Текст книги "Beautifully Insightful"
Автор книги: K.C. Lynn
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She moans and arches against me. “I do, but I need more, Ryder, I want…”
She gasps as I flip us over and reverse our positions, my cock seated deep inside of her as she straddles me. “Take what you need you, Emily. Show me what you want, baby.”
She licks her lips and braces her hands on my abs. As hard as it is for me, I stay still, letting her take the lead. At first her movements are slow and unsure so I grab her hip to help guide her. Soon she finds her own rhythm, and fuck me is she a sight to behold. Her tousled hair tumbles down her shoulders, framing her perfect tits. Her expression is soft and sweet; her exotic ice blue eyes are now lit more with desire than pain. Her flawless, golden skin glows from the sweat our bodies are creating. She looks like a motherfucking angel, my angel.
Reaching up, I palm the heavy weight of her breasts, tugging and tweaking her pretty, pink nipples. With a moan, her hands cover my own and she increases her pace. “That’s it, baby, fuck me.” I jerk my hips up into her and feel her pussy flutter around me.
Her head falls back on a whimper. “God, Ryder, you’re so deep like this. I feel you everywhere and it feels so good.”
Jesus, she is going to kill me. I’m so close to the fucking edge already. I’ve fucking needed to feel her like this for days, needed to know she was going to be okay.
I slip my hands out from under hers, and place hers where mine just were. “Touch yourself, Em, show me what you like.” She stills and bites her bottom lip. Sensing her shyness, I help her start, making her knead the soft flesh. Her hips pick up pace again, and when I feel her let go of her inhibition I remove my hands and watch while she abandons herself to her touch. “That’s it, baby, fuck that’s sexy.” I grab one of her hips now in a firm grip while I take my other hand and slide my knuckle through her wet slit. The same time I find her swollen nub, I slam up inside of her.
“Oh god, that feels so good.” She whimpers. “Don’t stop, Ryder, please, fuck me.”
With a growl that’s exactly what I do. Keeping my grip firm on her hip, I pound up inside of her while continuing to circle her clit. Her cries sound around us and I feel the nub get firmer with ever stroke of my finger and every hard thrust of my cock.
“Oh god, I’m going to come.”
“Give it to me, Em, come all over my cock.” As soon as the words leave my mouth that’s exactly what she does. I feel her pussy clamp down on me as she throws her head back in ecstasy. “Fuck, yes!” I keep my pace, fucking her through her pleasure, until her tight, wet heat triggers my own release. Fire spreads through my body moments before I still and come inside her hot depths.
She drops down on top of me and buries her face in my neck, her body limp and sated. Once we finally catch our breath, I roll her under me and pull out of her.
I go to get up but she wraps her arms tightly around me and turns her face in my neck. “Don’t leave me.”
My chest constricts at the soft plea and I bury my face in her sweet-smelling hair. “Never, baby. I’m just going to get something. I’ll be right back.” I kiss the side of her head then head to the bathroom.
I wet a cloth with hot water then ring it out before walking back to Emily. The sheet is partly draped over her now as she stares up at the ceiling. She acknowledges my presence by looking up at me, and although her eyes are still sad I can see her in them.
Sitting next to her on the bed, I pull the sheet off her body then open her legs. She watches me as I clean her with the hot cloth, her expression soft but a little unsure. I lean down and press a kiss to her smooth stomach, and she threads her fingers in my hair, holding me to her.
“I’m sorry I’m so sad. I’m sorry I’m hurting you,” she whispers through the dark and silent room. I look up to see her staring at the ceiling again.
I quickly finish cleaning her then throw the rag in the hamper across the room before lying down beside her. I arrange her so she’s facing me then pull her in close. “You don’t have to be sorry for being sad, Em. I know you’re hurting, baby. Your pain hurts me, but you aren’t.”
