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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 13:22

Текст книги "Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle"

Автор книги: Don Easton

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Текущая страница: 35 (всего у книги 141 страниц)

chapter twenty-eight

Normally at eight in the morning on the Monday of a long weekend, Jack would be enjoying the comforts of his bed. Not today. He had already been up with Natasha for an hour and a half. Neither one spoke much as they went through the motions of drinking coffee.

Expecting to be arrested any moment tended to numb the brain as well as the taste buds.

Jack received a message from Damien. He was surprised that the call came so early but was glad to be doing something. Anything was better than waiting.

Damien met him in a parking lot at Burnaby Lake and they took a stroll along a path.

“Any heat?” asked Jack.

Damien shook his head and said, “None that I could see. Fucking Carlos called at four o’clock this morning.”

“Time zones,” said Jack. “They’re a couple of hours ahead of us.”

“I made the drop two hours later.”

“How and where?”

“I put the money in my trunk and drove to the industrial area near the harbour at the end of Clark Drive. I left my car unlocked and went for a walk as instructed. Came back an hour later and the trunk was empty.”

“Really wish I had been there,” said Jack. “Forget it! Nobody does anything until they’re safe!” “I know. I understand. I take it that The Toad still hasn’t shown up at the bus depot?” asked Jack, pretending to look suspiciously at Damien.

“No. Our guys are still there, but I don’t think it looks good.”

“Why not?”

“If he ripped us, I can’t see him hanging around. Leaving the money this long ... I got a feeling that he may have spotted us. I’ll keep the guys there for a while longer, but something doesn’t smell right.”

“Well, at least you got the money.”

“Not all of it. There was only $2.5 in the locker. One mil was missing.”

“I didn’t think that it might not all be there,” said Jack. “You obviously had enough, though?”

“Yeah ... just barely. Which leads me to think that The Toad had an accomplice. The extra million could have gone to the guy you call the Brit, or maybe Leitch, too.”

“Sounds logical. Looks like we both want to find him. Have you talked with Leitch?”

“He’s out of town until tonight. That can wait. I want to find my family first.”

“Was there anything else in the shipping container with the coke?”

“No. That was all we were getting.”

“I mean legit.”

“Legit? Yeah, there were sacks of coffee. Why?”

Jack thought of the van he had been in outside of the motel. It reeked of coffee. Natasha said Vicki’s finger also smelled of coffee.

“What are you thinking?” asked Damien.

“I don’t know, just trying to find something that might add up. How about Wednesday? Figure you can come up with another $3.5?”

“Someone says they got the cash to invest in a bargain. Looks like Wednesday won’t be a problem. The market is going to be flooded for a while ... bargain basement prices. Maybe a good thing. Put more of the competition out of business.”

Jack and Damien returned to the parking lot and stood for a moment, scanning the area.

“No heat,” said Damien.

“That we can see,” replied Jack.

“When do you think it will happen?”

Jack let out a deep breath and then said, “Let’s just say I’m not looking forward to tomorrow.”

“Can they make you for it?”

“I don’t know. Things could get pretty hot.”

Damien nodded, then asked, “You ever been to Merida, Mexico?”

“No. Why?”

“There’s a hotel there called the Angeles de Merida. Suggest you check it out on the web today. Don’t use your own computer. Do it at library or internet café. I gotta go. Talk with you later.”

It was just before noon when Jack called Laura’s number. Elvis answered.

“Hi, Elvis. It’s Jack. How are things?”

“What do you want?” Elvis obviously wasn’t in the mood for small talk.

“Is Laura there?”

Elvis paused and then replied, “I’ll get her.”

Jack thought about the sudden change in Elvis’s attitude toward him. Guess I would be upset too, if my spouse was working with someone about to be arrested.

“Hi, Jack! What’s up?”

Laura was friendly. Means Elvis hasn’t told her. “We need to talk. How about we meet and I buy you lunch?”

“Not with —”

“No, not with Holly. Just the two us. Stuff happening that you need to know about.”

“Where and when?” asked Laura.

“Know the Gillnetter Pub on the Mary Hill Bypass?”

“Good spot. One hour?”

Jack brought Laura up to date on the kidnapping and told her how he had returned all but $1 million to Damien.

“That’s awful.” She thought for a moment and then added, “You must feel awful.”

“I do.”

“Have you notified I-HIT yet?”

