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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 13:22

Текст книги "Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle"

Автор книги: Don Easton

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Текущая страница: 75 (всего у книги 141 страниц)

“It is reasonable for the first delivery,” replied Lee. “Perhaps after that we can adjust the price more to your satisfaction.”

“That is not acceptable,” said Jack, shaking his head. “The amount we discussed is plenty large enough to rate a twenty percent reduction, not addition.”

“I am sorry. I was told there was no negotiation on this first transaction. Take it, or leave it.”

Jack threw the piece of paper on the table and said, “Then you have wasted my time.”

“You already possess a great deal of information about us,” said Lee. “You know what we are capable of.”

“You think you are capable of ripping me off? You are wrong. We have nothing further to say to each other!”

Lee stood stone-faced as Jack and Laura left the restaurant.

Da Khlot waited patiently, without emotion. It was ten-thirty at night and the sun had long since set. Ideal time to kill.


It was seven o’clock the following morning when Rose pushed the buzzer on the intercom and waited outside for an answer. Moments later, Natasha responded.

“Rose Wood,” she said. “I work with Jack.”

“I know,” she replied. “He’s not here yet, but called an hour ago to say you would be coming. He didn’t come home last night. I guess Laura didn’t, either.”

“I know. May I come up?”

Rose pushed the button on the elevator and watched silently as the door closed and heard the hum of the cables as she ascended. She went over the phone call she had received last night from Jack, telling her that he and Laura had met with Lee. He said they didn’t want to go home last night after the meeting. He told her that he and Laura would be spending the night in the penthouse suite. He was hoping Lee would contact him.

Rose sensed there was something else. His voice seemed edgy and nervous. He isn’t the type to scare easy. So why? Perhaps fearing bad guys might follow him home to his wife would explain his fear. Or is there something else?

She was familiar with Jack’s personal file. Married less than two years – roughly the length of time Rose had been married to her first husband before he had been killed at a crosswalk by a hit-and-run driver.

She remembered the agonizing pain she had felt. In the initial months it had never let up. If she could have even gone thirty seconds without thinking about it, she would have felt some relief. Her doctor had prescribed medication. It made her brain feel fuzzy and did little to block her pain. She slept sporadically and only then through sheer exhaustion. Eventually time helped her cope with the grief enough to carry on.

Then there was the driver. Witnesses obtained the licence plate number, but were unsure about his face, except to say he was balding, with a horseshoe ring of black hair. The owner of the car matched the description and had four previous convictions for impaired driving. The judicial process lasted three years, during which time the driver racked up another impaired charge. Those three years to Rose seemed like an eternity. Then the driver was acquitted. After all, positive identification was in doubt. Maybe some day I’ll tell Jack I know the difference between the law and justice. I’ve done my share of skating on thin ice. But I’ve also lost the love of my life and I know how that feels. Not something you would ever want anyone you loved to have to go through.

She tried to smile as Natasha answered the door and invited her inside. An attractive woman. Young, bright, enthusiastic. So much in love. So much to lose.

“I made coffee,” said Natasha, cheerily. “Would you like toast or a bagel, as well?”

“Just coffee, thanks,” replied Rose.

“Jack said he and Laura will be here soon. Had to do some heat checks first.” Natasha paused and said, “That’s what you call it, isn’t it? Heat checks?”

Rose smiled and said, “Yes, that is what it’s called, although usually it’s the bad guys’ expression. They refer to the police as the heat and often drive in a manner to make sure they are not being followed.”

Natasha grinned and said, “With Jack, the police have followed him before, as well. Me, too, come to think of it.”

“So I heard,” replied Rose.

“Jack said the penthouse he and Laura are staying in isn’t that far away. I expected they would have arrived by now. Maybe he’s being extra cautious.”

“I’m sure he is,” replied Rose. “Does it – never mind. I’m sure they’ll be here soon.”

“You were going to ask if it bothers me that my husband spent the night with another woman?”

“It’s none of my business,” replied Rose. “Sorry. That was the psychologist in me coming out.”

“I would be lying if I said it didn’t,” replied Natasha. “At least, a little. But I trust my husband and accept that his role as an undercover operative demands it sometimes. I know he loves me a great deal. I’ve also met Laura. I really like and trust her, as well. I feel like her and I have bonded. I’m pretty good at reading people.”

“I know my husband used to worry about me dealing with some fairly dangerous people.”

“Used to?” asked Natasha.

