Текст книги "Wanted"
Автор книги: Kelly Elliott
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G unner……
I woke Ellie up with a tray full of her favorite breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, bacon and orange juice. I thought for sure she would have woken up with all the noise I was making trying to cook it all in that tiny kitchen. Watching her sitting there eating I couldn’t pull my eyes from her. I kept seeing that ring on her finger and I had to fight back the tears every time. She was going to be mine soon.
Ellie insisted on cleaning up all the flower petals even though I told her I paid Aaron and Jenny generously to take care of all of it. We made love two more times that morning and I was not even sure how I was able to get my dick to work so much the last twelve hours but I wasn’t going to complain about it.
After we had things cleaned up to Ellie’s satisfaction we made our way out to the Jeep. Ellie was practically skipping the whole way. The sight of her so happy made my chest swell. I wanted her to feel loved and wanted every damn minute of every day. Just then Aaron and Jenny drove up, right on time. Ellie started to jump up and down when Jenny walked up to her. Jenny grabbed Ellie’s hand and looked at the ring as they both let out a small scream. Then she leaned in asked Ellie something. Ellie turned bright red and looked over at me. She turned back and said something to Jenny that caused a huge smile to spread across Jenny’s face.
Aaron walked up and handed me a huge ass box. I sat down on the porch steps and called Ellie over.
“I have one more Christmas present for you sweetheart.” Ellie turned and looked at the box I was holding. She came and sat down next to me and smiled.
“What is it?!” She asked filled with excitement.
“Well, the only way you are going to find out baby is if you take the lid off!”
Ellie reached over and took the lid off and a 7 week old chocolate lab popped his head up. Little guy looked liked he had been sleeping.
“Ohhh! Oh my god! Is he MINE?!”
I started to laugh. Damn she was so fucking cute.
“Yes, baby he’s yours.”
Ellie reached in and lifted him out of the box and started to hug him. Aaron and Jenny looked on as Ellie smelled every inch of him and said how wonderful he smelled. Her smell senses and mine were clearly different.
She looked at the ribbon that was tied around his neck. The note I wrote was tied onto it. She took the note off and put the puppy down. Little guy went right over and peed in the grass.
“Oh sure now the little fucker goes to the bathroom in the grass!” Aaron said.
Ellie started to read the note out loud.
“Dear mommy, I’m here to help daddy watch over you and protect you and love you like there is no tomorrow. Love, Gus.”
Ellie turned her head to look at me. Those blue eyes were filling with tears as she leaned over and kissed me. She pulled away from my lips just a little and smiled.
“Thank you…..I love him and I love that you remember every single thing I say to you Drew Mathews. I love you so much!”
“I love you too Ellie, more than you will ever know.”
It was 11:00 in the morning by the time we got back up to the ranch house. Ellie looked nervous as she was holding Gus in her arms while the little bastard slept in total peace. Lucky ass dog.
“What’s wrong sweetheart? You look like you just saw a ghost.”
“Holy shit Gunner! Your grandparents are going to know that we had…...that we had…...SEX!”
I started to laugh my ass off! Fuck she really was so damn cute.
“Ellie, we’re adults, they knew what I was planning all along. Believe me; I got the lecture from them about protection yesterday before I took you to the cabin.”
“But I would never want them to think badly of me for having sex with you before we got married.
I had to smile at how thoughtful her heart was. I pushed a piece of hair that had fallen out from her pony behind her ear.
“Ellie, don’t let those two fool you. They were sneaking around in Grams barn at seventeen having sex! Gramps talks a lot when he gets drunk.”
Ellie threw her hand up to her mouth and started to giggle and woke up the little monster.
Just then I heard Ari and Jeff. I looked up and they were walking hand and hand down to the barn. I was so happy Jeff finally came to his goddamn senses. They both looked so happy. I was not going to tell Ellie but Jeff was planning on asking Ari to marry him graduation night.
Ari took one look at Ellie and she screamed. Ellie screamed back as she jumped out of the jeep, put poor little sleepy and lost looking Gus on the ground and ran over to Ari. Jeff just smiled and stepped out the way of two very excited females. Ari grabbed Ellie’s left hand and screamed again.
