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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 13:22

Текст книги "Jack Taggart Mysteries 7 - Book Bundle"

Автор книги: Don Easton

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Текущая страница: 72 (всего у книги 141 страниц)


On Wednesday afternoon, Jack and Laura met with Rose to update her on the investigation.

“I’m certain it’s the man they call The Enabler,” said Jack. “His name is Kang Lee. He is originally from Seoul, South Korea, and is currently in Canada under a work permit as the president of a financial consulting company called Intrinsic Global Investments. He rents a two-bedroom penthouse overlooking English Bay in the west end and drives a new Mercedes-Benz SL500 leased to the company.”

“Must be doing extremely well as a financial consultant,” said Rose. “I knew I entered the wrong profession.”

“CC confirmed that a picture of his shoe print matches exactly the size of the print they found at the murder scene,” said Laura.

“What did you do? Mug him and steal his shoe?”

Laura smiled and said, “There are several levels of underground parking in his office tower. The bottom two levels are public parking, but the other levels are reserved spaces for different companies in the building. We went there this morning before Lee arrived. His spot, closest to the elevators, is reserved in his name.”


“And I smeared a film of dirty engine oil beside where he parks,” said Jack. “He stepped in it as soon as he got out of his car.”

“After that we placed a ruler beside his print and took a picture,” said Laura.

“Too bad he didn’t fall on his ass,” said Rose. “How about Drug Section? Are they on board with us?”

“Drug Section is using what we gave them to prepare a wiretap application on Goldie. They hope to have it before a judge next week. In the meantime, they’re going to start doing surveillance on him. Strictly periodic. They don’t want to risk burning anything at this stage.”

“And Integrated Proceeds of Crime?” asked Rose.

“I-POC came on board yesterday to follow the money trail. At the moment, they have only done a cursory examination. As they said, for them to track everyone that Lee’s company is connected with will be a nightmare. They obtained last month’s phone tolls and said there were thousands of calls worldwide.”

“And that doesn’t include Internet,” added Laura.

“What reputation does the company have?” asked Rose.

“So far, they look legitimate,” said Laura. “I-POC has made some discreet inquiries. The company has invested wisely into a lot of reputable companies, often at the opportune time. They have made a lot of shareholders wealthy.”

“Are poppies listed as one of their commodities they promote for investment?” asked Rose facetiously.

“Nothing that obvious, I’m afraid,” replied Jack, “but I am sure we’ll find out they are tied in with shipping, air, train, and who knows what else. It is still too soon to tell. It will take months, or more likely years, for I-POC to get a basic knowledge of who’s who and who’s connected to whom.”

“Perfect company to launder money and have the connections to ship anything they want worldwide,” said Laura.

“If Lee is the president of a company like Intrinsic Global,” said Rose, “then who is his boss? The one he calls The Shaman? Logic would dictate that it would have to be someone who is either a silent partner, or —”

“Or, as big as Intrinsic Global is,” said Jack, “it’s only the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps one company of many controlled by The Shaman.”

“Jesus,” muttered Rose, as she realized the potential scope of the empire.

“Scary to think about,” said Laura.

“So buying a ton of heroin from these guys is definitely a possibility,” said Rose.

“I figured it would be once Goldie started telling me that they controlled the Asian market,” said Jack. “I thought I better sound big if I was to get an introduction up the ladder. Guess it wasn’t big enough.”

“What you said is too big already,” replied Rose. “There’s no way the Force could even come up with a flash roll that big, or if they could, they would never risk losing it. How the hell will you work your way around that without proving you have the cash?”

“I’m going to demand that I see a lot of their operation before spending. Starting from the ground up and taking it as far as I can.”

“Sort of like checking out a company before buying into it,” said Laura.

“Doesn’t sound like they’ll ever let you see the corporate boardroom, though,” said Rose.

“Not yet,” replied Jack, “but once we get the ball rolling, and with what we already know about Lee and his company, maybe we’ll figure it out without personal introductions.”

“But so far, all this is simply speculation,” said Rose. “From what you say, everything we know about Intrinsic Global is legitimate. You’re basing all this on one meeting between Lee and Goldie.”

“And the size of Lee’s feet,” said Laura.