Rose smiled and said, “The lofty position of management keeps me handcuffed to my desk. My work is not dangerous now.”

“How do you feel about it? Do you miss the action?”

“I’m content with my decision. I’ve collected enough wrinkles.”

“You don’t think Jack will give you more?” asked Natasha, grinning. “I know I’ve collected a few since meeting him.”

“Possibly,” admitted Rose. “I worry about the people I’m responsible for. Having two active undercover operators in my section adds to that worry.”

“Actually, I don’t worry about them all that much,” replied Natasha, seriously.

“You don’t?”

“Okay, maybe a little, but I keep the worry harnessed in the back of my mind. Jack has told me he is very good at what he does. He said if he had to rewire a faulty lamp he’d probably electrocute himself, but undercover is what he does. It’s his specialty. I believe him.”

“That he would electrocute himself?”

Natasha laughed and said, “Yes, that, too, but you’ll have to excuse me. I have to go to work. Please help yourself to the coffee.”

“Thanks, I —”

Rose was interrupted when Jack and Laura arrived. She saw the passionate kiss Natasha gave Jack, before saying goodbye and leaving for work. Jack is a lucky man …

“So what’s up?” asked Rose, once Jack and Laura had each poured themselves a coffee and sat down. “You said on the phone that Lee met with you and invited you to go to Thailand and Burma to check out their organization. Fill me in on the details. We need to strategize.”

Jack and Laura started from the beginning of when they arrived at the restaurant and used the extensive notes they made later to tell Rose all the details leading up to when they stormed out of the restaurant.

“You did what?” exclaimed Rose when they got to that point. “Tell me it was a negotiation ploy to lower the price. You did go back in, right?”

“Wrong,” said Jack.

“Did Lee follow you out to talk some more?”

“No. Haven’t heard from him since.”

“Damn it,” said Rose in frustration. “I can’t believe you did this. Sounds to me like you blew a chance to penetrate one of the biggest international crime syndicates around. The intelligence we could have learned would have been invaluable.”

“Not at that price,” replied Jack. “I wouldn’t pay that for it.”

“Who cares? We probably can’t get authorization for a kilo, let alone a ton. You could still have played along and when the time came, we could have extrapolated you before the money transfer.” Rose shook her head in disbelief and said, “Okay, let’s hope you didn’t offend him and it’s not too late. Contact him. Apologize and say you reconsidered.”

“No,” replied Jack.

“What do you mean, no? Why not?”

“If I was genuine, I wouldn’t go for it. We’re talking big money. If I have the backing for that much money, it’s from being a good businessman. Not a stupid one.”

“Jack thinks it was a test,” said Laura.

“A test?”

“I think if I had agreed to it, Lee would have later cancelled.”

“More like cancelled us,” said Laura, frowning. “Tell her your thoughts about our flat tire.”

“A flat tire?” asked Rose.

“When we got back to our car,” said Jack, “we saw we had a flat tire. It looked like someone had punctured it with a knife.” Jack stared at Rose, wondering if she would connect the dots.

Rose said, “You’re thinking —”

“Exactly,” said Jack. “In my mind, there are two obvious reasons for doing that. To delay us if someone was waiting for a surveillance team to arrive and follow us … but they already think they know where we live and we did go back to the penthouse. So that leaves the second reason.”

“You were being tested,” said Rose.

“That’s my guess.”

“And to fail that test meant they weren’t going to let you drive away. Someone wanted to assassinate you.”

“Just a theory,” shrugged Jack. “Maybe it was some punk vandalizing property. It could have been coincidental.” He locked eyes with Rose and smiled, before adding, “You know how that is with me – coincidences do seem to happen.”

Rose ignored the comment as she realized how dangerous the situation was. She took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair and slowly exhaled before saying, “Now I know why I was never accepted when I volunteered to be an operator. I’d be dead. So what’s next? Do we simply wait?”

“The hardest part,” said Laura. “Waiting.”

“Lee is anxious,” said Jack. “He thinks he’s found the motherlode with us. My guess is we hear from him by the weekend. In the meantime, Laura and I will carry on like life is one big party. If I think we’re being followed, we might visit a travel agent and look at brochures for going to Caracas or someplace else on that continent.”

“Venezuela?”asked Rose. “Did I miss something? I thought all Lee’s connections were in the Orient. What does South America have to do with this?”

“Nothing,” replied Laura, sounding puzzled before pausing and smiling. “But for Lee, it could indicate our money is going to his competition. We might be investing in cocaine instead of heroin.”