Little Gus looked up at me like I knew what the feeling of not being in her arms anymore felt like. Little bastard thought like me already……I was going to love this dog. I reached down and picked him up.
“I know buddy…...she has bewitched me also.” I said as I held Gus in my arms.
“HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT! You did GOOD Gunner!! FUCK ME that is beautiful!” Ellie turned around to face me with that sweet smile of hers. She gave me a wink and they both started to walk into the barn but not before she took the dog from my arms and gave him to Ari who went crazy over him.
Jeff started to make his way over to me. I had already asked Jeff for permission to marry Ellie last week. I knew how much he loved her and she didn’t have a father so I felt like it was the right thing to do.
He reached his hand out to me and shook it along with a slap on the back. A hard fucking slap.
“Jesus…what the fuck did you hit me so hard for.”
“I sure as shit hope you made it special for her or I will kick your fucking ass. And goddamn if the puppy was not a nice touch. Well played dude.”
I had to laugh.
“I sure hope I did also Jeff. From how happy she’s been all morning I would say I did at decent job.”
Jeff smiled at me and then shook his head.
“You know Gunner, if she had to end up with anyone, I’m thankful it was you. I see how much you love my sister and I see how much she loves you. By the look on her face when y’all pulled up I would say you did more than a decent job dude. I’ve never in my life seen my sister with such a glow on her face. Thank you. Thank you for making it special for her. Now……I don’t want to ever talk about the fact that you had sex for the first time with my baby sister on the night you asked her to marry you. You ever get drunk and tell me about it, I will kick your fucking ass. You got it?”
I just stood there and stared at him. God I loved Jeff like a brother. I shook my head yes and he laughed and pulled me into a head lock and we started to wrestle around before I heard Gramps yell out.
“Knock it the fuck off…..we got some male bonding to do, to the loft boys.”
We had to leave in a few days as Jeff and I had a bowl game the next week. Our last game as college football players…...I couldn’t believe it.
The day after I asked Ellie to marry me I got up the nerve that night to finally talk to her about the wedding. I was so afraid she was going to be upset when I told her I could not stand the thought of her staying in Austin after we got married. I was so worried about it, I was sure she was going to tell me she didn’t want to get married or that we were going to have to wait until she finished school but she just smiled.
“Gunner, I already made up my mind weeks ago I was not going back to school in the fall. I was coming out here with you to the ranch no matter if you had asked me to marry you or not!”
“Ellie what about school, I thought you would be upset if I asked you to give up school to come with me out here. Are you sure baby this is what you want?”
She threw her arms around my neck. “YES! I already figured it out. I’m going to take classes online and finish up my degree in business. That way I can help you run the ranch when you take it over from Garrett someday.” I was speechless. This girl never ceased to amaze me. I loved her so much. I leaned in and asked her if she was feeling daring and she smiled and wiggled her eyebrows up and down. We snuck off to the barn and made love. Another first…although I spent more time pushing Gus away than anything, that little bastard was barking at me the whole time. He and I were going to have to have a man to man talk and soon.
Ellie was crying as she was saying goodbye to Grams. They had become so close and had been sneaking off all day yesterday with Ari and the puppy….I’m sure they were already talking about the wedding. Grams whispered something into Ellie’s ear that caused Ellie to blush. She quickly looked over at me and smiled. I don’t think I could ever be so fucking happy. Nothing would ever top this feeling.
“Gunner….dude you need to settle down. It’s all going to be okay, trust me….come on.” Brad handed me a beer and led me out to the deck that over looked Lake Travis. I didn’t want a bachelor party so a few of the guys decided some male bonding up at Brad’s parent’s lake house would do the trick. Gus took his normal position at my feet. I was surprised Ellie let him come with me and not her. She fucking loved this dog and he loved her just as much if not more!
Ellie and the girls were at Ari’s parent’s lake house which was actually two miles up the road. All I wanted to do was talk to Ellie. We were getting married in three days and I was a fucking nervous wreck. We were leaving tomorrow for the ranch. Ellie seemed so calm. Ari, Amanda and Heather were amazing friends to Ellie. They were handling so much of the planning for Ellie and were in constant contact with Jenny who we were using as the wedding planner. It helped Ellie not to stress too much so she could finish up school.
