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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 13:22

Текст книги "Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle"

Автор книги: Don Easton

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Текущая страница: 125 (всего у книги 141 страниц)

Chapter Nine

Jack was already dialling his phone as he got back into the SUV while at the same time telling Laura to drive back to where Virgil’s car was parked. As he waited for Rose to answer, Virgil leaned forward from the back seat.

“Told you everything would check out,” said Virgil, smugly.

“Shut up,” said Jack. “No, not you Rose.”

“Heard from the narcs that it went well last night,” said Rose. “The Americans took down the courier and a fellow picking him up. They got twenty-eight kilos of meth.”

“I know,” replied Jack.

“Are you on your way to the office? I knew you would be sleeping and didn’t want to bother you, but I’d like a report on it before the day is over. The brass are pleased, but with the Americans involved, they’ll want all the details pronto.”

“Laura and I haven’t been to bed yet. We’re still working.”

“I thought it was all wrapped up hours ago?”

“What you’re talking about is. We’ve been working on something different.”

“Important enough to keep you both working for what … the last twenty-something hours straight?”

“It might involve some murders, with more murders to follow.”

“It does,” said Virgil from the back seat. “What I told you is —”

Jack put his finger to his lips telling Virgil to be quiet.

“Sounds to me like more than the two guys in the U.S. were caught,” said Rose.

“You’re right about that,” said Jack. “Laura and I are still debriefing the person as we speak. We will come to the office as soon as we’re done.”

“Sounds interesting. See you when you get here.”

“There’s more. I take it you haven’t received a call from the big dick yet?”


“Inspector Dyck.”

“Who’s he?”

“He recently transferred in to Major Crimes in Surrey. Came from Ottawa. I have a feeling that he might be a little upset with me.”

“Pray tell,” replied Rose, skeptically. “What happened that would give you that idea?”

“I could tell by his demeanour. I told him that I would be looking into some possible murders —”

“They’re not possible! They’re real!” yelled Virgil from the back seat.

“And that upset him?” asked Rose.

“Well, there is a bit more to it than that. There was a matter of credibility, but the source alleviated some of it,” said Jack, turning in his seat to glare at Virgil, “by admitting to a recent crime. Dyck wanted to know the informant’s name and I refused.”

“What kind of crime?” asked Rose. “Are we talking murder, rape, bank robbery, what?”

“Your second guess.”


“Yes. Repeatedly.”

“Oh, God,” moaned Rose.

“Yeah,” replied Jack. “Exactly.”

“You better hope he’s not lying to you about the murders.”

“If he is lying to me about anything, I’ll feed him to the wolves,” said Jack, staring intently at Virgil who decided to gaze at the floor mat.

“And the big dick wouldn’t … I mean Inspector Dyck, you said by his demeanour that —”

“I meant that the more I refused to tell him … da’ meaner he got.”

“That isn’t all that funny, Jack.”

“Try staying up for twenty-seven hours straight. Then it will seem funnier.”

“Hang on, I got passed a note. Seems I have an urgent call waiting.”

“Gee, I wonder who that could be?”

Rose sighed. “Guess this is why I make the big bucks. See me as soon as you’re done there.”

When Laura parked behind Virgil’s car, Jack turned in his seat and stared silently at Virgil.

“So I’m free to go?” asked Virgil, nervously.

“Yes, but you will remain on a very short leash. I need you to find out whatever you can to help us catch these guys. See if you can find out who your brother works for. The guy you said is Mr. Merlin or Marlin.”

“I’ll try. Oskar should arrive in Victoria today. He told me he would stay until at least the end of the month. He is going to be in some sort of boat race.”

“That would be the Swiftsure International Yacht Race,” said Jack. “They have it every year during the last week in May.”

“Yeah, that’s it.”

“You told me he plans on killing three more people before Christmas.”

“Yeah, then he’ll retire on some beach some —”

“I want you over there tonight.”

