuit supervisors there are in the grand universe, but on Uversa there are 84,691 of these beings. Secondary supervisors are being created right along; from time to time they appear in groups of 70 on the worlds of the Supreme Executives. We obtain them on requisition as we arrange for the establishment of separate circuits of spirit energy and liaison power to the newly evolving universes of our jurisdiction.

24:1.10 A tertiary circuit supervisor functions on the headquarters world of every local universe. This order, like the secondary supervisors, is of continuous creation, being created in groups of 700. They are assigned to the local universes by the Ancients of Days.

24:1.11 Circuit supervisors are created for their specific tasks, and they eternally serve in the groups of their original assignment. They are not rotated in service and hence make an agelong study of the problems found in the realms of their original assignment. For example: Tertiary circuit supervisor number 572,842 has functioned on Salvington since the early concept of your local universe, and he is a member of the personal staff of Michael of Nebadon.

24:1.12 ¶ Whether acting in the local or higher universes, circuit supervisors direct all concerned as to the proper circuits to employ for the transmission of all spirit messages and for the transit of all personalities. In their work of circuit supervision these efficient beings utilize all agencies, forces, and personalities in the universe of universes. They employ the unrevealed “high spirit personalities of circuit control” and are ably assisted by numerous staffs composed of personalities of the Infinite Spirit. It is they who would isolate an evolutionary world if its Planetary Prince should rebel against the Universal Father and his vicegerent Son. They are able to throw any world out of certain universe circuits of the higher spiritual order, but they cannot annul the material currents of the power directors.

24:1.13 ¶ The Universe Circuit Supervisors have something of the same relationship to spirit circuits that the Universe Power Directors have to material circuits. The two orders are complemental, together having the oversight of all spirit and all material circuits that are controllable and manipulatable by creatures.

24:1.14 The circuit supervisors exercise certain oversight of those mind circuits which are spirit associated much as the power directors have certain jurisdiction over those phases of mind which are physical-energy associated – mechanical mind. In general the functions of each order are expanded by liaison with the other, but the circuits of pure mind are subject to the supervision of neither. Neither are the two orders co-ordinate; in all their manifold labours the Universe Circuit Supervisors are subject to the Seven Supreme Power Directors and their subordinates.

24:1.15 ¶ While the circuit supervisors are entirely alike within their respective orders, they are all distinct individuals. They are truly personal beings, but they possess a type of other-than-Father-endowed personality not encountered in any other type of creature in all universal existence.

24:1.16 Although you will recognize and know them as you journey inward towards Paradise, you will have no personal relations with them. They are circuit supervisors, and they attend strictly and efficiently to their business. They deal solely with those personalities and entities having the oversight of those activities which are concerned with the circuits subject to their supervision.


24:2.1 Notwithstanding that the cosmic mind of the Universal Intelligence is cognizant of the presence and whereabouts of all thinking creatures, there is operative in the universe of universes an independent method of keeping count of all will creatures.

24:2.2 The Census Directors are a special and completed creation of the Infinite Spirit, and they exist in numbers unknown to us. They are so created as to be able to maintain perfect synchrony with the reflectivity technique of the superuniverses, while at the same time they are personally sensitive and responsive to intelligent will. These directors, by a not-fully-understood technique, are made immediately aware of the birth of will in any part of the grand universe. They are, therefore, always competent to give us the number, nature, and whereabouts of all will creatures in any part of the central creation and the seven superuniverses. But they do not function on Paradise; there is no need for them there. On Paradise knowledge is inherent; the Deities know all things.

24:2.3 ¶ Seven Census Directors operate in Havona, one being stationed on the pilot world of each Havona circuit. Excepting these seven and the reserves of the order on the Paradise worlds of the Spirit, all Census Directors function under the jurisdiction of the Ancients of Days.

24:2.4 One Census Director presides at the headquarters of each superuniverse, while subject to such a chief director are thousands upon thousands, one on the capital of every local universe. All personalities of this order are equal excepting those on the Havona pilot worlds and the seven superuniverse chiefs.

24:2.5 In the seventh superuniverse there are 100,000 Census Directors. And this number consists entirely of those assignable to local universes; it does not include the personal staff of Usatia, the superuniverse chief of all Orvonton directors. Usatia, like the other superuniverse chiefs, is not directly attuned to the registration of intelligent will. He is solely attuned to his subordinates stationed in the Orvonton universes; thus he acts as a magnificent totalling personality for their reports coming in from the capitals of the local creations.

24:2.6 From time to time the official recorders of Uversa place on their records the status of the superuniverse as it is indicated by the registrations in and upon the personality of Usatia. Such census data is indigenous to the superuniverses; these reports are transmitted neither to Havona nor to Paradise.

24:2.7 ¶ The Census Directors are concerned with human beings – as with other will creatures – only to the extent of recording the fact of will function. They are not concerned with the records of your life and its doings; they are not in any sense recording personalities. The Census Director of Nebadon, number 81,412 of Orvonton, now stationed on Salvington, is at this very moment personally conscious and aware of your living presence here on Urantia; and he will afford the records confirmation of your death the moment you cease to function as a will creature.

24:2.8 Census Directors register the existence of a new will creature when the first act of will is performed; they indicate the death of a will creature when the last act of will takes place. The partial emergence of will observed in the reactions of certain of the higher animals does not belong to the domain of the Census Directors. They keep count of nothing but bona fide will creatures, and they are responsive to nothing but will function. Exactly how they register the function of will, we do not know.

24:2.9 These beings always have been, and always will be, Census Directors. They would be comparatively useless in any other division of universe labour. But they are infallible in function; they never default, neither do they falsify. And notwithstanding their marvellous powers and unbelievable prerogatives, they are persons; they have recognizable spirit presence and form.

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