The only real break she took from school was for Brad and Amanda’s wedding on Valentine’s Day and spring break when we all headed to the ranch. Jeff and I spent most of spring break getting his property ready for the horse staples he was having built this summer. He was going to tear the small ranch house down and start from scratch by building something bigger. He thought Ari wanted something big but turns out she is just a simple country girl at heart and wanted a simple ranch style home. They would stay in the existing house until they built their house. Jeff and I had both been putting in a shit ton of hours at the firm where we had been interning for the last two years. I’m still surprised they asked us to stay on as consultants.
Fuck just sitting here and relaxing felt great. Graduation was over and now the wedding. Jeff came walking out and slapped me on the back as he ran his hand through his hair. He sat down and let out a sigh.
“She still pissed?” I asked as Jeff took a drink from his beer.
“Yep……god she has me all tied up in fucking knots!”
Brad and I just laughed. Ari was not speaking to Jeff ever since graduation night when he failed to pop the big question. Little did she know he was asking her the night of our wedding. He had Jenny working on the side taking care of it. I thought it was pretty cool he was going to ask Ari to marry him in the same cabin as I asked Ellie. Grams said it was a good sign. Ellie and I were going to be living in the cabin until we could get a house of our own built.
“Did you even acknowledge to her that you knew why she was upset?” Brad asked with a laugh.
“No….she’s so pissed and just started calling me a mother fucking dickwad for no reason when we got back to her place so I just left and came home.”
“DAMN dude…..no wonder she’s pissed at you. You better make it up when you do ask her this weekend.” Brad said as he tipped his beer back and finished it.
“Shit……I think I’ll text her.”
Jeff sat there and typed out a text message to Ari as Brad and I talked about some last minute shit that needed to be done before the wedding.
“There! I just sent her a text telling her I knew why she was upset and that I wanted to wait until after Ellie’s wedding. She just doesn’t know it will be the night of the wedding!”
Jeff’s cell phone started ringing and he must have thought at first it was going to be Ari. He pulled it out and frowned when he saw who was calling.
“What do you want Rebecca?” Jeff said with no emotion at all in his voice.
“Well honestly I don’t see what in the hell we would need to meet for lunch for. I have nothing to discuss with you. Fuck I haven’t even seen you since what….last November.”
Just then Jeff dropped the beer that was in his hand and it crashed onto the patio. Beer went everywhere and Brad jumped up!
“What the fuck Jeff!”
Jeff’s face was pale. What the fuck was going on.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now Rebecca? That is impossible, I saw it and it was not broke! No you listen to me, you’re wrong; I can’t talk to you now I will call you next week. NO…I will call YOU next week.”
Jeff sat there for a second stunned.
“Jeff, what the fuck was that all about?”
“Jesus Christ Jeff you look like you are about to throw up! Man don’t do it out here or my parents will kill me!”
Jeff turned and looked at me and he had tears in his eyes. Oh holy mother fucking shit………..
“She’s pregnant isn’t she?”
E llie……
“Holy hells bells…..Jesus, Mary and Joseph! I asked you to keep an eye on her Amanda!”
“Don’t yell at me Ari! She slipped out when I wasn’t looking!!”
“FUCK! That little shit is trying to make her way to Gunner! EVERYONE….spread out! Look for her!”
“Um, Ari…who the hell are you telling to spread out to…it is just you, Amanda and me.” Heather said with a laugh.
I started to laugh as I opened the bathroom door. “Um, ladies I just went to the bathroom!”
“Jesus Ellie, stop doing that. I know you are just trying to throw us off you and your fucking horny little self trying to get to Gunner. Once Amanda hear slipped and said he was two miles down the road it has been your mission to leave! Do. Not. Lie. To. Me!”
“I have no idea what you are talking about Ari.”
“For Christ sakes if she wants to go see Gunner I say we just take her! We can make a quick trip up there and say hi to the guys and then come back here.” Heather said as she downed another beer.
