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  • Текст добавлен: 10 октября 2016, 03:45

Текст книги "Sentenced"

Автор книги: L. L. Collins

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 18 страниц)


I stood next to Yoda, my chest heaving as I watched him threaten the thug that didn’t do what he asked in the particular way he wanted. I was the muscle behind his threat, in case the sawed off .22 in his face wasn’t effective enough. I’d never seen any of them kill anyone, but I knew it happened. I hoped to hell tonight wasn’t the night I saw it for the first time.

Tonight’s delivery and sale hadn’t gone quite as planned, and Yoda was pissed. He was no one. Not in the grand scheme of this shitty drug ring. But he had just enough authority that he thought he was in power, and that was dangerous.

I didn’t even know what the thug’s name was, and I didn’t want to know. It made it easier when they disappeared.

Yoda looked over at me, and I realized I hadn’t been listening. Was I supposed to do something? If I didn’t pay attention, there would be hell to pay. I’d already learned that a time or two. My mind flashed back to Julia, her angelic face reminding me again why I was here.

The shot went off before I could even shift my thoughts from Julia. I felt the splatter against my face, and my stomach rolled. I heard the sound of maniacal laughing. The thug lay crumpled on the ground, his face splattered behind him on the wall.

Yoda grabbed me, shoving the .22 under my chin. “You want to be next, Frat Boy? What the hell is your problem?” We all had nicknames, and somehow mine had become Frat Boy. I hated it, but it wasn’t like you could tell them not to call you that. Unless you wanted it to be the last thing you ever said.

My eyes snapped to his. No. I couldn’t be next. “No problem,” I forced my voice to say.

“Next one is yours.” He couldn’t make me do this. He wouldn’t. But I already knew if he said it, he would.

“Please, no,” I mumbled over and over. But he could no longer hear me. He was on the phone, telling one of the higher ups he had done his job.

I reached out, gripping onto the unknown assailant, the word ‘no’ falling off of my lips. I pushed my fingers into soft flesh, willing them to get away from me. They couldn’t make me. I wasn’t going to do it.

“Johnny.” The whimpered voice sounded so much like Julia. They were just trying to mess with me. They knew who she was.

I squeezed harder, my eyes refusing to open to see what they were going to do to me. I had to get away.

“Johnny!” My eyes snapped open. Julia’s eyes filled with tears. I was gripping her upper arms with all of my strength. I let go, sitting up so quickly she stumbled back.

“Oh, my God. Julia.” She stood next to my bed, holding her hands on what would probably end up being bruises on her arms. “I’m sorry, Jules. Are you okay?”

She nodded, biting her lip to keep from crying. I stood, wrapping my arms around her. I hurt my own sister.

“I was dreaming, Jules. I’m so sorry. I can’t . . . I hurt you. I’m a monster.”

She pulled back. “I’m fine, Johnny. I heard you calling out while I was feeding Calia, and I wanted to make sure you were okay. What’s going on?”

“I . . . Julia . . . I’ve never . . .” I shook my head. I couldn’t stay here. What if I did something terrible? Hell, I already had. “Where’s Carter? I need to talk to him.”

“No.” Julia shook her head. “I’m fine, Johnny. You didn’t know. It was my fault for interrupting your nightmare. You didn’t hurt me.”

I lifted her hands off of her arms and saw large red marks where my fingers had been pressing into her soft skin. “Yes, I did. Julia. I’m so sorry.”

She pushed my hands off. “What were you dreaming about?”

I still couldn’t believe I’d hurt my sister, the very person I’d sworn to protect at all costs. I was an asshole. I didn’t deserve her. I couldn’t be around her or Calia. What if I did something to hurt either one of them? I’d never forgive myself.

“Nothing. Julia, I can’t stay here.”

Her eyes widened. “What do you mean? Of course, you can stay here. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have . . .”

“Don’t say you’re sorry,” I snapped. “I hurt you. I shouldn’t be here. Carter should kick my ass.”

She snorted. We both knew Carter kicking my ass would not happen, but I’d let him. I deserved it. “You stop this nonsense. You’re my brother. I’m here for you.” Julia perched on the edge of the bed. “I want to be there for you, Johnny. Talk to me.”

“Let’s get you an ice pack so they won’t bruise,” I said, ignoring her prodding. I pushed past her towards the kitchen, getting out two small ice packs and wrapping them in towels. When I turned, she was standing behind me, her shirt barely covering the angry red marks.

I pressed an ice pack to each arm, her looking up at me like she used to do while I bandaged her bloody knees from falling off of her bike. She’d been the most adorable little girl, but not graceful.

“Where’s Carter?”

Julia blinked. “It’s okay, Johnny. He’s at the office already.”