“I’ve been up since two o’clock yesterday afternoon! It’s now ten o’clock in the morning. I need —”

“You need to get your ass over there!” yelled Jack.

“Okay, okay,” replied Virgil quickly.

“I’ll let you go home and sleep for a few hours. It will take me that long to get a proper surveillance team on you.”

“Surveillance team? You said you weren’t going to tell anyone!”

“Special ‘O’ won’t know anything about what you told us.”

“Special ‘O’?”

“It’s a specialized unit who are experts in surveillance.”

“But they’ll know what I did?”

“No. I use them frequently. A judge will only issue a wiretap order as a last resort. We have to show that other investigative means were tried and failed. Special ‘O’ is used all the time with drug dealers to conduct surveillance and put in reports to prove that surveillance alone is not sufficient to catch someone. I’ll assign them to follow you and tell them I think you are dealing dope. As a matter of routine they will identify who you meet. It will go toward convincing me that you’re on the level. Perhaps later, I’ll have them watch your brother.”

Bullshit, thought Virgil. You want to catch me the next time I go and pork some bitch. He looked at Jack and said, “How long do you expect they will be following me?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe a week or two.”

Yeah, I bet …

“Until Special ‘O’ is set up on you, we will follow you home and wait nearby until they arrive. I want you on the seven o’clock ferry tonight. That will give you time for a little shuteye.”

“Fuck, after what I have been through, I doubt that I’ll be able to sleep, anyway,” grumbled Virgil.

“Try and find out how Oskar picks the victims and anything else that would help. We’ll be giving you our phone numbers. If you hear something important, call us day or night. Also keep your own phone handy in case we need to talk to you.”

“Yeah, okay,” replied Virgil, “but tell them to be careful if they’re following my brother. He’s really bright. I was a straight-A student all through high school and in the top two percentile of my intelligence scores, but I can tell you, Oskar is a lot brighter than me.”

“So if you have the brains, why did you pick a career as a criminal?” asked Jack.

Virgil looked at Jack and shrugged.“Because I enjoy a challenge, although I have to admit that up until now, keeping a step ahead of you guys hasn’t been all that challenging.”

Jack felt irritated that Virgil seemed to be enjoying the moment and decided to change the subject. “Is your address right on your driver’s licence?”

“Yeah, it’s a duplex out in Richmond,” replied Virgil.

“Got a garage?” Jack asked.

“It’s a carport. It will be easy to see my car, if that is what you’re worried about.”

Jack nodded and said, “Okay, the cuffs are coming off.”

Once Virgil had been released, Jack opened the glove box and handed him the knife.

Virgil was hesitant to take it, as he eyed Laura, wondering if it was a trick.

“Take the goddamned thing,” said Jack, harshly. “But be warned, if you do any more rapes, all deals are off, got it?”

“Never again,” said Virgil, quickly tucking the knife in his belt and pulling his shirt over it.

Jack stared at Virgil who returned his stare without blinking. After a moment, Jack nodded. “Good, I’m hoping I can believe you.”

Virgil was careful to act solemn, but scowled hatefully at Laura before opening the door and leaving.

Laura waited until Virgil got in his car and pulled away from the curb before pulling out to follow him. She then cast a sideways glance at Jack and said, “Did you see the look he gave me before he got out?”

“Yes. He likes to control women. You throwing him to the ground and choking him didn’t sit well with him.”

“You really believe he’s not going to rape again?”

“There is no doubt in my mind he intends to do it again,” said Jack, bitterly. “At the moment he is scared and will probably be cautious, but guys like that don’t quit. It will be our job to make sure he doesn’t succeed next time.”

“There’s no way we’ll get Special ‘O’ this quick. They’re tied up on all these gang shootings. We’d be lucky to get them in six months.”

“I know, but he doesn’t know that. We need to keep him on the straight and narrow while we check out these murders. After what he told us, he is probably expecting surveillance regardless. If we had it, he would probably spot them, but thinking that it is a specialized unit might scare him. It will drive him nuts trying to figure out who is watching him.”