All three of us turned and stared at Heather. What was going on with her?
“Ahhh, are you drunk?” Ari asked as she walked over and took the empty beer out of Heather’s hand.
“NO! I’m not drunk! I was just saying if Ellie wanted to see her fiancé that bad who are we to stop her, that’s all. Gesh….”
“Oh holy hell…..”
Why was Ari smiling at Heather that way?
“Why are you looking at me like that Ari?”
“Mother fucker…you want to see Josh DON’T YOU!” Ari practically yelled out.
Amanda jumped up and down and was clapping her hands. “I KNEW you like him! I knew it when I saw y’all dancing at the wedding!”
“Wait…what? You like JOSH Heather?? Since when? I thought you couldn’t stand him! Oh my god….where I have I been that I didn’t know this!” I could not believe Heather was falling for…...Josh…...playboy Josh!
Heather just blushed and shrugged her shoulders. “He has a certain something that I might find attractive. I don’t know.”
“Well you know, Brad told me that ever since the wedding, Josh has pretty much given up his playboy ways! The guys keep teasing him about losing his touch with the ladies!”
We all looked at each other. Ari raised her eyebrow at me and I looked over at Amanda and then Heather.
“Hey, that lake house has six fucking bedrooms…..that is more than enough for all four us to get laid……” Ari said as she walked over and grabbed her purse. “Come on bitches…..let’s go get some.….Jeff sent me a text and I’ve decided to forgive him and let him make it up to me with sex.”
“OH MY GOD! I am not sleeping with JOSH!” Heather screamed.
“Don’t then…..all I know is my ass is wanting me some Jefferson……”
“EEEWWW! OHMYGOD! That is my brother for fucks sake! GROSS.”
“Come on girls since I’m the only one who has not been drinking my ass off I will drive.” Amanda said as she grabbed her keys and we made our way over to crash the boy’s party!
Josh opened the door and looked shocked to see the four of standing there. Once he saw Heather he smiled.
“What the hell are y’all doing here? This is a private party.”
“Get the fuck out of the way dickwad….” Ari said as she pushed past Josh.
“Hey Heather, how have you been?” Josh asked Heather in the sweetest way I had ever heard him talk.
“I um, I’ve been good….feeling a little tipsy but good!”
I thought I heard Josh mutter fuck. The way he was looking at Heather made me smile. If I had to guess I would say he was very interested in our little Heather!
“Where is Jeff?”
“He is sitting out on the deck with Brad and Gunner.”
Ari started making a run for the deck……Jesus……if didn’t know any better I would think she was the one getting married. As we walked up I could see Jefferson running his hands through his hair and Gunner and Brad looked like they both wanted to throw up. What was going on? Gunner looked up at Ari and at first frowned….HUH? But then he saw me and smiled that beautiful melt my panties smile of his.
Ari slid the door open and walked up to the back of Jeff. I noticed Gunner kick Jeff in the leg……almost like he was trying to get him to stop talking. Ari put her hands around Jefferson’s eyes and whispered……
“Guess who was feeling a little lonely?” Jefferson flew up out of his chair and looked stunned. What was going on here? Amanda walked over and sat on Brad’s lap as they started to kiss. I looked at each guy, first Brad, then Gunner and then Jefferson. Something was wrong. Really wrong. I could see it in Jefferson’s face. He shook his head at me as if to tell me to leave it alone. Gunner reached up and grabbed my hand.
“Hey sweetheart what are y’all doing here?” I sat down on his lap and I could instantly feel his erection growing. Hmmmm….this is why I’m here. I wiggled a little and smiled. I reached down and gave my second favorite guy a scratch behind the ears. Gus just wagged his tail and went back to sleep.
“She was horny you ass wipe and kept trying to escape the wonderful spa party we had going on for her! So instead of trying to keep her away we hand delivered her ass to you!” Ari said as she was rubbing her ass into my brother’s crotch……BLAH……I was going to throw up! Jefferson spun her around and whispered something into her ear. I saw her nod her head yes. Jefferson leaned down and asked Brad something to which he replied “Third one on the left”. Jefferson took Ari’s hand and led her back into the house.