Jack smiled and gave her a thumbs-up sign.

“I see,” replied Rose. “The thing is, you should be followed. By us.”

“So we could end up like Goldie?” suggested Jack.

“I don’t suggest you use that as an example,” said Rose firmly. “I have a distinct feeling that the narcs following Goldie wasn’t the only thing that got him killed. And skip the part about pretending to look surprised. I despise being played by anyone.”

After a moment feeling uncomfortable, Jack said, “I know policy calls for us to have cover, but these guys are smart. The probability of a cover team being spotted and getting us killed is much higher than it is of them being needed to rescue us. In this case, policy could get us killed. Besides, I think the real testing will come when we arrive in Thailand – a place where us fair-skinned, round-eyes stand out.”

Rose briefly massaged her temples with both hands as she reflected upon Jack’s instinct for survival. Natasha was right. These two will be giving me wrinkles. She looked up and said, “For now, I’ll agree to ignore policy on that issue, but I want you packing. The both of you.”

“We already are,” replied Jack. “Both of us have non-issue weapons.”

“Non-issue? You mean throwaway pieces?” asked Rose.

“No, no. My mistake,” said Jack. “They’re officially issued to operators, but aren’t the standard weapons issued to uniform or plain clothes members. No Mountie symbols.”

“Oh, good,” replied Rose.

“Yes, we wouldn’t tell you about the throwaways,” said Laura.

Rose looked quickly at Laura and saw her eyes sparkle.

“Gotcha!” said Laura. “You looked as freaked out as my husband did once when I said that to him. He works Anti-Corruption. I think he believed it for a moment, as well.”

Rose grinned, “Okay, you got me. But this is serious. Please be careful. What can I do to help?”

“Let’s get our ducks in a row,” said Jack. “We have the basic identification to match our aliases, but we’ll need passports, as well. Also, permission for foreign travel to the countries Lee has mentioned.”

“I’ll handle that. What else?”

“I want practice sessions with a polygraph operator. I want to know what I can do to beat that damned machine.”

“Don’t think you can,” replied Rose. “I’ve heard that the best you could achieve for some of the questions is maybe inconclusive results. No pass, no fail. However, it only takes one question to fail, and the probability of you failing that critical question, even with training, is extremely high.”

“Perhaps I can come up with an undercover scenario that might negate me having to take the actual polygraph. But polygraph operators are experts when it comes to body language. They conduct lengthy interviews prior to even using the machine. They usually know long before they put anyone on the machine if they are guilty or not. I need to know how to behave if I am being interviewed by someone like that. What I learn from a polygraph operator would affect the type of undercover scenario I use and add to my credibility.”

“If you’re being questioned by someone who is a polygraph operator, I’d like a cover team practically holding your hand,” said Rose.

“Me, too,” agreed Jack. “Lee has been looking to me for all of the business dealings. Drugs are still a male-dominated business. I doubt that Laura would be asked to take a polygraph, and if she was asked, we would refuse. One of us is risky enough, but it still wouldn’t hurt for her to learn the basics, as well. Will you arrange it?”

Rose looked deep in thought, but smiled.

“What’s so funny?” asked Jack.

“I was imagining the look on Assistant Commissioner Isaac’s face when I ask him.”

“Sort of like a bad guy asking if he can hold your gun,” said Jack, wryly. “Remind him that I really am one of the good guys.”

“I think he believes that,” replied Rose. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be working for me.”

“Or perhaps Isaac is simply putting all his naughty fish in one rain barrel,” suggested Laura. “Easier to shoot at.”


Jack and Laura did not have to wait until the next weekend to hear back from Lee. It was only three hours after Rose had left Jack’s apartment that he received a text message.

“Perfect,” smiled Jack.

“You hear back from Rose?” asked Laura. “Did Isaac go for it?”

“Not Rose. It was Lee. He said there was a misunderstanding. Wants to meet for lunch. Our choice where.”

At twenty past twelve, Jack and Laura walked into Ceili’s Irish Pub and Restaurant and made their way to the rooftop patio where Lee waited, glancing impatiently at his watch.

“Sorry we’re late,” said Jack. “Had a flat tire we needed to get repaired,” he added, watching Lee for a response.

Lee looked slightly uncomfortable and quickly forgave them for being late. After Jack and Laura each ordered a Guinness to drink and beef stew for lunch, Lee came straight to the point.