“I need to talk to him.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

I removed one of the ice packs. “You have marks on your skin from me, Julia. If my wife . . .” I trailed off, the word so foreign on my lips it made me stop talking. It was almost comical. My wife. I’d never utter those words for real to anyone, so it was safe. But still. I’d kill someone for touching my sister, and yet I was the one that had done it.

“Do you have nightmares a lot?”

I sighed. She wasn’t going to let this go. I looked over at the clock on the oven and saw it was just a little after eight in the morning. I’d been asleep less than two hours. “Yes.”

“You should see someone. Carter’s mom has this friend that’s a psychologist.”

No.” I said it a little too loud, but I wasn’t going there. Not now. Not ever. No damn shrink was going to get into my head and tell me how fucked up I was. I already knew. And there was no way in hell I would ever tell anyone the things that lived inside me. The things I’d done and had done to me.

“Just think about it,” Julia continued softly as if I hadn’t been behaving like a prick. My sister was such an amazing soul and had done nothing but try to help me. Yet I still couldn’t accept it. Being here in her house was enough, and even that was going to stop. I’d find somewhere else to stay so it wasn’t possible that I’d hurt her ever again.

“Your past is your past, Johnny. Let it go. It’s time to move on from it. If you can’t do that yourself, there’s no shame in getting help to do it. Carter saw her after his car accident and finding out Ronan wasn’t really his dad.”

I stared at Julia, the anger that was coming to the surface almost too much to contain. She means well, Johnny. Breathe. She finally stepped back and removed my hands from her arms. She looked down at the discoloration. They were lighter, but would probably still bruise. My sister was going to have bruises on her arms from me. And when Carter saw them later, I’d let him punch me. It was only fair. I welcomed the pain.

I needed to go to the gym. Carter had told me which one he went to, so I could type it into my GPS and find it. It sounded good to beat the shit out of something for a few hours, even with no sleep.

“I love you.” I pressed my lips to her forehead. “I’m going to the gym.”

I walked out of the kitchen and back to my room, knowing she was watching me the whole time.

“You know anyone that has a place to rent? Just a studio, a small one bedroom?”

Cal looked over at me, then back at his counts. “I have an open room. Not sure how you feel about having a roommate.”

As long as you don’t wake me up from a nightmare, we’ll be good. “Really? Even if I’m only here temporarily?”

Cal nodded. “Yeah. I think we’d get along well and as long as you aren’t a total slob, well, that’s good with me.”

Julia was going to be so mad at me, but I had to do it. I couldn’t chance next time doing something worse than bruising her arms. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

“Things not working out with your sister?”

“Nah, I just want to give them their space, you know? She has a baby, and my schedule with me coming in at all hours just isn’t fair to her.”

“Don’t I know it,” Cal said. “This place is why my girlfriend dumped me a few months ago. She worked during the day, and we literally went weeks without seeing each other.”

I assumed Cal was a few years younger than me though I didn’t ask, and I didn’t care. I was sure he had a story, but asking him meant him asking me, and that was a no-go. He was a nice looking guy, with light brown hair, brown eyes, and was tan and cut. I had at least four inches on him, though.

A girl came up in a bikini, if you wanted to call it that. We were in between the lunch and dinner rushes. She looked at both of us and then set her sights on Cal. I guessed she liked the more clean cut look, not my tatted up arms and chest.

“Hey, sexy. Can I get a piña colada?”

I almost groaned at the memory of the lady in Denver, but at least here we were on the beach. The look in Cal’s eyes as he snapped them to me and then back to her told me he was interested. I wondered how many girls hit on him on a daily basis and what he did about it. Today was only day two for me, and on day one I’d already partaken in what the beach had to offer. He’d said he was newly single, so what did he have to lose?

Geena. Images of her bent over, taking it from behind while she called out my name filled my brain. I had stamina, and she’d had no problem keeping up with me. She’d met me match for match the entire few hours I’d been there. The thought of her breasts filling my hands and her—.

“Earth to Johnny,” Cal interrupted. Busted. I nodded over at him. “That girl just invited me up to her room.”

I looked over at the girl who couldn’t be more than twenty, turning back to look at Cal every few seconds as she walked away. The string bikini she wore didn’t leave much to the imagination and she had a rockin’ body. Too young and not my taste, but hey, if she was willing, why not.

“Go for it, man. You said yourself you’re unattached.”

He held out his arm. “She wrote her room number on my arm. I don’t even know her name.”

I thought back to Geena again. She hadn’t known my name until we’d been practically naked, just the way I liked it. I was definitely looking forward to meeting up with her again tonight.

“Do you not do this sort of thing often?”

Cal shrugged. “I’ve had a few one-night stands, but I usually know them or know someone who knows them. I don’t usually pick up girls here.”

“Just be careful she doesn’t want something more,” I warned. I’d been there, done that. “She doesn’t seem like she does, but just make sure.” I had radar now and could smell them a mile away.