“I just can’t believe she’s gone and that I’m never going to see her again.” The last of her words trail off on a sob, her expression twisting with grief. I hold her closer, wishing more than anything I could take her pain away. “Other than Summer she’s the only true family I’ve ever had. How am I supposed to live without her, Ryder?”
I swallow thickly, feeling like someone just punched me in the fucking throat. “You live for me because I need you. I know it hurts right now, but I swear, Em, I will help you through this.”
“It kills me to know my father did this to her. How could he just kill her like that, and what the hell happened? What went wrong?”
“I don’t know, but I fucking promise you I’m going to find out and I’ll make sure that every single fucking person who had a hand in her death pays.”
She looks up at me. “I’ve decided to do the hypnotherapy. I’m going to call Doctor Ross tomorrow and get in as soon as possible.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Em. You have been through a lot the last little while, I’m worried it will be too much for you, and…”
“No more waiting, Ryder. I need to do this. For myself, for Rosa. I know you and Nick have been putting plans in place for the charity dinner, but if I can remember what happened all those years ago we might have more to go off.” I inhale a deep breath, panic threatening to choke me as I think about something happening to her over this. “Please tell me you’re with me,” she whispers.
I lean down and kiss her head. “Yeah, baby, I’m with you. I’m always with you, whatever you decide I’ll be there.”
She gives me a sad smile but it’s the first smile I’ve seen on her since Rosa. She reaches up and lays her hand on the side of my face. “I love you too, Ryder. I never stopped.”
Even though I figured she did, it still feels fucking good to hear her say it, she’s the only person who’s ever said those words to me. I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead. “Me too, Em. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. We’ll get through this.” And I meant what I said. I’m going to find out what happened to Rosa, and I’m going to make every fucking person pay.
Chapter 21
A few days later we’re standing in Doctor Hughes’ therapy clinic, a therapist who Doctor Ross referred Emily to for her hypnotherapy session. The place is empty and quiet like we requested. Other than the doctor and Emily, the only other people who are here is Nick and myself. I had asked Emily if it was okay for Nick to come because I needed a second set of ears for anything regarding our case. My head is too goddamn messed up from worrying about her through all of this to focus on much else. And considering the information could be extremely critical to our investigation, I had to make sure someone had a clear head for it.
“Hello, Miss Michaels, it’s nice to finally meet you in person.” Doctor Hughes greets Emily with a smile and a handshake.
She smiles back but it’s forced. Even though she’s been trying to hide it I can tell she’s scared, and I’m not going to deny the fact that I am too. Probably even more than she is.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Doctor Hughes, and please, call me Emily.”
He nods. “All right, Emily it is.”
Em gestures toward me. “This is my boyfriend, Ryder, who I told you about.”
He takes my hand in a firm handshake. “Ah yes, also known as Special Agent Jameson who answered the phone the other day, and told me he will kick my ass if anything goes wrong,” he says with a smirk, not seeming all that pissed about my threat. Too bad Emily isn’t as understanding about it.
“Yes, that would be him. Again, sorry about that.” Her face turns furiously red as she glares at me.
He chuckles. “It’s fine, I’ve had worse said to me, believe it or not. But like I said, I promise to use all caution, and after reviewing your history I feel confident everything will be just fine.”
Yeah, well, he isn’t fucking promising it either, and I don’t like that.
“Yes, I’m sure it will be too,” she adds then gestures to Nick. “This is Special Agent Nick Stone. He will be the other FBI Agent listening in.”
The doctor shakes his hand. “Well, you’re a pretty big guy too.”
“Don’t worry, Doctor, I don’t plan on doing any bodily harm. I’m just here to listen.”
“Good to know,” he grins then points to one of the rooms. “That is where you both will watch and listen in. The room has a two-way mirror and audio.”
No fucking way.
“And Emily will…”
“I don’t think so, Doctor.” I cut him off. “I go where she goes.”
He clears his throat cautiously. “I understand you want to be with her, Special Agent Jameson, but it’s best that Emily is by herself in the room with me. It doesn’t…”
“I said no!”