“As a result of your displeasure over the asking price,” said Lee. “I spoke with my boss, and it occurred to us that you were likely thinking the quantity was a ton, or two thousand pounds. We were thinking in terms of a metric tonne. That would add over two hundred pounds to the quantity that you thought we meant.”

“You’re right,” said Jack, “I wasn’t talking metric. However, your price would still be at least ten percent too high. Sorry, I’m not —”

“No, please, hear me out,” said Lee. “My boss wishes to apologize for the misunderstanding. No wonder you felt insulted! He is prepared to offer you a metric tonne at twenty percent less than originally asked.”

Jack paused as he looked at Laura for a moment. Both their faces remained impassive. He looked back at Lee and stared at him briefly, before smiling and saying, “That, my friend, is an offer too good to refuse. We should drink to our new business venture.”

“I thought you would agree,” smiled Lee. “I have already taken the liberty of making a reservation for you both in Thailand. It is time, as they say, to get this show on the road.”

The following afternoon, Jack and Laura met with Rose, Connie, and Sammy back at Jack’s apartment, where Jack tossed a bar coaster to Rose. On it he had written: Pavilion Samui Boutique Resort – island in the Gulf of Thailand called Koh Samui.

“That’s the resort where Lee has booked us two weeks of accommodation,” said Jack. “We’re supposed to arrive in Bangkok on September seventh, which is two weeks from tomorrow. We overnight there and then continue on to Koh Samui the next morning.”

“He said once we arrive in Koh Samui that we would be given a week to recover from jet lag and the fourteen-hour time difference before any business took place,” said Laura.

“Meaning we can expect to be under the magnifying glass the whole time,” said Jack. “However, it also gives us more time to befriend Lee. See if he gets liquored up and says something about what took place in the park with Melvin. Who knows, maybe we’ll get to meet the guy in the suit with dead eyes.”

“I would definitely like to find out who that is,” said Connie.

“You will have a cover team,” said Rose, looking at Sammy.

“Four from our office can go,” replied Sammy. “I’ll be in charge of the cover team and will handle that end of it. We’ll arrive one day ahead of you, but remember, we’re not allowed to carry weapons over there, so really, all we can really do is surveillance.”

“Must be nice,” said Connie. “A two-week vacation on a sandy beach in the tropics. Wish I could go along.”

“Personally, I feel that four members from Drug Section is too many as it is,” said Jack. “We’ll presume we’re being watched the whole time. Lee picked the resort. They could even have our room bugged.”

“Well, that’s interesting,” said Connie with a smile, looking at Jack and Laura. “You two are supposed to be a happy couple right? Young, virile, in love …”

“Good point,” replied Laura. “What do you think, Jack? Maybe we’d better practise kissing and getting intimate with each other before we go. We don’t want to look or sound nervous with each other when we get there.”

“Yeah, I guess we should,” replied Jack, trying not to smile as Connie’s head swivelled back and forth at the two of them, unsure if they were joking or not.

“Hope neither of you talk in your sleep,” said Rose, seriously.

“I don’t like being plunked into a spot of their choosing,” said Jack. “We’ll give it a couple of days to recognize faces and then find an excuse to switch hotels.”

“Keep the bad guys off balance,” said Rose. “Help put everyone on an even playing field.”

“Exactly,” replied Jack. “Still, we’ll have to be vigilant.”

“September is their low season over there,” cautioned Laura. “I’ve been to Thailand. Did a UC in Bangkok once pretending to mule drugs. Very few Canadians or Americans go over because it takes so long to get there. Most tourists are European or Russian, with a small smattering of Australians thrown in.”

“If that’s the case,” said Sammy, “and they have an insider at the hotel, my team is liable to be burned as soon as we check in. Too coincidental with that many Canadians showing up. I’d better split the team and put us up in different hotels nearby.”

“Good idea,” said Jack. “See what it’s like when we get there, but for the most part, I think you should keep as much distance between us as you can. Ensure that everyone going has their cellphones programmed to work over there.”

“What about the Thai police?” asked Rose. “We need to have someone with guns if things go to hell.”

“My understanding is there are a lot of good ones,” said Laura, “but they also have a problem with corruption. When I was there last, we dealt with our Liaison Officer in Bangkok and he arranged for a couple of trusted officers to assist.”

“I’ll contact the LO myself,” said Sammy. “See what we can come up with.”

“What do you think your chances are of The Shaman showing up?” asked Rose.