“Can’t. Damien would never cooperate. All he wants is to get his family back. No cops involved.”

“You trust him to tell you who the Brit is when he finds out?”

“He’ll tell me. It won’t be long. He’s already paid the first instalment on the ransom. Second instalment will be made on Wednesday.”

“Will he be short of cash then too?”

“No. The coke is practically being given away to raise the money in time.”

Laura nodded.

“You on board with this? With what I just did?”

Laura nodded.

“Good. I appreciate your view. Thanks.”

“After the other night, this seems like small potatoes. I was afraid you were going to tell me to buy rubber boots and a pickaxe.”

“At the moment I agree with Damien. What’s important now is to get his family back. I think we can help. I have a theory.”

“To find them ... if they’re still alive?”

Jack grimaced and then nodded.

“If they’re dead, it would explain why Carlos won’t let Damien talk,” said Laura. “So he can’t verify if they’re still alive.”

“I considered that, but I think they’re alive. He’ll want Vicki and Katie alive so he can use them to make Damien come crawling to him – literally.”

“For a guy like that, I would be willing to do the digging. What’s your theory?”

“The Colombians wanted the money in Canadian funds. I think they’re already established here. Likely in the coffee industry.”

Laura reflected on it briefly and then said, “Would look legit. Good for laundering. Who is going to count cups of coffee, let alone figure out how many sacks of coffee are sold versus the money collected. Even sending the money back to Colombia would look legit!”

“Natasha said Vicki’s finger smelled of coffee. I’m thinking she could be stashed in a warehouse where the coffee is stored.”

“We should check Customs and see who is picking up the shipments.”

“Exactly. I also want you to check out a company registered to the plate I scooped off the van at the motel. It smelled of coffee too. We might get lucky and find a match.”

“Today is a holiday so...”

“I know. I don’t think you’ll find much out before tomorrow, but get on it as soon as you can.”

Laura took a sip of Rickard’s Red and then a bite of calamari. “I bet you’re right about the coffee connection. It all ties in. Find the warehouse and we find his wife and daughter.”

Jack nodded.

“But then what? We can’t raid the place ourselves. We’ll need to call out the troops.”

“I know. We’ll do it anonymously. It might even be in VPD’s jurisdiction. I’ll talk to Damien about it then. All he wants is his family back. Our Emergency Response Teams are better trained than anyone he has.” Jack took a bite of a chicken wing and then added, “They haven’t killed as many, but they’re better trained.”

“Then we’re set.”

“Sort of.”

“Sort of?” Laura put her fork down. “What else? You’re holding something back!”

Jack looked at her and said, “I know I’ve dumped a lot of crap on you in a hurry.”

“No kidding! Officially I don’t even start until tomorrow.”

“And I want to thank you for being the person you are. There are only a few people I trust in this world. I trust you.”

Laura nodded and said, “Thanks. Now quit avoiding the subject. What else should I know?”

Jack sighed and said, “Tomorrow things could go bad for me. Something unrelated to this.”

“Bad? In what way?”

“I’m under investigation. On Saturday, when I met Damien in the park and Natasha showed up ... I spotted ACU following Natasha when she left with the cooler.”

“They’re working on you?”

“I recognized the car ... didn’t see who was driving. When I left, others followed me. I’m sure I-HIT is involved as well.”

Laura became silent as she thought about her marriage.

“I don’t want you to panic,” said Jack. “Don’t worry about the shoot, shovel, and shut up incident. If worse comes to worse, I will always deny you were with me. If I get grabbed, I want to make sure that you follow through on this stuff. Do what you can to save Damien’s family.”

“Why, Jack? Why would they be working on you?” Jack returned her stare for a moment, then said, “They think I had something to do with Bishop’s death. The day I was told about it, someone followed me out to my sister’s place to see if I would tell her.”

“Wondering if she already knew?”


Laura looked at Jack but didn’t speak. She didn’t want to make him lie to her, or worse yet, hear something that she could be asked to divulge.

“Once Damien’s family is safe, I know he’ll identify the Brit,” said Jack.

“Sounds to me,” said Laura quietly, “that you have bigger problems to worry about than the Brit.”

“Other people have problems too. Charlie’s going through life in a wheelchair because his dad and I had the same name.”

“Not your fault.”

“Perhaps. Then there’s Danny and Susan. They’re so traumatized I don’t think they’ll ever get over it. I don’t blame them that they hate my guts.”