“You shouldn’t have given him his knife back. I know you are probably hoping he will get caught with it as evidence, but I was thinking we could have used it to castrate him instead.”

Jack smiled. “That’s what I like about you. You’re such a kind, sensitive, and gentle person. Makes me feel guilty for what I am thinking of doing to him.”

Chapter Ten

Jack and Laura sat across from Rose’s desk as Jack brought her up to date on what had transpired. He explained that it started when they caught a drug dealer on the Canadian side of the border who gave them the information about the murders.

“Inspector Dyck was absolutely furious when he called me,” said Rose. “I had the distinct impression he intended to have you charged, either in service court or criminally.”

“How did it end up?” asked Jack.

“He has never worked on intelligence or organized crime. I think his heart is in the right place.”

“Sure, a heart of solid gold and a brain to match,” said Jack, feeling tired and still irritated with his encounter.

“Well, as you always say, maybe he doesn’t understand the big picture yet. I suggested he take the matter up with his chief superintendent, who he said is on holidays, so I told him to give Assistant Commissioner Isaac a call.”

“Welcome to the lower mainland,” said Laura. “His first week on the job and he has to go to the Criminal Ops Officer.”

“Did that make his ass pucker?” asked Jack.

“Maybe a little,” replied Rose. “He wants the three of us to meet him at his office first to see if we can resolve the issue.”

“Probably wants to slap more photographs in our faces,” said Jack. “Right away?”

“No. I told him that the two of you have been up over twenty-four hours straight. It was agreed we would meet Friday at one o’clock.”

“That’s tomorrow afternoon.” Laura yawned.

“I know. I would suggest that the both of you try and get something more to back up you informant’s credibility before then.”

“It is the informant who did the rape,” said Jack. “Admitting to something like that adds credibility in my eyes.”

“I figured it was the same person,” said Rose, briefly putting her hand over her eyes while massaging her temples with her fingertips. When she finished she looked at Jack.“With your informant being the rapist, what if it is a scam?”

“A scam?” asked Laura. “The guy only thinks he’s smart. I doubt that he’s smart enough for that.

“Maybe he’s not,” said Rose, looking at Jack. “But has he been smart enough in his criminal dealings in the past to consult with a lawyer for advice?”

“Meaning if caught, say for rape, fabricate a story … like five murders … and cut a deal, knowing we would go for it.”

“Exactly,” said Rose. “The old pretend to help, cut a deal with the police, and later if he is charged with the rape, tell the judge that the police were simply incompetent at solving the murders and are being dishonourable.

“And have the case tossed out for putting justice into disrepute.” Jack sighed. “I’m all too familiar with it. Lawyers standing up in court and telling the judge how their client is such a good citizen that he even tried to help the police over serious matters in the past.”

“It is something to consider,” said Rose.

“I had considered it, but under the circumstances, what choice did I have?”

“I’m not disagreeing with the choice you made, but between now and one o’clock tomorrow, I would suggest you get something to back up your informant’s claim.”

“We’ll do our best,” said Jack. “Speaking of the informant, once he got over his initial fear, he was egostistic and arrogant enough that I do believe he was telling us the truth. Including his assertion that he was a straight-A student.”

“I agree with Jack,” said Laura. “I think he would have been more nervous if he was lying about the murders.”

“I’d like to understand his personality a little better,” said Jack. “Considering the type of crimes that he is into, from exporting drugs to serial rape, what do you make of him? If what he says is true about his school achievements, the guy doesn’t fit the normal criminal profile.”

“What do I make of him? The guy should be locked away for life,” she added, bitterly, shaking her head.

“I agree with you there, but you do have a master’s in psychology, is there anything else you can add?”

Rose leaned forward, drumming her fingers on her desk for a moment before replying. “He won’t quit, I can tell you that much. He may have a deep-seated hatred of women, or could be a psychopath. Totally without conscience. Maybe both.”