“I’ll really push to meet him,” replied Jack. “If we do, and we can get the right type of conversation from him to prove he’s importing and exporting heroin, we would never have to worry about him again.”

“Thailand has the death penalty,” added Laura. “Lethal injection. You definitely don’t want to be caught trafficking in that country.”

“Might also be the death penalty for both of you,” said Rose, “if they decide to put you on a polygraph.”

“Speaking of which, did you talk to Isaac?” asked Jack.

“I did. He shook his head and muttered something, but he okayed it.”

“Perfect,” said Jack.

“The only problem is that you will not get permission to travel to Burma,” said Rose. “Too dangerous.”

“We could find a poppy field and a lab for them,” said Jack, feeling frustrated.

“I know. But between the corruption in Burma and guerrilla gangs controlling vast areas, it isn’t worth it. You could be telling them something they already know … or own. You’ll have to come up with an excuse to tell Lee that you’re not interested in seeing that part of his network.”

“Okay,” sighed Jack. “I’ll tell him that I don’t want to visit the lab because if the place is ever raided, he might blame me. Besides, in theory, all we’re interested in is the final product. Not how or where it is made. I’ll see if we can convince him to let us examine the heroin once it arrives in Thailand.”

“Lee did say you can easily take a ferry and drive the round trip from Koh Samui to Burma and back within the day,” said Laura. “So if we convince Lee to let us see the heroin when it arrives, it shouldn’t take long.”

“Good,” replied Rose. “Even that has to be arranged and pre-approved.”

“Understood,” said Jack. “I don’t fancy myself receiving a lethal injection.”

The next two weeks went by fast for Jack and Laura. Rose arranged for a polygraph operator by the name of Larry Killaly to work with them.

Jack and Laura soon learned that Larry was acutely aware of even the smallest nuances when it came to detecting liars. On their last session, Larry had Jack prepare an account of what he did on his last two days off. Some of it was made up, while other parts were true. Larry was quick to spot the lies as he questioned Jack about his activities.

“You made eye contact with me about three seconds longer than you should have when you answered that last question,” Larry said.

“I thought direct eye contact was an indication I wasn’t lying,” replied Jack, feeling upset that Larry spotted his falsehoods so easily.

Larry shook his head. “We are taught to believe that as children. So as adults, we think we can deceive someone by maintaining longer eye contact. Also, don’t forget to be conscious of which direction your eyes veer to when you are asked to recall something. Remember, for most people, it is opposite directions when they recall something that is true versus using the imaginative side of their brain to fabricate a reply. And if you pause to think about it, I know you’re being deceptive, so try again.”

At the end of the session, it was clear that Larry had accurately pinpointed many of the lies that Jack tried to tell him.

“And this is before you even put me on the machine,” said Jack in amazement. “I knew you were good, but I had no idea how good.”

“Don’t beat yourself up,” replied Larry. “For the most part, you learned exceptionally well. I think you would bring about inconclusive results for the verbal interview and even the majority of the questions you would be asked once you are on the polygraph. Unfortunately, if you are on the polygraph, it would only take a couple of questions, like, have you ever worked for a police force or provided information to the police? You might be able to control your outward appearance, but inside, your body would react. You wouldn’t fool a qualified polygraph operator. Every question would be like playing Russian roulette, only they wouldn’t stop until every question was answered. There would be no passing the gun. Sooner or later, they would hit you with one of the questions I just asked.”

“And there aren’t any drugs I can take to prevent or numb involuntary reactions?”

“Dead giveaway,” replied Larry, shaking his head.

After Larry left the apartment, Laura looked at Jack and said, “Guess we better find out who The Shaman is before any polygraph operator shows up.”

“Finding out who he is doesn’t give us the evidence to convict,” replied Jack. “We need to meet him. Get him saying something we can use in court.”

“I know, but from what Goldie told us, that won’t happen without passing the lie detector.”

“Guess we better force the issue and demand to meet him before the test, then,” said Jack, sombrely.

Oh, man …

Rose called Jack on the morning he and Laura were heading to the airport.

“Just a comment from Isaac,” she said. “Larry apprised him on the outcome of what would happen if they put you on the lie detector – basically that you would be dead. Guess I don’t need to tell you that under no circumstances are you to take it. If push comes to shove and they insist, then we’ll get Sammy’s team and the Thai police to extract you.”

“For sure,” replied Jack. “I’m not suicidal.”

“Isaac said to wish you good luck. He also suggested that it would be nice if a suspect was brought home in handcuffs rather than a body bag.”

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