“They need time.”

“Something I may not have. This thing with Vicki and Katie ... I don’t have a bigger problem than them. Someone has to save them. I’m counting on you.”

“I’ll do what I can.”

“Don’t come in to the office tomorrow morning or answer any calls except from me. Go straight to the port and start looking at shipping invoices. If I get grabbed, I don’t want them grabbing you too. Vicki and Katie can’t afford any delays.”

“Sure, fine,” said Laura harshly.

“What’s wrong?”

Laura leaned back in her chair and said, “Men! What is it with you guys? I was hoping you were different!”

“How? What do you mean? We don’t have time to sit around the office. I’ll deal with it while you investigate.”

“Not that. What you did in the last two days without me! Partners should work together. I want to catch the Brit, too. Hope he resists ... that would make it easy. But the point is, you went off and did all this stuff on your own while keeping me in the dark. If you don’t want me as a partner, then keep doing what you’re doing!”

“It’s not that! It’s Elvis. I don’t want to jeopardize your marriage! How do you think he feels right now? Even if he wasn’t following me on Saturday, he —”

“He wasn’t. He was home with me.”

“Even so, ACU is a small office. He must know what’s going on.”

“I’m sure he does.” Laura studied Jack’s face closely and added, “I’m not going to interfere with his job.”

“Exactly. So now you know why I hesitate to put you in the middle.”

“Asking me to do my job is not putting me in the middle. I do what I think is right – just like Elvis does.”

“Would he think hiding The Toad’s body is right?”

“Of course not, but that is not your concern. Let me deal with that. I’m still not sure if that was right either, but I did see your point. If you arrested anyone, you would have burned Lance and that much cash would never remain a secret.”

“Please, never use his name.”

“Sorry ... your friend. Speaking of which, I hope he’s not a good friend of yours.”

Jack smiled and then replied, “He’s disposed of a few bodies, but I didn’t help.”

“What’s his motive? Staying out of jail?”

“He tried to murder me once ... thought I was a dope dealer ratting out to the cops.”

“And you let him off the hook for that?”

Jack nodded. “It was worth it. Now he’s president of the west-side chapter.”

“Meaning you ... we ... have to dance around a lot of grey areas with him. At least we do if we want to know what is going on.”


“Little things, like hiding corpses and that.”

Jack smiled. “Sounds like you’re a natural for this work.”

Laura massaged her forehead with her hand and then looked across the room at the waitress and yelled, “Leisa! Another round, please!”

It was late Monday night in Mexico when the RCMP liaison officer met with the police officer and showed him pictures of Jack and Natasha. Yes, he was positive it was them. There was absolutely no doubt.

Communications in Third World countries are not up to the standards of other places on the planet, but the LO’s report would still arrive on Isaac’s desk before noon tomorrow.

chapter twenty-nine

Early Tuesday morning, Jack embraced Natasha warmly before reluctantly pulling away.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “Everything will be okay.”

Natasha used the cuff of her sleeve to wipe away her tears. “I’m scared,” she said.

“I’ll call you as soon as I know anything. If you’re questioned, remember what happened.”

“But details,” she said, “what if I’m asked about little things?”

Jack faked a smile and said, “That’s where the tequila comes in. How can they expect you to remember anything about our honeymoon? Other than that I was the best lay you ever had!”

Natasha smiled in spite of her fears. “You’re such a turkey!”

Jack arrived at work and listened to his voice mail. Louie had a doctor’s appointment and would not be in until later. He had barely put the phone down when he was approached by Staff Sergeant Legg from the Anti-Corruption Unit.

“Come with me,” said Legg.

“Why?” asked Jack. “I haven’t had my coffee yet.”

“My instructions come from Isaac. Forget having coffee!”

Jack was taken to an interrogation room consisting of a small table pressed against a wall and three chairs seated in a semicircle around the front of the table. Randy Otto was already in the room.

“Bosses from I-HIT and Anti-Corruption,” said Jack. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Take a seat,” said Randy.

Jack grabbed a chair and swung it around, then sat facing over the back of the chair. Randy and Legg exchanged glances, then sat down facing him.

“I take it you want me to assist you with something important?”

“Drop the act,” said Legg. “You know why you’re here!”

“Actually, I don’t,” replied Jack. “I did, however, spot one of your cars following my wife Saturday afternoon. Would you care to explain? Is she a Russian agent?”