“Goldie loves his car almost as much as he loves himself,” said Jack. “It doesn’t make sense that he would borrow a car, which incidentally belongs to his bartender, to go and meet someone like Lee. It was planned. They wanted to know what my response would be to joining the company. Goldie was being a good little messenger boy by running back and telling him my answer.”

“Okay,” said Rose, “let’s say you’re right. I know your instincts for what you do are finely tuned. But it begs the question, if you are right, then what was someone of Lee’s stature doing in a park at night with Goldie and some other guy while one of them is taking potshots at a homeless person?”

“I don’t know,” replied Jack. “Goldie is being promoted to the Enabler position. Maybe they were impressing upon him that they aren’t afraid to murder someone.”

“The ‘you better stay in line or look what will happen’ approach?” said Rose.

“Something like that. Goldie told me they are going to make him take a polygraph as part of his promotion. These guys are professional.”

“And what if they decide to put you on the polygraph?” asked Rose. “Think you can lie your way out of that? You may be top-notch at lying to criminals, but it’s a different story once you are tied to a bullshit detector with a professional interrogator scrutinizing your every verbal and physical response. Responses you can’t control. Forget trying to drug yourself or doing self-hypnosis. These guys know their stuff.”

“I know,” replied Jack. “When Goldie told me that was what they were going to do to him, my insides cringed thinking about it. The thing is, Goldie has been protected in his heroin importation by these people for years. It is only with him about to learn who is really in charge that he is facing this test. With all the resources we have going for us, I would hope we can discover who The Shaman is long before they decide to slap me on the machine.”

“So you and Laura will continue to play things along as you have and see what happens?”

“Exactly. Once we get a wire on Goldie, things may open up a little more. Maybe catch him talking to Lee.”

“You might get lucky with a wire but I would be surprised. I think catching Lee will be a huge problem,” said Rose. “Your boss, for all intents and purposes, will be Goldie. They’re not going to let you climb the corporate ladder any farther than you already have.”

“Then we have to get rid of Goldie,” said Jack. “Convince the company to have me replace him.”

“How? If you arrest him on a drug beef, then you’re burned and I bet that Lee, as paranoid as this organization is, will drop him like a hot potato. With the millions that are involved, there is no way that Goldie is going to roll on anyone for the sake of spending a few months in jail.”

“I know,” replied Jack.

“And if you try and charge him with murder … well, you heard what will happen because you took the garbage bag, let alone trying to convince anyone of a motive. Even at best, he only drove the victim there after telling his guys it was a prank.”

“Goldie is the one who had him kidnapped,” said Jack, tersely. “He is as much to blame as whoever pulled the trigger. And as far as it being a prank goes, that’s a crock!”

“Of course it’s a crock, but you and I have been around the block a few times. Defence don’t usually pick jurors they think are worldly. A lot of judges are also pretty naive.”

“So he walks away from a murder rap because I stole a goddamned garbage bag!” said Jack, bitterly.

“That’s justice,” said Rose.

“Is it?” asked Jack.

Rose gave a weak smile and shrugged her shoulders.

“Yeah, I don’t think that is justice, either,” said Jack.

Laura reflected upon Jack’s comment. “That” is justice? Oh, man, he’s got something else in mind …

She was right.


Later that evening, Jack and Laura returned the wave from Purvis, who was standing behind the bar as they took a seat in a booth. A new waitress served them, and a few minutes later, Goldie joined their table.

“We’ve only dropped in to ask you something,” said Jack.

“Tomorrow is your real birthday,” said Laura. “How would you like to come out with us on our boat, the Blue Gator, and have dinner while the crew tours us around Vancouver Harbour?”

“That would be absolutely fab!” replied Goldie.

“Perhaps come over to our apartment for a drink first,” said Jack, “then you could follow us to the marina.”

“Bring a date, if you like,” said Laura.

“This is really something. I’m absolutely thrilled,” Goldie said, beaming with delight. “I’ll bring Candy. She was at my party last Saturday. Perhaps you met her?”

“I did,” replied Laura. “Very pretty girl.”

“One rule I must insist upon,” said Jack. “No drugs onboard the Blue Gator. We travel into the U.S. too often to risk some customs dog finding a trace of anything and having my boat seized. Understood?”