Emily puts her hand on my arm. “If he says this is best then he knows better than we do.”
“We’ll be in the room right next door, and you will be able to see and hear everything. I promise,” he adds, trying to reassure me, but it doesn’t. Not at all.
“I’ll be okay, Ryder.”
I look down at Emily’s soft expression, my chest constricting with panic at the thought of anything happening to her. I step closer and frame her face. “If at anytime you want to stop, or you change your mind, just say the word and we’re out of here.”
“I will.” She turns her face and kisses the palm of my hand.
“I love you. Everything will be fine, I promise,” I tell her, sounding a lot more confident than I feel.
She nods and gives me a shaky smile. “I know. I love you too.”
I reluctantly step back and let her go. The doctor shows Nick and me into our room before taking Emily to his. He gestures to the two-way mirror, showing her where we are. She smiles and blows me a kiss.
“That was for me you know,” Stone says with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood.
I grunt, as I watch Em lay down on the couch while the doctor takes the chair next to her. My heart starts pounding like a fucking drum. “I don’t like this. Not one fucking bit.”
Nick claps me on the back. “She’ll be all right, man. We’ll make sure of it.” She better fucking be… “How’s she been doing since the funeral?”
I shrug. “As good as she can be. She still fucking cries every night, but since her old man tried pulling the sympathy card, and paid for Rosa’s funeral, she’s more angry now than anything. I still feel like shit over the whole thing. She lost her life trying to help our investigation.”
Nick nods. “I know, but it was our best chance. You told her not to get the key if it wasn’t safe to do so, and who the fuck knows what actually happened. Maybe it never even had to do with the key.”
I’ve wondered that too, but the chance that she got busted trying to get that key is the most likely scenario. “Either way, I’m going to make that son of a bitch pay for it.”
He goes silent and I know what he’s going to say before he even says it. “Listen, Jameson, promise me you’re going to do this clean. It’s obvious you have a past with this guy, and I don’t blame you for wanting to cause him some serious harm. I hate him myself, but we do this the right way.”
As bad as I want to extract some serious revenge on the guy, I wouldn’t cross that line. I took an oath and I won’t break it, especially not for a piece of shit like him. “Don’t worry, I’m good. I won’t be crossing any lines.” Unless it comes down to Emily’s safety, because her life goes before anyone’s, including mine. But I keep that to myself.
He nods. “Everything is in place for the dinner tomorrow; Crowley and Higgins should be arriving tonight. Let’s fucking pray all this shit will come to an end and we bust the fucker.”
Oh we will, because there is no other option. I refuse to fail.
Our talk ceases when the doctor dims the light to start the session. “Are you comfortable, Emily?”
“Good. I’m going to put you in a more relaxed state now. Remember there is nothing to fear, although you’ll be in a deep part of your subconscious you will hear my voice and you will be able to communicate back with me the entire time. Do you understand?” She nods. “Good. I want you to look up at the ceiling and focus on the red dot up there. Now take a really deep breath through your nose then hold it… and exhale slowly through your mouth. Great, and again, another deep breath… Now I want you to focus more intently on that light and I’m going to count back from ten. When I get to one your eyes will close and you will be in a deep part of your subconscious. Ten… Nine… Eight.” The doctor does something on his computer as she continues to stare at the ceiling. “The area around the red dot is starting to blur. Seven… Six… Your body is feeling weightless and your eyes tired.”
“Jesus, this is making me fucking tired,” Stone mumbles and looks away for a minute. I agree, the guy’s voice alone could put anyone to sleep, but I refuse to take my eyes off Emily.
“Three.” By this time Em’s eyes start to flicker heavily. “Two… One.” They close. “Can you hear me, Emily?”