“Jack, this isn’t a game,” said Randy. “It’s serious. Isaac has taken a personal interest. Do yourself a favour – drop the comedy act.”

“Sorry, Randy. Bad habit. I use humour to alleviate stress.”

“Have you been meeting Damien?” asked Legg.

“You know I have. He was with me in the park on Saturday when you followed Natasha.”

Legg looked frustrated and said, “Just for the record. I wanted you to say it.”

“Sorry. Yes is the answer.”

“Why?” continued Legg.

“It’s highly confidential.”

“Believe me,” said Randy, “Isaac has given us full authority to hear about anything you’re involved in.”

Jack nodded, looking pensive as he reflected upon this information. Then he answered, “I’m trying to turn him into an informant.”

“Yeah, right,” said Legg sarcastically. “Why was your wife meeting him?”

“She was picking something up from him. In the cooler he handed her.”

“Which was?” asked Legg.

“He had been to her clinic a few days ago. He was told to come back and give her some sort of specimen. When he mentioned that he knew me, Natasha told me about it. I didn’t like the idea of him meeting my wife alone. I made him hand the specimen over to her when I was around.”

“What kind of specimen?”

“You would have to ask my wife about that. She wouldn’t tell me. Doctor-client privilege was all she would say.”

“You were seen looking in the cooler,” said Legg.

Jack sighed, then said, “You’re right. I did.” He paused and said, “I know I’m in trouble.”

Legg hid his satisfaction. He’s folding already.

“Please don’t tell my wife,” continued Jack. “I was just curious. I think it was a stool sample, but I’m not sure. She’ll be mad as hell if she thinks I was snooping into her business.”

Randy let out a soft chuckle, bringing him a glare from Legg.

“I used the park as an excuse to talk to him while waiting for Natasha. It was a good opportunity to build trust and get him to confide in me.”

“Bullshit!” said Legg. “You don’t turn the top guy of Satans Wrath! That’s who you want to nail! You turn informants to catch him!”

Jack looked surprised, then said, “Oh! Is that how it’s supposed to work?” He pointed his finger at Legg and said, “Perhaps you would think that. Not coming from an intelligent background ... oops, Freudian slip ... I mean from an Intelligence background.” Jack paused when Randy frowned, then said, “Sorry. I do understand how you might think that.”

“I think that because it’s true!” said Legg, harshly.

“If it’s true, then why was I meeting with him?”

“You’re working for him!”

“Working for him?” said Jack, as his eyes widened. “I’m shocked that you would jump to that conclusion. Absolutely aghast! Mortified to think that you would accuse me of that! There is no way that —”

Legg pounded his fist on the table and said, “Think I haven’t seen this routine before? Act surprised, show concern, deny, deny, deny!”

Jack leaned back and slowly shook his head while staring down at the floor.

“Think about it, Jack,” said Randy, “do you really expect us to believe that you could get the national president of Satans Wrath to turn on his own club?”

“His own club? Damien would never do that!” said Jack.

“Precisely!” said Legg.

“It’s the Indos he’s concerned about,” said Jack. “I was suggesting to him that it’s in our mutual interest for the police to arrest them.”

“That’s enough,” said Legg. “I tried to be good to you. Give you a chance to come clean. A chance to use your head and make yourself look a little better. Maybe even show some remorse. Hell, who knows? A murder beef could even be dropped down to manslaughter if you played your cards right.”

“Murder? What on earth are you talking about?”

“We’ve got a surprise for you,” retorted Legg. “Mexico! You’ve been identified! The LO left us a message. His report should be arriving any minute.”

“I don’t understand,” said Jack.

“Don’t you think we figured out that Damien told you where Bishop was hiding?” said Legg. “You killed Bishop while you were on your honeymoon. Now Damien owns you!”

“You’re wrong! It was just a coincidence that I was in the country at all!”

Legg ignored Jack’s denial as he continued, “And you show up at the motel on Saturday morning with a bullshit story that an informant told you about The Toad and a huge dope deal!”

“Well, that part is true. I did go to the motel. What does that have to do with anything?”

“Nothing with you is true! Who’s your informant? I need a name and an address now!” said Legg, sliding a writing pad across the table.

“I don’t disclose the names of my informants!”

“You will if you don’t want me to read you your rights and put you in jail now!”