Cal nodded, eyeing me like he wanted to ask something. I turned away, effectively shutting down whatever it was. I’d be friendly with him, but I wasn’t getting all feminine and shit. I didn’t talk about my life. Period.

I wiped my hands on the bar towel after wiping the sweat off of my forehead again. It had rained a few hours ago and it was now sweltering, the humidity making my Outrigger shirt stick to me like a second skin. I liked it in Florida, but the temperature was definitely something to get used to.

“Johnny.” I knew who it was instantly. I deserved him coming here. I looked over my shoulder at my sister’s husband, then down the bar at Cal.

“Cal,” I called out. “I’m taking fifteen, okay?” He nodded, turning back to talk to a patron. “Want a beer?”

“Sure,” Carter said. I tried to read if he was angry, but the guy was a steel trap. If I’d been angry, he sure as shit would’ve been able to tell. I admired the man. I poured us two mugs of beer and walked around the bar, indicating a table out of the way. If he wanted to punch me, I’d go outside as to not upset Cal.

I sat, crossing my arms in front of me as I waited for what he was going to say. I was sure he hadn’t come down here just to shoot the shit.

“I talked to Julia,” Carter began.

“Carter, I’m sorry.”

He furrowed his brow. “Sorry for what? Julia is upset. Why are you doing this?”

I deserved his anger, but I hated that my sister was upset. “She woke me up and . . .”

“What do you mean, she woke you up?”

I eyed him across the table. What was he talking about? “Carter, I’m not understanding.”

“Why are you going to find another place to stay when the whole reason you came here was to be with Julia and the baby?”

I breathed out. She hadn’t told him. “She didn’t tell you the rest.” I wasn’t going to lie to the man. I deserved whatever I got from him.

“Tell me what.” Carter’s eyes darkened, and he leaned closer to me. That was a feeling I could understand. He was defending his wife, and I loved him for that. He cared for her like I did. Well, like I had until I’d hurt her.

“I was sleeping this morning after you left. I was having a nightmare, and Julia woke me up.”

Carter furrowed his brow. “And?”

“I didn’t know,” I said, looking down at the table before forcing myself to look at him. “I grabbed her. I wasn’t awake . . .”

“You grabbed her how?”

My eyes wanted to close against the vision of hurting my sister, but I refused to let them. I deserved the pain. “I was squeezing her arms. I didn’t know it was her, but it doesn’t give me any right.”

Carter looked at me for so long, I wondered if he had heard me. “What were you dreaming about, Johnny?”

My mouth dropped open. He wanted to know what I was dreaming about? “What?”

“Talk to me,” Carter said, sounding just like Julia again. “I know you won’t talk to her, and there isn’t anyone else you confide in.”

I picked up the beer mug and chugged, fury spreading through my chest like wildfire. “You want to know what I was dreaming about when I hurt your wife? What the hell is wrong with you? You’re supposed to stick up for her! I’m nothing but cancer for both of you!”

Carter let me finish, sitting back and crossing his arms over his chest. “Are you done?”

“Done with what?” Yeah, I was pissed for no good reason.

“You aren’t going to make me hate you, Johnny.”

“I fucking hurt her, Carter,” I hissed.

“Did she tell you she was okay?”

“Of course she did. She would never admit that I scared her, or hurt her.”

“She didn’t tell me you hurt her.”

“That’s because she was trying to protect me.”

Carter laughed. “Protect you? From me? Dude, you could squash me like a bug.”

“I’d welcome the pain from you, Carter. I won’t fight back.”

Carter sighed. “I’m not going to hit you, Johnny.”


“You’re my family, bro. Like it or not, we’re in this together. Okay, so you had an issue this morning. I know you would never in a million years hurt Julia on purpose. So we’re good.”

“We can’t be good.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I can’t trust myself around her now. And what about the baby? What if I did something to her?”

“You’re being a little melodramatic now. Last I checked, Calia sleeps in a crib and isn’t going to be in your room waking you up from a nightmare. You need to stop this, Johnny.”

“Stop what?” I knew I was acting like an asshole, and Carter didn’t deserve my attitude.

“Punishing yourself. Whatever you went through that you won’t talk about, it’s eating you inside. I know you refuse to admit that you need help, but don’t you ever want to move past what is torturing you?”

Did I want to? Yes, of course, I did. Did I think I could? No. “Carter . . .”

“I can’t pretend I know what your life was like,” Carter continued. “But what I do know is you have two people that love you and are here for you. We aren’t turning our backs on you, Johnny. No matter how much you try to push us away.”

Just then I saw Geena strutting across the bar, her eyes locked onto me. Shit. I didn’t want Carter to see her here. Not that I was ashamed because I wasn’t, but that didn’t mean I wanted to flaunt my escapades to my brother-in-law, either. Before I could think of a way to stop her, she was at our table.