“Yes,” she whispers, not really sounding all there, which just freaks me out. I took psychology courses in college knowing it would help my chances of getting in to the FBI. The mind is a fucked up thing and incredibly powerful. I remember when I first started I had attempted to research some of Emily’s condition but didn’t find much information on it. At least not anything she hadn’t already told me.
“I want you to go back to the night you lost your sight. Do you remember it?”
“Good. What is the first memory you have of this night? You said your parents are hosting a charity function at your house. Are you in attendance?”
“No. I’m with my nanny, Isa, she just put me to bed and walked out.”
“Do you fall asleep?”
“No, I can’t because I can hear my parent’s party downstairs and it’s too loud.”
“Okay, so what do you do?”
“I sneak out of my bedroom window to go to the wishing well.”
“Wishing well?”
I watch a small smile grace her face. “Yes. It’s in the woods by my house. I love going there and I go a lot when I can’t sleep.”
“Why do you have a hard time sleeping?”
Her brow furrows in concentration. “I don’t know.”
“Okay, that’s all right. Are you walking to the well now?”
“How is the weather? Is it cold or…”
“No, it’s warm. I’m only in my white nightgown and slippers, but I’m not cold.”
“What do you see on the way to the well?”
“Flowers from our beautiful garden that Manuel takes care of. I even pick one to bring with me.”
“That’s nice. What color is it?”
“White. I don’t know the kind, but it’s…” She trails off with a gasp, her entire body tensing.
“Emily, is everything okay?”
“No. Someone is screaming,” she replies shakily, fear evident in her voice.
I sense Nick glance at me but I don’t take my eyes off Em.
“Do you know who it is?” She shakes her head. “Is it a man or a woman?”
“A woman,” she whispers, her body now trembling.
“Can you hear any other voices?”
“A few men, but I don’t know who. One sounds like my father.”
“What are they saying?”
“I don’t know. I can’t hear them, it’s muffled and I’m too far away.”
“Emily, I want you to follow the voices. I want you to go where you did that night.”
“No, I don’t want to. I’m too scared.” My chest pulls tight at the panic in her voice.
“It’s all right. Nothing can happen to you. You are safe. These are only your memories, they can’t hurt you. Take a deep breath.” She does, but when she exhales it’s shaky. “Good job. Now be brave and follow the voices. I promise nothing will hurt you… Are you walking?”
“Yes,” she chokes out.
“Are the voices leading you to the well?”
“No, in the opposite direction. I’m in the woods now, far from the house.” A whimper escapes her. “Her screams are getting louder. She’s begging for help.”
“Keep going, Emily, you’re doing good. What…”
She gasps. “I can see them.”
“My father, Mr. Prescott, and… I can’t see the third guy clearly. I can’t tell who it is.”
“Can they see you?”
“No, I’m hiding behind a tree.”
“What are they doing?”
A small sob falls escapes her lips. “They’re hurting a lady. Mr. Prescott is holding her down on her knees while my father hits her.”
“Do you recognize the woman?”
“Yes, she was at the party but I don’t know who she is. She was really kind to me… Oh god, they’re hurting her really bad.” She cries. “I want to help her, I want to tell my father to stop but I’m scared. So scared that I can’t move.”
“Can you hear what they’re saying to her?”
“She’s telling them to let her go. She says that she has proof at work and people know where she is.”
“Holy fuck!” Nick says, realizing who the lady is at the exact moment that I do. “The fucking social worker.” I nod at the possibility. The timeline matches up.
“My father laughs at her and breaks something. A camera I think…. Oh no, the man has a gun!”
“Who, Emily, who has a gun?”
“The man I can’t see clearly. He’s pointing it at her… No stop! Please don’t hurt her,” she screams and flinches, her entire body jolting. “Oh god, they just shot her.” She sobs. “And they see me now. They’re going to kill me…” I watch her start to go into hysterics, her body thrashing.
I slam on the glass and shout at the doctor to pull her out, but he ignores me.
“Emily, it’s okay, you need to keep calm.”