Jack glared at Legg for a moment, then grabbed the notepad and scribbled a name and address before tossing the pad into Legg’s lap.

Legg looked at the name. “This is it? A first name and an apartment address? What’s the phone number?”

“Doesn’t have one.” Jack looked at both men and said, “Check it out. Take CC from Homicide. She’ll verify it.”

“Yeah? Well you can sit here until I do!” said Legg. He left Randy in the room with Jack and went to another room and called Connie Crane.

“Don’t know anything about it,” said Connie. “If Jack thinks I’ll lie for him, he’s mistaken!”

“Could it be an alias? Maybe somebody you used to deal with?” asked Legg.

“Possible, but I’ve never handled a source with Jack. I’m kind of busy right now.”

“Isaac wants this done now. Are you going to tell him you’re too busy?”

Seconds later, Connie hurried from her office to meet Legg.

Pussy Paul and Rellik arrived at Damien’s estate as ordered. It was raining and both men soon wished they had brought umbrellas. Damien was the only one who had one as they strolled along the manicured path that led past the koi pond in his backyard.

“What did you find out?” Damien asked Pussy Paul.

“He should be in court all day. Up until about four.”

“Good,” replied Damien. “Meet him at the courthouse as soon as he’s finished. Tell him we have a new source in the prosecutor’s office. Tell him we know that the cops have a tap on him ... including payphones.”

“The fucking pigs are buggin’ our lawyer?” said Rellik.

“No,” replied Damien. “I think Leitch is two-timing us. He might be doing something with The Toad.”

“The fucking Toad!” said Rellik. “I’ve still got guys at the bus depot.”

“Cancel them, except for two. I doubt he’ll show, but if he does ... make sure he’s taken care of.”

Rellik nodded.

“It’s possible that Leitch is using a go-between. Some dark guy with a British accent. Bait him,” said Damien, directing his order at Pussy Paul. “Tell him our rat at the prosecutor’s read something to indicate it involved a meeting he had with the guy in a park. Then leave.”

“Got it,” said Pussy Paul.

Damien pointed his finger at Rellik and said, “Have your team standing by. If he meets The Toad or anyone who fits the description of the other guy, grab ’em.”

Rellik made a motion with his hand, imitating firing a pistol.

“Not yet. I’ll want to talk to them personally. Someplace private,” said Damien.

“Wet Willy’s?” suggested Rellik.

Damien nodded and said, “That will do.”

“Should I bring a talking stick?”

Damien was silent for a moment. The thought of it churned his stomach ... but then an image of Vicki’s finger came to mind. He looked at Rellik and said, “Do what you have to do.”

Legg knocked on the apartment door while Connie Crane stood to one side, keeping an eye on a couple of junkies who entered a room farther down the corridor.

“You sure this is the right place?” asked Connie.

Legg rechecked the piece of paper from his pocket and said, “This is what Taggart wrote.”

A moment later, someone was heard moving around inside and Legg knocked again. Eventually the door opened as much as the chain lock would allow.

Connie caught a glimpse of the woman who stared back at them. She wore fishnet nylon stockings, small satin shorts that allowed the cheeks of her ass to hang out, and a tube top that advertised her nipples.

“Vice?” she croaked. “What the fuck do you want?”

Legg shook his head and said, “Not Vice. RCMP. Are you Ophelia?”

She nodded.

“We’ll make it brief,” continued Legg. “If you don’t want to come with us, then just talk to us now. Will take less than a minute. Do you know Jack Taggart?”

The hooker paused, then quickly closed the door.

Legg looked at Connie and was about to ask what they should do when he heard the chain being removed. Then Ophelia opened the door and glanced nervously down the hallway.

“Yeah, I know Jack,” she tried to whisper, but her voice was raspy and it still sounded loud. “But tell him I’m not working for him anymore. The jerk said he’d never tell anyone.”

It was a voice that Connie knew she recognized ... but from where?

“You know a guy called The Toad?” asked Legg.

“Yeah, I’ve been talking to Jack about him. Fuck! If someone found out, I’m dead!”

“No, it’s nothing like that,” said Legg. “We just want to ask you a few —”

“I know you,” interjected Connie.

The hooker glared at her and said, “No ya don’t.”

“I recognize your voice. Ophelia, we talked on the phone. It was me you spoke to about Spider.”

Isaac listened as Randy told him about Ophelia saying she was Jack’s informant.