“I tend to think he will strike again, too,” said Laura. “Although he didn’t seem so tough when I grabbed him by the throat and threw him to the ground last night.”

“You did that?” asked Rose.

“He needed an attitude adjustment,” Laura replied. “Believe me, you would have done the same thing.”

“A guy like that will have it out for you,” cautioned Rose. “Watch yourself. He may also be tempted to take his anger out on the next woman he attacks.”

“Oh, man. I hadn’t thought of that,” said Laura. Her voice cracked as she spoke and the thought of

the potential consequence of her action made her want to cry.

“Well, you may have rushed him along a little,” said Rose, “but I am sure that if he wasn’t caught, he would progress to murder eventually. He considers himself of superior intelligence to others. Part of this could be amusement for him, treating the police like a challenger in a chess game.”

“We’ll have to stop him dead in his tracks before he strikes again,” said Jack.

“Dead is right,” said Laura in frustration. “Wish he had tried to attack me when I was alone with him. I’d have enjoyed double-tapping two into his chest.”

“I understand your emotions,” said Rose, “but fantasizing is not the answer. We need to come up with a plan.”

“I will,” said Jack. “At the moment he thinks he is being watched, so I don’t think he will try anything for a little while.”

“I should know his name,” said Rose. “If something were to happen to you two, it would —”

“And if you were ordered to divulge it?” said Jack.

“I would refuse.”

“Why put your career in needless jeopardy? Let’s wait a few days until we see which direction the storm is blowing.”

“Are you refusing to tell me?” asked Rose.

“More like stalling,” said Jack. “I’ll write his name down on a piece of paper and lock it in my desk drawer. If something happens to us, you’ll know where to look.”

“If I do need to look, I better not find my name written down on that piece of paper.”

“The thought would never occur to me.” Jack smiled.

Rose stared silently at Jack and Laura for a moment and then said, “Why are you both sitting there? Don’t you have work to do?”

Rose leaned forward and rested her chin on clasped hands as she stared at the empty chairs in front of her desk. Jack does his best to protect me …will I be able to protect him?

Once back in their own office, Jack turned to Laura and said, “Call Commercial Crime. Tell them to dig up everything they can on Oskar Cruickshank. Companies Branch, everything.”

“Will do,” replied Laura as she sat down.

“Also ask them about insurance companies and what records are kept as to who is paid. Make sure they know everything has to be confidential. If Oskar gets word that we’re making inquiries about him, we’ll be hooped. Tell them to run Virgil’s name as well and make sure he’s not tied in more than he is telling us.”

“Got it.”

“I would like to know what they have by first thing tomorrow morning.”

“You’re talking Commercial Crime. They don’t do anything fast.”

“I know, but this isn’t a ten-year fraud case with a truckload of paper to examine. We’re talking murder.”

“I’ll ask, but tomorrow morning?”

“I know it’s pushing it, but let them know that three people’s lives may depend upon how fast they get their results.”

“Not to mention letting you-know-who run around in the meantime.”

“Keep that one to yourself. It didn’t work so well when I tried to explain that to Inspector Dyck.”

“So I gather.”

“While you’re doing that, I’ll call a contact in the States and see what they know.”

Twenty minutes later, Laura hung up the phone and looked at Jack who had a phone in his hand, but was on hold. “What have you got?” he whispered.

“Commercial Crime doesn’t have anything on Oskar Cruickshank, but will check with their sources. I don’t know if we’ll have a reply by morning or not. What do you want me to do now?”

“Go home and go to bed. I want you back at eight-thirty tomorrow morning. I think it is going to be a long day.”

“And today wasn’t? Or was that yesterday and today? Or … you know what I mean. How are you making out?”

“On hold with a buddy of mine. Jim-Bo is with the DEA in San Diego and is running the names on computer.”