Goldie smiled and replied, “I don’t do drugs, anyway.”

“Neither do we,” said Jack.

“Good,” replied Goldie. “Leave that stuff for the suckers. I prefer friends who are a little more cerebral.”

“You might want to mention that to Candy,” said Jack.

Goldie chortled and said, “I don’t use her for her brains or friendship. But don’t worry; I’ll make sure she behaves.”

“One other thing,” said Jack. “My crew, Paul and Katie … they’re Irish and I don’t want you to jump to any conclusions. No business talk in front of them. They think I’m totally legit.”

“Understood,” replied Goldie.

As Jack and Laura were walking away from Goldie Locks, Jack looked at Laura and said, “So far so good. It’s supposed to rain all week, so Goldie should be dressed for it. Tomorrow we can tell the narcs to drop their surveillance. He’ll be with us. Also, we’d better do a little window dressing in the apartment. Make it look like we do live there. Same for Paul and Katie’s boat. Put up a couple of pictures of us together.”

“Why the apartment? I thought you were going to do it on the boat?”

“Gives me two chances. I’m not all that good with a needle and thread.”

“Me, either.”

“But you will be better at distracting Goldie in case I take too long.”

“His new girlfriend may not take kindly to me flirting with him.”

“I doubt that how she feels would be a consideration to Goldie.”

“If your plan works, he’ll never have anything to consider again,” said Laura, quietly.

“Fly with the crows, expect to get shot.”

Laura’s sigh was audible.

“You think this is wrong?” asked Jack.

“No, but it isn’t right, either.”

“Envision yourself with a garbage bag over your head, running through the woods and being shot. Picture Goldie with his diamond-studded tooth, laughing and —”

“I know, I know. Don’t remind me.”

“Maybe his lucky rabbit’s foot will save him.”

“This isn’t anything to laugh about,” said Laura, frowning. “This will be his last birthday and we’re acting like we’re his best friends. Instead, we’re assassins. Don’t you feel dirty inside?”

“No, I don’t,” said Jack, firmly. “If you feel that way, then take another look at the photos from the park. It isn’t anything to laugh about, either.”

They walked a little farther and Laura said, “Sorry, I’m okay with it. Just had to talk it out.”

Jack nodded. “Good. We’re partners. We should talk things out. Are you really okay with it?”


“Great.” They walked on and Jack added, “Wish I could see the look on his face when he sees what we gave him as a surprise birthday present.”

Oh, man …

On Thursday evening, Goldie and Candy arrived on schedule. “Welcome!” said Jack, inviting them inside the penthouse.

“And your birthday kiss as promised,” said Laura, kissing Goldie on his cheek while giving him a quick hug.

A flicker of disappointment crossed Goldie’s face. Is that all I get? A quick peck on the cheek? He glanced at Jack and pretended to smile. Just as well, Jack is bound to have a jackknife lying around somewhere …

“Come on in, make yourselves at home,” said Jack. “I’ll take your jackets and toss them on the bed. Laura, how about showing them around and I’ll be back to see what everyone likes to drink. Then in an hour, we can head down to the marina.”

Later, after a tour of the apartment, Goldie leaned back on the sofa, with one arm draped over Candy, and the other holding his wineglass as he used it to gesture around the room. “How did you ever find this place? A penthouse backing on to Stanley Park. Two bedrooms, a view of the city. All I can say is, wow!”

“Ah, it’s nothing,” replied Jack. “It used to be rented by a couple of Russians who I am told ran into some business difficulties. The timing happened to be right for Laura and me to move in. Actually, I think the Blue Gator is much nicer, but I find this quieter.”

“Your own home is lovely, too,” said Laura. “Right on the water. I think it – Jack! Watch it!”

“Shit,” muttered Jack, looking down at the red wine he had slopped on himself. “Excuse me, I better change.”

Some time later, Jack returned with a fresh shirt on. Laura saw him make eye contact with her as he casually made a fist and scratched his chin with his thumb. Mission accomplished.