Holy shit……they were going to go have sex! Amanda asked Brad something and he laughed. They both stood up and started to go into the house. He leaned down and whispered to Gunner. “Take the master dude.”
Gunner just nodded and then looked at me.
“Jesus…...are they all really leaving to go have sex?” I asked as I watched Brad and Amanda walk in and say something to Heather and Josh who were standing at the kitchen bar talking.
“Looks like it sweetheart. Now what is this about you being horny?”
I started to laugh. I leaned down and whispered into Gunner’s ear.
“I really want you Mr. Mathews. Now!”
Gunner had me off his lap and walking into the house faster than I even knew what hit me. As we walked by Josh and Heather were so deep in conversation they did not even notice us walking by.
Gunner and I made our way down to the master bedroom. Would I always feel so nervous with him? Just the thought of making love to him had my stomach doing flips.
“Oh my god….does it just keep getting better Gunner?” I said as I lay across his chest trying to catch my breath.
He let out a laugh as he stroked my back with his hand……up and down. God it felt so good.
“I have a feeling it is going to be even better when we are married.”
I pushed myself up and looked down at him. He smiled at me but I could tell something was wrong.
“Gunner, what’s going on with Jefferson?”
He let out a sigh. “Fuck Ellie, I can’t be the one to tell you. I don’t want to be the one to tell you.”
Oh no….it was bad. Did something happen with the property? One of his horses or oh god Ari’s horse?
“Gunner…I saw the look on his face. It’s big….tell me what is going on.”
Gunner moved me off of him and sat up.
“Ellie you cannot tell Ari a word of what I am about to tell you. Promise me baby you won’t say anything.”
Oh holy shit. Maybe I didn’t want to know.
“Um, okay. I promise you Gunner. I won’t say a word.”
“Jeff needs to find out some shit before he talks to Ari about this.”
“I mean it all could turn out to not even be true.”
“GUNNER! Just tell me!”
He ran his hands through his hair…...oh god how I wanted to do that…...oh gosh focus Ellie…..focus……
“Jeff got a call about forty five minutes ago from Rebecca. The girl he slept with that night at your graduation party.”
“Okay…what did she want?”
“I guess Jeff hooked up with her the weekend before Thanksgiving. Ran into her at Rebels and ended up fucking her in his truck that night.”
Nice……not the image I wanted in my head right now.
I just nodded and he kept talking.
“Well, anyway, she just called him and told him she was seven months pregnant and the baby was his.”
Mother fucking son of a bitch. NO!
“Oh no! No Gunner no! This is going to destroy Ari! Why didn’t he use protection?”
“He swears he did, he told her it was impossible but she said something about finding a piece of condom in her underwear later that night. But Jeff said he was not drunk and when he took the condom off it was not broke.”
“Then she’s lying Gunner. She has to be lying!”
“Jeff thinks she is but the only way to find out for sure is to wait until the baby is born and take a paternity test.”
“Why did she wait until she was seven months pregnant before she said anything?”
“She said something about hearing from a friend he was about to get married. She must think he is getting married this weekend and she wanted to drop the bomb on him before he got married.”
“Oh my god what a bitch! Ari is going to kill her Gunner.”
“Yeah, I know. But hey, don’t let this ruin our day okay? Jeff will take care of it. You have to trust him Ells to take care of it all okay baby?”
I nodded my head. Oh god. He was going to ask Ari to marry him Saturday night after the wedding. Is he going to tell her?
“Is he going to tell Ari?”
“Yeah he just needs to talk to Rebecca first and then he is going to tell Ari.”
“Is he still planning on asking her to marry him this weekend?”
“YES! Of course he is sweetheart. He loves her more than anything.”
“He needs to tell her right away Gunner. I don’t think he should wait.”
Gunner nodded but I know he was just as lost as I was.
I started thinking about the conversation I had with Ari just yesterday. We were wrapping up party favors that Jenny had sent up for us to do and Ari was talking about wanting to start a family right away. How she couldn’t wait to see Jefferson’s face when she told him for the first time she was pregnant. Oh god…my chest was hurting.
Poor Ari.