Her head thrashes back and forth. “No, they’re after me, help me please… Ahhhh!” Panic grips me as her scream fills the air, her body shakes uncontrollably and her back spasms off the couch.
“Fuck!” I charge out of the room and try to get into hers but it’s locked. “Motherfucker!” I kick it in and see Emily on the floor, looking like she’s having some sort of fucking seizure. The doctor is next to her trying to calm her down, but it isn’t doing a damn bit of good. With my heart in my throat, I race over and wrap her in my arms, trying to hold her still. “Bring her the fuck out now!” I yell, deciding if he doesn’t follow the order in the next two seconds I will pull my fucking gun on him.
He nods vehemently. “Emily, I want you to listen to me. Focus on my voice. I’m going to count back, again from ten, when I reach one you will wake up and remember everything. Ten… Nine…”
She continues to scream and thrash. I hold her tight and bring my mouth in her ear. “I’m here, Em. It’s okay, baby, don’t be scared. I’m here.” Her body stills immediately and the doctor nods his head at me to continue talking to her as he counts down. “I got you, Em. Nothing’s going to hurt you.”
“One.” As the doctor speaks the last number Emily’s eyes snap open, and she gasps, inhaling a huge breath. I continue to rock her and hold her tight, her body still trembling. She pushes away and stands to her feet with her hands out in front of her as she looks around the room, trying to get her bearings.
I stand and approach her slowly. “Em, it’s okay. You’re in the doctor’s office.”
At the sound of my voice, her wet, emotional eyes finally focus on me. “Ryder?”
“Yeah, baby, it’s me. It’s okay.”
“Oh god,” she croaks out, her voice hoarse from her screams. “They killed her.” She sobs. “That man shot her in the head. I tried to stop them but I couldn’t.” I reach out and pull her against me. “They saw me, Ryder. They ran after me. The man with the gun grabbed me.”
My chest pulls tight at the fear in her voice. “It’s okay, baby. Everything is okay now. No one is going to hurt you.”
“Do you know who it was? The man with the gun?” Nick asks a few moments later.
She shakes her head. “No, for some reason I couldn’t see his face. I could see everyone else’s but his. Even when he was facing me, I still couldn’t see him.”
“Your mind wouldn’t you let you see him.” The doctor speaks up now for the first time, and my blood boils hot with rage.
Before I can stop myself, I step back from Emily then, quickly grab the prick by his shirt and get into his face. “I told you to pull her the fuck out! Why didn’t you do it? What’s wrong with you? You knew how fucking critical this could be for her!” I feel Nick grab at me but I don’t let go.
He sputters in fear. “I’m sorry. I was trying to get the other name for you.”
“She comes before that shit and I fucking told you that. You locked the fucking door on me, you son of a bitch!”
“That’s enough, Jameson, back off now, you’ve made your point.” I let Nick pull me back but not before I shove the asshole.
I look back at Emily to see her arms wrapped around herself, looking scared and alone, still trying to breathe through her sobs. “Ryder, I want to leave. I just want to go home.”
I rush back over to her and don’t think twice about picking her up. “We’re out of here, baby.” She wraps her arms tightly around me and buries her face in my neck. I look back at the doctor and try to push my anger aside. “Is it safe to take her?”
He nods shakily. “Yes, but I have something I can prescribe to help make her more relaxed so she can sleep tonight.” He walks around his desk then writes something down before handing me a prescription. I take it because I have a feeling she’s going to need it. “I’m sorry, Emily, I hope you sleep well.” He sounds sincere, but I still want to punch the prick in the face, especially for locking me out.
Em turns her face to address him. ‘It’s all right; it’s not your fault. Thank you, Doctor, for helping me.”
Nick nods at me. “Go ahead. I’ll take care of the rest here.”
“Thanks.” I walk out with Emily in my arms. She turns her face back into my neck and I feel her body tremble with her tears. “Everything’s going to be okay, Em. I promise.”