“Close enough to L.A.,” noted Laura. “Want me to wait until you’re done?”

“No. Go home and get some sleep.”

“Hope I can,” she said, as she stood up. “Think I’ll take Mister Smith and Wesson to bed and leave my balcony door open.”

Jack gave her a thumbs-up sign as she left the office.

Jack knew what she meant about not being able to sleep. Are we doing the right thing? His thoughts turned to Amanda and Megan as the bile and acid swirled higher inside his empty stomach.

“Y’all still there?” asked Jim-Bo.

“I’m still here,” replied Jack, turning his attention back to the phone.

“Might take a few more days to check for insurance and company-type stuff, but I did come up with a couple of things.”

“Good, I’m ready,” said Jack, poising his pen over a piece of paper.

“The first is on Virgil Cruickshank. There isn’t a date of birth on the report we have, but the name is unusual. My guess is it’s the same guy. It’s a report from eight years ago March, where a CI said a Virgil Cruickshank was suspected of running meth down to California from Canada.”

“I’ve received the same information recently,” said Jack. “It is definitely the same guy. What was the other thing?”

“LAPD have a brief report. Goes back to December eight years ago. An inquiry from a Captain Brent Morgan in the LAPD. He wanted to know if there was anything dirty concerning Oskar and Virgil Cruickshank, or a guy by the name of Ben Pike.”

“Ben Pike is a new name for me,” said Jack, writing it down. “What do you have on him?”

“Nothing. The only thing Captain Morgan would have learned from his inquiry at the time, was the same report I told you about Virgil moving meth.”

“Morgan didn’t say why he was interested?”

“No. Eight years is a long time, but still, do you want me to track him down and ask? Or have him call you?”

“Please. It’s urgent.”

“What isn’t?” noted Jim-Bo, hanging up.

Jack finished typing a brief report outlining the information received from Virgil and the investigative steps taken so far. He was putting his jacket on to go home when his phone rang. It was Brent Morgan who was now retired and calling from his home in L.A.

After the niceties were exchanged, Morgan said, “I dug out my old notebook. It wasn’t me who was interested, but a past acquaintance of mine by the name of Tom Donald. Tom said a friend of his by the name of Paul Jennings had been hired to work for Oskar Cruickshank. Tom figured these guys were up to no good and was worried about his friend.”

“What prodded Tom to think these guys were dirty?”

“Tom is in the music business. He’s a straight guy, but has seen a lot of bad things associated with people connected to the industry. He’s also pretty good at reading people. Turns out he was right about one of them. Virgil was into the drug scene, but Oskar and Ben Pike were clean. Pike worked for Oskar, but Virgil had nothing to do with the company.”

“Do you have the company name?”

“Yup, right here. It was called Pacific Ethical Fund Consulting Services.”

“Thanks. Is Tom the kind of guy you would trust to keep his mouth shut if he knew I was interested in these guys?”

“Oh, for sure,” replied Morgan.

“Good. Any chance you could talk to him and see if there is anything else he could give? I’m hearing some rumours that Oskar Cruickshank is involved in multiple murders.”

“No kidding? I told you Tom was good at reading people.”

“I believe you,” replied Jack, trying to stifle a yawn.

“But I haven’t talked to him since the day I made the inquiries for him. You can probably find him better than me. He’s Canadian. Last I heard he was living in Vancouver and doing some sort of consulting work in the music industry.”

It didn’t take Jack long to located Tom Donald, who agreed to meet him an hour later in a coffee shop. After they each described what they were wearing, Jack hung up.

Virgil threw back the covers and gave up on the idea of being able to sleep. Too many things were racing through his mind, including Laura.

That fucking bitch grabbing me by the throat and tripping me! She wouldn’t have dared try it if she was alone and if I wasn’t handcuffed …

He thought about the trip he had to take over to Victoria to see his brother and knew there was something he must do.

Moments later, Virgil stuck his knife and his ski mask under his shirt and went to his car.

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