The rest of the evening continued to go as planned. Once they arrived at the marina, Jack quickly introduced Candy and Goldie to his crew. While Paul and Katie took charge of slowly navigating the waters of Vancouver Harbour, Jack and Laura entertained their guests with glasses of Sauvignon Blanc and a beautiful view of the city lights reflecting off the water. Later, the four of them enjoyed a dinner that Jack prepared, consisting of Caesar salad, Dungeness crab, garlic toast, and plenty more Sauvignon Blanc.

After dinner, Goldie and Candy snuggled together on a sofa, where Candy started kissing Goldie on his neck.

“A toast,” said Jack, raising his glass. “Here’s to women’s kisses, and to whiskey, amber clear. Not as sweet as a woman’s kiss, but a damn sight more sincere!”

Goldie looked at Candy and laughed. “Aptly put, Jack. Aptly put!” He stood and grabbed a bottle of wine and said, “Mind if I go up top and offer a drink to your crew?”

Jack shook his head and whispered, “I wouldn’t. I told you they are strictly legit, but Paul has got a fearsome reputation. Kind of guy who would start a fight in an empty house.”

“Oh, I see,” replied Goldie, giving a nervous glance up toward the helm before sitting back down.

Jack hid his smile. Paul had a great sense of humour and was one of the nicest, gentlest people he knew. Too nice a person to be putting up with the likes of Goldie.

The rest of their time together was spent in idle gossip, with much oohing and aahing over the night lights of the city reflecting off the water. Goldie was not shy about drinking, but several hours later, as the Blue Gator approached her berth in the marina, he did order a limousine to take him and Candy home.

As Jack helped first Candy, and then Goldie on with their jackets; he knew he would also have to help Goldie get off the boat without falling in.

“Jack, my Irish rogue,” slurred Goldie, reaching for his wineglass one last time. “I think you and me are going to conquer the fuckin’ world. You and me, buddy. You and me.”

“One last toast,” smiled Jack, reaching for his wine glass. “Some Guinness was spilled on the barroom floor, when the pub was shut for the night. When out of his hole crept a wee brown mouse, that stood in the pale moonlight. He lapped up the frothy foam from the floor, then back on his haunches he sat. And all night long, you could hear the mouse roar, ‘Bring on the goddamn cat!’”

Goldie tossed his drink back and laughed. If he hadn’t had so much to drink, he might have wondered why Jack and Laura’s faces momentarily turned to stone as they watched him.

As Jack and Laura stood on the back of the boat, watching Goldie and Candy make their way down the wharf, Jack said, “And there staggers the wee brown mouse. Tomorrow we hunt rat.”

“You think Rose will figure out what we were really doing tonight?” asked Laura. “Especially after tomorrow?”

“She might.”

“What do you think she’ll do?”

Jack shrugged and said, “I guess it depends upon whether she believes in justice.”

Laura returned Goldie’s wave goodbye, as did Jack.

“He certainly enjoyed himself tonight,” noted Laura.

“His next party will be his farewell party.”

“Yeah,” replied Laura. “Either his or yours.”


Natasha awoke half an hour before her alarm radio went off, and saw Jack’s head on the pillow next to hers, staring at her intently.

“You’re awake early,” she murmured. “I didn’t even hear you come in last night.”

“Was around two,” Jack replied. “Laura and I were entertaining a bad guy.”

“I see … so if I’m a bad girl, will you entertain me?” asked Natasha mischievously, before kissing Jack first on his chest and then on his mouth.

“Maybe,” said Jack, when she finished. “What type of entertainment do you prefer? Were you thinking PG or —”

“Forget that! How about triple X?”

Jack grinned and said, “I don’t know if I want the mother of my future children talking like that … although I have to admit, I am curious. Exactly what is triple X? Is it anything like a triple fudge sundae?”

Natasha put one finger on her chin as if in serious thought and replied, “I suppose it could involve a triple sundae. Might make a mess out of the sheets, though.”

“How about a little religious entertainment?”


“You know, where we each make the other say ‘Oh, God!’”

Natasha’s grin faded quickly when she felt the fingers on Jack’s hand slowly caress up the inside of her thigh, cross her pubic mound, and glide up the side of her ribcage toward her breasts. She closed her eyes as his hand softly trailed back down her body, repeating the process, only now she felt his kisses trailing behind his hand. She tilted her head back as her lips parted in anticipation. Her body pushed upward wherever he kissed, urging him on.