“Taggart still in interrogation?” he asked.

Randy nodded and said, “Staff Legg just got back and is with him. I just came out to tell you about this hooker. It’s the same hooker who solved that homicide for us. With the war veteran.”

“So Taggart did have an informant,” mused Isaac. “Guess he doesn’t lie about everything.”

“I don’t think he has her anymore. She was pretty upset that he divulged her identity.”

“So be it,” said Isaac. “I feel bad about that, but this takes priority. Once we get the confirmation report from Mexico, I want you to —”

Isaac was interrupted by his secretary, who brought in the report and said, “You told me to bring this in immediately, sir.”

Isaac quickly read the report, then grimaced and said, “It seems the Mexican police would like to have Taggart return. I’m delivering this message in person. Bring him to me!”

Minutes later, Randy reappeared in Isaac’s office. Isaac glanced up as Jack Taggart entered, followed by Legg. Isaac immediately arose and came around from behind his desk and walked directly up to Jack.

Legg saw the angry look on Isaac’s face. That’s when it occurred to him that Taggart might be armed. He placed his hand on Taggart’s forearm while nodding to Randy to do likewise.

“Damn it, Harry! Let go of the man’s arm!” ordered Isaac.

Legg quickly pulled his hand back in surprise.

Isaac looked at Jack and said, “I owe you an apology and I believe apologies should be made in person.”

“Sir?” said Jack.

“I’m afraid I made some presumptions that turned out to be false,” said Isaac. “With your association with Damien, coupled with Bishop’s death in Mexico at the same time you were in the country ... well, it aroused my suspicions.”

“Sir, that was just a coincidence. That is what I have been trying to tell —”

Isaac raised his hands, gesturing for Jack to stop. “I know. I just received a report from our LO. The day Bishop died, you were on the opposite side of the country. A place called Merida.”

“Sir!” said Legg. “What proof is there of that? Even if he was booked in a hotel, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t —”

“Don’t interrupt!” said Isaac. He then looked back at Jack and continued, “There’s more to it than that. Something that makes me even more ashamed of my actions.”

“Sir?” asked Jack.

“An incident near the hotel you were staying in. It took place the same morning Bishop died...”

“The Angeles de Merida?” asked Jack.

Isaac glanced at the report in his hand and said, “Yes.” He then looked at Randy and Legg and said, “That morning, five thugs jumped a policeman in an alley. They credit Taggart with coming to his rescue and saving his life.”

“Oh, that,” said Jack. “It was really nothing. I barely remember the incident.”

“Well, they do! They have a report on it. They wanted to honour you with an award, but you left before they could get their act together. They said they tried to locate you but weren’t able to. Speaking of which, you don’t use credit cards much when you travel, do you?”

“I find I can negotiate better rates at some places using cash. Especially in Mexico.”

Isaac nodded. “Well, they would like to see you get recognition for it. Later, at a more appropriate time, I’ll be presenting you with a letter of commendation.”

“Thank you, sir. I really appreciate that, but now I am kind of busy. May I get back to work?”

“You certainly may.”

Isaac waited until Taggart left his office before turning his attention to Randy and Legg.

“Do you think he was sincere?” asked Isaac.

“Sir?” responded Legg.

“Taggart ... do you think he was sincere?”

“I certainly think so,” replied Legg. “This is rather embarrassing. I’m afraid I may have been a little overzealous in my questioning.”

“There is an addendum on the report from the LO,” said Isaac. “Take a look.”

Both Randy and Legg leaned over Isaac’s desk and read: “The policeman who claims to have been rescued by Jack Taggart arrived at the meeting on a new Yamaha motorcycle. Unusual, considering the low salary of policemen in the area. This may be coincidental, but it should be noted that Satans Wrath has a history of influence with the Mexican authorities. Undoubtedly, this is the very reason that Sidney Bishop fled to this country.”

“If Taggart is innocent,” said Isaac, “I do not wish to be embarrassed any further ... so be careful.”

“Sir?” asked Legg.

“Don’t close the file on him yet,” said Isaac.

It was late afternoon when Pussy Paul met with Leitch and passed on the information that he was the subject of a police wiretap. Leitch’s concern was immediately evident on his face. Pussy Paul was barely out of sight when Leitch used his BlackBerry to send Ray a text message to arrange a meeting.

It was the last message Leitch would ever send.

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