“Look what the cat dragged in,” she purred. My dick instantly hardened when I saw her nipples straining against the thin fabric of her cover-up. The see through fabric displayed her fucking fabulous body in a teeny bathing suit, just one string tied on the sides keeping me from seeing her.

“Geena,” I said, leaning back and nodding at her.

She leaned over and looked at me over the rim of her sunglasses. Her full breasts were right in my line of sight, and, of course, I had to look. I was rock hard now and thankful I was sitting. The vision of me sliding in between her soft skin last night made me almost forget Carter was there. Almost.

Carter cleared his throat, making Geena look over at him. “Oh, my. I’m sorry.” She held out her hand. “Geena.”

“I got that,” Carter laughed. “Carter.” He looked inquisitively between the two of us, and I know he wanted to ask me too many questions I wouldn’t answer. “Nice to meet you,” he said to Geena. “Johnny, I’m heading out. I’ll see you later?”

Geena looked back at me, but I didn’t make eye contact.

I shrugged in answer, knowing I was going to spend another night with Geena. Carter looked at her, then back at me, understanding dawning on him. He clapped my shoulder as he walked away, leaving Geena and me alone.

She sidled up next to me, pressing her mostly naked body against my sweaty one. “Have I told you how amazing last night was? And here you are, looking good enough to eat.”

I pressed against her, looking over quickly to make sure Cal wasn’t watching me. “Do you feel that hard dick? You are fucking hot, Geena. I want you to wear this bathing suit later and let me take it off . . . with my teeth.”

She gasped. “Shit, you’re making me wait? Don’t you have a break or something?”

I remembered Cal’s office, where I’d done paperwork yesterday when I arrived. I knew it wasn’t a good idea, but my dick had other thoughts. It practically jumped out of my pants when I had the thought. I’d sat with Carter for most of the ‘fifteen’ I’d told Cal I was taking, but I didn’t need long to please both of us.

I pulled her down the hall, shooting a look back at Cal. He wasn’t looking at me. I reached the office quickly, Geena practically running in her flip-flops behind me. I closed the door behind us and locked it.

Geena let out a small noise as I flung her cover up off, raking my eyes up and down her hot-as-fuck body. Her breasts spilled out of the top, so I started there. I untied the string and it flopped down, baring her to me. I pawed one breast while sucking the nipple of the other. She moaned, running her fingers through my hair.

It wasn’t enough. I untied the string to the side of her bikini bottom and dipped my hand inside, finding her dripping wet for me. A string of curse words fell from her mouth as I found her spot, rubbing and pushing with my fingers.

I stepped back and licked my fingers, looking at her flushed cheeks. I grabbed a condom from the wallet in my back pocket and then undid my shorts and pushed them down. I lifted her leg and set it on Cal’s desk.

I rolled it on, knowing she was watching every move I made. “So fucking wet for me, aren’t you, baby?” I groaned, burying myself inside her heat.

“God,” she moaned. “Ohhh, that feels so good, Johnny. Give it to me.” Her bathing suit was still half on, her breasts jumping from our movement. I didn’t hold anything back, giving her everything I had like she asked.

I felt the familiar tightening in my spine, knowing my release was coming soon. I reached between us, wanting to get her off so she would tighten up around me. I circled her clit, making her moan again and do just what I wanted.

Within seconds, I was filling her, my grunts overtaking her soft cries as she came down. I leaned over and took a nipple in my mouth again. God, she was exactly what I needed. I pulled out and then crouched in front of her, burying my face in between her legs.

“Johnny,” she breathed. I knew I was talented at this too, or so I’d been told. Many times. I held on to her hips as I devoured her, tasting her arousal and hardening again. Once I added my fingers and sucked her hard, she bucked against my face, holding my head with her hands as she rode out her second orgasm.

I stood up, a smirk on my face as I wiped my lips. Fuck, that was hot. Geena blinked her eyes open and smirked back, adjusting her bathing suit and grabbing the cover-up I’d thrown.

“More where that came from tonight,” I said against her lips, darting my tongue out so she’d taste herself on me.

Geena reached down and cupped me and then slipped her hand down to her pussy. My eyes watched her as she touched herself. “Can’t wait,” she moaned, lifting her finger to my lips. I sucked it, tasting her again. Oh man, this girl was going to kill me.

“How many more days are you here?” I found myself asking as we both redressed.

“Two,” she answered.

“Let’s make good use of them,” I said, opening the door and ushering her out. I hoped I didn’t look like she’d just been pulling on my hair as I pleased her, but I probably did. Hopefully, Cal was as cool as he seemed.

“My room. When you get off.”

I nodded. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

“I have some other surprises for you,” she said. “Since you got a taste of the bathing suit already.”

And I had to work for the next eight hours.

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