His entry felt agonizingly slow and she relished the feeling, but soon found herself breathing heavily as her hips began to match the rhythmic beat of his and their tempo increased. Their lovemaking soon became a frenzy of soft cries of orgasmic delight as their bodies rolled on the bed, convulsing together as their hands sought each other’s backs and buttocks, pulling each other tighter as they felt the climax of their lovemaking reach its pinnacle.

After, Natasha lay with her head on Jack’s chest. She felt his fingers brush the hair from her eyes and his lips place a gentle kiss upon her forehead. She moaned when her radio turned on automatically, and, with great reluctance, left for the ensuite to ready herself for the day.

Later, upon re-entering the bedroom, she saw Jack sitting on the edge of the bed, slowly twirling Melvin’s plastic rose in his hand. He looked worried.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” he said quickly.

It was obvious his mind had been elsewhere and she had startled him. She watched as he put the rose back on the dresser and asked, “What were you thinking about?”

Jack gave a sheepish grin and said, “I was wondering when you would get pregnant. How long it would take now that you’re not —”

“Probably at least another month or two,” replied Natasha. She smiled and said, “You looked so serious, I was afraid something was wrong?”

“Everything is okay.”

“Something happening at work today?” she prodded.

Jack nodded. “Taking care of business,” he added.

Natasha knew that meant that whatever Jack was doing, it was dangerous. At one time he would never tell her when he was doing something dangerous, but then she found herself worrying all the time, often needlessly. They talked about it and he agreed he would be truthful about when she should worry and when she shouldn’t. It actually worked better. Sort of.

“Will you be late tonight?”

“I don’t know.”

“Call me when it’s over.”

“I will. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

It was not until Natasha was driving to work that she connected the dots. Why Jack was wondering when … or if she could be pregnant … and him doing something dangerous today. He is worrying about leaving a widow behind. Worrying I could be pregnant at the same time …

She stopped at a traffic light and a feeling of panic overtook her. The rose … it has to be about Melvin … and I pushed him into becoming involved. If he dies … She felt the tears well up in her eyes.

Her cellphone rang and in her frustration she dumped the entire contents of her purse on the seat beside her to find it.

“I know you’re worrying,” Jack said as soon as she answered. “Wanted to remind you that I am very good at what I do.”

“I know that,” she replied, trying not to cry.

“Good. You should also know that since meeting you, my risk scale has dropped considerably. I have too much to live for. Once we have a family, it will be even more so. Just thought I should tell you.”

Natasha swallowed as she fought to keep her emotions under control before saying, “But whatever you’re doing, I know it involves Melvin and you’re doing it because of me.”

“No, I’m not.”

“You’re not?”

“I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for Melvin.” Jack paused and said, “Okay, maybe for Winston, too.”

Natasha was oblivious to the driver behind her who tapped the horn. She sighed. This is the guy I married. Would I really want him to be any other way?

“You still there?” he asked.

“I’m still here,” she replied. “I’ll always be here for you. Make sure you do the same for me.”

It was one-thirty in the afternoon when Laura dropped Jack off in front of the office tower housing Intrinsic Global Investments.

“Perfect weather,” said Jack. “Windy, rainy —”

“You sure you want to do this?” Laura asked nervously.

“I think it will work,” replied Jack, taking off his windbreaker and tossing it back in the car. “I don’t see any other way to get to him. I’ll call you in an hour. If I don’t, then call me.”

“And if things go sideways?”

“Worried about handling Lee?” asked Jack.

“I can handle that little squirt.”

“I know you can, but remember, we’re supposed to be bad guys. This will work, trust me. Use the ski mask if you have to. It’s in the trunk.”

“But if it doesn’t work? What then? What do you want me to do?”

“Tell Natasha that I’m sorry and that I really loved her.”

“No, about me. What should I do if they kill you?”

“Obey your conscience. I know you’ll do what’s right.”

“Okay, if something happens to you, Lee is dead,” replied Laura solemnly. “You have my word on that.”

“No! That is not what I am telling you to do. You have a life to live. Don’t blow it by doing something stupid.”

“You mean, like you?”

“What I am about to do will work. It’s a calculated risk. Now, promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”

“Promise me you won’t get killed,” replied Laura, stubbornly.

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